TVIRAD – Chapter 23

Arc 2
Flawless Sword

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What were the handsome men in the world like?


What was the most handsome man in the world like?

Good looking and fucking spoiled you like a little princess!

Ye Chen ate Jun Yan’s dinner lovingly. She sneaked glances at Jun Yan’s handsome face and cried in her heart.

“How can someone be so handsome?! How can he be so handsome?! Such a handsome man like this, you fucking want me to hand him over to the Female Lead? Simply unacceptable!!”

“Oh,” 38 was playing games and unconcerned toward Ye Chen’s plight, “Then don’t accept it.”

Since the system was upgraded, it has plenty of entertainment items. Now, 38 was addicted to playing games. Ye Chen wanted to free herself from him. Day and night, she heard it playing games in her mind. which was frankly annoying. 

Fortunately, she got used to it after a long time. She heard its answer and was excited, “I can not accept it?”

“Yeah.” 38 said casually, “Haven’t I told you? Our main objective is to change the VIllain’s poor three-view and protect the world from being destroyed by him. As long as we achieve it, the progress is not important. We just need to ensure the main theme of the world plays smoothly. For example, the Female Lead and the Male Lead in the last world must love each other, and the Female Lead and the Male Lead in this world must achieve Godhood. I won’t interfere with how you plan to complete the task. Just be careful with your Emotional Value.”

“In other words,” Ye Chen pondered, “I don’t really have to let Shifu and the Female Lead get together. For example, if I don’t let Shifu fall in love with the Female Lead at all. Is that alright?”

“Yeah.” 38 finished its game and remembered something, “But I warn you, be careful with your Emotional Value. Don’t deviate too much. Don’t put too much effort into making the Villain love you. Don’t you remember what happened to Gu Jianan?”

Ye Chen felt a dull pain in her chest when she heard the name ‘Gu Jianan’. But, soon, it disappeared. Her excitement for Jun Yan also faded in a flash.

The system wasn’t wrong. She just needs to finish her task well and complete it. Don’t think too much about it. The Male Lead didn’t need to get captured, just make sure his journey went smoothly; Shifu didn’t need to fall in love with the Female Lead, just make sure his three-view is not skewed and not fall into the devil’s way.

And she…

Ye Chen thought it over. She felt it was not bad to practice the Ruthless Dao as her Dao.

Just like her Shifu, she has a clear heart and could control her emotions very well. Ruthless Dao seemed to be suitable for her, especially because she was a person whose emotional value shouldn’t deviate.

So she calmed down. To Jun Yan who was sitting beside her reading a book, she said “Say, Shifu, now I thought it over, don’t you think it’s also better for me to practice Ruthless Dao?”

Ye Chen’s question was unexpected. Jun Yan raised his head from his book. A moment later, he sounded in agreement.

Starting from then on, Ye Chen devoted most of her energy to cultivating and regularly went to see Xie Wushuang.

Because Xie Wushuang didn’t become Jun Yan’s disciple, she had to make up for what Xie Wushuang had lost in order for him to become the “cool” Male Lead he was supposed to be. She went to Xie Wushuang every week and taught him everything she had learned. Xie Wushuang quickly discovered that what Ye Chen taught was more suitable for him.

He was grateful to Ye Chen and always wanted to repay her. She was the one who saved him and brought him back to Tian Jian Sect, she was the one who gave him this chance. When he was bullied, she helped him. When he was confused, she pointed him out.

She was like the bright moon in the sky, always illuminating his way.

Time passed quickly when it was filled with practice. In a blink, Ye Chen was 15 years old. After Jun Yan had done his retreat before, he never went to retreat anymore. It was strange. Cultivators were racing with time, especially cultivators in the high Realm like Jun Yan. They usually retreated a lot. Ye Chen voiced her confusion to Jun Yan. 

“I’m your Shifu. I want to see you grow up.”

He retreated once. It wasn’t even for a long time, but the person in front of him suddenly became someone that he was unfamiliar with. One time of it was enough for him. 

