TVIRAD – Chapter 36

Arc 3
The Glory of God (6)

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Elt shut his eyes and didn’t say any more words. So, Ye Chen whirled and fled.

That night, Elt moved back to his house, leaving Ye Chen and Kyle to live together in the villa.

Kyle was a very high-maintenance man. Essentially, he couldn’t do shit. Ye Chen cooked for him, did the laundry for him, and cleaned the room for him. She berated him in her heart while doing the chores.

“Damn, I haven’t served anyone like this. In which fucking world am I not being served by others? ”

38 coughed, “It’s the Villain that always served you.”

Ye Chen choked in her speech, a little heartbroken.

“Let’s just switch the task goal to the Villain now, shall we? I don’t want to have anything to do with this scumbag.”

“Do as you like,” 38 ate some melon, “You want to reform a man with a deep blood feud…Good luck on that.”

Ye Chen locked her mouth.

She tried to put herself in Elt’s shoes. If she was Elt and got reborn, with the knowledge that there was a man who would kill everyone around him as he grew up… All of sudden, a woman who kept saying she loved Kyle said to him— You let go of your hatred for him. Love the world.

What would she think?

It must be一 Hell, this woman is definitely a spy. She is here trying to kill my whole family!

Even if Elt let go of his hatred toward Kyle, there was still dread in his heart. Kyle killed everyone around him. Therefore, no matter if Kyle hadn’t done anything right now, in Elt’s eyes, Kyle was a monster, a monster who hadn’t grown up.

Such a belief couldn’t be altered.

In contrast, capturing Kyle’s heart was way much easier.

He was originally a man who valued affection and righteousness. According to the original world line, the reason he wanted to become the knight of the Arch-Mage was because of his grandfather’s dying wish. But instead, he became the Dragon Knight. The territory protected by the Dragon Clan was completely separated from this world. If not for Kyle to discover the only passage connecting the Dragon Clan’s territory and this world by luck, it would be impossible for him to return to this world and fight with Elt, leading Elt to blacken and destroy the world.

Thus, Ye Chen’s task was to drag him to the Dragon Clan’s territory and destroy that passage. Never returning to this world.

38’s words caused Ye Chen to pinch the kitchen knife in her hand, “Stop talking. Chop, chop. Continue to cook.”

“Not only that…” 38 leisurely played a game, prolonging his words, “Even if you change your target to Elt, he still won’t serve you.“

Pierced right through her heart.

Ye Chen’s chopping became fiercer, feeling a little resentful in her heart. Her life worsened the more she mixed up with 38! It’s all the System’s fault!

She lifted the kitchen knife and smiled wide, 38 watched her with vigilance, “What do you want to do? I am just saying, if you hack me to death, you can’t leave this world. The next world Villain’s look is out of the world!”

Ye Chen put the kitchen knife down.

She had no thought about the next world’s Villain. She just wished to leave this world quickly, leaving this scumbag Kyle and that tsundere Elt en route.

While she was working hard at home, Kyle went to do good deeds every single day.

The time the dinner was ready, the door of the villa was pried open. Two bulky men stood at the door and towered over her, “Are you Ye Chen?”

“Ah…? Yes… and you are…?”

“Your fiance owed us money and used you as the collateral.”

Ye Chen, “……”

She probably heard wrong.

Kyle used her as collateral? Why the fuck did this kind of plot fall on her?

“If I may ask…” Ye Chen ground her teeth, the corner of her smile kept twitching, “How could that happen? Did Kyle go gambling?”

“He took a fancy to a girl in our hand. Now, either you give us money or you come with us.”

Ye Chen maintained her smile.

“Just a moment.” She took off her apron and tied her sword to her waist, “Let’s go. When I see him, I will make the money.”

Mn?” The two bulky men couldn’t comprehend her. Make the money?

The matter was very urgent. After two steps, Ye Chen noticed the two of them hadn’t moved and yelled, “Go! ”

“Damn! “The other party cursed under his breath, “I’ve never seen someone in such a rush like her.”

The three of them rushed to the tavern. Ye Chen’s steps were the fastest, anxious and fierce. With her hand on her sword’s hilt, she exuded cold air, which made the two people behind him slow down. They didn’t dare to walk by her side, so they trailed behind her. They watched Ye Chen kick open the door and roar, “Where is Kyle?!”

At that point, the two of them were like her sidekicks. 

She noticed Kyle after her roar.

In the middle of a group of bulky men, he was embracing a shaking girl. His eyes lit up when he saw Ye Chen. He shouted, “Chen! Save us ah, Chen!”

