WfDO- Chapter 35

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money

Mo Yuan, who rarely appeared in front of her, showed himself in front of Ye Wei on the day of the graduation ceremony. Ye Wei forced herself to swallow three bowls of congee, only by then did she put down the bowls and chopsticks with satisfaction. 

Mo Yuan frowned at her and glanced suspiciously at her stomach.

He shook the newspaper and said lightly, “I heard that your ex-boyfriend is still pestering you? ”

Ye Wei’s heart thumped. What was Mo Yuan implying?

“I have made it clear to him and told him to stop pestering me, it’s just that he…”

Mo Yuan side-eyed her and interrupted, “I don’t like outsiders to keep thinking about what is mine.”

Ye Wei guessed Mo Yuan’s intention at once. He wanted her to attack Mo Yu and provoke him. Only when Mo Yu was having a hard time and was in pain that Mo Yuan could be happy. 

Currying favor with the gold master was the same as currying favor with the boss.

If she did her job well, the boss would be happy. If the boss was happy, naturally, her days would become better. 

Ye Wei took a peek at Mo Yuan. His gaze was on the newspaper and still indifferent as always. He didn’t even give her a second look. 

“That’s it, you can go now.”

“Alright, Mo-xiansheng.”

The Rolls-Royce was parked in front of the Learning and Teaching Building. The car was so eye-catching that people would know how expensive it was just by a glance. It was definitely not something they could buy as they liked even if they really wanted to. Even if it was a person who didn’t understand things about cars and their kind, they would still sense it’s not an average car just by looking at the car momentum.

This car wasn’t merely a car; This car was a symbol of wealth and status.

As soon as the car showed up, everyone’s gaze was plastered to it. They began to play the guessing game in their mind. Who was sitting inside? Who was it? The school Director?

Or was there a local tyrant hiding as their classmate all this time?

The classmate they had known for four years was actually a local tyrant?!

So cool!

It was so shocking! The world’s limited edition Rolls-Royce was now at the graduation ceremony of University A! Wasn’t it said there were only five of this car all around the world?!

Damn, the local tyrant hiding among them, who was it?

Classmate, we had known each other for four years but how come I didn’t know who you are? 

Big Tyrant, please shower your love to me!

It was unknown who uploaded the photo of the Rolls-Royce to the school forum, but it instantly became the hot topic of the forum. 

“Who’s the person inside? Did you see it?”

“Is it the Headmaster? Is it the Director?”

“How could it be the Headmaster? Where is your brain? If the Headmaster dares to come to the school with such great fanfare, he will definitely be investigated tomorrow!”

“…is it really our classmate?”

This issue has now become the top priority of everyone’s attention.

Yang Zijian, “I heard that one of our classmates is actually a tyrant! I searched for information about this car. There are only a few of these cars in the world! One of them is in the house of a Prince abroad! This is not something that can be bought with only money! Who is this person?!”

“If I can hold this person’s thigh, I won’t have to worry about my future anymore!”

Yang Zijian grasped his phone and showed it to Mo Yu with excitement. 

Except, Mo Yu was currently upset. Since Ye Wei mentioned the breakup with him, she has stopped answering his calls and has not replied to his messages. When she did, it was only to say that they had completely broken up and not to entangle her again. Everyone will gather and disperse. 

She was set to break up with him. No matter what he said, she wouldn’t change her mind. 

How could their relationship that lasted for more than a year dissipate just like that?

He really likes Ye Wei. Wasn’t he working hard like this just so he could have a home with her and let her live a good life?

But that was also the reason they broke up. He had worked overtime and forgotten his date with her. It escalated to the point where they were right now.

He couldn’t agree with their breakup. 

However, he never got to see Ye Wei after the breakup. She moved out of her previous residence and resigned from her company. 

He didn’t know where she was right now. Even her best friends told him they also didn’t know where she is when he asked them about it. He could only wait for this graduation ceremony to have a chance to meet her. He needed to talk to her in person. 

So when Yang Zijian talked about the hidden local tyrant hiding among their classmates, he didn’t care too much. He just wanted to hurry to the place where the graduation ceremony was held and find Ye Wei.

“No matter how rich the others are, it doesn’t matter to us. Let’s go.”

Mo Yu’s sword eyebrows were slightly twisted. All his thoughts were on Ye Wei.

Yang Zijian knew that Ye Wei broke up with Mo Yu. He shrugged and joked, “Yes yes. The only thing that matters to you is Goddess Ye Wei, right? Tsk tsk. You are so whipped ah. ”

Mo Yu pushed Yang Zijian and Yang Zijian rolled his eyes.

When they reached their destination, there were already many people in front of the Learning and Teaching Building. They were all in a group, causing quite a ruckus. Though, at this moment, the noisy atmosphere abruptly quietened down, followed by a gasp.

“Ye Wei!”

“It’s actually Ye Wei?”

“How can it be her ah?”

