TVIRAD – Chapter 32

Arc 3
The Glory of God (2)

~🎄 Merry Christmas! 🎄~

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The young man was scared silly by her shout, especially when he saw the sword accurately stabbed near his feet. One more step and the sword would run through his feet. 

He gulped. When he saw the shape of the sword, he reacted, “A person from the Ye Family?”

He faced her and Ye Chen nodded. Just then, several people rushed in and aimed their knives at the young man. The young man shouted for help, “Miss, do me a favor! I am…  your Ye Family’s Son-in-Law!”

Ye Chen didn’t need him to shout to know his identity. She jumped out of the bed and caught her sword that was thrown into her hand by the young man. She rolled on the ground and started fighting the people who barged in after Kyle. 

Ye Chen’s sword was swift, fast and ruthless; Kyle’s sword was heavy, each swing was powerful and was difficult to parry. The two of them fought with five people. Their cooperation was flawless that Kyle couldn’t help whistled. A young man’s indifferent voice came from the bed, “What are you people doing?” ”

With that, everyone’s focus shifted to the young man on the bed. The young man’s expression was apathetic and his face was very enchanting. The five people were shaken when they saw him. The young man’s eyes were like a dagger and he glared at them. Harshly, he roared,  “Get out!”

The five of them glanced at each other. They really stopped and left, just like that.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground. Ye Chen put away her sword and smiled at the person on the bed, “Awake?”

Mn,” The other party replied to her, but his gaze lingered on Kyle. Though, Kyle wasn’t aware of his gaze. He caught his breath and darted at two of them. He waved his hand and introduced, “My name is Kyle, what about yours?”

“Ye Chen,” Ye Chen blurted her name and sure enough, the other party stiffened in a flash. He gaped at her and Ye Chen’s lips curved up, “Yes. Your fiancée.”

Kyle’s face flushed red when he heard her and Ye Chen impulsively teased him, “Just now you loudly shouted that you are the Ye Family’s Son-in-Law. Why are you suddenly quiet?”

“Ye…Miss Ye! “Kyle was very embarrassed and hastily stood up from the ground. He didn’t know what to do with his hand and appeared very awkward. Ye Chen chuckled and patted his shoulder, “Don’t be so nervous. After all, we are comrades-in-arms who share adversity.”

That made Kyle relax. Recalling the fight just now, he praised, “Your swordsmanship is really good!”

Ye Chen froze slightly.

This beginning… It didn’t seem quite right?

Her goal was to make Kyle fall in love with her and take him out of this continent, ah. Why did the atmosphere between them seem like brotherhood instead?

Catching Ye Chen’s expression was not right, Kyle felt a little guilty. He had no experience in dealing with girls and carelessly regarded Ye Chen as a brother. In any case, this girl was his fiancée. Should he treat her differently?

Kyle was very nervous. He shifted his gaze to the young man on the bed, “You are…?”

The young man scoffed. He spared him a glance and lay back on the bed. He covered himself witht he quilt and went to sleep.

Kyle, “???”

Ye Chen, “……”

“He… What happened to him?”

Kyle somehow felt a little guilty. Ye Chen contemplated, “Based on his expression just now… probably, he was upset when he saw you?”

“Why?” Kyle was dumbfounded. He identified that it was the first time he had seen this young man. Ye Chen also was dumbfounded. Her brain processed the current situation and she tentatively asked, “That… since you are awake, can you tell me, what is your name?” ”

The young man lying in bed didn’t answer right away. Minutes later, he said sullenly, “Elt.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Heaven have mercy.

She clearly wanted to take Kyle far away from this big Villain. Why did they meet right away?!

She instantly announced, “Oh. Then, Elt, considering now you are all right. I and Kyle will leave, bye!”

Ye Chen picked up her luggage and seized Kyle, ready to jump out of the window. Just as she ran to the window, the window appeared to be locked by an invisible force. Behind them, came Elt’s restrained voice, “Chen, why are you in such a hurry to cast me away?”

His tone was aggrieved as if Ye Chen was Chen Shimei[1], a guilty man who abandoned his wife and son. Ye Chen’s whole body shook and she spun around. She saw Elt sat on the bed, his eyes sorrowful. 

