WfDO- Chapter 22

Arc 2
The Vicious Supporting Female with Unbridled Love (3)

Zhong Shen never expected to see Ye Wei at this place. An unfamiliar and domineering Ye Wei.

She was wearing an extremely gorgeous red dress, with exquisite makeup, and long hair carelessly swept on her shoulders. Such an imposing manner, like a raging flame, was hard to ignore.

The way she looked condescendingly at Shen Yingying was not so much because of disdain or arrogance, but because it was her innate overbearing aura. She never looked at Shen Yingying in the eyes, always only watched her with the tail of her eyes. As if looking at Shen Yingying would be an insult to her eyes. 

In her eyes, Shen Yingying was a clown. A clown who dared to ruin her happiness.

Ye Wei was never like this in front of Zhong Shen. In front of him, she was always the squeamish and willful xiaojie. There were times when she was unreasonable and acted arrogantly, but she was never aggressive like this.

Ye Wei at this moment was like a warrior defending his territory!

Shen Yinying was cornered by her. She subconsciously stepped back under such a domineering aura. Her face turned pale and her eyes glazed. Her knees wobbled, she tried her best to stand proud. But, even if she had tried so hard, there was still helplessness and panic that couldn’t be concealed in her eyes. 

“You are talking nonsense. Zhong Shen and I are innocent. We are friends. When did I seduce him? Don’t try to slander me! “

She liked Zhong Shen, but she has never done anything out of the line and stayed only as a friend with him. How could it be counted as she seduced Zhong Shen?

“Oh.” Ye Wei sneered, “Then let me ask, why would you go to the rooftop every day if there is nothing between both of you?”

Shen Yingying said honestly, “I’m too stressed at work. I want to relax.”

“Okay, let’s say you are telling the truth. Another question, how many times have you met my fiance on the roof?”

“Definitely more than three times, right? “

Shen Yingying, “At that time, I didn’t know Zhong Shen was “Zhong Shen.” We didn’t exchange names. I didn’t even know he was engaged. I thought he was just like me, an ordinary employee of Zhong-shi who went to the roof just to relax because of work pressures.”

“I see.” Ye Wei smiled, “At that time, you didn’t know. Then what about after that? After that, don’t you already know Zhong Shen is my fiance? So, why did you still go to the rooftop to have a private meeting with him?”

Shen Yingying wanted to rebuke that she and Zhong Shen were friends. What’s wrong with friends meeting with each other? 


Ye Wei didn’t give her a chance. She became more fierce, “It’s fine. I understand. Both of you are friends. What’s wrong with friends meeting with each other, right?”

“There is only one question left from me.”

“After you know Zhong Shen is my fiance, you still take the initiative to go to the roof, right? Whether it is to find him or to wait for him, I don’t know. But, answer me truthfully, please. Is it a yes or no?”

Shen Yingying, “……”   

Ye Wei urged, “Answer me ah, yes or no?”

Shen Yingying couldn’t answer. Because Ye Wei was right. She still took the initiative to go to the roof. She was sad when she found out that Zhong Shen has a fiancee. She hoped it was not true. She hoped Zhong Shen was not the ‘Zhong Shen’. Because ‘Zhong Shen’ already has a fiancee. 

That was the truth. Shen Yingying couldn’t deny Ye Wei’s question.

She also couldn’t deny she likes Zhong Shen. But, she never had any intention to ruin Ye Chen’s relationship with him. 

Shen Yingying, “What are you implying? I do regard Zhong Shen as a friend. Why is it wrong for me to see him? If you don’t believe me and think I have other ideas about Zhong Shen, I can’t do anything to convince you otherwise. Or is it Zhong Shen that you do not believe? You don’t even believe your fiance?”

“Believe? You want me to believe you?”

Ye Wei was angered. She picked up the latte on the table and splashed it at Shen Yingying. Shen Yingying was caught off guard and got drenched. She froze in place and dared not move.

“Exactly. I don’t believe you, Shen Yingying. Don’t tell me such nonsense! You are without doubt seducing my fiance. Don’t blame me for taking it out on your family! I will make sure your family won’t have a good life!”

Shen Yingying thought of the insults that her elderly parents would suffer because of her. She was heartbroken for them. In addition, she was extremely depressed during this period and was in a very bad mood right now. After being intimidated by such a threat, her tears finally fell. She hung her head, with helplessness and sadness, “My parents are old! They are in poor health! If you don’t like me, dissatisfied with me, or even hate me, just take it out on me! Don’t involve my parents! They don’t know anything and won’t be able to stand these twists and turns!”

