TVIRAD – Chapter 30

Arc 2
Flawless Sword (End)

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“Ye Chen……”

Song Yi was the first one to react. He clamored to her, “Where is Wushuang?!”

“Don’t worry, Shishu,” Ye Chen’s voice echoed, “He is fine.”

She was the same as usual, heartless and indifferent. She wasn’t like a person that was being possessed at all. 

That deeply hurt everyone’s eyes. The Tian Jian Sect’s disciples that were present couldn’t believe that their Shijie was possessed. The Shijie in front of them, was she really possessed?

People from other sects seemed to notice the wavering of Tian Jian Sect’s people and immediately expressed, “There is no use contemplating it! Seize the Devil, quickly!”

A cultivator from Yi Jian Sect bolted to her with a sword. 

Ye Chen didn’t dodge. She stood there quietly, scanning everyone with a smile as if she was judging them. 

The Tian Jian Sect’s disciples clenched the swords in their hands.

The person in front of them was the da Shijie of many new disciples, and she was also the xiao Shimei of many old disciples! She came to Tian Jian Sect when she was only five years old. She laughed and played with them. She had practiced swordsmanship with them!

She obviously didn’t do anything bad, why did she need to die?!

Righteous and Evil, why was it merely judged by the Qi?!

The Tian Jian Sect’s people kept questioning in their hearts. Their hearts were tortured by those questions. 

Just before the sword could stab Ye Chen, another sword parried it. Ye Chen was slightly startled. She identified it was Dan Yan who unexpectedly came out of nowhere, struggling to block the attack for her. 

She was only on Foundation Establishment Realm, but she could block a Golden Core Realm’s full brunt attack. Still, the huge momentum forced her to take a step back and the sword in her hand shattered. Dan Yan coughed blood and roared, “Run!”

“Bold!” The Leaders of other Sects shouted angrily, and all the Leader’s disciples besieged them. Dan Yan noticed Ye Chen didn’t run so she dragged her to escape.

It was unknown who initiated it first, but other Tian Jian Sect’s disciples leaped out of their swords and encircled Dan Yan and Ye Chen. Their swords were pointed at the person who wanted to hurt Ye Chen. 

Their action floored everyone, even Ye Chen didn’t anticipate it. 

She was fully prepared to die.

It’s just dying, anyway. When she died, Jun Yan’s Heart Demon would disappear completely. Plus, Jun Yan cultivated Ruthless Dao, many cultivators in his Realm would choose to kill their beloved to testify their Dao and breakthrough. Her death was the testimony that Jun Yan had completely cut off his concern for the worldly affair. He could break through his Realm and ascend smoothly.

Also, she believed, according to Jun Yan’s character, if she died, he would definitely live up to all her expectations. This includes the expectations that he would be a good cultivator and ascend to the Upper Realm.

Only, in all her calculations, she never calculated that the people around her would choose to protect her.

Dan Yan was half a head shorter than her, her body was still in recovery from her serious illness. Yet, she insisted on protecting her using her body. Her small body was like a high wall that would never crumble. 

Song Yi, like Dan Yan, pointed his swords at the people who came after Ye Chen. He didn’t give them a chance to hurt Ye Chen. 

“Song Yi!” The Leader of Yi Jian Sect roared, “What are you Tian Jian Sect doing? Are you Tian Jian Sect covering up for this Devil?!”

“She hasn’t done anything,” Song Yi furrowed his brow, “And you yourself can see what she looks like now, she isn’t possessed. There may be a reason一”

“A reason?” The Leader of Yi Jian Sect ridiculed. The Leader looked down on Ye Chen from his position and coldly questioned, “Your name is Ye Chen, right? Benzuo[1] will give you a chance, but you must answer truthfully. The Demonic Qi on yourself, does it come from yourself?”

“Yes.” Ye Chen answered decisively.

There were only two kinds of Demonic Qi in this world. The Demonic Qi acquired from oneself and the Demonic Qi acquired from other people. 

It’s impossible for her to give up on Jun Yan so the answer could one be that.

Whether she lived or not, it didn’t matter. The system calculated that when she died, the probability of completing the task was 99%. So, she didn’t mind answering the question like that.

After speaking, she skimmed around and spoke with a smile, “Ye Chen has received the kindness of all Shixiong, Shijie, Shidi, and Shimei. But there is no misunderstanding today. Ye Chen is too greedy for worldly things and desire has appeared in Ye Chen’s heart. The Heart Demon is too strong and Ye Chen can’t support herself. Ye Chen has fallen and became a Devil. Ye Chen can’t guarantee that Ye Chen can control herself. Therefore, Ye Chen begs everyone to step back.”

“For the stability of this world, Ye Chen is willing to pay with her own life.” Ye Chen shut her eyes and told, “Ye Chen has no regrets.”

“Shut up!”

Dan Yan yelled loudly and pivoted to face Ye Chen. She wiped the blood in her mouth harshly and berated, “Ye Chen! There are so many people here trying to protect you, can’t you see it?!”

