TVIRAD – Chapter 35

Arc 3
The Glory of God (5)

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When Ye Chen roused, her fever had subsided and she found Elt still holding her in his arms.

She called Elt in a low voice. Elt’s eyes flutter open and he noticed their current position. He feigned calm and released her. He composed himself and said, “Have you slept enough? You have slept so much yet you can’t wake on your own?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Where did he have such a big face to scold her with such righteous words when it was her that woke him up?

Ye Chen snarled. She rose to her feet and combed her hair with her fingers, “Have you slept enough? You have slept so much yet you can’t move your feet?”

Ye Chen strolled out of the cave. Behind her, Elt shouted, “Stop!”

Ye Chen paused. Elt was still under the quilt. He commanded, “Take off your clothes for me!”

Ye Chen was dumbfounded. Does she just hear it right? Why does Elt abruptly become so blunt? Take off her clothes? Aren’t they progressing a little too fast?

“What.” Elt raised his chin, “You loathe to return it to me?”

Only then did Ye Chen realize that she was wearing his clothes. She promptly began to undress. The instant she undressed, Elt flew into a rage[1]. He shut his eyes and roared, “Is your sense of shame already eaten up by the dog?!”

“My sense of shame is already eaten up by you!”

The two quarreled all the way out of the cave. After a night’s rest, Elt had returned to his top-notch state. There was nothing for him to be afraid of. They walked all the way to the main road. Elt seemed to remember something and said to Ye Chen, “You go back first. Let the Housekeeper pick me up.”


The request was a little odd, but Ye Chen was not in the mood to care about him. She returned first and told the Housekeeper to pick Elt up. The Housekeeper was very sensible. By the time Elt arrived一!!!

It was with a glittering golden carriage. Elt stepped out of the carriage unhurriedly with the support of the Housekeeper. He had cleaned up and was wrapped up in a gorgeous purple mage’s robe. His silky and dazzling golden hair had been combed. 

Ye Chen was holding a slice of pancakes[2] in her hand when he arrived. Kyle was next to her, eating the “Eastern Pancakes” that she shared with him. In the garden full of blooming roses, two people’s jaws, like a country bumpkin, dropped into a big “O” as they watched the young man emitting golden light steps out of the carriage.

Elt marched over with a cold and arrogant face, exuding the aura of “I am noble, I am proud, and I am perfect.”. When he passed Ye Chen and Kyle, he halted. He tossed a scornful gaze at them, scoffed, and walked away. 

“What happened between you and Elt these days?” Kyle tore a bite of the pancakes. Ye Chen also took a bite. She answered vaguely, “Presumably, because I told him the truth, he gets mad from shame.”

Their voices were audible enough, and Elt, who had not gone far, sported a black face. But he behaved as if he didn’t hear anything. He was far from them before he decided to inquire the Housekeeper, “What are they eating?”

“Oh, that,” The Housekeeper smiled, “It’s an Eastern cake made by Young Miss Ye herself.”

Hmm.” Elt nodded. He glimpsed around and saw no one. With a stern face, he ordered, “Her craftsmanship is barely passable. There must be a lot of it left, right? Go get some. I want to have a taste.”

The Housekeeper was surprised but quickly curtsied, “I understand.”

“Don’t let anyone know!” Elt stressed.

The Housekeeper bowed.

A little later, the Housekeeper cut the pancakes into slices on a delicate plate and brought it in. The Housekeeper, who was pretty aware of his Young Master’s worries, condescended himself and went to the kitchen to steal the cakes.

When the Housekeeper brought him the pancakes, Elt’s gaze was on his book, as if didn’t care about it. After the Housekeeper exited, he paced to the table, took a piece of the pancakes with a fork, and put it in his mouth.

The cake was chewy and had a salty taste. It was sprinkled with sesame seeds on the surface, which made it fragrant. 

It’s pretty delicious.

Elt ate one piece after another.

