MLiS – Chapter 11.1

Together With You, It’ll Be Alright

In the middle of the night, Luo Lan woke up from the nightmare of her death. Her heart beat faster and her head was full of cold sweat.

She dreamed that someone was chasing her. She couldn’t see his face clearly. It seemed to be Dr. Mu wearing his helmet or the consul wearing his mask.

Luo Lan tried hard to fall asleep again, but everything came to her mind like a movie. Scene after scene appeared before her eyes, making her unable to sleep anymore.

When Feng Lin told her that the gap between level A and level 3A was the real gap between humans and non-humans, she disagreed, but now she finally understands. Even if she became a person with level A physical ability, under the hands of Chen Sha and the consul, she had no power to resist.

Chen Sha thought she was afraid of Dr. Mu, but actually, she was more afraid of them.

After all, Dr. Mu was still in another distant star, but they were right by her side. Controlling her life and death.

If they knew the truth, what would they do with her?

The youngest commander in Federation’s history, the proud Son of Heaven with noble status, was deceived into marrying a dirty and lowly death-row prisoner.

Even death would be too merciful. They would certainly keep her in captivity.

The extreme human experiments that Feng Lin firmly opposes may be put into practice, forcing her to be a breeding mother and using her to cultivate their genes…

The more Luo Lan thought about it, the more afraid she became. She clearly knew that she shouldn’t scare herself like this, but…

In the dead of night, her heart became particularly fragile. The secrets she had carried throughout the year made her overwhelmed, and all negative emotions flow out like a tide.

Remembering that there would be training early tomorrow morning, Luo Lan opened her personal terminal and instructed the robot to bring her a cup of Youlan Youlu.

After drinking it in one breath, she felt a little better.

She lay flat on the bed, quietly waiting to fall asleep again.

While she was waiting, it occurred to her that it was daytime in Alikarta at this time! Qian Xu was awake, like her!

Once the idea arose, she couldn’t restrain herself any longer. Luo Lan opened her address book and contacted Qian Xu.

After a while, Qian Xu’s gentle voice came with concern: “What’s wrong? Shouldn’t it be midnight over there? Why are you still awake?”

The sedating drink began to work. Luo Lan cheerfully said, “Qian Xu, elope with me! Let’s leave the Odin Federation and fly away!”

“Why?” Qian Xu’s voice was composed, not scared by Luo Lan’s sudden outburst.  

Luo Lan laughed for a while, cried for a while, and talked incoherently.

“I thought that as long as I worked hard, I could have a slim chance of survival and prove that my existence is valuable! However, it’s useless. I’m just a little person with nothing at all. I can’t fight the big figures who are high above me!”

“I don’t want to be hated and get called a liar! Especially by Feng Lin! In this world, except for you, only she has been helping me! She supported me to join the Research Institute. She helped me to familiarize myself with my work. She taught me to do research… I really don’t want to disappoint her! I want to repay her for her kindness to me, but I also need the qualifications to repay her kindness. I am a liar and I don’t even have the qualifications to repay her! ”

“Chen Sha is the Federation’s Commander. As you said, he is powerful, young, and promising. It is without a doubt that he is the best candidate for a husband! But what am I? A death-row prisoner! I have nothing, not even my own memory! One of us is a Beloved of Heaven and respected by others; the other is a scornful rat in the gutter trampled by others. If it weren’t for me pretending to be a princess, he would definitely find it too dirty to even look at me! When he finds out the truth, he will never forgive me. It would be magnanimous for him not to kill me with his own hands! ”

“Since the day I set foot on Alikarta, I have been living in fear. Even when I sleep at night, I often dream that my identity is exposed and I will be sent back to the death penalty room for execution. Every time I wake up, I feel as if I had stolen another day from Death! I don’t understand! I haven’t done anything heinous, but why is it so hard for me to try just to live another day? Why is it so hard for me to even want to be myself?”

“If my identity is revealed, death will become a luxury! The precious jade lands its innocent possessor in jail[1]! Even the princesses of Aerdes could become tradable goods because of their genes! What about me? I, a death-row prisoner, will only become a living test subject. Qian Xu, I don’t want to be injected with all kinds of strange drugs! I don’t want to be forced to be a breeding mother! I don’t want to be locked in a cage so they can observe my reaction to the drug! I must leave Odin Federation! Interstellar is so big, we can go together! We can definitely find a planet and start over!”

“Don’t worry about your treatment. I’ll be your personal gene-repairer! Believe me, I can definitely cure your disease!”

Luo Lan felt that she was very sober. She explained the reasons one by one and persuaded Qian Xu to escape with her, even using the reason that Qian Xu was an orphan and could move out of the Odin Federation because he was alone and had no relatives.

She continued to talk while sobbing. Her voice was getting quieter and quieter. Without ending the call, she fell into a deep sleep.

Qian Xu didn’t end the call either. He sat on his bedside, listening quietly to Luo Lan’s breathing, gently rising and falling like a tide under the moonlight. From time to time, there was a sob or two. How sad and frightened was she, to the point that she still cried even in her sleep?

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  1. 怀璧其罪 – huái bì qí zuì. Meaning treasures could cause disaster. Luo Lan regarded Dr. Mu live-saving grace as a treasure, but it is actually a time-bomb. This idiom originally was about a poor person owning a jade, but how could a poor person have a jade? That jade must have been robbed from its original owner. So it doesn’t matter how that jade lands in the hand of that poor person, in the end, that poor person is guilty and must be punished. How could a death-row prisoner become a princess? Something fishy must be behind it, but the one that gets the end of the stick will be Luo Lan. She is not guilty, but because she is a fake princess, she is guilty.

Amoeba’s Corner

Have a Happy Monday~

I just noticed I posted the translation in the wrong format, a.ka Pages, instead of Posts. Ahaha… /I’m sorry.

The Pages’ Permalink is nicer, but you won’t get the notification if I updated the chapter lol. So here, an apology chapter. In a Post format.


Yes, Chen Sha, this is because of you, thanks. But, hey, that means now it’s Qian Xu’s screen time. I’m not complaining, not at all.


It never passed on her mind that Qian Xu would be willing to come to see her in advance. This should be a good sign for her, right?!

Obligatory Closing
If you like what I do, please consider checking my ko-fi! ( ˊᵕˋ)
I also put some advanced chapters there if you are interested! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1075

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5 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 11.1”

  1. Good Lyre. Kind Lyre. Precious Lyre. Can I have a bonus chapter?

    “Qian Xu didn’t end the call either. He sat on his bedside, listening quietly to Luo Lan’s breathing, gently rising and falling like a tide under the moonlight. From time to time, there was a sob or two. How sad and frightened was she, to the point that she still cried even in her sleep?”

    I often think that while he listening to Luo Lan’s breath, he caressed Luo Lan’s amber, lost in thought. The amber is in his hand, no? Luo Lan left it for him in his dorm. He actually accepted it but didn’t tell Luo Lan, right? Let his love not be known!!

    Damn it, Qian Xu!!

    • “Can I have a bonus chapter?” :)

      I think so too! Qian Xu had done well hiding his love for Luo Lan. It’s just…

  2. “the other is a scornful rat in the gutter trampled by others.” Luo Lan is too harsh on herself.
    Luckily she has QX for comfort. I fear when the bubble of lies will break.


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