“It’s not easy for people to live! Many people in this world are trying hard to live! My whole family was wiped out, my body was dosed with deadly poison, and no one cared for me! Did I give up?! No, I still try my best to survive! What about you? Shijie,” For the first time, she called her Shijie and she was dead serious, “There are so many people here that love you. They will be full of joy because you are alive; They will be full of sorrow because you are dead. No one wants to give up on you, why are you giving up on yourself?!”

Shijie,” she conveyed sincerely, “Since you have become my Shijie, I will protect you. Before I die, I ask of you, live well.”

Ye Chen was amused. She processed her words and laughed, “Why?”

In her mind, she believed that Dan Yan should hate her very much. 

Dan Yan lowered her gaze and replied, “No why. I just always hope you can live well.”

Since she came to Wen Jian Peak, she knew best how good this Shijie of her was.

She didn’t want to trouble her so she didn’t accept her kindness. She was afraid. Afraid of liking this da Shijie so much. Afraid of being sad if her kindness turned out to be a lie.

And as a result, after she got a beating from her, she finally could determine the truth. This Shijie was indeed what she thought. This Da Shijie was the Shijie that she liked.

She may be an awkward and troublesome person, but if anyone dared to bully Ye Chen, she wouldn’t hesitate to point her sword at that person. 

Dan Yan’s sentiment made Ye Chen’s heart soft. She lifted her hand to stroke Dan Yan’s cheek. 

She didn’t know who moved the hand first, but a large number of cultivators tried to attack her and the people from Tian Jian Sect stood around her as guards. The high-ranking cultivators argued fiercely. The Tian Jian Sect’s people were being surrounded by all the people from other Sects. 

“She personally asked for death! Why are you people still protecting her like this?!”

“It is precisely because she asked for death,” Song Yi smiled, “It proves that she is a good child. How can we Tian Jian Sect give up on a good child like her?”

“She has a Heart Demon! It’s hard to control a Heart Demon! With a powerful Heart Demon, how can you guarantee she won’t be completely possessed by her Heart Demon one day?! If that day comes, it will be too late!”

“But she hasn’t done anything. Won’t it be too cruel to ask her to die for it? If she is a disciple from another sect, then I can’t control the outcome. But she is a disciple from Tian Jian Sect and we Tian Jian Sect will protect her.”

Hearing Song Yi’s words, the Leader of Yi Jian Sect directly shot, “Tian Jian Sect has also fallen and supported the Devil!”

Song Yi sneered. He drew his sword and directly confronted the crowd.

In the sky and on the ground, there were sounds of fighting. Amidst the clashes of Spiritual Aura around them, Ye Chen was looking at Dan Yan gently.

“I’m sorry, xiao Shimei. It’s me who misunderstood you.”

“You are very kind. I should have treated you better.”

“I know all of you want me to live and let me live well.” She spread her arms and brought Dan Yan to her embrace. She closed her eyes. “But Shimei, my Nascent Soul is gone.”

Dan Yan was instantly dumbstruck. She continued to listen to Ye Chen’s words, “I can’t cultivate anymore and it’s hard to get rid of the Evil Qi in my body. Therefore, Shimei, I choose this path. It’s too difficult for me to continue living.”

The proud Beloved of Heaven lost everything in one day. Stripped from everything just in one day, it was too cruel.

If Dan Yan still had anything to say, then she couldn’t say it because Ye Chen had put a spell on her with her Spiritual Aura. 

Her Nascent Soul had been lost. All her Spiritual Power was stored in her Spiritual Root. She had used half of it to put a spell on Xie Wushuang, and used the remaining half to put a spell on Dan Yan. Her Spiritual Power at this moment was nearly nonexistent. She opened her eyes to glimpse around with a tender expression, observing all the Tian Jian Sect’s people clashing with others to protect her. 

“38,” She said slowly, “I never knew that the world could be so warm.”

So many people love her. All her efforts were rewarded.

Her eyelashes fluttered down. Her voice was peaceful, “Everyone.”

Her voice floated in the air, reverberating throughout the sky. 

“Ye Chen, love you all very much.”

With that said, she utilized the last Spiritual Power in her body to burst her heart’s Meridian.

At that moment, she heard a heartbreaking cry, “Don’t!!”

Jun Yan scampered out of the cave, staggering on his steps.

He had just recovered from his desperate struggle, and he couldn’t even stand straight, but he still propelled himself to reach her.

Everyone stopped their movements. They watched the red-clothed woman bursting out with blood and wobbling to the ground.

Jun Yan sped up and caught her body. In spite of everything, he began to deliver Spiritual Power to her. 

The boundless Spiritual Power circled into her body, but her body was like a sieve, no matter how much water poured, it still leaked out.

But, the Spiritual Power managed to maintain her vitality. She blinked her eyes and noticed Jun Yan. 

His hair was disheveled; His clothes were messy; His face was full of tears. He was in a sorry state. 

“Don’t die…” he begged desperately, “Don’t leave me alone… Ye Chen, don’t die…”

He was in such a sorry state and Ye Chen couldn’t help but giggle at him.

