WfDO- Chapter 33

Arc 2
The Vicious Supporting Female with Unbridled Love (14)

Swallowing her last breath with peace of mind, Ye Wei got separated from the body of the original owner, and her soul floated into the air.

She watched the scene of chaos below. The people were in a mess because of her death. Liu Xian was frantically shouting for an ambulance; Shen Yingying was on the phone, calling the ambulance; Zhang Kexin kept calling her name; and Zhong Shen, he was kneeling there, stiff. He wanted to check on her but he didn’t dare to act rashly because he didn’t know where she was injured. He was completely at a loss, not composed in the slightest. 

Wei Fengqiong arrived in a hurry. She was panting, her hair was messy, and one of her shoes fell off. Her body was trembling violently. She couldn’t believe that it was her daughter who was lying on the ground but the fact showed her that it was really her daughter Ye Wei. She went limp and slumped on the ground, her cry was bitter. She almost fainted because of the sight. 

Ye-fu hasn’t gone far. His car turned back in a rush. When he saw his daughter and his crying wife lying on the ground, it felt like his heart was being squeezed. He staggered a few steps and almost fell.

Ye Wei could keep her calm and walk away without hesitation when it comes to Zhong Shen, but when it comes to Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu, she couldn’t help but feel a little sad. She had been in this world for some days. Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu always treated her very well. It could be said that they pampered and protected her unconditionally. Even if she did something wrong, in their eyes, she was always right.

It’s impossible for her to be indifferent when she saw the Ye-jia’s Elders grieving. But it’s a pity she was not their real daughter, she has her own real relatives waiting for her to come back.

Because of that, Ye Wei had prepared things a long time ago. She didn’t want the two elders enveloped by grievances all their life. She knew it was really painful for the white-haired people to send off the black-haired one. So, from a long time ago, early in the morning, she would go to the orphanage several times to search for a healthy child. She thought of adopting the child for the Ye-jia’s Elders. She gave the child’s information to her lawyer. She wanted to hand the child over to Ye-jia’s Elders after her death. She hoped the child would bring them some comfort and hope.

This was the least she could do.

It was still Team Leader Jia[1] who came to pick her up, “Congratulations for successfully completing the task.”

Ye Wei was very satisfied with her work and proudly shared her achievements, “Jia-zuchang, don’t worry. This time I made sure the Male Lead wasn’t scared before I died. I have learned from my mistake last time.”

She wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Only by learning from past mistakes and summing up the experiences could people grow rapidly. 

Ye Wei could allow others to say that she was not doing a good job, but she would never let them say she has problems with her working attitude.

Team Leader Jia received the report card from their system Lord God.

Ye Wei enthusiastically opened her personal information bar with excitement.

Congratulations to Commissioner Ye Wei for successfully playing the role of vicious Supporting Female and completing the branch plot.

Task completion: 100%.

Task score: 60.

Lord God’s message: Work performance is worrisome, Please make persistent efforts ah!


Barely passed the passing line again?

The evaluation was almost exactly the same as the previous evaluation. The only difference was the Lord God’s message this time has an additional “ah” and an exclamation mark, which shows the Lord God’s disappointment and expectation for her.

She couldn’t believe it. Her shock was greater than the last time, “How could this be?”

Why does my score barely pass the line again?

Where do I not do it well?

How could I not do it well?

She pondered over, “I didn’t disturb the main plot, right? The Male Lead said he wasn’t scared by me. Zuchang, tell me, what makes my score so low this time?”

Team Leader Jia raised her glasses, “Your death is too ugly. The Male Lead has nightmares every night because of it. 30 points are deducted from it.”

Ye Wei, “?”

Death is too ugly?


Team Leader Jia flipped her wrist and pulled out a picture of her death. Her face was covered with blood. Coupled with her wide eyes, it made her seem unwilling to die and she seemed to be in extreme pain. At a glance, she looked like an evil spirit asking for their life!


It’s so terrifying! No wonder the Male Lead had nightmares every night!