Not a moment later, from outside, Ye Chen banged his door. “Elt, are you inside? Elt, I have something very important to ask you. Elt? Elt! Answer me quickly or I’m going to kick the door! Three…two…”

Elt wasn’t prepared for her sudden actions. He scrambled to his feet and yanked his drawer, stuffing the plate into it. When the word “one” fell, it was accompanied by the sound of kicking the door. 

Elt spun around and inclined against the desk. He glared at Ye Chen with his noble and cold face.

“Don’t you know something basic called ‘decency’?”

Elt angled his head and mocked, “What a wild country-bumpkin girl.”

“You stole my cake?” Ye Chen accused.

Elt pretended to be unperturbed, “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t deny it,” Ye Chen pointed to the corner of his mouth. “The sesame seeds are still there.”

Elt, “……”

38, “He probably wants to die now.”

“Wrong.” Ye Chen cleared, “He wants me to die.”

Sure enough, a bunch of magic balls smashed over in a blink.

Currently, Elt was in his best condition. Ye Chen was chased up and down by him. Elt jeered, “I think highly of you when I eat your cake. You are unhappy about it?”

“No, no, no,” Seeing that the fireball was about to burn her ass, Ye Chen hurriedly opened her mouth, “Ancestor[3]! You eat my cake, it is a blessing that I have cultivated for eight lifetimes. Don’t talk about eating a cake, you can even eat my tofu[4]!”

Elt curled his lips contemptuously and at long last, ceased smashing her with magic balls.

Ye Chen slumped to the ground and panted heavily. She drained all her strength and spared no effort to flee for her life just now. Her entire body had given up on her.

“Speak,” Elt sat with crossed legs on his seat. He picked up his tea and blew it, “What’s the important thing you want to ask me?” 

“I… I just came because I am concerned about you. What are your plans?”

“None of your business,” Elt dismissed her without batting his eyelids, “Scram.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Her good intention was treated like a donkey’s liver[5].

She was too nosy[6]

It was her fault to suddenly think Elt was a good person just because she was bought by his little tenderness last night. Which part of her brain was broken that made her fantasize that this person could be her friend?

Hehe. As far as her identity as Kyle’s fiancée was concerned, the two of them probably could only have four words to describe their relationship一 mortal enemies[7].

Ye Chen figured it out, “It’s me who is too meddlesome.”

With that said, she stood up and strode out. Within two steps, Elt stopped her.


Ye Chen obeyed. For reasons unknown, she honestly had some expectations in her heart.

He… wants to apologize, right?

Contrary to her expectation, the other party’s words were—

“Bake another cake tomorrow and deliver it to me. Sprinkle more sesame seeds.”

Ye Chen was left without words. She slowly spun her head and thoughtfully started, “I have something to say. But, I don’t know if it’s inappropriate and whether I should say it or not—”

“Don’t say it, then.”

“Elt,” Ye Chen yelled with all her strength, “You damned Ancestor, fuck you!”

As soon as she finished yelling, Ye Chen leaped down from upstairs, followed by a loud noise behind her. The huge crystal lamp in the living room was blown to pieces.

Ye Chen sprinted all the way back to her room. She packed her suitcase and scurried into Kyle’s room. She started to pack his suitcase, “Go go go. This place is no longer livable.”

“Why?” Kyle was dismayed. He considered this place was a very good place to live.

Despite the fact that Elt had many shortcomings, he was still a good brother worthy of deep friendship.

Ye Chen flung his clothes out of the wardrobe and crammed them into the suitcase. As she flung them away, Ye Chen told him, “We have received our admission notice, and we can move to the dorm. It’s not good to keep relying on others. These days, I have taken some work outside. I also have received the living expenses sent by my family this month. You don’t have to worry about the money. Let’s pack up quickly.”

Hearing this, Kyle was astonished. Seconds later, he blushed, “That… Chen…”


“You are very good to me.”

Ye Chen halted. A beat later, she laughed, “It’s only natural. I’m your fiancée, after all.”

With that, she tossed down the clothes in her hands. She strode to Kyle and cupped his face. She touched her forehead against his. 

The last rays of the setting sun fell on them. The two of them were so close. 

