TVIRAD – Chapter 33

Arc 3
The Glory of God (3)

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Understanding Elt’s true intention, Ye Chen became less awkward with the situation. Otherwise, she would always be wary of him and have goosebumps around him.

The next morning, Elt waited for them in the dining room. Kyle went to practice early. When Ye Chen arrived, he had left. Elt was the only one left waiting for her.

His clothing was very distinguishable from Kyle’s. Kyle’s was always simple and neat, while Elt’s was screaming “I am noble”, “I have money” and “I don’t need to do anything by myself.”

Even at home, he still wore a white robe with wide sleeves. Purple Phalaenopsis was embroidered on the corners of the robe. His hands, as white as jade, stretched out from under the robe. The Phalaenopsis was like a bracelet circling around his wrist, making his skin fairer.

He was reading a book. Once Ye Chen arrived, he lifted his head and offered her a smile, “Good morning, Chen.”

His smile was warm and gentle. There was no resemblance to the young man she heard last night, who was cold and picky. 

An Oscar-Winning Actor. Ye Chen gave a thumbs up for him in her heart. 

She didn’t expose him, though. She sat beside him and smiled back, “Good morning.”

With that, she “unintentionally” knocked down the juice on her side. The juice splashed on Elt’s clothes. Elt’s eyes revealed a strong disgust, but he restrained himself remarkably well. Ye Chen rashly wiped his sleeve while cheering for herself in her heart, “Oh no, I’m sorry. Are you alright?”

From the information she gathered last night, she came to an understanding that this person was a cleanliness freak. Last night, just because there was a grain of dust on his bed, he made a fuss. 

He held his breath. In front of her, he ought to preserve his image of a gentle and kind person. While in truth, he was a proud pure young man with a poisonous tongue and mysophobia. 

She had ten thousand ways to deal with this kind of man and rile him up at every turn.

Ye Chen displayed a remorseful expression and Elt could only resist the whim to eradicate her. He forced out a smile, “It’s alright. I’ll just change.”

Elt yanked his sleeve from her grasp and departed. 

Eyeing his hurried departure, Ye Chen truly wanted to laugh. 

Ye Chen carried the state of riling Elt up anytime and anywhere, until the day of the Imperial Academy entrance examination. The examination was very simple and straightforward.

For the students belonging to the Mage group, they were merely required to place their hands on the crystal ball. If they had good talents, welcome; If not, farewell.

For the students belonging to the Knight group, it straight up decided by combat. If you win, welcome; If you lose, farewell.

Ye Chen didn’t have any talent to become a Mage. Hence, she signed up for the Knight group. During her time in this world, she had been trying to cultivate. Similar to the Cultivation World, this world had Aura that could be absorbed, but they were very thin, so Ye Chen’s progress was quite slow. Luckily for her, her swordsmanship gradually recovered with her day-to-day practice. It would be a breeze for her to get admitted to the Academy.

The test for the Mage was on the first day, but Elt was still waiting for them in the dining room. Ye Chen was startled when she saw him, “Why are you still here?”

“The Young Master is recommended by the Imperial Academy and is guaranteed to be a student of Imperial Academy,” The Housekeeper explained to Ye Chen after serving her breakfast, “He doesn’t need to take the entrance examination.”

“So powerful?!” Kyle’s eyes enlarged with worship apparent in them, “Then, doesn’t that mean Elt is the strongest Mage in our generation?!”

The Imperial Academy rarely gave recommendations to students. A recommended student meant that said student talent was at least 8 or more out of 10. Generally speaking, in each admission, as long as someone could measure to 6, it was already considered good. 8 was regarded as a genius who could become the next Arch Mage. After Elt was a recommended student, Kyle’s first thought was, “Elt, can I be your knight?!”


Elt answered bluntly. His gaze shifted to Ye Chen and his lips curved up, “Chen, what are your plans for the future?”

“Follow Kyle.” Ye Chen didn’t pause. Elt’s smile stiffened. He averted his gaze and didn’t say much. 

