WfDO- Chapter 28

Arc 2
The Vicious Supporting Female with Unbridled Love (9)

Shen Yingying went to work as usual. She was humming happily. She brought her hand-made food and planned to give it to Zhong Shen. Zhong Shen has an out-of-ordinary taste bud, he may be able to give her some suggestions to improve her cooking. 

Who would know that when she arrived at the company, she was immediately surrounded by a group of reporters.

She was at loss, “What are you doing?!”

The reporters encircled her!

Shen Yingying was caught off guard. Her panicked face was exposed to the front of countless cameras. The flashing lights were blinding her. She stood upright and shouted to them to not take any photos of her. Her reaction only encouraged the reporters to shoot more photos. 

“Are you really Shen Yingying? The one that caused Zhong Shen and Ye Wei to terminate their engagement?”

“What is your relationship with Zhong Shen?”

“Is it true that you and Zhong Shen date on the rooftop every day? When did both of you get together?”

“You should have known that Zhong Shen and Ye Wei are engaged. Are you planning to snatch Ye Wei’s position?”

“Are you going to meet with Zhong Shen, seducing him, this early in the morning?”

Shen Yingying’s mind was a mess. Those reporters’ words sounded like gibberish to her. What were they talking about?

Zhong Shen and Ye Wei’s engagement has been terminated? Because of her? When did it happen? 

She didn’t know anything about those.. 

Although her mind was in a mess right now, in front of her was a mass of reporters, she understood that she shouldn’t let any words slip from her mouth, so she bit her lips and didn’t answer any of their questions. She covered her face and tried to escape from them. 

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I am just an ordinary person. It is illegal for you to do this. ”

“Please get out of the way. I’m going to work.”

It’s a pity that her words were drowned in the sound of questioning. Just when she didn’t know what to do, more than a dozen security guards came out of the Zhong-shi building. They quickly rescued her and escorted her into the company building. All the crazy reporters were blocked outside the building.

After that fiasco, not only did Shen Yingying’s makeup became messed up, her hair was also messed up. She was in a trance. Her colleagues were looking at her strangely, avoiding her and whispering behind her back.

Doubts arose in her heart, but she could only endure it. She went to the bathroom to tidy herself up, when she returned, the lively atmosphere in the office evaporated in an instant. The chattering disappeared, and the colleagues went back to their seats. 

She scrunched her eyebrows. Originally, she wanted to ask what had happened to Zhong Shen, but when she saw a colleague of hers holding a newspaper, she unconsciously snatched it. Her eyes went wide by the content on it. 

“Zhong-jia and Ye-jia, the engagement between them is terminated! It is suspected the reason is that Zhong Shen fell in love with a female employee of his company!”

Attached to it were photos of her and Zhong Shen together, alone on the rooftop. Not only that, there was one picture of her beside Zhong Shen, with eyes full of happiness and greed. 

The engagement between Zhong-jia and Ye-jia‘s was terminated. Zhong Shen was in a scandal with a female employee of his company. Zhong-shi’s shares value dropped sharply. In just one morning, hundreds of millions yuan have been lost.

How could this be? How could there be photos of them? Who was targeting her?

There was no evidence, but Shen Yingying’s instinct pointed to Ye Wei!

When Zhou Hai walked into the CEO’s office, he saw Zhong Shen standing in front of the window. He had been standing for a long, long time, motionless. Stiff and silent, like a statue. 

“Zhong-zong, I have found the culprit, it’s Zhang Kexin.”

“Zhang Kexin?”

Zhong Shen was expressionless. Under his stare, Zhou Hai explained, “Yes,after  Zhang Kexin visited Ye Wei, she went to her uncle’s place. Her uncle has always been very fond of her and always agrees to whatever requests she makes. This uncle of hers is the old friend of Xinghai Entertainment’s boss. They have been friends for decades. We can’t stop the news from spreading…” The news was on the front page of the largest entertainment news magazine in China. Moreover, the news didn’t stop only in magazines, it was also spreading wildly online on major websites.

Zhong-shi and Ye-shi were well–known leading companies in China. There was none that didn’t know about them. In the era of globalization, when a secret was uncovered, it could spread all over the country in an instant. At this point, it has been spread so wide that everyone must have heard of this.

