WfDO- Chapter 37

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money(4)

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Ai, I don’t have any appetite today. Just bring me a yanwo[1].” 

Ye Wei was lying on the small recliner in front of the pond. Her eyes were dull and her face became sadder and sadder.

The butler assented and ordered the maids to prepare it.

Ye Wei took a sip of mango juice. The juice was freshly squeezed, with a strong fruit flavor and sweet taste. Some crushed ice was added to it. It was very comfortable to drink it in this muggy summer, cool and delicious. She took a sip and her whole body was refreshed. 

The environment here was not bad. Mo Yuan was a man who knew how to enjoy himself. In addition to flowers and plants in the yard, a row of big trees was planted by the pond. Hiding under the shade and watching the fish in the pond, was extremely satisfying. 

Ye Wei heaved a sigh, “Ai.”

It’s really hard to suppress the happiness in her heart. 

She was still bathing in happiness when a servant came without warning and informed, “Xiansheng is back. ”

Ye Wei sat straight and glanced back. The butler had gone out, Ye Wei naturally trailed behind him. Sure enough, Mo Yuan marched in from outside with a gloomy face. In the past, he often walked with a cane. The pace was unhurried, calm and graceful. His lame foot wasn’t obvious when he walked like that. 

Unfortunately, at this moment, for an unknown reason, his pace was hurried. His movement was quite sluggish. She perceived his mood was very bad. 

This was Mo Yuan’s taboo.

No one dared to look directly at Mo Yuan right now; No one dared to see him limping. 

The servants’ faces changed greatly. Their heads buried low, watching their toes motionlessly. They didn’t even dare to take a peek at this handsome but slightly ferocious man.

Only the butler dared to follow him without changing his face. He picked up the coat that was left on the ground by the man, “Xiansheng, what happened?”

Mo Yuan snorted heavily. He tore open the collar of his shirt. Because of too much force, the buttons fell directly to the ground, revealing a pale and thin clavicle.

He took a few steps but suddenly halted his steps. He seemed to come into an idea and abruptly turned his face. His gaze swept around the house and finally fell on Ye Wei. 

She stood there with her hands clasped and her head bowed. She was extremely obedient.

Ye Wei was not stupid. On the contrary, she was smart. Now, Mo Yuan was angry, naturally, she wouldn’t wrong herself by seeking trouble with Mo Yuan. The servants around her were scared silly and didn’t dare to lift their heads. She followed their examples at once, burying her face low. Didn’t look at anything; Didn’t say anything. If it was possible, she would also hide. 

Mo Yuan’s gloomy face stirred. He beckoned to her, “Weiwei, come here.”

Ye Wei lifted her head. She blinked, confused. She was by Mo Yuan’s side in an instant, “Mo-xiansheng?”

Mo Yuan rubbed her head and said, “In a few days, you will attend a party with me.”

Ye Wei tilted her head, “Party? What party? Is it appropriate for me to go?”

“It’s appropriate, of course, it’s appropriate. ”

He smiled, and regardless of whether Ye Wei agreed or not, he ordered the butler, “Let someone prepare for it. I want Weiwei to be the most beautiful woman that day.”

Butler, “Understood.”

Under Mo Yuan’s order, Ye Wei was tossed here and there for several days. In order to be able to wear a beautiful dress, she limited her food for two days. On the day of the party, Ye Wei got up early and dressed up.

Mo Yuan said he wanted her to be the most beautiful woman that day. No one would dare to slack off, including herself. 

She touched her deflated stomach and guessed where she was in the current plot progression. 

The Male Lead was a man with outstanding ability. After entering Mo-shi, he began to show his skills. He was appreciated by the Female Lead and upper management of the company. He continued to get promoted smoothly. Not only that, Mo Shizong was extremely satisfied with him and secretly helped him behind his back.

The reason why Mo Yuan was so angry that day should be because he discovered that Mo Shizong actually had contact with Mo Yu. In addition, he was protecting him behind his back!

The two hadn’t recognized each other yet, but the relationship was already excellent.

Mo Shizong couldn’t even give Mo Yuan a smile. Yet, he was so kind and caring to Mo Yu. 

Mo Yuan’s heart was so small. It was bullshit if someone claimed otherwise. For this, Mo Yuan’s hate for Mo Yu elevated to a higher level and he yearned for Mo Yu to die. 

