WfDO- Chapter 34

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money(1)

When Ye Wei woke up in the morning, her clothes were already prepared on the bedside. The maid served her a delicate and delicious breakfast. There were so many options, Chinese style, Western style, Hong Kong style, and many more. Everything tasted different from the last and was exquisite. This was partially because Mo Yuan’s taste was as uncertain as his temperament. He could say he wanted to eat porridge and meat buns but when it was ready to be served, he would say he wanted to eat steak and drink red wine instead. The porridge and meat buns had to be removed immediately and they needed to serve the steak and red wine.

He was insidious and domineering, a tyrant. No one could disobey him.

Ye Wei was going to work with him in the future. It’s inevitable she would feel some pressure. She could only hope they could get along well as colleagues.

Ye Wei had youtiao[1] dipped in soybean milk for breakfast. The crispy youtiao was rolled twice in the soybean milk bowl before she ate it in one bite. It has both the sweetness of soy milk and the crispness of youtiao. Mn, extremely delicious.

She ate two youtiao in one breath. While eating, she observed her surroundings. 

She found that in addition to servants, janitors, and gardeners, there were also many security guards in the villa, patrolling the villa from front to back.

There are not less than twenty in total. Yet, even with so many people, there was still not even a trace of human voices in the villa. It was as quiet as an abandoned house. It was enough to prove how terrifying Mo Yuan is.

When Ye Wei was done with her breakfast, an old butler approached her, “Xiansheng[2] have something to do outside, he told me to let you wait for him at home.”

Ye Wei had set her life plan for this world long ago. She wanted to be a well-behaved and obedient gold worshipper[3]. But, naturally, as a gold worshipper, she would be obedient only if the gold master has money, if not… Well, excuse her.

So when the butler told her that, she obediently agreed without showing any dissatisfaction or curiosity about what Mo Yuan did. That was not something she should care about, the thing she needed to care about was… “Can I go shopping?”

The butler answered, “Xiansheng doesn’t restrict your freedom, you are free to do anything, but, shall Xiansheng call you, you must return right away.”

Ye Wei nodded, “Thank you. I got it.”

From now on, buying whatever she wanted was her only hobby. Thinking about it, she felt quite exasperated with the original owner’s hobby. 

Ye Wei originally wanted to go out to buy something right away, but in order to pretend to be good and curry favor with Mo Yuan, she didn’t go out for two days. She stayed at home and indulged in eating, drinking, having fun, and sleeping every day. Not to mention how boring her life was, it was as quiet as stagnant water. There were no ups and downs. Not only did someone choose the clothes she wore every day and deliver them to her, she even ate on time, 7 o’clock in the morning, 12 o’clock at noon, and 6 o’clock in the evening. One minute late was not considered punctual; afternoon tea and pastries were available in the afternoon; you could also have midnight snacks at night.……

Every day was like that, there was nothing interesting at all. She spent her days lazing around in the desolate villa. She was very sad. 

Besides, she didn’t expect Mo Yuan’s taste to be so heavy. Her personal taste was light. 

Her clothes were mainly based on Mu Yuan’s taste. Her wardrobes were full of all kinds of white dresses, suspenders, long-sleeves, short-sleeves, and laces. They were all mainly white. As for the shoes, they were lovely and ladylike. Just by wearing the things in her wardrobe, Ye Weil almost believed she was a little fairy who had no superfluous desire. 

Such a shame her love for money was engraved in her soul and couldn’t be hidden. Even if she wore clothing that made her look like a little fairy, it couldn’t conceal the fact that she was a gold worshipper!

Plus, these days, she received several text messages from the Male Lead.

Mo Yu: Weiwei, don’t be angry with me.  I didn’t mean to ignore you. I was temporarily asked to work overtime, and my phone ran out of power… Don’t be angry, okay?

Mo Yu: Where are you? Let’s have a talk.

Mo Yu: Weiwei, don’t be angry, okay?

Mo Yu: Ye Wei, do you really insist on breaking up with me? Just because I didn’t accompany you to watch a movie?

At this point, the original owner and the Male Lead had just broken up not long ago. The reason given by the original owner was out of place. The Male Lead has no idea the original owner has taken the olive branch from someone else. He was still trying to find a way to persuade her to stay. 