For some unknown reason, Mo Yu felt someone squeeze his heart. He had a bad feeling about this. 

Yang Zijian jolted. He jumped to take a look. He pulled Mo Yu’s clothes in shock and amazement, “Ye Wei? It’s actually Ye Wei? Shit, I’m going to post this online! Turns out Ye Wei is not only beautiful but also has a good family background! She is a pretty rich young lady!”

Mo Yu, “?”

Mo Yu was startled for a moment, then his face sank.

At present, most of the students here were their classmates from the same class. Even if they weren’t close to each other, they still recognized each other’s faces. Besides, Ye Wei was popular. Ye Wei was the school flower and Mo Yu was the president of the student union. They were talented and good-looking. When they got together, they aroused the envy and hatred of many classmates. When they walked hand-in-hand, there would be people secretly watching them. So, yes, Ye Wei was very popular.

It’s just, no one expected Ye Wei to be the one inside the car.

Ye Wei’s family background was so good?

Those who were familiar with Ye Wi were puzzled. They were classmates for a few years, their parents often came to pick them up during school holidays and some of them were quite close with each other’s parents. They had met Ye Wei’s father. He definitely did not look like a local tyrant.

“Is Ye Wei’s family so rich? She hid it so well, didn’t she?”

“Then wouldn’t that mean Mo Yu got a jackpot?”

“Did Mo Yu know about it long ago? Was it why he could stand her temper?!”

“If I had known it, even if she asked me to carry her 24/7, I would be willing!”

Ye Wei was the school flower. There were indeed many who liked her because of her face, but when it came to her temper… she was, ah, quite sensitive and overbearing. The xiaojie has a big temper. She wouldn’t let anyone off if she was unhappy. She was far from being considerate and empathetic. Turns out the reason Mo Yu could stand her temper was because he had known Ye Wei’s identity from the start?

Mo Yu could hear the whispers around him. His face sank more and more, but he still looked calm. When Yang Zijian saw it, he obediently zipped his mouth. 

He knew Ye Wei has broken up with Mo Yu. He couldn’t help unzipping his mouth, “Did she break up with you because of family pressure?”

Mo Yu glanced at Yang Zijian. He didn’t say much. He started to walk again. 

He had met Ye Wei’s father and had been to Ye Wei’s house to wait for her downstairs. He really didn’t see that her family was so rich!

Yang Zijian scratched his forehead and chased after him.

Ye Wei just got out of the car and happened to meet with her classmate who shared the same dorm with her, Zhao Hong and Qi Guangyi. 

Their eyes widened by amazement. They stared at Ye Wei, who was dressed in famous brands and was shining, then to the luxury car behind her. The driver respectfully handed her a handbag after opening the door for her.

The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes. They stepped forward and chided, “Ye Wei, you really have fun these past years, don’t you? Lying to us all this time, tsk tsk. “

Ye Wei smiled but didn’t answer. “Let’s go. The graduation ceremony is about to begin.”

She lifted her chin slightly, with a slight smile on her delicate and beautiful face, her whole person became more radiant, her elegance blinding their eyes. She was the most dazzling presence in the audience.

Her arrogant attitude in the past became justified at this moment. 

“Ye Wei!”

Everyone was still immersed in the shock that Ye Wei turned out to be a pretty rich young lady, suddenly the object of her love affairs arrived!

Mo Yu strolled out of the crowd. He was extremely handsome, with a tall and slender figure and a deep facial contour. His wheat-colored skin looked healthy and strong. Under the sun, he was full of vigor and vitality all over his person. And because he liked sports, every muscle on his body exuded a formidable strength. 

He was totally different from the thin and cold Mo Yuan. 

However, Mo Yu, who has always been warm and gentle, didn’t look very good at the moment. He was studying Ye Wei with solemnity. 

He thought Ye Wei would panic and would think about how to explain this to him. Who knew Ye Wei would only spare him a glance then move on. 

The glance was light as if he didn’t weigh anything on her. 

Mo Yu was taken aback.

Even Zhao Hong and Qi Guangyi, who was walking beside Ye Wei, were surprised.  “Ye Wei, Mo Yu is calling you. Why don’t we wait for him..”

Ye Wei interrupted, “We have broken up.”

The two people were dumbfounded, “What? Broken up?”

Ye Wei glanced at Mo Yu again, and repeated, “We have broken up. There’s no need to wait for him.”

She didn’t care about how surprised the others were or how Mo Yu’s face sank from her words. She said nothing more and continued to walk forward with elegant steps. She gracefully and beautifully disappeared in the crowd of people. 

Mo Yu’s heart was pained. He hung his head, blocking the inquiring gaze of others. 

Soon, the news of Ye Wei and Mo Yu’s break up spread around. 

Some were shocked, some treated it as fake news, and some doubted it. 

