TVIRAD – Chapter 24

Arc 2
Flawless Sword (6)

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His tongue was soft. Even if the movements were clumsy, the softness combined with the scent of wine was like the wine itself, making her dizzy and tipsy. Her last trace of clarity was gone.

She circled her hand around his neck. Her little tongue stretched out, taking the initiative to lick at his lips.

Under the moonlight, with the influence of wine, they passionately kissed each other. 

Traces of clarity appeared in Jun Yan’s eyes when he felt a bit of pain on his tongue. 

He instinctively reacted to what he had done.

He hit Ye Chen on the neck. 

Ye Chen subconsciously shouted, “System!”

As her shout fell, her body slumped, but the system was so amazing that her mind was still sober. 

Through Ye Chen’s eyes, one person and one system observed Jun Yan’s complex expression. 

Ye Chen’s mood was heavy. 

This was her first time kissing someone so seriously and passionately. Yet, the other party stunned her with his palm without saying a word. No matter what, she was sad because of it…

“Don’t be sad.” 38 bumped her with its round body. 

Ye Chen avoided it and hugged herself. 

38 floated in front of her and continued, “It’s alright, you have done your best.”

“He is disgusted.”

Ye Chen was very sad.

38 sighed, with a tint of melancholy, “Perhaps… it’s not disgust?”

Then, if it’s not disgust, what is it?!‘ Ye Chen wanted to complain.

Ye Chen examined Jun Yan’s complex expression once again. Except for disgust, she really couldn’t think of the reason why her Shifu stunned her. 

Under the influence of wine, for Jun Yan-daojun who was always in control of himself, perhaps this was an indelible stain on himself?

Ye Chen herself considered this was nothing. After all, it’s normal for her to lose control in the face of great beauty like Jun Yan. If God gave her another chance, she didn’t mind and would definitely be willing to kiss him once more!

But, Jun Yan probably did mind it. 

Just look at him. He sat in a dilemma, looking at the sleeping Ye Chen in front of him…

Currently, the said Jun Yan felt his heart thumping so fast. He couldn’t believe that he actually had such an idea about a child that he raised with his own hands!

When did this idea start to exist in his mind?

He quietly gawked at the little girl on the ground. His hand was shaking when he stunned her just now. It was the first time he had been so flustered. 

He had practiced Ruthless Dao for three hundred years and faced countless lives and deaths. He had never been so hasty. But, at this moment, his only thought was一 can’t let her remember, absolutely can’t…

A light fell from his hand to Ye Chen’s head. Ye Chen pouted, “What is he doing?”

“Erasing your memory of this night.”

Ai?” Ye Chen blinked, “Everything on this night?”

“No. Just what happened now. Tomorrow, just pretend you don’t remember anything.”

Eh…” Ye Chen was a little embarrassed, “Isn’t it a little bit too much to run away after you are done eating? So much so that he didn’t forget to wipe the proof?”

Ha. ha.” 38 was not stupid. From the wretched eyes of his host, he could see the essence of her question, “Why? Do you want him to have feelings for you?”

“As a matter of fact,” Ye Chen coughed lightly, “I think… During the task, falling in love is一”

Ha. ha.”

“Okay, okay.” Ye Chen was a little helpless, “Don’t fall. I won’t fall.”

But, her maiden heart really couldn’t tolerate this!

Ye Chen gritted her teeth. She suddenly wished that Jun Yan really did succeed in erasing her memory! Otherwise, she would remember. How could she face her Shifu from now on ah?

His action tonight presented Jun Yan with plenty of time to reflect on his own question. 

He carried her back to Wen Jian Peak and ran away. 

The next day, when Ye Chen woke, the others told her Jun Yan had gone to the Main Peak. 

To heal her dissatisfaction, Ye Chen expected Jun Yan to cook for her. The girl waited quietly for Jun Yan at the entrance of Song Yi’s cave. 

After waiting for half an hour, Jun Yan came out. 

As soon as he came out and noticed Ye Chen, Jun Yan was dazed.

“Why are you here?” Jun Yan frowned.

The girl in front of him was dressed in clothes similar to his, cut from the same cloth. A white robe with blue edges, with silver silk embroidered as clouds.

He didn’t notice it before. Though, after last night, he began to notice things. Everything seems to be a hint, depicting an unspeakable ambiguity. Jun Yan was embarrassed by his own thoughts. He could only cover up his embarrassment with strictness.

Ye Chen was taken aback, another trace of dissatisfaction surged up in her heart, but she pressed it down. She scratched her head and said, “Shifu, I’m waiting for you ”

“Why are you waiting for me?” Jun Yan frowned deeper. 