Now almost everyone knows that Zhong-shi’s boss Zhong Shen has a scandal with the female employees of his company. He even threw his fiancée away for her!

“I shouldn’t have been surprised. He’s a rich man, of course, he has different tastes. Rather than choosing the only xiaojie of Ye-jia, he chose a female employee of his company. Does he think it is more exciting to sneak around?”

“Isn’t Zhong Shen able to sit in his current position because of Ye-jia’s help? Ye Wei never abandoned Zhong-jia even when they were in crisis. Yet, Zhong Shen was ungrateful. He angered his fiancée to the point that she needed to get hospitalized. All for the sake of a mistress. Did he not want his fiancée to live a long life? Tut tut, men ah. Really cruel and heartless.”

“My friend who works in the hospital said that Ye Wei was sent to the ER a few nights ago. It was not easy to save her. Her body was so weak. She looked so pitiful. I also heard that Zhong Shen didn’t even see her that much even though Ye Wei is so beautiful.”

“Shen Yingying can’t be underestimated, to be able to hook someone like Zhong Shen…”

Most of the comments on the Internet were aimed at Zhong-shi. The public opinion was biased towards Ye Wei, saying that she is beautiful, kind-hearted, and pitiful. How pitiful was she! To meet a pair of scum men and women and was almost angered to death by them!

Soon, another piece of news became viral.

It’s a video of Shen Yingying being surrounded by reporters in front of Zhong-shi building.

She didn’t seem to know why as soon as she walked downstairs, she was blocked by reporters. She tried her best to avoid them. expression blank. Not long after, she was rescued by more than a dozen security guards who appeared from Zhong-shi.

The comments became lively. 

Her appearance was ordinary. How could Zhong Shen fall for her?

Was it because her temperament was like a pure small white lotus?

Ha. Men. After seeing so many elegant, graceful and luxurious xiaojies, they must have wanted a change of scenery.

This mistress was really disgusting. 

Zhang Kexin was delighted, “Now no one doesn’t know that Shen Yingying is a mistress. Even if she gets together with Zhong Shen, she is still a mistress. See how she could still raise her head proudly for the rest of her life! Ye Wei, your trick is indeed very vicious!”

Ye Wei, “Thank you for your praise.”

“There is no way Zhong Shen won’t have any grudges to Shen Yingying after this incident. Shen Yingying is the culprit who brought him into this situation! She is not as simple as she looks! If he still can’t see Shen Yingying clearly… I will be too disappointed in him. ”

“It’s no use for you to say it to me. He won’t care if you are disappointed in him.”

What’s more, it’s the Female Lead! All the crises and difficulties were stepping stones to fulfill her love with the Male Lead.

Ye Wei did a good job as a stepping stone. She didn’t think her little trick was vicious enough. It was just some gossip. The Female Lead has the Male Lead behind her, there should be no problem, she would get through these difficulties soon!

But Ye Wei was a little worried about the Male Lead. She hoped that the gossip on the Internet would not hurt the Male Lead’s body and mind.

Zhang Kexin rolled her eyes, “So, what’s next?”

Ye Wei answered, “Of course it is to seize the opportunity and work hard. Now is a good time to make money.”

Zhong-shi’s shares suffered and their credibility was questioned. Several major collaborations with Ye-jia were forced to be suspended due to the engagement’s termination. With Zhong-shi in crisis, internally and externally, many would grab this opportunity, including them!

Zhong-shi wasn’t the only company in the country. There were other companies in the industry. Naturally, many raced against time to seize the opportunity when Zhong-shi was in another crisis.

Zhang Kexin ah’ed, understanding Ye Wei’s point, “I understand. I’ll talk to my father and brother when I go back.”

Ye Wei, “Not everyone is as stupid as you, your father and brother definitely are not.”

Zhang Kexin chuckled. There was a smile on her face, but it was a disdainful smile. So what if Ye Wei was a little clever, she still wasn’t clever enough. Otherwise, how could Shen Yingying grab Zhong Shen from her?

But Ye Wei was very clever in scheming. Zhang Kexin couldn’t let her guard down. She couldn’t move Ye Wei just yet. 

She rolled her eyes. “You say. If Zhong Shen knew you did this to him, would he be very disappointed at you?”

