TVIRAD – Chapter 27

Arc 2
Flawless Sword (10)

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From a distance, Ye Chen, who heard Jun Yan’s words, sighed in her heart. 

She should have known it. One mustn’t believe a man’s sweet words.

The Plot was indeed powerful. She was discarded as soon as the Female Lead appeared. Fortunately, she has brainwashed herself every day for a long time, so she wasn’t too upset with this progression.  

She stood behind Jun Yan and bowed respectfully, “Shifu, what should be done now?”

Jun Yan didn’t answer. He got up and went to the basement under the courtyard. He swept the basement with his Divine Consciousness and went directly to a wall. He shattered the wall with his palm. Behind the wall was a girl. The girl was only fifteen years old. She looked timidly at Jun Yan, her eyes clear and bright, like a fawn. She was outstandingly beautiful. 

Jun Yan was silent. Then, he stretched out his hand to her, “My name is Jun Yan. From now on, I will be your Shifu.”

On the outside, Ye Chen, who was behind Jun Yan, was smiling quietly. On the inside, she has cursed him countless times. 

Wasn’t all disciples the same? There was no need to fucking change your style of accepting them. Why did you change your style when it was her turn?

Then again, it was the fucking Female Lead, of course she was special. Ye Chen sighed once again in her heart and approached Jun Yan, “Shifu, should I deal with those Demonic Cultivators outside?”

Mn.” Jun Yan dared not look at her. He only hummed. 

Ye Chen inclined her head and left. Xie Wushuang hurriedly trailed behind her. Ye Chen glanced at him, “What are you doing following me?”

“Aren’t you afraid that something will happen if you are alone?” Xie Wushuang smiled. The present him has long eyebrows and has the appearance of an adult man. His appearance gave a completely different feeling from Jun Yan. If Jun Yan was like a snow-capped mountain, Xie Wushuang was more like the pear blossom in your courtyard that bloomed just right. Approaching him was easy, he gave a feeling that he was within reach.

Xie Wushuang’s smile dazed her. Ye Chen couldn’t help but click her tongue, “Wushuang, you really become better and better with each passing day.”

“Go and clean up those Demonic Cultivators first,” Xie Wushuang shook his head helplessly, “Shijie, when can you control that poor mouth of yours?”

“I can’t control it,” Ye Chen set her hands on her sword’s hilt. She strolled leisurely toward the crowd. Every Demonic Cultivator she saw, she directly lifted her hand to stab them to death. 

Ye Chen sighed again, full of emotion, “This sickness of mine, most likely, is already incurable.”

As the two chattered, Jun Yan’s magic array gradually weakened. Ye Chen noticed it and increased her speed of cleaning those Demonic Cultivators. When the array completely broke, Ye Chen and Xie Wushuang rushed out and dealt with the unfrozen cultivators one by one. 

The Demonic Cultivator collided with them left and right. Those cultivators simply combined their strength and besieged them in the middle. Ye Chen and Xie Wushuang were surrounded by them, they guarded each other’s backs. Their faces were calm. Ye Chen took her sweet time to fool around. “So many people, I’m so afraid ah~.” 

Shijie,” Xie Wushuang chided softly, “Stop talking.”

With that, Ye Chen dashed to the crowd. At the same time, Xie Wushuang knelt down on one knee. He propped his palm to the ground and recited a spell. A magic array spread under everyone’s feet. Within the magic array, the movement speeds of their enemies slowed. It was hard for them to escape from Ye Chen’s sword. Ye Chen used the advantage of their slowed movement and converted her sword into several other swords. Those swords hovered and stabbed everyone at the same time. Holding a sword in her hand, her figure was ethereal. Wherever she went, blood splashed everywhere.

Their cooperation was flawless. Save for the tribulation clouds gathering in the sky above them. Just by a glance, Xie Wushuang knew it wasn’t something good. He shouted at once  “Shijie, finish them fast!”

Ye Chen hooked the corners of her lips, carefree as always, “Fine, as my Xiao Shidi wish.”

Ye Chen tossed the sword in her hand upward. She quickly made dozens of complicated hand signs. The sword directly turned into thousands of small swords. With a commanding aura, those swords plummeted to the people around her.

Those Demonic Cultivators tried to resist, but Ye Chen had poured out her Spiritual Aura into those swords. Tens of thousands of small swords broke through the shield of those demonic cultivators. Their wails echoed in the silent town. 

She poured out too much of her Spiritual Aura and spat a mouthful of blood. She swayed. Xie Wushuang was immediately beside her. He caught her and anxiously examined her. “Shijie! What happened to you?”

“Inform Shifu, tell him to come here.” Ye Chen gasped. She then sat cross-legged and instructed, “Before that, help me set up some arrays first.”


Xie Wushuang wasted no time throwing out all the magic tools that he had prepared. While arranging the array, he tried to send a message to Jun Yan, but he couldn’t get through to him. His anxiety peaked, “Shijie! I can’t contact Shishu!”

“38,” Ye Chen closed her eyes, “Tell me where he is.”