The onlookers were originally on Ye Wei’s side. After all, it’s the “Main Wife versus the Mistress.” But, Ye Wei seemed arrogant and had no scruples with her actions. Her malice was undisguised. Compared with the weak and helpless Shen Yingying, it was too pitiful.

Plus, Ye Wei caused her parents to be fired when they were already at that age, truly too pitiful.

“That pretty rich lady is really a bit too much. No matter what, the old man is already old. To be fired at such an old age, he definitely won’t be able to get other jobs.”

“As the saying goes, every injustice has its perpetrator. You shouldn’t hurt others because of your own grievances.”

“Yes, to not even let the family members off, it’s too vicious…”

“A child’s fault is not their parents’. That woman is a Mistress, why do her parents need to be the ones to bear the responsibility?”

“But she says they are friends. I also have male friends. Does that mean I want to seduce them?”

“It was her that was too sensitive.”

Shen Yingying agreed with them in her heart. The grudge between her and Ye Wei should just stay between them, there was no need to involve her innocent family. 

Ye Wei has become the object of scorn. She was very proud of her performance! It exceeded her expectations! She reigned herself fast. No, this wouldn’t do. The Male Lead hasn’t come and slapped her yet. She couldn’t let herself be slapped by the crowd!

Hehe. Don’t play the victim.”

Ye Wei’s attitude was becoming worse. She was looking at Shen Yingying as if she was no better than trash. Her patience was exhausted, “I have given you the opportunity to choose. As long as you stay away from Zhong Shen, I won’t move you or your parents. But, no, regardless of your parents, you still decided to have a private meeting with Zhong Shen. You must love him very deeply, even more than your parents!”

Shen Yingying, “……”   

Onlookers, “……”

Zhong Shen who was surprised by this side of Ye Wei, “……”

The Zhou Hai beside him, “……”

Zhong Shen came back to his senses. He coughed and strolled in. 

With his best poker-face, he said, “Ye Wei, you’ve gone too far.”

Ye Wei looked back in panic. Her face paled when she saw him. Her fierce and domineering aura disappeared in an instant. She anxiously called out, “Zhong Shen?”

The crowd was in an uproar. Their gaze stared hole at Zhong Shen.

Zhong Shen?

The Male Lead who cheated with the waiter?

The man was wearing a black suit. He was handsome and extraordinary, awe-inspiring. He has wide shoulders and narrow hips. His height nearly reached 1.9 meters. It brought a great sense of oppression!

Fuck! This man is too handsome! Look at his long legs! His figure! His temperament! No matter how you see it, it’s a high-quality man! He’s even better than a movie star!”

“Handsome and rich, even I won’t be able to restrain myself from seducing him!”

“…Say…Is this Zhong Shen the ‘Zhong Shen’ that I thought of?”

“Which ‘Zhong Shen’?”

“The ‘Zhong Shen’ of Zhong-shi!”


“Hey, if I don’t hear it wrong, he called that pretty rich lady ‘Ye Wei’, right?”

“…if I’m not wrong, Zhong-shi and Ye-shi arranged an engagement party for their child last year. Wasn’t it all over the news that time?”

“I’m here to enjoy a simple afternoon tea. Why did I get hot tea instead?”

Zhong-shi was a company focused on Electronic Products with a very wide range. From simple electronics like refrigerators to TV, computers, and smartphones. Almost everyone uses Zhong-shi products. Their influence on current technology was undoubtedly high.

As the Boss of Zhong-shi. Zhong Shen was the source of many netizens’ curiosity. 

Although he seldom appeared in public. Many had seen him and spread about Zhong Shen’s “beauty” online, but it was still unconfirmed because of the lack of photos.

Today, they got a chance to see the infamous mysterious beauty. They realized the rumors and gossip on the Internet wasn’t even close to describing one-tenth of his beauty.

Shen Yingying was both shocked and delighted to see Zhong Shen. It was not until the moment she saw him that she realized that she missed him so much.

Did he hear her conversation with Ye Wei?

Did he finally know what kind of person Ye Wei is?