Ye Chen grinned, “I’m waiting for Shifu to come back and cook for me!”

Jun Yan’s heart leaped. He tried his best to compose himself and said in a cold voice, “People who are cultivating to become Immortal shouldn’t indulge in worldly desires. Go back and practice hard!”

“Oh…” Ye Chen was disappointed and complained to 38 in her heart, “You say, did Jun Yan eat the wrong medicine this morning?”

“That’s right,” 38 said lightly, “Definitely a very strong bitter medicine.”

The kind that made him change overnight!

Ye Chen didn’t want to communicate with him when he was in a bad mood like this. So she wasted no time going back to Wen Jian Peak and cultivating peacefully. In those days, she didn’t take the initiative to talk to Jun Yan.

Except, when she didn’t talk to Jun Yan, Jun Yan’s mood dropped even more. He wanted to take the initiative to talk to her, but a part of him felt it was better for him to distance himself from her. Several times, he stood in front of Ye Chen’s door but retreated back to his own room after a while. 

It was like this for several days.

Song Yi came to Jun Yan. He informed him that there was a Nine-tailed Fox demon in the South which injured two elders of the Tian Jian Sect and requested him to deal with the fox demon.

A Nine-tailed Fox. That was the pinnacle of a fox demon. It was difficult to deal with them and not everyone could resist their charm. Their weakness was a person who practiced Ruthless Dao, ruthless and lustless, like Jun Yan. 

Jun Yan was busy asking for more details about the attack. He agreed to Song Yi’s request. It was not his first time dealing with a Nine-tailed Fox. This kind of demon relied too much on their charm. Their charm never worked on him, so it was easy for him to deal with them.

He instructed Ye Chen to not forget her practice and left with his sword.

As soon as he left, Ye Chen followed behind.

38 was speechless, “What are you following him for?”

“I want to see the fox demon!” Ye Chen said excitedly, “I’ve never seen a fox demon before. I want to confirm if they really look so good!”

Ha. ha.” Recently, 38 has become more and more grumpy. He didn’t save Ye Chen any face, “Just say that you are so worried about your Shifu. Why bother making excuses to fool me?”

Hearing this, Ye Chen lowered her face. A moment later, she solemnly said, “Since you already know, I won’t hide it from you. I’m worried because I am carrying Jun Yan’s child.”

The system, “……”

“You idiot! It’s only a lie!”

The system, “(ノ` Д) Get out! “

“Jokes aside,” Ye Chen swept her hair behind her ear, “I’m really worried about him.”

As a matter of fact, her concern was justified.

Before, Jun Yan wasn’t charmed by the Nine-tailed Fox because he had no distracting thoughts and only focused on his Dao.

This time, as soon as he stepped into the fox demon’s territory, Jun Yan fell into the fox demon’s illusion.

Ye Chen got 300 points from the last world, and since then, she used these points very meticulously. Early on, she helplessly watched Jun Yan fall into the illusion. So, she exchanged her points for an “absolute sober” skill before invading the fox’s territory.

She froze.

People who entered the fox demon’s illusion wouldn’t be able to come out unless they kill the caster. That was the reason why Tian Jian Sect asked Jun Yan to eliminate the Nine-tailed Fox. Both elders’ bodies were in a safe place, but they were trapped in the illusion and couldn’t wake.

She observed Jun Yan who had fallen into the illusion.

She gritted her teeth and passed by him, hunting for the Nine-tailed Fox.

A Nine-tailed Fox who couldn’t use its charm skill was only equal to a person in the Late Stage of Golden Core, but it was still a strong opponent nonetheless. Ye Chen already entered the illusion, her only choice was to kill the fox. There was no other way. 

She stealthy bypassed all the Magic Array on the cave under the guidance of 38. She thoroughly investigated the cave.

The system was worried, “Host, don’t you think we should wait for another person to come to rescue us? I’m afraid we will die here if you continue.”

“Then die!” Ye Chen said nonchalantly, “Die, then go to the next world.”

“But our points will get cleared out!” The system was about to cry.

Ye Chen’s body swayed.

The moment she heard her points will get cleared out, she felt like a person whose property got confiscated. As a result, she hurriedly said, “Rest at ease. I won’t die. With you by my side, 38, I won’t die! It’s impossible for me to die!”

The system was flattered, “Don’t worry, I will definitely make you look ‘cool’!”

Ye Chen nodded. At this time, she had reached the deepest part of the cave. She could hear a girl singing from there. From the entrance of the cave, she could see a girl in a long pink dress. The girl had a fluffy tail swinging around on her back.