“In the basement, he is healing Dan Yan. Dan Yan is poisoned. He can’t be disturbed during the healing process so he set up a barrier.”

Ye Chen almost spat another mouthful of blood when she heard it.

She lifted her head and stared at the tribulation clouds in the sky. She ground her teeth and instructed Xie Wushuang right away, “Wushuang, watch the array for me. If I can’t hold on… You go! Far from here!”

Xie Wushuang was taken aback. His face turned solemn, “Back then, Shijie saved my life. Now, if Wushuang were to die with Shijie, Wushuang would have no regret.”

Ye Chen was dumbfounded by his answer, then she burst out laughing. 

“Fool,” Her face softened and she scolded gently. “I don’t need it.”

After all, for her, dying was nothing more than a failure of her task. 

When they were talking, the tribulation cloud was already right above Ye Chen. Ye Chen’s face sank. She shouted coldly, “Come on!”

With that said, the first thunder struck down. Xie Wushuang activated the array and his magic tools. The thunder crashed on Ye Chen one by one. 

Xie Wushuang’s expression was heavy when he saw the thunder. This was just the first thunder, but it already had such great momentum, then, the following thunder after this…

He didn’t dare to think about it, but he knew it clearly in his heart. Anyway, he has decided he would accompany and help Ye Chen in this, regardless of the result; regardless of life and death. There was no use thinking about it anymore. He could only strengthen those arrays of his again.

After the first thunder was over, the second thunder quickly struck down.……

One by one, Xie Wushuang’s magic array and magic tools broke under them. 

The sixth thunder ultimately hit Ye Chen!

It was really painful. The system has gave her a pain shield, but it could only block 90% of the pain, Ye Chen could still sense the rest 10%. Even though the pain was only 10%, Ye Chen’s face still paled on the spot. 

She clenched her teeth so as not to make any sound. The moment the seventh thunder struck down, Ye Chen could no longer sit and collapsed to the ground. She didn’t have any strength left to even lift her head. Next to her, Xie Wushuang stilled. His fists were clenched tight. He also dared not make any sound.

He truly ached to help Ye Chen, but his ability was far from that of Jun Yan’s. If he rushed up to help her take the thunder, it would turn the tribulation into a higher level Heavenly Tribulation. The two of them would be crushed together[1].

The eight thunder… The ninth thunder…

By the ninth thunder, Ye Chen’s flesh has melted, bone protruding under it. Her original appearance couldn’t be seen with all the blood dripping from her. 

As soon as the Thunder Tribulation was over, Xie Wushuang rushed over. There were still electric currents flowing in Ye Chen’s body. Her Spiritual Aura was depleted and her body trembled slightly. Still, there was no sound escaped from her clenched teeth.

Just by studying the situation, Xie Wushuang came to an understanding. The Heavenly Tribulation just now contained too much Spiritual Power and Ye Chen couldn’t store that much Spiritual Power in her body. If the Spiritual Power couldn’t get flushed out, it would only be a matter of time until Ye Chen burst from the overflowing Spiritual Power and died!

And with his current ability, if he tried to channel the Spiritual Aura from Ye Chen’s body to his, he would die because he also couldn’t bear these much Spiritual Power. The only solution was for him and Ye Chen to form a connection and proceed a jieying[2] together.

Proceeding jieying together was also known as shuangying[3]. It was extremely risky. Usually, only Daoist Companion do this. Because shuangying means their cultivation will become one, her cultivation was his; his cultivation was her. They must cultivate together. Their Divine Consciousness became intertwined. When they cultivated together, their cultivation would advance at a tremendous pace. However, if they were separated, their cultivation would be equivalent to that mid-stage of  Nascent Soul. It would be difficult for them to cultivate without each other.  

The situation at the moment was urgent and Xie Wushuang couldn’t think of another alternative in such a short moment. He has always admired Ye Chen, but he wasn’t planning to take advantage of the current situation. They truly had no other alternative. He quickly sat cross-legged by Ye Chen’s side. He held her hand tightly, and in an earnest manner, stated, “Back then, you asked me to marry you when I grow up. Now, I will fulfill you, whether you want it or not. Don’t blame me for this.”

What had to be said has been said. Xie Wushuang closed his eyes and guided Ye Chen’s overflowing Spiritual Power to his body. He controlled it to flow to their Golden Core, proceeding to make it to jieying just like what he had learned. He could feel Ye Chen’s Spiritual Power flowing into him and his Spiritual Power flowing out to Ye Chen. The Spiritual Power pushed their Golden Core out. Their Golden Core floated in the air. Xie Wushuang’s complexion paled, the pain of separating the Golden Core from one’s body was indescribable. His hold on Ye Chen’s hand tightened. Ye Chen herself was already delirious from the pain. 

Their Spiritual Power intertwined in the air and flowed into their Golden Core, connecting it as one.

After a long time, under the continuous influx of Spiritual Power, they nearly finished the process.

Almost there

Xie Wushuang exhausted all his strength to maintain their state. 

It was at this moment that Jun Yan in the basement opened his eyes. 