Those blue eyes were like a vast ocean, shrouded with endless sadness. They were facing each other. Kyle intuitively felt that the atmosphere was wrong. He carefully took his hand out of Ye Chen’s hand and stepped back, “That… you two can talk, I’ll go…”



Two voices yelled at the same time and Kyle was petrified. Ye Chen constrained her anger at this man who wasted no time to run away. She squeezed the sword in her hand, “Mr. Kyle, don’t you remember that I’m your fiancée?”

Ah? I remember, of course,” Kyle blinked and before Ye Chen could talk to him, he added, “But it’s okay. If you have another person in your heart, just be with him. I won’t blame you for it.”

Ye Chen was baffled, she saw Kyle straighten himself and solemnly spoke, “I will dedicate my life to the Arch-Mage. I will become the Knight of the new Arch-Mage. Our engagement is our family’s contract, I can’t break it. Be that as it may, I will still try my best to give you happiness.”

“Whatever you want to do, just do it,” He continued, “I don’t mind if you have another lover!”

Ye Chen’s figure wobbled. She was so appalled that she set her hand on the table next to her. Only, she barely supported herself with it. Her voice quivered, “You, are really… the most tolerant person… I have ever seen in my whole life…”

She really had never seen a person who took the initiative to wear a green hat[2] for themselves!

She could feel the corner of her mouth twitching.

Kyle proudly nodded, “Yes. Tolerance is a necessary quality for a knight.”

To be honest, Kyle was very good-looking when he smiled. If only he didn’t open his mouth, he would be perfect!

Kyle’s words rendered her speechles for a long time. Ultimately, she voiced, “To tell you the truth, I don’t need your tolerance. I’m your fiancée, so, I won’t have thoughts about others.”

“Then he…” Kyle peeked at Elt. When Elt received his sight, he sneered. Ye Chen coughed, and sheepishly told him, “This is a misunderstanding. I met this gentleman by chance, we just met each other. It’s fine if we leave him now.”

She said that and dragged Kyle in a haste. This time, Elt didn’t use his magic to stop her. He grasped her arm with his hand.

“Ye Chen.”

Ye Chen squinted at him suspiciously. Elt bent his lips and lifted his other hand. The moonlight that fell on his hand transformed into a glowing white rose. 

He got up and strode up to her. He inserted the rose into Ye Chen’s hair in front of Kyle. “See you in the Imperial Capital.”

His soft voice jolted Ye Chen. She snapped back to her senses, “We won’t see each other again.”

After speaking, she hauled Kyle to jump out of the window and left. 

They were running on the road after they jumped out. Kyle whispered, “Be honest with me, do you have something to do with him?”

“I have nothing to do with him,” Ye Chen stared at him, “Do you really have to go to the Imperial Capital?”

Ye Chen sighed helplessly, “I’ll follow you there.”

As they talked, the sky gradually brightened. When the first ray of sunshine shone on her head, the rose on her head burst like bubbles and shattered into dandelions, drifting into the distance.

“I am waiting for you, Ye Chen. ”

Elt’s voice rang in the air and shook Ye Chen. She watched the dandelion drifting away. Inexplicably, she thought of the young man’s appearance.

He gave her a sense of familiarity.

When she was with him, she felt a sense of déjà vu, as if they had known each other for a long time. 

Kyle bumped into her, “Let’s go. ”

Ye Chen hummed and hurriedly caught up.

Staying with Kyle wasn’t as comfortable as when she was with Elt. 

Compared to Elt, a wealthy aristocrat who treated five gold coins like nothing, Kyle was a poor aristocrat who hardly ever had a dime of silver coins on his body on their way to the Imperial Capital.

Kyle, this person, was just a two-legged fool with a quite well-developed mind and a very warm heart. If it was not for him being the Son of Heaven, Ye Chen couldn’t imagine how he would survive.

When he saw a robbery; he would take care of it; When he saw a fight, he would take care of it; When he was someone cut a line; he would take care of it; and when he saw a maiden being molested, he would take care of it. 

She followed Kyle. The experience was like chicken flying and dog jumping[3]. They were chased and beaten. They slept and ate on the street. It was simply heartbreaking.

The time they reached the Imperial Capital, the once beautiful girl turned into a haggard female-beggar— All because Kyle donated all their money to a person who sold herself to bury her father.

Ye Chen was tired, both physically and mentally. This was the worst task she had ever done. Before Kyle, she had never wanted to kill a task target with her own hands. Kyle was the first one. 