In the Assembly Hall, Yang Zijian sat beside Mo Yu. He watched his expression and cautiously inquired, “Ye Wei said both of you had broken up in front of so many people. She made herself clear she wanted to dump you. “

Mo Yu side-eyed Yang Zijan, his gaze then fell on Ye Wei not far away. 

He didn’t want to speculate badly about Ye Wei, but what happened recently was so strange that he couldn’t help but think more about it. 

He spent the whole graduation ceremony in a trance. After the Headmaster delivered his speech, they took a group photo. Finally, he found the opportunity to block Ye Wei in front of her car. His expression condensed, “Come down. ”

Ye Wei wanted to stay away from the Male Lead, she had said what needed to be said. 

She ordered the driver, “Bypass him.”

The driver stayed motionless. 

Ye Wei, “……”   

Very good. So you only listen to the gold owner’s order.

She rolled down the window and peered up at Mo Yu outside, “What?”

Mo Yu frowned, staring at her with hooded eyes and sharpness that was hard to ignore, “Why?”

Ye Wei replied, “Haven’t you guessed it? Do you still need me to explain?”

Mo Yu was pained. With undisguised disappointment and incomprehension on his face, he asked again, “Why?”

Ye Wei smiled. She spread out her hands. “Why? You look at me and tell me, is there something wrong with me? I have a luxury car, I have beautiful clothes, I have someone to serve me. Is there something wrong with it? There is nothing wrong. And now you understand, please don’t continue to pester me.”

After she said that, she seemed to think she had wasted too many words, so she waved her hand and signaled the driver to go. 

Mo Yu liked Ye Wei. So, with Ye Wei like this, he was more pained than disappointed, “Ye Wei, you don’t believe me all at, do you? You don’t believe I could also give you all of this?”

“I do.”

As the Male Lead, you were destined to be the Winner of Life. How could I don’t believe you could. 

“It’s just that I don’t want to waste so much time waiting for you. ”

Mo Yu sneered, “Heh.”

Ye Wei didn’t say anything more; There was nothing more to say. She once again ordered the driver to go. 

This time, finally, the driver followed her order. He stepped on the gas very happily, spraying the Male Lead with the exhaust gas.

Ye Wei was unable to restrain herself and glanced back. In her heart, she encouraged him, be strong, Male Lead!

When Ye Wei arrived at the villa, Mo Yuan happened to be there. He was sitting in front of the pond in the backyard, fishing with a fishing rod in his hand. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Ye Wei walked over lightly, “Mo-xiansheng, I’m back.”

Mo Yuan looked a little happy. He smiled at her, and like how one called a puppy, called out, “Come sit here. “

Ye Wei glanced around Mo Yuan. There was only a small recliner which he sat on, but he told her to come over and sit down.

Sit where?

Wisely, Ye Wei sat on the ground. Mo Yuan rubbed her head and stuffed the fishing rod into her hand, “Come, this is for you to play with.”

Ye Wei beamed, “Thank you Mo-xiansheng.

Mo Yuan sat aside and watched Ye Wei fish for a while. He decided it was boring and left by himself. Before leaving, he said, “You stay here, have fun ”

Ye Wei replied seriously, “As Mo-xiansheng said.”

As a qualified gold worshipper, the gold master’s order had to be done with not only a 100% completion rate, but 200%!

She fished for a whole afternoon until the bucket was full. In order to let the gold master see her efforts, she ordered the kitchen to cook the fish. She not only made a whole fish feast that night, but also made fish fillet porridge the next morning.

Finally! It wasn’t a plain congee anymore! Ye Wei ate two bowls of porridge with satisfaction. On her third bowl, the kitchen told her, we are sorry, we are out of food. 

The Ye Wei holding her bowl, “?”

Oh. Okay. 

Mo Yuan glanced at Ye Wei indifferently. Ye Wei smiled at him with a standard forty-five-degree angle smile, “Mo-xiansheng, can I go shopping today? ”

Mo Yuan, “Mn?”

Ye Wei explained, “I want to go shopping. Last time, I saw a necklace, it was so beautiful…”

Mo Yu signaled to the bulter. The butler understood instantly, “Ye-xiaojie, I’ll arrange for a driver to take you there later.”

Ye Wei beamed happily, “Thank you Mo-xiansheng.”

At least she still has money to spend. It’s okay to be hungry, she wouldn’t die because of it, anyway. 

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Ry’s Corner

The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money.

Eh, Mo Yu is really not bad. Definitely a decent original ML. *cough*Unlike Sheng Zhiming and Zhong Shen.*cough*

Simp “The Memory Lost in Space”.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2775

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3 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 35”

  1. I actually don’t feel like her role this time is that vicious. It is not like she cheating on the ML, they broke up before she got with his cousin/brother? I mean if they were already having issues, and there is nothing wrong with liking to be rich, as long as there is no cheating involved.

    • True. She had the decency to break up before getting together. Though the period is too short for a typical recovery (for me), it was not cheating. She had the decency to not take liberties with the ML along with the villain. Even if she tried, she got a death wish.


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