TVIRAD – Chapter 16

Arc 1
My World Consist Only of You (16)

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Gu Jianan didn’t tell Ye Chen about him being a Supporting Male for the short movie. It was only discovered when they met at the team meeting for the short movie the next day.

Zhou Yucheng’s face was not very good.

He always felt this uneasy feeling every time he looked at Gu Jianan, especially Since Gu Jianan won first place in the exam and his Li Bai overshine him.

Yet, Gu Jianan sat opposite him, eye to eye with him, and greeted calmly, “I am playing as the Second Male Lead.”

Ye Min’s script was a very mainstream and cheap campus love story. The Male Lead was a handsome and romantic little gangster. The Female Lead was the Eldest Lady[1] hated by her own family. The Second Male Lead was a rich son who grew up with the Female Lead.

The eldest lady and the little gangster experienced a life-and-death situation. Later, she fell for the little gangster. Their family opposed them, and amidst that, the Supporting Male has always been with the eldest lady, protecting and loving her in silence. Later, the little gangster was stabbed to death in a street fight. The eldest lady was pregnant with the little gangster child. The Supporting Male volunteered to be the father but was rejected by the eldest lady. The eldest lady spent her life with the child, while the Supporting Male continued to silently accompany the eldest lady all his life.

After reading the script, the casts were speechless.

Ye Min coughed softly, “How is it? Isn’t this kind of story exciting?”

Ye Chen carefully sized her up,  “Lass, I’ll buy you walnuts tomorrow to replenish your brain.”

Ye Min’s expression stiffened. Zhou Yucheng frowned, “You are not that stupid to use this kind of script to compete, right?”

“I think it’s very good.” Gu Jianan said lightly, “Even if you can’t use this script for competition, you can still upload it on the Internet and get a lot of traffic”

“That’s right, that’s right!” Ye Min was excited to find a comrade-in-arm, “Winning is not my main objective. I mainly want to make something I like. Come on, Zhou Yucheng, I’ll make you a handsome male lead!”

Zhou Yucheng scanned the script back and forth. Just then, Ye Chen heard someone call out, “Ye Min.”

Four of them glanced and saw a young man in a white T-shirt standing at the door, looking at them coldly.

He was tall, with straight eyebrows and an inviolable look.

If Zhou Yucheng has a gentlemanly feature that makes people feel the spring breeze around him; If Gu Jianan has a cold and beautiful feature that makes people want to indulge in him, then this teenager was the so-called overbearing president style.

Even a T-shirt couldn’t dim his aura.

Ye Min’s stiffened once again, but Zhou Yucheng smiled and said, “Ge[2], come and sit down.”

This person was Zhou Yu.

Ye Chen knew it immediately. She stared at him and was very nervous when she first saw the Male Lead who forced Ye Min’s family into misery.

Zhou Yu came directly and sat on the chair next to Ye Min after Zhou Yucheng’s words. Ye Chen looked at Zhou Yu quietly. Gu Jianan turned his head and looked at her. He raised his hand to get a fork of fruit, which also worked to cover Ye Chen’s sight.

“What are you doing?” Zhou Yu sat down as if he didn’t know Ye Min. Ye Min became stiffer with each passing time while Zhou Yucheng and Zhou Yu were very harmoniously discussing the script.

When the two were discussing, Zhou Yu held his chin in one hand and put his hand under the tablecloth, while Ye Min sat next to him with her hand also under the tablecloth.

Ye Chen blinked at them, heart brimming with excitement.

“Are they holding hands?” Ye Chen asked the system with starry eyes, “They are, aren’t they?!”

“I don’t know ah…” the smile on the system’s face made people feel an inexplicable sense of ridicule, “I can’t see it.”

Ye Chen really wanted to find the answer. She moved listlessly and ‘accidentally’ dropped some things. She squatted down fast to have a look. The system was shocked by her obvious method and Gu Jianan noticed her little movements. While Zhou Yu and Zhou Yucheng talked, he leaned over and whispered, “What are you doing?”

