TVIRAD – Chapter 15

Arc 1
My World Consist Only of You (15)

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Ye Chen and Zhou Yucheng sat in the last row together, Gu Jianan came in with Ye Min and decisively chose to sit in front of Ye Chen. Ye Min was the third in the class, so the top three of the class collectively hid in the corner of the last row, surrounding Ye Chen.

The teacher was also shocked and confirmed it with the three people, “Zhou Yucheng, Gu Jianan, and Ye Min, are you sure to sit there?”

The so-called privilege of top students was to let them sit in their most comfortable position, choose the most comfortable deskmate, and create all conditions for them to achieve better results.

All three of them nodded, very sure.

Ye Chen’s heart was full of distrust. Gu Jianan and Zhou Yucheng, she could understand it. But, Ye Min… Why was she willing to sit in this position?

“Because,” the system’s sing-a-sang, “Currently, Ye Min has a 70 Favorability Value for Zhou Yucheng!”

What the fuck.

When did this happen!

The system discerned Ye Chen’s shock and kindly explained it to her, “Gu Jianan is the Third Male Lead in this world. We came into this world and were focused on his perspective and naturally, we can’t see the whole picture. Ye Min and Zhou Yu already like each other, but they always squabbled. In those times, Zhou Yucheng helped her many times. Don’t worry, we don’t need to care about Ye Min and Zhou Yu. We just need to ensure that Ye Min won’t fall for Zhou Yucheng and Gu Jianan won’t fall for Ye Min.”

“I… I have a question.” Ye Chen carefully spoke, “Back in the original storyline, does Zhou Yucheng like Ye Min?”

“Like,” the system declared calmly, “but not as much as Gu Jianan and Zhou Yu. Zhou Yucheng is a particularly realistic person. Power is the most important thing for him, and that’s also what he likes the most. That’s the reason why he provoked the Female Lead’s feelings. It’s all just to make the Male Lead go crazy over her and chained her to the Male Lead’s side.”

Listening to it, Ye Chen once again admired the plot.

In a world where fluff was popular, it was not easy for her to encounter this kind of abusive writing the first time she transmigrated.

After a while, everyone had picked their position. The teacher directly started the class. High school was an era where the slogan “Why bother to sleep for a long time before you die if you will sleep for a long time after you die” hung everywhere. All the teachers were racing against time. Don’t bother to go to the toilet. Just insert a tube into your body and do the questions all the way until the last second before the college entrance examination.

Ye Chen is a xuezha[1], but she has a dream of becoming a xueba. Hence, she tried to listen to the class. Surrounding her were the xuebas, when the teacher was giving a lecture, they were doing their own things because they had learned the material.

Because it was in a class, there was a friendly atmosphere between them

Ye Chen tried her best to do the questions, but in the end, she still encountered a math problem that she couldn’t solve. Habit becoming her second nature, she poked Gu Jianan in front of her.

Gu Jianan inclined his head and saw Ye Chen handing over the material. Gu Jianan glanced at it, pulled her draft paper, and explained it to her. Zhou Yucheng sent a sideways glance at the two people interacting, and his gaze fell on the material.

When Gu Jianan finished his explanation, he turned his head back. Zhou Yucheng propped his chin and looked at Ye Chen with a smile, “Why don’t you just ask me. I’m the first in the class, you know.”

Gu Jianan’s back was stiff. He didn’t look back and squeezed the pen in his hand. At this time, the teacher was scolding the people who were noisy and angrily read out the slogan hanging at the back of their class to encourage students.

“If you don’t work hard, it means you are hindering yourself!”

Gu Jianan, “……”

In the twinkling of an eye, Ye Chen intuitively felt that Gu Jianan exuded a momentum of “I still can do more homework.”

This momentum made Ye Chen subconsciously flinch, she gave Zhou Yucheng a dry smile. “No… no need… I like Jianan’s explanation very much.”

Zhou Yucheng was still smiling, but his heart was irritated.

Probably because Ye Chen rejected his kindness?

Zhou Yucheng thought for a while, then turned his gaze back to his materials.

When school was over, Ye Chen started to pack her things, and Gu Jianan was waiting for Ye Chen with his schoolbag on his back.