Ye Chen was moved by these words. Such a conscientious Shifu was really rare.

One month before Ye Chen’s hairpin ceremony. She nearly reached the Core Formation Realm. That day, the sky was cloudy. Jun Yan prepared lots of Protection Arrays for her. Ye Chen looked at the spectacle and was unable to restrain herself, “Shifu, don’t fuss so much… I will be fine.”

Jun Yan smiled. He brushed her hair and said gently, “I’m here, don’t be afraid.”

His words gave Ye Chen strength. She was not afraid. 

She nodded. She sat in the array and began to absorb the Spiritual Aura around her. 

While absorbing the Spiritual Aura, she chatted with the system, “Do I really need to get struck by the thunder to reach Core Formation Realm?”

“Yeah, five claps of thunder minimum.”

“Does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt. It’s just very memorable.”

“You are not lying?”

When the thunder struck, Ye Chen knew didn’t the system didn’t lie about it was very memorable. But一 shit!

She immediately asked the system to deduct 10 points for Pain Shield. She could feel the pain of the electric current swimming in her body, which made her almost want to cry out.

Cultivation Realm’s Heavenly Tribulation was very fair. The better the qualification, the greater the Heavenly Tribulation. With the system as Ye Chen’s cheat, her tribulation was naturally a 99 Thunder Tribulation[1], which shocked everyone.

Jun Yan originally intended to let Ye Chen carry out the Thunder Tribulation by herself. Cultivators needed to rely only on their swords and experience to advance. He has to let Ye Chen get used to the difficult road of cultivation. So he only taught Ye Chen to set up an array to block the thunder.

The Magic Array broke. Ye Chen then took various kinds of Treasures to block the other thunder. But, she couldn’t block the last six of Thunder Tribulation. 

When the first thunder hit Ye Chen, Jun Yan was distressed. He protected Ye Chen’s consciousness but he couldn’t sit still. Ye Chen was pale and her face frowned in pain. He was hurt as if he was the one that was struck by the thunder. 

When the second thunder robbery came down, Ye Chen couldn’t stand it. She cried out in pain. Her voice fell and a voice roared in Jun Yan’s heart. He discarded everything and rushed directly in Ye Chen’s direction

“Jun Yan-daojun!”



Many tried to stop him. However, Jun Yan turned a deaf ear to them. The Thunder Tribulation, if someone bore it for others, it would be doubled. And currently, he didn’t care about letting Ye Chen get used to the road of cultivation. His mind was full of Ye Chen’s painful cry, each cry was like a sharp blade crossing his heart. 

He held Ye Chen in his arms. He bore the Thunder Tribulation for her. The electric current ran through his meridian. He purified and neutralized the current before transferring it from the palm of his hand to Ye Chen’s body, allowing the electric current of Heavenly Tribulation to build Ye Chen’s body.

After being purified, the current was obviously much more gentle. The sharp pain turned into a small tingling. Ye Chen calmed down. With difficulty, she opened her eyes and saw Jun Yan’s pale and beautiful face.

His forehead was drenched with cold sweat, and his hand holding Ye Chen was shaking. Ye Chen was still muddled by the pain. split a little confused, she lay in Jun Yan’s arms.  She subconsciously called out, “Shifu?”


“I hurt.” Ye Chen’s voice was small, like a milk cat.

Jun Yan hugged her tighter in his arms. His voice was hoarse, “Does it still hurt now?”

“Not anymore.” Ye Chen buried her head in his chest. She was still weak, “It hurt so much just now.”

“It’s all right now.” Jun Yan patted her hair. As if he was under a magic spell, he bowed his head and kissed her forehead, hoping his action could alleviate their pain. 

It was not easy for him. The 99 Thunder Tribulation was the most difficult Heavenly Tribulation. Even though he was in the Mahayana Realm, he was both resisting the pain and transferring energy to Ye Chen at the same time, he was a little tired.

Their forehead touched. He closed his eyes and comforted her, “Shifu is here. Don’t be afraid, Xiao Chen. It won’t hurt anymore.”