Dan Yan was gravely poisoned. If she wasn’t treated in time, she would die. In desperation, he could only erect a barrier and began to forcibly remove the poison in Dan Yan’s body. When the last trace of poison was discharged from her body, Jun Yan let out a sigh of relief. He took down the barrier and was about to bring Dan Yan away. He promptly noticed the aftermath of Heavenly Tribulation. 

Where did the tribulation clouds come from? Whose tribulation cloud?

Jun Yan was rigid, he recalled that Ye Chen’s Golden Core was in the process of turning into jieying… but, Xie Wushuang’s Golden Core was also in the process of turning into jieying. He didn’t know whose tribulation cloud it is.

He instantly ordered Dan Yan, who had just been healed, “Come!”

He grabbed Dan Yan and hastened in the direction of tribulation clouds.

From far away, he could feel Ye Chen and Xie Wushuang’s Spiritual Power fluctuating at the same time. His intuition told him it was not something good. 

When they arrived, Jun Yan was so enraged that his eyes appeared about to pop out of its socket. He nearly drew out his sword. Dan Yan perceived something was wrong with Jun Yan and blurted, “Shifu! Their Golden Core is turning into jieying!”

Jun Yan halted his movement, his grip on his sword’s hilt was deathly tight. 

That’s right. Their Golden Core was turning into jieying. Not Ye Chen’s. Not Xie Wushuang’s. Theirs.

His heart tingled with pain as if there were ants gnawing at his heart. Jun Yan controlled himself, managing his rapid breathing. 

What it means to proceed to jieying together, he couldn’t be any clearer about it. Shuangying, a connection closer than that of a marriage certificate; Shuangying, a connection that bound two people as one. From this moment, it’s impossible for them to go their separate ways. 

He could only watch Xie Wushuang conclude the last step. Entangling their Nascent Soul as one. 

His heart was full of the urge to kill Xie Wushuang. 

How dare he…

How can…

But, currently, it was a critical moment, and he couldn’t disturb them.

He could only be a bystander, watching Ye Chen from the side. 

His eyes steadily turned scarlet. The Dan Yan next to him widened her eyes.

Scarlet eyes…

Dan Yan subconsciously stepped back. Jun Yan side-eyed her coldly. He raised his hand and pointed to her. A flash of light quickly dived into her head.

Dan Yan fainted on the spot. 

The last step was completed. Their Nascent Soul went back to their dantian. Xie Wushuang was relieved and opened his eyes. 

Yet, as soon as he opened his eyes, his sight met with a sharp sword. Xie Wushuang dodged it and retreated quickly. 

He saw the owner of the sword was Jun Yan and hastily clarified, “Shishu! Please listen to my explanation first!”

For cultivators, shuangying was the same as marriage. Any elder definitely would be furious when they saw their precious cabbage raised by their own hand dug up by a pig[4]. Xie Wushuang assumed that was the case for Jun Yan. He hurriedly explained, “Shishu! I have to do this, there was no alternative! Shijie suddenly broke through and Shishu couldn’t be contacted…”

“So what of it.” Jun Yan tilted his head, and his pair of scarlet eyes collided with Xie Wushuang’s eyes. 

Xie Wushuang’s breath hitched. He hesitatingly said, “Shishu, you…”

His sword glid toward him. One sword after another, with no mercy. This wasn’t a treatment that came from a Shishu acting like an angry elder, this was more like a treatment to an enemy with bone-deep hatred!

Xie Wushuang had just completed the jieying process. He had no strength left. Jun Yan’s sword kept chasing after him.

Xie Wushuang was apprehensive, “Shishu! You calm down first! I really didn’t mean to! There was no other alternative!”

So what.

Whether it’s intentional or not, it’s not important. 

Jun Yan thrust his sword. His mind was empty. 

No matter his motivation or mentality at that time, he and Ye Chen now had a shuanying. The result couldn’t be changed. From this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Xie Wushuang was Ye Chen’s husband. They would never separate unless one of them died. 

He couldn’t let that happen. 

Jun Yan understood it clearly——

He couldn’t let Ye Chen belong to anyone else. 

He wanted to kill Xie Wushuang. He wanted to kill this man. This man, who always cast his greedy eyes on Ye Chen; This man, who now may as well be called her husband. 

Jun Yan’s eyes were entirely scarlet. He has lost his mind. 

Xie Wushuang anxiously tossed all his magic tools out and Jun Yan effortlessly destroyed them one by one. 

When Ye Chen stirred, this was the scene that greeted her. Her concern rose within a second. Jun Yan slashed at Xie Wushuang and Xie Wushuang has no way out. 

Ye Chen waved her hand and her sword soared toward them. “Shifu! Stop!”

Her sword slashed the back of Jun Yan’s hand. Bright red blood flowed out.

Jun Yan snapped his head to Ye Chen. She stumbled over, protecting Xie Wushuang behind her. “Shifu, there must be a misunderstanding! Wushuang won’t do anything bad or evil! Listen to his explanation first!”

Jun Yan didn’t react. He stared at the blood on the back of his hand. 

