MLiS – Chapter 12.2

I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You

They trekked for nearly five hours. Luo Lan temple was throbbing and her pace had become messy.

Qian Xu said, “Okay, it’s enough for today. Leave the rest to me.”

“I still can hold on.” Luo Lan didn’t listen and continued to observe the surroundings.

Qian Xu scratched the hand in his palm with his index finger, “Be obedient!”

Luo Lan’s body slackened and her mood relaxed.

She muttered to herself, “Why do I feel like I have fallen for a beauty trap?”

Qian Xu was observing the surrounding rocks, he hummed, there was a hint of a smile in his voice, “Does it work?”

“It works!” Luo Lan inspected her body. “It works very well! Su Qi said that controlling the body is also a kind of power. It is not easy to obtain this power, and it is even harder to give it up. No one will dislike the power that is under control, and the body will become addicted to this power. Usually, it takes me half an hour to an hour to relax after the special training.”

Qian Xu said solemnly, “It’s good if it works because actually, this is the first time I use this teaching method and I don’t have any experience.”

Luo Lan did not know whether to cry or to laugh so she beat Qian Xu on the shoulder instead.

As a guide, Qian Xu was experienced and has always strictly controlled the rhythm of her body’s tension and relaxation. Su Er said that many people failed in the promotion task because they were too nervous and couldn’t relax, physically or mentally. But for her, this promotion task has turned into a vacation. She wouldn’t encounter problems like nervousness with Qian Xu by her side.

Luo Lan suddenly feels that the probability of success in this promotion has greatly increased.


Their luck today was worse than yesterday. They had spent hours searching for a shelter but couldn’t find a decent one.

The storm would come in less than half an hour. No one knew whether there was a suitable shelter ahead. Qian Xu decided not to bet on that and dug a shelter by himself instead. 

He found a huge square and solid rock and pointed to a gap at the bottom, “There used to be a crypt here, which proves that the soil below can be dug. Let’s dig it down.”


Luo Lan wore her gloves and took out the foldable metal shovel. She started to dig down with Qian Xu.

Qian Xu’s strength was greater than hers. His movements were more skilled. Luo Lan gradually becomes a sidekick, standing at the entrance, helping him throw out the excavated soil and gravel.

In less than half an hour, Qian Xu dug out a crypt that could fit two people.

Luo Lan jumped in. She hung a blanket around the crypt, not only for it to block moisture, but also to prevent snakes from drilling into the crypt.

Qian Xu cleaned up the entrance. Only after he confirmed everything was safe that he jump into the crypt.

Like yesterday, he used the excavated gravel to block the gap. Luo Lan helped to spray the multifunctional biomaterial. Before the storm arrived, they finished blocking the gap.

Yesterday’s shelter was wide enough that they still had some space to walk around. Today’s shelter wasn’t, they could only lie side-by-side and could barely turn around. The advantage was they did not need to worry about the shelter collapsing. The two could rest together.

Luo Lan whispered, “Feels like lying in a grave…”

Hush. Don’t speak nonsense!”

“… Feels like hibernating under the ground.”

Qian Xu flicked her forehead and handed her the concentrated nutrient, “Hibernate only when you’re full.”

Luo Lan finished drinking the nutrient and fiddled with her personal terminal. There was no signal. She sighed in boredom, her eyes searching for something interesting.

Qian Xu just untied his collar, revealing a white slender neck and a slightly raised Adam’s apple, which rose and fell with his swallowing; The beautifully curved clavicle was like a peaceful bay, inviting people to dock and anchor.

Luo Lan subconsciously reached out to Qian Xu’s neck.

Qian Xu captured her hand before she could, “If you’re bored, let’s just chat.”

Luo Lan tried hard to break free from his grip. Failing to do so, she asked perfunctorily, “What should we talk about?”

“Why do you suddenly want to leave Alikarta?”

Luo Lan was caught off guard, her mood dropped down instantly.”If you let me touch your neck, I’ll tell you.” The wounded heart of the female wolf could only be made up with beauty.

“You…” Qian Xu saw that she was upset. He didn’t want to force nor upset her, so he loosened his hand.

Luo Lan’s fingers slowly traced his chin, descending to circle his Adam’s apple twice and docked in the narrow bend of his clavicle, gently stroking it.

Qian Xu captured her hand in his palm once again. His voice was a little hoarse and deep, “The answer to the question?”

Luo Lan sighed depressedly, “Have you heard of Dragon Blood Corps?”

“Of course I have.”

“Remember Dr. Mu? The one I mentioned to you before. The real Princess Luo Lan’s lover.”


“He is most likely the leader of the Dragon Blood Corps.”

Qian Xu was silent, probably shocked by the bomb she dropped.

Luo Lan was ashamed and guilty, “The ambush we encountered last time was related to him. It should have been because of me.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to know either! Anyway, it’s probably nothing more than because of fame, wealth, and power!” Luo Lan intertwined their hands. “When we get back, let’s leave immediately! The Dragon Head[1] and the consul are big figures. They can destroy a planet just with a snap of their fingers. We don’t need to be cannon fodder for them. Can we afford to provoke them? No. We can only hide. Interstellar is so big, there must be a place for us.”

