MLiS – Chapter 8.3

There are Always Variables in Life

CW: (Lot of) blood, graphic violence, and cold-blooded murder(s).

If you are uncomfortable about those, click here to skip directly to Amoeba’s Corner and read the summary.

The two fake policemen got out of their car, pretended to show their credentials, pointed their guns at Qian Xu, and ordered him to squat down and put his hands behind his back.

Qian Xu did as they said cooperatively.

Seeing that the fake police had completely subdued Qian Xu, the two big men in the black car put down their guard and came out.

They turned their backs to Qian Xu and stood between Luo Lan and Qian Xu. One took out a gun and pointed it at Luo Lan, motioning her to stay still; the other took out equipment to forcibly crack the door lock.

One of the fake policemen smiled complacently, pulled the trigger, and shot Qian Xu.

Qian Xu was as fast as lightning. He turned around and grabbed one of the fake policemen’s wrist. A string of bullets all hit the man who was cracking the door lock.

Another fake policeman wanted to shoot, but Qian Xu covered himself with the other fake policemen so that he wouldn’t be shot at all.

The man who pointed a gun at Luo Lan changed his direction and shot at Qian Xu. At the same time, the captured fake policeman pulled out a dagger with his free hand and stabbed Qian Xu hard on the back of his neck.

Without wasting any time, Qian Xu let go of that fake policeman’s wrist. One of his hands, sharp as a sword, stabbed him in the chest. He used that man body to shield all the bullets that were shot at him. The other hand without hesitation pulled at the dagger on his neck. With a careless flick, the dagger flew towards another fake policeman and hit the gun in his hand.

The bullets became even more frantic. Without pulling out his hand, Qian Xu let the body of one of the fake policemen hang on his hand. Holding it like a shield, he went straight to the big man who shot him just now.

Because the police uniform had a bulletproof function, the fake policeman could only tremble and endured the pain, but he did not die instantly. He looked at his chest and screamed in horror. The big man who shot also roared in fear and shot wildly.

Qian Xu put himself in front of the big man. The muzzle of his gun was blocked by the body of the fake police, but he still roared and shot wildly until his energy was exhausted.

Qian Xu waved his hand and streak the big man. The big man’s throat was cut and blood gushed out like a fountain, his body collapsed without any strength left.

Qian Xu looked at the other fake policeman.
He had already picked up his gun and was holding it tightly on his hand. His legs trembled violently. He stared at Qian Xu’s strange eyes and let out a loud “Ah!” He threw away the gun and ran desperately to the police car, wanting to escape.

Qian Xu frowned in disgust and threw out the corpse of the fake policeman who had died on his hand.

The corpse hit the fake policeman and knocked him to the ground.

The fake policeman struggled to get out from under the corpse. trying to open the door without any result.

In a blink, Qian Xu already sat atop the fake policeman car.

He bent one of his legs while the other leg hung leisurely in front of the open door, blocking the fake policeman entrance.

The fake policeman was frightened and shouted hoarsely, “You, you… are not human!”

Qian Xu tilted his head as if he was thinking about the sentence. Deciding it was not worth his attention, he bent down and squeezed the fake policeman’s neck.

The fake policeman was panic-stricken and begged piteously, “Ple-please…”

With a soft “crack“, the fake policeman’s head slouched down.

Qian Xu threw away the body casually, jumped out from the car roof neatly, and arrived in front of Luo Lan’s car within a few steps.

He looked down and stared coldly at Luo Lan through the window, like a beast studying how to tear apart its prey.

Luo Lan’s eyes were filled with tears and she could only look at him in shock.

Scarlet eyes, sharp fangs, sharp claws, scaly skin

Furthermore, strong strength, sensitive hearing, fast speed, unhindered night vision ability…

Luo Lan had no idea whether the half-beast before her eyes was Qian Xu or not. She tentatively shouted, “Qian Xu!”

Qian Xu slowly straightened up.

“Qian Xu!” Luo Lan was pleasantly surprised and thought there was still some sanity left in him and Qian Xu was sobering up.

With a loud “bang”, Qian Xu hit his hand heavily on the car window.

Luo Lan was startled. She subconsciously clenched the gun in her hand and stared blankly at Qian Xu’s hand on the glass window——

The fingers were long and powerful, and the nails were as sharp as a knife. Just before, it was used to kill people so both of his hands were dripping with blood, like devil’s claws protruding from hell.


One after another, cracks appeared on the bulletproof glass window. Qian Xu kept hitting the window, with more force than the last. The cracks on the glass window were like ripples on the lake. Luo Lan had heard the sound of it cracking.

She stared at this unfamiliar Qian Xu in a daze, and recalled what he said before he left her in the car, “No matter who threatens your life, shoot immediately! Remember! No matter who! Don’t hesitate!”

However, there was no way for her to raise the gun in her hand.

Because this was Qian Xu! The one who unconditionally gave her help when she was at her most helpless; The one who stayed with her when she was at her loneliest; The one who repeatedly saved her life when she was in danger…

Unacceptable! This is Qian Xu’s body. Qian Xu must still be there!

She couldn’t kill Qian Xu!

She let out a cry, “Qian Xu, Qian Xu…”

With another “bang”, the window broke.

Qian Xu’s scarlet eyes were full of indifference and he raised his sharp claws to stab her.

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No footnotes in this chapter!

Amoeba’s Corner
Feral and wild Qian Xu, please keep your distance for safety reasons.
All the bad guys were killed by Qian Xu, in a not-so-clean way. None was spared. Qian Xu’s focus turned to Luo Lan.
Luo Lan remembers Qian Xu telling her to shoot whoever threatens her life, but Luo Lan can’t. Not when it was Qian Xu that she needed to shoot. Qian Xu ended up breaking the car window and raised his hand to stab Luo Lan——

(I won’t lie, Qian Xu probably looks so cool when “He bent one of his legs while the other leg hung leisurely in front of the open door, blocking the fake policeman entrance.” So carefree, ah. Such a shame he was not in his right mind when he did that!)

I’ll update Chapter 8.4 later in the afternoon! I’m not that evil to left you on cliffhanger.

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1049. A very short chapter! Like Qian Xu’s life /no, I’m just kidding. Put down the fork.

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