WfDO – Chapter 29

Arc 2
The Vicious Supporting Female with Unbridled Love (10)

Ye Wei was delighted. The Male Lead came to apologize to her! It proved that she had successfully deceived him!

This was enough to show her viciousness wasn’t a mere facade, but a real one that lurked deep inside herself. Engraved to her bones! The kind that would sell their comrade to others and let them help count the money[1]! The one that would stab people from behind and have a face thick enough to boast they were a benevolent person! Her viciousness was beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Though, as a vicious Supporting Female, even if she succeeded this time, as the Plot would have, there would come a day where her true color was exposed. She then would get face-slapped tenfold of her viciousness! She would be miserable; People would be happy and applaud! She then could wash her hands clean and clock out from this World~ Just by thinking about it already make her so happy~

Ye Wei sensed that she nearly reached that state, the state where she nearly perfected her role as a vicious Supporting Female!

She huffed and gave a heartfelt laugh as if she heard something very laughable, “You said you came here to apologize to me? Why? You are not the one at fault, it’s me who misunderstood you. Did you do something wrong? Why do you need to apologize to me?”

Zhong Shen reflected, “I’m wrong. I shouldn’t have been excessively close to other women when I am already engaged. Because I hurt you, in turn, you hurt Shen Yingying. Indirectly, I’m the one who caused it. You shouldn’t be blamed for it.”

“So? Do you think if you came to apologize to me, it’s all good?”

“What else do you want me to do?”

“Why ask me? Shouldn’t you be the one who thinks about it? Or do you think ‘I’m sorry’ is enough to erase the harm you have caused to me? Zhong Shen, do you think it’s that easy?”

“I know, so the things that you have done, I’ll assume it never happened.”

Ye Wei was puzzled. She blinked, “The things that I have done? What have I done? These days, I have been lying in the hospital bed. It was difficult for me to even get out of bed. I still want to live long, where do I have the energy to bully your Shen Yingying?”

Zhong Shen frowned. The seriousness and confusion on Ye Wei’s face did not appear to be faked. He was starting to doubt his previous guesses, “You didn’t do it? It’s not you?”

Ye Wei came to a realization and her face clouded. She sneered, “And here I thought you came here to sincerely apologize to me. Turns out you are here to question me. I don’t know what ‘the things I have done’ that came from your mouth and I don’t care. We are done here.” 

Zhong Shen could feel Ye Wei’s anger, “You calm down first. I’m not here to question you.”

“I’m very calm. So, please do tell. What ’shady things’ have I done?”

Zhong Shen showed her the magazine that published his affair with Shen Yingying, “These photos, you are the only one who has it.”

Ye Wei’s eyes widened. She took a closer look at the news, especially the photos in the magazine. It was exactly the same as several photos on her bedside table in the hospital. “What’s going on? I don’t know anything. These past few days when I was in the hospital, my parents didn’t tell me any news. Why are you showing me…. Oooh, so it’s like this. You suspected I’m the one that did this? It’s me who deliberately targeted you and Shen Yingying?”

The man’s eyes were profound, he observed her intently. 

Ye Wei mockingly smiled. She tossed the magazine back into Zhong Shen’s hand. Her face was not good and she clutched her heart, “I really don’t know about this. I may be the only one who has those photos, but I’m not the only one who has seen and knows the existence of these photos.”

“Ah, forget it. Think whatever you want. Anyway, I’m already so bad in your eyes that nothing I said will matter. If you say I did it, then I did it.”

”Since you have convicted me, why bother apologizing? ”

She said nothing more. She spun around and left with a look of disappointment.

Zhong Shen watched Ye Wei’s back, it’s not Ye Wei?

The photos published on the Internet were indeed the photos that Ye Wei owned. If it’s not Ye Wei, is it Zhang Kexin?

Zhang Kexin visited Ye Wei at the hospital, she naturally had a chance to take the photos.

Moreover, she went to find her uncle the night she went to see Ye Wei. The next day, the news about him and Shen Yingying flew all over the place, and Zhang-jia robbed some of Zhong-shi’s project.

This guess made some sense.

Ye Wei watched Zhong Shen leave from behind the window of her room.

She nodded with satisfaction. As a senior vicious Supporting Female, she not only has first-class skills in throwing pot to others but also first-class skills to act pitiful. Her viciousness was really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Her journey was destined to be a lonely one. She was destined to move forward alone.

At the moment, Zhang Kexin was playing around with her little followers. She sneezed a few times in a row. She rubbed her nose and inexplicably felt cold. There was a very bad hunch on her heart.

Her hunch was correct. In the next few days, Zhong Shen began to fight back.

First, a lawyer’s letter was sent, stating that there would be an investigation about the news and the person that spread it would be held accountable. Then, he confronted Zhang-jia and snatched several business projects that they had already signed. Zhong-shi interference made Zhang-jia suffer a lot.

