WfDO- Chapter 32

Arc 2
The Vicious Supporting Female with Unbridled Love (13)

Ye Wei died!

She died to save Zhong Shen!

Countless people crowded the hotel lobby. There was a pool of blood on the ground. They saw Ye Wei, whose life and death was unknown, being carried to the ambulance.

Following behind it was Zhong Shen. He was visibly shocked and nearly tripped when he got into the ambulance. Fortunately, the paramedics on the side helped him. 

“I obviously heard that Ye Wei hated Zhong Shen because he fell for another woman. She even went as far as to sell Zhong Shen and that woman’s photos to the media to vent her resentment and dissatisfaction. Zhong Shen’s reputation was ruined and he lost hundreds of millions! How could she die to save Zhong Shen?”

“I too heard that it was Ye Wei who took the initiative to terminate their engagement. Zhong-jia originally disagreed with it, but Ye Wei was persistent. She insisted that she had no feelings for Zhong Shen, so Zhong-jia had to compromise and agree… Why would she use her life to save Zhong Shen?”

“I thought Ye Wei hated Zhong Shen because she loved him. She couldn’t even stand the sight of him She hated him and retaliated against him… But… She died to save Zhong Shen?”

“I was told that the car was going for Zhong Shen. Ye Wei was nearby and she saw it. She rushed to Zhong Shen’s side and pushed him away, but she herself…”

“The other says that before she died, she was still worried that Zhong Shen would be afraid.”

“She obviously really loved him… On the surface, she acted like she didn’t care about him… but actually she never hated him… It was all acts to put a front”

“It’s too pitiful, Ye Wei was so pitiful… to love someone that didn’t even love her back…”

“But Zhong Shen just now… it seems like he isn’t as indifferent to Ye Wei as people said?

Ye Wei died.

On the birthday of Liu-jia’s Elder, she died. Died to save Zhong Shen.

Someone said that the car driver used to be a boss of a small company. Alas, due to wrong decision-making on his part, their company went into a desperate situation and was finally acquired by Zhong-shi.

The car driver had been waiting for Zhong Shen outside Zhong-shi every day for several months to ask Zhong Shen to return the company to him. Just based on what the driver did today, of course, he didn’t achieve his wish. He was driven away by security guards without even seeing Zhong Shen.

He hated Zhong Shen because of it. He found his chance to retaliate against him when he saw Zhong Shen in front of the hotel. He speeded up his car straight to Zhong Shen. Who would have thought it was Ye Wei who got hit instead and not Zhong Shen.

Ye Wei is dead.

None could foresee the accident and the news exploded in an instant.

For as long as Zhang Kexin could remember, Ye Wei was a scheming bitch. She was hypocritical and unreasonable. She was always scheming. As a child, she used her illness to get close to Zhong Shen by making him take care of the sickly her. As she grew up, she used her illness to act pitiful and made her look pathetic. As if by relying on her heart disease she could make the others follow whatever she wants and let her do everything.

Zhang Kexin had always wanted to peel off her hypocritical mask, let Zhong Shen take a good look at what kind of woman he had chosen as his fiancee!

Until Ye Wei died in front of her, she still believed so. In fact,.because of it, she believed Ye Wei was even more terrifying than she thought!

Even when she was on her deathbed, she was calculating Zhong Shen.

For the last time, she used her life as a chip. A chip to make sure Zhong Shen would never forget her for the rest of his life. 

Zhang Kexin stood outside the ER. The man near her was motionless. His eyes were red, his face was white. His body was stained with blood. His hand was clenching a bloody handkerchief. His knees were stained with the gray of asphalt.

The man who has always been strong, rigorous, and meticulous. The man who did not allow himself to make the slightest mistake, at this time, exposed his sorry figure for everyone to look at. 

She saw him desperately begging the doctor who shook his head and said sorry when the doctor went out of the operating room for the first time.

“Save her!”

“Save her!”

“Save her!”

“I beg you, save her.”