Ye Wei herself was afraid. She unconsciously took a step back. She gulped, was her unwillingness so obvious?

She did die very simply, but she was very unwilling when she thought she was dying for others. She was self-centered. If it weren’t for the task, even if the Male Lead died in front of her, she wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

If it weren’t for work, who would want to die for someone who doesn’t love them?

Anyway, she didn’t advocate this kind of practice. That was the reason why there were few talents in the vicious Supporting Female team. There were only five or six people as a whole, unlike the satisfying Supporting Female Counterattack team or Scum Man Whitewashing team.  When all is said and done, following the plot for a vicious Supporting Female from start to end wasn’t something that ordinary people could do. That was also the reason why their vicious Supporting Female team had the highest welfare despite its small number of people.

For example, she drew a lottery with the chance of 60, her chance of winning the jackpot was much higher than that of other teams with the same score.

Plus, at that time, she was afraid that she would die too fast and couldn’t appease the Male Lead, so she remained firm and hold onto life. She didn’t expect that her death would be so ugly because of it. 

Ye Wei was afraid of her own self after death, she was a little flustered. A moment later, she realized something wrong. She argued rationally, “I didn’t mean for my death to be so ugly. Besides, I was dying at that time. I have tried my best to maintain my appearance. It is impossible for me to get up and wash my face before dying, right? How can I get blamed for that?”

“And about the unwillingness on my face… Zuchang, think about how old ‘I’ am. How can ‘I’ be willing to die at that age?”

Team Leader Jia nodded in agreement, “There is no way you are willing.”

Ye Wei furiously patted her thigh, “That’s right! It is necessary to show my unwillingness! If you want to blame, blame the Male Lead! How could he be so weak! I demand justice!”

Team Leader Jia, “This is a judgment given by the main system. I have no right to interfere.”

Ye Wei forced a smile, “This is too inflexible, right? Can’t the main system be more accommodating? Am I to blame for my death being too ugly?”

Team Leader Jia, “I really can’t blame you for this, but still, I’m sorry.”

Ye Wei ground her teeth. She was ready to write a long protest for this. As the Son of the World, if he had nightmares every night for such a small thing like her ugly death, how could he do big things and shake the world?!

Did they pick the wrong person to become the Son of the World?!

“And because your death is too ugly, not only the Male Lead has nightmares all night, but the Female Lead, the Supporting Male, and the Supporting Female who has seen your death also have nightmares all night, They can’t sleep well. Fortunately, their influence is not as great as the Male Lead, and they are not as important as the Male Lead. So they don’t deduct your points because of it.”

Oh, Should I thank you from the bottom of my heart? Then, I thank you. Very very much.

“The rest? What is the cause that got my 10 points deducted?”

Team Leader Jia answered, “The Male Lead has nightmares all night. He is brooding about your death. He can’t let go of it, which caused the main plot line to be delayed. 10 points are deducted from it.”

So in the end it was all blamed on her death being too ugly, right?

If she had known this, she would just let her die faster.

Team Leader Jia was very considerate of her subordinates. Watching Ye Wei’s face turn ugly, she gathered her majesty as her boss and comforted, “Don’t be discouraged. At least you have completed the task. In the future, keep making persistent efforts and strive for the best.”

Ye Wei was a little desperate, “No matter how perfect my work is, if the Male Lead is physically and mentally fragile and not strong enough, my work will be for nothing!”

She was right. Team Leader Jia patted her shoulder, “I didn’t expect that the Son of the World in your task world would be so weak. Your colleagues have never met a protagonist that was as fragile as yours.”

She was the leader of the vicious Supporting Female team. All her subordinates played the role of vicious Supporting Female. As a vicious Supporting Female, dying was inevitable. They had died countless times, whether they were willing or unwilling. But none of them was like Ye Wei. Ye Wei was a special case, when she died, not only did it affect the Male Lead, it also affected the main line of the world.