Ye Chen blinked and promptly put her sword away.

“What are you doing?” 38 was astonished. The enemy was inside, why did his host put away her sword!!!

“Wait, let me do some brainwashing.” Ye Chen gulped, “I have no resistance to fluffy and beautiful things. The fox has seduced me.”

“The fuck?” 38 was dumbfounded, “You could even get seduced by a person whose face isn’t revealed? It’s so easy to seduce you? You are here to save people, hey! Why are you the one that got seduced?!”

“Give me a minute! I will be fine soon!” Ye Chen strengthened her mind. “Shifu is still the most important person in my heart.”

She exhaled, “Okay, I’m going!”

With that, Ye Chen rushed in. The sword flashed out, and the beautiful fox cried out in surprise. Her reflex was quick and she waved her hand to block the intruder, hurling Ye Chen to the ground.

Sensing that the bones all over her body were shattered, 38 grimaced. The two of them heard a timid and wronged voice saying, “You…what do you want to do to me?!”

Ye Chen clenched her fist at the sound.

“I’ve decided,” Ye Chen got up from the ground. “I must kill her, I swear.”

Ye Chen hold her sword tight and dashed over.

The fox wrinkled her forehead. She warily studied the sober and calm Sword Cultivator in front of her while blocking her attacks. She was puzzled.

Her charm and Magic Array were the best in the world, yet the person in front of her wasn’t affected in the slightest. She was not that good at close-combat. If this continued, she was bound to lose.

After two consecutive strikes, she could not overwhelm Ye Chen. She was a little pissed. She must finish this quickly.

With this idea, the fox demon directly gathered all her aura into a ball and aimed it at Ye Chen. Ye Chen evaded to the side.

Surprisingly, the ball dispersed and shifted into small balls. Some flew to Ye Chen.




The ball exploded violently when it came in contact with Ye Chen’s body. The impact was heavy and Ye Chen’s body turned into a bloody mess.

The fox demon snorted, “Go away. I will spare you.”

Ye Chen didn’t answer. She propped herself up with her sword and persisted.

The blood blurred her eyes.

She wanted to escape, but if she escaped, what about Jun Yan? Within the fox demon illusion, there was no way to ensure a person’s safety. They may never wake up again, either by indulging in the dream or by killing themselves in the dream with their swords.

Moreover, the longer someone indulged in the dream, the easier it was for Heart Demon[1] to emerge. Even if cultivators successfully stepped out of the illusion, they would be affected by the things in the illusion all their life. 

It didn’t matter if Ye Chen was dead, there was a system backing her. But, what about Jun Yan?

He is a real living person in this world, a person who is genuinely good to her.

She may be a fool and like to play around, but for people that treated her sincerely, she would treat them sincerely as well. She would never trade good for evil. 

She treated Gu Jianan sincerely, she treated Zhou Yucheng sincerely, and she treated Ye Min sincerely. And now, it was Jun Yan’s turn, she would also treat him sincerely. 

She clung to her sword and gasped for breath. 38 was aware that its host was not giving up. 

It couldn’t help applauding and cheering her up, “Host, don’t be afraid. The blow just now has used all her strength. Host, don’t be discouraged. You can do it! Go!Go!”

Ye Chen was encouraged by 38’s shouting and she faced the fox demon head-on once again.

The fox demon saw it and was annoyed. She beat Ye Chen hard.

Ye Chen. “……”

Didn’t you say she has used all her strength, System?

The fox demon’s strength was not the same as what the system told her. Was there a problem with her system?

The fox demon sneered, “You don’t really know when to give up! With you like this, I just need to lift a finger to deal with you!”

Mn, seemed like it was not the system that had a problem. It just didn’t consider the gap in their strength.

The fox demon grabbed her by the hair and said furiously, “Go die!”

While Ye Chen and the fox demon were fighting, Jun Yan was having a strange dream.

In his dream, he appeared to be a child named Gu Jianan. Ye Chen cared for him and saved him from the darkness. She was the only person in his world, but eventually, she left him. 

That kind of dream gave him an unrelenting obsession. 

The next moment, he sat in the sea of blood, on the mountain of corpses. Ye Chen leaned on his lap and said softly, “Shifu, everything about me is yours. ”

“I will never leave you.”

As she spoke, she heaved her body and kissed him.

She untied her clothes and perched on him. Wrapped him with her softness.

He brushed every corner of her body, and the taste of it filled his mind. Gu Jianan’s obsession made him almost wish to swallow the woman. Only the peaceful feeling of leaning against each other made him resist the impulse.