But Ye Wei was already dead.

Long before she was taken to the hospital.

No matter how skilled the doctor was, no one could bring the dead back to life.

Zhong Shen didn’t believe it. He didn’t believe that Ye Wei was dead. He couldn’t accept that Ye Wei was dead.

“Save her, quickly save her!”

He begged hysterically, “Please, save her!”

At last, Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu couldn’t stand it anymore. They couldn’t even bear to watch their daughter suffer, now they had to see with their own eyes that their daughter died.

Their daughter.

Died. Really died.

“Get lost! We, Ye-jia, don’t welcome you here!”

“If it weren’t for you, our Weiwei wouldn’t die! You killed her, you murderer!”

“We, Ye-jia, couldn’t afford you, Zhong Shen. When Weiwei was here, you don’t even bat an eye for her. When Weiwei was gone, you thought you could sell your crocodile tears to us and we would pity you? Get lost! We don’t want it!”

Ye Wei’s sudden death caused Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu’s world to almost collapse. Naturally, Zhong Shen became their target of venting.

If it weren’t for him, would Ye Wei die?

She wouldn’t. She would still be the Ye-jia little princess. So what if she was arrogant and willful? They were willing to spoil her, pamper her, and give her all the best things in the world!

But now, everything was useless.

Because of Zhong Shen.

He killed their daughter!

The former good son-in-law had now become the most hateful person in their eyes. They wished fervently that they had never known him. They couldn’t wait for him to get lost to the horizon and never appear in front of them again. 

Zhong Shen was hated by them. He wasn’t allowed to go near Ye-jia. Now, he couldn’t even see the corners of Ye Wei’s clothes, “I want to see her, please, let me see her…”

“In your dream! Don’t ever think you can see her again in this life!”

In order to burn incense[1] for Ye Wei; In order to see Ye Wei for the very last time, Zhong Shen would go to the cemetery every day. Lady Luck wasn’t on his side, every time he went there, Ye-fu would be there to drive him away. Yet, he didn’t leave even if he was driven away. He often waited outside for a whole day, he wouldn’t leave until very late at night. 

Ye-fu was furious with his antics. When Ye Wei was here, she cherished and loved him so much. She begged him to accompany her. Where was he at that time? Now Ye Wei wasn’t here anymore, he acted like this. Who was he doing this for? Who? 

Did he want to give himself peace of mind?

Ha. In this life, he wasn’t allowed to have it! 

In order to prevent Zhong Shen from breaking in, Ye-fu ordered dozens of bodyguards to surround the cemetery. None from Zhong-jia could go inside to mourn for Ye Wei. Even Zhong-fu, who has been recuperating in the hospital for many years, was rejected by him. Ye-fu also announced, saying that from now on, the relationship of Ye-jia and the Zhong-jia were irreconcilable, cutting all their ties. It didn’t matter how close they were before.

There were people wanting to be a peacemaker for them and persuade Ye-fu. After all, Ye Wei died to save Zhong Shen, which means Zhong Shen’s life was also Ye Wei’s. They treated Zhong Shen like this, would Ye Wei, now a spirit in the sky, be happy? 

It’s a pity that Ye-fu still drove him away whenever a person from Zhong-jia would come to the cemetery. Ye-fu wouldn’t listen to anyone’s reasoning. 

Wei Fengqiong was the same. She didn’t have the strength to care about anyone and anything. Her heart and mind were full of her dead daughter. She regretted that she played mahjong that day. If she didn’t, she would be with her daughter and her daughter wouldn’t have to die! It’s her fault, it’s all her fault. She was a failure of a mother, she failed to protect their daughter.

The two families who were once close as one family have now completely become enemies. 

On the day of Ye Wei’s funeral, Zhang Kexin noticed Zhong Shen was there, very far from her.

It was only a few days after Ye Wei’s death, but the man’s eye sockets were deeply sunk and there were big dark circles under his eyes. His face was the usual cold face, but there was another kind of stillness that was even more terrifying. 