Shifu,” she whispered softly, “When people grow up, they all always go their own way and separate.”

The words overlapped with the words of the gentle girl in Jun Yan’s illusion. He could hardly tell whether he was in his illusion or reality. His eyes were empty.

The woman’s face was pale, exactly the same as the woman in his memory. The woman that he saw lying in a coffin full of flowers when he returned from the United States.

The sharp pain came from the bottom of his heart. He clasped her hand and shook his head desperately, “No…I don’t want us to separate…”

“I will save you… Ye Chen…”

Then he picked her up and flew into the distance. 

Legend had it that a miraculous Immortal Doctor lives on an Immortal Mountain full of various high-level formations. Spanning from 500 years ago, he had refused to save people. Only those who could go up the mountain will be saved by him.

And in the past 500 years, countless people had sought him, but none ever successfully went up to the mountain. 

Jun Yan supported Ye Chen with his Spiritual Power and with her in his arms, he climbed all the way up to the Immortal Mountain.

Ye Chen was drowsy. She only occasionally roused up to witness Jun Yan floundering to climb up. 

The first formation of Immortal Mountain was said to be A Thousand Catties Step. It was said that every step was as heavy as a thousand catty. Jun Yan communicated to her while constantly delivering Spiritual Power to her. Her occasional response was the only driving force supporting him.

He talked about many things. His childhood. Her childhood. 

He talked about the year when he folded a leaf grasshopper for her; about the dishes that he knew she liked to eat; about how he learned to buy good-looking clothes and jewelry for her. 

He remembered it clearly. Every detail. Every word she said. He could understate the events of two or three hundred years ago in a simple way, but he talked about it for so long, for more than 20 years they had been there. 

And, Ye Chen was embraced in his arms. Watching the person in front of her.

Watching his face paling because of the pain. Watching his body covered in blood due to the mountain formations. Watching him protect her from all the wind and rain with his Spiritual Power without caring to protect himself. She was safe, but he was frozen all over. 

Over time, his Spiritual Power gradually dried up and his mind began to become fuzzy. 

But he kept talking, over and over again.

“I like you, Ye Chen.”

“I like you.”

“Do you know it…? I like you”

“I really, really like you.”

Not the kind of like from a Shifu. Not the kind of like from a family.

It was the “I want to marry you” kind of like.

Whether it was Gu Jianan or Jun Yan. 

All of him, like her. So much. 

She was his sole salvation and light as well as his sole faith and love.

For Gu Jianan, she was his whole world.

And for Jun Yan, she was also his obsession.

He suddenly regretted it so much. He shouldn’t always guess about what is good for her or always feel that she doesn’t like him. He cautiously hid his feelings and progressively it led to this day.

He should have told her earlier.

He liked her. He wanted to be with her. If she liked him back, he would abolish his Dao and rebuild it; If she didn’t, he would stay as her Shifu and protect her all her life. 

“Ye Chen,” he eventually reached the last formation. It was a long river rolling with boiling water. His Spiritual Power was drained up and his meridians were aching. However, when he felt the faint breath from the person in his arms, Jun Yan felt his heart was peaceful. He skimmed down at her tenderly. He trekked into the river and affectionately said, “I like you.”

The sizzling sound came from his feet, his skin and flesh were melted by the river, and the severe pain made Jun Yan’s vision blacken but his grasp on Ye Chen remained steady. Ye Chen vaguely listened to the sound of water and blinked her eyes open.

Shifu…” she asked dazedly, “Is there water around us?”

“Yes,” Jun Yan was sweating profusely. He responded softly, “There is a river.”

“Does it look good?” Ye Chen’s vision was blurry. She could only see hazy light. Jun Yan’s hold on her tightened and he strained to make his voice as calm as he could. “It looks good. The river is very clear and there are small fish in it.”

Mn…” Ye Chen’s eyes fluttered shut once again “I want to eat boiled fish.”

“Okay”” Jun Yan’s flesh fell piece by piece. Examining the pale face of the person in his arms, his reply was raspy, “I will make you whatever you want to eat. ”

Shifu…” Ye Chen leaned her head against his chest. “You just said 3412 times, you like me.”

“Do you… really… like me?”

“I do.” Jun Yan’s tears slipped, “I like you. I especially like you.”

“That’s good…” Ye Chen continued to lean her head against his chest and ceased to speak. 

“38,” Ye Chen felt a little suffocated, “I’m a little sad.”

“Host, don’t be sad. Eat melons. Eat melons.”

“Am I going to die?”

“No,” 38 soothed, “Originally, our calculation was you would die and he would break through the last stage of Ruthless Dao then ascend. Yet, right now, he has abandoned his Dao. We must watch over him and make sure he ascends.”


“Good luck.” 38 patted her on the shoulder, “You can do it!”

38’s words made Ye Chen speechless. She kept leaning on Jun Yan’s chest until he reached the shore. And presently, his Spiritual Power had dispersed and only bloody white bones were left on his legs.

He was glad Ye Chen’s vision was blurry. She didn’t need to look at his sorry state. 