In his opinion, was there anything that couldn’t be solved if they talked to each other?

As long as they loved each other, was there something that couldn’t be solved? 

He was worried that she broke up with him because she had no alternative but to; He was worried she was facing difficulties but reluctant to discuss or mention it to him. 

And what were the difficulties that she was reluctant to discuss or mention to him?

Obviously, the answer was because the Male Lead was too poor. 

Ye Wei only returned a message, everyone will gather and disperse[4], and left it at that. She rejected the call from the Male Lead.

Ye Wei was really afraid of the Male Lead. She couldn’t afford to provoke him, so she could only avoid him.

She honestly didn’t want to have too much contact with the Male Lead. As long as she could, she wouldn’t contact the Male Lead as not to affect her task.

After she rejected the Male Lead’s call, the other party’s message became fewer.

Her goal was achieved so Ye Wei was a little happy. This affirmed her work’s ability. She was not that bad, see?

Mo Yuan hasn’t come to the villa in the past few days. Ye Wei didn’t know to which place he was seeking for death this time. 

Ye Wei was not in the mood to take care of him. Anyway, when the opportunity arose, he would appear and bring her to seek death and draw the Male Lead hatred.

Ye Wei was very self-aware now. She was not as outstanding as she thought. She still has many shortcomings. She needed to correct it and make better progress slowly. Fortunately, she came to her senses and could see her shortcomings clearly earlier. She still has the opportunity to start over. 

That’s why she deeply analyzed the current situation and decided on being a tool who could only spend money and be obedient. 

After being obedient for two days, Ye Wei grabbed the card given by Mo Yuan and went out to use it. She bought a bunch of branded bags, clothes, and jewelry. When she came back, she was very dazzling. Others would know she was very wealthy at a glance. 

Ye Wei was very eye-catching at this moment. Although she wore a plain white dress, pearls decorated her hair and diamonds hung on her neck and ears. On her wrist was a Patek Phillipe’s emerald watch. Her makeup was extremely delicate and beautiful. Her whole person appeared to be sparkling and very magnificent. 

When the butler saw her, he was stupefied. He instantly understood. Sure enough, someone from a small household would be like a nouveau riche when they obtained money, they would buy all kinds of things as they like. 

On the second day, Ye Wei went out again. When she returned at night, she had taken on an entirely new look. 

On the third day, Ye Wei didn’t go out. She lay at home for a day. The butler thought that Ye Wei realized that she was too aggressive on spending money and was afraid of making xiansheng angry. That’s why she restrained herself. 

Who would have thought that on the fourth day, she went out again, this time was even more severe than before, when she returned, she bought a sports car! Although it cost only a few million, this attitude of her couldn’t conceal her big appetite for money. This kind of brainless attitude, only she would do this. 

She was not afraid in the slightest that xiansheng would get tired of her antics. 

That night, the butler told Mo Yuan about what Ye Wei has been doing these days.

The man was sitting at his desk, and the dim light outlined his thin figure. He hooked his lips, his smile did not reach his eyes. Coupled with his pale face, he looked extremely cold.

Come morning, for the first time, Ye Wei finally saw Mo Yuan at the dining table. 

The man was wearing a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up, and two buttons on his chest were unbuttoned. His face was pale, but his facial features were extremely handsome, with sword eyebrows[5], bright eyes, a tall nose, deep eye sockets, and thin lips.

He was holding today’s financial news in his hands. At this moment, he looked like a weak and handsome young man, not Mo Yuan, who could frighten anyone just by hearing his name.

“Weiwei, good morning.”

Ye Wei’s smile for her gold master, without doubt, came from the bottom of her heart. She loves money, naturally, she would also love the owner who gave her the money for her to spend, “Mo-xiansheng, good morning.”

Today’s breakfast, she ate it with Mo Yuan. He ate a bowl of congee. It was so plain, it didn’t even have any pickled vegetables on it.

Still, the gold master liked it, she wouldn’t be dissatisfied with it. She even drank three bowls of the tasteless congee. She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief in a very ladylike manner. She expressed her thanks and said she was full. 

The butler nearby, “……”

The butler was surprised. Ye Wei could have had such a good appetite even when she was facing Mo Yuan?