Mn.” Ye Chen listened to Jun Yan’s heartbeat and said no more.

The Heavenly Tribulation finished at midnight. The dark clouds dispersed and a golden light fell from the sky. Ye Chen slowly floated in the golden light. Jun Yan saw that the appearance of the person in front of him changed under the golden light.

Her face was still the same, but the complexion was fairer and more flawless. Her childish appearance had disappeared.

The melon seed face. The peach blossom eyes. Her facial features were all exquisite and attractive. The lines at the corners of the eyes and eyebrows all seem to tempt a person to not let her go.

Such a gorgeous appearance was not like a Sword Cultivator at all, but more like those woman cultivators who cultivate the Demonic Dao[2].

Jun Yan watched her change little by little in front of him. Carving her appearance into his heart.

His heart was beating faster.

Such a strange feeling was too unfamiliar to him and it made him a little scared. The golden light disappeared, leaving Ye Chen, whose appearance has changed into an adult woman, to fall from the air. Jun Yan rushed forward and caught her in his arms. He saw this familiar but unfamiliar girl in his arms open her eyes. 

She smiled lightly, like a pear blossom in the spring of March, which made ripples in people’s hearts.

Shifu.” The whisper was gentle, with a soft and coquettish tone in the hoarse voice.

The strange emotion emerged again in Jun Yan’s heart. He averted his gaze, “I’ll take you back.”

With that, Jun Yan carried her. Ye Chen didn’t have any strength left and held Jun Yan’s neck for support. Jun Yan walked back to the cave by himself.

No more than a step outside the array, Xie Wushuang appeared, “Shijie, are you alright?”

Cultivators fall like fallen leaves in the Cultivation Realm. God knew how scared Xie Wushuang was when he saw the Heavenly Tribulation just now. 

The strange feeling was lit in his heart. He was still young and didn’t understand what it was, but he knew clearly that he couldn’t afford the pain of losing Ye Chen.

He checked Ye Chen up and down anxiously and noticed her appearance had changed. From the young and beautiful girlish face from before to a face as charming as a witch.

He really didn’t understand his feeling, but his mouth parched and his tongue scorched when he saw her face.

Ye Chen tilted her head from Jun Yan’s chest. She gave him a reassuring smile, “I’m alright. I’ll go back and have a rest first. Don’t worry.”

Mn…” Xie Wushuang blushed and bowed his head.

Jun Yan’s face was cold. He hugged her closer to his chest and his restless heart settled down a litte. He was satisfied Ye Chen cut their conversation short. 

When they arrived at the cave, he carefully put Ye Chen on the bed. Gentleness overflowed from his voice, “Have a good sleep.”

Shifu,” Ye Chen was upset, “am I useless?”

She had bought Pain Shield from the system, yet, she couldn’t even bear the Thunder Tribulation. She felt very upset. If she didn’t have a system, without a doubt she would be very useless.

She had stayed in for a long time in this world. Ye Chen’s feeling was affected. She had practiced for many years. It was inevitable she got a competitive heart. She wanted to see her efforts bore fruit.

Jun Yan was silent for a moment. 

“At first, I wanted you to know how difficult the road of cultivation is and bear it, but later I decided, you don’t need to know it nor do you need to bear it.”

“Why?” Ye Chen was confused.

Jun Yan smiled, “Because, no matter how difficult the road of cultivation is, Shifu will protect you.”

“In the future, I’ll block Heavenly Tribulation for you. I will accompany you walking the road of cultivation. If you are stuck in a bottleneck, I’ll find a way for you. If you could only rely on Cultivation Pills to cultivate, then so be it.”

Shifu is the strongest Sword Cultivator in the whole Cultivation Realm. Whatever Xiao A’Chen wants, even the Treasures of Heaven and Earth, Shifu will give it to you.”

“That’s why,” Jun Yan’s eyes were full of tenderness, “You don’t have to bear any hardships.”

Ye Chen’s heart skipped a beat.

