WfDO Chapter 42

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (9)

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Since the last time she accidentally listened to the conversation between Mo Yu and Ye Wei, her relationship with Mo Yu had become much closer. There were some contradictions due to work, they would still “tit for tat” as before, but after the “confrontation”, they would meet in private to explain their consideration of the problem and their views on all aspects to each other.

Miao Shuya was stern, but she was not stubborn. She would listen to other people’s opinions and follow them if it was indeed better than hers. Mo Yu was also like that. Hence, they would analyze the problem based on their opinions and make a favorable judgment from it.

In that way, naturally, they yield twice the result with half the effort

Miao Shuya and Mo Yu lived in the same neighborhood. Occasionally, they met at work and they would wait for the other to go home together after working overtime at night, or go for a snack or something.

Miao Shuya was a workaholic; Mo Yu was talented. 

Once they started talking about work, they couldn’t stop. Mo Yu was the one who would remind her of time, and Miao Shuya would be embarrassed. 

Mo Yu considered Miao Shuya, whose mind was full of work, was adorable; Miao Shuya considered Mo Yu, who had a common language with her, was not so annoying.

Two people who shared a common career and hobbies got along and became closer. 

Additionally, Miao Shuya was one of the few people who knew Mo Yu’s “secret”.

That “secret” was one of the factors that improved their relationship.

Despite their relationship was becoming better, when the scandal about them broke out in the company, she was perplexed. She deemed it was absurd. Every time she and Mo Yu conversed, it was clearly about work. Why did it become love-talk when it came from other people’s mouths?

It’s just she didn’t like to explain this kind of thing, even if she heard of it. She didn’t take the rumor seriously. She was uncertain of the reason, but when she faced Ye Wei, she had a guilty conscience. She was worried Ye Wei would tell the people the reason she broke up with Mo Yu.

She didn’t want to be estranged from Mo Yu because of this matter. She was scared Mo Yu would resent her for it.

She glimpsed at Ye Wei’s proud and understanding expression. There was also Mo Yu who scrutinized her with a puzzled expression, along with her colleagues. She didn’t know how to clarify the situation.

Mo Yu squinted his eyes, wondering, “Shuya, what is Ye Wei talking about? Has anything happened between you two that I don’t know?”

Albeit Mo Yu was the friendliest among them and had the appearance of a nice and handsome man, once he got serious, his eyes would make the receiver feel pressured, such as this instance.

Miao Shuya had experienced pressure from works for a long time and could retain her calm expression even if she was flustered. She answered, “There are some things that have happened between us before.”

“What things? As far as I remember, you shouldn’t have known Ye Wei before you met me and you haven’t seen her since. What can happen between you and her? Why did Ye Wei say she has made a sacrifice for you?” Mo Yu asked.

Miao Shuya fell silent. She observed Mo Yu’s serious expression then shifted her gaze to Ye Wei. 

Ye Wei haughtily crossed her arms in front of her chest, smiling coquettishly. People would notice her smugness with a glance.

They stayed in a deadlock for a while.

Miao Shuya’s colleagues came out to defend her. Recently, they heard some rumors about Mo Yu. Mo Yu was the celebrity of their team so the news of his girlfriend broke up with a high-profile announcement on the day of their graduation ceremony and then ran away with a rich guy was no secret.

Even if Mo Yu wanted to hide this matter, he couldn’t hide it.

Now they learned the person in front of them was the infamous ex-girlfriend, the first thing that passed on their mind was, she is really beautiful. Her personality was insufferable, though. They accused her with righteous indignation right away. 

Sadly, the few of them who attended the last party were not there. Otherwise, they would recognize that Ye Wei was Mo-zong‘s new love.

“Ye-xiaojie, what can our zuchang do to make you sacrifice for her? Don’t go too far. ”

“That’s right. This place is not the place for you to go wild. ”

“Even if you are the Lao Da‘s ex, you can’t bully people like this. ”

“For the money, you could dump your boyfriend aside yet you still dare to show your face here?”

“You think you can be a rich Xiaojie just by wearing famous brands?”

“What are you proud of? Wake up, don’t be delusional…”

“A perfect match between a bastard and a bitch.”

Ye Wei stared at the speaker. She was incredibly beautiful, her gorgeous makeup enhanced her looks, particularly her narrowed eyes. It caused her to look dangerous, “Oh my, no one had ever denied my sacrifice and greatness. Who are you, a loose-tongued man[1], to speak nonsense here and deny my credit?”

The male colleague she was staring at flushed, “What did you say? Who did you call a loose-tongued man?!”

Ye Wei gasped, “Not only does the loose-tongued man have a loose tongue, but he also has a defective brain? No wonder you can only be a subordinate. How pathetic.”