Elt was already guaranteed to be a student of the Imperial Academy. Ye Chen and Kyle didn’t have a good fate like his.

The next day was the selection of the Knight. Because the examination had them fighting, they fought all day and returned to the house with bruises all over their bodies. Elt healed them with his magic and they were back to their feet, brimming with energy while waiting for the final on the third day.

There were only 200 slots available for admission. Today, through fighting,  only 400 people were left from tens of thousands of people. Winning the fight tomorrow was equal to being admitted as a student of the Imperial Academy.

Both of them were confident with their ability. While they were eating breakfast, Elt announced, “I will go to watch the fight today.”

Mn?” Ye Chen glanced up at him. It was only an entrance examination, why would he watch the fight?

“It has always been the tradition for the Emperor and the nobles to go watch the finals of the entrance examination. You will fight in the Colosseum. There will probably be tens of thousands of people watching you.”

As he said that, Elt turned to Ye Chen and beamed, “I will always be watching you, Chen. ”

Ye Chen was expressionless, but in her heart, she secretly grumbled to 38, “I think, lately, he hates me. ”


“Look at him, he doesn’t even bother to talk affectionately to me.”

“It’s not easy for him to bear with you up to now.”

After breakfast, the three of them went to the entrance examination place together. The location was indeed the Colosseum mentioned by Elt. One by one, two-person arenas were placed in the middle of the huge Colosseum. The side of the Colosseum was full of people. Sitting in the first row are the nobles with the noblest status, such as His Majesty the Emperor, such as the Arch-Mage, such as Elt.

It wasn’t until Elt took his seat that Kyle discovered Elt’s identity was so noble. He cautiously gossiped to Ye Chen, “Woah, so Elt is actually such an amazing person!”

You just realized it, blockhead?

Ye Chen was frankly scornful of this blind fool.

Kyle detected Ye Chen’s scornful gaze. He sheepishly touched his nose and stepped back. 

Ye Chen was the first to go, her opponent had good swordsmanship and his movement was firm and steady. Ye Chen herself didn’t do any superfluous movement, relying completely on her speed. 

Her opponent’s motions weren’t as fast as her, but his body was sturdy. Slashing at him was like slashing at a stone. It was evident that this person had steeled his physical strength. Every time his sword clashed with hers, it would damage her internal organs. After she took two of his blows, she realized. If this carried on, her sword would shatter in the next impact. 

Ye Chen distanced herself, she carefully drew the Spiritual Power from her body and poured it on her sword. At the same time, her fingers rapidly drew a water dragon spell on the hilt of her sword. 

When they clashed again, the other party’s big sword swept over her. Ye Chen swung her sword and thwarted the opponent’s sword with strong resistance. She faintly chanted. The spell she formed with her Spiritual Power activated and a water dragon that ordinary people could not see bolted straight into the opponent’s body from her sword. 

The invisible stone-hard barrier generated by the opponent’s physical strength burst after being hit by the water dragon. Ye Chen seized her chance and swung her feet, kicking the opponent off the stage. 

The audience cheered loudly. Elt squinted his eyes. He picked up his black tea and took a sip. 

“Elt,” The Headmaster next to him, Deca, wondered aloud, “It seems you look a little strange just now?”

Mn?” Elt kept his gaze on the fight. He languidly lay in his seat and replied, “Headmaster, you look very strange on a daily basis.”

“Don’t busy yourself with mocking me. Do you feel something just now?” Deca knew that Elt’s perception of magic elements was beyond the talent of ordinary people. The expression he made before would cause people to assume that there may be a fluctuation of magic elements on the field. If there was a fluctuation, that meant there may be a Mage among the people who were applying to be a Knight.

It was easy to find tens of millions of knights, but it was difficult to find one mage. If there was such a student on the field, Deca would not let them slip off to become a mere knight.

Yet, Elt didn’t reply to him. After the last blow, Ye Chen’s strength was exhausted. The impact from before was so big that she was having a hard time propping up herself. She hit the limit of her endurance and kneeled on the ground. She utilized her sword as support and coughed blood.