His stature was no longer as straight as a pine. There was a hint of rickety there. He hung his head, his body was taut, and his fists were clenched.

Ye Wei’s death definitely dealt a great blow to him.

Shen Yingying and Liu Xian were also there. Both hold chrysanthemums in their arms.

Zhang Kexin got to them, “Zhong Shen, do you regret it?”

Zhong Shen raised his head. 

“Seeing you like this, you must have regretted it, right? You certainly never expect that Ye Wei, who clearly hates you, plots against you, and can’t wait to drag you to hell, would actually use her life to save you?”

Zhang Kexin smiled triumphantly, “If I must say it, Ye Wei was stupid. The most stupid. So desperate to a person that didn’t even love her back. Tsk.Tsk. Her brain was definitely eaten by a dog.”

Hmm, then again, it’s not like she got nothing. Think about it. Before, she chased after you. She begged you to accompany her to go shopping, to watch a movie with her, to have dinner together, but you didn’t want to and rejected all her attempts. And now, the table has turned, you become the one that begs to see her. Such a shame you can’t see her anymore, never to see her again. Forever.”

Zhong Shen’s face was now as white as paper. The way he stared at Zhang Kexin was so cold that Zhang Kexin felt the chill.

On his mind was that night, where Ye Wei threw plenty of photos and questioned him, asking him why he would rather spend his precious time with others rather than her, his fiancee. Why did he never want to accompany her. Why did he never spare time to choose the wedding dress and the wedding rings with her. The marriage was between both of them, but everything was handled by her alone. 

Was he really that busy?

Was he really so busy he couldn’t spare any time for her?

He was not. He just didn’t like to do things like that, so he rejected her. He never wanted to accompany her at all…

But, it was all in the past. Nothing could be changed. His heart ached. He regretted it. He was not one to regret but, this time, he regretted it so much. He had never felt this kind of regret before.

He choked and he felt a fishy sweet taste on his mouth. 

“Shut up!”

The coldness on his face was chilling, but it also revealed a trace of fragility.

Zhang Kexin didn’t back down. Her smile widened and her laugh echoed loudly, “I see. Both of you deserve this!” 

Zhong Shen shouted in a low voice, “That’s enough! Stop talking!”

Zhang Kexin taunted, “Why must I? Am I wrong? Don’t both of you deserve this?”

Liu Xian and Shen Yingying stepped forward. There was pain on Shen Yingying’s face when she looked at Zhong Shen’s sorry state. She whispered to Zhang Kexin, “Zhang-xiaojie, Zhong Shen is already suffering. Don’t say any一”

Zhang Kexin smirked. She crossed her hands on her chest, her eyes filled with mirth, “Ah~ You are here, too. What a coincidence, both of you are here, together. Are both of you trying to anger her so she would revive from death just to spit at both of you? We wouldn’t need to bury her. She would climb out from her grave. It would save everyone’s strength. That definitely would be a miracle. Then, she would be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Don’t you think it would be so amazing?”

Shen Yingying’s complexion changed in an instant. She blanched. She opened her lips and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

She handed Liu Xian the chrysanthemum in her hand: “I won’t go.”

Ye Wei hated her. She realized she really shouldn’t go and show her face to Ye Wei.

With her own eyes, she saw Ye Wei die in front of her; she saw Ye Wei push away Zhong Shen; she saw Ye Wei knocked down by the car. She finally understood how much Ye Wei loved Zhong Shen.

She could never compare to her. 

Liu Xian knitted his eyebrows but still agree to her request in the end. 

Zhang Kexin swept her eyes on them one last time. She turned around and waved, “Okay, that’s enough. I have seen enough of your jokes, now it’s time for me to laugh at Ye Wei.”

When she got to Ye Wei’s grave, she was ready to mock her.

“All in vain. You were wise for a second then turned stupid in another. Idiot. did you think that if you saved Zhong Shen using your life he would remember you all his life? You couldn’t get his heart when you were alive. Why would you think you could get it when you were dead? Let’s just say you indeed got it, but could you even enjoy it? Could you turn into a ghost and come back to talk about love with him?”