Son of a一

Ye Chen slammed her fist to the door, and the door crumbled with a loud crash.

Embracing other women and making her save their life… Using her to repay his debts… Did he fucking think she is a saint?!

“What’s going on?” She moved her gaze from Kyle to a middle-aged man wearing a magic robe on the second floor, sitting in a chair while playing catch with the crystal ball in his hand.

The man smiled, “The little girl has good eyesight. You know I’m the owner here. This idiot is your fiance?”

He pointed to Kyle, who was bruised from the beating and Ye Chen nodded. “He wants to rob the girl in our store, yet he has no money to redeem her. For this reason, he sold you off to us.”

Then, the other party flaunted a contract, “I heard you can fight well? As long as you can win a game, that girl will belong to your fiance and you will be free.”

What a load of crap!

Ye Chen scolded him in her heart while she remained cold on the surface. She vented frenziedly to 38 in her mind.

“Do they think I can be pushed around like this? They think I have a screw loose on my brain, right? Not counting the fact that I am not interested in Kyle, I still want to keep my basic dignity. They think I am going to fight and find a concubine for my fiance? Mn? Like hell I will do it. I will never do it. It’s too humiliating!”

Nevertheless, 38 successfully convinced her in one sentence.

“That girl’s mother is a dragon. She has the key to the Dragon territory.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Fine. She’s wrong. The Male Lead was the most awesome[1]. Just by doing good deeds every day, he could pick up a dragon. 

“Moreover, you’d better win tragically. Kyle will feel he owes you a lot. The greater the guilt for you in his heart, the higher the chance we can successfully kidnap him to go to the Dragon Clan’s territory.”

Ye Chen expressed her understanding. She tilted her head to Kyle “Chen, don’t! They tricked me into signing that contract! Don’t promise him! Don’t…”

“Okay,” She said, “I won, you release them.”

“Don’t!!” Kyle cried out aggrievedly. Ye Chen growled, “Shut up!” 

Kyle shut his mouth. He gazed at Ye Chen and discerned that the girl holding her sword under the light was neither cold nor hot. The look in her eyes was firm.

“I’m sorry…” He lowered his head.

The girl he rescued timidly held his hand, “Brother…”

Ye Chen reckoned this was too terrible, too eye-piercing! Shit! How could she get trapped with a scumbag who steps on two boats at the same time!

But, she still had to maintain her smile and keep telling herself.

Hold on. Hold on… must not break down… As a member of the Male Lead’s harem, she needed to dedicate herself to Kyle…

Damn it all!

Ye Chen spun around and left, dashing straight all the way to Elt’s house.

38 was horrified, “Host, where are you going?!”

“I can’t fight this fight for nothing. “Ye Chen sprinted to Elt’s house, and Elt received her in the living room. He looked arrogant and disdainful, as always. However, when one examined closely, one could catch his joy.

“What are you looking for me for?” Elt lifted his teacup and blew it. Ye Chen smiled flatteringly. Elt sensed something wrong right away. The opposite person opened her mouth, “Elt, I’m here just want to borrow some money.”

Elt froze. Her answer was an answer that was completely unexpected to him.

He initially thought this person was here to apologize or beg him to accept her back, but…

Borrowing money? What the fuck?

“What are you borrowing money for?”

“Gam… Gambling…”

“Get out!” Elt shooed her at once, “Drag her out of here!”

“Don’t! Do not! “

Still, Elt’s people dragged her out. 

She immediately shouted, “Young Master Elt! Ancestor Elt! Beauty Elt! Darling Elt! Baby Elt! Please lend me some money! Really, I will absolutely pay you back! I am counting on you for my life! I implore you, ah!”

Before the words were finished, Ye Chen was thrown out. Ye Chen got up from the ground and was about to scold him loudly when a jingling came and a pouch flew abruptly from upstairs.

Ye Chen was dumbfounded. She swiftly picked up the pouch and opened it. It was full of gold coins!!

Ye Chen’s eyes dilated. Soon afterward, she cheered up with the money pouch in her arms.

“Elt! I love you! I love you the most! You are my heart, my liver. You are my life’s three-quarters[2]

She bounced around below, shouting her words. Elt was at the window. He gave a proud “Hmph” and turned around. The smile on his face couldn’t be held back, as if he was a delighted cat swinging its tails. 

Ye Chen saw him leave. She kissed the money pouch and yelled, “Elt, I will make a lot of money and come back to invite you to dinner!” and ran away.

