MLiS – Chapter 10.4

Fear Not, For I Am With You

Luo Lan left the training room after taking a shower and changing her clothes. She passed through the hallway and found that the usual noisy hallway was very quiet. Everyone was staring at the screen, watching the news.

What news was so attractive that they even forgot to fight?

Luo Lan leaned over to peek at the news.

“…Butterfly Corps has been established for more than 800 years. It has been trusted by employers for its decisive actions and ruthless methods among the Interstellar’s mercenary group. For nearly 500 years, it has been the top ten mercenary groups in Interstellar. However, from today on, Butterfly Corps will probably disappear from the top ten. ”

The picture switches from the corps’ prestigious past history to the ruined mess of the corps’ headquarters.

“According to reliable sources, someone secretly sneaked into the HQ of Butterfly Corps. Not only did they kill two deputy leaders, but they also took away the information storage of the central zhi nao. Once the information inside is deciphered, many unknown illegal transactions would be exposed. Now, there must be many people who are restless about this news…”

Luo Lan recalled the bloodstains on the consul’s boots then the assassination incident in Alikarta. She had a vague guess.

Someone came to assassinate him, so he paid them back with a warm visit to their nest. This style was really… a job well done!


When she was walking back to the castle in the First District from the training ground, she saw a lynx more than one meter high running to the top of the mountain from the hillside. In its mouth was a shiny ball.

It jumped into the bushes and disappeared.

Not long after, the shiny ball was thrown out with a whoosh and landed far down the hillside. The lynx roared and rushed down the hillside happily to pick up the ball again.

Ha, so the consul still has a playful side under his mask! Luo Lan hehe’ed and carefully bypassed the lynx’s running path.

Contrary to Luo Lan’s expectation, when the lynx came back with the ball in its mouth, it didn’t go back to the top of the mountain but ran towards her.

Luo Lan was startled and instinctively ran away, hoping to get rid of it.

However, because of it, the lynx thought she wanted to play with it. The lynx was so excited that it chased after her immediately. It even tried to jump and knock her down from behind.

In the eyes of Luo Lan, the lynx’s behavior had become aggressive. Hence, Luo Lan ran faster.


From distance, Zi Yan saw Luo Lan running around the hillside, with a lynx chasing after her.

He drove his car slowly and found that the lynx didn’t mean any harm. So he took his sweet time to watch the play.

Luo Lan noticed him and shouted, “Hey! Hey..!.”

Zi Yan poked out his head and waved to her with a bright smile, “Play moderately.”

Then he was gone, leaving her alone.

Luo Lan was furious. Just see how he would be held accountable later when something happened to her!

She saw where he was going and had an idea.

She ran towards the top of the mountain. Surely the consul couldn’t just watch his pet bite a duchess to death!


The car stopped in front of the consul’s castle.

The consul sat on the grass with his back leaned against a huge oak tree, quietly watching the hillside.

Zi Yan jumped out of the car. He looked at Luo Lan and the lynx. They were running towards the top of the mountain one after another. “The thing in that lynx’s mouth… Is that the thing that makes people all around Interstellar lose their sleep?”

Consul said lightly, “Yes.”

Zi Yan whistled frivolously, “So our Consul still can play around!”


Luo Lan ran across a bush, panting. She finally saw Zi Yan and the consul.

A bastard or a masked man, which to choose?

Luo Lan bit the bullet and rushed to the masked man. The lynx was still following behind her.

Zi Yan reached for the ball in the lynx’s mouth.

The lynx dodged away quickly. It arched up and growled at Zi Yan.

“Good boy! Give me that and I’ll give you something more interesting, okay! “Zi Yan took out a few tarot cards to coax the lynx.

The lynx ignored him. It walked gracefully to Luo Lan’s side and rubbed its head against Luo Lan’s legs.

Luo Lan was so scared that she became a statue. She sent a pitiful look to the consul.

Fortunately, the consul took pity on her, “It is flattering you. Just pat it on the head and reach out to it with your hand.”

Luo Lan slowly stretched out her hand. She patted the lynx’s head gently and spread out her palm.

The lynx put the ball in her palm, gave a cry of satisfaction, and lay down next to Luo Lan’s feet.

Zi Yan was amazed. “What kind of drug did you give the lynx?”

Luo Lan was still trembling and afraid, but she would never miss a chance to beat this bastard Zi Yan, “Someone’s character is just so bad that even animals won’t like them!”

Zi Yan sneered and hooked his finger, “Give me the information storage.”

Excuse her? This shiny ball was the thing that made people all around Interstellar lose their sleep? Luo Lan held the ball in her hand and sneaked a glance at the consul.

The consul gave her a nod and Luo Lan instantly threw the shiny ball to Zi Yan.

Zi Yan lazily played with it, spinning it with his index finger. “Is it appropriate to use this thing as bait?”

Without care of its importance, the consul said, “If the fish hides deep and the bait is not tempting, how can I fish it?”

Luo Lan felt as if she had heard something she shouldn’t have heard. She was ready to leave when An Da hurried out from the castle, “Consul, there is important news.”

“What is it?”

An Da clicked on his personal terminal and projected the Interstellar news that was being broadcasted.

It was a press conference.

