WfDO Chapter 41

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (8)

~✨Happy New Year✨~

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Mo Yuan led the dog back to the house expressionlessly. The dog followed and turned its head to Ye Wei every three steps, gloating and bouncing around, evidently delighted.

Ye Wei trailed cautiously behind Mo Yuan. She glimpsed at Mo Yuan, lowered her head in fear, glimpsed at Mo Yuan again, lowered her head in fear, and so on.

She would see the wind and set the helm[1], devoting herself to the play to obtain the highest achievement!

The Butler had ordered the servants to set up the table because he knew that Mo Yuan would not eat anything when he was at the Mo-jia’s house, “Xiansheng, please have something to eat.”

Mo Yuan waved his hand. “Withdraw.”

He headed straight upstairs without even taking a glance at Ye Wei.

Ye Wei tiptoed and sneaked a few peeks at him, she was relieved when she realized Mo Yuan didn’t plan to drive her away. What a joke would it be if he really did that. She relied on Mo Yuan to carry out the branch plot. If she was driven away, it was equivalent to messing up the plotline. She still wanted the outstanding employee award, thank you!

She just didn’t predict that Mo Yuan would like others to be afraid of him?

Could it be that her not being afraid of him was the same as undermining his authority?

She could! Really! She would act afraid of him in the future… She only ought to think about Mo Yuan’s abandonment of her and parting with her current glory and wealth. She would be scared to death!

Early the next morning, when Mo Yuan went downstairs to eat, he glanced at Ye Wei who was sitting on one side.

She smiled cautiously at him, with fear in her eyes, “Good morning, Mo-xiansheng. ”

Mo Yuan, “……”   

He studied Ye Wei for a while and confirmed the “fear” in her eyes that was not false. She was looking at him as if he was a murderous lunatic.

He moved his gaze away calmly.

Endured and kept enduring. Eventually, he asked, “Why are you suddenly afraid? What are you thinking?”

Ye Wei covered her face and sadly said, “Thinking of leaving Mo-xiansheng. I am afraid…”

Mo Yuan, “Be honest.”

Ye Wei, “Mo-xiansheng. That’s the truth, though?”

Mo Yuan, “Heh.”

Afraid of leaving him? Afraid of losing her current good life, that’s more like it. 

After the meal, Ye Wei sent Mo Yuan to work. She watched him get into the car, smiling and waving goodbye with the dog squatting by her side.

Mo Yuan’s car disappeared and she put on a sad face. She raised her head to the sky for some time.

Then, she went back to her room to sleep.

She only got to nap when the Butler knocked on her door, “Ye-xiaojie, please get up. Xiansheng asked you to deliver his lunch in person.”

Ye Wei was still muddled from her sleep. Listening to the Butler’s words, she instantly woke up and skillfully jumped out of the bed. 

Finally, the long-awaited turn for her to appear on the stage! Let’s get the job done!

The young lady at the front desk peeked at the woman dressed in expensive clothing in front of her.

She was exceptionally beautiful, wearing a famous brand and ridiculously pricey earrings. She couldn’t even buy one thing this woman wore even if she used all the salary she had accumulated for a few years. 

She noticed this woman was extraordinary at first glance, but she was too arrogant and her attitude of having her eyes above the top made people a bit uncomfortable. 

“I’m sorry, if you don’t have an appointment, I can’t let you in.”

Ye Wei placed the food box at the front desk. She crossed her hand in front of her chest and ordered, “I’m here for Mo Yuan. Just say my name is Ye Wei, and I’m here to deliver his lunch for him. ”

The front desk lady apologized, “I’m sorry. There are too many people who seek Mo-zong. I can’t give him a call every time a person comes for him”

Ye Wei, “You are too much. Don’t you know who I am? ”

She was certain this overbearing president girlfriend set wouldn’t go wrong. When Mo Yuan came down, she would stand out from the masses. She would slap everyone’s faces, pa pa pa[2],  and be the one in the spotlight!

Mo Yuan was the one who ordered her to come here. Without a doubt, it was not just to deliver him his lunch. There must be another purpose. For instance, making trouble for the Male and Female Lead!

Mn! She’s so smart! She could guess what Mo Yuan was thinking with only her toes![3]

She was waiting there when she heard a few familiar voices behind her.

Lao Da, let’s have a dinner party tonight. This project is nearly settled. It’s rare for everyone to get a break and gather around together.”

“That’s fine, what does Shuya want to eat tonight?”

“I know a good Japanese restaurant. It’s my treat tonight.”

Woah, Shuya-jie is so kind!”

“Shuya-jie is indeed so kind! Shuya-jie, why didn’t I know you were so kind before?”

Another woman’s voice abruptly inserted into their conversation, startling several people. They searched for the source of the voice and saw it was Ye Wei, who was dressed up to the nines.

Mo Yu didn’t think he would see Ye Wei again so shortly.

In only a short time, she appeared to be more dazzling, her eyes were even brighter and fiery. Her gaze at them was like a blazing flame.

She curled her lips up and repeated, “Shuya-jie, you are really so kind. ”

Miao Shuya’s expression stiffened. Her eyes immediately darted to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu scrunched his brows, “Ye Wei, what are you doing?”

Ye Wei spread out her hands, “I didn’t do anything. I’m just praising her. Am I not allowed to praise Shuya-jie?”

Mo Yu reluctantly said, “We’ve broken up, and you still…”

Mo Yu was aware of Ye Wei’s dislike of Miao Shuya when they were together before. Now she involved herself with Miao Shuya, the reason was most likely because of him. He couldn’t think of any other reason otherwise.

Ye Wei glared at him, “Shut up!”

She raised her chin, glaring at Mo Yu with a ferocity he had never seen before, “It’s none of your business. Don’t you see that Shuya-jie and I are talking? ”

Mo Yu was taken aback, “But, you and Shuya are not familiar with each other…”

Ye Wei, “You ask Miao Shuya. Am I not familiar with her? I have made such a great sacrifice for her, dare she deny it?”


Sacrifice what?

Mo Yu glanced at Miao Shuya with uncertainty.

Miao Shuya’s complexion was stern, but there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

Ye Wei smirked. She feigned ignorance, “Oh my, you don’t know yet? Shuya-jie hasn’t told you? I have made a great sacrifice for her. If you knew about it, you would definitely be amazed by my selflessness!”

Miao Shuya, “……”   

Mo Yu, “……”   

The people present, “……”

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  1. 见风使舵 – jiàn fēng shǐ duò; (idiom) to be flexible and take advantage of the situation

  2. 啪啪啪 –pā pā pā; this time, it’s onomatopeia for slapping.

  3. 用脚趾头想 – yòng jiǎo zhǐ tóu xiǎng; Think with one’s toes. The question/thing is too easy that you don’t need to use your brain.

Ry’s Corner

Happy New Year! New Year New Resolution! May the New Year bless you with health, prosperity, and happiness!

Maybe you can set “Be like Ye Wei” as your New Year Resolution :)

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 1198

Support Me on Ko-Fi!

3 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 41”

  1. Ye Wei, are you or are you not trying to make Mo Yu hate you and feel disgust at you? Are you not trying to make yourself as a vicious supporting female? Why are you making yourself as a martyr?


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