She put the pouch in her pocket and returned to the tavern where Kyle was arrested. This place was the largest local tavern with a deep background. It sold wine, women, and allowed gambling. As long as one could buy it, there was nothing they didn’t sell. Currently, the tavern was full of posters with advertising words such as “The ultimate duel between the Barbie Killer and an Oriental Beauty.” The whole venue was betting like crazy. 

Ye Chen squeezed in and saw her own portrait and three other beautiful women. These three women were in one portrait, with different styles and charm, but it was not hard to see that they were triplets from their facial features.

“I bet on Ye Chen!” Ye Chen smashed the money on the table, “I’ll bet on Ye Chen! All in! She will certainly win!”

“Young Miss,” the bookkeeper shook his head, “I am afraid you are going to lose your bet horribly, The Three Barbie sisters are the kings who have never lost a fight before!“

And I am the strongest king!! Ye Chen thought excitedly. Looking at the 1:10 odds, she judged that she was going to make a fortune.

38 collapsed. “What are you doing?! You still want more money?! If Kyle knows, he will think you are fighting for money, not for him! Ah! AH! AHHH! Put back your money!!!”

Ignoring 38’s yelling, Ye Chen placed bets on herself and waited for the start of the game tomorrow.

At dusk the next day, Ye Chen was brought to the tavern. There was a huge ring in the backyard of the tavern, like a modern boxing ring. The location of the second floor overlooking the ring in the middle of the first floor was filled with rich people. 

Ye Chen got the general idea of the rules. Most likely, it was similar to boxing, right? If she were suppressed and could not stand up for five seconds, or if she fell off the platform, she would lose. 

The only difference was her opponent consisted of three people.

The legendary Barbie Killer, triplets who were formerly 3v3 fighters, and now she confronted them in a group fight. 


She fought the three people at the same time?!

Ye Chen grabbed the tavern owner, a middle-level mage, by the collar and yelled angrily, “You didn’t tell me about this! You scammer! War of Attrition[3] is better than this! ”

Simultaneously fighting three people, how could she win?!

Yet, the owner just shrugged and took out the contract signed by Kyle.

At this time, Kyle was on the side, silently sinking his head.

Ye Chen shut her eyes. She squeezed her fist and didn’t spare Kyle a glance before leaped directly onto the platform. 

There were cheers all around, Ye Chen inhaled a deep breath and said to her opponents, “Come.”

As soon as the words were spoken, a small fist that was fast and agile hit Ye Chen square in the face.

Ye Chen was smashed to the ground, crying violently in her heart.

I don’t want to fight, really, I don’t want to fight anymore!

But listening to the referee count “Five, four…”

She recalled the pouch of gold coins and got up.

For the money, she must stand up and never give up!


She roared and bolted towards the three women!

Then, with the anticipation in everyone’s eyes, she seized one of them by the hair and precisely slapped her opponent’s face. The four women fought. The scene changed from a boxing match to a street aunt fight.

The tavern owner lit a cigarette, side-eyed Kyle, “This is what you said “fight well”?”

Kyle, who was being guarded, averted his eyes in grief.

“I have never seen her fight without a sword.”

Oh. So that’s it.

38 collapsed once again, “What are you doing ah!”

“You never taught me how to fight without a sword.”

“Still, you can’t fight like that!”

“They all are professional fighters. I can’t win through conventional routes… See it yourself, don’t you think I am too miserable?”

38, “……”

“Give me more physical stamina and strength, I will drag them to death!”

38, “……”

It believed that she was the one that was going to be dragged to death instead. 

What was the use of increasing physical stamina and strength when her fighting level did not improve? So the scene became, Ye Chen was beaten all… Ye Chen fell… Ye Chen stood up… Ye Chen continued to be beaten… Ye Chen fell again… Ye Chen stood up again!

She was beaten with blood all over her face, fell down again and again, but stood up again and again.

Once, twice, thrice……

Everyone’s excitement at the start gradually diminished and they were simply watching the game.

What a firm and tenacious person. Getting on her feet time after time.

“Can’t lose… Can’t lose…”

Ye Chen was dizzy from being beaten, but she forced herself to rise. Kyle was on the edge of the ring, and he could clearly hear Ye Chen’s words.

Her blood and sweat mixed and fell to the ground but it was as if it had fallen on his heart, blooming one gorgeous flower after another.

He stared dazedly at her, eyeing her swaying. Her arms quivered when she forced herself to rise again. 

“Can’t lose… Can’t lose…”

An inexplicable feeling began to take root and sprout in his heart.

He couldn’t resist following her to say一 Can’t lose… Can’t lose…

The surrounding people were emotionally infected and started to shout one by one, “You can’t lose. You can’t lose!”