No one has been able to hurt him for many years; He hasn’t experienced pain for too long. 

He kept staring quietly at his wound. Endless exhaustion surged from his heart. 

Flashes of memories passed his mind. He remembered that when Ye Chen was a child, he burned his hand when he was learning to cook for her. The Xiao Ye Chen would hold his hand and blow it. While blowing, she vowed to him that she would be filial to him in the future.

At that time, he just thought that this child was too cute. But now, he suddenly found that the word filial piety was too pricking and offensive.

In Ye Chen’s heart, he was really just a shifu.

These past three years, Ye Chen has been too well-behaved and he has been too addicted to his Heart Demon. Several times, he almost thought that this person would become his wife. When his joy was at its peak; When he hugged her tightly, he would fantasize about it. This person may be the one that could understand him. Maybe, one day, they could be together and have children. 

However, when a wound from her sword appeared on the back of his hand; when she protected another person; when she has a shuanying with someone else;  he realized his fantasy could only be a fantasy. 

He was her Shifu. His Dao was Ruthless Dao. His beautiful fantasy… It was built by him with disgusting means. 

How delighted he was; How despaired he was. 

How delighted he was; How disgusting he was.

He couldn’t blame this on anyone.

Who made him cultivate the Ruthless Dao?

Who made him raise her from when she was a child?

Who made him save another person when she was undergoing a tribulation?

It was all himself.

His heart was extremely in pain. It throbbed. 

He let down his sword in stillness. This sword of his, it was too heavy for him to carry it.

Shifu?” Ye Chen was cautious. 

Jun Yan ignored her inquiry. 

He lifted his hand, and two lights rushed up into Ye Chen and Xie Wushuang’s heads. The two of them were shocked.

Jun Yan spun around and picked up Dan Yan. He left straight away.

Ye Chen knew that Jun Yan removed her and Xie Wushuang’s memory of today’s accident. No one was allowed to know he had a Heart Demon. 

Fortunately, she has 38. 

This attack of invading one’s Divine Consciousness was useless to her. But to Xie Wushuang… 

Xie Wushuang shook his head. He moved to look at Ye Chen. “What happened just now?”

He vaguely remembered that Jun Yan arrived with Dan Yan, but what happened after that, he couldn’t remember.

Ye Chen glanced at him and said lightly, “Don’t know.”

The two people who now had a shuangying helped each other back to the sect. Just now, Xie Wushuang was chased and hacked by Jun Yan as soon as he woke up. He had already exhausted all his strength, so he sat on Ye Chen’s flying boat and chatted with her along the way.

Shijie… The situation was urgent. I had no alternative but let us proceed jieying together… don’t blame me.”

Mn?” Ye Chen blinked, “Why would I blame you?”

Ye Chen laughed, “It’s not a big deal.”

Xie Wushuang was stunned, Ye Chen patted him on the shoulder, “You essentially sacrificed your life to save me, I’m grateful for that. We now have a shuangying, you have to suffer with me. No matter how you look at it, you are the one that got the short end of the stick in this deal. Before you find someone you like, I will accompany you to cultivate together. If you find someone you like, I will cut the Nascent Soul and return it to you. You don’t have to worry about it. ”

Shijie,” Xie Wushuang withered, “How could I let you do such a thing?”

“Foolish,” Ye Chen settled her hand on his shoulder and gazed at the sea of clouds in the distance, “I don’t care about cultivating, but you are destined to become a God.”

There would come a day when I would leave this world. You must find another person to love. 

Her Nascent Soul; Her cultivation, it’s not important to her. If there was anything important for her in this world… probably, it was her emotions. 

After the two returned to the peak, they each retreated to stabilize their foundation.

Jun Yan ordered someone to investigate the murder of Dan Chenzi. The murder was definitely caused by Demonic Cultivators. They wanted to catch Dan Yan, who has the blood of the Divine Clan and use her blood as a magic tool. Unfortunately for them, Dan Yan would rather kill herself than become someone else’s magic tool.

Dan Yan was shaken by the accident. She depended heavily on Jun Yan.

After Ye Chen finished her retreat, Jun Yan entrusted Dan Yan to her.  Though, Dan Yan didn’t allow anyone to get close to her, except for Jun Yan. As a result, Dan Yan locked herself in her room. 

Ye Chen was a little helpless and went to find Jun Yan: “Shifu, I think she is probably traumatized. You go and have a look at her.”

Jun Yan raised his eyes. His cold eyes were mixed with countless unknown emotions. He studied Ye Chen quietly. Slowly, he asked, “At the beginning, you didn’t want to have a shimei. But now, you have a shimei. Does this make you unhappy?”

Ye Chen touched her nose, a little embarrassed. “Wasn’t that long ago when I was young?”

She, ah. She was really too young at that time, she fucking believed that she could compete with the Female Lead. 

The only salvation was that 38 always reminded her of it. She didn’t hold much expectation from the very start. When the Female Lead appeared, she was agitated for a while, but she soon adapted to it.