The two of them went back and forth together last semester, and Gu Jianan was also used to going back with her. Anyway, Yan Liang would be back late, so he has the time to cook a meal for Ye Chen. Ye Chen was actually an extremely picky person. She couldn’t eat dishes she didn’t like. The last time Gu Jianan saw her eating the dishes made by the housemaid, she was eating like a kitten. Nearly everything was untouched by her.

Gu Jianan liked the way Ye Chen eats. At that moment, she would be bubbling with happiness. If she ate less, he would feel worried. So since that day, Gu Jianan has been cooking for Ye Chen almost every day.

Zhou Yucheng looked at them and raised his brow, “Both of you go back home together?”

Mn.” Gu Jianan exuded chilly all over, like a beast protecting its meal, “We are used to it.”

Zhou Yucheng hummed and didn’t say much. He just continued to do the problem in front of him.

Ye Chen finished packing up and went to the shed to pick up the bike. When she arrived, she was surprised to find that her bike’s tire leaked

Ye Chen had no choice but to return to her old habit. She sat behind Gu Jianan and hugged his waist. Her hands were warm, and the temperature around his waist seemed to transmit to his heart. While he appeared calm outside, his heart was not.

He rode slowly, “Ye Chen.”


“Next semester, I will definitely take first place.”

“Good!” Ye Chen believed that young people should put their studies first, and encouraged, “You definitely can!” 


Starting from that time, Gu Jianan has studied harder than before. The daily routine of the two of them was that Gu Jianan took Ye Chen to school; Gu Jianan took Ye Chen home; Gu Jianan cooked for Ye Chen; Gu Jianan and Ye Chen did their homework together.

Ye Chen’s bike was punctured every day. She has long given up her idea of riding by herself. She felt that someone must be retaliating against her!

In response, the system hummed, “Mn, it must be so.”

Every time Ye Chen completed her homework, she would start playing games. She and Zhou Yucheng had a good tacit understanding, but playing with the other two handicapped players has been extremely hard. Every time they nearly got promoted, they would always meet with pig teammates, making their hard efforts before vanishing into nothingness. Gu Jianan quietly watched Ye Chen and Zhou Yucheng play while opening their mics. Not long after, Gu Jianan suddenly said to Ye Chen, “Open the third slot. ”

When Zhou Yucheng heard it, he laughed, “Gu Jianan, don’t drag us down.”

“Be at ease,” Gu Jianan said lightly, “I won’t drag you down.”

So the three people started the match together. Zhou Yucheng was used to playing as a tank, and Ye Chen was used to playing as a mage. As soon as Gu Jianan joined them, he chose an assassin, Li Bai, with the nickname “Protect our Diao Chan”.

Diao Chan was Ye Chen’s most used hero.

Seeing the name and hero, Zhou Yucheng was stunned, “It’s over.”

A newbie playing Li Bai, they are definitely over.

Gu Jianan didn’t respond to him. Gu Jianan’s Li Bai simply vanished at the start of the match. Then, he killed everything in his sight. From the forest to the battlefield, everyone was annihilated by him.

He stole the tower alone; He beat the dragon alone; He killed the other party alone. Two Penta-kill in a row. Li Bai’s sword light danced all over the game. He was so handsome that Ye Chen was completely entranced by him.

When the word “Victory” appeared, Ye Chen looked up blankly at Gu Jianan, who had a stoic face. His eyes were clear, and there seemed to be a tail lazily bouncing behind him.

Gu Jianan felt her gaze, raised his head, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Great God!” Ye Chen rushed forward. She took Gu Jianan’s hand in both her hands and sincerely kneeled, “Please carry me! From now on, you will be my Male God!”

“One game a day with me. You are not allowed to play at other times,” Gu Jianan calmly said, “Don’t you want to go to college?”

“Gogogo!” Ye Chen certainly wouldn’t dare to interfere with Gu Jianan’s study because of games. Gu Jianan just hummed.

When they played on the second day, Gu Jianan saw that Ye Chen’s nickname has changed to “Our Li Bai’s Wife”.

Gu Jianan’s heart soared and Zhou Yucheng’s collapsed.

“Ye Chen, what the hell is your nickname!!”

“Zhou-tongxue[2],” Ye Chen said seriously, “If you can play a handsome hero that carried me to win five times in a row, I’ll give you the same treatment.”

As she said it, Ye Chen’s eyes were twinkling, “We must protect the light of the Male God at all cost!”

“I’ve carried you before!” Zhou Yucheng has no qualms to let his dissatisfaction known.