From the beginning of only whispered voices, the voice gradually became louder and louder, and finally, the entire venue boiled, shouting rhythmically, “You can’t lose! Fighting!”

“Ye Chen. You can’t lose! Fighting!

When Elt was nearing the tavern, he heard those shouts.

When he heard Ye Chen coming to such a place from the servants, He wasted no time rushing over. The time he stepped into the tavern, he saw such a scene.

Ye Chen was on the platform, besieged by three women. Her face was bloodied and her whole body was swaying, yet she still got on her feet little by little.

The spotlight was on her. The audience was enraptured by her. The four women were tired. Ye Chen was also wounded, but she was persistent in not giving up. 

Like a flower blooming in the cold winter. It cracked open layers of ice to withstand snow and rain; wind and frost[4].

So dazzling that people couldn’t take their eyes off her at all.

Albeit he didn’t want to admit it, Elt couldn’t deny her beauty. He couldn’t deceive himself by saying that he found this beauty repugnant.

Truthfully, similar to the audience, he praised and admired her tenacity. It made his heart palpitate and it wouldn’t slow down.

He observed her fall to the ground by the joint efforts of three people. The Housekeeper voiced, “Young master, do you want to stop her?”

Elt wordlessly clenched his fist. He saw the person in the ring panting and rose again. He eventually said,  “No.”

“She will win.”

He initially wanted to save her, but watching her like this, he was unwilling to speak out.

She worked so hard for a result, to get this glory, he couldn’t force her to give up halfway. Since she fought so hard, she must win.

Ye Chen also thought like that.

She was so painful all over, yet she still asked, “38, remind me, how many gold coins did I bet for myself? ”

“Five hundred.”

“You tell me. What will happen if I lose?”

“Live a life of poverty. Wandering around in the street and having no money to treat your wounds. Not only that, but you will also lose Kyle and all the pain you suffered will be in vain.”

“And that’s why I can’t lose!” Ye Chen yelled.

At this time, the three people had already been worn down by her. Everyone was stunned by her shout.

Everyone saw Ye Chen yelling and slowly stood up, and then…!

She launched an attack!

As if she had been accumulating strength and all of them burst out at this moment.

Left uppercut, uppercut, high punch, low punch, and a flying kick! She seized another of her opponent’s waistbands and hurled her out. 

She dashed over the last opponent, a roundhouse kick! 

She trampled on her and locked her down. The whole audience timed them.

“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!”

“Ye Chen! Ye Chen! Ye Chen!”

The audience cheered Ye Chen’s name. Ye Chen finally let go of the woman. She collapsed on the ring and gasped.

“My five hundred gold coins…” Her eyes fluttered shut, “is safe…”

At this juncture, the last woman lifted her hand and aimed it fast at her throat. Everyone cried out. 

A light flashed. The woman was pierced by the light on her shoulder. The impact knocked her and impaled her on the wall.

The powerful magic silenced everyone. Their heads spun in the direction of the light. 

The young man in a blue robe and white cloak stood there, followed by the Imperial Bodyguards. The Phoenix’s family crest blazed on his collar and everyone instantly held their breath. 

The tavern owner hastily greeted him, but Elt’s attention was focused only on one person.

He marched to the platform. Everyone made way for him.

Elt stepped to the ring and squatted next to Ye Chen.

She was covered in wounds and her face was beaten to a pulp. Elt sneered, “Hideous.”

Ye Chen grinned with effort. Elt took off his pure white glove and touched her face. He scolded, “You are uglier when you grin.”

“Ye Chen! Ye Chen! Is she okay?!”

Kyle’s voice rang. He was still being guarded and his face showed how anxious he was. Elt had learned what was going on on his way here long ago. Kyle’s voice poked his ire.

He finished treating Ye Chen’s wounds. With a frosty face, he strode in front of Kyle. 

Kyle was forced to kneel at the moment. He eyed Elt walk to him while putting on his gloves with a blank expression.



Elt raised his hand and slapped him.

The audience was blinded by Elt’s slap. Elt wasn’t done having his way, though. He lifted his foot and began to kick him.

“You still have the guts to talk? You still have the fucking  guts to talk?! You kept stirring troubles up every day and let others wipe your ass! Whose life is good when you are around them?! You have the guts to be generous to others and do good deeds for them, then you fight for yourself! Why the fuck would you let a woman fight for you?!

Elt punched and kicked Kyle, completely losing his demeanor as a noble. The Housekeeper next to him hastened to pull him, and Elt floundered to continue beating Kyle.

Kyle dared not say a word and Ye Chen lay down, playing dead. 

