WfDO- Chapter 25

Arc 2
The Vicious Supporting Female with Unbridled Love (6)

Originally, Zhang Kexin went back to China to see Ye Wei’s embarrassment. Unfortunately, she was the one that got calculated by Ye Wei and lost her face in front of Zhong Shen. She then learned her lesson that the current Ye Wei was different from the former Ye Wei! The current Ye Wei was a very scheming bitch!

She became angry when she thought of Ye Wei’s arrogant look. No, she couldn’t let Ye Wei become more arrogant. 

Rethinking it carefully, Zhang Kexin found out the only person that could compete with Ye Wei right now was the infamous Shen Yingying. Zhang Kexin didn’t want to admit it. But, most likely, to Zhong Shen, Zhang Kexin was no better than a stranger. It was a hard pill for her to swallow, but it was true. No matter what she did, Zhong Shen wouldn’t look at her. She was dispensable to Zhong Shen.

Otherwise, why didn’t she get a greeting from Zhong Shen even once when she was abroad for so long?

Based on that alone, Zhang Kexin decided to find Shen Yingying with almost no hesitation. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. As long as they worked together, it was more than enough to deal with one Ye Wei.

They were now in a cafe near Zhong-shi

Zhang Kexin didn’t expect Shen Yingying to refuse her outright. 

Zhang Kexin was shocked, “Why? Ye Wei has done so many bad things to you. Don’t you want revenge? Don’t you want to have Zhong Shen? As long as you listen to me and believe me, I can make your dreams come true.”

Shen Yingying said, “It’s all in the past. Right now, I just want to work hard. What’s more, there’s really nothing between me and Zhong Shen.”

Ha. Ha.

Zhang Kexin sneered, “You can deceive others, but you can’t deceive me. When I mentioned Zhong Shen, I can see it in your eyes. Your eyes, it clearly told me you love him. Don’t rush to deny it. A man like Zhong Shen, who in their right mind won’t fall for him?“

Shen Yingying’s cover was seen through. She became a little annoyed and stood up, “Sorry, I need to go back to work.”

Zhang Kexin chased her, “Shen Yingying. There is something you may not know, but I must tell you this. You are special to Zhong Shen. You are the only female friend he has ever admitted, and more likely the only woman that he actively contacts outside of work. It is definitely the first time in his life to come to another person’s workplace just to find the other person. Such a thing, he never did it for anyone else. Not for me. Not for Ye Wei. Ye Wei also understands this, this is what makes her afraid of you. She is afraid Zhong Shen will be stolen away by you. If it weren’t for him who already has an engagement with Ye Wei, maybe both of you…”

Zhang Kexin didn’t continue. 

Shen Yingying was incredulous, and said suspiciously, “Why are you telling me this? ”

“Why? Hmph. Simple. It’s because I don’t like Ye Wei! That woman is very cunning. Don’t get fooled by her saying that she wants to terminate her engagement to fulfill both of you. She just wants to let your guard down! She was retreating to advance! Only by faking to fulfill both of you can she justify her actions from before! You and Zhong Shen were deceived by her! “

Shen Yingying was silenced. After a while, she said, “Even if it is the case, it still has nothing to do with me. I won’t change my mind. Don’t come to me again.”

Without looking back, she walked out quickly.

Zhang Kexin smiled triumphantly. She has got what she wants. Shen Yingying liked Zhong Shen. She was sure of it now. She didn’t believe that Shen Yingying, who had heard her say these words, would be calm. See if Ye Wei could still be arrogant after this!

Shen Yingying, who returned to the company, really didn’t have her calmness from before. She replayed Zhang Kexin’s words. She then thought of bits and pieces of her relationship with Zhong Shen. Was she really special to Zhong Shen?

Must be. A person like him would even go to her workplace just to find her. That was definitely not something he would do for anyone else. 

But, she was still hesitant to go to Zhong Shen just because of this.

Moreover, the people in the company looked at her strangely recently. They always say something quietly behind her back. Although they didn’t embarrass her in person, the gesture was enough to make her uncomfortable.

