TVIRAD – Chapter 18

Arc 2
Flawless Sword

Ye Chen lost her speech. She was amazed by the beauty in front of her.

“So, do you accept the task?” the system whispered.

“I accept!” Ye Chen said decisively, “No matter what he had done, I choose to forgive him!”

The system had long understood how Ye Chen’s brain works. 

Ye Chen was still struck silly by the beauty in front of her. Jun Yan frowned and the head of the Ye-jia and his wife became worried. The Ye-jia of Penglai Island was famous for spoiling their child. The children were said to be extremely arrogant and gave many Major Sects headaches. If he hadn’t heard that this child has a rare Sword Spiritual Root that only appeared once in ten thousand years and was only five years old, he wouldn’t come here at all.

The child was young, and any bad habits still could be corrected in time. Yet, looking at the child right now… could it be that she was beyond help?

Jun Yan’s expression made the head of the Ye-jia and his wife worried. Ye Wenshan hurriedly squatted down to inspect Ye Chen, “Chenchen, what’s wrong with you? Uncomfortable? What’s the matter, tell A’die[1].”

Ye Chen came back to her senses and saw Ye Wenshan in front of him. Ye Wenshan looked like he was only in his early twenties. He was handsome and elegant. Even by the Cultivation World’s standard where there were many beauties, he could be considered as an outstanding beauty. Ye Chen has just been shocked by Jun Yan’s appearance. Ye Wenshan’s appearance sent another shock to her. Although Ye Wenshan couldn’t be compared to Jun Yan’s beauty, it was still an outstanding beauty. Ye Chen’s brain stopped working and she had a nosebleed. 

“Chenchen!” Yin Chunhua, Ye Wenshan’s wife, saw Ye Chen’s nosebleed and immediately cradled Ye Chen, “Hurry up, call for an Immortal Doctor!”

With that said, Ye Wenshan hurriedly said to Jun Yan, “Zhenjun[2], my child is not feeling well today. Could we trouble you to let her rest for a few days before you leave with her?”

Hearing this, Jun Yan frowned deeper. He hesitated for a moment, “I guess it’s fine, but she probably only has a heatstroke”

If they always made such a fuss like this just because of a nosebleed, even with high discipline and rare Sword Spiritual Root, it would be hard for this child to become a first-class Sword Cultivator. 

Ye Chen quickly raised her head, “No, A‘die, A’niang[3], don’t worry about this kind of little thing. I can leave with Shifu just fine!”

Ye Wenshan and Yin Chunhua looked at each other. They were afraid that Jun Yan wouldn’t be willing to accept Ye Chen as a disciple if they continued to fuss. So, they let Ye Chen leave with Jun Yan, but they wanted to take the whole of Penglai Island to see her off. If it weren’t for Ye Chen’s knowledge that her parent could come to see her whenever they wanted, she would think this was a separation that lasted forever.

She just tasted the parenting of Ye Huai and his wife. When she suddenly got spoiled with love from her new parent, she couldn’t help but compare it. The difference was way too big. 

Jun Yan, who just accepted Ye Chen as a disciple, felt pressured by the fanfare.

He took Ye Chen out of Penglai and said to the pair of husband and wife, “Fellow Daoists don’t have to send us away. I’ll take Ye Chen to leave now.”

“Wait!” Yin Chunhua said, “Zhenjun, we have all kinds of Flying Magic Tools here. Zhenjun, pick one!”

“No need!” Jun Yan resolutely refused, “I have my sword.”

“Then use Magic Array!” Ye Wenshan stood up, “We also could use Teleportation Magic Array, if Zhenjun will wait for us to draw a Magic一”

Jun Yan couldn’t bear it anymore and grabbed Ye Chen. He flew with his sword and disappeared into the air. From below, came Yin Chunhua’s sad cry, “Child!! My Child!!”

Jun Yan, “……”

Ye Chen, “!!!”

The system was dumbfounded.

This mother really loved her so much.

Currently, Ye Chen was less than five years old and she has a small figure. Jun Yan hastily grabbed her so she was directly clamped under his armpit. The wind hit her face, blowing all her hair to slap her face.

Ye Chen originally expected Jun Yan would notice something was wrong. However, after flying for a while, Jun Yan didn’t seem to notice that there was a problem with his action. Ye Chen couldn’t stand being clamped like that. Even if he was a beauty, Ye Chen must speak up for her rights.

So Ye Chen whispered, “It’s… Shifu… Can we change our position?”