She underestimated this world. She thought the original owner’s parents were already spoiling her rotten. As a result, today, she found out, what were Ye Chen’s parents spoiling compared to Jun Yan’s? Jun Yan was unmistakably the Big Boss!!

Thinking back to the original world line. Was Jun Yan also this good? He was this good to her but still could stab her to death?!!

At the thought of the original world ending, Ye Chen’s heart was stuffed.

Such a good man would do such a cruel thing!!!

Ye Chen was staring intensely at him. 

Jun Yan called out, “Xiao Chen?”

Shifu,” Ye Chen came back to her senses, “Shifu will always treat me this well, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then, if Shifu had another disciple he loved more than me,” Ye Chen was sad when she thought of Dan Yan, “Would Shifu kill me for that disciple?”

Hearing this question, Jun Yan frowned, “Why would you ask that kind of question?”

“I just wanted to know…” Ye Chen was a little depressed, she lowered her gaze, “If there is a new little shimei…”

“Then you won’t have a new little shimei.” Jun Yan said decisively, “You don’t need to be afraid of it, I’ll never一”

“No! No!” Ye Chen already destroyed the Male Lead’s golden finger, she didn’t want to destroy the Female Lead’s too!

She hurriedly continued, “I still want a little shimei!”

Jun Yan’s frown became deeper as if he had begun to seriously think about finding her a little shimei. When she saw Jun Yan lost in thought like that because of an unknown little shimei

It was upsetting. 

“Should I just not let the Female Lead meet Jun Yan?” Ye Chen sighed. 

38 snorted, “Is that up to you? The Female Lead is a person blessed by Heaven. As long as she wants something, she will get it. She doesn’t even need to worry about it. And it includes becoming Jun Yan’s disciple.”

Unwilling! She didn’t want to share his beautiful Shifu with others! Ye Chen was so sad that she wanted to cry. She was unwilling to share her beautiful Shifu with others. So sad! So sorrowful! So hopeless!!

If the Female Lead becoming Jun Yan’s disciple was inevitable, then Ye Chen would just enjoy the days before the Female Lead appeared to the fullest! The moment her wounds were not hurting and she could jump around, she quickly said to Jun Yan, “Shifu, let’s go outside.”

Jun Yan frowned, “What are you going to do outside?”

Shifu,” Ye Chen stressed, “I’m about to have my hairpin ceremony. And there is a Lantern Festival down the mountain! The hairpin ceremony is nearby and the Lantern Festival is near us. It will be such a shame to not go out and have fun!”

Jun Yan was helpless against her wish, so he smiled and nodded, “Okay, whatever you want.”

Ye Chen was so happy to get spoiled by him, “Shifu! You are so good!”

The voice was soft and waxy. It directly entered Jun Yan’s heart without him knowing, causing another strange ripple.

He rubbed the letter in his hand. He didn’t understand many things, but he knew one thing clearly.

His heart was moved.

He didn’t know how it moved, but he knew who moved it.

He dared not look directly at the person’s smile or examine his own heart. He just wanted to muddle along and go on like this.

Ye Chen’s birthday this year coincided with the Qixi Festival. She got up early and pulled Jun Yan down the mountain.

They disguised their appearance. Strolling around the street full of lanterns just like mortals. However, even though they had disguised their look, Jun Yan’s temperament still attracted wild bees and butterflies one by one.

Ye Chen had no choice but to temporarily buy a silver mask covering half of his face in the street and put it on Jun Yan’s face.

“What is this for?”

Shifu,” Ye Chen sighed. She looked at his unawareness of the provocation his look caused, “You’re too handsome. It’s better to cover it up.”

Jun Yan didn’t expect Ye Chen to say it out loud. He was a little embarrassed. He coughed and followed Ye Chen behind.

The Lantern Festival was crowded. People were coming and going. Jun Yan subconsciously raised his hand to block the flow of people for Ye Chen, preventing people from touching her. Ye Chen didn’t notice such meticulous consideration. She was busy searching for snacks all over the road.

They were like a pair of ordinary lovers on a date.

