TVIRAD – Chapter 21

Arc 2
Flawless Sword

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The seven people besieged Ye Chen. Hua Qing Sect was a sect famous for its spells. In an instant, they threw countless spells at her. Ye Chen blinked at those spells and yawned.

Tian Jian Sect was a sect of Sword Cultivator. For other cultivators, Sword Cultivator was like a bunch of warmongers and Wen Jian Peak was filled with those bunch of Sword Cultivator warmongers. Even if Ye Chen never wanted to make any progress in her cultivation and kept loitering around, she stayed in Wen Jian Peak for four years. Therefore, whether she wanted it or not, she would still get into fights here and there every time. In a training match, people would keep provoking each other, escalating it to a small fight every three days and a big fight every half a month.

Compared with her fellow disciples, these seven people were like flies.

She stood impatiently in the middle of those spells, “Done?”

“Ignorant child!”

The leader shouted angrily. The spell burst out in an instant. Ye Chen unsheathed her sword, the moonlight was reflected on it. One sword turned into several swords. The light reflected on those swords was dazzling. She laughed like a drunk person and circled the seven, “Have you not seen that the waters of the Yellow River come from upon Heaven, surging into the ocean, never to return again!”

Her words stopped and a sword went through one of their abdomens.

“Have you not seen一 in great halls’ bright mirrors, they grieve over white hair, at dawn like black threads, by evening becoming snow!”

The sword fell like a light rain. Accompanied by the laughing voice of the girl, the people was struck down one by one.

“Bring in the wine! The cups must not stop! I’ll sing you a song, I ask that you lend me your ears![1]

The girl’s sword skills were superb and majestic.

Jun Yan walked out of the dark and watched her quietly.

When he was done with his retreat, he didn’t see Ye Chen anywhere. He asked the other disciples about Ye Chen’s whereabouts. They hesitated before telling him she had gone down the mountain.

The rules of the Tian Jian Sect to let disciples go down the mountain were very simple. If you could go down the mountain, then down the mountain you go. To Jun Yan’s surprise, Ye Chen was able to go down the mountain so soon.

He was worried about her. He tracked her here using his Divine Consciousness. Who would have thought their first meeting after four years would be when she was picking a fight with people.

The little girl from that year has grown. She, who was coquettish and squeamish, had grown into a 13-year-old girl. Although her face was still youthful and childish, it could vaguely be seen how beautiful she was going to be in the future.

When he retreated that year, he only taught her some basic sword skills. The sword skills she used right now must have been honed from her fighting experiences.

Sword Spiritual Root with Supreme Sword Body. It wasn’t surprising for her to be a prodigy.

If Ye Chen knew what Jun Yan thought, she would tell him that he was wrong. Her sword skills from today were all thanks to the Jiu Xian Sword[2] that she bought from the system with 100 points. She has no other talent except for eating, drinking, and having fun. She never hoped her Shifu to put unrealistic expectations on her.

But Ye Chen didn’t know what Jun Yan thought and even if she knew, she wouldn’t be able to explain it.

She danced with her swords, “My lovely horse, furs worth a thousand gold pieces, call the boy and have him take them to be swapped for fine wine.”

They were all defeated by her. She turned to look at Jun Yan who was standing quietly. She walked to him and smiled, “and together with you I’ll wipe out the cares of ten thousand ages”

The light fell on the face of the girl in qingshan. Her beautiful face was illuminated by the moonlight. Jun Yan stared at her.

Ye Chen’s sword flew back toward her. She caught it and knelt down on one knee, “This disciple congratulates Shifu’s successful retreat!”

Mn.” Jun Yan nodded. He said directly, “Go back.”

Shifu, wait.”

Ye Chen stood up and sheathed her sword. She put her hand on the sword and used her Divine Consciousness to sweep the area. With it, she found the young man hiding in a pile of dustpans.

She faced the pile of dustpans, “Come out.”

Jun Yan frowned. He didn’t understand what Ye Chen wants to do.

He has always been indifferent. Generally, as long as it didn’t concern him, he would treat it as if nothing happened. Yet, this disciple of his was unexpectedly like to poke her nose into other people’s affairs.

However, he wouldn’t interfere with what Ye Chen wanted. So, he waited quietly.

Ye Chen went to stand in front of the dustpans’ pile.

Over the years, she was under the care high standing people like Jun Yan and her parents. Plus, she was a prodigy. Those things accumulated together made her one of the most domineering people with a bad temper in the Tian Jian Sect. With a temper like that, she didn’t want to waste her time playing hide and seek with the Male Lead, “I’ll grab you myself if you don’t come out.”