Zhang Kexin was aghast when she heard about it. She called Ye Wei and demanded, “Didn’t you say that Zhong Shen would not fight back because of guilt? What is he doing, then?”

Ye Wei sighed disappointedly, “I didn’t expect Zhong Shen to be such a ruthless man! You know that Zhong Shen is a workaholic and a businessman. His interests still come first for him. He has no feelings for me and I am only his fiancee in name. How could he be willing to sacrifice for me?”

Zhang Kexin was convinced by Ye Wei’s reasoning. She rejoiced, “Don’t be too sad. If he doesn’t like you, then he doesn’t like you. You can’t force him to like you.”

Ye Wei beamed, “It’s alright, at least I’m still better than you. I’m very comforted with the fact that you are more pathetic than I am.”

Zhang Kexin, “Hehe.”

Ye Wei, “Okay, let me think about it again to see if there’s any other way to deal with them.”

Zhang Kexin informed her, “I’m going to a dinner party later in the evening. I heard that Zhong Shen will go too. I’ll help to search for some information.”

Zhang Kexin dressed radiantly when she thought of seeing Zhong Shen later. She knew Zhong Shen didn’t like her, but she still wanted to appear in front of Zhong Shen perfectly. She hoped that he would pay some attention to her.

She arrived at the dinner venue in a white dress. There, she saw Zhong Shen in a black suit. His face was cold and his temperament was remarkable. His dark eyes, as brilliant as the starry sky, could snatch people’s souls at a glance.

He became the center of attention everywhere he went.

Zhang Kexin observed him from the side. She saw he was surrounded by many people, attempting to chat with him. His expression was still cold, indifferent, and alienated.

Zhang Kexin, holding a red wine glass, finally obtained an opportunity to get close to Zhong Shen.

“Zhong Shen.”

Zhong Shen heard her voice and glanced sideways at Zhang Kexin, “Zhang-xiaojie.”

“We have known each other for so many years. Just call me by my name.”

“Zhang-xiaojie, what’s the matter?”

Hehehe. Zhang Kexin’s smile became a little stiff. She suspected that Zhong Shen was really made of stone. Otherwise, how could he be so indifferent?

They had known each other not only for a mere one or two years, it was more than ten years.

Yet, more than ten years wasn’t enough to get him to notice her. This fact pissed her off, especially when she remembered that Shen Yingying. 

Zhang Kexin explained, “It’s nothing. I just heard that Zhong-shi has had some problems recently. In addition, there is some wild news running around. Don’t worry too much about it, the news will soon be forgotten after a while. Both of us have known each other for so long, if there is anything I can help with, just say it. I will definitely try my best to help you.”

Zhong Shen, “It’s only trivial matters, I’m not worried.”

Zhang Kexin, “Then, that’s good. Still, I’m very sorry for you. I assumed there would be a good result between you and Ye Wei. I never foresaw it would come to this point. Don’t blame her for this. She was just angry at you. She never thinks the matter will be this big ”

Zhong Shen narrowed his eyes. He studied Zhang Kexin, “What did Ye Wei do? ”

Zhang Kexin smiled, “Nothing. Anyway, it’s not proper to say it on this occasion.”

Ha. Ye Wei, that scheming bitch! They may be grasshoppers on the same rope, but that wouldn’t prevent her from digging a pit for her!

Zhong Shen’s expression was sharp, “As far as I know, even when the boss of Xinghai Entertainment was personally involved in publishing this news; even when the magazine was printed overnight, no news was disclosed to the outside about this news before it was sent out. ”

Zhang Kexin was slightly startled. Under Zhong Shen’s narrowed gaze, she tentatively asked, “Zhong Shen, what are you implying? Did you think I am the one who did it? My father and my uncle are old friends. My uncle is also very good to me. I won’t deny it. But, why would I target you? Plus, where could I get those photos? Have you checked the facts? Don’t wrong me like this. ”

“You may not believe it, but after the news came out, I asked my uncle about it. He said that the photo was sold to him by a woman. He didn’t say anything more. If you don’t believe me, you can personally ask my uncle.”

Zhong Shen’s expression didn’t change. Still indifferent and cold, “What’s really going on, don’t you and I precisely know it?”

He didn’t seem to want to say another word to Zhang Kexin. He passed her and didn’t even glance back.

Zhang Kexin understood what Zhong Shen had done. He said it plainly because he must have already known the truth.  She followed Zhong Shen, “As expected from Zhong-zong. Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from you. However, this is not my idea, it’s Ye Wei’s. I only listened and did whatever she instructed.”

Zhong Shen stated, “I remember that you never liked Ye Wei. Every time, you and Ye Wei will compete against each other. The situation now is the same.”

Zhang Kexin spread her hands, “People should know how to be flexible. The situation is urgent. She and I could only set aside our differences.”

“I had asked Ye Wei. She said she didn’t know.”

“You had asked her?”