He knelt at the door of the house with Ye Chen in his arms. “Yixian[2]. Wanbei[3], Jun Yan, begs you. Please save my disciple’s life.”

No one answered his request.

Moments passed and an old voice rang.

“Come in.”

Jun Yan hastily carried Ye Chen in and saw an old man reading medical books.

“The Nascent Soul was cut. The Meridian was damaged. The lungs were ruptured…”

The old man studied Ye Chen and then his eyes tumbled on Jun Yan, “You…”

“I’m fine!” Jun Yan declared at once, “Yixian, please save my disciple!”

Lin Shen scrutinized him for a while and sighed. His focus was back on Ye Chen. 

He examined her once again and got up, “Bring her in.”

Behind the yard was a hot spring. Lin Shen ordered both of them to soak there. Jun Yan carefully lowered Ye Chen to the hot spring. A comforting Spiritual Aura surged up, mending their wounds. The feeling of mending the wounds was painful and Ye Chen moved her body closer to Jun Yan, “Shifu, it hurts.”

Jun Yan hugged her and caressed her back, “It’ll be fine in a minute. Shifu is here,” He kissed Ye Chen’s forehead and reassured, “Shifu is here.”

Ye Chen couldn’t reply, all her weight was on Jun Yan. Jun Yan kept her in his embrace, trying his best not to touch her wounds lest she hurt more. He thoroughly forgot that his whole body was also full of wounds, and the pain was not much less than the girl in his arms.

The two of them soaked in the hot spring until all their wounds healed. Jun Yan brought Ye Chen into the house and let her sleep, then he proceeded to find Lin Shen. 

Yixian, my disciple…”

“Your wife will be fine,” Lin Shen told, “She merely needs to cultivate for hundreds of years to be fine. During this period, she needs to stay on my mountain. Do you mind it?”

“I don’t mind.” Jun Yan consented without delay, “Her Nascent Soul…”

“That can also be repaired. She has a special physique. The Supreme Sword Body is not in the Spiritual Root, but in the Sword Intent in her heart. Her Dao is also fine. But you…” Lin Shen glanced at him up and down, “After cultivating Ruthless Dao for so long, do you really abolish it?”

“Yes…” Jun Yan was a little astringent, “Qianbei[4] don’t need to worry. Wanbei just needs to start all over again.”

“That’s also good,” Lin Shen bobbed. “Go ahead, there is no need to continue speaking to me, an old man.”

Jun Yan went back to Ye Chen’s side. Observing her peaceful face was enough to soothe his heart. 

Ye Chen slept for a long time. When she woke up, Jun Yan was still beside her. He poured her water and instructed gently, “Drink.”

Ye Chen picked up the cup from his hand. She was a little sleepy, “Is Shifu alright?”

“I’m fine,” Jun Yan tucked her in and comforted her, “I’ll watch over you. When you’re better, I’ll go down the mountain.”

“What are you doing down the mountain?”

“Cultivating my Dao.” Jun Yan’s eyes didn’t leave her, Ye Chen suspiciously scrutinized him and he laughed. 

“A’Chen.” His hand was on hers. “Will you marry me?”

Ye Chen’s mind buzzed.

Jun Yan didn’t dare to look at her and his gaze dropped. “I have abandoned my Ruthless Dao and I’m starting over. When I can protect you once again, I will marry you, is it okay?”

While Jun Yan waited quietly for her answer, Ye Chen was in serious discussion with 38.

“You say, should I promise him?”

“Promise him.” 38 bluntly replied, “His Heart Demon is gone. His state of mind is very stable right now. Don’t create any more obsession for him. Go with the flow. He will ascend soon. When he ascends, we will leave.”


Ye Chen came to an agreement with 38. She tilted her head to peek at Jun Yan and answered earnestly, “Mn. I will wait for Shifu, then.”

Her answer surprised Jun Yan. A moment passed and he stuttered in disbelief, “You…”

“I like Shifu, too.” Ye Chen beamed, “I have been waiting for Shifu to say this. I have been waiting for so many years~”

Ye Chen’s answer made Jun Yan so happy that he buried her in his arms.

“A’Chen, wait for me.” He spoke excitedly, “”I… I will come to marry you, soon!”

Mn.” Ye Chen smiled softly, “I’m waiting for you.”

With that promise, Jun Yan and Ye Chen became spouses and after a few months, Jun Yan went down the mountain while Ye Chen stayed there. Jun Yan would come back every few months to tell her about the outside world.

Her parents had a new child and they always missed her very much. They also wanted to bring things for her, but because Lin Shen was not very welcoming, they couldn’t visit her.

Xie Wushuang and Dan Yan seemed to have some signs. They quarreled every day and always saved each other. Just like the storyline of the original world. Most likely, some ambiguous feelings were budding between them. 

Both of them made rapid progress and had a smooth journey.

Jun Yan started from scratch after he abolished his old Dao, he traveled all over the world and aided others along the way. He rebuilt his Dao with Shouhu Dao[5], because in his heart, he had someone he wanted to protect. 