Ye Wei has always pretended to be good around Zhong Shen. Now her true face was revealed, she must be flustered. Shen Yingying glanced at her. Sure enough, Ye Wei looked very flustered. She didn’t even know where to put her hands and feet. The fabricated excuse was also very clumsy, “I came here for afternoon tea with my friends. I didn’t expect to meet Shen Yingying here…”

Her two little followers were done watching the show. They finally spoke out and backed Ye Wei, “That’s right, that’s right. We were shopping just now. We got tired and casually found a coffee shop to rest. We didn’t expect to meet Shen Yingying at all. It’s really a coincidence, hehe.”

Zhong Shen looked at Ye Wei. His tone was slightly reproachful,  “I heard it all. Ye Wei, you’re going too far. You shouldn’t have done it.”

Ye Wei’s face has become as white as paper. She raised her head and looked at Zhong Shen’s disappointed face. She turned her head and looked at Shen Yingying’s tearful face.

Zhong Shen noticed Ye Wei’s pale complexion and was afraid her emotion would get out of control, “Calm down first…”

Ye Wei shouted, “Calm down? Why should I ‘calm down’? You say, which part of me is not ‘calm’?”

Zhong Shen only blinked when Ye Wei shouted at him. He said honestly, “Mn, There is no part of you that looked calm.”

Ye Wei, “……”   

She raised her chin, “Hmph, I just said Shen Yingying seduced you. But now, it seems that it wasn’t a one-sided seduction. Your thoughts on her are not simple at all, you want to be with her!”

Zhong Shen frowned and became serious, “Ye Wei, don’t talk nonsense.”

Ye Wei said coldly, “Whether I’m talking nonsense or not, aren’t you the one who knows the best?”

“Your appearance here, it’s already the best proof. Don’t tell me you want to use the same reason as me?  ‘I got tired and casually found a coffee shop to rest. I didn’t expect to meet Shen Yingying at all. It’s really a coincidence’? A coincidence like that, does it even exist in this world? Zhong Shen, I have a heart disease. Not a brain disease.”

Zhong Shen couldn’t deny it. He really didn’t come here by accident, but it’s definitely not for the “private meeting” Ye Wei implied. However, facing Ye Chen at a time like this, he was a little lost.

Ye Wei laughed self-deprecatingly, “Now you know, it doesn’t matter anymore. It is exactly what you heard. I fired Shen Yingying’s parents. I deliberately framed Shen Yingying. I was only pretending to be ill. I’m vicious. I’m not reconciled with how you treated Shen Yingying so well…”

Zhong Shen looked at Ye Wei and then at Shen Yingying. Shen Yingying avoided his gaze, choosing to look at the ground. Zhong Shen said, “I came here to say something to Shen Yingying, but it’s not what you think it is. If you have something to tell me, just say it directly. Why一”

Ye Wei directly interrupted, as instructed by Zhong Shen, “Why am I like this? It’s because you forced me!”

Zhong Shen, “……”   

“Everything I did, it’s because you forced me!”

Ye Wei knew, as an experienced Vicious Supporting Female, everything she did was a ‘last resort,’ because she ‘didn’t have any choice left.’

Her expression was vicious. She took her bag and left, “It’s not my fault, you are the one that is at fault!”

Zhong Shen, “……”   

There was no explanation of Zhong Shen’s feelings right now. He didn’t agree with Ye Wei’s actions, but he didn’t want Ye Chen to leave like this. He subconsciously wanted to grasp her hand, but he was shocked by Ye Chen’s glare. Her eyes were big and bright, like a cluster of blazing flames.

“Zhong Shen. Shen Yingying. Let me tell you this. I’m unwell right now and don’t want to take care of both of you. But! Don’t think that this will end just like this because of it! Just see, I’ll be back for both of you!!”

She finished her speech. She tossed her hair and turned. Soon disappearing from everyone’s sight. 

The two abandoned little followers were afraid to offend Zhong Shen. They took their bags and followed Ye Wei out.

One of the Female Leads in the act has left. The onlookers gave Zhong Shen a strange look. Zhong Shen, who has never cared about other people’s gaze, was now uncomfortable.

“Woah, this is simply a plot for an idol drama. The domineering president who doesn’t understand love finally meets the true love of his life, but it is only after he gets engaged with his business partner! The two will go through many hardships but with their love, they will break through many difficulties. Finally, they will get married, grow old together, and be happy for a lifetime. ”

“Won’t the Male Lead need to be bankrupt first? If not, how will the Female Lead show she loves him regardless of poverty or wealth and won’t abandon him no matter what?”

“No, no. The Supporting Female bullies the Female Lead so much. Shouldn’t the Female Lead be the one that went bankrupt first?”