Scheming bitch! She didn’t tell her about this! Zhang Kexin forced a smile, “Zhong-zong is so smart, don’t tell me you believe her just like that?”

Zhong Shen, “I believe her.”

Zhang Kexin didn’t believe it one bit, “Zhong-zong must be joking.”

Zhong Shen said, “Ye Wei is seriously ill. It’s not impossible for you to get the picture while she is weak.”

“I’m not the only one to visit Ye Wei when she was hospitalized. The photos were on her bedside table, everyone could grab them.”

“It was on her bedside table?”

“……I saw it when Ye Wei gave it to me. Is there anything strange about  it?”

“Not strange at all.”

Zhang Kexin knew Zhong Shen didn’t believe her. An idea came to her mind. “If you don’t believe me, I can call Ye Wei. You must believe me. Or… you don’t dare to listen to it? Afraid you trusted the wrong person?”

Zhong Shen, “There is no need.”

“There is need!”

Zhang Kexin grabbed Zhong Shen. She pulled him to the balcony. She dialed Ye Wei’s number and clicked hands-free, “Ye Wei, I saw Zhong Shen just now. He seems very upset. Zhong Shen and Shen Yingying must be very upset because of the news and public opinion on them. Let’s strike while it’s still hot! Make sure that Shen Yingying can never raise her head and dare not appear in Zhong-shi again!”

Hey, Ye Wei? Why didn’t you respond?”

It was quiet for a while. Ye Wei’s confused voice came from the phone, “What are you talking about? Did you secretly steal my photos?”

Zhang Kexin’s mouth twitched, “… Ye Wei, what are you talking about?”

Ye Wei repeated seriously, “I’m asking you. Did you secretly steal my photos?”

Zhong Shen shrugged Zhang Kexin’s grip on his hand. He didn’t say anything but the look in his eyes already explained everything. Zhang Kexin panicked, “Ye Wei, what are you talking about? Aren’t you the one who gave it to me, how come you accuse me of stealing it now?”

“That’s why I’m asking you once again what are you一”

Zhang Kexin shut her phone off. She laughed nervously, “Ye Wei is a very scheming woman. Don’t be fooled by her. She was lying just now. She must have guessed what’s happening. It was一”

Zhong Shen raised his hand and interrupted her, “Okay, I understand.”

He tidied the wrinkled sleeves and left.

Zhang Kexin was both angry and anxious. She called Ye Wei again and snapped, “Ye Wei! You scheming bitch! You dare dig a pit for me!”

Ye Wei asked, “Was Zhong Shen beside you earlier?”

Zhang Kexin hehe’ed.

Ye Wei retorted, “Don’t you also dig a pit for me?”

“How do you know Zhong Shen was beside me?”

“I don’t know. I’m just being careful. I’m not as stupid as you. It’s always right to be cautious. Now, now. Don’t get angry or discouraged. Keep making persistent efforts. I believe one day you can beat me. “

Hehe, Ye Wei, don’t be arrogant!”

Zhang Kexin gritted her teeth. She really wanted to teleport to Ye Wei’s place right here right now and fight her!

As luck would have it, when she turned around, she saw Zhong Shen standing behind her. A smile bloomed on her face. What’s this called? Justice always overwhelms evil[2]!

She happily pressed the hands-free button.

“Ye Wei, you’re finished! Zhong Shen, now, you believe what I said, right?”

Zhong Shen had heard all of it. There was not much fluctuation in his heart, but there was a strange feeling in his heart. He had expected whatever Ye Wei had done. So he was neither angry nor disappointed with her because of it. The strange feeling came when he heard Ye Wei’s indifferent voice. 

Ye Wei snorted, “So what? What if he knows I’m the one that did it? Zhong Shen. You repulse me! I hate you! I can’t stand the sight of your face!”

She promptly hung up after that.

Zhang Kexin was amazed by Ye Wei’s arrogance. Did this woman just let the jar fall and break[3]?

Ye Wei on the other side, Good job, me! Truly vicious!

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  1. 人卖了别人还帮着数钱一个道理 – Betraying the other party and still dare to take advantage of them.

  2. Lit 魔高一尺道高一丈 – mó gāo yī chǐ dào gāo yī zhàng; The Mo (Evil way) is one chi tall (~33cm); The Dao (Rigtheous way) is one zhang tall (~333cm).

  3. 破罐子破摔了 – Not fighting or trying to fix the accusation/wrongdoings. Since it will break, just let it break , no need to take care of it!

Ry’s Corner

Xiaojie can be considered as a polite and formal way to call someone you are not close to.

A bonus chapter for Lyre, cheer up bby!

Do you like tragedy? What am I asking for, duh. You read this novel. It is obvious. Anyway, check “The Memory Lost in Space” for a journey full of tears and “The Villains I Raised, All Died!” for another QT tragedy novel. I really really recommend MLiS, but there is still a long way until it is completely translated…! *side-eyes Lyre*

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2680

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