When he spoke, the hot air spewed out on Ye Chen’s ears. Ye Chen didn’t realize it, but her heart started to beat faster. In order to hide her ‘crime’, she approached him and whispered, “I want to know if Ye Min and Zhou Yu are holding hands! Do you think they are holding hands?”

Her voice was small. She was close to him and he could smell the flowers on her. Gu Jianan stayed still, but his heart was itchy. After hearing Ye Chen’s answer, he stretched out his hand and held her hand under the tablecloth.

Ye Chen looked up in surprise, and Gu Jianan’s face remained unchanged, “Do you think their postures are similar to ours?”

Ye Chen didn’t speak a word. Her heartbeat was loud enough that the whole world probably could hear her heartbeat.

Her head was blank and she couldn’t say anything. Gu Jianan was honestly nervous, but he still forced himself to be calm, approached her, and whispered, “Similar?”

Ye Chen told herself that Gu Jianan must be only helping her to find the answer, so after concentrating on observing the posture of the two people, she confirmed, “They are really holding hands.”

After getting the answer, Gu Jianan let her hand go.

Ye Chen’s heart stabilized, and she said to the system, “It scared me to death. It was really scary just now!”

“What’s scary?” the system was eating walnuts, “I think walnuts are very good. Would you like to eat some?”

“No, I’m still too scared. I need water.”

Ye Chen drank some water but was still flustered in her heart.

At this point, Zhou Yucheng and Zhou Yu had decided on the script. Zhou Yucheng still believed the script was very cheap, though. It was Zhou Yu who tried his best to persuade him.

Although the play was tacky, at least the plot was solid. The feelings were sincere and moving.

The most important of all was, Zhou Yu would invite Zhou Yucheng to travel if he agree.

Zhou Yucheng was moved by his brother’s money offensive and agreed to be the Male Lead in the short movie. Zhou Yu also offered to help them film.

Five people did as they like. They were the fuerdai[3] of their family. Money was not a problem. Most scenes in the script were taken in their own houses and classrooms.

At the beginning of the story, Zhou Yucheng was being beaten, and Ye Chen went to help him. Zhou Yucheng took Ye Chen to ride a motorcycle and run from the chasing of other gangsters.

The girl hugged Zhou Yucheng’s waist tightly and screamed in fear, but there was an inexplicable joy amidst her scream.

It was just for filming, but when Ye Chen hugged Zhou Yucheng’s waist, he somehow felt a sense of satisfaction.

According to the script lines, Zhou Yucheng shouted, “Hey, miss, be my girlfriend.”

Both system and Ye Chen were shocked by the lines, but both still shouted, “Don’t want!”

Ye Chen refused Zhou Yucheng’s courtship, and Zhou Yucheng’s in his role retaliated against her.

Tore her book, laughed at her, and poked her back with a pen in class. At this time, Gu Jianan appeared and directly had a fight with Zhou Yucheng.

As the Supporting Male, how could he win against the Male Lead? So, the Supporting Male Gu Jianan was beaten up. Ye Chen scolded the Male Lead for this and he was heartbroken. When he heard Ye Chen yelling, “Out! Don’t show your face in front of me! Get out!” He wiped his face and left.

Then, Ye Chen was besieged and beaten. Zhou Yucheng appeared on time and very handsomely saved her and raced all the way with her on a motorcycle. They confessed their love on the river bank.

According to the script, next was a kissing scene. The sun was setting behind them, Ye Chen rubbed Zhou Yucheng’s wound and asked him, “You could run on your own. Why come back?”

Zhou Yucheng lowered his head to look at her and chuckled, “Fool. I ran away, then what would you do?”

Ye Chen looked up blankly, “Don’t you hate me greatly?”

Zhou Yucheng pursed his lips. Ye Chen wore light makeup. Her clear eyes and gorgeous facial features showed an alluring beauty. The sunset fell on her exquisite face as if she had caged the light on it.

Zhou Yucheng’s heart drummed. He never realized that Ye Chen was such a beautiful person. She attracted him, seduced him, and approached him slowly.

The setting sun shone at them in the distance. Zhou Yucheng’s eyes were filled with tenderness.