“Kyle,” she earnestly asked, “Please regard me as your future wife. ”

Her voice was not big or small, just enough for Elt, who was outside the door, to hear it.

He originally wanted to explain to Ye Chen about what happened just now. Frankly, he didn’t want to quarrel with her every time he was with her. He wanted to tell her and thank her for her concern. She voluntarily expressed her concern to him. He was genuinely delighted because of it.

Yet, here he was, standing by the door and gripping the handle in his hand without daring to look at them. He didn’t want to see them hugging. He was terrified to see it.

In his previous life, he harbored no feelings for his fiancée. When his fiancée betrayed him and defected to Kyle’s arms by eradicating his entire family, his fury came from the betrayal and not specifically because of his fiancee.

Though, this time, it was different.

This was the first time he experienced the desiring to get closer to a girl, to explain everything to that girl, to hug her, and to talk to her…

He understood wholeheartedly how much Kyle is liked by women. Any woman who came into contact with him would fall in love with him without exception. Let alone his fiancée, Ye Chen?

In the previous life, what was the ending of this woman named Ye Chen?

Elt thought back despairingly and was only left with a fuzzy shadow.

This woman, who was born into an ancient Eastern family, seemed to be just one of the devoted women of Kyle’s harem.

At that thought, Elt restrained the wrath and penetrating agony in his heart. Thinking of a Ye Chen like that, a Ye Chen who became a woman who could share her men with others, he was extremely agitated.

But… What did it have to do with him?

Elt convinced himself in his heart—

She was willing to like a scumbag like Kyle, so she must be ready to face the discomforting consequences. What did it have to do with him?

Even if she became one of Kyle’s harem, wiped out of all her brilliance, and became a woman beyond recognition where the Ye Chen he knew no longer exists, he didn’t care at all.

Truly. He didn’t care at all.

Elt clenched his fist and walked away.

In the room, Kyle didn’t speak. He watched Ye Chen in a daze.

He always thought that he would dedicate his life to the Arch-Mage. He would guard the strongest mage in this continent and be the most glorious knight.

Yet, at this time, when he listened to the girl’s words, his heart accelerated. He was shaken by an unspeakable feeling.

He quickly reacted and stepped back, “I’m sorry, Chen, I…”

“It’s okay.” Ye Chen patted him on the shoulder and smiled, “Take your time. There is another pressing matter at the moment,” Ye Chen got serious, “Let’s pack up quickly.”

After speaking, Ye Chen resumed helping him pack his suitcase. They left Elt’s house that night.

When they left, Elt was at his family’s house. He recounted to his father about his mother’s moves. He had prepared the evidence a long time ago, but he never expected to really reach this step.

After he compelled his father to put his mother under house arrest, he left the Lancer’s home and returned to his small villa. He intended to share the news with Ye Chen, but when he got home, the Housekeeper briefed him that they had left.

Elt was taken aback. After a while, he sneered, “If she left, so be it. Such an insignificant person, why bother to report it to me?”

Elt went straight to his room after that.

The second he entered the room, the Housekeeper heard the sound of things being crashed from the room. 

A long time passed, Elt out of the blue opened his door. The Housekeeper faced him in a flash, “Young Master, what are your orders?”

“The Imperial Academy has arranged accommodation for me, right?”

“Yes. “The housekeeper answered respectfully, “Are you going to live there?”

“Go pack,” Elt concluded and headed inside his room.

As a Housekeeper who watched Elt grow up, he understood his Young Master’s difficult-to-deal-with temper very clearly. So, the Housekeeper contacted the Headmaster right away, “My Young Master hopes to live with Young Miss Ye Chen. ”

The Headmaster sighed meaningfully, “That’s Kyle’s fiancee…”

The Housekeeper smiled, “So what of it?”

The Headmaster was stunned, soon afterward, he broke out laughing, “Yes, ah. Young men should compete fairly.”

So in the evening, when Ye Chen was cleaning her room, she received a notice from the Academy that the school accommodation should be separated according to the grade. S-rank students could enjoy special treatment and live in a villa uniformly.

And, the S-rank students were actually only Ye Chen, Kyle, and Elt. The villa was initially designed for Elt alone, but now it had evolved into a three-person residence.