Ye Chen took a fancy to a glazed lamp. It was said this lamp could weave dreams for others and allow them to see the people or things they wanted to see. The lamp’s function was tempting, so the price was high. It was put in a booth for auction. 

She looked at the glazed lamp with hunger in her eyes.

Yandog couldn’t resist beautiful things, including people and items. This glazed lamp was so beautiful that Ye Chen couldn’t take her eyes off it. Jun Yan was behind her. He noticed her hungry gaze and laughed, “Want it?”

Mn!” Ye Chen nodded and added dejectedly, “But, it’s too expensive.”

Mn.” Jun Yan agreed, “It’s really a little expensive.”

Yet, the next moment, he raised a sign, “Ten thousand spirit stones.”

At this time, the price of the glazed lamp was only 6.000 spirit stones. Jun Yan directly raised it to 10.000, which shocked everyone.

“If there is another bidder,” Jun Yan said quietly amidst the surprised stare of others, “Then, please invite a Hu Nu[3].”

Hu Nu was good at dancing, especially Hu Xuan dance[4]. On an occasion like this, the so-called inviting Hu Nu was to invite a Hu Nu to the Hu Xuan dance. Before the dance was finished, anyone present could increase the price at will, and the person who invited the Hu Nu must have 50 spirit stones higher than the highest bidder.

The Cultivation Realm hasn’t used this method for a long time, at least Ye Chen has never seen it in her lifetime.

After a moment of silence, the boss said directly, “Is daojun from Tian Jian Sect?”

Jun Yan nodded. 

The boss said, “In that case, we don’t have to invite the Hu Nu. The lamp is Daojun’s”

Then he handed the glazed lamp to Jun Yan. Jun Yan handed over the glazed lamp to Ye Chen. 

People started to notice Ye Chen. The boss praised, “Madam is really beautiful and alluring. Madam must be very happy with this.”

The strange feeling came again. When they called Ye Chen his wife, Jun Yan had such unspeakable joy in his heart.

He gave them a nod and took Ye Chen away. Ye Chen played with the lamp and said, “Shifu, why don’t they invite the Hu Nu?”

“Do you know who started the method of inviting Hu Nu?”

“Who?” Ye Chen tilted her head. She didn’t understand why Jun Yan answered her question with another question. Seeing Ye Chen didn’t know, Jun Yan explained, “I created it. I’ve used it for nearly 200 years. So later, when I asked to invite a Hu Nu, everyone would understand that the item is mine”

“So Shifu ever do something like that…” Ye Chen was amazed. 

Jun Yan smiled, “I was young and rich at that time. It’s normal that I did a lot of absurd things.”

“Not absurd, not absurd,” Ye Chen quickly shook her head, “Handsome.”

“Handsome?” Jun Yan blinked at Ye Chen’s reaction. 

Ye Chen looked at Jun Yan seriously, “Shifu, do you know what the most handsome man in the world is like?”


“Rich, good-looking, and pampered me like a little princess!”

Jun Yan was dazed. A moment later, he realized that Ye Chen was praising him. Perhaps it was because the breeze in Summer was warm, but he could feel his face warming.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, and Ye Chen could not see his expression. He gazed down at her, “Where else do you want to go?”

Shifu, have you ever gotten drunk before?”


“Then, let’s go for a drink!” Ye Chen’s eyes brightened, “Shifu, I will get you drunk tonight!”

Hearing this, Jun Yan raised his eyebrows.

After so many years, he finally met someone who was not afraid of death.

They quickly found a tavern and booked the top floor. They faced each other on one side and drank.

Ye Chen’s drinking capacity was good, and so was Jun Yan’s. They didn’t know how much they had drunk. Jun Yan felt a little dizzy. He sat at the window. Enjoying the night wind. In his lap was a wine pot. He inclined his head and said to Ye Chen, “Let’s go back.”


Ye Chen was completely drunk. She opened her eyes vaguely and saw a great beauty, dressed in a blue-edged white robe, with a gold crown on his head and a white jade mask on his face. He was leaning on the bench by the window, turning his head to look at her.

