MLiS – Chapter 10.2

Fear Not, For I Am With You

After taking a day off, adjusting for the jet lag, and making sure her body was in the best condition, Luo Lan started the special training.

The courses Chen Sha arranged for her were mainly for improving her physical ability, but it was not limited to that. He also arranged courses for firearms, wilderness survival, and even a driving lesson for a small spaceship.

Luo Lan arrived at the training room and Su Qi immediately handed her a training suit, “Go change.”

Luo Lan changed her clothes and looked around, “Chen Sha didn’t come?”

Su Qi smiled strangely, “Chen Sha has to deal with his work first, and I believe after this you won’t want to see him in the courses these days.”

Su Qi locked Luo Lan into a small starship simulation cabin to simulate various extreme conditions that might be encountered in space. Accelerated gravity for a while, weightlessness and suspension for a while, and rapid rotation for a while. Whenever she felt that she was going to faint, the training suit would automatically release an electric current to shock her awake.

Half an hour later, Luo Lan’s eyes were full of stars, her ears were roaring, her stomach was empty. She had vomited all over the cabin.

With no mercy, Su Qi adjusted the gravity to zero. Luo Lan ended up floating with her vomit.

The pungent sour smell and slimy touch made Luo Lan feel like she was taking a bath with vomit. It’s probably the most disgusting nightmare in the universe.

Su Qi wasn’t there when she opened the simulation cabin, there was only a communicator with a voice note left behind. Her tone was full of disgust, “It’s disgusting. Clean it up yourself!”

Luo Lan still felt weak all over her body and couldn’t stand up at all. She used both hands and feet to crawl out of the simulation cabin.

She struggled to get into the bathroom, turned on the water to the maximum, and washed from head to toe.

It was only when she felt prickling pain all over her skin that she was aware she was already clean.

Luo Lan got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, only to see the mess on the ground and in the simulation cabin. Then she remembered Su Qi’s “Clean it up yourself.” Luo Lan didn’t understand why Su Qi didn’t use robots instead. But, Luo Lan always believed in a person who was a master in their professional field. Therefore Luo Lan believed in Su Qi, whose professional field was this special training. Because Su Qi instructed her to do so, then she’ll do so.

Luo Lan felt another urge to vomit when she was cleaning up the mess.

It was fortunate that everything that could be vomited had been vomited out. Her stomach has long been empty. After bending down and retching a few more times, she continued to clean up the room.

Luo Lan took half an hour to clean up, take another shower and change into other clean clothes. Only then did Luo Lan feel that her disgusting nightmare was finally over and walk out of the simulation cabin.

Su Qi saw that she came out very quickly and thought that she hadn’t followed her instruction.

Su Qi sneered, these distinguished young masters and ladies who came here for the first time always had this bad virtue. She had to train them a few more times until they realized their place.

She frowned and opened the monitoring screen. Unexpectedly, the inside and outside of the simulation cabin were clean.

Su Qi raised her eyebrows. Her expression eased and she sent a message to Chen Sha, “For the sake of your fake wife’s obedience, my training fee will be 20% off.”

“Fake?” Obviously, Chen Sha’s concern wasn’t in the second half of the sentence.

Duh, I could tell it from the first glance that you two haven’t slept together at all! If it weren’t for my good driving skills, would you even be able to hold her hand? Yeah, no thanks needed!”

Chen Sha ignored her, “How was the training?”

“Made a mess out of vomit. I’m not sure if she still has the courage to continue.”

“She has.”

So sure? Su Qi touched her small horn-ears on her curly short hair and turned on the one-way video call, planning to slap Chen Sha on the face.


Chen Sha was sitting in the conference room, waiting for the Consul. He talked to Su Qi while waiting and a virtual image appeared in front of him——

Outside the training room, Luo Lan staggered over.

Su Qi asked with joy, “How is it? Still can continue?”

Luo Lan’s legs and voice trembled, “Do you want me to continue?”

“Of course! Weightlessness, transition, overturning, acceleration, and collision are often encountered during Interstellar sailing. If you want to deal with it calmly, there is no shortcut, just vomit and vomit until you can’t vomit anymore. Try to get used to it, so you can practice more!”

Luo Lan’s face was pale and her eyes were dull. She stood foolishly for a while, then gritted her teeth and walked back to the training room.

Su Qi watched her, she looked like she could crumble with the slightest touch, yet, she never said “no” from beginning to end.

Today’s training was only half an hour, but every time she exceeded the physical endurance limit and was about to faint, she would be woken up by electric shock and continue the training. There weren’t many people that could endure this kind of training.