Hearing this, the dustpans’ pile moved. A moment later, a young man appeared from behind it.

He was wounded all over his body. His complexion was white. He covered his bleeding abdomen with his hands, watching Ye Chen with vigilance.

“This lowly one[3] thanks Xianshi[4] for the help. This lowly one wonders if Xianshi has something to say to this lowly one?”

“Don’t have,” Ye Chen said indifferently, “It’s just because you’re injured and I plan to take you back to raise you. “

“The wounds aren’t heavy, Xianshi doesn’t need to bother.” The young man became suspicious and spoke coldly, trying to dispel Ye Chen’s thoughts.

Ye Chen didn’t answer him, preferring to squint at the young man bathed in the moonlight.

He seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old. His clothes were luxurious and exquisite, and his facial features were beautiful. If Jun Yan was a beauty carved from jade with an unspeakable beauty, then the person in front of her was carved from precious gems. Only a glance and you would notice his brilliance.

Really worthy of the Male Lead title.

Ye Chen was pondering about what to do next. She grinned and directly sealed the other’s acupoints. She then fed him a pill from her pocket,

Ye Chen carried up the young man and walked back to Jun Yan. She smiled, “Shifu, let’s go.”

“Who is he?” Jun Yan frowned. Ye Chen was only a child, a girl. Seeing her carrying a young man back like this was not the norm.

Ye Chen didn’t beat around the bush, “Shifu, can he be my Shidi?”

From the abandoned illegitimate son who was chased by others to a disciple of Jun Yan, this was the first counterattack in the Male Lead’s life. The focus of this storyline was the “cool” counterattack of the Female Lead and the Male Lead. Ye Chen must make the Male Lead “cool”, therefore she asked Jun Yan on the behalf of the Male Lead.

Jun Yan frowned deeper. He didn’t understand why Ye Chen would suddenly save a stranger and ask him to accept the said stranger as a disciple. “Let’s go back. Each person has their own fate to thread. You already helped him, it’s enough.”

“No, no, no,” Ye Chen hurriedly denied, “Shifu, I think he’s very pleasing to the eye.” She raised Xie Wushuang’s chin, “Look. His look is so good, doesn’t Shifu agree? He is very eye-catching. If Shifu doesn’t accept him as his disciple, then I’ll accept him as mine!”

Jun Yan was silent. He was not a person who liked to interfere with other people’s business. Looking at Ye Chen’s excitement for the stranger, the joy of his successful retreat had evaporated. His mood was indescribable, so he just said, “Go back first.”

“Thank you, Shifu!” Ye Chen quickly thanked him. Carrying the red-faced Xie Wushuang, she prepared to fly with her sword. The way she was carrying the young man was unpleasant to Jun Yan’s eyes.

“Come here.”


Before she finished, Jun Yan conjured a ship-like magic artifact, and then said to Ye Chen, “Go up.”

Ye Chen was tired of carrying people, so she didn’t hesitate to jump onto the ship. Jun Yan let Xie Wushuang rest in one of the rooms.

Ye Chen stood on the outside, head raised to appreciate the sky. The moon was so beautiful tonight. The boat was up above the clear sky, the stars above were like in her hand’s reach.

Ye Chen leaned on the ship rail, with a sense of freedom and relief engulfing her. When Jun Yan came out of the room, it was the sight that greeted him.

He walked to her side and stayed there.

There were stars above them.

“You seem to be doing well these past four years,” Jun Yan calmly stated and he felt some regret in his heart.

She grew up so much in such a short period of fewer than ten years. His life was still long, where was the lack of ten years? He shouldn’t have retreated. He had failed to accompany Ye Chen to grow up, which was his dereliction of duty as her Shifu.

“Yes,” Ye Chen softened, “Tian Jian Sect is very good. I have a very good time.”

“I heard that you often go down the mountain and make some purchases for your Shimei[5] and Shidi.”

When the word “purchases” came out, Ye Chen became nervous. In Tian Jian Sect, every time someone mentioned “purchases,” they would associate it with her. Jun Yan must have talked with other disciples before coming here. She didn’t know Jun Yan’s view of her action, so she bit the bullet, “Shifu doesn’t approve of it?”

“No…It’s not like that,” Jun Yan was a little embarrassed. He weighed his thoughts for a long time before saying  “I just don’t quite understand… Who taught you?” ”

She was born in Penglai, Her family was rich. She should be a person who regards money like dirt.

He was a cultivator, he didn’t care about money and definitely never taught her to be like this.

How could she grow up to be so… er, vulgar?