Ye Wei innocently blinked, “What did I do to him?”

Zhang Kexin blinked back, “Who are you selling that innocent act to in front of me? What did you do to him, don’t you yourself know it the best?”

Ye Wei curled her eyes, “I’m not selling any acts. Think again. From the beginning, have I done anything wrong to him? I just took out some photos and complained about it to you. I don’t know if someone stole those photos to do something wrong with it, does Zhang-xiaojie know?”

The Zhang Kexin that got thrown a black pot on her head, “……”

This scheming bitch!!! She threw the pot to her and put all the accounts on her!

Ye Wei raised her eyebrows and smiled.

We are the vicious Supporting Female. It’s normal for us to throw pots at each other. If we love and support each other… now that’s a problem.

Seeing that Zhang Kexin was about to erupt, Ye Wei quickly comforted, “Calm down. I’m just joking. We are grasshoppers on a rope[1], so we don’t need to fight each other. Let’s take the opportunity to make more money.”

Zhang Kexin clenched her teeth. She was stupid to think Ye Wei was sincere to her and could be her best partner. What’s ‘best partner’? Ye Wei was very treacherous!

This Ye Wei… her scheme was too deep!!!

On the other side, in Zhong-shi, Zhou Hai carefully inspected Zhong Shen’s expression, “Shall we do something about this?”

“No need.”

“Public opinion of us is very unfavorable right now. If we delay it any longer…”

Zhong Shen still shook his head and let Zhou Hai out.

He knew the culprit behind this. Ye Wei was angry at him. He was the one at fault this time, so just let her be angry. 

Zhou Hai came back not a moment later, “Zhong-zong, Shen Yingying is outside. She said she wanted to see you.”

“Let her go back. Don’t let her come to work yet.”

Zhou Hai checked his ears. With Shen Yingying’s importance to Zhong Shen, he never thought Zhong Shen wouldn’t want to see Shen Yingying. 

He obediently went out and relayed it to Shen Yingying, “You go back first. Go from the basement. Go out less and pay attention to your safety. If a reporter finds you, don’t say anything. Just avoid them. “

Shen Yingying stared at the closed door behind Zhou Hai, “Where’s Zhong Shen? May I see him? I want to have a word with him.”

Zhou Hai shook his head, “Zhong-zong is in a bad mood. No one is allowed to see him right now.”

Shen Yingying bit her lips. She was unwilling. She didn’t want to leave like this. In a difficult time like this, even if she couldn’t do anything, she wanted to be with him. 

“I’ll wait here until he’s in a better mood and wants to see me.”

Zhou Hai was put in an awkward situation. He went in and relayed it to Zhong Shen. Zhong Shen was quiet for a moment and said, “Let her in.”

Shen Yingying soon appeared in front of Zhong Shen. She walked towards him with worry on her face, “Zhong Shen, are you okay? I’m sorry. I troubled you once again.”

“This has nothing to do with you.”

“You don’t need to comfort me. I know. It’s because of me that Zhong-shi’s credibility is questioned, isn’t it?”

“Zhong Shen, do you know who’s targeting you? That person took photos of us and wanted to slander us. Let’s clarify it. I am willing to clarify it. We are obviously just friends, not like the things written in the news.”

Zhong Shen suddenly stared at Shen Yingying. His face was expressionless and his eyes were deep. Shen Yingying’s heart skipped a beat, there was some fear in her heart, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Zhong Shen asked, “Why do you frequently meet with me, a man with a fiancée?”

Shen Yingying was stunned. She said in a panic, “Aren’t it because we are friends? Both of us like to go to the rooftop, so we frequently meet. Is there anything strange about it?”



A knife stabbed his heart. He recalled Ye Wei’s disappointed look. Just like Shen Yingying, he had always explained everything with these words, they were friends. 

Now he thought about it again. The things between them, could it really be clearly explained with the words ‘friend’?

Granted that they were indeed only friends, would ‘friends’ really act like this?

Zhong Shen rubbed his forehead, “You go.”

Shen Yingying persisted, “Do you have any plans? I’m just worried. I’m worried about you. I can’t be at ease if I go back now.”

“No plans.”