The medical staff on the side rushed up to lift her.

Elt stood from his seat, startling Deka. “What are you going to do?”

“Tempering my mind.”

Deka, “Ai???”

Going to show his ‘concern’ for a supremely annoying and troublesome person. What was it if it was not tempering his mind?

Nevertheless, every time Elt pictured Ye Chen conveying her love for him, thoroughly possessed by him and him alone, while Kyle could only watch them from the side, he deemed that putting up with her was worth it.

Kyle, an idiot, didn’t understand about these kinds of things now, but Elt absolutely knew how madly possessive he was of his own women when he understood it in the future. He had lots of women. For these women, Elt had forgotten how many men Kyle had fought with. Kyle was very kind to women, and those women were always ready to devote themselves to him.  Even if they couldn’t be with him, they were still willing to sacrifice and betray the people close to them for Kyle. 

His fiancée was one of the examples.

He recalled that scene, where his fiancee wept and apologized to him. She genuinely loved Kyle. For Kyle, she framed Elt’s family. The anger and despair surging from his heart at that time were vivid in his mind.

He would retaliate against Kyle, repay every single thing that Kyle had done to him by tenfolds, with more viciousness and cruelty.

With that reminder, Elt came to see Ye Chen. Ye Chen was lying in bed, remarkably weak. The girl, who shut her eyes and set down her sword, eventually caused people to discern that she was indeed still a little girl.

She was exceptionally beautiful. Her facial features, black hair, and fair skin were completely different from the people from this continent. The light cast a trace of glittering and translucent lines on her features, producing an illusion that this person was a small pearl. A small pearl that people couldn’t help but want to hold in the palm of their hand and play with it carefully.

Such a lovely and beautiful girl softened Elt. He stroked her hair and muttered, “She is more lovable when she is asleep.”

“Who said I am asleep?”

Ye Chen opened her eyes, frightening Elt. His hand that was stroking her hair froze. He adjusted his expression and put on a delicate smile, resuming to stroke her hair. Affectionately, he stated, “Chen, you are usually very lovable too.”

Ye Chen smirked, “That’s right. I know I am the super lovable kind of girl. Especially when I do something wrong, don’t you think I’m lovable?”

Yes. So lovable that I really want you to explode to death.

Controlling back the urge to blow her up with a fire spell, he asked, “Do you still feel uncomfortable?”

“No.” Ye Chen insisted on answering.

She liked to poke fun at Elt, but it was only harmless teasing. The healing spell drained Mage’s mental and physical strength. It was uncalled for in this situation and she didn’t want to trouble Elt. 

Elt ignored her. He placed his hand on her forehead and chanted the healing spell.

When he was casting a spell, there seemed to be a sacred aura around him. Combined with his exquisite and beautiful facial features, he was really like a god-sent.

Ye Chen observed him chant the spell and was aware of an influx of energy pouring into her body. Every wound of hers healed one by one. She was dazed. Elt glimpsed at her expression, with sweat dripping from his forehead, asked once again, “Does it hurt?”

“Hurts… It hurts so much.” Ye Chen whispered, voice as small as a kitten. Elt was serene, “Then why don’t you let me know about it?”

“It is highly strenuous for you to use a healing spell.”

Ye Chen replied, catching Elt off guard.

He always believed that this Young Miss never put him on her mind.

She didn’t like him. She had a kind of innate hostility and vigilance towards him, so he thought the way to make her fall in love with him was to be gentle and put in a lot of hard work. She was kinder than he believed. Even if she treated him unkindly, she still thinks of his well-being.

The healing spell was indeed very taxing. His actions were always based on his thoughts of revenge and anger, but this time, he did it just because he wanted to heal this girl. He didn’t want her to hurt. 