In the 70th year of rebuilding his Dao, Jun Yan had broken through all the realm and returned to his original realm, Mahayana. He went to Ye Chen’s house to give the dowry and held their wedding on the mountain.

On the day of the marriage, there were only three people, Ye Chen, Jun Yan, and Lin Shen. The ceremony was very simple. When Jun Yan led her into the bridal chamber, the whole person was radiating with joy.

He lifted her red veil and caught Ye Chen’s glittering eyes. His voice was trickling with sweetness, “Why do you look at your Xianggong[6] like this, hm? Not shy in the slightest.”

Shifu looks good!” Ye Chen declared seriously, “Of course I have to look closely at Shifu!”

Jun Yan chuckled. “I look good. Then, do you like me?”

“Like.” Ye Chen smiled and the corner of her eyes bent, “I like Shifu the most.”

Jun Yan was full of joy. He bowed his head and kissed her carefully.

Ye Chen was in poor health and wasn’t allowed to engage in anything strenuous so they just lay side by side in the quilt and conversed.

There was tranquility in his heart. Such a gentle time, just by looking at her, gave Jun Yan a sense of contentment. 

“A’Chen,” He voiced softly, “Cultivate well. If I ascend before you, I will wait for you in the Upper Realm, okay?”

“Okay.” Ye Chen held his hand comfortingly, “Shifu, if you ascend before me, wait for me in the Upper Realm. I’ll come to find you.”

She circled her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead against his chest, “That way, when I ascend, I won’t be bullied because Shifu will be there to protect me.”.”

Mn,” Jun Yan stroked her hair, “I’ll protect you.”

After another 30 years, Ye Chen’s body fully healed. Jun Yan could no longer maintain down his Spiritual Power. It was time for him to ascend. Before Jun Yan ascended, he repeatedly emphasized to Ye Chen, “You must cultivate well and come to the Upper Realm. ”

“I know,” Ye Chen’s eyes bent with her smile, “I am Shifu’s wife. Wherever Shifu is, wherever I am. ”

“You must come,” Jun Yan grasped her hand and repeated, “I’m waiting for you.”

“Yes.” Ye Chen promised him, “I will come.”

The Heavenly Tribulation’s clouds gathered in the sky. Ye Chen glanced at it and urged, “Hurry up and go, lest I get involved in the Tribulation.”

Jun Yan pursed his lips. There were things that he wanted to say. Ye Chen stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Don’t worry, Shifu. I like you so much. How can I leave you behind?”

Jun Yan had no reason to stay here any longer. For the last time, he repeated, “You must come.”

With that, he flew out. Distancing himself from the mountain for fear of involving Ye Chen in the Tribulation.

He sat cross-legged. After he set formations around him, a bolt of lightning struck down!

Jun Yan’s Heavenly Tribulation was so mighty that even from far, Ye Chen could see it. She was leaning against the door, asking 38, “This time, he will surely succeed, right?”

“Definitely.” 38 calmly noted, “Rest assured, he will be fine. This time, the System calculated the probability of him ascending is 99.9999%”

Ye Chen hummed and moved back to her room. She threw herself on the bed while listening to the thunder outside. 

She reminisced about her long experience in this world. 

She has been in this cultivation world for more than 100 years, she has met with so many people. She recalled the lives of these people one by one. Only after she confirmed that they were all still alive and living well did Ye Chen close her eyes.

A notification pinged in her mind, “Are you sure to leave this world?”


“The ten-minute countdown to leaving the world begins, 600, 599…”

Ye Chen listened to the countdown, recollecting the merry-go-round of her life in this world.

The thunder outside struck one by one, and Jun Yan endured the collision of the Heavenly Tribulation. The first, the second.……

After the Heavenly Tribulation, it was the Heart Demon Tribulation. His Heart Demon had been removed by Ye Chen, despite that, he still glimpsed scenes from his Heart Demon Tribulation

Ye Chen became his wife.

Ye Chen accompanied him. 

Ye Chen told him one after another, Shifu, I like you. 

That was what he wanted to believe and he had convinced himself many times, telling himself that, Yes. She is saying the truth, She likes him. 

He was in a Heart Demon Tribulation and the Tribulation enhanced her expression. The smile on her face looked so false.

But… his Heart Demon was no longer there. Those amplified emotions that shouldn’t have been in his heart had long gone. 

Hence, what was presented at this moment was the truest, a reality.

She didn’t like him.

He actually knew it. 

No matter how much she did intimate things or said “I like you” to him, he was distinctly aware that her feelings were by no means love. Maybe, it was because she didn’t have the heart to hurt him; Maybe, there were some other reason unknown to him. 

People’s Hearts were so susceptible to subtle changes. He could plainly perceive it. She didn’t like him. Never. Not before. Not now. 

He didn’t know the reason nor did he want to delve into it. So, every time she said she liked him, he believed her. He casted his doubt to the deepest part of his mind and buried it. 

Day by day, until it came to today where he was leaving this world and needed to wait for her in the Upper Realm. He really wanted to ask her,

Is what you said true?