When she received the notice, Ye Chen was out of her mind. She, at warp speed, dragged Kyle to the villa. They divided the bedroom and cleaned it all night. The master bedroom was for the student who hadn’t arrived. The remaining two bedrooms were Ye Chen and Kyle’s. Ye Chen deemed it was a pity that their rooms were separated by the master bedroom.

Late at night, Ye Chen and Kyle were ready to sleep. Though, Ye Chen was a little restless.

“38,” Ye Chen voiced thoughtfully, “You speak. At this time, if I go to tease him, is it easier for him to like me?”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t!” 38 quickly shot down her idea, “It’s not the time for you to act yet. Do you want to shake his faith in life! Slow down.”

Ye Chen judged 38 made sense, so she resolved to control herself from executing her idea.

She and Kyle bid each other good night and proceeded to sleep. In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the tinkle of the doorbell. Kyle was a rough man who was unshakable under any circumstances when he was asleep. So, Ye Chen had to open the door by herself.

Her sleep was disturbed so she, in her muddled state, cracked the door open. Ablaze with rage, she snapped, “Who?!”

The moment she opened the door, her sleepiness evaporated.

Elt, wearing a white-colored robe, stood at the door. The servants behind him carried large suitcases. Beneath the moonlight, he scrutinized her. 

“What?” Elt raised his eyebrow, “ You are shocked silly to learn that I am your roommate?” 

With a bang, Ye Chen bashed the door shut.

Elt remained expressionless, “I’ll count to three. You open the door for me.”

Ye Chen did not have the courage to fight against Elt who was in his best condition. As soon as Elt had done the counting, she unlocked the door at full speed. She messed her hair and mumbled, “Come just come. Why come in the middle of the night? Night owl.”

Ye Chen shifted and headed back to sleep.

However, just when she shut her eyes, Ye Chen heard the sound of moving next door.

Elt was a remarkably out-of-the-ordinary man. If you are moving, just move! Why were you moving in the middle of the night?!

Ye Chen covered her ears and tossed around. When she greeted the next day, the sun had risen three poles high[8].

She went downstairs with panda eyes and caught Elt sitting at the table, reading the newspaper.


She greeted back leisurely, “floated” to the table, and drank her milk.

“The Housekeeper left with the servants this morning. The Academy does not allow us to bring the servant to the academy.”

Elt out of nowhere said that, but Ye Chen heeds no care. She had no servants because she was in extreme poverty, anyway.

Hence, she didn’t reply at all. She bit her toast and squinted her eyes, eating while half-awake and half-asleep.

“When he is away, you take his place. ”

“You…!” Ye Chen rose from her seat. 

“Five gold coins per month.”

“Are a very good man!” Ye Chen seated back gently. Elt set down the newspaper and stated, “From now on,” he gazed at Ye Chen and enunciated meaningfully, “You are my person.”

“Good, good, good!” Ye Chen nodded frantically, “Five gold coins. I am your servant, all yours!”

Elt laughed at her and didn’t reply.

Since then, Ye Chen had become Elt’s little attendant, completely replacing the Housekeeper. She served tea to Elt and acted as Elt’s most obedient little brother.

The mandatory courses for mage and knights were different, but the general courses were the same. In order to fulfill her duty as Elt’s little brother, Ye Chen would be Elt’s deskmate in all classes she shared with Elt.

Elt didn’t like taking notes, thus, Ye Chen did it for him in every class. While she did that, Elt would gaze out the window with his chin on his hand, occasionally glimpsing at her.

“So ugly,” was Elt’s comment when he saw Ye Chen’s notes for the first time. 

Ye Chen blinked, “What’s so ugly?”

“The words. It is as ugly as the writer.”

It’s a personal attack, ah!

Ye Chen was enthusiastic at the start, but after the first semester, Ye Chen loved to take a nap in class instead. She frequently wrote notes while she was dozing off. Elt couldn’t stand her appearance, and eventually voiced, “Sleep.”