Although the Female Lead didn’t pay much attention to her, it didn’t prevent Ye Chen from liking her. After all, the Female Lead was so beautiful. 

Dan Yan has a very lovable appearance. She was petite, with big and watery eyes, as clean and bright as a fawn. When Ye Jie looked at her eye for the first time, she was petrified. She aspired to pick the star and the moon for her.

Yandog did not discriminate between men and women. Absolutely did not discriminate between gender. 

So, if Dan Yan wanted to find Jun Yan, Ye Chen would find him for her. 

Jun Yan got her answer and didn’t speak for a long time. After a while, he stood up, “I’ll go and have a look. ”

He went to Dan Yan. The little girl heavily relied on him and only talked to him. Ye Chen was behind Jun Yan, but Dan Yan didn’t pay her any attention. Ye Chen didn’t mind it at all. She smiled and relished Dan Yan’s appearance from her position. No matter how good-looking Jun Yan was, she could be tired from looking at him. She had seen Jun Yan and Xie Wushuang for so many years that they had lost their freshness.

Jun Yan was used to her keeping her gaze on him. He was aware Ye Chen was someone that appreciates his face very much. He never considered his good look as an advantage, at least, until he met Ye Chen.

Yet, Ye Chen wasn’t gazing at him right now. She was gazing at the girl beside him. Even if it was a girl, he couldn’t stand her gazing at another.

He conversed with Dan Yan for a while. He told Dan Yan to listen to Ye Chen, then he got up and left. He was already at the door, but Ye Chen didn’t follow him. He glanced and saw Ye Chen looking at Dan Yang with a smile, while Dan Yan was looking at her angrily.

Xiao Chen,” Jun Yan called, “Come with me.”

Ye Chen faced him, in a doubt. She thought Jun Yan was going back to cultivate?

Outloud, she didn’t dare to say anything. She obediently heeded Jun Yan’s call. Recently, it seemed Jun Yan controlled his Heart Demon well. He hasn’t come to her at night for a long time. 

Ye Chen actually felt a little lost because of it.

After all, for the first time, 38 promised to not block her feelings during the night. She was pretty much looking forward to it. 

She followed Jun Yan, not knowing what to do. She recalled Jun Yan’s appearance when he took off his clothes. Recalling it now, she narrowed her eyes and stared hole at Jun Yan’s back. 

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Jun Yan didn’t notice her gaze. Instead, he asked her, “Why are you staring at Dan Yan just now?”

“She looks good ah,” Ye Chen blurted out.

“You’ll scare her like that.” Jun Yan uttered a shoddy reason. He regretted it after he spoke. Ye Chen must have minded about Dan Yan. She was the only disciple in the past, but now, someone suddenly appeared and she needed to share him with this new person. Ye Chen was probably unhappy, he shouldn’t make things worse.

Who would have thought Ye Chen would laugh at his words. She replied lightly, “Shifu, don’t you think that Shimei is really super duper cute when she gets angry?”

Jun Yan was speechless. His head turned to look at Ye Chen. His eyes were blank. He squeezed his fits under his sleeve.

“About Dan Yan, aren’t you unhappy?”

“Why am I unhappy?” Ye Chen was perplexed.

Jun Yan’s heart panged. He lowered his eyes, “You are not my only disciple anymore. You have to share Shifu with Dan Yan…”

“What’s the big deal?” Ye Chen giggled. She then halted and justified, “Which high-ranking cultivator that doesn’t have several disciples? Shifu, one day, I will leave.”

Her eyes softened. She stared at Jun Yan quietly, “Shifu can have a disciple… Mn, Shifu must have a lot of disciples! It would be good if Shifu searched for a Shiniang! In that way, when I leave, Shifu won’t be lonely.”

She no longer remembered her feelings for Gu Jianan, but she remembered what happened to Gu Jianan.

In Gu Jianan’s life, there were too few people.

She hoped Jun Yan would have a good life and not walk the same road as Gu Jianan.

It took a long time for Jun Yan to respond. His body trembled slightly, and his eyelashes cast a shadow on his eyes, “Leave… Where are you leaving to?”

“Many places,” Ye Chen surveyed the distance, “The world is very big. Perhaps I will go to a place that even Shifu can’t ever find?”

Jun Yan’s mind was thrown into chaos.

Those memories of what happened in the illusion suddenly poured into his mind once again.

A world without Ye Chen, what was it like?

There was no color.

Every day is no different from the other. Every day was filled with numbing emptiness and despair. 

For someone who has experienced the beauty of the world, the darkness would be unbearable.

He couldn’t lose Ye Chen, not again. He couldn’t watch this person no longer exist in his world, not again. 

Without thinking, he extended his hand and pressed Ye Chen tightly in his arms, He needed her to continue existing in his world. 

“You are not allowed to leave,” He ordered hoarsely. Regardless of his status or identity, he repeated, “Shifu orders you, you are not allowed to leave, especially to a place where Shifu can’t find you. Do you understand?!”

Ye Chen was surprised. She burst out laughing. 

Shifu is really like a child.” Ye Chen pried her hand and hugged him back. Her response calmed Jun Yan’s mind. 