Luckily 38 knocked some senses into her. If she really killed Kyle, she would also die. 

Hence, not only could she not kill Kyle, but she had to desperately brush his Favorability Value. She needed to make herself the most important person in Kyle’s life. Let him give up his dream and never allow him to step out from the Dragon Clan territory for her.

Ye Chen’s heart was already numb. 

Kyle was asking for directions. He had been asking for directions for an hour. If Ye Chen’s guess was correct, he probably in his way of doing his daily task of “Sending lost children home”, “Helping pregnant women carry things” and “Hero Save the Beauty” thing.

She didn’t trail after him. After all, he generously took her and his wallets to help others. She hadn’t eaten for a day and she could burst into anger at any moment. If it wasn’t for 38 calming her by reminding her she could get 5 Favorability Value as long as she completes the task of sending Kyle to Imperial Academy. She would desert him long ago.

The Imperial Capital was more prosperous than the cities she had seen. Luxurious carriages, women in beautiful dresses, and mages, who could hardly be seen in other cities, came and went. She could understand why this place was the Imperial Capital at a first glance. 

And Ye Chen’s gray robe was very out of place, only by looking at her, people could conclude— She was from the countryside. 

No woman in the Imperial Capital would dress like her.

Whenever a woman passed her, she could detect their haughtiness. So Ye Chen’s gaze didn’t waver, she looked straight. She dared not look at these women covered in jewelry. She was afraid she could not control her evil thoughts and ended up robbing them. 

She gripped her sword, hung her head, and silently inclined against a pillar.

She didn’t count the time and didn’t know how long time had passed. A golden carriage stopped in front of her. She kept her gaze on the ground. This kind of carriage coated with gold was a real temptation that could arouse her thoughts of committing a crime.

Nevertheless, the carriage did not stop by chance. After it stopped, a person stepped down. As soon as the person got out of the carriage, everyone casted their eyes over and whispered. 

“Ah! Isn’t that the Young Master?”

“Why did he stop here? I heard that he never sets foot in the place where civilians are located?”

Ye Chen listened to the whispered discussions of the people around her and conceded that a very remarkable person had come.

The man stood in front of her. He was wearing a light purple robe. Purple had always been the color for the top aristocrats. It could only be worn by the most prosperous nobles and royal families in the Empire. 

The man didn’t speak, and Ye Chen didn’t speak, let alone look up at him. A while later, she heard his voice, “Are you here for a ?” ”

Ye Chen, “……”

Humiliated. She was humiliated!

The Villain may be her enemy, but.. to show herself in this kind of shameful state in front of the exquisite man… Her face,where could she keep it?!

Ye Chen shrinked. The other party grasped her hand and expressed directly, “Forget it. May I invite you for a meal?”

Hearing the word “”, Ye Chen’s eyes lit up. Elt’s enchanting elf-like face reflected in her eyes. She almost burst into tears, “Thank you. Really, thank you!”

Watching her thanked him so earnestly, Elt sighed. He spoke softly, “Have you been hungry for a long time?”

Ye Chen nodded fiercely.

She had never been so wronged since she started doing tasks.

Elt was very satisfied with her answer and tugged her into the carriage. He ordered the maid to bring out some desserts and Ye Chen immediately gobbled it up. Elt pityingly observed her, “Where’s your wallet? I remember you still had some money in your wallet when you left. ”

And the money in her wallet was originally his.

When they were together, Ye Chen was in charge of food and accommodation, so almost all the money was in Ye Chen’s hand. When Ye Chen ran away, she absconded with the money. Ye Chen’s thought at that time was… She can’t save a wrong in person in vain, at least she needs to charge a fee!

Now Elt said that, Ye Chen was a little self-conscious. She was just about to explain. Elt started before her, “You Ye Family always handles deeds and settled accounts clearly. You saved me. The money indeed should have been given to you.”

Elt opened the lid of a pudding and delivered it to Ye Chen. Ye Chen quickly ate it, and then heard Elt’s gentle tone, “I made it myself. Is it delicious?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Must not spray. She collected herself. This is the pudding the Big Boss personally made. She absolutely must not spray it.

For that reason, she swallowed the pudding firmly and with difficulty, she questioned, “Do you like cooking?”

Elt didn’t answer her. He took a sip of water instead.

He didn’t like cooking.

Yet, when he thought of her coming to the Imperial Capital, he couldn’t resist the impulse to personally cook for her. 