Zhong Shen, “……”   

What kind of nonsense were those people talking about?

Shen Yingying didn’t pay attention to the discussion around her. Her eyes and heart were full of Zhong Shen, “You chase Ye Wei first. She has heart disease. What if something happens to her?”

Zhong Shen frowned. Shen Yingying’s voice reminded him of the purpose of him coming to the coffee shop.

He looked back at her. She was full of embarrassment. There was a tint of red on her eyes. Her clothes dripped with coffee stains, which were splashed by Ye Wei.

Ye Wei’s gesture when she splashed the coffee was too decisive and mesmerizing. Even he was startled by it.

Zhong Shen said, “I came to you to say, I hope that you can go back to work properly. This kind of job is not suitable for you.”

“If you treat me like this, your fiancée will misunderstand again. I’m afraid that…” Shen Yingying shook her head

Zhong Shen thought for a moment, “You can go to Zhong-shi’s branch.”

Shen Yingying, “……”   

Seeing Shen Yingying looking at him blankly, Zhong Shen raised his eyebrows, “You don’t want to?”

His face sank, “This is your life. If you really want to waste it like this, I have no right to interfere.”

He said no more, just turned and left.

Shen Yingying didn’t expect Zhong Shen to come suddenly. She also didn’t expect Zhong Shen to leave suddenly. She trailed after him, “Zhong Shen…”

Zhong Shen kept walking, “Think about it, for yourself.”

The man soon disappeared from the coffee shop, leaving Shen Yingying alone. If it weren’t for the coffee stains on her clothes and the whispers from onlookers, she would doubt whether what had just happened was true.

Zhong Shen stood outside the coffee shop for a while. Zhou Hai came up to him and reported, “Ye-xiaojie has arrived at her home.”

Zhong Shen hummed, “Let’s go. Go take a look at her.”

They soon arrived at Ye-jia. He thought Ye Wei was still angry and would definitely not agree to meet him. Who knew she would come down instantly, eyes still tinted red, “Why did you come here? To terminate our engagement? Fine, I’ll fulfill you! Let’s terminate it!”

Zhong Shen, “……”   

Zhong Shen was dumbfounded. He thought of Ye Chen’s words just now, fulfilling him? 

Fulfilling what?

Was he having an auditory hallucination?

Not to mention Zhong Shen, even Zhou Hai and the servants present were shocked.


Ye Wei clutched her heart. She said sincerely, “On the way back, I reflected on my actions. Am I right to do this? Am I right to hurt those people because of you?”

“You are right. I’m wrong. It’s wrong for me to do this! I also found out, my love for you was vain compared to Shen Yingying’s! You see, she loves you so much, more than her parents! No matter what, she wanted to see you. I can’t do that kind of thing. I can’t choose you over my parents. That’s why I can only give you up. There is someone that loves you more than I can ever do. I believe she can love you much better than me.”

Zhong Shen, “……”   

Zhou Hai, “……”   

Everyone present, “……”

Ye Wei, I was so gentle just now. The Male Lead shouldn’t have been frightened by my sudden change, right?

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No footnotes!!

Ry’s Corner

I did say I’m gonna update this sporadically. I didn’t lie.

….or not really, I am taking a break from translating another novel’s chapter because it is filled with heavy angst. I need some dog blood drama to lighten it up!!

Why do I like Tragedy but don’t like Tragedy at the same time? Hmmmm..

Another thing I like about this novel is… there is no fantasy-thingy Arc. Everything is Modern Arc. Bless you, Wei Ke. As much as I like fantasy and sci-fi, translating them is such a hassle. Unlike Modern Arc! No need for footnotes!!

Do you like tragedy? What am I asking for, duh. You read this novel. It is obvious. Anyway, check “The Memory Lost in Space” for a journey full of tears and “The Villains I Raised, All Died!” for another QT tragedy novel. I really really recommend MLiS, but there is still a long way until it is completely translated…! Especially with us procrastinating doing Chapter 14! My fragile heart can’t handle Chapter 14 (´ཀ`」 ∠)_

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): Number

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7 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 22”

  1. Lollll I really love her “she must have love you more than her parents that she still decided to meet you even after my warning” and “i can’t love you more than my parents like her” which clearly a sort of saying that she is unfilial in Asian community.

  2. MC is same as those authors who kept creating plot holes in the novels but still find ways to accomplish the ending bwahahaha


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