Not long after, Ye Chen fell asleep. Elt saw all her wounds were healed, so he got up to leave. Soon after Elt left, 38 informed in Ye Chen’s mind, “Host, I think you should take a look at Kyle. If we follow the original plot, this time is the juncture where he will be framed by Elt and unable to enroll. Elt may have changed his plan, but it’s better to be careful.”

“Fine. Finee. Fineee.” Ye Chen struggled to get up. She was a little weary, plus her wound was only 80% healed. If she exerted force, her wounds would re-open. So she got out of bed cautiously. She entered the arena and located a seat to sit down.

Kyle was fighting his opponent in the arena. Kyle was not weak, but his opponent was obviously stronger than him. His opponent was a woman and her swordsmanship looked average, but the strange thing was that each swing of her sword had a great explosive force. Her sword was very swift, a perfect offensive with fast and explosive power. Kyle was a little overwhelmed by her blows. 

Ye Chen narrowed her eyes. She observed the sword and noticed a spiritual fluctuation on the sword. Seems like someone deliberately endowed that sword with magic. 

Kyle was pushed back and became tense. Black mist winding around his sword. Ye Chen’s eyes dilated when she saw it. She instantly recognized the black mist wasn’t Kyle’s power!

Such color, if it was in the Cultivation World, should be called Demonic Qi, but in this world, it should be called black magic. 

Kyle was also aware of the problem with his sword, his movement became more violent. Every time his sword slashed at his opponent and his opponent avoided it, it would leave a deep mark on the ground. 

He scrunched his eyebrows. His grip on his sword’s hilt tensed, straining to control the sword, but he found out that it was tough. 

Ye Chen stood up from the crowd, and while everyone was concentrated on the battle, she ran to the arena rail and jumped over with one hand. She stabbed her sword on the wall and used it as leverage. With a neat somersault, she landed in Kyle’s place.

At this time, Kyle was holding his sword and did not dare to attack. The woman took advantage of this chance to sweep the sword clad in magic. Catching that Kyle was about to be seriously hurt by the magic, Ye Chen leaped in front of him and received the blow for him!

Ye Chen was hit to the point she flew out of the arena. Elt abruptly got up from his seat. His voice drowned out in the loud exclamation from the crowd,  “Madman!”

The Headmaster quickly summoned the staff to check at the situation while he stood on the stage, pacifying the agitated crowd. 

“What is she doing?! This is a foul! ”

“Disqualify her!”

Yelling and cursing loudly sounded one after another. 

Kyle tossed his sword, dashed to Ye Chen, and picked her up: “Are you alright? How come you are so reckless ah?”

Ye Chen didn’t reply to him. The second blow she received today left her with little strength, but she had to carry on because she still had something to say. 

The medical staff attended to them, the Head of the Teaching Department was loaded with indignation, “You are the student who just won, Ye Chen, right? You are now disqualified! You! and him!” The Head of the Teaching Department pointed to Kyle, “Both of you lost your eligibility for admission forever!”

“No… I want to… report…” Ye Chen said between her breath. She pointed to Kyle’s opponent, “Her… sword.. has magic elements…”

Her report jolted the Head of the Teaching Department

In the entrance examination, it was forbidden to use swords infused with magic elements. Ye Chen used her Spiritual Power, simply put, the power was transformed by her body after absorbing magic elements to her body. Her method was different from the people in this world, so no one should be able to detect it. But this woman directly utilized magic elements on her sword. The people in this world were familiar with magic elements. So if this woman really used magic elements on her sword, she would get caught.

Everyone’s face sank. The Head of the Teaching Department warned, “You’d better pray that what you said is true.”

After speaking, he called someone to take Ye Chen down.

He moved back and forwarded Ye Chen’s words to the Headmaster, who shifted his eyes to Elt, “Elt, I’ll leave this matter to you. ”

All the people in the Imperial Capital knew that when it comes to the perception of magic elements, this 13-year-old boy was comparable to the Arch-Mage.

Elt solemnly bowed and expressed earnestly, “I won’t fail your trust.”