“How can I hate you?” Zhou Yucheng felt so sincere as if every word was indeed true to his heart. He was confused whether he was still playing a character or if it was his real feeling, “I like you.”

Ye Chen showed a surprised expression and then blushed.

“Your answer?” Zhou Yucheng asked gently, “Do you like me?”

“If I don’t like you,” Ye Chen buried her head lower and said with some embarrassment, “I won’t be here…”

Before she could finish, Zhou Yucheng pulled Ye Chen into his arms and kissed her.

Or that was what would happen if this wasn’t an act. After Zhou Yucheng pulled Ye Chen into his arms, he restrained himself with all his reason and stopped at once. Ye Chen was much smaller than him and was almost fit in his arms.

Their breath intertwined, and Ye Chen instantly blushed.

Gu Jianan, who was helping Ye Min to shoot the scene, looked cold and clenched his fist.

Anger filled his body. He felt as if something had been dragged out of his heart, painful and sour.

He had read the plot in the script. He felt uncomfortable when reading it, but Ye Min insisted on using it. He knew it was an act and nothing had happened, but he couldn’t control his anger. He didn’t expect that the impact would be so great when he saw the scene with his own eyes.

Let her go.

Let go of Ye Chen.

She is… His.

The idea rose faintly from his mind. He tried to suppress his emotions, beside him were Zhou Yu and Ye Min who were discussing the plot.

The relationship between the two was very delicate. Ye Min seemed to be trying to control herself by not being close to Zhou Yu, but she couldn’t suppress her love for Zhou Yu.

The shooting soon ended, and Zhou Yucheng instantly released Ye Chen. As soon as he let go, Ye Chen laughed.

“Turns out acting is so fun…” Ye Chen laughed, “but, it is quite embarrassing!”

Her laugh dissipated when she noticed the strange atmosphere. Ye Min came forward, patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, and said, “Jie, you seem to have the talent to mix in the entertainment industry.”

“I think so too!” Without modesty, Ye Chen boasted, “Especially with this face of mine!”

As a yandog, she couldn’t even let herself go.

Ye Min,“……” Never have ever I seen such a brazen woman.

Gu Jianan and Ye Chen’s scene was next. They played a single scene. Basically, Ye Chen was hurt and Gu Jianan saved her; Ye Chen was hurt for Zhou Yucheng’s sake, and Gu Jianan saved her again.

In one scene, Ye Chen quarreled with her family for Zhou Yucheng. She broke off relations with them and walked out of her house. Gu Jianan heard that and rushed to the Female Lead’s house. He kicked open the door of the Female Lead’s house and took the Female Lead out.

The scene was taken at Ye-jia. Ye Min found a professional actor to be Ye Chen’s parents and relatives. Ye Chen sat on the sofa reading the script. Ye Min nudged her on the shoulder, “Jie, how’s it going?”

Ye Chen smacked, “Art comes from life. I think you are indeed very realistic.”


“Don’t you think our parents will do the same if I did this kind of thing?”

Ye Min, “……”

Ye Min felt embarrassed. She remembered his sister’s state at home. She didn’t like Ye Chen very much before. Her memory of Ye Chen was a girl who has no brain and creates trouble everywhere. However, after spending time with her, she found that Ye Chen was not such a person.

She pursed her lips, “Jie…”

“I know what you want to say to me,” Ye Chen smiled. “It was my fault before. Don’t blame yourself too much. We are sisters anyway.”

Ye Chen raised his hand and rubbed her hair. This girl was not bad. Ye Chen still liked her very much.

So, she patted her on the shoulder and said gently, “Jiejie will cover you in the future. Don’t worry.”

I wouldn’t let you take the road of the previous world line. I will let you live well, Ye Min.

Ye Min was stunned by Ye Chen’s smile. The cameraman adjusted the equipment and shouted, “Come, start the shooting.”

This time, Ye Min also acted on screen in this scene. Ye Chen argued with everyone. One of the actors splashed Ye Chen’s face according to the script. When she was about to yell, there was a sound of a car outside.

Ye Min changed her face and immediately said, “Stop! Pack up!”