According to Su Qi’s observation, the way Luo Lan could stand right now was only thanks to her perseverance. Yet, she actually still has the courage to continue.

No! It’s not that she has the courage. Looking at her again, it was obvious she was afraid. It was because even when she was afraid, she wouldn’t give up.

Ai! Luo Lan, I was talking about tomorrow’s training! Not today!”

Just as Luo Lan was about to enter the training room, Su Qi shouted and stopped her.


Like a puppet broken of its string, Luo Lan plopped on the ground with a loud thump. She sat there, with relief obvious on her face. She laughed happily, “I thought it was today, I was scared to death! It’s okay, I’ll be fine tomorrow!”

Su Qi was speechless. The hell? She has trained many people. It’s her first time seeing a woman who could laugh so happily when she heard that the training was to be continued until tomorrow! Madman! Sure enough, only a madman could be with Chen Sha!

Su Qi touched her horn-ear and dejectedly turned off the video call. She was planning to slap Chen Sha, yet it was her that was slapped!

The moment the video was closed, Chen Sha noticed that the consul was already in the conference room and immediately stood up, “Consul.”

The consul nodded and motioned him to sit. “High-intensity training may cause headaches and insomnia. It is recommended that the princess drink a sedating drink later.”


The consul walked to his seat and sat down.

After confirming their identity, the zhi nao in the conference room asked, “The scheduled meeting time is up. May the meeting start?”


Lifelike virtual figures of Zong Li, Zi Yan, and Chu Mo appeared in the conference room.

Zong Li said to the consul, “Before we go to Zi Yan’s report about the investigation results of the incident, there is one thing I would like to mention.”

“Go ahead.”

Zong Li clicked the screen on the conference table, and two three-dimensional images appeared in the conference room. They were two damaged and deformed things, and the original shape couldn’t be recognized.

The zhi nao began to execute a repair, the things were gradually restored to their original shape. It was two identical syringes.

Zong Li began, “The syringe in the first image was found in the banquet hall where the consul was assassinated. It was not clear what happened at that time, but the syringe was destroyed automatically. The syringe in the second image was found on the body of the killer who attacked the princess. The killer was violently shot at that time, and the syringe happened to be ejected, causing it to be destroyed automatically.”

Chu Mo enlarged the syringe and said, “This is a specially made syringe. In order to prevent others from analyzing the composition and function of the medicine through the residual liquid, there is a special self-destruct setting. The medicine will be automatically destroyed after injection; The medicine will be automatically destroyed if it is not used correctly; The medicine will be automatically destroyed if it is not stored correctly. I have tried all means and still couldn’t detect the medicine inside.”

The consul said, “The medicine inside should be extraordinary, right?”

Chu Mo answered, “Yes, we also possess this kind of syringe. It was used on medicines with very confidential contents that must not be leaked out.”

Zong Li said, “One occurrence is accidental, two occurrences aren’t. The syringe appears twice and it was both when the princess was on the scene. I suspect they wanted to inject it into the princess. I want to ask the princess about this. Maybe there will be clues to confirm my speculation.”

Zi Yan asked, “What is their purpose in injecting the princess with this medicine?”

“It’s definitely not an ordinary medicine or □□□[1]. My guess is that they want to destroy the princess’s genes. If they succeed, the princess may die, fall ill, or become a monster.” Chu Mo sighed. “Every star country is conducting secret genetic research, and I don’t know what terrible things they have developed”

It was silent in the conference room.

A moment later, Chen Sha’s cold voice broke the silence, “Don’t let Luo Lan know about it for the time being. I’ll personally ask her about the syringe.”

“I insist that…” Zong Li wanted to refute Chen Sha, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw the consul’s cold gaze sweep over him. His scalp was numb, so he wisely shut his mouth and became obedient, “… No comment.”

Zi Yan snickered. Then, it was Zi Yan’s turn to receive the consul’s cold gaze. Zi Yan immediately restrained his laugh and stayed obedient.

The consul asked, “What about the investigation results of the incident?”

Zi Yan answered, “Sixteen mercenaries capable of performing such tasks were screened out according to their behavior style and means of action. Based on the speech accent of the killer among the sixteen mercenaries, it could be tracked down to the Butterfly Corps in Star Domain 2-9.”

The zhi nao began to introduce the information of the Butterfly Corps, the physical level of the leader and deputy leader and the weapons they were good at; the planet where the corps was located and the planetary environment; the number of troops……

After the zhi nao‘s introduction, Zi Yan continued, “At present, I can’t find the one who hired the Butterfly Corps. Do you need me to send someone to sneak into the corps to collect information?”