At first, she was very optimistic about Ye Wei. She didn’t expect Ye Wei would become the tail of the crane[2] and barely reached the passing line twice. How could their team compete with the Supporting Female unterattack team or Scum Man Whitewashing team at the end of the year?

Ye Wei reflected on it. Maybe the Male Lead assigned to her was not strong enough and couldn’t stand any stimulation?

She rolled her eyes. She thought of a good way, “Jia-zuchang, for my next task, can you find me a role that is not close to the Male Lead, the role that is very faaaar away from him? In that way, even if I die, it won’t affect the Male Lead and in turn, it also won’t affect my task score, right?”

Team Leader Jia thought Ye Wei’s words made some sense. “The tasks are given by the main system, but I can screen through it, if I found a world with a plot similar to that, I will let you go there”

Ye Wei said happily, “Thank you, zuchang! I will live up to your expectations!”

Team Leader Jia was a good team leader who sympathized with her subordinates. She said, “This time, will you wait for your First Seven Days[3] to end first before accepting the task?”

Ye Wei originally wanted to accept the next task directly, but when she thought of Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu, she couldn’t help but think of her own parents. She answered, “Wait until I’m buried first.”

At that time, the lawyer should send the information about the child to Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu. She could leave with peace of mind only after she made sure of it.

Wei Fengqiong dreamed of Ye Wei every night. The Ye Wei in her dream was still alive. She could cry and laugh. She was especially lively. When this da xiaojie of hers has a temper, she could be so angry she could turn the house upside down. 

In the dream, their family of three was still living a happy life, but in a blink of an eye, her daughter’s eyes turned bloody. Her daughter was lying in the coffin, she couldn’t cry or laugh. She was lifeless.  

Wei Fengqiong cried in her dreams, she cried and cried. Her eyes were almost blind from her crying.

Tonight, she dreamed of Ye Wei again, but this time was different from any time before. She dreamed that they had finally buried Ye Wei. Ye Wei, who was floating in front of her grave, looked at her quietly and smiled at her. Her smile was very happy as if she was telling her not to worry about her. She was saying goodbye to her.

“No, don’t go, Weiwei, don’t go, come back!”

“Weiwei, you come back here! Come back!”

Mama doesn’t want you to go, Mama can’t bear to let you go. Weiwei, you come back here!”

Wei Fengqiong woke up crying in the middle of the night. The Ye-fu beside her also woke up from his dream at the same time. The two looked at each other, tears were evident in their eyes, “I dreamed of Weiwei. I dreamed that she came to say goodbye to us. I begged her not to go, but I couldn’t catch up with her…”

“I also dreamed of Weiwei coming to say goodbye to me.”

Wei Fengqiong and Ye-fu stared at each other. Two people had the same dream at the same time. Did the so-called ‘spirit’ really exist?

The next day, Ye Wei’s lawyer came to Ye-jia.

A few days later, a child became a part of Ye-jia.

Zhang Kexin also dreamed of Ye Wei. In the dream, Ye Wei climbed out of the grave with blood on her face. She beckoned her as she climbed, as if she wanted her to accompany her to hell…

Zhang Kexin was so scared that she ran and ran, but no matter how hard she ran, she still could see Ye Wei climbing out of the coffin as soon as she turned her head. As if no matter how hard she ran, she couldn’t get rid of her. This realization made her heart cold.

She ran and ran, she was so tired that she panted. She looked back and saw Ye Wei almost caught up to her. She woke up from her dream with a scream of terror.

She quickly turned on all the lights in the room, but she couldn’t dispel the fear in her heart. She was so furious that she cursed, “What are you looking for me for! If you want to haunt someone, haunt Shen Yingying! She is the one that robbed your Zhong Shen, not me!”

“Isn’t it said that every injustice has its perpetrator! You shouldn’t hurt me because of your grievances with Shen Yingying! Your death has nothing to do with me. You come to the wrong person!”

This scheming bitch was so cruel. She still bullied others even when she was already dead! This was too much!!!