After everything, do you really like me? 

Will you really ascend and come to find me in the Upper Realm?

If she didn’t come to find him…

If she didn’t ascend…

Then what was the use of him waiting in the Upper World alone?

Day after day. Year after Year. Waiting until the end of the world for a person that would never come? 

Those days would be his hell. If she really didn’t ascend and didn’t come to find him, then him ascending would only give himself imprisonment called eternal life. 

He wanted to ask her.

He must ask her.

His eyes unfurled abruptly and he dashed straight to where Ye Chen was. 

The thunder caught up to him. When he left the formations, the thunder struck him one by one. 

His body was shrouded in the Spiritual Aura from the Heavenly Tribulation. The golden light that indicated someone has become an Immortal could be vaguely seen on him.

An Immortal must ascend. A repulsive force would appear if an Immortal tried to stay in the world. 

He must ascend. If he stayed, he would be wiped out from the world. Regardless, he was not willing. He must ask her…

He got closer and closer to her room. Against the powerful repulsive force, he trod, step by step, to her door. The repulsive force slashed across his body like a sword, leaving blood marks. 

He pushed open the door of the room with all his strength and saw Ye Chen lying on the bed.

He was not surprised, really.

The woman was lying in bed peacefully, without any breath left on her.

He was not surprised by this outcome, not at all. 

There was no one left to answer the question in his heart but he still got the real answer.

She didn’t like him.

From beginning to end; From start to finish, she didn’t have him in her heart. She wasn’t reluctant to leave him behind. 

All her words were false; All her affections were false; All her actions were false.

Even so, he was persistent and fooled himself to believe her, all because he wished to hold her tight.

He hauled his body with difficulty to her side, dragging blood trails along the way. He knelt down and picked up her hand.

“Jun Yan!” Lin Shen appeared and blurted with anxiousness, “Jun Yan, it’s you?! You should have ascended! Go ascend quickly! You will die if you stay here!”

Jun Yan ignored him. He held Ye Chen’s hand tight.

“I know you don’t like me. Except for my face, there may be nothing else you like about me… Even Xie Wushuang… Do you prefer him and like him better?”

Jun Yan rubbed his face on Ye Chen’s hand and expressed softly, “But, it’s alright…”

“I like you,” he said with a dull voice and his body began to fragment because of the repulsive force. “I like you. I will chase you and I will accompany you.”

“I will become what you like.”

He couldn’t sustain himself anymore. Before he completely disappear into the thin air, he whispered,

“I love you, Ye Chen. ”

At that moment, Ye Chen, who had just arrived in the Rest Area, heard 38 roar, “Shit!”

“What’s the matter?” Ye Chen was very nervous because of 38’s roar.

“The Villain is dead again!!!”

Ye Chen, “……”

[Arc 2 – Flawless Sword – End]

[Arc 3 – The Glory of God]

One person and one system. For a long time, none spoke.

Eventually, Ye Chen asked, “Why did he die? Haven’t you calculated that the chance of him ascending is almost 100%?”

“That’s right!” 38 was fuming, “He ascended, but he refused to go to the Upper Realm! He fucking stayed in the world so the Heavenly Dao obliterated him!”

Ye Chen felt her heart was stuffed with strange things. It was very uncomfortable and her mind was empty. “Why didn’t he go?”

“See it for yourself!”

38 directly played back the video to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen watched Jun Yan kneeling beside her and speaking in a dull voice, “I know you don’t like me…”

“I like you. I will chase you and I will accompany you.”

“I love you, Ye Chen.”

She watched Jun Yan shed tears. Watched how he turned into fragments and disappeared into thin air. 

She inhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes. 

On the other hand, 38 saw that Ye Chen’s Emotional Value fluctuated. It changed from hidden to 51, then hidden, then 55, then hidden, and then 53.……

“Host!” 38 exclaimed in horror, “What’s wrong with you? Is there something wrong with your brain? Are you broken? Do you need me to cleanse your emotions…”

“No need. Give me a minute. I will be fine soon.”

38 stared at Ye Chen. The value on the screen bounced repeatedly. With Ye Chen’s current level, Emotional Value below 50 couldn’t be detected by 38. That is to say, perhaps because 38 couldn’t see it, Ye Chen’s Emotional Value may have long been always close to 50.

She was too excellent at controlling her emotions. 

38 could only wait and watch her Emotional Value ebb and flow. It took some moments before her Emotional Value stabilized and became hidden from 38. 

Ye Chen remained silent for a long time.

Ultimately, she took the initiative to speak, “Alright. Let’s start the next task.”

“Host…” 38 timidly said, “You tell me the truth. Apart from me, do you have any other hidden special ability?”

“Me?” Ye Chen blinked. She shrugged helplessly, “It’s not that I have a special ability. I just can control my emotions very well.”

“I’m just a human,” she sighed, “I never expect anything to go as I wished.”

“Host…” 38 sobbed sadly, “In the years when you haven’t met me, what have you experienced?”