Mo Yuan and Mo Yu were half-brothers. Mo Shizong and Mo Yu’s mother fell in love long ago. The two had been together for a long time and had reached the point of getting married. Mo Shizong had worked hard for that. He wanted his family to accept Mo Yu’s mother, but unfortunately, in the end, Mo Shizong couldn’t resist the pressure of his family and went home to get married to another person. 

Mo Shizong and Mo Yuan’s mother’s marriage was a business marriage. There was no affection between them. After they got married, they only treated each other with the respect of a guest. Even after Mo Yuan was born, their relationship didn’t change. 

Mo Shizong had no affection for his family. He treated it only as a responsibility. Even for Mo Yuan, his biological son, he was strict. Every time they met, he only spoke a few words. There was no warmth between father and son. 

However, Mo Yu’s mother discovered she was pregnant only after breaking up with Mo Shizong She hesitated and wanted to abort the child, but she couldn’t bear to. She loved Mo Shizong and was reluctant to cut off their only connection. She gave birth under pressure and raised the child alone.

When Mo Shizong realized Mo Yu was his son, he was delighted. Happy and guilty. He wished to make up for everything, for the debt he owed the pair of mother and son for more than 20 years.

Mo Yuan targeted Mo Yu everywhere, it was because of Mo Shizong. The differential treatment of Mo Shizong to them caught him off guard. 

He originally thought it was Mo Shizong’s nature to be serious and strict with his child.  Therefore, even if Mo Shizong was indifferent and strict to him, only saying a few words to him, he accepted it and was used to it. 

But, he was wrong. Completely wrong. 

When facing Mo Yu, Mo Shizong, who never spoke more than a few words to him, would smile, talk, and laugh. He would look at Mo Yu with pride. Like an ordinary father, he would be happy with his son’s achievement, be proud of his son’s hard work; Like an ordinary father, he was full of expectations for him. 

From the initial disappointment to fury, Mo Yuan coldly watched them from the sideline. He didn’t care about how Mo Shizong had treated him; He didn’t care about Mo Shizong’s fatherly love that was like charity to him. He hated Mo Shizong. He didn’t want to see Mo Yu well. 

A shady bastard son, how dare he rob things from him?

The party was held in a five-star hotel owned by Mo-shi.

Mo Yu’s female companion was Miao Shuya. The two walked into the avenue together, they immediately attracted a lot of laughter from their colleagues. “Laoda [3] and Shuya-jie are both really talented and good-looking. Looking at both of you today, it’s a perfect match ah.”

Presently, Mo Yu was wearing a black suit with a bow tie, which made him look grand. Miao Shuya was wearing a dress of the same color as his suit. Her temperament was inherently cold, and it added to her beauty. In this way, she was even more cold and elegant, very unattainable.

The two stood beside each other. They were a perfect match.

Mo Yu scolded helplessly, “Shut up, stop speaking nonsense every time you open your mouth.”

The colleague defended himself, “What we said is from the bottom of our heart. There is no falsehood at all! Definitely not nonsense ah!”

“That’s right, Laoda, we just said that both of you are talented and good-looking. We didn’t say anything more. What are you nervous about?”

“Being nervous means you are hiding something in your heart!”

Mo Yu, “……”   

He shrugged, “What the hell can I hide in my heart? I don’t think I deserve Miao-xiaojie. Don’t tarnish others’ reputations. Go, go.”

Miao Shuya smiled, “Not bad, you are quite self-aware.”

Miao Shuya’s remark naturally provoked their colleagues to heckle him continuously.

The two were rivals, but also partners. They got along like enemies and liked to antagonize each other.

Mo Yu side-eyed her, “Today’s situation is special. I won’t lower myself to your level.”

Miao Shuya hooked her lower lip, and a sweet smile appeared on her face like a flower blooming. Fleeting, but amazingly beautiful.

Mo Yu was taken aback. He touched his nose and stopped talking. 

During their time of getting along, Mo Yu discovered that Miao Shuya was not as indifferent and unkind as her image. In fact, she attached great importance to friendship, but she was cold and didn’t like to talk, which made outsiders misunderstand her as a cold person.

Mo Yu unconsciously compared her to Ye Wei. They were the polar opposite. Ye Wei was warm, cheerful, and lively. He thought she would be the one he would spend his life with. But it’s not true. Under her warm and cheerful appearance, there was an unfeeling and vain heart hidden. She abandoned him for so-called glory and wealth. It was his fault, he was blind and didn’t judge her correctly.

Heh. He scoffed and took a sip of his red wine.