When Jun Yan heard Ye Chen make a noise, he remembered that what he bought was not goods, but a person.

He quickly held Ye Chen upright. Just now Ye Chen was dressed neatly and looked like a little fairy. After flying for less than a quarter of an hour, her hair was messy, her clothes were untidy, and her face was full of red marks from her hair. Her eyes were full of tears and grievances.

Jun Yan was silent. He had a feeling that he could not take care of this child.

But in order to protect his dignity, he said seriously, “You’ll become a Sword Cultivator[4], you should be used to this. This kind of pain is nothing.”

Ye Chen was struck with amazement by Jun Yan’s “Heaven will cast great responsibility to the people[5],” speech. Looking at Jun Yan’s beautiful face, she… couldn’t think anything at all, sorry. She thought… His words were damn reasonable!

She and Jun Yan stared at each other. Ye Chen averted her gaze first,  “Un-understood!”

Jun Yan thought for a while and felt that it was really not good for him to cheat on the child like this, so he turned Ye Chen over. He hold her like holding a puppet, facing front with his hand around her middle,  “Would it be better to hug you like this?” ”

Ye Chen was flat-faced and silent. This Zhenjun definitely never hold a child before.

Jun Yan put her on his shoulder in the posture of carrying a rice bag, “What about this?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Jun Yan pondered and was ready to put her around his neck.

Ye Chen was very ashamed to hug his neck because she was aware that she was already an adult inside. She quickly stopped his motion, “Shifu, just carry me behind your back!”

Jun Yan took out a piece of Celestial Silk from his Qiankun Pouch[6] and Ye Chen told him how to cut the silk so he can carry Ye Chen on his back using the silk.

Ye Chen lay on Jun Yan’s back and felt much more comfortable. Jun Yan’s back was broad and blocked all the wind for her. Therefore, even if Jun Yan flew extremely fast, Ye Chen didn’t feel cold at all.

After the incident, Jun Yan reminded himself that Ye Chen was a child without a foundation. She couldn’t control her Qi to protect her from the wind, so he quickly built up a barrier. Instantly, the air around them became calmer.

Ye Chen was tired, laying on Jun Yan’s back, and she soon fell asleep. 

When she woke up, she was already in a cave full of ice. A child said, “Guniang[7], Zhenjun just went to the main peak to find the Sect Leader for discussion. Guniang doesn’t need to get worried.”

Ye Chen nodded. She didn’t worry about it, but she was hungry.

The child expressed understanding and gave her two Bigu Pills[8] and said, “Guniang, please have a meal.”

Ye Chen,“……”

Dared he calls this thing a “meal?!”

“No!” Ye Chen said decisively, “I want to eat, I have to eat!”

Ye Chen and the child were struggling with what to eat. Jun Yan, on the other side of the sect, looked dignified before the Sect Leader, Song Yi. Song Yi was reading a book when he saw Jun Yan in a hurry like he had found a great enemy. Song Yi was in alert at once. With Jun Yan’s cultivation, there were few that could be his opponent and made him like this. He said anxiously, “What’s the matter?”

Shixiong[9],” Jun Yan came to Song Yi and said seriously, “Tell me, how to raise a disciple?”

Silence filled the room.

Jun Yan’s face was full of sorrow, “I’m afraid it will be challenging to raise my disciple!”

Song Yi, “……”

A moment later, Song Yi patted Jun Yan’s shoulder, “Shidi[10], next time, don’t talk to me with that kind of expression for such a trivial matter. Do you know that I almost asked my Head Disciple to ring the bell to activate the Sect Protection Array?”

Jun Yan looked at Song Yi and quietly repeated, “How to raise a disciple.”

“Fine. Fine,” Song Yi knew it was Jun Yan’s first experience raising a disciple. He was a mortal before he started cultivating. When he got his own shifu, he was already in his twenties and had no experience in raising children. Although his dao was a Ruthless Dao[11], many cultivators wished to be his disciples. Ruthlessness didn’t mean he had no care or responsibility, let alone no desire. Therefore, when Jun Yan attached great importance to his first disciple, he could understand it.

Song Yi took him into the Sect’s Library and gave him a lot of books, “These are the Cultivation Manual for Tian Jian Sect’s[12] disciple. Take them back and have a look.”

Jun Yan nodded and saw the title of the books given to him by Song Yi——

#Those Years I spent with My Disciple#

#How to Cultivate a Super Cute Disciple#

#Correct Way to Beat a Disciple#

#The Unspeakable Romantic Past of a Disciple I Can’t Talk About#

Jun Yan blinked.