With that, 38 switched from 【Smiling】to 【Laughing to Tears】, Ye Chen understood that 38 meant to express its sadness, but… its 【Laughing to Tears】expression felt like mocking her instead…

Ai, forget it. 38 indeed had no expressions that seemed kind. 

Ye Chen stated with a stern face, “Start the next task quickly. Being so close to you stressed me out.”

“Oh…” 38 was aggrieved. It quickly began to give the world line to Ye Chen.

The world they were about to go to is a Western Fantasy World dominated by mages.

The Male Lead, Kyle Harris, was the eldest son of a prominent family. He was a sunny young man. He had a smooth journey when he was young. He should have entered the best Imperial Academy of Magic and became a Guardian Knight of a mage.

. Who would have thought that on the day of admission, he was framed by the eldest son of the noblest aristocrat family of the Empire, Elt Lancer. He was disqualified for admission and was forced to enter a second-rate academy. 

Elt kept bothering him, framing him, and trying to murder him. It eventually led to the destruction of Kyle’s family. Kyle was heavily wounded and slipped into a land guarded by Dragon Clan. At the same time, Elt rose to the top and was nominated as the Empire’s best mage and the youngest Arch-Mage.

Kyle, who slipped into the land guarded by the Dragon Clan, was recognized by the Dragon God and became the strongest Dragon Knight. He successfully counterattacked Elt. He revealed Elt’s true face and battled with him. 

Kyle grew up and began to thread the glorious life of collecting brothers and sisters to fight the Villain. In the end, Elt was forced to a dead end. He sold himself to the God of Darkness to amass more strength. Chaos ensued and Kyle set things right. He then became a legend passed from generation to generation. 

As for why Elt was so persistent in making Kyle’s life hard…

Was it because of a love feud?

Nah. Not that! It’s because Elt was reborn!

In his last life, he was a naive and kind-hearted little white flower[7]. When he got to the Imperial Academy of Magic, he became a good brother to Kyle. Kyle had the aura of the protagonist. For the people around him, it meant they would become fodder for him. Elt watched his friend, his fiancee that later became his wife, and his whole family perishes one after another because of Kyle. He blackened and then died in the “Holy War” that Kyle started. He was not reconciled with his death. After his rebirth, his only goal was—

Make sure to let Kyle, that son of a bitch, die early and avenge all his relatives and friends!

In a nutshell, this world was an anti-rebirth story.

For this kind of anti-rebirth story, the most annoying part was the reborn person using their knowledge of the future to persecute the original protagonists.

Ye Chen already docked in the world when she finished reading the world line. She darted left and right. Around her were Western buildings, women dressed in European-style dress that she had only seen on oil paintings, and men in suits hustling bustling. She was wearing a black dress with a gray linen cloak. A sword was tied around her slender waist. 

“This time, your name is Chen Ye. You originate from an ancient family in the East. Your family is very prestigious in this world. A gentleman in the light and an emissary in the dark; A brave and strong warrior and frightening assassins.”

“Stop using so many fancy words,” Ye Chen had a headache because of 38’s scholarly tone and said in pain, “Get to the point!”

38 “hmph”ed and sent the information straight to Ye Chen’s mind. 

Ye Chen was the eldest daughter of the ancient family in the East. She was very talented. She was currently 13 years old and had traveled all over the world. There was nothing special about her. But she had a special identity that is… emm

She’s Kyle’s fiancee.

Kyle’s family and her family had close friendships spanning generations.

This world attached great importance to the essence of a contract therefore it was estimated that their engagement was very difficult to dissolve.


Ye Chen’s face was a little ugly, “What’s my task this time?”

“Don’t you realize? When Elt hasn’t met the Male Lead, he is a very good person.”

“Your point?”

“You protect the Male Lead and try your best to prevent them from meeting each other. Take the Male Lead out of Elt’s sight while developing the world line. In that way, he can feel at ease.”

“There is no need to reform the Villain this time?”

“Can you reform a reborn person who has lost all his friends and relatives because of the Male Lead?”

Can’t, ah.

Hence, Ye Chen decided to follow the System’s instructions. Took the Male Lead far away and didn’t let him meet with Elt. As long as they didn’t meet each other, both could be good people and didn’t need to hurt each other. 

“Well, how do we start the task?”

“First find a job and save some money. We landed in the wrong place. The Villain is in the province next door. Let’s save some travel expenses.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Although Ye Chen’s identity was a young lady from a prominent family, her family was very harsh on children. When Ye Chen was ‘traveling’, she couldn’t rely on the relationship of her family unless she was in a life or death situation…which meant…she also couldn’t ask for money from them.

A 13-year-old girl who had been wandering for a long time would not have much money in her person. There was a silver coin in Ye Chen’s pocket and the most valuable thing in her body was the sword in her hand.

If it weren’t for 38 to stop her, she would probably have sold the sword. Fortunately, 38 was there to stop her. With no way to sell her sword, she took up another way to find money. That was, killing chickens.

