MLiS – Chapter 12.4

I Suppose, I Am Truly in Love With You

Qian Xu tossed the gun to Luo Lan’s hand with accuracy without looking back, still concentrating on closing the gaps, “I’ll leave it to you.”

Luo Lan hurriedly caught the gun. She stared at the Yanfeng beast nervously.

Once the Yanfeng beast approached, she would shoot at it. Similar to what Qian Xu did, forcing the beast to retreat.

The storm was approaching. The beast has no time to dilly-dally with them. It lost its patience and its attack became fiercer. 

The force of one gun wasn’t enough to stop the fierce beast.

Luo Lan drew her own gun and used both guns to shoot at it. Yet, the guns barely had enough force to it.

On Qian Xu’s side, he was nearly done sealing the entrance.

The beast noticed and bumped its head to the rock wall.

Luo Lan didn’t stop her action, she kept firing at it. A series of bullets hit the beast’s head.

Its flesh was covered by blood, but the beast didn’t give up. The rock wall shook every time the beast slammed its head to the wall. Luo Lan could feel the vibration from its hit. The rocks they piled tumbled one by one and the gaps became larger.

The storm was rising. The strong wind flowed inside from the gaps. Qian Xu hauled Luo Lan away with one hand and grabbed the backpack from the ground with the other. He shoved the backpack into the gap and pressed it hard.

Luo Lan was fast to react. She sprayed the multifunctional biomaterial and the backpack gradually merged with the rock wall.

It still didn’t stop the Yanfeng beast, though.

Cracks appeared on the wall as if the next impact would break the rock wall they had built. If that happened, not only the beast would rush in, the harsh wind would also roar in. 

Qian Xu seized her biomaterial spray and held his own spray with the other. While strengthening the wall, Qian Xu ordered, “Back against the wall, squat down to the innermost part of the cave. put your backpack in front of you, and protect your head.”

Luo Lan urged, “What about you?”

Qian Xu said confidently, “I’m a human with heterogeneous genes. Don’t worry about me. Just take good care of yourself so I won’t worry about you.”

Luo Lan squatted to the innermost part of the cave. She hid behind her backpack, staring nervously at the rock wall.

Amidst the roaring wind, the beast’s impact against the wall was like a hammer banging Luo Lan’s heart, which made her shiver.

It was only ten minutes, but Luo Lan felt a century had passed. The impact progressively faded until there was no more movement.

Luo Lan raced over to Qian Xu in an instant, “Is it dead?”

Mn, right now, it shouldn’t be. But it is outside the cave and it has no way to shelter itself from the storm. It won’t survive long.”

“Your face!” Luo Lan exclaimed.

When Qian Xu hauled Luo Lan away. he was scraped by the gravel blown in by the wind. There were blood marks on his unprotected cheeks and chin.

Qian Xu removed his goggles and said nonchalantly, “It’s alright. You have never been on the battlefield yet. This kind of injury can’t be counted as an injury.”

Luo Lan held his face distressedly, “Does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t.”

Luo Lan took out her own cleaner. “Use mine, okay?”


Luo Lan helped Qian Xu clean the sand and dust on his face. After that, she sprayed disinfectant and applied medicines on his face.

There was lingering fear on her heart, “What a terrible storm! The environment is very harsh, but Yanfeng beasts can withstand this kind of environment and survive! It is no wonder humans will try to integrate the genes of these powerful species to themselves.”

Qian Xu handed a can of concentrated nutrients to Luo Lan. “Replenish your energy, then rest. We will really start hunting it tomorrow.”


All of this was about whether she could successfully advance her physical ability to level A or not. She dared not be reckless. She threw all distracting thoughts out of her mind and shut her eyes.


It was a safe night. 

The storm subsided after they had their breakfast, Qian Xu then disassembled the wall.

Gravel and sand completely covered the body of the Yanfeng beast. It was unknown whether the main cause of its death was from their shooting or the raging storm.

It needed some time for the two of them to clean a passage out of the entrance of the cave.

Qian Xu stated, “We use this cave as a stronghold and hunt around. No matter what happens later, we must come back before the storm.”

Luo Lan sounded her agreement without hesitation.


Luo Lan lurked behind the rock and peeped at the beast eating in the distance.

It was a Yanfeng beast in its prime. Its speed, strength, and skills were much better than the adult Yanfeng beast they met yesterday.

Just now, it fought with a couple of eagles. Not only did it tear both eagles apart and swallow them into its stomach, but it also unceremoniously ate the three little eagles as snacks after the meal.

A person with level B physical ability would have to go through a desperate struggle to kill an eagle in this rock forest, yet the Yanfeng beast killed the two eagles effortlessly.

Still, after the fierce face-to-face battle with the beast yesterday, Luo Lan wasn’t afraid of it anymore. Instead, there was a fire in her heart. She wished to try and challenge it.

Qian Xu inquired, “Are you ready?”



Luo Lan didn’t bother to ambush or sneak at it. She went straight to the rock wind beast.

The beast quickly noticed her, but perhaps because it just had a full meal, it was not interested in Luo Lan. It only roared a warning, expecting to frighten her away.

Luo Lan naturally wouldn’t leave. She kept advancing.

The beast felt its authority was challenged. It stood and bolted out, trying to eliminate Luo Lan in seconds.

Luo Lan swiftly avoided it to the side.

The beast unfolded its nearly two-meter-long fleshy wings and swung it at Luo Lan angrily.