Although he said that, he still regarded Ye Chen as someone lovely rather than vulgar. He was only worried about Ye Chen’s overindulgence in worldly desires, what if she had no intention to cultivate immortality?

After all, he would ascend sooner or later. If he ascended, no one could protect Ye Chen. With Ye Chen’s temperament, what should he do if someone in the Cultivation Realm wanted to kill her? If she couldn’t follow him to ascend, then he would rather stay here to continue protecting her.

“The faith in money,” Ye Chen failed to realize the worry in Jun Yan’s tone, “is an unshakable obsession in my life.”

“Money, beauty, delicious food. Shifu, this is my Dao!”

Hearing this, Jun Yan smiled helplessly. He couldn’t help flicking Ye Chen on the forehead, tone full of fondness, “You! The Dao is way too crooked!”

“The righteous way and the crooked way, as long as I didn’t do anything bad, isn’t that enough?” Ye Chen pouted and rubbed her forehead, “Why did Shifu go down the mountain?”

“I was worried something would happen to you, so I came. “Jun Yan turned his head, watching Wen Jian Peak gradually appear in the field of vision. He slowly expressed, “When I can’t see you, I feel uneasy.”

Ye Chen was startled, then her smile bloomed.

Shifu. If you worry too much, you will grow old quickly.”

“I’m not young anymore,” Jun Yan deadpanned, “It’s not bad to be old.”

Shifu, it doesn’t matter if you are old. But if you become ugly, then it’s a matter of life and death.” Ye Chen saw that Jun Yan didn’t care about his appearance and her yandog side couldn’t help feeling sad, “Shifu, did you know? Just only for your face, I’m willing to protect you with my life!”

Jun Yan was taken aback. Gazing at the girl’s bright eyes, it was like a small stone thrown into a lake in his heart, slowly rippling.

Such ripples were very familiar to him as if he had loved this person in his previous life. Loving her has become a habit, so with a little reminder, it was easy to recall it.

He kept his silence after that.

When they arrived at Wen Jian Peak, he sent Ye Chen and Xie Wushuang to the sixth Peak. He was looking for Dan Qiuzi, the head disciple of the sixth Peak. Dan Qiuzi treated Xie Wushuang’s wounds and exclaimed, “Ai, this young man has a Variant Thunder Spiritual Root!”

Variant Thunder Spiritual Root was rare, only appearing once in tens of thousand of years. People with this Spiritual Root were destined to be written down in history. For example, Jing Yan-daojun also had Mutated Thunder Spiritual Root.

Back then, Jing Yan-daojun was the Peak Lord of the Wen Jian Peak. That’s why Wen Jian Peak’s sword technique was the most suitable for a person with Mutated Thunder Spiritual Root.

Dan Qiuzi promptly declared, “Congratulations, Shishu. Seems like you will have another disciple.”

Jun Yan was not happy, he was irritated.

Ye Chen was looking forward to him accepting this young man as a disciple. Her eyes were so bright that he had an unspeakable sense of resistance in his heart.

Later, when Song Yi came to talk to him about accepting that young man as a disciple, he said quietly, “I won’t accept him as my disciple.”

Mn?” Song Yi checked his ears, “This is a Mutated Thunder Spiritual Root we are talking about! It’s rarer than Sword Spiritual Root. Shidi, have you really thought it over?”

“I have.” Jun Yan was decisive, “It’s enough to have Ye Chen as my only disciple.”

Song Yi choked on Jun Yan’s words. He did think that Ye Chen was very good, but it wouldn’t hurt to have one more disciple like Xie Wushuang, right?

But, if Jun Yan didn’t want to accept him as a disciple, then he wouldn’t force him to. He just said, “I will accept him as my disciple, then. You are not allowed to regret it!”

Mn.” Jun Yan took a sip of his tea and didn’t say much.

While the adults were talking, Ye Chen was by Xie Wushuang’s side.

Xie Wushuang was sleeping, but he must be having a nightmare because he kept muttering nonsense under his breath. Ye Chen ate melon seeds with the system. She examined Xie Wushuang’s face and said, “You say, would Jun Yan accept him as a disciple?”

“Who knows?” 38 shrugged. “He would have done it before, but now? Probably not..”

Mn? Why?”

“Butterfly effect. From the moment you made a change in this world, all the data in the computer became only a reference. You shouldn’t take it for granted.”

“Human beings are very complex. They conceal their emotions, hiding them and making it difficult for others to grasp their true emotions. Therefore, even for me, it is difficult to predict for sure whether he will accept Xie Wushuang.”