Just when the group was enjoying themselves, someone whispered, “Look, Mo-zong is here!”


Except for Mo Shizong, the patriarch of the Mo-jia, the one who could be called Mo-zong was Mo Shizong’s son, Mo Yuan. Mo Shizong was currently abroad and definitely couldn’t attend. So, the Mo-zong here could only be Mo Yuan.

Mo Yu had seen Mo Yuan several times. He was a man who was too pale, too thin, and too cold. Even his smile didn’t give others a good feeling, it made them feel they were being targeted by a poisonous snake. This feeling came inexplicably. He and Mo Yuan had never crossed paths with each other or had any grievances. There shouldn’t be any reason for him to feel like that, but he still felt it. 

He shook his head, shoving away the discomfort in his heart. When he glanced at Mo Yuan, he was dumbfounded. 

This glance of him stunned him silly. The wine in his glass almost spilled. If Miao Shuya hadn’t asked him what was wrong, he might have made a gaffe on the spot!

Ye Wei?

How is this possible?

Why is the woman next to Mo Yuan is Ye Wei?

He suspected he had seen it wrong, that he had drunk too much and was having a hallucination. He couldn’t believe it. But no. He couldn’t deny the truth in front of his eyes, the woman who was holding Mo Yuan’s hand and smiling is Ye Wei!

Ye Wei was wearing a white tube top dress. The skirt was short and light, encasing her like a layer of gauze. Under the skirt were two perfectly straight and slender legs. Her delicate feet were hidden under crystal shoes.

Her hair was curled. There were not many decorations on her hair, only a diamond hairpin behind her ears. Her long soft hair was swept on her shoulder. Her sexy clavicle loomed under the cover of her long hair, partly hidden, partly visible.

Mo Yu always knew Ye Wei was beautiful, but not to this extent. He never thought that Ye Wei, who was wrapped in fancy clothes and jewelry, would be so beautiful and enchanting. 

Still, it was just a false cover, her inside was ugly. 

He finally understood. It’s no wonder. No wonder Ye Wei was able to abandon him so mercilessly, that man turned out to be Mo Yuan!

Who was Mo Yuan? Mo Yuan was the eldest son of Mo-jia, the man who was most qualified to inherit Mo-jia‘s vast fortune. She really made the best decision to abandon him for Mo Yuan. 

Ye Wei also saw Mo Yu. The man was born tall and handsome. Among the crowd, he was the most dazzling, People would notice him at a glance. 

Mo Yuan leaned down. Whispering softly, gently, in her ear, “Let’s go. I’ll take you to meet the best employees of our company.”

Ye Wei gave a sweet smile, “Okay, Mo-xiansheng.”

She had been preparing this for so long. She believed she could do this job well!

With her hand on Mo Yuan’s, they approached Mo Yu, step by step.

Mo Yu clenched his fist and stared at Ye Wei, who was smiling. All his emotions were hidden under his dark eyes.

He returned her smile.


At the end of the corridor, away from the venue, there were few people around.

Mo Yu sneered at Ye Wei in front of him. He spoke sarcastically, “I kept thinking of who was the man that made you dump me, so it was him. Heh. So say, what’s the reason you called me here?”

Ye Wei replied, “You don’t have to say that to me, I know I wronged you. I hope you can forgive me. ”

“Forgive? And then?”

“Then I hope you can help me keep a secret. Don’t let Mo Yuan know about our affairs from before.”

Mo Yu’s face changed. He gave Ye Wei a cold stare.

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  1. 燕窝 – yànwō. Edible bird’s nest. The bird nests are created by edible-nest swiftlets. It is said to be very healthy for the body. It doesn’t taste like anything tbh. Image in Attachment.

  2. 老大 – lǎodà; lit. Big Old. Boss. Leader. A title for a leader in a group, a chief, senior, etc, etc.


燕窝 – Yanwo (Edible Bird’s Nest)

Ry’s Corner

The true asshole in this Arc is Mo Yuan and Mo Yu’s father.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2428

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1 thought on “WfDO- Chapter 37”

  1. Ah i was about to say the same when i saw your notes. That sperm donor is really is the biggest a*hole in this arc. What guilt for Mo Yu, Mo Yuan is his son too although he might be the product of business marriage. He has feelings too. He became like that bcs of that a*hole father. (pardon my language, i really hate such parents). I hope by the end of this arc, mo yu will never care abt that a*hole and mo yuan stabs him to death, or watch him die from any sickness coldly, like how he watched mo yuan grew up.


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