Shen Yingying wondered, “Don’t you want to know who did this? Don’t you want to know who targeted you? Targeted Zhong-shi?”

Zhong Shen didn’t want to say anything more, “That’s it. Just go back.”

The meaning of Zhong Shen’s dismissal of her was obvious from thousands of miles away. Shen Yingying had to go. Staring at Zhong Shen’s back, she felt that he knew who was behind this.

He knew but he didn’t plan to do anything about this. That means, it could only be Ye Wei, right?

Because it’s Ye Wei, he wouldn’t fight back?

Shen Yingying left. Not long after, Zhou Hai came in. “Zhong-zong… The cooperation with the other company that only needs to be signed up… Just now, they called and said they needed time to reconsider it. The cooperation with Ye-jia’s is also the same, those that have been discussed and those that are still in discussion, they are being suspended. It seems this time Ye-xiaojie really wants to terminate the engagement.”

Zhong Shen rubbed his forehead once again.

Zhou Hai asked for confirmation, “The news is still circulating, do you really plan to leave it alone?”

Zhong Shen confirmed, “She’s angry at me. So, just let her be angry.”

This anger cost hundreds of millions yuan ah. Don’t you think the cost of this anger is too expensive?

Then again, it’s not his money. Why should he care so much about it?

Zhou Hai shrugged and left the office. Amidst the busy colleagues, he saw Yang Yiwen secretly playing with her mobile phone.

He went and knocked on her desk. “What are you looking at?”

Yang Yiwen jumped. She patted her chest and sighed, “You nearly scared me to death!”

“Work hard and I won’t scare you to death. What are you doing playing with your phones?”

Yang Yiwen righteously said, “I’m working hard. While I’m working hard, I’m also giving full use of my wisdom. I told you that Shen Yingying’s mind is not simple. You don’t believe me. Now you see, this is all because of her! How pitiful Ye-xiaojie is because of her! She is innocent, but she almost gets killed by Shen Yingying! If something really happened to her, her twenty years of living will be gone just like that! How sad do you think it will be!”

“It was fortunate that Ye-xiaojie was strong enough to survive! I really hope she will take good care of herself at home after being discharged from the hospital this time. She must not get angered by that cheap Shen Yingying! She wouldn’t rest in peace if she was dead because of her!”

Zhou Hai, “……”   

Zhou Hai, “… What nonsense are you talking about.”

He glanced at Yang Yiwen’s mobile phone and saw it was a photo of Ye Wei. From its angle, the photo should have been taken secretly. Ye Wei was at the front door of the hospital. Her face was pale and her posture was weak as if she fell when the wind blew.

There were many netizens’ comments below.

Ye Wei is very beautiful and has such a good temperament. Is Zhong Shen blind to choose Shen Yingying over her?

Domesticated flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers[2].

In their eyes, Ye Wei was only a pretty rich lady that met with scums like Shen Yingying and Zhong Shen, She looked so miserable and pitiful.

“Ye-xiaojie is discharged?”

He was a little surprised.

Yang Yiwen touched her nose, “Looks like it.”

Zhou Hai looked at Yang Yiwen from the corner of his eyes, you are quite good at spying on others.

Yang Yiwen blinked innocently, I am indeed so good, please take a careful look, I deserve praise!

Ye Wei insisted on leaving the hospital. Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu didn’t agree, but they couldn’t stop Ye Wei who was homesick.

“I want to go home. Just take care of my illness at home. I will be fine. I want to spend more time with my parents.”

With that said, Ye-fu nearly moved the hospital to their home. 

Ye Wei was discharged from the hospital. As soon as she got home, a Zhong Shen was waiting for her there.

The man was dressed in black, leaning in front of his car. His eyes were indifferent. He seemed to be looking at something but at the same time didn’t seem to be looking at anything. The whole person was like the night itself.

As soon as they saw Zhong Shen, her parents saw red. They pointed at him and scolded, “What are you doing here? Get out of here! We, Ye-jia, don’t welcome you here!”

Amidst the shout, Zhong Shen politely greeted, “Shushu, A-yi, how are you?”

Ye Wei interrupted them, “Papa, Mama, both of you go first. I have something to say to Zhong Shen.”

Ye-fu was dissatisfied, “What else do you have to say to him?”