The Headmaster had the scene sealed off. Yet, because Elt used a healing spell earlier, he was having difficulty accurately re-sense the magic elements. As a result, Elt used physical discomfort as an excuse to postpone it to tomorrow.

When Elt came home, Ye Chen and Kyle were already there. The doctor prescribed medicine for Ye Chen and instructed a healer to treat her. As soon as Elt thought of Ye Chen rushing up recklessly to save Kyle, it was hard for him to maintain his expression and pretend to be affectionate to her. He went back to his room and buried himself in books while recovering his mental strength at the same time.

At midnight, Elt was a little bored with reading. He unlocked his door and intended to go to the roof. Ye Chen heard the sound of Elt opening the door and sneakily following him. She watched Elt go up to the roof. She hesitated for a moment before continuing to follow him.

The moon was very beautiful at night. The roof was full of all kinds of flowers and plants. Under the moonlight, the roof appeared like a garden depicted in fairy tales.

Elt stood near the edge of the rail. He was looking at the stars and moon in the sky. Ye Chen stood at the entrance of the roof, leaning there with her sword.

“It’s so late,” Elt noticed her arrival, spun around, plucked a rose, and smiled softly, “Why haven’t you gone to sleep?”

“Let me ask you something,” Ye Chen started coldly, not at all interested in playing with him, “What happened to Kyle today, it’s your doing, right?”

Elt did not answer her question, he set his gaze on Ye Chen’s sword.

“You used magic today. Nearing the end, you used water magic.”

Ye Chen was taken aback. She didn’t know Elt was so keen. She recovered and sneered, “The black magic on Kyle’s sword today has your breath.”

Hearing this, Elt lowered his head and smelled the roses in his hand, his face flat, “So what? Do you want to ask me the reason? ”

“I don’t want to know the reason,” Ye Chen voiced leisurely, gripping her sword. “I just came to warn you, don’t try it for the second time.”

“What if I do?!” Elt raised his head, eyes sharp, “If there is a second time, what will you do?”

“What will I do?”Ye Chen hooked the corner of her mouth. As the words dropped, she rushed up with her sword. Elt constructed a barrier swiftly. However, he was in a bad state. Ye Chen’s sword easily broke the barrier, pushing him to retreat. 

She didn’t stop until Elt could not retreat and hit the wall. Ye Chen thrust her sword past his cheek, stabbing it straight through the wall. She cornered him and kicked her leg against the wall, trapping him between her and the wall.

The two of them were so close, he could sense the hot air she breathed on his face, and he could smell the fragrance on her body. Although she had been practicing martial arts and wandering outside, her skin was fair and tender, just like a proud noble young miss.

Her hair was not dry yet. Water droplets slid down her hair to her neck and then slid into the deep crevice under her clothes.

Elt had never been so close to any woman before. He couldn’t help but remain petrified, heart beating faster. Ye Chen saw him turn his face sideways with embarrassment. She was a little dissatisfied with his evasion. She pinched his chin and repeated, “You say it again, will there be a second time?”

Elt was rendered silent. He was forced to face the girl’s serious expression. His heartbeat was so chaotic that he felt he was sick.

“Speak!” Ye Chen roared.

But her eyes were so round that even if she shouted angrily, Elt didn’t even feel half threatened by her. He pursed his lips tightly and struggled with blush dusting his cheeks, “You let me go first and I will talk!”

“You tell me first, what are you going to say tomorrow? ”

“You let me go!” Elt was ashamed, Ye Chen kept insisting, “Speak quickly!”

“Let go!”

Ye Chen pressed him closer, and Elt’s breathing became a little short. He knew what Ye Chen wanted to hear. It’s nothing more than telling her that tomorrow he would answer the question about the woman’s sword truthfully and he couldn’t feel anything from Kyle’s sword. 

Presently Ye Chen also knew the magic element on Kyle’s sword was his. If he said that there were traces of black magic on Kyle’s sword, Ye Chen could testify against him and the current Arch-Mage may be summoned to check it out. If it were to happen, it would be the same as shooting himself on the foot. There was no way he would sacrifice himself to frame Kyle. 