She was proficient in killing chickens. The chickens would be dead even before they could make a sound. She opened a small stall next to the pig stall. The professional chicken killing could earn her about one silver coin a day. She was ecstatic and carefully measured that if she earned one silver coin a day, she could earn 365 silver coins a year, that is, 3.65 gold coins! In 10 years, she could buy a house, and in 20 years, she could…

Before her fantasy went wilder, 38 stopped her.

“First, remember, you are a person with a task.”

“Second, remember, you are a person with a dream.”

“Lastly, remember, you are… a fucking swordsman!!! A ruthless, cocky, killer swordsman who could kill others in a minute! Why are you thinking of killing chickens every day?!”

38 blasted an alarm bell in Ye Chen’s mind so that she could no longer indulge herself in killing chickens. Ye Chen worked hard to kill chickens for another month and bought a mule. With it, she traveled across the province to the destined place where the Male Lead would appear.

The Male Lead was on his way to the Imperial Academy and the Villain sent someone after him. Ye Chen intended to save the Male Lead and stick with him. She then would start raising the Male Lead and help the Male Lead’s life!

Due to losing her way on the journey, when Ye Chen arrived at her destination. She had only three silver coins left. She bought dry bread, wore a gray robe, and hid the sword in her sleeve.

She squatted at the intersection where the Male Lead would appear and waited all night. In the early morning, when she was almost asleep, she heard the sound of a chase. 

“Stop! You smelly boy!”

Ye Chen freshened up and saw a handsome young man wearing a gray cloak. He was covering the wound on his stomach and stumbling in her direction. 

His skin was very pale. He had a pair of azure blue eyes, and his facial features were deep and firm. His appearance reminded her of a warm spring sun in March. 

His gray cloak flapped, faintly revealing a royal blue silk texture of a mage’s robe. The robe was embroidered with a phoenix-like family crest which was enough to show the noble identity of this person.

When Ye Chen saw he was coming towards her direction, she was very spirited. She scooted towards him and while the other party hadn’t noticed her, she pulled him behind her.

She stood in front of him, separating him from the pursuer.

“Dear Sirs,” she grinned at the pursuer, “Do you want to kill some chicken?”

“Host,” 38 complained, “Don’t you think this scene is very familiar? Must you always pretend to be forced to help in this way?”

Ye Chen, “Please don’t disturb me. I’m here trying my best to be peaceful and pretend to be forced.”

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  1. 本座 – běnzuò. This Seat; This Venerable One; This Honourable One; This Noble one. A self-proclaimed status. Zuo refers to a noble position(seat), Zuo Wei. Ben is used to refer to theirself. So it’s like, “I, This Venerable One,”

  2. 医仙 – yīxiān; lit. Medical Fairy. Medical Immortal.

  3. 晚辈 – wǎnbèi; lit. Late Generation. Younger generation. Younger one. This junior. “I, this junior,”

  4. 前辈 – qiánbèi; lit. Early Generation. A term for a junior to call their senior.

  5. 守护道 – Shǒuhù Dào; lit. Guardian Dao/Protector Dao.

  6. 相公 – xiānggōng. Husband. A honorific title for a husband.

  7. 小白花 – xiǎobáihuā. pure, kind, delicate, and ignorant. Often used to describe a stupid heroine.

Ry’s Corner

“Yixian, my disciple…”

“Your Wife is fine.”

Lin Shen is not blind, Jun Yan.

Ch 20 “Dear Sirs,” Ye Chen’s tone was lazy, “Do you want to purchase something?” -First Meeting with the Original ML

Ch 30 “Dear Sirs,” she grinned at the pursuer, “Do you want to kill some chicken?” -First Meeting with the Original ML(?)

The Original ML name is 凯尔·哈里斯 (kǎiěr hālǐsī)

The Villain name is 艾尔特·兰瑟 (àiěrtè lánsè)

The Villain is dead, again!!!

Arc 2 is done and Arc 3 is here! After Arc 3 is Arc 4! Arc 4! Arc 4!!!

Anyway, Arc 3’s Villain is more pitiful than Jun Yan…

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 7542

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4 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 30”

  1. Aww, it was really so beautiful to see how many people loved Ye Chen and were willing to stand up for her despite her being a “demon” – what a lovely twist!

    I guess the difference between the “original MLs”, be it Xie Wushuang or the-dude-in-the-1st-arc-whose-name-I-can’t-remember, and Jun Yan is that even if the former did genuinenly love Ye Chen at some point, they learned to move on and live their lives, eventually finding their true love. Whereas with Jun Yan, Ye Chen IS his life. Hopefully Ye Chen also starts to love him back at some point and his characters become less pitiful… But then again Ry wrote “Anyway, Arc 3’s Villain is more pitiful than Jun Yan…”

    • The thing is, she cant love him back. The system clearly doesnt allow it. So it’ll be a endless cycle of him pining for her and her doing her best to not catch feelings.

  2. ah so depressing. jun yan’s arc was so pitiful 😭😭😭 even moreso than gu jianan’s.. i also have a soft spot for cultivation settings so 🥺💔 it’s amazing how she manages to distance herself by the end. i would’ve immersed myself completely.


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