She hesitated for another two days before finally deciding to go to the rooftop during her lunch break. She held no hope, but coincidentally, Zhong Shen was really there.

The tall and handsome man stood with his back to her, his cold back looked lonely and indifferent. He seemed to hear footsteps. He frowned and looked back. Seeing that it was her, he retracted his gaze.

Shen Yingying was a little happy. She walked forward and stood beside Zhong Shen, “Zhong Shen, thank you for not giving up on me. I really shouldn’t be so capricious. So, I came back to work here.”

Zhong Shen replied, “Work hard.”

Shen Yingying patted her chest and promised, “There is no need to worry. This time, I will work hard and live up to the expectations of the leaders.”

Zhong Shen hummed.

At the moment, Ye Wei was at home. Wei Fengqiong was afraid last night was only her dream. She wanted to set the wedding date quickly. So she invited a well-known wedding dress designer to design a wedding dress for her. 

Ye Wei, as a wayward and charming young lady, could only be at the mercy of Wei Fengqiong.

“By the way, Weiwei, you said that you will design the wedding rings and jewelry for the marriage yourself. How is it going? Hurry up, otherwise, what can I do if your jewelry hasn’t been made when the wedding arrives? Don’t cry to me later if it happens.”

The original owner has designed the jewelry for the marriage. It was nearly completed and only needed a little touch here and there.

Ye Wei said, “Don’t worry about it.”

They were for sure no need to worry about it. Her spy, Yang Yiwen, sent her a message saying that Shen Yingying had returned to work at Zhong-shi. Not only that, Shen Yingying also met Zhong Shen on the rooftop again.

It is said they chatted, and even laughed, for a solid ten minutes.

She didn’t know how Zhong Shen’s brain worked. It was as if he and Shen Yingying shared the same brain cells. Both the Female Lead and the Male Lead used the same reason to deny their relationship. By saying both of them were just friends. 

With her message, Yang Yiwen also asked her if she needed to make some waves and teach Shen Yingying a lesson. That fox demon, Shen Yingying, really looked annoying in her eyes. 

Of course, Ye Wei approved it. She really needed to pay Yang Yiwen more for her hard work. 

It was not too late to pay attention to the Female Lead and the Male Lead relationship and let them develop more. It was supposed to be like this, anyway.

Zhong Shen and Shen Yingying would deepen their feelings. Then, Zhong Shen would take the initiative to ask her to terminate their engagement! 

However, Zhong Shen invited her to dance in public and broke off the rumors of the termination of their engagement instead. That really surprised her. For a long time, she kept thinking, is there something wrong with her work?

She really thought of it for a long time. The Plot progressed as it should be. She has followed it obediently. 

The original owner’s actions were similar to her. She framed Shen Yingying and got caught on the spot by Zhong Shen. Zhong Shen was displeased with her actions. Because of the embarrassment and fear of Zhong Shen, she stopped bullying Shen Yingying for a while.

In order to restore her image in Zhong Shen’s heart, she also told him that she did those things because she was too afraid of losing him. She lied to Zhong Shen and said she will fulfill them. She did it to win some sympathy from Zhong Shen and make him relax his vigilance. The things between Zhong Shen and Shen Yingying and the rumors of the termination of their engagement were also spread at that time.

Ye Wei thought of it again and was taken aback. Could it be that she was too sincere and didn’t say enough falsehoods like the original owner?

Yang Yiwen was asking her from the other end, “I’m still watching them. It’s been a long time since I started watching them. Is Zhong-zong[1] really charmed by this fox demon?”

Ye Wei came back to her senses. She really needed to up her games, she must at least be on par with the original owner, “Just help me pay close attention to Shen Yingying’s actions. It’s also better if you take photos of them, okay?”

Yang Yiwen proudly patted her chest, “Yes, Ye-xiaojie, you can rest assured. I promise to do it properly for you.”

She grew up watching spy films. She had a dream to become a spy since childhood. Unfortunately, she couldn’t realize her dream and was trapped in office work. But now, she has the opportunity to show her strengths!