Why did Tian Jian Sect have Cultivation Manuals whose title was like a storybook sold on the stall?! And, these manuals were even given to its disciples?!

Raising Sword Cultivators…was it really alright to raise them like this?

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  1. 阿爹 – ā diē. Dad. Father. Daddy

  2. 真君 – zhēn jūn. True Monarch. 真君 is a suffix/title used for a person who practice the Dao or is a Cultivator.

  3. 阿娘 – āniáng. Mom. Mother. Mommy.

  4. 剑修 – jiàn xiū; Sword Cultivator. Mainly cultivates Sword Intent, which is a practice method that requires absolute concentration. Nothing except for will and belief exists in their heart, including grievances or fear of pain.

  5. 天将降大任于斯人也  – tiān jiàng jiàng dàrèn yú sīrén yě. People have a major mission to complete/achieve and their will must be tempered first to complete/achieve it.

  6. Technically, it’s 储物袋 – Chǔwù Dài/Storage Bag and not 乾坤袋 – Qiánkūn Dài/Qiankun Pouch. But it has the same meaning, a pouch/bag that is able to hold more than it appears able to carry. It is used by cultivators to carry items. So for familiarity’s sake, I’m gonna use Qiankun Pouch instead.

  7. 姑娘 – Gūniáng. Addressing a girl/young lady/young woman/unmarried woman. Guniang is the “xiaojie” of the Ancient Setting.

  8. 辟谷丹 – Pìgǔ Dān; A pill to nourish vital energy and health-preserving. It is nutritious enough that you don’t need to eat a real meal. A common thing to eat by the cultivators.

  9. 师兄 – Shīxiōng. Senior Martial Brother (within the same generation)

  10. 师弟 – Shīdì. Junior Martial Brother (within the same generation)

  11. 无情道 – Wúqíng Dào; lit. No Emotion/No Feeling Way. Known as Ruthless Dao. Even though its name is like that, there is no pure desirelessness/emotionlessness in the world. The one that cultivated this way have no great desire for worldly matter. The so-called Ruthless Dao is just to avoid being influenced by the worldly matter and trying to forget worldly desires. Their focus is to observe and unravel the mystery of the world. But, Xianxia novel often depicted someone practicing Ruthless Dao as someone that was ruthless or cold to the point of no emotion. It’s not they don’t have emotion/desire, but their priority is to discover the mystery of the world and avoid or forget worldly desires. This will be talked about in later chapters, so keep it in your mind.

  12. 天剑宗 – Tiān Jiàn Zōng; Tian Jian Sect. Heavenly Sword Sect. Just based on its name, it could be seen that their sect is a sect specialized on Sword Cultivator.

Ry’s Corner

Long footnotes because of many new terms~ If you think this chapter footnotes are long… just wait until the next chapters~ This is why I don’t like translating Xianxia novels ya. Did you even read the footnotes? I wonder.

Nearly forgot today is Saturday. Here is your chapter, enjoy. My time zone is UTC+7 btw.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 1677

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8 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 18”

  1. “Did you even read the footnotes? I wonder.” Which answer do you want? A lie or an honest one?

    Waiting for Xie Wushuang to appear.

    Good luck with those Xianxia terms. May you won’t be balding because of it.

    • Give me an answer that will save your live.

      Waiting for Xie Wushuang to appear (2). He may not be the ML of this novel, but damn, I simp him.

      Bald is justice.

      • I did not. Jk, I did. It add nuances to the text.

        Simp for Xie Wushuang! It’s not wrong to simp for him, actually. Considering the ML will learn from him!! That’s mean XWS is indeed a good ML material, simp, simp, simp! Important thing must be said three times!

        I mean, have you ever seen Pei Zi Tian as Fa Hai? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • If no one read the footnotes, I don’t want to make it ah.

          Yeah, because of XWS, Arc 3 ML became a very good ML material, but the MC… ouch

  2. I did! I did read the footnotes! Please don’t delete them!!! I was a MTLer and I just skimmed over the complicated terms… So your footnotes really did help!

  3. Ooohhh it’s the turn for our Jun Yan…i sympatizes with him a lot. lol now that i realizes, Mo Shu Bai always use Heavenly Sword sect in her cultivation novels XD.
    Keep it up!!

    • The abuse in former Arcs are too much (´ཀ`」 ∠)

      It is like seeing Cinnamon Roll Gu Jianan become Sinnamon Roll Gu Jianan all over again.


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