The host said excitedly, “The Dragon Blood Corps[1] has ruled as the top Interstellar mercenaries group for thousands of years, which is longer than the history of many star countries. Neither the star countries nor the interstellar pirates are willing to make the Dragon Blood Corps their enemy. As we all know, the Dragon Blood Corps is not only the most prestigious corps in Interstellar but also the most mysterious corps in Interstellar. So far, no one has ever seen the leader of the Dragon Blood Corps. But, today, today!! The mysterious commander of the corps will show up…”

The host began to introduce the glorious achievements of the Dragon Blood Corps.

Zi Yan smiled, “It’s indeed really mysterious. There has been no information about the identity of the leader in the Federation database.”

The host’s chattering voice was suddenly interrupted, and a new press conference appeared on the screen.

It was simple and solemn, without any unnecessary decoration, but the background was a little special. In the middle of it is the dynamic image of NGC7293’s nebula. In the void around the nebula, two long dragons hover, their heads raised to face each other with their mouths opened as if the clouds they spit out were the ones that formed the nebula of NGC7293.

Two people appeared on the press conference stage, one was a burly man with a gloomy expression, and the other was a beautiful girl with fair skin and a gorgeous figure.

The man wasn’t in a hurry, “I’m Charles, the leader of the Butterfly Corps. Because the Butterfly Corps was severely attacked, the Butterfly Corps announced that it would voluntarily join the Dragon Blood Corps. ”

The beautiful girl smiled and said, “I’m Ci Mei from the Dragon Blood Corps. By the order of the commander, I issued the following statement to all Interstellar. From today, the Butterfly Corps will be taken over by the Dragon Blood Corps. ”

Charles continued,  “Butterfly Corps was severely attacked by an unknown organization, but the information storage in the central zhi nao is very safe and has not been stolen. Now it has been handed over to the Dragon Blood Corps for safekeeping.”

Ci Mei confirmed, “On behalf of the Dragon Blood Corps, I solemnly warn the organizations that attacked the Butterfly Corps not to spread false rumors and confuse people. I also hope that the public will not believe their sinister and malicious fake news…”

Luo Lan subconsciously glanced at the consul and Zi Yan. One wore a mask and no expression could be seen at all, and the other wore a grin on his bastardly face. There weren’t any big reactions from them.

Zi Yan tossed the ball in his hand, “Is this fake?”

“If it’s fake, there is no need to hold a press conference with such fanfare.”

Zi Yan still wore a grin on his face, “The Dragon Blood Corps is good! From now on, whatever news came out, they could say it was a scheme to frame them. No matter whether it’s true or not!”

Charles and Ci Mei respectfully stepped aside. A man wearing golden dragon scale armor and a dragon helmet showed up. He stood between the heads of two giant dragons, behind him was a magnificent nebula. Standing there, he was like a majestic God of War up above the sky.

The commander of the Corps stared straight, as if he was looking at a specific person, “I’m the leader of the Dragon Blood Corps. If you want the news in it, come to me!”

He raised his metal-wrapped hand, on it was a shiny ball.

Zi Yan was afraid the words weren’t enough to stir troubles, so he fanned the flames “Consul, look! He is provoking you!”

Luo Lan was petrified. Her ears roared and her heartbeat accelerated.

This voice! This voice…!

She forgot where she was. Only one thought turned frantically in her mind. Was it him?

Both Zi Yan and the consul noticed Luo Lan’s strangeness.

Zi Yan said “stop” and the video stopped abruptly. The commander of the Dragon Blood Corps was frozen on the screen as if staring at them.

Luo Lan’s gaze was blank as if her soul had been taken away.

“Princess!” Zi Yan patted her on the shoulder.

Luo Lan trembled with fear and subconsciously stepped back. She tripped over the lynx at her feet and fell on the lynx’s back.

The lynx turned its head. It opened its mouth and gave a dissatisfied “wu“, but Luo Lan had completely forgotten her fear of the lynx. She stood up using the lynx’s head as her support.

Her face was ashen. She forced out a smile and said, “I was too absorbed in watching it. Your touch startled me.”

“Oh my, I’m so sorry I didn’t notice.” It was rare for Zi Yan to be sarcastic.

Luo Lan wasted no time composing herself and bowed to the consul, “I should go back. Thanks to the consul for the hospitality.”

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  1. 龙血兵团 – lóng xuè bīng tuán; lit. Dragon Blood Corps.

Amoeba’s Corner

No, it’s not Sunday yet.

The consul sat on the grass with his back leaned against a huge oak tree, quietly watching the hillside. What are you looking at, Yin Nanzhao? Come simp for Yin Nanzhao!

Luo Lan holds a lot of grudges to Zi Yan.

“Was it him?” Was it who?

If you noticed, I did update the ToC all the way to chapter 19! Now you can speculate what will happen…!! Actually, it’s because I keep procrastinating translating Chapter 14.


She thought the real Princess Luo Lan had disappeared in the vast sea of stars forever and would never appear again. Yet, there she was, once again appearing in her life.

Obligatory Closing
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This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1855

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0 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 10.4”

  1. “Actually, it’s because I keep procrastinating translating Chapter 14.” Good luck, you can do it!

    I really do prefer Zi Yan and Luo Lan rather than Chen Sha and Luo Lan, lol.

    Chen Sha, ah.

    • “The consul sat on the grass with his back leaned against a huge oak tree, quietly watching the hillside.” He is watching me (´ཀ`」 ∠)


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