The pointed end of the fleshy wing was full of sharp bone spikes. Before, the eagle was hit by it and half of its body turned into a bloody mess. Luo Lan didn’t dare to speculate on what would happen to her if it bumped against her. She jumped back and withdrew to the other side. 

Her back was blocked by the beast’s wings. The huge wings encircled her, sealing all the roads on both sides and behind Luo Lan. Luo Lan almost got snagged by its welcoming mouth.

There was nowhere to hide, so Luo Lan used her strength to spring out of the encirclement.  

The results of her hard training in the gravity chamber all year round were finally manifested at this moment. Luo Lan was as light as a swallow and floated up quickly. 

She was about to soar over the top of the beast. She intended to move behind it to escape its attack.

The beast swiftly raised its forelimbs and stood upright. Towering over more than a meter high. It lowered its head and opened its mouth. This time it was Luo Lan’s head that almost got snagged.

Luo Lan abruptly halted mid-air. She flipped thrice air-borne before she eventually escaped from below its mouth.

The wings of the beast were spread out to maintain the balance of its body. The two hind limbs moved like human feet. The two front claws tried to catch Luo Lan flexibly like human hands.

If she ever got caught, even if she didn’t die, it certainly wouldn’t be better than death. Luo Lan dodged left and right, skillfully avoiding it.

The beast got closer to her, shrouding Luo Lan in its fierce attack. 

With nowhere to step in the air, Luo Lan’s strength was slowly depleted. She did not dare to descend to the ground, though. The beast’s wings were awaiting her. If she descended, the wings would entrap her. Her end would be either crushed by its wings or torn apart by its two front claws.

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No footnotes, cheers!

Amoeba’s Corner

If you notice something missing or wrong or unsatisfying with the chapters. Please point it out! I am very aware I am lacking in many places, especially because I’m a newbie… I’m sorry about it…

I’m open to suggestions and constructive criticism! Don’t hold back, just tell me directly, please…! <3

(or maybe please hold back a little)

There is a specially reserved place in my heart for this novel. I don’t want this to become a Memory Lost in Translation… So, please, please, do tell me about it! I’m begging ah.


Qian Xu really didn’t put any importance on his own well-being. Sigh.

Nothing interesting happens in the next chapter~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I am really reluctant to touch Chapters 13 and 14. Can I just go Ry 2.0 and pretend those chapters don’t exist.

From my unwillingness alone, you should prepare some tissue boxes.



Luo Lan plopped herself on the ground, exhausted. Comparing herself to the beast’s vigorous figure. She sighed, what a tough guy!

Obligatory Closing
If you like what I do, please consider checking my ko-fi! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
No advanced chapters yet because I am rushing Volume 1 lol

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1366

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10 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 12.4”

  1. Now. Stop there. You need to have at least a little confidence in your work, you know. There can be improvements here and there, ofc. There will ALWAYS be room for improvements. but it’s by no means your work is bad. Don’t worry, you have done a good job.

    Good Lyre! Precious Lyre! Keep working hard on improving your works! We are on the same boat, after all! So, zip your mouth and accept my compliment obediently.



    Based on the sneak-a-peek. Will Luo Lan get defeated by the beast? hmmhmm. No, no. She has a golden finger because she is the MC. There is no way she will fail the task!

    Wdym, chapters 13 and 14 really didn’t exist in my Table of Content ah. It can’t be considered pretending when it’s didn’t exist in the first place :)

    • Your words have no credibility, duh.

      Believe in the power of Female Lead! There is no way she will fail to advance to level A.

      No way

      She definitely will advance to level A :)

      • Face me and tell me I’m not credible. I dare you!

        对阿. Believe in the power of Female Lead! Tong Hua loves Luo Lan so much, there is no way she didn’t use this opportunity to give Luo Lan a character development :)

      • Fine. You want me to complain, I will complain.

        You often mistyped “.”. Either you forgot to put “.” or you mistyped it to “..”.

        But hey. Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot. 😏

  2. Aah, I myself actually don’t care about the quality? *cough*

    I mean, don’t get me wrong!! As long as I could understand the context, I am fine with whatever and I think, this translations can be considered good? I don’t know, I am just a reader and I enjoyed your works so it counts for something, right? I also like reading the TL’s corner and footnotes. I’m quite slow so it helps me a lot! So, it’s a good job, I think? I honestly think it’s quite good! Thank you for the translations!

    Qian Xu removed his goggles and said nonchalantly, “It’s alright. You have never been on the battlefield yet. This kind of injury can’t be counted as an injury.”

    …please take care of yourself, Qian Xu!

    I am really reluctant to touch Chapters 13 and 14. Can I just go Ry 2.0 and pretend those chapters don’t exist.

    …is chapters 13 and 14 THAT bad? I’m curious. There is no spoiler thread for this novel and I’m not one to MTL, so I don’t know what will happen… IS IT THAT BAD? I read in the ToC there is a chapter titled Let’s Get Divorced, that’s mean Luo Lan successfully advanced to level A… right???

    I can’t wait for Chapters 13 and 14!!!

    • You are going to make me cry, at best my translation is below average ah . Hearing you said it’s good… I will work hard to improve myself and meet your expectation… ∑(゚∇゚|||)

      …please take care of yourself, Qian Xu!

      Qian Xu really needs to learn how to treat himself better!

      …is chapters 13 and 14 THAT bad? I love Chapters 13.1. Be at ease :)

    • Yes. Yes. Lyre is indeed so sweet right, so good!

      I read in the ToC there is a chapter titled Let’s Get Divorced, that’s mean Luo Lan successfully advanced to level A… right??? Hehehe 👀


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