WfDO- Chapter 36

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money(3)

Mo Yu was drunk.

Yang Zijian and Mo Yu were close. Only Yang Zijian knew the inside story of his breakup with Ye Wei. Watching Mo Yu in this kind of pain, Yang Zijian was a little anxious. He persuaded, “Stop drinking. If you really are unreconciled with it, go find Ye Wei. Isn’t it just because of family pressure? You have to believe that true love can transcend everything.”

Mo Yu thought of Ye Wei’s cold face, and his heart hurt again. He sneered, picked up the glass, and raised his head to drink it in a gulp. Because he drank too quickly, he choked and coughed several times.

Yang Zijian persuaded him a few times but wasn’t successful. He shook his head helplessly, and patted Mo Yu on the back, “Listen to me. If you have time to drink here, you might as well work hard. Girls need to be coaxed. If you coax her, maybe she will come back?”

Mo Yu hung his head, his mind was clouded. With a wry smile, he said bitterly, “if it’s really the case, that’s good.”

“What do you mean by that? Anyway, which family xiaojie is Ye Wei? Is it Xingguang Electronics’s Ye-jia? That’s not right. It is said that Ye-jia only has two sons and no daughter. A’Yu, you should know Ye Wei’s family background, right?”

Mo Yu replied coldly, “I only found out today. Turns out Ye Wei was so rich.”

Yang Zijian was shocked, “So you don’t know either? You don’t know… then what is the reason for your break up?”

Mo Yu curled his lips and laughed at himself: “I always thought that I didn’t do well enough and let her down, so she got angry and broke up with me. I didn’t find out until today. It turned out that I was deceiving myself about everything. ”

“Again, what do you mean by that ah?”

Mo Yu ceased talking, he continued to drink. 

Yang Zijian was helpless. He took out his mobile phone and went to the school forum to take a look. At present, several posts with the topic of Ye Wei’s life and the breakup of Ye Wei and Mo Yu were created. The discussion was like a raging fire. Many people were astonished by Ye Wei’s hidden family background. Nevertheless, some voiced their doubts.

For example, someone left a comment expressing their doubts, saying that they had met Ye Wei’s father by chance and he drove a car worth about 200,000 to 300,000 yuan[1]. Her family conditions were definitely not bad, but it was definitely not as amazing as they saw today… So, the question was, was Ye Wei’s family really so rich?

With that comment said, other people also claimed to know Ye Wei. They also said that they have seen Ye Wei’s father, a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance, and unmistakably had nothing to do with those rich families. Moreover, they couldn’t be wrong about it because they heard Ye Wei call the man’s father.

They also told that they had heard Ye Wei say some things about her family. Although they didn’t listen very carefully, they knew that her family was probably in a small business. Her mother was a high school teacher and not from a well-known family.

[But, if Ye Wei doesn’t have a good family background, what’s the matter with today’s fanfare? There is no way she borrowed it to save face, right? Besides, even if she borrowed the clothes or something. The car we saw in the afternoon wasn’t one that a person could borrow as they wanted!]

[Ye Wei is so beautiful. She now had dumped Mo Yu. Who knew what methods she used? Could it be that someone raised[2] her?]

[That sounded possible. Otherwise, how can Ye Wei be willing to give up on Mo Yu?]

[Upstair[3], you are not jealous, are you?]

[Maybe Ye Wei’s family is so rich, and they are only pretending to be not?]

Yang Zijian and Ye Wei were not very familiar with each other. At most, they had eaten together a few times. He didn’t know much about Ye Wei. After reading these comments, he was bewildered.

“What nonsense ah. They said Ye Wei’s family is actually not rich and she is being raised by someone?”

He showed Mo Yu his cell phone. “Look, is what they said true? A’Yu? A’Yu?”

He pestered Mo Yu for a long time, but Mo Yu just shoved him away. He didn’t say a word, continuing to raise his glass and drinking more than half of it.

Observing Mo Yu’s attitude, Yang Zijian was enlightened: “…She is, right? So this is the real reason Ye Wei broke up with you?”

Mo Yu really wanted to convince himself that it was not. Even if the Ye Wei he knew was wilful and capricious, she was not one to betray someone just for money. Yet, everything he saw today clearly told him that it was true. In order to satisfy her own desire, Ye Wei abandoned him for a rich and luxurious life.