Ye Chen nodded, showing her understanding. She continued to watch over Xie Wushuang.

In Xie Wushuang’s dream, there was a big fire. He ran alone. His father’s voice boomed with anger, “Hand over the secret manual! If you don’t, I won’t show you mercy!” There were crying sounds all over him. He tried his best to escape. 

“No… Don’t kill me…”

“Don’t kill me…”

Ye Chen frowned. 

She gently shook Xie Wushuang and softly whispered, “Xie Wushuang?”

“Help me!” Xie Wushuang unconsciously gripped her hand tightly, as if it were the only life-saving straw he had. His grip was a bit painful for Ye Chen.

Xie Wushuang slowly opened his eyes, with blank eyes and a hoarse voice, he said, “Help me…”

“Don’t worry,” Ye Chen said in a gentle voice, “You’ve been saved.”

Xie Wushuang heard Ye Chen’s words and slowly looked around. Seeing Ye Chen’s gentle look, he gradually remembered who the girl in front of him was.

Last night, she stopped the cultivators who wanted to kill him. She was the one who saved him.

Last night, the moonlight reflected on her swords was so dazzling. Even if she was only fooling around, the amazement and shock in his heart were real. 

He silently looked at her and composed himself, “Xianshi. What do you want, please just tell this lowly one”

Ye Chen giggled when she heard him, “What do I want, do you even know it?

Xianshi saved this lowly one. Whatever it is, this lowly one would do his best to fulfill it.”

Xie Wushuang steeled his face. His grips on the bed sheet were tight. He meant it when he said he would do his best, but he still had concern in his heart. If Ye Chen’s demand was too excessive, then he would…

He would what? He couldn’t think of what he would do if Ye Chen really did make an excessive demand.

The little girl in front of him was grinning. Her hands were crossed on her chest and she was leaning on the chair by his bed,  “When you grow up, come and marry me.”

Xie Wushuang blinked in surprise. At the same time, Jun Yan appeared at the door.

The little girl sighed helplessly, “You see, with my temperament, I’m afraid I won’t be able to marry. So, if you really want to repay me, when you grow up, marry me..”

Jun Yan’s breath hitched. He wanted to break in. He wanted to tell her,

Why do you want to get married? Shifu will raise you for a lifetime.

Who bullies you, Shifu will protect you;

What you want, Shifu will give it to you;

In this land under Heaven, there is nothing Shifu can’t afford for you; 

So, why do you, his Xiao A’Chen, want to get married?

The author has something to say: 

Note: The Poem recited by Ye Chen is “Bring in the Wine” by Li Bai.

I know this label is too insulting… but……

[Mini theater]

Jun Yan: “I had hoped you would become like me, a respected Sword Cultivator.”

Ye Chen: “I’m a Sword Cultivator.”

Jun Yan: “A Sword Cultivator who does a part-time job as a salesman couldn’t gather respect.”

Ye Chen: “Why?”

Jun Yan: “Do you remember the last time your shimei from the second Peak asked you for your autograph but then you asked her if she wanted to buy your service instead?”

Ye Chen, “……”

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  1. Those are lines recited from Li Bai(李白)’s Poem, Bring in The Wine (將進酒). From “Have you ever seen一” to “一your ears!” are the recited lines. There’ll be another recitation below, from “My beautiful horse一” to “一ten thousands of ages.” If you want to read the full poem, check here.

  2. 酒仙剑 – jiǔ xiānjiàn; lit. Wine Fairy Sword. 酒仙 (The Immortal Inspired by Wine) is also used to describe Li Bai. That’s why Ye Chen was reciting Li Bai’s poem when fighting lol.

  3. 在下 – zàixià; lit. stay in the low ground. A very modest term to call oneself. Xie Wushuang keep referring himself with zaixia. Not the usual 我.

  4. 仙师 – xiānshī ; Master Immortal.

  5. 师妹 – shī mèi; Junior Martial Sister

Ry’s Corner

Jun Yan, don’t. Shifu, don’t.

Anyway, have a happy Tuesday~

Nope, I’m not the one trying hard to find an equivalent English word for the cultivation terms but failing horribly. Definitely not me. Who are you talking about? 

This is why I don’t like translating Xianxia!!!!

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3156

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4 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 21”

  1. Just started reading this novel yesterday and I must say thank you translator-nim for updating fast! (~ ̄³ ̄)~

  2. Nvm nvm~ im just illiterate~ igbore what i said last chapter! Also, ye chen this playboy
    Striking men in the hearts one by one
    God, this must be the pretty privilege people have been talking about


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