“Host. Host. You pacify him ah.”

“I won’t,” Ye Chen didn’t open her eyes, “He deserves to be beaten, beaten to death!”

In the end, Elt was a mage. He was exhausted from beating a rough-skinned knight for a long time. He considered his part done. He took off his cloak and arranged it on Ye Chen. He carefully carried her and exited the tavern. 

“Wait for a second…” Ye Chen cracked her eyes open. She still had to brush Kyle’s favorability.

As a result, Elt pressed her head on his chest and threatened, “Don’t speak a word for him at this time or I will also beat you.”

Ye Chen listened to his heartbeat and sensed he was furious.

She understood that her selfless dedication to Kyle made Elt remember the people around him in his previous life and it greatly pissed him. Hence, she became obedient and zipped her mouth.

After taking a few steps, Elt realized that it was not good for him to be so unyielding. He halted his steps and expressed, “A man like him is out of the question. Don’t chase him anymore. Keep some distance from him. ”

“Keep some distance?”

“Correct. Look, aren’t you annoyed he found another girl? Don’t blindly be so good to him. Learn to play hard-to-get. Find someone to annoy him back.”

“Who should I look for?” Ye Chen was taken aback. Now she thought about it, Elt’s idea was quite good. Add fuel to the flame and intensify Kyle’s feelings for her.

Elt proudly answered her question, “Me.”

“Isn’t it just a public display of affection?” Elt boasted with confidence in his eyes, “I am a professional. ” A professional in hurting and fighting against Kyle.

Ye Chen was stupefied by the man’s proud expression. 

She was reminded of a person, but that person was obviously not Elt.

It’s odd. He always did what that person did. The first time she rescued him, she couldn’t help but think of a certain younger martial brother with a sunny smile 

Xie Wushuang.

Those actions. He had done it all.

The author has something to say, 

[Mini theater]

Mo Shu Bai, “Doctor, I invited you here today in order to repay you, I want to give you a performance. ”

Doctor, “Okay, please start your performance.”

Mo Shu Bai, “Now, come, first performance, the reader swallows the blade raw! ”

Doctor, “Hold up, aren’t you the one performing?!”

Mo Shu Bai, “Mn? Oh, right. Fine, I will. The author swallows a thousand needles raw!!”

Doctor, “Restrain her! Hurry up and call the security!”

Mo Shu Bai, “No! Let me go! Let me perform! This is my dream!”

Doctor, “Electrocute! Electrocute her!! Fast!!!”

Mo Shu Bai slowly sank down, looking at the Doctor with sorrow and desperation. 

She took out a needle…

“In the wind and rain,” she shook, “Waiting for you in Jinjiang[5]…”

I can’t wait to fucking stab you to death!!!

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  1. 牛逼 – Niú bī; Slang for awesome, badass, super cool, amazing. Basically, praise. Can also be sarcasm, though.

  2. A lyric from Chinese song “你是我的心你是我的肝”a.ka “You are My Heart, You are My Liver” sung by Ah Zheng from the album “I am Exactly Eighteen Years Old This Year.” The complete lyric are “You are my heart, you are my liver. Love you forever and ever. You are my heart, you are my liver. You are my life’s three-quarters. You are my heart, you are my liver. I want to be with you, forever.”

  3. 车轮战 – chē lún zhàn; lit. Wheel War. A strategy where several people take turns to fight one person, causing the opponent to lose the battle due to fatigue.

  4. 雪雨风霜 – xuě yǔ fēng shuāng. Hardships of one’s life journey.

  5. 晋江文学城 – jìnjiāng wénxué chéng. JJWXC a.ka Jinjiang Literature City.

Ry’s Corner

This Arc’s certified bastard falls on… *drum rolls*… Kyle!!! Congrats, you Trashy Male Lead!!! Even the Headmaster and the Housekeeper are better than him.

Please beat him, Elt!

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4159

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6 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 36”

  1. LOL the author’s mini theater sure took a turn
    also.. huh? is the villain copying Xie Wushuang? Since like spoiling her didn’t work in the other worlds? XD

    • He wants to be her #1 and assumed Ye Chen preferred Xie Wushuang over him…! :<

      MSB’s Mini Theater is unpredictable lol

  2. “This Arc’s certified bastard falls on… drum rolls… Kyle!!! Congrats, you Trashy Male Lead!!! Even the Headmaster and the Housekeeper are better than him.

    Please beat him, Elt!”


    • Kyle hasn’t reached his peak as a bastard, though. There are 5 chapters left before this Arc ends.

      Meaning there are 5 more chapters for Kyle to be Kyle.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