Everyone was stunned. At this time, a man came. As soon as he came in, the atmosphere was dead. Ye Chen immediately recognized that this was her and Ye Min’s father, Ye Huai.

“What are you doing?” Ye Huai frowned. While talking, a woman came in and was stunned when she saw the scene. Then she looked at Ye Chen, frowned, and opened her mouth, “Ye Chen, what are you doing?”

Ma[4]…” Ye Min said timidly, “It’s me… I’m participating in a short movie competition…”

“Short movie? What short movie? Is it because of Ye Chen?!”

Madam Ye opened her mouth and scolded. She came into the room, and pointed to the messy room, “Look at what you’re doing?! Oh, you specifically asked me if your father and I would come back yesterday, just to do this?! You learned to lie now?! Ye Chen,” Madam Ye turned and pointed angrily, “Just be bad yourself! Don’t drag our Minmin down!”

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn’t help sneering, “I am dragging her down? Did you even hear the bullshit you just spout? She made a short movie, so she’s bad? Because she became bad, surely I’m the one teaching her to be bad? What kind of logic is that?”

“You dare to talk back?!” Madam Ye became angrier, “You have become more and more lawless!”

“I’m not allowed to talk back when you are the one in the wrong?” Ye Chen sneered, “Oh, what am I talking about? Yes, I taught Ye Min to be bad. I messed up the house. I’m just a lawless little girl. Is it so fun blaming others? You gave up teaching me and thought of me as a bad girl. Then you shrink your responsibility of me and throw me outside. Now because of this single thing you also think Ye Min is bad? She is bad because she just wanted to make a short movie? You motherfu一”

A hand slapped Ye Chen. Gu Jianan was quick in his eyes and his hands. He hurried over and supported Ye Chen.

Ye Chen covered her burning face that was just slapped.

The whole audience was quiet. Ye Min was frozen in her place. Zhou Yucheng frowned, “Ye-shushu, Don’t you think it’s一”

“This is our Ye-jia‘s business.” Ye Huai withdrew his hand, “Go back to your own house, we, Ye-jia, will deal with our family business ourselves.”

Ye Chen silently covered her face. The emotions of the original owner unexpectedly emerged within her.

Countless pictures flashed through her mind, from small to large. Every time, with Ye Huai, it was like this.

The cup was broken. It must be her, not Ye Min;

Someone drew a painting. It must be Ye Min, not her;

Ye Min was always in the right, and she was always in the wrong.

It’s not because she didn’t want to be a good child; It’s not because she didn’t try her best to satisfy their expectations; It’s not because she was bad. It’s because no one cared and no one bothered enough to stand by her side. Ye Min and Ye Chen. They both shared the same ‘Ye’ surname. Yet, one was treated like she was the Beloved of Heaven, and one was treated like she was the rat in the gutter.

Ye Chen never received such a strong stimulus from the original owner’s memory before, so she was silent. Gu Jianan held her and watched Ye Chen cover her face. His expression was as pained as she was supposed to be.

He helped Ye Chen to go out wordlessly. Ye Huai was pissed, “If you dare to step out of this house today, you won’t get any more money from me”

Ye Chen paused. Ye Huai saw that his words had an effect and said sarcastically, “If you don’t get back here, what can you even do outside?”

Ye Chen didn’t speak. She looked up in a daze.

Gu Jianan has never seen Ye Chen like this. In his world, Ye Chen was always the proud, welcoming, and bright eldest lady. The out-of-reach light in his life, untouchable by him.

She was the bright moon in his heart, shining on his dark road. From the minute she pulled his hand out of the dark swamp, an insurmountable feeling formed in his heart.

No matter how far he went, he was always looking up to her.

He had never felt so close to her for a moment before.

Turns out, like him, she was abandoned by her parents; She had nothing in this world. They only have each other.

He desired to hold her in his arms; He desired her to be one with him; He desired to give his everything to her.

It was indescribable. He was so eager to have her, accompany her, be good to her, and isolate her from everything that would hurt her.

So he took her in his arms and declared solemnly, “I’ll raise you.”