This definitely was the most good-looking man she has ever seen, no one could compare to him. 

She stumbled up, trying to come to Jun Yan. She failed and staggered. Jun Yan was about to help her, but she quickly got up again. She sat on the ground with her chin propped on her hands. She blatantly stared at him.

The moonlight caressed her white face. It outlined the lips lustered by the wine 

She was so soft in front of him. The corners of her eyes and eyebrows were full of temptation, pure and flirtatious mixed together. Charmingly beautiful.

The candle in the room burned out. There was darkness all around. The moonlight was their only source of light.

At night, in a place where no one could see, evil thoughts hidden in the bottom of hearts would climb up quietly.

Her lips were moist and looked soft. Jun Yan felt that he was probably drunk. Otherwise, why would he raise his hand to stroke those lips of hers.

Her lips were as soft as he expected. He couldn’t help but press them down. The other party opened her mouth and put his fingers into her mouth.

The soft tongue rolled around his fingertip and sucked it gently. The sound was apparent in the quiet night.

Jun Yan felt a tingling of pleasure. It rolled all the way from his fingertips to his whole body. He stared deep at the person in front of him. For a moment, he forgot all about who she was and what relationship she had with him. Only the person’s beautiful face and his fingers on those cherry lips stayed on his mind. Like a silent invitation under the moonlight.

The person was completely unaware of what she had done. She licked his finger again, “It smells of wine!”

“Yes,” Jun Yan said in a hoarse voice, “There’s another place. It also smells of wine.”

Jun Yan approached her. They were so close that their breath intertwined. Ye Chen wanted to see who this person was, so she raised her hand and lifted his mask.

The man’s handsome face was clearly exposed in the moonlight, with phoenix eyes and thin lips, like the white snow and frozen flowers on the cliff. Ye Chen still has a trace of awareness. She opened her mouth and called out, “Shi一” 

She hadn’t finished calling him. The man pressed her head and kissed her fiercely.

His tongue invaded her mouth frantically. She knelt on the ground and could only take it.

Ye Chen’s mind was in chaos. She listened to the man’s hoarse, gorgeous and provocative voice, “Here. Does it also smell of wine?”

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  1. 九九雷劫 – 9 thunder with 9th times the strenght. Unusual for a lower realm cultivator

  2. 魔道 – módào. Demonic Way. Using demonic ways. Demons or Devils cultivated this dao by the crooked way, such as sucking on the yang spirit of others (huli jing). Deluding themselves they can become Immortal using that way.

  3. 胡女 – hú nǚ, Hu Girl. Hu Nu does not only refer to women from the northern nomads, but also to women of different races. If Han people were famous for their intelligence as scholars, Hu people were famous for their arts.

  4. 胡旋舞 – hú xuán wǔ. lit. Hu Spinning Dance. Hu Xuan dance is known for its speed, lightness, and rotation. The performers are dressed in soft dance clothes, draped in light gauze, with shiny ornaments, responding to the syllables of strings and drums, raising their dance sleeves, and spinning them with fast steps, like wind dancing snowflakes. You can find the dance on Youtube.

Ry’s Corner

She was like the bright moon in the sky, always illuminating his way.

Sounds familiar, no?

A glow up for Ye Chen, in both literal and metaphorical ways.

…and then, it went downhill from here. Damn it. I shouldn’t have jinxed it! This is why Arc 1 and Arc 2 are my least favorite Arc!

Oh, well. At least Ye Chen enjoyed it… A win-win situation for them? 

Xie Wushuang, come here baobei, teach Jun Yan how to be a good and proper ML!

Anyway, to summarize it without spoilers, my mood for Ye Chen’s ML and Original ML in Arc 1-3 is:

1st Arc
Ye Chen’s ML
Original ML 

2nd Arc
Ye Chen’s ML
Original ML 

3rd Arc
Ye Chen’s ML
Original ML 

4th Arc and Above
Ye Chen’s ML and Original ML 

I’m waiting for your redemption journey, ML. Fighting! L (´ཀ`」 ∠)_

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4283

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