TVIRAD – Chapter 14

Arc 1
My World Consist Only of You (14)

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The system perceived Ye Chen’s idea and instantly became alert. It marked the “10” Blackening Value with a red marker, “Host, don’t seek death, don’t be so eager to seek death!”

Ah…” Ye Chen sighed, “I’ll rethink it. Trouble isn’t exactly something I need now.”

She went to wash and decided to do homework then go to bed.

She received Zhou Yucheng’s message after she was done washing, “Same table with me?”

Ye Chen recalled that the teacher once said that the seating position was divided according to the score of the final exam. When school starts, the first place would choose their seating position and their deskmate, then the second place… and so on.

With this method, it meant that if you wanted to sit in a nice position, there were only two ways. First, you become a xueba[1] by yourself; second, you hold the xueba‘s thigh.

However, due to the consideration of classmates, generally speaking, everyone would first discuss privately who would sit at the same table with who, and then they would choose the position after that. There had been no such thing as “forcibly robbing the same deskmate.” That kind of thing could only appear in a love triangle relationship. Fortunately, in High School No. 1, there were not many people in love, and there were even fewer love triangles. There were not many students like Ye Chen who come in through the back door and didn’t care about their grades at all.

Ye Chen weighed Zhou Yucheng’s offer and replied, “Okay, but I want to sit on the last row by the windows.”

She liked the sense of security given by the last row and the feeling of sitting by the window looking at the playground outside.

Zhou Yucheng quickly replied to her, “Good.”

On the other side, Gu Jianan sat on the sofa and accompanied Yan Liang to read a book. This was a special way for the adoptive father and son to cultivate their feelings. Yan Liang glanced at Gu Jianan’s mobile phone from time to time and couldn’t help saying, “Not chatting with your girlfriend? Dud you have a quarrel?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.” Gu Jianan put down his cell phone calmly.

Yan Liang smiled, “Still chasing for her, then?”

Gu Jianan did not speak, did not respond, or deny it. Yan Liang was curious, “What are you hesitating about? Mind telling me about it?”

“I want her to be my deskmate.” Gu Jianan said lightly. In fact, he actually didn’t know who to ask except for Ye Chen. Since Yan Liang asked, he took the initiative to say, “All the deskmates in the class are chosen by ourselves. But I think… I don’t have to say it. It’ll be fine if I choose it directly later, right?”

They were the closest to each other in the class, anyway.

Ye Chen was excluded from the class. Except for him, no one would want to be at the same table with such a poor student.

Yet, he felt uneasy. He couldn’t help but get agitated when he thought of Zhou Yucheng, who played games with Ye Chen during the holiday, they even went shopping together.

He didn’t know when Zhou Yucheng and Ye Chen became acquainted or how close they had become. It would be embarrassing for him to ask her to be his deskmate in this kind of situation. According to his relationship with Ye Chen, this seemed to be something that didn’t to be asked, but if he didn’t ask…

He pursed his lips and looked at his phone, struggling.

Yan Liang was still smiling and reminded him, “She has a good relationship with Zhou Yucheng. Aren’t all of you sharing the same class?”

Gu Jianan understood what Yan Liang meant. He picked up his mobile phone and seriously sent a message, “Tomorrow, we sit at the same table.”

Ye Chen was panicking when she received the message, “System, what should I do?”

“Host, it’s time to test your IQ!” the system said excitedly, “Come on, reply to him!”

Ye Chen nodded and replied quickly, “I already promised Zhou Yucheng > < How about you choose the seat in front of me, in the fourth row by the window.”

The message was sent. A moment later, a “ding” sounded in her mind.

“Blackening Value increased by 2, congratulations.”

Ye Chen was about to cry.

The system consoled her, “It’s alright. I don’t expect anything from your IQ from the start.”

This bastard system! It really took joy on her misery!

On the other side, Gu Jianan put away his mobile phone with a stern expression, turned around, and walked to his room.

“Is she asleep? “Yan Liang knew that his good boy must have failed, so he gave him a way. Gu Jianan didn’t look back, “She is.”

The next day, the teacher lined up everyone outside the classroom. The teacher started calling their name starting from the first place. Whenever the teacher read a name, the person would go in.

Everyone was busy chattering and whispering. At this point, everyone was not concerned about their seating positing, but they stared at Ye Chen who was standing in the corner, nibbling melon seeds.

“Who is this?”

“How beautiful…”

“Is she in our class?”

The crowd muttered in a low voice. Ye Min stole a glance at Ye Chen standing in the corner with wine-red hair in her uniform. She rubbed her eyes and looked back once again, her eyes full of suspicions.

She recognized Ye Chen just fine, but she never imagined that Ye Chen would change her hairstyle one day.

Ye Chen saw Ye Min strode to her, “Why do you change your hairstyle and didn’t put on any makeup like usual?”

“Fire her up!” the system was elated, “Make her don’t have any ideas about Zhou Yucheng!”

Ye Chen approved the system’s words, “Ah, because Yucheng likes it. He took me to change my hairstyle, it’s not like I personally want to.”

Gu Jianan, who just came over, stiffened when he heard this.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He just felt irritable in the current situation. He felt that the hairstyle was too dazzling, and such a beautiful person was too eye-catching.

He didn’t like it when everyone stared at her; He didn’t like it when someone realized how good she was. He even had a selfish thought, the past was better. When everyone didn’t like her, excluded her, and ignored her. Only he could know her beauty and goodness. Wasn’t that also good?

Such thoughts, it was impossible for him to say out loud.

The teacher’s voice came, “Zhou Yucheng.”

“Here.” Zhou Yucheng stood up, he turned to Ye Chen in the corner and everyone followed his gaze.

“Ye Chen, let’s go in together.”

Gu Jianan clenched his fist, his whole body felt like a human iceberg. Ye Chen dusted her hands and threw the melon seed husks into the trash can.

All the light seemed to fall on her, so gorgeous and breathtaking. Zhou Yucheng waited for her quietly at the door and they walked in together. The image sent a sharp pain in Gu Jianan’s heart.

He restrained himself and when the teacher called his name, he said indifferently, “Ye Min.”

Ye Min was taken aback. I didn’t make any appointment with you, though???

However, stared by Gu Jianan, Ye Min couldn’t say anything. The young man in front of her was too gorgeous. Even if he looked apathetic, there was an uncontrollable impulse to get closer to him.

The moment Gu Jianan’s voice called for Ye Min’s name, Ye Chen snapped her head back in stupefaction. Gu Jianan’s turbulent heart calmed for a bit when he saw the other party’s surprised eyes.

Turns out, he liked it when her eyes were only full of him.

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  1. 学霸- xué bà; lit. Study King; Learning God. Students who are good at learning and have high scores in each subject. 

Ry’s Corner
Please do remember the Male Lead may be nice now, but there is a reason why he is the villain!

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2180

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