Ye Chen looked up at him blankly. Gu Jianan vowed, “I have a deposit. I also will try to make money. Ye Chen, don’t be afraid, I’ll raise you.”

Ye Chen’s mind was confused by the memory of the original owner. When she heard Gu Jianan’s words, she felt as if it was the only piece of wood caught by a drowning man.

She didn’t know where the idea came from. 

But she was sure. He wouldn’t abandon her, no matter what. 

She angled her head, quietly staring at Ye Huai, and slowly articulated, “I don’t want your money.”

Ye Huai was shocked. He saw his daughter close her eyes and unhurriedly stated, “In fact, you don’t need me as a daughter and I don’t need you as a father. Don’t worry. I don’t want your money. I won’t come back to your life.”

With that, Ye Chen wiped the tea on her face and walked out.

She felt a little cold. The tea splashed on her face and wet her clothes. The wind blew and she couldn’t help shivering.

Gu Jianan put his coat on her. He supported her shoulder and helped her out. The temperature on his hand was her only source of warmth, supporting her to go out without falling down.

She turned her back to everyone. Only Gu Jianan could see her expression. She bit her lips and some tears fell. She was suppressing her tears when she walked out of the house step by step.

Gu Jianan didn’t say anything. He just hold her tighter, so as not to let her falter in front of everyone; not to let her break down in front of everyone.

After the two of them left Ye-jia, Ye Chen couldn’t suppress her tears anymore and burst out weeping.

Her control was lost. She was full of grievances, and tears fell one after another. Gu Jianan gave her his support by holding her in his arms.

In the past 17 years, he was beaten by his parents and excluded by his classmates. He thought he had experienced all the darkness and hardships, but he still felt prickling pain when he heard the girl’s cry.

Never had he felt so uncomfortable like this before. To the point that it was hard to breathe.

“Don’t cry,” he said repeatedly, patting her on the back and hoarsely conveying, “I’m here, I’m here for you.”

“Don’t be afraid, Ye Chen,” he held her face in his hand and let her gaze into his eyes. He showed his sincerity and emphasized, “I’ll raise you. Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid…” Ye Chen sobbed.

She was a 23-year-old adult woman. She was not afraid of being unable to support herself. But, the overwhelming grievances in “Ye Chen”s heart made her unable to stop crying.

The original body depended too much on her family. Even if she was wronged, she would give in repeatedly. Every time she quarreled with Ye Huai, she would be the one that admitted wrong first. However, Ye Chen was not her, so after receiving Ye Huai’s slap, she resolutely parted ways with the Ye-jia.

Such a decision stimulated the original body, and the original memory gave her a huge backlash. She resolutely threw all her attachments to her family because she could see that they didn’t even care about her.

Before Ye Chen transmigrated, she was loved by her parents. When “Ye Chen” family put on the face of “affectionate” parents like that, Ye Chen couldn’t bear it.

In addition, Gu Jianan’s arms were too warm. His hug seemed to give her infinite strength. She drew energy from his arms and finally stood firm.

“Okay.” She raised her hand and wiped her tears. “It’s all right now. I’m sorry, you must have been worried.”

“It’s alright,” Gu Jianan hold her hand gently, “If you ever feel sad in the future, just tell me”

“I tell you. What will you do?” Ye Chen wondered. 

Gu Jianan slowly said, “I will accompany you until you are not sad anymore.”

Ye Chen was stunned and then chuckled.

“Fool.” her eyes shining like stars, “You should say, ‘I will coax you to be happy.’”

“Okay.” Gu Jianan repeated, “If you ever feel sad, tell me, and I will coax you to be happy.”

Ye Chen’s heart fluttered. She averted her gaze and dared not look at him.

The system interrupted her thought, “The host’s Emotional Value deviates 10 points. Please pay attention and control your feelings.”

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback. Gu Jianan called for a taxi. They went back together, on the way back, Ye Chen was silent, focused on communicating with the system.

“What is the Emotional Value?”

“It’s the value to which the host treats the characters as real people. ”

“Speak clearly.”