When Mo Yu didn’t answer, Yang Zijian obviously acquiesced. He nervously gulped and quickly took a sip of his beer to suppress his shock. 

Yang Zijian became well-behaved right away.

He noticed the strangeness, Ye Wei was an arrogant and proud person. If her family background was really so awesome, how could she keep a low profile and refrain from flaunting it all the time? It turned out because she just caught a gold master ah!

He glanced at Mo Yu, and felt that he was too pitiful. He advised, “Okay okay, don’t be too upset. Isn’t it just a woman? The old one will go and a new one will come. Think about it. Women like Ye Wei, it’s better to forget them earlier.”

Mo Yu replied coldly, “Yes, that kind of woman, what’s so important to miss about her.”

Yang Zijian chuckled, “It’s the best if you think so.”

“Of course I think so! What else can I think?”

“Okay, you have the final say. And if that’s the case, stop drinking, okay? ”

Mo Yu lifted his head for another cup, and the cup made a heavy noise when it was placed on the table.

They were drinking when a woman came over out of nowhere. She was wearing a white shirt and a short black skirt. Her long hair was tied high, Her face was exquisite and beautiful. She attracted people’s eyes all the way.

“Mo Yu.”

Mo Yu glanced at her and gave an acknowledgment, then he lowered his head to drink again. 

Yang Zijian glanced at Mo Yu and then at the beautiful woman in front of them and asked, “Do you know A’Yu? Hello, I’m Mo Yu’s classmate. My name is Yang Zijian. “

“Hello, I’m Mo Yu’s colleague. My name is Miao Shuya.”

Miao Shuya smiled, she turned to look at Mo Yu and probed, “What’s wrong with him? Why is he drinking like this?”

Yang Zijian shrugged and answered, “Lovesickness.”

Miao Shuya instantly understood, “No wonder.”

The relationship between Mo Yu and Miao Shuya was not good, but it was also not bad. When the two were together for work, they often had some minor disputes at work because of disagreements. They were always tit-for-tat, but when encountering outside enemies, they could join forces to face the enemy. The relationship between them was an enemy and also a friend. There was some sense of mutual respect.

Miao Shuya sat down in front of Mo Yu, knocked on the table, and said to the drunken Mo Yu, “The project plan for cooperation with Wang-shi will be handed in next week. Looking at you now, I don’t seem to have to worry about it.”

Mo Yu smiled coldly, “Then you have to be careful. There is a price to pay for underestimating me.”

Miao Shuya replied with a smile, “Then I’ll wait for it.”

She said no more. She got up and politely smiled at Yang Zijian before leaving. 

Yang Zijian’s heart pounded. He immediately shook Mo Yu and begged him if he could have her contact information?

Miao Shuya may not be as beautiful and enchanting as Ye Wei, but she was another kind of beauty. Fierce and proud, like a fiery red rose with thorns, which made people want to get close to her to worship her.

Mo Yu gave Yang Zijian a shove once again, “Stop dreaming. Miao Shuya is a famous cold beauty. There is only work in her eyes. Don’t even think about chasing her.”

Yang Zijian said with emotion, “If I knew that Mo-shi had such a beautiful woman, I would have gone there even if I had to squeeze my brain.”

Mo Yu shook his head. Miao Shuya was not only beautiful but also very capable and competitive. Just by knowing her for a few months, he and his colleagues were sure Miao Shuya wouldn’t like a man like Yang Zijian. 

Yang Zijian was too gentle in his temper and character, and his methods are average. People like Miao Shuya, unless they were stronger than her and could conquer her, would not be easily tempted.

Talking about this reminded him of Ye Wei again. Ye Wei had told him she didn’t like Miao Shuya and didn’t like him getting too close to her, but in fact, they were just colleagues. They only have either cooperation or competition for work. Besides, Miao Shuya wasn’t his type.

Miao Shuya didn’t like him either. 

Thinking of Ye Wei, his heart was astringent. He couldn’t deny that he was angry and had resentment in his heart.

In his suffering, he also hated Ye Wei’s fickleness and her vanity. He wouldn’t always be an intern. Sooner or later, he would stand in front of her again and ask her, do you regret it?