“Fine fine fine!!! Tomorrow, I will find someone to burn[4] a villa, a luxury car, and delicacies for you. Please, don’t haunt me any longer. I just scolded you with a few words! Don’t hold onto small grievances like this!”

“Let me tell you that I will also die in the future, don’t be so conceited now! I will take my revenge on you in the future!!!”

A gust of cold wind blew outside the window. Zhang Kexin got so terrified that she hid in the quilt. She shut her mouth tight. She definitely would find Taoists to exorcise her evil spirits tomorrow!

In Zhong Shen’s dream, Ye Wei was always lying in a pool of blood. She would look at him with wide eyes and tell him not to be afraid. 

Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid

Those words became the most unforgettable words in his life.

She used her life to save him, and before she died, she was still worried that she would scare him.

He regretted it so much. He remembered his memories with Ye Wei. She was always chasing him, hoping that he could accompany her even for a moment. If he spoke more than a word with her, she would be very happy. Yet, he always gave her a cold shoulder; he always refused her.

He never gave her any happy memories, nor companionship, nor care, nor joy. Even when she died, he only gave her pain.

This became a thorn in his heart that he would never forget or pull out.

He regretted it so much. If there was a second chance, he would treat her well and fulfill all her wishes.

It’s a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world. 

He regretted it so much, but he couldn’t even burn incense for Ye Wei.

Ye-fu despised him to death that he hired bodyguards to guard Ye Wei’s grave. He was not allowed to come near. He could only look at it from a distance.

Zhang Kexin was right. Once, Ye Wei chased after him, begging for his attention. Even a little attention would make her happy. But, he always rejected her. Now the table has turned, he finally knew the pain of wanting to see someone but couldn’t see the said person anymore.

He regretted it so much, but it was already too late.

Ye Wei returned to the Time and Space Administration Bureau. She first went to receive her bonus. The bonus was stored in her account. She saved it because she wanted to take a vacation for half a month after the last task, she wanted to relax for a while. But looking at her situation now, it seemed that she couldn’t take any vacation at the moment. With her last two performances, how thick was her face to ask for vacation?

Not to say because her score was low. her bonus got reduced greatly! Looking at the pitiful numbers, she couldn’t help but feel even more heartbroken.

She could only hope for the next world’s Male Lead to be strong enough!

The pain in her heart lessened because she finally could draw her lottery again. It’s too bad that instead of the Chinese Medicine System she wanted, she got a useless system that could turn her into a great beauty that could cause disaster just by her face instead. 

“Dearest, bind yourself with me. The princes and generals will all fall for you!”

“Dearest, with me, you will become the most beautiful woman in the world!”

“Dearest, with me, all men in the world will be enchanted by you! So enchanted they will crash against the wall when looking at you!”

Ye Wei’s head hurts from its chattering. She threw it into her bag without a care.

Before starting the next task, she went back to her own world. She sat near her real body, listening to her mother reading a book for her. It wasn’t until she was about to leave that her mother sighed and said, “Ye Xin is going to marry Feng Nuo.”

Ye Xin was getting married?

That’s a good thing!

Though, she didn’t know who this Feng Nuo was. She hadn’t heard of him before. Perhaps it was Ye Xin’s new boyfriend that she got during Ye Wei’s hospitalization?

“Weiwei, when will you wake up?”

“Wake up quickly…”

Ye Wei was upset when she heard her mother’s painful and hopeful voice. She strengthened her determination to work hard so she could return sooner.

She would wake up. As long as she drew the Chinese Medical System, she could use the system to treat herself. She would be able to wake up by then!!

On the other side, Team Leader Jia got an urgent call from the main system. She got a report that the world collapsed after Ye Wei returned from her task. Zhong Shen derailed from the main plot. He didn’t end up with Shen Yingying, he alienated her. Shen Yingying, who has lost the backing of the Son of the World, was completely reduced to a Supporting Role.