“After every host receives the transmigration task and comes to the task world, they will live in the world with a mentality similar to playing a game. Deep down, they don’t regard the people in this world as real people like themselves. But, once the host has feelings for people in the task world, the host will think that the other party was a real person, and may entertain the idea of staying in the same world. It is called Emotional Value. The greater the amount of Emotional Value, the more likely the host wants to stay in the task world. So please pay attention and control your Emotional Value.”

“What if I can’t control it?” Ye Chen frowned. 

After a moment of silence, the system slowly said, “If the Emotional Value exceeds 50, the system will take the initiative to help the host reduce this Emotional Value.”

“Will you delete my memory?”

“It’s not like that,” the system said slowly, “we will just delete the host’s emotions.”

Ye Chen fell into silence.

The system noticed Ye Chen’s depression. After a long time, he comforted, “Host, in fact, I like the way you are so heartless.”

Mn,” Ye Chen agreed, “I like it too.”

Yet, she couldn’t help looking back at Gu Jianan.

This boy was really good-looking. Yes, at the age of 17, he still has the childishness of young people in his eyebrows. But, his facial features were exquisite and his skin color was like porcelain. In Ye Chen’s own world, such a man could probably be seen only in the painting.

She stared too intently and felt a little dizzy. When Gu Jianan helped her get off the car, he saw her dizzy eyes and couldn’t help but say, “Are you uncomfortable?”

“No.” Ye Chen smiled, “I just think you’re very good-looking.”

Gu Jianan frowned and let their foreheads touch. The temperature on Ye Chen’s forehead was particularly high, “You have a high fever.”

Mn.” Ye Chen nodded, “Probably. Let’s go back. There’s fever medicine in the house. Just take one.”

“I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“It’s okay,” Ye Chen shook her head. “Just let me sleep.”

Gu Jianan stopped talking. He took her back to the house, checked her temperature, let her drink the medicine, attached ice bags, and gave her some sweets.

Ye Chen felt very tired and sleepy because of her crying before,  “I’m fine. You rest.”

“I’ll watch over you.” Gu Jianan was stubborn. Ye Chen didn’t have the energy to spare so she just closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Gu Jianan watched her quietly. Her face was pale and flushed, showing her delicate and beautiful appearance.

She has always been beautiful, gorgeous, and fascinating. Like a flower blooming in the summer, blooming beautifully with a risk of withering at any time.

Gu Jianan couldn’t help but raise his hand and stroked her warm lips, feeling the softness under his fingertips. For the first time, he could hold Ye Chen close in his arms; He could hug her when she cried in his arms; He could be relied on by her and be inseparable from her.

She was not as high as the moon hanging in the sky. He also could have her.

When the idea came up, his weirdness on him could be explained.

Why he was jealous; Why he was angry; Why he wanted to monopolize her; Why he wanted to hold her close, to hug her; Why he wanted to be the only one in her eyes.

The answer was obvious, but he never dared to dive into it.

Now, he dared to. He found that the answer was so reasonable.

When she dragged him out of the darkness; When she met with him in the alley; When she protected him; When she fought for him; When she was desperate to accompany him.

It all came to him in an instant. His feeling was reasonable.

The picture of her nearly kissing Zhou Yucheng came to his mind. The two people in the sunset were so beautiful that he couldn’t help but get jealous.

He gently touched her warm lips.

She was fast asleep and sleeping heavily. Sensing she was vulnerable, he couldn’t help but kiss her, closed his eyes, and part her lips to let his tongue in.

Her temperature was so warm that it made him tremble. She wrapped him with sweetness and softness, making him intoxicated like wine.

He greedily swept every corner of her mouth, as if he were a hungry wolf who had been holding back for too long.

Ye Chen made a sound and Gu Jianan immediately retreated, He was surprised by what he had done.

He rushed into the bathroom, turned on the tap, and the cold water fell head-on. With it, Gu Jianan finally calmed down.

He closed his eyes.

He knew, starting from this moment, his heart would only be greedier.

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  1. 大小姐 – dà xiǎojiě; lit. Big Young Miss; Eldest Young Miss. Meaning she is the oldest Miss in the family and she has another female sibling ( 小小姐 – xiǎo xiǎojiě; lit. Little Young Miss; Youngest Young Miss)

  2. 哥 – ; lit. Big Brother.