“Hey, Idiot. If you died, you would be left with nothing. Look at you, lying there under the ground. Could you even retaliate against me? Weren’t you so awesome? Come on, climb out and fight me!

Aww, you couldn’t climb out? Of course you couldn’t! You couldn’t do anything! You were going to only watch your parents die of heartache because of you, right? All of this, for the sake of one man. Tell me, is it worth it?”

Ha. Serves you right!”

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  1. Burning incense for a dead person is to pay respect or pray for them.

Ry’s Corner

I’m distressed. I’m very distressed. I’m so fucking distressed. All because of Lyre! I need dog blood to heal my heart, damn it.

I miscounted the chapter, lol. Next is the after story of Arc 2 plus the beginning of Arc 3.


I particularly like Zhang Kexin in this chapter.

With her own eyes, she saw Ye Wei die in front of her; she saw Ye Wei push away Zhong Shen; she saw Ye Wei knocked down by the car. She finally understood how much Ye Wei loved Zhong Shen.

She could never compare to her. 

No. Even waaaaay before that, you couldn’t compare to her, Shen Yingying. Stop deluding yourself.

“The Memory Lost in Space” is a mistake that holds my heart captive. I am in a love-hate relationship with it. No, jk, I love it… or do I? Of course I do _(´ཀ`」∠)_

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2457

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14 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 32”

  1. ??? Why are you blaming me for something that I don’t even do???

    The story progressed like that, where is it my fault?

    I demand justice (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    This novel is truly a feels-good novel by watching the characters not feels-good.

    • There is no justice for you in this house.

      I feel so refreshed watching Zhong Shen got beaten up verbally by Kexin. Good girl.

  2. Although im glad that Ye Wei completed her mission, facing a death is always not easy. Her parents that were left behind especially. Oh but i dont abt that zhong whatever his name sheng is. He deserves it. Swallow what zhang kexin said and never spit them out. There’s no medicine for regrets. And arggghhhhhhhh i hate it so much that shen girl dares to join the group during her funeral. Why? To laugh at her? And like you said, Ye Wei is wayyy better than her even wayyyyy long before lol

  3. Zhong shen deserves it.I never get why people would look like they have justice when they found true love when they already have a fiancee.And wtf Shenying ying.Get away from the funeral.You are also the main cause of their relationship breaking .

    I cried reading abount zhang kexin helping Ye wei speak up during her funeral……and cried when she tried to mocked her to get out of the grave.This is a nice arc to read despite knowing about the poor parents and zhang kexin left behind.

    Not to the ex or the mistress

  4. Ships Expectation:
    Zhong Shen x Shen Yinying = OG plot
    Zhong Shen x Yi Wei

    Me liking this ship after reading this arc:
    Zhang Kexin x Yi Wei = best gals

  5. I love their friendship? They hated eachother but if they looked past it, they were the closest to eachother. The only one who could’ve truly honored YW in hee death was ZK.

  6. Istg im always gonna be sobbing at the end of each arc
    I dont know why but theres just something about the way its written that really breaks my heart. Anyways, i love u guys~~

  7. I don’t blame zhong shen for not loving ye wei. I mean the engagement was decided for him when he and ye wei were children, it’s not his choice. The matter of ye-jia helping zhong-jia, it was his parents problem not his. So it doesn’t matter ye wei give him gifts, ask him to hang out, etc. If you don’t like somebody, you just don’t.

    I do blame him for his indifference though. He knows ye wei really love him so If he doesn’t have feelings for ye wei he should have cancel the engagement and repay ye-jia some other way.

    I am sure if he is persistent in ending it, the elders would understand after a few times calling him names. Ye wei will be grieving for a few years but she’ll move on somehow.

    As this ying2 girl… She is a natural green tea bitch she doesn’t even realize it. I hate her.


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