Ye Chen may say that, but she didn’t give any answer to Jun Yan’s question. She didn’t dare to. She wasn’t qualified to answer his question. She could only hug him and inclined her head on Jun Yan’s chest. 

Shifu,” she whispered softly, “Your heartbeat, it’s truly pleasant to hear…”

Jun Yan stiffened. He pursed his lips and restrained himself,

Don’t respond, don’t answer, don’t drag this person down to this sea of suffering.

Don’t let her fall.

But, he wanted to hug this person too much. He longed for this person to give him even only half of approval and hope. The hands that hugged her quivered.

He shoved her away and left in a hurry. 

Ye Chen was left alone. She touched her nose. 

“Am I so scary when I show my affection?” She questioned 38.

38 felt some pity for Jun Yan and responded with emotion, “I think he is overwhelmed.”

“So overwhelmed he shoved me away?” Ye Chen scowled, “Last time, he kissed me then he stunned me. This time, he hugged me and then shoved me away. When will he man up and openly come to fuck me!”

38 was startled by Ye Chen’s outburst and choked on its melon. 

It took a long time for it to calm down, 38 roared, “Ye Chen! Don’t you have a fucking face to save?”

“Face to save? Which face to save?[5]” Ye Chen scoffed, “A good-looking face is the most important face to save!”

“Ah, this is not good. My urge controlled me.”  Ye Chen took a deep breath and calmed down. 

“I mean, let him like me more and more so his Heart Demon would be strengthened. Oh, right, by the way, how is Xie Wushuang’s favorability for me?”

“Above Friendship, below Lovers. Don’t be too narcissistic…”

“That’s good.” Ye Chen nodded. Xie Wushuang hasn’t put her in his heart. If what the system said was right, if she told Xie Wushuang that they shouldn’t rush to cultivate together, Xie Wushuang would probably agree.

Shijie,” Xie Wushuang opened his mouth and asked seriously, “Do you want to use me?”

“What? Use for what?” Ye Chen didn’t understand what has gotten into Xie Wushuang. Xie Wushuang answered seriously, “Use me to fight for the right of inheritance of Wen Jian Peak!”

Ye Chen, “……”

Her shidi’s mentality was quite peculiar, huh.

“Don’t mess around!” Ye Chen rebuked conscientiously, “I don’t need that!”

“No, Shijie,” Xie Wushuang assured, “I know you care about Shishu the most. I will help you and never let her take your place!”

Ye Chen listened to Xie Wushuang’s words and looked meaningfully at him. 

She suddenly discovered that her shidi was definitely someone sent by God to assist her. 

“Well…” Ye Chen pondered over carefully. “I’ll give you a task, then.”

Shijie, just tell me! I will not refuse under any circumstances. I’ll defy all difficulties and danger for you!”

“You coax your Shimei out and teach her how to have fun!”

If Dan Yan didn’t keep pestering Jun Yan so much, she would have had her chance!

Xie Wushuang nodded. He patted his chest proudly, “Shijie, with me, you don’t need to worry!”

Hence, they began to formulate a plan to lure their xiao shimei out. Ye Chen kept reminding Jun Yan that she still existed by appearing in front of him from time to time.

Jun Yan taught Dan Yan swordsmanship, then she would also learn swordsmanship. It’s just… the swordsmanship skill Jun Yan taught Dan Yan was the basics, she had practiced it countless times and there was nothing more to practice. She could only watch Jun Yan teach Dan Yan and then Dan Yan copied it perfectly. 

Ye Chen, “……”

38, “Host, in case you forgot, she is the Protagonist.”

Ye Chen, “I’m turning ugly because of jealousy…”

She really really hated xueshen[6]!

Jun Yan gave Dan Yan a lecture, then Ye Chen would come to the lecture. It’s just… the lecture Jun Yan gave Dan Yan was fundamental. Ye Chen had read them all from the book, there was nothing to ask. Once again, she could only watch it. Dan Yan, the xueshen, only listened to it once and could seriously think and ask questions about the topic!

Ye Chen:“ Σ ( ° △°|||)︴”

Jun Yan meditated with Dan Yan, then Ye Chen would follow them to meditate.

Jun Yan quickly settled down, revolving the Spiritual Aura around him; Dan Yan quickly settled down, revolving the Spiritual Aura around her,  Ye Chen……

Ye Chen sat cross-legged, unable to settle down. She talked with 38.

“I don’t think I have a future in cultivation.”

“I can see it.”

“Can you only tell the damned truth? Can’t you at least lie to me and don’t hurt me?”

“Just accept the truth…”

With a xueshen beside her, she couldn’t help but compare said xueshen with herself,  inevitably her spirit was not high because of it. She became more and more dejected. 

Jun Yan noticed it. He wanted to comfort her but didn’t dare to. He was restraining himself, trying to create distance between them.

These days, Ye Chen only did three things a day. Follow Jun Yan everywhere, go to Xie Wushuang to eat, then sleep.