He never knew how to cook. While waiting for her to arrive at the Imperial Capital, he learned a lot. He even took the initiative to learn a lot of Eastern dishes, such as spicy chicken. 

Depsite that, he didn’t tell anyone about these things and that includes the person that made him want to do these things. Thus, he changed the topic, “Did Kyle take your money to help others?”

His question made Ye Chen grief-stricken. 

Just by looking at her expression, Elt could surmise the situation. He was not surprised by it. He had always known Kyle’s temper. That being so, he said straight-forwardly “He doesn’t have you in his mind.”

Ye Chen nodded fiercely once again.

“You are his fiancée, but there is probably no place for you in his heart, right?”

Ye Chen was nodding so fast that there was a phantom left from her nodding.

Elt couldn’t go on with what he said. Watching Ye Chen nod like a fool, he lifted her chin with his hand.

“Don’t nod,” He said solemnly, “You look foolish.”

Ye Chen was a little dizzy, but she still praised, “I think you are 100% right!”

“In that case,” Elt withdrew his hand, but his mind was still on the warmth left on his fingertips, “Do you still want to be his fiancée?”

“Still want!” Ye Chen did not hesitate.

Elt, “……”

“Why…” There was some vague anger in his tone. He appeared to think of something and continued painfully, “Must you be with him?”

“I am not sure why,” Ye Chen smiled, “But there are probably some things that are destined to happen.”

When Elt heard this, his breathing became chaotic.

He hated fate. He also hated the so-called destiny. Those always reminded him of the time before his rebirth. All those who were outstanding and better than Kyle but were unwilling to sacrifice for Kyle, they all reached a bad end; All those who were good and honest, they dedicated their lives to Kyle.

His best friends. His fiancée. Even he himself when he was young.

Ye Chen now reminded him of the past. Even without them, there would still be a Ye Chen who could replace them and dedicated her life to Kyle. 


Elt thought madly.


Why could Kyle get everything that others can’t without even paying for anything?!

His eyes darkened, but his face was courteous.

He brought her back to his house, which had a garden with a large rose field. While Ye Chen bathed, Elt personally cooked the meal for her. The dish was her favorite spicy chicken. When she ate it, she was thunderstruck.

The taste.

It had the same taste as Jun Yan’s.

It also had the same taste as Gu Jianan’s.

Thorughout so many worlds, the taste of the Villain’s cooking never changed. Wasn’t that strange?

Ye Chen had learned well. This time, she didn’t ask the System. She ate the food in silence. 

After eating, Elt sent her back to her original place. Kyle was already waiting for her there. His face was flushed by the cold wind. The moment he saw her get out of the carriage, he lifted his head aggrievedly, as if she was a gold digger. He was discontented, “Where have you been? Why don’t you tell me when you leave? ”

“Are you done asking for directions?” Ye Chen was quite annoyed. When he did his things, he himself didn’t tell her either.

Kyle was exhilarated by her question and forget the topic just now, “I’m done! The way to the Imperial Academy…”

“Come up.” Elt said softly, “I’ll take you there.”

Kyle was taken aback, and then said cheerfully, “Okay!”

He jumped into the carriage and beckoned Ye Chen, “Come on, go inside.”

Ye Chen kept her silence. She raised her head to the sky. In her heart, she vented and complained. Shouldn’t a normal man be furious when he sees his fiancée change into a full set of different clothes from what his fiancée originally wore, especially when said fiancée walked down from a luxurious carriage? And, the man in the carriage had openly flirted with his fiancée before.

Why didn’t Kyle react at all?

Why was he so happy borrowing said man’s carriage?

What a big heart, ah.

Kyle didn’t mind, Ye Chen didn’t mind even more. They got into the carriage and Elt took them to the Imperial Academy. After they signed up, Elt proposed, “Why don’t both of you live with me? I also plan to take the entrance examination for Imperial Academy.”

“Won’t it bother you?” Ye Chen was not convinced. In the original plot, Elt worked hard to kill Kyle. Why was he being considerate out of nowhere?

Ye Chen was still thinking about it and Kyle had decided, “Alright!”

Ye Chen snapped her head in astonishment. She voiced, “We can’t…”

“We have no money!” Kyle spoke truthfully.

Ye Chen and Kyle’s eyes met. They lowered their heads, ashamed. 