He really wanted Ye Chen to let him go quickly, though! Trapped in a place with her sword and her leg on his way… What’s more, she caged his two hands on top of his head with one of her hands. This… this was way too humiliating for him!

As a result, he quickly promised, “Okay, okay, okay! I promise I won’t tell anyone about the black magic on Kyle’s sword! You let me go now!”

Ye Chen finally let go after she heard his promise. The rose petals flew from above. As early as Ye Chen let go, she caught Elt staring at her, wronged and angry.

He had a pair of very beautiful eyes, like a cat. At this short distance, she could see his eyes plainly. His stare caused her heart to skip a beat.

The young man with a red face and water in his eyes due to pain was too attractive and it tickled one’s heart. Ye Chen didn’t know what hot into her. When she was back to her senses, she had kissed him on the cheek.

Elt’s eyes widened in a flash. Ye Chen also reacted and stepped back. That is, at that moment, several magic balls broke in her direction. Ye Chen dodged left and right and flipped upside down. The force of those magic balls was very weak, but the speed openly indicated that the caster was furious. When all this was done, both of them were dumbfounded. The next moment, Elt pushed out a forced smile, “Chen, I didn’t mean it just now. I’m just not used to others approaching me. In fact, I like you very much…”

“Elt,” Ye Chen sighed, “Don’t wrong yourself.”

He didn’t like her but insisted on acting like he does. It was anything but easy.

Elt froze, and Ye Chen added, “To be honest, I have long known that you are only pretending…”

Elt stopped talking. His smile slowly disappeared. After a short while, he scoffed, instantly revealing a noble and contemptuous appearance, looking down at Ye Chen like a proud cat.

“Since you have known it all…” He sneered. More than a dozen magic balls rained down upon her. Ye Chen’s countenance changed, she heard the other party’s cold voice, “Then die!”

The magic ball bolted to Ye Chen. Ye Chen skillfully evaded it and reached Elt. She tugged him into her arms and kissed him.

The two of them were about the same height. Ye Chen happened to kiss him on one side of his face.

With the kiss, Elt stiffened. Ye Chen raised her eyebrows and taunted, “I want to see it, how do you want me to die?”

Then, she gave him another kiss.

“Come on.”

She wanted to kiss him again, but Elt slapped her hand and scratched it. Ye Chen lifted her hand and held her wrist, frowning, “Are you a cat?”

As she talked, Ye Chen felt countless vines crawling under her feet. She realized Elt had actually found a way to draw a wood magic array on the ground just now! There was a lot of vegetation on the roof, and Elt’s magic would be amplified several times. Ye Chen was by no means his match.

Ye Chen didn’t hesitate to jump downstairs after she cut off some vines winding on her feet. Before jumping downstairs, she didn’t forget to open her cheap mouth, “Your face is so soft, Kitty Elt!”

The response she got was a thick vine twisting on her feet and throwing her to one of the windows on the house.

Ye Chen’s whole body was thrown in. When she tumbled in, she saw Kyle who was bathing naked.

“Ah! Save me!” Kyle screamed.

Ye Chen covered her eyes with her palm and ran away.

38, “What are you doing hiding your eyes?”

Ye Chen scurried back to her room, “Reflex.”

After the fight with Ye Chen, Elt slumped on the ground.


Elt exhausted all the curse words he knew in his heart on Ye Chen.

The etiquette he learned since childhood told him not to be too rude to a woman. However, he really had only one sentence to say when facing Ye Chen.

Is she a fucking woman?!

Who the hell dares to say that she is a woman?!!

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Ry’s Corner

TN: Changed ‘Magician’ to ‘Mage’, Changed ‘Great Magician’ to ‘Arch Mage’.

The Headmaster name is 迪卡 (díkǎ)! 

Ye Chen called Elt 艾小猫 (ài xiǎo māo).

Domineering Local Tyrant Ye Chen is now online. 

Every Domineering CEO set needs a kabedon.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4737

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