Because there was Dan Yan now, Jun Yan rarely was with Ye Chen. Dan Yan was a hard-working student, she even meditated every night. And of course, Jun Yan accompanied her. Ye Chen couldn’t keep up with them, so she chose to sleep instead.

Ye Chen came to the lecture every day, but it wasn’t because she wanted to learn. The other two people were very focused on the lecture, there was a special aura surrounding them. Naturally, Ye Chen felt excluded because of it.

Ye Chen has a big heart, but she also has her limits. It’s inevitable that she would feel uncomfortable. 

As the first purchasing agent of the Tian Jian Sect, Ye Chen was very popular. Her shidi and shimei were dissatisfied with how Jun Yan acted. Even Song Yi went to Wen Jian Peak and scolded Jun Yan lightly, “Although you have accepted a new disciple with good qualifications, you can’t be so biased. Ye Chen is a good child. As her Shifu, you didn’t teach her so meticulously as you did to your new disciple. In her heart, Ye Chen must feel uncomfortable.”

“Uncomfortable…” Jun Yan dropped his gaze and expressed his plight, “That’s also fine.”

If she was uncomfortable, she wouldn’t like him. If she wouldn’t like him, she wouldn’t be sad when he cuts all his emotions in the future.

Her feeling right now was merely admiration. It would fade with time. If he dragged her to the mud and then left her, the pain would be the same as scraping the bones and cutting the flesh.

Was it because the others had preached to him for too long about him being too biased or were it because he himself really felt what he did to her was too much? Whatever the reason, slowly, his feelings became uncontrollable once more when he was with her. 

Ye Chen was standing alone under the tree, watching them practice swords.

Ye Chen was sitting alone on the side, watching them meditate.

Ye Chen was dozing off in the class but insisted on listening to him and Dan Yan discussing the Dao.

He really wanted to come over to her and rub her head. He craved to comfort her, whispering to her softly, “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Shifu is looking at you.”

It was nearing Jun Yan’s birthday, and Ye Chen began to urge Xie Wushuang to finalize their plan and execute it. 

On the day of Jun Yan’s birthday, Ye Chen quietly stole Dan Yan’s sword, so during the morning practice, Dan Yan didn’t have her sword. 

Ye Chen coughed and pointed to a small path on Wen Jian Peak, “Cough, about it… I saw Xie-shidi come and steal your sword just now. Why don’t you nicely ask him to return your sword?”

Dan Yan’s eyes turned cold. She pursed her lips. Without words, she spun around and followed the direction that Ye Chen pointed. 

As soon as she got to the path, Xie Wushuang, the said shidi, jumped out. With a face full of sincerity, he asked, “Shimei, since the first time I saw you, I really wanted to have dinner with you. How about we go to the main peak for dinner?”

“Leave me alone!” Dan Yan shouted angrily. Xie Wushuang bent his head and sighed, “This shixiong doesn’t ask much. This shixiong is very sad, you know. Come come. I know you must want to eat. Let’s go!”

With that said, Dan Yan soon realized she couldn’t move her body. Xie Wushuang placed his hand on her shoulder and escorted her out of Wen Jian Peak.

Jun Yan rose after his meditation was done. He strolled outside and saw Ye Chen standing under the peach blossom tree. She was dressed in a white robe. Her hair was tied with a string. Her hand was on her sword. There was a clear smile on her face. 

Shifu,” She smiled, “Shimei, with Wushuang and the other Shidis, just went out to play together. May I bother Shifu to give me some guidance today?”

Jun Yan knew she was lying.

With Dan Yan’s temperament, how could she go out to play with others? Nevertheless, watching her under the peach blossom tree, he didn’t want to expose her lie at all. He assented and said lightly, “Take out your sword.”

Considering Ye Chen’s cultivation realm, Jun Yan could only give her guidance on actual combat. Ye Chen’s sword danced in the air, creating wind currents that blew over the trees. Jun Yan’s expression didn’t change and he remained motionless. He shifted his body sideways when Ye Chen’s sword flew over him. He caught her hand on his. Ye Chen struggled, kicking him over and trying to escape. He adjusted his hold on her hand to her wrist, locking her hand that was holding the sword. 

Ye Chen became anxious. Her movement. became wild and it lit a fire on Jun Yan’s body. He held his breath. 

The sword in Ye Chen’s hand transformed into two and before Ye Chen could attempt any attack, Jun Yan snatched her new sword. At the same time, he dragged her into his arms by her wrist and turned her around. The sword in his hand was a millimeter away from Ye Chen’s neck. Ye Chen could feel the sword’s cold edge with every breath she took, eventually Jun Yan let down his hand that was holding the sword to her neck. 

Ye Chen panted from exhaustion. She leaned her back on Jun Yan’s chest. They could feel each other’s ups and downs and temperature. 

Jun Yan was frozen stiff. The person in his arms, he wanted to let her go, but he couldn’t bear to. The peach blossom leaves swirled in the air. Ye Chen lifted her head to look at Jun Yan. Her gaze collided with his. His gaze was very gentle as if he held a deep affection for her. They stared at each other quietly. It was as if the next moment he would lean down and kiss her.