The consul said, “Too slow. I’ll personally take a trip to Star Domain 2-9.”

“What will you do there?”

“Get the information storage from their central zhi nao, with it we will know who hired them,” The consul said lightly

Zi Yan silently lit a row of candles[2] for the Butterfly Corps.


When Chen Sha returned, it was already dinner time.

Through the large French window, he saw Luo Lan among the flaming rose bushes, holding a can of nutrients. Her face was sour when she drank the nutrients.

Chen Sha took a glass of Youlan Youlu, walked over, and handed it to Luo Lan.

Luo Lan shook her head and refused. “I am going to be sick if I drink another mouthful of water.”

“This is a sedating drink. It can relieve fatigue and help you fall asleep. Have a good night rest, you will be fine tomorrow.”

Luo Lan took the drink and put it aside. “I’ll drink it after I finished this”

She recalled Su Qi’s words when she left the training room and felt that the future was bleak. “Tomorrow won’t be better,” Su Qi had said, “Tomorrow, we won’t stop not only until you stop vomiting, but also when you can complete the actions I asked in various states.”

Chen Sha’s hands were in his trouser pockets. He nonchalantly suggested, “You can just give up.”

Luo Lan grimaced, “No way!”

Chen Sha showed Luo Lan his personal terminal. On it was an image of a syringe.

“Have you ever seen this syringe?”

Luo Lan took a closer look. “It looks familiar, but it doesn’t seem to be the syringe I’ve seen in the Research Institute.”

“Perhaps it has something to do with the consul’s assassination.”

“Oh! Oh… I remember. On the night when the consul was assassinated and I was kidnapped, a woman wanted to inject me with this. I found out before she could do anything.” Luo Lan proudly imitated her actions at that time, “I was like this, then like this…! All the drugs were injected into her own body.”

Chen Sha closed the image without saying a word.

Luo Lan asked enthusiastically, “Why do you suddenly care about a syringe? Is it an important clue?”


“Is there any result from your investigation? I watched Zi Yan dangle around all day long, not doing serious things at all. ”


Luo Lan saw that he was not interested in chatting. She wisely picked up the Youlan Youlu and shook the glass, “Thank you for the drink. I’m going to rest first.”

Chen Sha’s voice suddenly came from behind, “Improve your physical ability to level A as soon as possible, the sooner the better.”

Luo Lan turned her head in surprise. Looked up and down at Chen Sha, and asked with a playful tone, “So eager to divorce me? Have you met your destined woman?”

Chen Sha stared coldly at Luo Lan.

Luo Lan shrunk her neck, put on the air of a good student, and said obediently, “I will work hard.”

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  1. It is “□□” in the original.

  2. 给点了一排蜡烛- gěi diǎn liǎo yī pái làzhú; lit. Lit a row of candles. Sending a prayer to someone. Paying respect to the dead. Basically Zi Yan said RIP to Butterfly Corps.

Amoeba’s Corner

Throwing a bonus chapter just because I can.

/no, I kept procrastinating and need the pressure to translate Chapter 14. help.

The training may seem cruel, but it is the price Luo Lan needs to pay for trying to increase her physical ability quickly!

It is hard to be a single parent for 7 unruly children. Poor consul.

RIP Butterfly Corps, you offended the wrong person. *lit a row of candles*

Chen Sha’s hands were in his trouser pockets. He nonchalantly suggested, “You can just give up.” I see what you did there, Chen Sha. I see it!

Every time Luo Lan mentioned Zi Yan, she always throws shade at him. The grudges.

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 2382

Buy Me A Coffe

0 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 10.2”

  1. If the consul didn’t suggest to bring a calming drink to Luo Lan, would Chen Sha think about it? Probably no.
    The training is cruel but Luo Lan has an objective that keeps her going, we all need motivation

    • “Would Chen Sha think about it? Probably no.”
      Definitely no. He is still… too ignorant! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

      That’s true, motivation is an important thing when doing something~

  2. “/no, I kept procrastinating and need the pressure to translate Chapter 14. help”

    Haha, good luck! Miss Amoeba.

    “It is hard to be a single parent for 7 unruly children. Poor consul.”

    7 of their brain cells combined with consul’s will still result in only 1 brain cell, which is Consul’s brain cell.

    • I need to brace myself to continue (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻

      “7 of their brain cells combined with consul’s will still result in only 1 brain cell, which is Consul’s brain cell”

      1 + 7 x 0 is still 1 👌


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