Ye Wei shook Ye-fu‘s arm, “I’ll just say a few words to him. It’s okay. Don’t worry.”

Ai, how can we not worry?” Wei Fengqiong sneered, glaring at Zhong Shen.

Ye Wei smiled at Zhong Shen and said, “Don’t take it to heart, they don’t target you personally. You know how my body is. They are afraid you will anger me again, so they don’t trust me to be alone with you.”

Ye-fu, “……”   

Wei Fengqiong, “……”   

Zhong Shen, “……”   

Ye Wei successfully convinced her worrywart parents and got the opportunity to be alone with the Male Lead.

“So, what can I help you with?”

“Are you already alright for you to be discharged from the hospital? ”

“You came here to me only to say that?”

“No. I came here to apologize to you.”


Ye Wei’s eyes gleamed. The Male Lead came to apologize to her?

What did this mean? This meant she had succeeded in her role as the vicious Supporting Female!

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  1. 一条绳上的蚱蜢. Grasshoppers on a rope. Metaphor for two people in the same situation, and no one should shirk responsibility. no one can get rid of the relationship when something goes wrong. live together, die together.

  2. 家花不如野花香呗 – The partner is not as good as other people outside. Ye Wei is not as good as Shen Yingying.

Ry’s OOT Corner

Zhong Shen asked, “Why do you frequently meet with me, a man with a fiancée?”

Question of the day. Why, Shen Yingying?

I’m so sick of seeing fake white lotus like Shen Yingying. We are friends, she said.

Self-reward chapter. I’m here to see Ye Wei planting a death flag for herself. I’m not satisfied with only Qian Xu planting a death flag for himself.

Have you read “Seven Unfortunate Lifetimes, All Thanks to a Single Moment of Impulse“? It sounds like a tragedy novel, but its actually pretty sweet and its end in HEA! I like the Arc when they switched bodies lol. The end for that Arc is 👌 The ML isn’t your usual cold and domineering ice block, instead he is a hot-tempered tsundere that can’t tell truth to save his life!!! Keep lying, Chu Kong! I like him more than I like the FL lol. He is such a hilarious character. I love him.

I think I have read too many Tragedy novels that my brain short-circuited. My CP Happy Ending is when they can finally be together in death...

Read “The Memory Lost in Space” to see me simping for a character that happily planted death flag for himself! “The Villains I Raised, All Died!” for another QT tragedy novel.

“I love you! Love you more than anything. Love you more than you can ever feel. Otherwise, I won’t be here. That’s why, you must promise me this. No matter what happens in the future, you must take good care of yourself. If, one day, I mutated and can no longer regain my sanity, you absolutely must not let that beast hurt you, the person that I love the most!”

That’s obviously a death flag. Don’t you know the rules to not say something like that out loud ah, Qian Xu? Why are you deliberately planting those death flags? :)

“Love is like the birth of life, an inevitability intertwined by countless happenstances, a destiny bestowed by fate. Once it happens, there is no if, only result.”

“No one can predict when it will happen. No one can predict for what reason it will happen. Just because it can happen, it will happen. There is no if, only result”

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3406

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5 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 28”

  1. Seriously, i asked the same qs too. Why would she meet a man that she knows clearly has a fiancee? Maybe she didn’t know at the beginning but now she knows. Lol that’s why i love this novel, ye wei might be acting as a vicious cannon fodder but all she said attack those pretentious and ‘oh-so-pure-true-love-that-cheating-is-justice’ oriFL. Well, if u dont try to snatch someone’s fiance/bf/husband, the so called vicious woman wont attack u too lol. That’s why SYY knows who attacked her bcs she started the whole thing lol. Along with that dead brain guy

    • At first, I keep thinking that Ye Wei is so unreasonable in this arc. I mean, the FL and the ML clearly have not done anything yet to warrant such horrible accusation. The ML was even too emotional-stunted to develop romantic feelings for the FL, and Ye Wei knew this. The FL also resigned from the company and searching job at other companies. So, when Ye Wei keep making trouble at them, I hatd Ye Wei for a moment, because it looks so childish and petty. But then the ML asked the FL to go back work at his company, and the FL still trying to meet the ML at the rooftop, I now feel that what Ye Wei did is not that unreasonable.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