Then, he guided her head to the table. The instant her head brushed the table, Ye Chen fell asleep. When she awakened, Elt smashed her face with notes. His notes were neat and beautiful and his words were vigorous and powerful. It was pleasant to look at. He wrote down all the key points in his notes, and she could understand them effortlessly. Ye Chen only skimmed through it and felt as if she had listened to the whole class.

When the mid-term test arrived, Elt grabbed first place in the Academy, he even handed the test papers in advance. Ye Chen marveled, “You merely relied on my notes to get such a high score?”

If that was the case, she would resell her notes for a living in the future. 

Elt glanced at her, “I already learned these things by heart since my childhood.”

“Then you still let me take notes?! ”

“I don’t let you take notes, can you pass the exam?” Elt patted her head with the notes and proudly boasted, “Shed tears of gratitude, you peasant!”

Ye Chen, “……”

This person was possibly mentally retarded.

For the five gold coins, Ye Chen completely gave up her dignity and task. She got closer and closer to Elt. When the semester was over, Elt said to Ye Chen, “Go to my house for the holiday?”

At this time, Kyle was wiping his sword on the sofa. Ye Chen heard what Elt said. She felt the request was quite bizarre.

His Housekeeper was at his house during the holiday. What else did he want her to do?

Noticing her doubts, Elt explained, “Go to my house, bake the cakes.”

Elt was infatuated with the mysterious Eastern pancake. In order to increase its attractiveness, Elt continued, “Food and lodging included. The clothing expense will be reimbursed. Five gold coins, not to mention bonuses. ”

“Sign me up!”

Ye Chen raised her hand without delay and Kyle slammed his sword on the table with a ”bang”.

Ye Chen froze. Elt languidly squinted at him, “Kyle, what’s with you?”

Kyle’s face was not good. He stood and clutched Ye Chen’s hand, “You come out with me.”

Elt held Ye Chen’s other hand. He scowled at Kyle, “Release your hand.”

You release your hand!” Kyle barked, “What does it matter to you if I talk to Chen? She is my fiancee! Mine!”

Elt didn’t loosen his grips on Ye Chen’s hand. He pursed his lips, reluctant to let go. Ye Chen was placed in an awkward situation by the two. 

“Elt?” Ye Chen carefully called, “You release me first, okay? I’ll talk to Kyle.”

Elt resolutely let go and snarled, “Go just go. What does it have to do with me?”

He rose and headed upstairs, “There. I’ll give both of you space.”

Elt soon disappeared, leaving Kyle and Ye Chen alone in the living room.

“Kyle?” Ye Chen spoke softly, “What’s the matter? You seem very unhappy.”

“Why are you…” Kyle voiced arduously. He didn’t want to say anything but he also couldn’t stand to not say anything. 

He had endured it for a long time. From the start of the semester, he noticed that Ye Chen was constantly with Elt, taking care of him. He understood that Ye Chen was only trying to make pocket money, but watching the two of them fight… watching the two of them talking… and watching the two of them laughing… He was not sure when it started, but he began to feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

“Why are you treating him so well?”

“For money. “Ye Chen smiled, “What’s wrong? You don’t want me to treat him so well? ”

Mn.” Kyle hung his head, “Can you stop being so nice to him?”

“I can.” Ye Chen agreed without skipping a beat.

Kyle raised his head up in a flash, “You…”

“Kyle,” Ye Chen solemnly declared, “All your wishes, I’ll help you with it.”

As long as you fall in love with me in the end. 

As long as you are willing to accompany me out of this continent and help me complete my task.

Ye Chen examined Kyle, considering earnestly—

For the sake of completing the task, she would think of a way to fulfill all his wishes.

Kyle stared at her for a long time. He finally said, “Why do you treat me so well? Is it just because you are my fiancee?”

“Of course not,” Ye Chen replied affectionately, “I like you.”

Kyle was shocked and his face dyed red.

“I… I’m sorry…” he expressed hastily, “I won’t be able to put my family in my mind. My mind is focused on becoming the best knight, I…”

“I know. “Ye Chen covered his mouth with her hand. Her eyes bent from her smile, “It’s okay, Kyle, I will always wait for you.” ”

Kyle was stumped. A beat later, he recovered and escaped in a rush.

