MLiS – Chapter 13.3

From Heaven to Hell

In the boundless night, a forlorn and bitter long-drawn-out howl of a beast sounded.

Luo Lan snapped her head toward the voice’s direction. She witnessed Qian Xu mutating at the top of the rock pillar. The lower half of his body was still a human body, but the upper half had changed. He was raising his head in pain, howling.

No. Luo Lan couldn’t. She couldn’t endure watching it. Tears welled up in her eyes. She turned her face. Her only option was to run forward desperately.

In fact, when a human with a heterogeneous gene mutated, their combat effectiveness improved greatly. The strong beast body could be used to manifest the powers that were limited when they were human. Qian Xu’s mutation at this time was a good thing from the perspective of life-saving. But… What about after their life was saved?


Qian Xu’s mutation finished, his eyes turned scarlet. It was full of cold bloodthirsty light. He gazed down at the four petrified men under the rock pillar,

A man asked in a shaking voice, “He… He… What is he?!”

“Whatever it is, it must die!” The leader barely managed to maintain his composure. He hoisted his gun and fired at Qian Xu. 

Qian Xu let out a long roar. He leaped from the top of the rock pillar and dived down to the stunned men under.

Screams of fear and despair came one after another, echoing away in the night.


There were two men behind Luo Lan. It was unknown whether they were chasing for her or fleeing for their lives.

“What the hell is that?!”

“It’s definitely the secret of humans with heterogeneous genes! If we can come back alive to tell this, Leader will definitely give us promotion!”

She didn’t continue to listen to them. Luo Lan frantically ran forward with all her strength. 

The wounds that had just been stitched were all cracked. Luo Lan’s wounds began to bleed once more. Her running speed slowed down unintentionally.

The roar of the beast was steadily nearing. 

There was no chance for the two men to catch Luo Lan in this situation. In order to increase the probability of their survival, the two of them tacitly parted away from each other and ran in two separate directions.

Qian Xu ignored the two men in favor of the tempting smell of Luo Lan’s blood. 

She had run desperately, but she couldn’t outrun Qian Xu.

Little by little, Qian Xu caught up to her.

Luo Lan sensed the distance between her and Qian Xu was getting closer. She hopped onto a towering rock wall. With both of her hands, she steadied herself and started to climb the rock wall. 

Qian Xu leaped onto the rock next to the rock wall, eagerly anticipating to pounce on Luo Lan.

Luo Lan was already worn out, however, she gritted her teeth and urgently climbed up. She was one step away from the top of the rock wall when her previously dislocated arm abruptly lost its strength. She lost her grip on the rock wall and fell down. 

The Qian Xu waiting below opened its mouth and jumped, seizing the opportunity. 

Between the fleeting moment of life and death, a strong and powerful hand caught the falling Luo Lan. The owner of the hand hauled her to the top of the rock wall and at the same time kicked the mutated Qian Xu hard. 

Luo Lan didn’t even care who saved her, she turned and looked back—

Qian Xu fell heavily to the ground, but its transformed body was very sturdy. It rolled and steadied itself in a flash, raising its head to watch them from below the rock wall. 

Its instinct told it that the person above was not someone it could trifle with. It didn’t act rashly anymore, just staring at Luo Lan and growling with a threat. 

Luo Lan sat on her knees at the edge of the rock wall. She was staring intently at Qian Xu, searching for traces of humanity on him. 

The majestic head was like a lion and a tiger; The sharp fangs were like sharp daggers; The scarlet eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, without a hint of warmth; The slender body was nearly two meters high, it was as strong and flexible as a cheetah; The limbs were strong and the claws were sharp, it would be easy to use it to tear a strong person with level A physical ability in half. 

Except for a few pieces of his clothing left on the body, there was no other trace of Qian Xu that could be found.

The symptoms of sudden mutation… Qian Xu had completely transformed into a beast. Luo Lan’s heart slowly sank towards the abyss of despair.

She cried out, with tears in her eyes, “Qian Xu!”

Qian Xu sprang up to a rock more than two meters high, then to another rock more than three meters high. Qian Xu was aiming towards Luo Lan’s place.

The man who had been standing silently behind Luo Lan kicked him over again, thrusting Qian Xu hard back to the ground. 

“Don’t be so harsh on him!” Luo Lan was upset and snapped at the man, only to freeze when she found out the person that saved her was the consul. 

He was wearing a black hooded robe. The cold silver mask covered his face. The eyes that held no temperature swept over Luo Lan for a second before they focused on something behind her.

“Report to the Consul. We caught two soldiers alive. The remaining seven are dead.” Zi Yan’s voice appeared out of nowhere.

Luo Lan reacted and turned around. There, she saw Zi Yan standing on a rock more than four meters high, looking down at the mutated Qian Xu.

A group of fully armed soldiers followed him at a neat pace along the path of the rocks forests.

Qian Xu became more manic. Its scarlet eyes flashed. It roared angrily and launched an attack on them.

Zi Yan was solemn. He raised his hand and all the soldiers stood straight. 

They held their guns. Quickly dispersing and circling Qian Xu.

Luo Lan quickly begged, “Zi Yan, don’t shoot! It’s Qian Xu!”

“The fifteen minutes of the golden rescue period have passed. He is a beast, not Qian Xu!” Zi Yan rebuked coldly.

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Amoeba’s Corner

The use of ‘It’ and ‘He’ to address Qin Xu in this chapter is not a mistake.


Believe in the power of love!

Believe in一 wait, let me take notes in this chapter for later use :)

Anyway, believe in the power of love! 

*clench fist* I particularly wanted to beat someone in this chapter. I really wanted to. I’m holding a grudge. I’m writing this down. I will make sure I get compensated for this, someone.

Also, I can’t help but want to shout Yin Nanzhao! The best in the world. With the face of an angel, the heart of a devil, and the body of a beast! every time the consul appeared. En. I’m such a simp for him. I’m aware.

Believe in the power of love!

Important thing must be said thrice.



The consul was bewildered by her move. He abruptly halted his movement, from hitting Qian Xu to catching Luo Lan and yanking her away from Qian Xu in an instant.

Obligatory Closing
If you like what I do, please consider checking my ko-fi! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
No advanced chapters yet because I am rushing Volume 1 lol

This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 1306

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3 thoughts on “MLiS – Chapter 13.3”

  1. I’m not reading this chapter. Bye.

    (no, jk, ily)

    Yin Nanzhao! The best in the world. With the face of an angel, the heart of a devil, and the body of a beast!

    Simps stay together.

    Zi Yan is here, the litte shit is here! Wonder what will happen 😳

    There are some brain cells left in your brain to get burned? I thought you only have 1 brain cell left.

    • I’m not reading this chapter. Bye. (2)

      Yin Nanzhao! The best in the world. With the face of an angel, the heart of a devil, and the body of a beast!

      I wonder what 😳

      Fortunately, there are still atoms and molecules left in my last brain cell to get burned :)


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