Mo Yuan, “……”   

Mo Yuan shook the newspaper in his hands, “Your graduation ceremony is almost here. Let the driver take you there later.”

Ye Wei has just graduated from university at this moment, and she interned for a while. She was the goddess of her university. Outside of her university, although she had a lot of convenience because of her beauty, a place like her workplace was not unimpeded by her beauty. The treatment difference was too big. She was a prideful person and couldn’t bear any suffering. She wanted to vent her grievances to the Male Lead. Unfortunately, the Male Lead was also busy with his own work and couldn’t spare time to take care of her for a while. 

Under this circumstance, Mo Yuan threw her an olive branch. She hesitated and struggled for a long time. After all, she really likes Mo Yu. It’s impossible for her to give up on him just because. But, she didn’t like being ordered around. She wanted to live a noble and carefree life. She kept hesitating, until one day Mo Yu forgot their date. She decided to choose Mo Yuan and took his two million yuan instantly.

Except, she didn’t know her difficulties at work were all arranged by Mo Yuan.

She was different from Mo Yu. Mo Yu, who has just graduated from university and interned outside, has a stronger mentality than Ye Wei, plus, he was the Son of the World. It was natural for him to be very different from the Supporting Female. His work went smoothly. Moreover, the company where Mo Yu interned happened to be a company owned by Mo-jia. This was a typical main storyline for the counterattack or face-slapping team.

Ye Wei replied happily, “Thank you, Mo-xiansheng.

It seemed that Mo Yuan was kind enough to send her to her graduation ceremony, but, then again, this was Mo Yuan. He never did anything without return. Most likely, he did this to provoke Mo Yu. 

Think about it, just a few days after his girlfriend dumped him, she appeared in front of him in a luxury car and wearing famous brands. Wouldn’t you be able to guess the inside story?

What’s more, Ye Wei’s family was not very wealthy. At most, she didn’t have to worry about food and clothing. She didn’t reach the point where she had a driver to escort her to school.

Plus, presently, her bag was a limited edition bag from a certain brand. It was obvious she was very different from before.

As for why she was different… Well, it’s hard to say.

When her graduation ceremony came, Ye Wei got into a luxury Rolls-Royce specially arranged by Mo Yuan and arrived at the university, dressed up to the nines.

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  1. 油条蘸豆浆 – Deep-fried Dough Sticks (Youtiao) dipped in Soybean milk. Youtiao is a deep-fried breadstick, crispy on the outside and spongy on the inside. It’s light, airy, and pleasantly chewy.  Image in Attachments

  2. In case you forgot. 先生 – xiānshēng; Sir, Mr. A term for people with certain status, knowledge, and qualifications.

  3. 拜金 – bàijīn; Gold Worshipper. They love money. They worship money. They don’t necessarily seek wealthy people in order to extract money from them. They just… love money too much and respect those who have money. They are not malicious compared to Gold Digger. 

  4. 好聚好散 – hǎo jù hǎo sàn; lit. Gather well, Disperse well. Get along happily when you are together, and be friendly when you are not together anymore. To part without hard feelings. To cut the knot as smoothly as you tied it

  5. 剑眉 – jiàn méi. Eyebrows are said to be sword eyebrows if they are long, slightly thick, and broad and have the curvature of a sword. The famous example is Luo Yunxi (Run Yu from Ashes of Love; Chu Wanning from Immortality). Image in Attachments.


Youtiao with a soybean milk
Youtiao with a soybean milk
Sword Eyebrow – Luo Yunxi

Ry’s Corner

Self-reward chapter plus thanks to Lyre <3

Mo Yu is not that bad, actually. He is a decent Original ML compared to all other Original MLs in WfOD.

Mo Yuan is also not that bad?

Ah. I want youtiao

Check “The Memory Lost in Space” for Yin Nanzhao. The best in the world! With the face of an angel, the heart of a devil, and the body of a beast! 我爱我爱我爱!

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2217

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4 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 34”

  1. Ohhh this time she becomes the supporter of villain.

    That youyiao, people from my country eat them with special sauce, added with grounded fried nuts

  2. I do eat youtiao too.Either with congee,plain,or with Kaya(a type of sweet paste made from eggs and sugar with pandan leaves)


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