Ye Chen shrugged and strolled upstairs.

Their voices were not small. She knew that if someone, such as Elt, eavesdropped, their voices could be heard from upstairs. 

She knocked on Elt’s door. When she entered, Elt was in his chair with his back to her. 

“I’m sorry to say this but,” Ye Chen declared, “I’ll live here during the holiday.”

“He is that important?” Elt dared not look back, for fear he would expose his emotions. He squeezed his fists, “Ye Chen, is nothing more important than him? Our agreement… The promise you gave me… You can change it whenever you like and you can abandon it whenever you like…”

No matter how hard he tried to get closer to her, faced with Kyle, she would always turn her back to him. 

Ye Chen smiled and her eyes curved. 

“It’s not that nothing is more important than him.” She replied, “It’s just, earning gold coins is obviously not as important as him.” 

It’s just you, Elt, are not important enough.

Elt shut his eyes. He now understood. 

Truth to be told, there was nothing wrong with her reason or excuse. 

She readily backed away from their agreement, merely for no other reason but he, Elt, was not important enough.

The author has something to say, 

[Mini Theater]

Doctor, “You haven’t been here for a long time, how have you been recently? ”

Mo Shu Bai, “Good.”

Doctor, “Where have you been[9]?”

Mo Shubai, “Soaking[10] Meimei.”

Doctor, “What are your reflections after returning?”

Mo Shu Bai, “With my current level of soaking Meimei, all the readers under my article certainly can be soaked.”

Doctor, “That’s up to you? ”

Mo Shu Bai, “5-star hotels, luxurious meals, personal driver, reservations, watch the sunrise in the morning, watch the sunset at dusk, hot springs at night, plus a spa with excellent service… This is the whole process of me spending the National Day soaking Meimei. ”

Doctor, “Mn. I suggest you don’t soak your readers, it will be bad for your reputation.”

Mo Shu Bai, “Then, who am I going to soak?”

Doctor, “Soak me.”

Mo Shu Bai, “Nevermind. I think it will be even worse for my reputation…”

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  1. 炸毛 – zhà máo; lit. Blew up hair. Lose temper; get angry. Just like a cat’s fur when a cat is angry.

  2. 大饼 – dà bǐng; Large flatbread; Pancakes; Big Cake. The one in this chapter is a 芝麻大饼 (zhīmá dà bǐng) a.ka Sesame Pancakes. Click here for the picture.

  3. 艾大爷,艾大叔! – ài dàyé,ài dàshū, Eldest Older Uncle Elt, Eldest Younger Uncle Elt! Both 大爷 and 大叔 are to be respected, like Ancestor.

  4. 吃我豆腐 –  chī wǒ dòufǔ; Eat my tofu. Take advantage of her. Can also mean to take advantage of her body because Tofu is white and soft.

  5. 好心当驴肝 – Good intentions treated as a donkey’s liver (idiom). Mistake good intentions for ill intent. Kindness of others taken for granted. Ungrateful.

  6. Lit. is 狗拿耗子 – gǒu ná hàozi; lit. Dog catchs rats. Catching rats is part of the cat’s job. The dog’s job is to guard the door and watch the night. But the dog went to catch the rats. Isn’t this nosy!

  7. 不共戴天 – bù gòng dài tiān;  impossible for both to live under the same sky. Absolutely irreconcilable.

  8. 日上三竿 – rì shàng sān gān. It is already late in the morning

  9. Mo Shu Bai published chapter 35 (this chapter) after National Day.

  10. 泡 – pào; Soak/Bubble. Slang for Getting along/Hang out/Flirting/Currying Favor/Pick-up/Get off with a partner/Dawdle around/Shilly-shally.


芝麻大饼 – Sesame Pancakes

Ry’s Corner

Poor Elt _(:3」∠)

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 453

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4 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 35”

  1. Wait… The mini theater is moving to a strange direction… Is a ship building between the doc and author?
    Many thanks


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