  3. 富二代 – fùèrdài; lit. rich second generation. A child from a rich family.

  4. 妈妈; māmā; Mom, Mother.

Ry’s Corner
I think I shot myself in the foot when I say I will update Arc 1 daily. 

Holy, I picked this novel because I want to procrastinate, yet chapter 17 is 38-pages long in GDocs (21k words). It’s longer than chapters 11-16 combined. Mo Shu Bai, ah

I was only a reader before so I never thought about the words count for each chapter, but now I am translating this novel… the word count is not equal for each chapter ah?! Shouldn’t it be a consistent 1-3k word for each chapter? How come it suddenly becomes a 4-page chapter (2k words) vs a 38-pages chapter (21k words)?! It’s the RAW version, mind you.

I think… No… I’m sure that I shot my own foot.  Should I procrastinate this one and go back to MLiS?

I enjoyed a long chapter but now I’m tortured by it. Probably because Arc 1 was my least favorite arc accompanied by Arc 2 (or maybe it’s Arc 3) as the runner-up! I want to fast-pass immediately to Arc 4… *sigh

Anyway please don’t kiss someone when the other was sleeping because they were not consenting and honestly, it’s creepy. It’s not romantic at all!  (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻

I said that but I am actually sorry for Gu Jianan lol. As the first ML we meet, he is too pitiful.

“It’s not because she didn’t want to be a good child; It’s not because she didn’t try her best to satisfy their expectations; It’s not because she was bad. It’s because no one cared and no one bothered enough to stand by her side. They both shared the same surname. Yet, one was treated like she was the Beloved of Heaven, and one was treated like she was the rat in the gutter.”

The above sentence worked with many sibling-involved novels! Definitely, one of the most used tropes when the Lead has an older/younger sibling!! I like it tho.

*it’s also worked in MLIS*

I need Qian Xu’s fluff to move forward. Send me Qian Xu’s fluff!! Give me Qian Xu’s fluff *point gun at Lyre*

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2071

Support Me on Ko-Fi!

5 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 16”

  1. “I think… No… I’m sure that I shot my own foot. Should I procrastinate this one and go back to MLiS?”

    Keep shooting your foot. I take joy on it. Procrastinate la, procrastinate until the novel ended.

    “I need Qian Xu’s fluff to move forward. Send me Qian Xu’s fluff!! Give me Qian Xu’s fluff *point gun at Lyre*”

    Good for you, Chapter 10.3 is up. Shoo, shoo!

    Arc 2 isn’t that bad. Jun Yan is also too pitiful. Just like Gu Jianan. The ML is abused too much in this novel lol.

    • Our profile pic looked like a couple pic ゞ (〃▽〃)

      At this time, you should be saying “Don’t worry, you can do it!” (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻

      Gu Jianan is good, he is the first ML, it’s normal his character isn’t as lovely as the later ML because they already got their Character Development!

      I don’t like the abuse. My baby, the Arc 4 ML, is abused too much. Stop abusing the ML la… (:3」∠)_

  2. Translating and reading indeed give very different feeling! I like it when I read a long chapter, but I hate it when I translate a long chapter!!

    So Ry is also a simp for MLiS.

    “Anyway please don’t kiss someone when the other was sleeping because they were not consenting and honestly, it’s creepy. It’s not romantic at all! (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻”

    Aren’t you the one translating this novel, why bad mouth it LOL. But I agree kissing someone while the other was sleeping was indeed creepy!

    • I’m spitting fact, I may like this novel enough to translate this, but that doesn’t mean I am blinded by it!

      Such action is creepy and I don’t condone it, fortunately only Gu Jianan did something like this!! The ML keep learning from his mistake and became better. A character getting character development is always welcomed in my heart, if he continued to be like this, he is probably already got burned in a stake by me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • I’m a simp for MLiS. Next time you see me I probably already wrote a whole 10k fan-fiction with Luo Xun and Qian Xu as the CP.


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