Kyle was from a middle-class family and really had no money.

Ye Chen was from a rich family but she was forced to travel abroad and had no money.

No matter what the reason was, it didn’t change the fact that they didn’t have much money on their hands. 

Therefore, they accepted Elt’s offer. In order to prevent Elt from attacking Kyle, Ye Chen requested that she must live next door to Kyle. 

Elt only smiled and thoughtfully let her live in the middle of his and Kyle’s room. 

Elt was a very attentive person. In any case, inside, he was a young man in his twenties. His methods of flirting with girls are more meticuluos. When Ye Chen got into her room, she noticed the whole room had everything she liked.

Big bath! A wardrobe full of beautiful clothes. jewelry, and perfume!

Ye Chen gazed blankly at the room. Elt pointed to the wardrobe, “These are all yours.”

“All these belong to me?!” Ye Chen exclaimed in amazement. Elt tilted his head and spoke softly, “Otherwise, who else does it belong to?” ”

“You… Why did you prepare these?”

“I have told you,” he stated seriously, “I am waiting for you.”

Ye Chen was dazed. His expression really did give her a sense of déjà vu.

Elt got what he wanted. Witnessing her dazed look, he bent his lips and gently spoke, “Good night.”

Then, he closed the door.

Ye Chen hadn’t recovered her senses even after he closed the door. 38 began to mutter in her mind.

“Fraud! There must be a fraud!” 38 vented, “I don’t believe he is such a good person! He must set a conspiracy to deal with Kyle. You have to be careful!”

“I know,” Ye Chen nodded, “Don’t you think he is very deliberate?”


“The feeling of him flirting, it’s very deliberate. I don’t think he likes me,” Ye Chen furrowed her brow, “I feel that he is doing the same thing as me, completing a task.”

“Shall I put a bug on him? 10 points.”

“Do it.” The local tyrant[4], Ye Chen, was very reluctant.

38 installed a bug in Elt’s room. Ye Chen wore the earphone for the bug and listened to Elt’s talking, listened to Elt’s bathing……

Elt, who was not in front of her, was like a cat that didn’t restrain himself, squeamish and difficult to raise.

The whole night, Ye Chen heard him constantly picking at the maid’s faults.

The steak was too hard, the tablecloth was not clean enough, the candles on the candlestick are not adequate…

With the bug, Ye Chen felt that she had met a new Elt. 

The information was unimportant, though. Thereby, Ye Chen fell asleep while listening to it. Until, in the middle of the night, Ye Chen heard a man’s voice, “Young Master, the young man named Kyle, are you still planning to kill him?”

“Don’t kill him,” Elt scoffed, “I found a better way to get revenge on him.”

“Don’t you think,” Elt petted the cat on his lap, his eyes were frosty. “Taking everything away from him is better?”

“His luck, his woman, his status…” Elt’s smile was quite poisonous. It was shocking to see his smile. He added, “I want it all.”

Ye Chen and 38 glanced at each other. 

They finally understood. Elt was so nice to Ye Chen, it turned out to be for this. 

She had expressed, how come there is love at first sight in the world?

She always believed that true feelings could only be found with the passing of time.

38 agreed with Ye Chen’s point of view.

“After a long time, feelings will naturally deepen.”

Ye Chen, “……”

No… that’s not what she meant.

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  1. Chen Shimei is synonymous with scum man. Chen Shimei is a fictional character from Chinese Novel and Opera. In the story, Chen Shimei abandoned his wife and son for the sake of prosperity and wealth. Chen Shimei has now become a byword for a heartless and unfaithful man. It’s from Bao Zheng’s Trial of a Hundred Legal Cases (or “Bao Zheng’s Cases” in short), specifically “The Case of the Beauty”.

  2. 戴绿帽子 – dài lǜ mào zǐ; lit. wearing a green hat. Get cheated on. Synonymous with cuckold.

  3. 鸡飞狗跳 – jī fēi gǒu tiào; An idiom for a mess; chaotic; panicked.

  4. 土豪 – tǔ háo; Local Tyrant. Nouveau riche. A rich and powerful person.

Ry’s Corner

He even took the initiative to learn a lot of Eastern dishes, such as spicy chicken. 

Spicy chicken is Xie Wushuang’s specialty.

Sigh. Elt ah. Just be yourself.

Anyway, Merry Christmas all~!!!

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4043

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