So she not only monitored Shen Yingying well but also took notes of her and Zhong Shen’s several meetings on the rooftop. She didn’t forget to take photos of it. of course. In order to show her love for this dream job of hers, she didn’t even let go of them even after they got off work. Zhong Shen was often accompanied by bodyguards. Naturally, she couldn’t follow him. But, she could follow Shen Yingying!

Coincidentally, that day, she got a photo of Shen Yingying and a man going in and out of a hotel.  The two of them behaved very intimately and even hooked their shoulders. It was really scandalous even at the first glance.

Yang Yiwen had taken good photos of it and she boasted it to Ye Wei immediately. Ye Wei gave her pay and Yang Yiwen sent the photos to her. It was in high-definition.

Ye Wei was ecstatic when she saw the photos. She knew that the man in the photo was the suitor of the Female Lead, a fuerdai[2], and another catalyst for the Female Lead and the Male Lead’s feelings to develop. He could be considered Ye Wei’s colleague.

Ye Wei directly sent the photos Yang Yiwen gave her to Zhong-shi‘s forum.

Shen Yingying could be said as a celebrity of the company these days. Who didn’t know that she and Zhong Shen share a ‘great friendship’?

Zhong Shen even wanted to terminate his engagement with Ye Wei for Shen Yingying’s sake. Although later it was clarified that the rumors were not true, Shen Yingying had gathered a lot of envy, jealousy, and hatred from her colleagues.

As soon as the photos of Shen Yingying and another man going in and out of a hotel were sent out, it immediately caused an uproar!

To begin with, it was nothing for an adult man and a woman to open a room in a hotel. The most important thing was the news between Shen Yingying and Zhong Shen’s relationship. It was not a secret in the company. Now, someone in the forum uploaded intimate photos of Shen Yingying and another man. Needless to say, it lit people’s interest.

“Who is this man? Shen Yingying’s boyfriend?”

“Well, they opened a room together. If it’s not a boyfriend, what is it?”

“Hey, does this mean Shen Yingying has a boyfriend but still seduces Zhong-zong? Woah, she really is too much.”

“Who doesn’t know that Zhong-zong has a fiancée? That Shen Yingying, doesn’t she also know? She knows, right? She still dares to seduce other people’s fiancée? ‘Too much’? She still can go far more than that.”

“Too disgusting. I didn’t expect Shen Yingying to be such a person! Zhong-zong was deceived by her!”

“Ye Wei is miserable. I heard that she has been chasing Zhong-zong for more than ten years. When the Zhong-jia was in crisis, Ye-jia helped to solve the crisis of the Zhong-jia immediately. It was not easy for her to get engaged to Zhong Shen. Who would have known Shen Yingying would appear halfway? Ye Wei has heart disease, is Shen Yingying planning to anger her to death?”

The news spread like wildfire. Almost no one in the company didn’t know the news of Shen Yingying and a man going in and out of a hotel. Even Zhou Hai, who usually didn’t care about what happened within the forum, heard about it. After hearing the news, he went to take a look and made sure that the person in the photo was Shen Yingying. It was indeed her, but he didn’t know who the other man was. The photos were a little blurred. It only showed the man’s back, the man also hung his head. His features couldn’t be seen clearly in the photos.

Zhou Hai thought of Zhong Shen’s special treatment to Shen Yingying. Zhou Hai hesitated for a while before mentioning this matter to Zhong Shen.

At the same time, the other party involved in this case, Shen Yingying, arrived at the company. Oblivious to the recent news. 

She has long been accustomed to the strange eyes of the others. She didn’t care about their opinions of her anymore. She has a clear conscience. She just wanted to focus on doing well in her work.

But this time, it was a bit different from before. When she went to the bathroom, she heard two colleagues talking about her.

“Seducing people here. Seducing people there. There is no time or place to be idle. It’s really too disgusting.”