In addition, he especially wanted to know who that man was. The man that Ye Wei chose. The man that made her abandon him. Apart from money, how good was he?

Ye Wei was living a comfortable life. Except for the fact that she didn’t have enough to eat, everything else was fine. 

She was telling the truth when she said she didn’t have enough to eat.

Her breakfast was drastically reduced from three bowls of congee to one bowl. And the current bowl was so small that she could finish the congee in two sips. There were no buns, no egg, no anything to cushion her stomach! How could she say she got enough to eat?

Not only that, she couldn’t order food for herself. Before, she was allowed to choose the type of dish. At present, there were only plain congee and side dishes. The amount of side dishes was very small. If only she could choose, she would be full! The only time she could eat something good was when Mo Yuan was away. 

Originally, Ye Wei didn’t mind too much about it. As long as she could go shopping as she likes, why would it matter if she was hungry? Besides, she has money. Wasn’t it possible to eat when she went shopping?

No. It wasn’t.

The butler followed her. If she told the butler she wanted to eat, the butler would stop her. 

“The things outside are not clean, Xiansheng doesn’t like it.”

“This is not good. Xiansheng doesn’t like it.”

So what of it? It’s not like Mo Yuan would kiss or do anything to her. She was the one who ate it, whether it’s unclean or not good, it’s all herself that tasted it! What did it have to do with Mo Yuan?!

But, she was a qualified gold worshipper. She wouldn’t question her gold master. She could only endure.

Because she didn’t have enough to eat, she didn’t even have the strength to go shopping. In turn, she lost a lot of weight.

With Ye Wei’s intelligence, she found the problem. After being hungry for a few days, the problem was definitely not the issue of “Xiansheng doesn’t like it”. The reason why she didn’t get enough food to eat was obviously another torture to fulfill Mo Yuan’s hobby!

To put it bluntly, he couldn’t see her happy!

Mo Yuan was cold and cunning. His emotions, whether it’s happiness or anger, were hard to tell. His thought was well-hidden. But Ye Wei was clever and discovered some of his hobbies. For example, he liked to toy with people. Another example, he would be extremely happy seeing another person in pain. 

Moreover, for Mo Yuan, she was only a chess piece that could be used and probably, not even a woman.

His most intimate behavior towards her was to rub her on the head… For him, this was probably the same nature as patting a dog.

It really was too ashaming to say she was being “raised”. If it weren’t for her to be Mo Yu’s girlfriend, a man like Mo Yuan might not even have given her a glance. 

You were beautiful or ugly, it didn’t matter to him. Let alone had advantages because of it. He only saw people by their utilization value. If there was no utilization value… your time was up, time to get abandoned.

Right now, she was just something that had value and could be used by Mo Yuan. 

She wasn’t treated like this because she was the vicious Supporting Female, even if it was the Female Lead with the Female Lead Aura, he wouldn’t also bat an eye. He was one of the few rare men who could resist the Female Lead Aura. It was as if he had no heart. No one or anything could move him. 

Not to say, she had caused Mo Yu so much pain these past few days. Mo Yuan, that lunatic, should be very happy. He also seemed to be in a really good mood these past few days. So why did he torture her?!

After another thought, plausibly it was because she was living too comfortably! Ye Wei identified the problem and didn’t dare to act too happy or comfortable anymore. She was afraid if she showed too much happiness or comfiness, the next time wouldn’t be as simple as not giving her enough food, he would directly cut her allowance and not allow her to buy anything!

These two are really difficult to choose, no, they both were indispensable!

She wanted to eat and shop as she liked.

Following that, whenever she wanted something, she would stop by the pond sadly and watch the moon. She would at least do that for half an hour. Then, she would pretend to be in a trance when the other called and asked her, “What’s the matter? Something wrong?”

“I didn’t think about anything, just watching the moon. It’s so beautiful, hehe.”


When she tried this for the first time, she was bitten half to death by mosquitos due to her inexperience. She endured it with her strong willpower and her love for work.

Later, she had learned from experience. Before she went there, she would spray herself with mosquito repellant or wear a long skirt.  A long fluttering skirt was good to block the mosquitos. Plus, it could give people a feeling that she was in so much pain that she could disappear with the blowing wind. She also could stand for an hour now. Occasionally, when she was tired, she would sit on Mo Yuan’s small recliner. No one stipulated that she had to stand when she was sad and was watching the moon, right?