Qian Xu squeezed Luo Lan’s hand. Giving her comfort, “Don’t be nervous. No matter how powerful the Dragon Blood Corps is, they can’t openly offend both Odin Federation and Aerdes. As long as you are still princess Luo Lan, Dr. Mu won’t dare to hurt you openly.”

“He can expose my identity!”

“He is the mastermind of the whole thing, he won’t have the nerve to.”

Now Luo Lan thought about it, Qian Xu made sense. If the matter was exposed, at most, she would only be regarded as an accomplice. Dr. Mu not only abducted the princess, but also the mastermind behind all of this. He was the true culprit. But… an accomplice was also a criminal!

“I don’t want to be a fake Princess anymore!” Luo Lan closed her eyes and weakly leaned her head on Qian Xu’s shoulder. She whispered, “I know you can’t bear to part with the Odin Federation. We can hide outside for some time. When things calm down, we will come back.”

Qian Xu didn’t answer.

Luo Lan hugged his arm and begged softly, “Let’s go together, let’s go together! Are you willing to part with me and let me wander in the Interstellar alone? There are many skills I haven’t learned! There are dangers everywhere in the Interstellar. Can you rest at ease leaving me alone like that? Good Qian Xu. You’re a very good person. You can’t abandon me after you are done with me[2]…”

Qian Xu burst out laughing, “What ‘abandon you after I am done with you‘? I haven’t done anything yet!”

Luo Lan thickened her face, “You can do it now. There are more than ten hours left!”

Qian Xu’s chest vibrated with his uncontrolled laugh.

Luo Lan’s self-esteem was hurt. She pouted and turned her back to Qian Xu.

Xiao Xun!” There was a smile on Qian Xu’s voice. He gently pulled her. Luo Lan twisted her body and avoided him. 

Qian Xu embraced Luo Lan in his arms from behind.

Luo Lan couldn’t avoid the embrace, but she could avoid his gaze.

“Luo Xun.” Qian Xu sighed softly in her ear, like a spring breeze in April filled with floral fragrance, blowing Luo Lan’s shame away in a flash.

Qian Xu gently rubbed Luo Lan’s hair with his chin, “Luo Xun. What do you even like about Qian Xu? He’s just an insignificant little man. He has no power, no money, and not even good health.”

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  1. 龙头 – lóng tóu. Dragon Head, title for the leader of Dragon Blood Corps.

  2. 始乱终弃 – shǐ luàn zhōng qì. have illicit intercourse at the beginning and desert her at the end; forsake after having dallied with; .

Amoeba’s Corner

The last chapter was about the spring breeze in March, this chapter is about the spring breeze in April. Will the next chapter be about the spring breeze in May?

I can’t with Luo Lan.

“You can’t abandon me after you are done with me”

“What “abandon you after I am done with you”? I haven’t done anything yet!”

“You can do it now. There are more than ten hours left!”

Luo Lan knows what she wants.


It’s just a small thing but did you notice Qian Xu asked “What did you like about Qian Xu?” and not “What did you like about me?” Detaching himself from “Qian Xu.”

But Qian Xu is Qian Xu, why would he do that 👀

…or maybe it’s just me thinking too much~ Who knows 👀


No matter how ordinary Qian Xu is, he is the warmest light in Luo Xun’s life; No matter how troublesome Luo Xun is, she is someone that Qian Xu can never give up.

Obligatory Closing
If you like what I do, please consider checking my ko-fi! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
No advanced chapters yet because I am rushing Volume 1 lol

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1427

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4 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 12.2”

  1. “You can’t abandon me after you are done with me”

    “What “abandon you after I am done with you”? I haven’t done anything yet!”

    “You can do it now. There are more than ten hours left!”

    Luo Lan’s shamelessness is the best.

    Isn’t this chapter basically Luo Lan being horni.

    • Qian Xu just untied his collar, revealing a white slender neck and a slightly raised Adam’s apple, which rose and fell with his swallowing; The beautifully curved clavicle was like a peaceful bay, inviting people to dock and anchor.

      Can’t blame Luo Lan, I will also do that if a beauty like Qian Xu is in front of me.

      “Isn’t this chapter basically Luo Lan being horni.”

      Dropping plot hints seriously ❌❌❌
      Dropping plot hints hornily ✔️✔️✔️

      But seriously, this could not be considered as that ah. It’s tempting but not horni, don’t make me bonk you to horni jail.

  2. “You can’t abandon me after you are done with me”

    “What “abandon you after I am done with you”? I haven’t done anything yet!”

    Yes, please. Do the deed :)

    “But Qian Xu is Qian Xu, why would he do that”

    Is it because Qian Xu didn’t believe that someone could love “Qian Xu”?? He is so precious tho, how can someone bear not to love him….


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