Team Leader Jia‘s glasses nearly fell off. “This is impossible. I have checked the branch plot that Ye Wei has experienced this time. She has not done anything that violates the plot. How can the main plot of the world collapse?”

Just like Ye Wei, Team Leader Jia had learned a lesson from Ye Wei’s last task. This time, after Ye Wei completed her task, Team Leader Jia took a special look at her process and determined that there was nothing out of line before she could feel at ease. Where did it go wrong?

Every small world has only one Son of the World. The main plot revolved around the Son of the World. Once the branches of the small world collapsed and affected the main line of the world, the small world would fall into chaos and collapse. But it was different with the Son of the World. If the plot around him collapsed, he could walk out of it and a new plot line would be regenerated around him.

Both Sheng Zhiming and Zhong Shen had escaped from the main line of the world one after another. 

It greatly surprised them.

Team Leader Jia, “Don’t tell me it’s really because the Male Lead is not strong enough…?”

The system’s Lord God, “?”

Unfortunately, nothing could be analyzed from this. They needed to wait for the new plot to come out. 

The next time Ye Wei blinked her eyes open, she found herself in a super luxurious villa. 

The villa was five stories high and extremely spacious. There was a garden in front of it, a football field behind it, and a parking lot under it. There were groups of maids and rows of bodyguards in the villa. 

Ye Wei was almost dazzled by the extravagant scene in front of her. Though, she would be more dazzled by the villa if the villa wasn’t the Villain’s den.

Ye Wei’s identity at this moment was “the gold worshipper who abandoned her boyfriend for money.” The abandoned boyfriend was the Male Lead of this world.

The Male Lead’s identity was not simple. Apparently, he was a child whose father died and lived in a single-parent family with his mother. But the truth was he was the illegitimate son of the patriarch of the Mo-jia in City C. The Mo-jia not only engaged in clean business but also in some shady business. They had a big influence in both white and black markets. Their strength couldn’t be underestimated.

Similarly, because of the dispute over their family property, the family was never calm. It was dangerous to be part of the Mo-jia.

Ye Wei abandoned the Male Lead, Mo Yu, because she was seduced by two million yuan[5] the Villain, Mo Yuan, offered. 

Although Mo Yu only had his mother when he grew up, he still became an upright and righteous person. He was full of affection.

He was different from Mo Yuan. 

Mo Yuan grew up accompanied by the scheming of Mo-jia’s people since he was a child. His thoughts were extremely treacherous and his character was even more cunning. His leg was abolished by his enemies two years ago. He has become more difficult since then, he was easily irritated and angered. He would beat or scold someone if someone ever mentioned his leg.

Mo Yuan was a very jealous person. He didn’t like watching the Male Lead happy. For that reason, he seduced the original owner with two million yuan to abandon the Male Lead. He made the Male Lead live in pain just because he could.

Ye Wei and the Male Lead were in the same school. She was the school flower[6]. The Male Lead was outstanding and also a popular figure in the school even though he was a poor scholar with a poor background. When they got together, they became known as the golden boy and the jade girl[7]. They were an enviable pair.

But, in accordance to her role as a vicious Supporting Female, Ye Wei was dissatisfied with her relationship with Mo Yu. She wanted not only love, but also power, status, and money. She wanted to enjoy endless glory and wealth.

These things were things that the Male Lead couldn’t give her.

When Mo Yuan threw her an olive branch, the original owner hesitated before deciding to take it and abandoned Mo Yu for Mo Yuan.

At that time, Mo Yuan pretended to be a gentleman. He hid all his dark sides under his pale and handsome face, so even if he was lame on one leg, with the support of his face and family background, people would still follow him like a flock of ducks.

Comparing Mo Yu, a poor scholar with no background, to Mo Yuan, the shaoye of the Mo-jia of City C… the choice was too obvious.

Ye Wei abandoned Mo Yu for Mo Yuan. Mo Yu was in pain because of it.

Mo Yuan’s favorite thing was to see others in pain, especially if the person was Mo Yu.