The result was, Ye Wei’s food had improved visibly!

She could eat big meat buns again!

The meat was fresh and juicy, the skin was thin, and the meat was rich. After a mouthful, the warm aroma came out. She inhaled it, Mn, so delicious!

Another benefit was, sometimes when she acted sadly and watched the moon by the pond, the maid would serve her tea and delicious cakes. She could drool just by looking at it, but she couldn’t show her happiness and just say, “Just put it there.”

Then, she would watch the moon, reluctantly take a bite. Lower her head to look at the ground, reluctantly take a bite. 


It’s really delicious. How can it be so delicious? She’s so touched that her tears were about to fall!

With Mo Yuan’s hobby, she really fed tigers with her own body. It’s really difficult for her!


Took another bite. 

Really fragrant ah.

Mo Yuan was in the study on the second floor. He sat by the window and could see Ye Wei at a glance. The woman sitting in front of the pond was in a trance, it was unknown what she was thinking. She just unconsciously ate the cake, slowly, until a plate of cakes was finished. She put down the silver spoon and wrapped her body with a cloak. She watched the moon again in a daze, though unknown. 

The woman’s figure was thin and weak. The weak willow was blown by the wind and if the wind was a little stronger, she seemed could be blown away by it.

Mo Yuan’s handsome and pale face was expressionless. His dark eyes were a little cold at the moment. He tugged the corners of his mouth and tapped his fingers on his cane.

Looking at her appearance, it was a little bit pleasant.

When it came time for dinner in the evening, there was a bunch of delicious food. Sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed beef, braised fish, prawns, abalone, shark fins, you say it. The table was full of food.

Mo Yuan sat near her on the main seat. He noticed Ye Wei was looking at him. With a smile, she greeted him, “Mo-xiansheng.”

He nodded. “Eat.”

Ye Wei picked up her chopsticks and hesitated in front of the table with delicious dishes. She picked up a piece of fish. It was spicy and tender, not fishy and not greasy… Why is it so delicious?!

She smiled and said, “Mo-xiansheng, this fish is really delicious. You try it.”

Mo Yuan didn’t speak. The butler came forward and quickly put the fish meat on the plate in front of him.

He put down his chopsticks after taking a bite, he turned to look at her and said gently, “Don’t look at me, eat quickly. Look at you, these days you have become thinner.”

Ye Wei smiled and assented to it, she ate slowly, enjoying every last bit of her meals.

She peeked at Mo Yuan. Sure enough, Mo Yuan appeared to be in a good mood.

The lunatic was worthy of his title as a lunatic. He liked to watch her smile even though she was hurting on the inside and had to pretend to be alright in front of him. 

For only a bite of rice, this was really not easy for her.

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  1. 200,000 yuan – 300,000 yuan ≈ 31k USD – 47k USD.

  2. As in raised by a gold master. Kept-woman

  3. Comments in Chinese Forum is listed with number just like floor number, #1, #2, etc. Upstair means replying to the above comment. It can be to a specific comment like Upstair #7.

Ry’s Corner

Miao Shuya didn’t like him either. 

You sure about that, Mo Yu? :)

Ah. The original FL is here. 

There is no decent original FL in this novel, tbh. Eh, maybe in the very last Arc the FL is quite decent. Other than that, meh

Burn them at the stake.

The woman sitting in front of the pond was in a trance, it was unknown what she was thinking.

I wonder what. Definitely not how delicious the cakes are.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): Number

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6 thoughts on “WfDO- Chapter 36”

  1. You know,I thought that Mo Yuan would flaunt that Ye Wei abandoned Mo Yu for him in order to see Mo You in pain but?! Is he wanting to use the element of surprise?

    And why do I feel that Ye Wei will be forced to act like she’s depressed (in order to appease Mo Yuan like in this chapter) and this will be seen by Mo You leading Mo Yu to think that she’s being held against her will and blah blah…I hope I’m wrong.

    Thanks for the chapter :3

  2. That miao shiya is really the fl of the world? Ehhh they chose a different type of aggressive this time. Previously was aggressively chasing other’s fiancee. Now aggressively working woman haha.

    But ghurl.. It’s really hard to be a gold digger lolll


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