He was indulging in such tranquility. For the first time, he realized that he was a person of great desire. He loves her so much. Love her so much all the time. If this was a dream, he hoped he would never wake up.

Just then, he vaguely heard her voice.

She called out to him in a weak voice, “Shifu…”

He knew that voice clearly. At that time when she experienced Heavenly Tribulation, she also whispered weakly in his arms, Shifu, I hurt. 

Her voice was like a wake-up call and he instantly came back to his senses. 

What Gu Jianan. What saved him from the darkness.

Fake, it’s all fake.

Only Ye Chen, who weakly called him Shifu; Ye Chen, who was in pain, was real.

He wanted to protect her. He wanted to cherish her. Xiao Chen called out to him. She must have been bullied.

Jun Yan felt the sound of porcelain breaking in his mind. With a loud bang, he snapped his eyes open.

What welcomed him was the fox demon stepping on Ye Chen’s face. Ye Chen was covered with blood. She lay there weakly, gripping her sword.

Jun Yan’s eyes became scarlet in a second. His mind blanked.

His sword flew out and strikes the fox demon.

The scream of the fox demon filled the air. His sword didn’t kill the fox demon. It kept whacking her, but not in the vital area. He listened to her painful scream and marched toward Ye Chen. 

When Ye Chen saw Jun Yan was awake, she was relieved. She let herself faint. She didn’t call out to the system this time, so the system didn’t let her consciousness stay awake. 

Jun Yan picked Ye Chen up. The scarlet on his eyes was still there. The fox demon changed from scolding him to begging for mercy. When Jun Yan kept ignoring her, the fox demon apprehended Jun Yan wouldn’t spare her. Surprisingly, she laughed, “Do you think this is the end? Jun Yan, let me tell you, my illusion is the best in the world! No one ever wants to break it and it has never been broken by anyone before! You broke my illusion, I’ll make you regret it for the rest of your life! Make you wish you never broke it in the first place!”

“I am the one who made the illusion. Everything that you experienced in the illusion… Do you think I don’t know it? You don’t feel any guilt holding your disciple like that? You don’t feel anything? Let me tell you! The feeling you experienced in the illusion, it won’t disappear! You won’t be able to control it! It will only get stronger and stronger over years! Just wait! You一”

She didn’t have time to finish her scolding. Jun Yan’s sword had run through her heart and chopped her over.

Jun Yan attentively embraced the girl who had passed out. 

He gave a cold look at the pieces of meat on the ground and spoke indifferently, “Courting her own death.”

With that, he strode out with Ye Chen in his arms.

The girl’s body was soft and thin. With the movement, it rubbed against his chest, producing a strange numbness in his body.

The images in the illusion kept surging in Jun Yan’s mind. Jun Yan flew back to Tian Jian Sect with Ye Chen in his arms. He let the people from the Sixth Peak treat her wounds, and after that, he carried her back to their cave.

After arriving, Jun Yan continued guarding her. There were lingering scenes of the illusion in his mind.

He admitted to himself that what the fox demon said might be true.

He has lost his control.

Whether it was over his feelings or his actions. 

The author has something to say:

[Mini Theater]

Mo Shu Bai, “Doctor, I’ve been a little stressed lately.”

Doctor, “Mn? Why?”

Mo Shu Bai, “I feel like my readers are blackening.”

Doctor, “Symptoms?”

Mo Shu Bai, “They don’t have a sense of security. They think I’m going to abuse them at every turn.”

Doctor,  “……”

Mo Shu Bai, “And they always want to imprison me! Last night, many of them said they were going to weld my window to death so I couldn’t go out!”

Doctor, “……”

Mo Shu Bai, “And they also…”

Doctor, “That’s it. Stop talking. I’ve diagnosed you.”

Mo Shu Bai, “So fast? “

Doctor, “The patient is delusional. Hurry up and get hospitalized, don’t keep talking nonsense.”

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  1. 心魔 – xīn mó. Everyone has demons in their heart, but how did this demon grow? It’s because of obsession with certain things. The obsessions aren’t fulfilled, and it couldn’t be let go. It will cause unwillingness and form a heart demon.

Ry’s Corner

My maiden heart is shy *blush blush*

Ai, if only there is no fox demon! There won’t be any Heart Demon in Jun Yan’s heart.

No, there is no deed done in this chapter… or there is? No, there is not. Don’t make me bonk you.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! Board the train of feels!

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3397

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10 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 24”

  1. You say there wasn’t any deeds done in this chapter. Does that mean there will be deeds done in the future?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