“She nearly terminated other people’s engagement. Yet, the next day she went to open a room with someone else. Can’t she even rein herself for a moment? Is she too lonely and needs others’ touch so much? She keeps pretending to be pure. Does she think we don’t know her true face?”

“That’s right, the photos were taken very clearly, there is no way to mistake it.”

“We’d better stay away from such people lest we get entangled and be used by her.”

“At this time, Zhong-zong must have seen her true face… “

They were winking at each other as they talked. When they heard the sound of flushing from the cubicle, they pulled each other and ran out of the bathroom in a hurry.

Shen Yingying’s face was very ugly. Naturally, she knew that the two people spoke like that on purpose. But, when did she open a room with others?

This kind of false accusation made out of nothing was too much!

She seemed to have thought of something, and immediately checked the company forum. Sure enough, she saw photos of her and a strange man going in and out of a hotel posted on the forum. There were already tens of thousands of comments below!

This was clearly taken out of context! Last night, she only sent him to the hotel and left without staying for the night!

She was preparing to contact the forum’s administrator to delete the post, but when she refreshed it again, the post had already been deleted.

Shen Yingying breathed a sigh of relief. Her next concern was how this news has spread around. What about Zhong Shen? Has he also heard about it? Would he misunderstand her?

On such thoughts, Shen Yingying panicked. She didn’t care about other people’s opinions of her, but she cared about what Zhong Shen thought of her. She was afraid Zhong Shen would misunderstand her.

In a panic, she ran directly to the rooftop. As her luck would have it, Zhong Shen was not here this time.

She waited and waited. She finally couldn’t resist sending a message to Zhong Shen, telling him that she was waiting for him on the rooftop. Sadly, her message was like a stone sinking into the sea. When the lunch break was almost over, Zhong Shen didn’t appear and didn’t even reply to her message.

Shen Yingying couldn’t help but become even more panicked. There were a lot of thoughts passing through her mind at the same time. Would Zhong Shen also think that she was a fickle woman when he saw the photos?

She was so upset she had to leave the rooftop when the lunch break passed. Who knew that when she returned to the office, she received a bouquet of red roses with the words “To, my dear Yingying” written on the card. This just made it worse. The ambiguous eyes around her almost sentenced her to death!

She threw the flowers directly into the dustbin and sat down. She didn’t care about other people’s opinions of her. She didn’t need to care about them or explain anything to them.

However, she wanted to know who sent the photos. It was clear the person was targeting her and wanted to drag her down. This wasn’t a mere prank.

She didn’t meet Zhong Shen until she was about to leave work. Shen Yingying was inevitably nervous when she heard the discussion of her colleagues. She was really worried that Zhong Shen would misunderstand her.

It’s nearly eight o’clock. The GM’s office was still brightly lit.

Zhou Hai came in and reported, “Shen Yingying is outside.”

Zhong Shen paused and said, “Let her in.”

The moment Shen Yingying saw Zhong Shen, her heart finally calmed down after a day of panic, “Zhong Shen, the photos on the forum are fake, I can explain it! ”

The man looked at her with profound eyes.

“It is about what was said on the forum! It’s not true! I just had dinner with my friend yesterday. My friend was drunk. I took him to the hotel and left. It’s definitely not as what the forum said! I suspect that someone deliberately targeted me, which is why they deliberately distorted the facts!”

Shen Yingying explained the cause and effect and continued, “Those photos must have been taken after I left the hotel, but the hotel has surveillance so if you don’t believe me, you can check it out.”

It’s not that Zhong Shen believed it. He just didn’t bother to think about it. It had nothing to do with him. He frowned, “Why are you explaining this to me?”

Shen Yingying bit her lips. She explained it to him because she was afraid he would misunderstand her. The person she liked was him, why would she act intimately to another man?

“Because I don’t know who framed me, can I trouble you to check it out for me? ”

It’s not impossible for him to check it. Zhong Shen thought for a while. He then called Zhou Hai and ordered him to check it.