Ye Chen grinned, “You use Lu Bu, though? He is so ugly.”

Zhou Yucheng was furious, “Diao Chan, you heartless scum!”

Ye Chen, “Cheng Yaojin, you’re too ugly. Shut up.”

Zhou Yucheng, “……”

At this time, a sound came from their mobile phone, “First blood!”

Ye Chen bowed in worship. Gu Jianan was unconcerned, “Both of you can continue to quarrel. I can solo this.”

“So handsome!”

Ye Chen cheered from the bottom of her heart while the system watched her quietly and decided.

It was impossible to save this storyline.

Playing games, doing homework, and going back and forth to school every day. Gu Jianan’s Favorability began to rise. Before long, it was at 78 points.

At the end of the semester, Gu Jianan successfully won first place, one point higher than Zhou Yucheng.

When the score was out, Gu Jianan told Ye Chen, “You will be my deskmate next semester.”

“Alright~” Ye Chen agreed instantly and Gu Jianan softened, “How about sweet and sour ribs for lunch?”

“Good! Good! Good!”

Ye Chen was delighted. In the afternoon, Gu Jianan came to her door carrying the ingredients.

While Gu Jianan was cooking, Ye Chen waited beside him and played a game with Zhou Yucheng. Zhou Yucheng said, “Tell you what. Ye Min is going to make a short movie this summer and participate in the short movie competition. She asked me to be the Male Lead. I read her script and thought it suits you very much. How about you be the Female Lead?”

On hearing this, the system sounded an alarm.

“Major plot! Major plot!!”

Ye Chen, “???”

“In the original storyline, Gu Jianan was the Supporting Male Lead, Zhou Yucheng was the Male Lead and Ye Min was the Female Lead. Their feelings were completely determined during the filming of this short movie!!”

Ye Chen was speechless, “A short movie can do that much?”

“Focus!! Hurry and promise Zhou Yucheng!” the system roared hysterically. Ye Chen’s ears were numb and she complied, “Okay! What about Ye Min?”

“She will be the director and script-writer.”

Zhou Yucheng spoke happily. Gu Jianan listened silently. He quietly made the sweet and sour ribs. He put them on a plate and called Ye Chen to eat.


“Ye Min,  are you still short of actor for your short movie?”

“Hmm, Gu Jianan[3]? There is still an empty spot for the Supporting Male Lead, are you fine with it?”

Mn. I’m fine with it.”

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  1. 学渣 – xuézhā; Learning Scum. The opposite of xueba. Students who don’t usually study hard, and just study near the end of the term; students who are not ideal in learning. 

  2. 同学 – tóngxué; Classmate. A-tongxue = Classmate A.

  3. It is Zhou Yucheng in the original text, but considering the next chapter, it should have been Gu Jianan who called Ye Min.

Ry’s Corner

I think, “Why bother to sleep for a long time before you die if you will sleep for a long time after you die” is actually an exaggeration that is not an exaggeration in Asian culture. I saw with my own eyes how far those people can go for the college entrance examination.

There are lots of gaming terms in this chapter. But sorry, I don’t include it in the footnotes. They won’t appear again, anyway.

There are so many “Mn” in this chapter that I think I have auditory hallucinations.

She felt that someone must be retaliating against her! Ah, yes. I wonder who.

If you ever played MOBA, it is the game that they were playing. There is a ranked system and you will get points when you win and lose points when you lose. The higher your rank, the harsher the punishment if you lose. In the highest rank, sometimes you could only get 1 point for every win but would lose 5 points for every lose. Which just makes you want to flip out.

Assassin is the hardest class to master. That’s why Zhou Yucheng thought they would be over when a newbie choose Assassin class. It is a recipe for disaster. Using Assassin will result in either you’re damn good or painfully bad. Honestly, I need someone that could carry me to win five times in a row and two Penta-kill in a row. Their team combinations were already good. With only 2 random party members, they could rest easy because they already have a tank, assassin, and mage. Worst come to worst, they would still have a high chance to win if their coordination was good even if the other 2 teammates were pig teammates.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2071

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2 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 15”

  1. Hello! translator, I love this novel. Thank you for translating and picking it up. So, I wanna ask your permission. Do you mind if I retranslate into Myanmar (Burma) and post it on my Wattpad account? I’ll give full credit to your English translation.

    Waiting for your reply ♡


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