Since then, Mo Yuan embarked on his doomed road as the Villain. Not only did he embarrass the Male Lead everywhere, but he also liked to show off the vicious Supporting Female in front of the Male Lead, drawing his hatred to her. Later, the Male Lead completely hated this pair of dog man and woman[8]

Ye Wei had said she wanted to stay far away from the Male Lead, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be thrown to the Villain’s den!

Mo Yuan was an insidious, cunning, and sensitive man, especially after he lost one of his legs. If anyone dared to peek at his leg, he would make them experience hell. Regardless of whether that person is a man or a woman. None could escape from his wrath. 

Because of his volatile temper, the whole villa was extremely quiet. No one dared to speak loudly, and even they were careful to take a breath. In Mo Yuan’s eyes, if they dared to even walk a little bit faster, it was the same as insulting him. He would sneer, heh, just because you have both legs, you will run?

Before, Ye Wei only need to wait for her death, she never expected she would come to a world where she should think about living safely first.

Of course, no matter how terrible Mo Yuan was, he wouldn’t really kill a person. How could he fight Mo Yu if he killed someone?

How would he rob his family property?

This is a society ruled by the law. If he broke the law, he would be sentenced. 

Therefore, she has no worries about her life for the time being. She only needed to live in a low-key manner and enjoy her luxurious life quietly. She was shaking when she saw the endless money in her account. Anyway, if something happened, Mo Yuan would only bring her to take his anger out on Mo Yu.

This time, she decided to be obedient to the Villain. Whatever he told her to do, she would do. She would never step out of the line. 

When Ye Wei transmigrated, it was at the time when she had just taken the two million yuan from Mo Yuan and had lived in the villa for a while.

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  1. 贾组长 – Jia-zuchang. Team Leader Jia

  2. 吊车尾 – diàochēwěi.Crane tail; disappointing, a drag.

  3. There is a saying that says a person won’t know that they are dead in the first seven day of their death and still live with the living. Their spirit will return to the side of the person they missed the most during those seven days.

  4. Burning something for a deceased person is like giving something to them. It is said they have nothing when they become a spirit. So their closest person often burns things for them. Like joss paper (money for spirit). So if you burn villa, they will get villa.If you burn a luxury car, they will get a luxury car…

  5. 2 million Yuan ≈ 314k USD.

  6. 校花 – xiào huā. the most popular female student in a school

  7. 金童玉女 – jīntóng yùnǚ. The man is talented and the woman is beautiful.  A very good match.

  8. 狗男女 – gǒu nán nǚ. Immoral couples.

Ry’s Corner

Arc 3 is full of stupidity and dog blood. I love it.

Poor Ye Wei, barely passing the line again :)

Check “The Memory Lost in Space” for Yin Nanzhao. The best in the world! With the face of an angel, the heart of a devil, and the body of a beast! 我爱我爱我爱!

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4606

Support Me on Ko-Fi!

10 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 33”

  1. I was laughing at the first half bcs of her scores. And suddenly there’s a ninja cutting onions near me when im at her parents’ part. Then laughing again at ZKX part, and soo satisfied at Zhong Shen’s part

    Man…. This chapter is a roller coaster ride for me. But why didnt author showed us SYY’ dream?? I want to see her suffering from nightmares toooooo

    • Mn. This is a rollercoaster of a chapter.

      Poor Ye Wei, the ML is truly not strong enough!

      Shen Yingying is not important enough to get a part in this chapter :) or maybe she didn’t feel guilty toward Ye Wei’s death and never dreamed of her.

    • The first time I ever made an account to like someone’s comment :) the ninja got me too
      it was sad but satisfying at the same time

  2. ZKX though… She actually promised to burn a villa,car,and food for Ye Wei😂😭 I hope YW can receive them.

    Thank you for the chapter ☺️

  3. Translator I Know I’m weird for saying this but can you attached a sad song that goes well with the chapter everytime she die um I just want to feel more pain 😭


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