Zhou Hai acted very fast. First, he searched the IP that released the photos, then he tracked the address where the photo was posted. It was in an Internet cafe. Finally, he retrieved the surveillance video. Although the other party was wearing a hat and sunglasses and tightly concealed their appearances, the other party still had shortcomings[3]. The other party was caught on surveillance video outside the Internet cafe

Zhou Hai carefully looked at it. He didn’t expect it to be a familiar face, “It’s Yang Yiwen.”

When Yang Yiwen called her, Ye Wei was lying on her bed, applying a mask, “What are you panicking about?”

Yang Yiwen cried, “What should I do? Zhou Hai found out the poster in the forum was me and asked me to see Zhong-zong immediately! It never crossed my mind that Shen Yingying was thick-skinned enough to beg for Zhong-zong’s help! I was so careful, but I still got discovered! Do you think I should run away now?”

Ye Wei, “Where can you run?”

“The world is so big, there will be a place for me to hide, right? I don’t believe they will chase me to the ends of the earth.”

Did this person watch too many TV dramas?

Ye Wei was clipping her nails, she leisurely said, “Don’t panic, calm down. When you go to see Zhong Shen later, just tell him that you do it not because you are targeting Shen Yingying, but to remind him. It was to let him see what kind of person Shen Yingying is. I definitely didn’t ask you to do it, understand?”

Yang Yiwen’s mind blanked out, “What? Remind him? Will he even believe it?”

Definitely would not. Zhong Shen was so smart, a lie like that wouldn’t fool him. 

When the time comes to check Yang Yiwen’s bank account, wouldn’t they find out the real culprit? 

Where was the “decided to rectify my wrongdoings and be a good person again”?

Hey, Ye Wei.

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  1. 钟总 – zhōng zǒng. 总 short for 总会 – zonghui; 钟总会 – CEO Zhong. 钟总 – Mr. Zhong; CEO Zhong.

  2. 富二代 – fùèrdài; lit. rich second generation. A child from a rich family.

  3. 露出了马脚 – lùchū liǎo mǎ jiǎo; Shows a horse’s feet; Exposing themselves. Flawed.

Ry’s OOT Corner

Another self-reward chapter because Lyre bby is so good. My CP hold hand yesterday, their ship finally sailed today~

“Qian Xu”


“You say it again!”

What to say, Luo Lan didn’t tell him and Qian Xu didn’t ask. Instead, he leaned down. His face was towering over hers. Their gazes met and he softly whispered, “I like you.”

I died. Thanks.

So, here it is, a new chapter because a dog blood a day keeps the angst away~!

Do you like tragedy? What am I asking for, duh. You read this novel. It is obvious. Anyway, check “The Memory Lost in Space” for a journey full of tears and “The Villains I Raised, All Died!” for another QT tragedy novel. I really really recommend MLiS, but there is still a long way until it is completely translated…! QIAN XU, ILY! BE HAPPY WITH LUO LAN!

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3545

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6 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 25”

  1. SYY might be the fl of that world. But snatching someone else’s fiancee already shown her true personality. She backed out but when ZKX said something she rushed out so fast to meet him. ZS might be another Shen Ziming lol

    • “We are only friends!”

      “Oh no, what if Zhong Shen misundertood.”

      If both of you are only friends, why are you so scared of Zhong Shen’s misundertanding ah, Shen Yingying?

      If the novel is about SYY, then she’ll be a pitiful FL, but because this novel is about Ye Wei, SYY becomes a hypocrite.

      • Tbh i wont read novel where the ml is someone else’s fiancee or boyfriend. Bcs even if she wad painted as the pitiful one, i still cant accept it. Unless the man is a widow or something. Well, in such novel, the fiancee or gf or wife of ml will always be the ‘vicious’ one so their affair is always ‘justified’ 🙄

        • True, true, in novel like that one side will be painted as “innocent” and the other will be painted as “vicious” even though the one that cheated isn’t the “vicious” one.

          Justifying cheating in the name of true love 👌

  2. What are you bribing me for? Go back here and help me do Chapter 13 and 14.

    I can’t wait to see Zhong Shen got face-slapped. I take joy on a scum suffering.


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