In her heart, Ye Chen excitedly shook 38, “Look at him! Is he going to kiss me! Come ah! Come baby[7]!”

38 also cheered, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

They kept their gaze locked without a word. Some time passed and Jun Yan calmly let her go. 

Ye Chen’s gaze dulled. 

Jun Yan put his hand on her head and brushed her hair.  He remarked, “There are peach blossom leaves on your hair.”

He didn’t do more than that. Yet, Ye Chen felt that he was so dazzling.

How would one feel to be teased instead of teasing?

Ye Chen knew it now.

She spun her face away. She muttered, “Shifu, today is your birthday…”

Jun Yan was a little surprised by her words. Ye Chen continued, “After the afternoon lecture, I will cook for you to celebrate your birthday.””

Jun Yan was silent. Ye Chen tentatively called out, “Shifu?”

Mn.” Jun Yan lowered his eyes, “Okay.”

In the afternoon lecture, both Jun Yan and she were a little absent-minded. After it was finished, Ye Chen wasted no time going to the kitchen. She began to prepare meals for Jun Yan. Jun Yan saw her flying around like a little bee and his heart was full of both sweetness, and bitterness.

Ye Chen was not very good at cooking. She heated the oil in the pan but put the spatula there. When she touched the spatula, she got scalded. 

Ye Chen gasped and Jun Yan was at her side instantly. He was anxious, “Are you hurt?”

Ye Chen stared blankly at Jun Yan. Jun Yan also realized his reaction was too excessive. He pretended nothing happened just a moment ago and checked Ye Chen’s hands. He swept his hand above hers. His Spiritual Power enveloped her blisters and they stopped hurting instantly. 

He peered up at Ye Chen, “Does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt.” Ye Chen smiled, “Shifu cares very much about me, so I’m not hurt.”

Jun Yan’s heart thumped, but his face remained calm. 

“Let me do it.” Jun Yan softly said, “You don’t need to do anything, Shifu is still here to do it for you. You can depend on Shifu.”

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  1. 挫骨扬灰 – gǔ yáng huī bà. Lit. Bruise the bones and raise the ashes. Tragic ending. Die together.

  2. So it’s like this. From 金丹 (jīndān; Golden Core, lit. Golden Pill) to the next realm 元婴 ( yuányīng; Nascent Soul, lit. Primary Baby), there is a process. When nearing breakthrough to yuanying from jindan, the golden pill (jindan) in their body will become larger and transformed into the shape of baby (婴 – yīng; baby) and after the yīng is shaped, the cultivato  will breakthrough yuanying. The process of turning the golden pill into the shape of baby (breaking through Golden Core to Nascent Soul) is called jieying (结婴 – jiéyīng; lit. Giving Birth/Knot Baby).

  3. 双婴 – shuāngyīng; lit. Twin Baby. Double Baby.

  4. 己养的白菜就这么被猪拱 – Self-raised cabbage dug up by a pig. The child they raised married another. Someone unworthy grabbed their child.

  5. 要脸 – yàoliǎn, Save (want) face. Can also mean shameless. Another translation for this one is, “Shameless? Why am I shameless?”

  6. 学神 – xué shén; Learning God. Prodigy. Talented. Can learn something effortlessly.

  7. The “come baby” is in English in the original.

Ry’s Corner

Ye Chen, how bad are you at cooking that you put a spatula on a pan… when heating the oil?

Don’t try it at home if you don’t want to get scalded. Especially with a metal spatula.

I know Ye Chen is Jun Yan’s and vice versa. So if Ye Chen doesn’t want Xie Wushuang, can I have him instead?

In my heart, Xie Wushuang is the best original ML. Period. (Compared to other Arcs original ML).

Anyway, I’m regretting my life choices. I should have used pinyin for those effing cultivation terms because I am sure as hell won’t write jieying as Giving Birth/Knot Baby or shuangying as Twin Baby… :) 

…or perhaps anyone knows the proper localization for jieying and shuangying?

Ah, just when I thought I’m free from those xianxia’s terms. 

Ahh. I don’t like translating xianxia.


Anyway, if you noticed some typos or anything else, please do tell.

Sigh. Why am I such a simp for Yin Nanzhao fromThe Memory Lost in Space?

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 7214

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10 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 27”

    • Xianxia’s terms are so funny it make no sense. Why would someone name a realm as jieying, shuangying, and yuanying (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  1. At first I didn’t get why you didn’t like this arc but then…. uh…. yea let’s hope the next one comes soon

    Alssoooo I’m a binge type of person so I’ll try to have some restraint and save up lots and lots of chapters and then read them at once 😍

    Thank you for the translations!

    • Save save save. Binge read is the best!!! 😍

      We are nearing the end of Arc 2, Arc 3 will come soon! It will be a grand pity part for Jun Yan next chapters!

      Prepare some tissue boxes. 😌

  2. Not gonna lie, I like the second male leads way more than the male lead LMAO. Its the first time that I don’t really like the male lead, its amazing. Thank you for translating.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