Everyone present, “……”

The man wanted to argue back but was pressed down by Miao Shuya’s eyes. He scoffed and wrung his head away.

Ye Wei’s smile bloomed, “Besides, why did I dump Mo Yu? Shuya-jie and I are both women. If she puts herself in my shoes, she will understand me, correct?”

Miao Shuya envisioned it, she called Mo Yu and a woman answered it, saying Mo Yu was asleep. 

Just thinking about it, she was mad. Yes, she would be mad.

But even if she were mad, she would never sentence Mo Yu to death without asking about it first.

Miao Shuya expressed, “I’m sorry Ye Wei, I can’t understand you.”

This was where she was different from Ye Wei. She would ask what is going on, rather than relying on her own subjective assumptions to guess what happened. So, no, she could not understand Ye Wei.

That was what she meant. But, to others, it meant something else.

“Yes, our zuchang is not the kind of person who will abandon her boyfriend for money.”

“Do you think everyone is like you, arrogant and shallow?!”


Miao Shuya parted her lips, but couldn’t bring herself to clarify the situation. She could only stop their trash talk.

Ye Wei was scolded by them, but this time she didn’t get angry and scolded them back. Instead, she tearfully looked at Miao Shuya, “Shuya-jie, you are so kind but you won’t say a word for me? It’s alright if Mo Yu doesn’t help me, after all, I have wronged him. But, Shuya-jie, you make me so upset and disappointed. I thought you were the only one who understood me, was I wrong?”

Miao Shuya’s calm expression could no longer be maintained. She personally experienced how bad Ye Wei’s temperament was. She absolutely did this on purpose, purposely cornering her.

Ye Wei understood she hadn’t told Mo Yu about this matter. Every word Ye Wei spoke was aimed at her. Because, on this occasion, she couldn’t explain it properly to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was doubtful. He never guessed there would be a thing between Miao Shuya and Ye We. What happened between them? Scanning Miao Shuya’s expression, he knew she didn’t seem to plan to say anythihng.

His inquisitive eyes scanned back and forth between Miao Shuya and Ye Wei. Eventually, he said to his colleagues, “Sorry. I have a private matter to deal with. You guys go up first. ”

Miao Shuya also didn’t want her colleagues to be watching. In the end, this was not a good thing to publicize. She also said, “You guys go upstairs first. ”

The colleagues were dissatisfied. It was evident they didn’t like, disdained, and looked down on Ye Wei. But the parties involved had spoked and they couldn’t say much. 

They glanced back at them every three steps, ready to rush back to lend them a hand as soon as something went wrong.

Ye Wei was even sadder now. She covered her mouth and sobbed. Her fake appearance truly poked people’s ire. “Shuya-jie, if you don’t understand me, there will be no one in this world who can understand me…”

Miao Shuya stiffened. She peeked at Mo Yu who scrutinized her. “What are you hiding from me? Shuya? Say it.”

Unfortunately, Miao Shuya shut her mouth and avoided his eyes. Mo Yu could only move his gaze to Ye Wei, “Ye Wei, tell me, what the hell is going on?” ”

Ye Wei gave Mo Yu a glance. She stopped her sobs and lifted her chin, acting strong and overbearing, “This is a matter between us women. Why do you ask so many questions? Step aside.”

Mo Yu was dumbfounded. Miao Shuya never expected Ye Wei could be so arrogant and unreasonable to this point.

“??? Ye Wei, speak well. What did you hide from me?”

“Who are you? Why should I tell you? Right, Shuya-jie? Anyway, I have nothing to say to you, but Shuya-jie has. If she tells you, I won’t object. “

Mo Yu looked at Miao Shuya again. His intuition told him this matter was related to him.

Miao Shuya’s face blanched. She dodged Mo Yu’s searching eyes. Ye Wei beamed.

She continued her performance just now and sobbed like nothing happened. She eyed Miao Shuya condemningly, “Shuya-jie, do you really want to do this to me? If you do this, are you worthy of the sacrifice I made for you?”

Mo Yu, “……”   

Miao Shuya took a deep breath. Her complexion was ugly and there was anxiety and irritability at the bottom of her eyes. Seeing that, Mo Yu became even more suspicious.

“Ye Wei, let’s talk about it next time. Our break time will be over soon. And, it’s not suitable to talk about this now.”

Ye Wei, as always, didn’t go with Miao Shuya’s flow, “Shuya-jie, I know this is not something that is suitable to say in public. Don’t worry, I am not someone who is blind to someone’s kindness. If you don’t want others to know, I won’t say it. I will, absolutely will, keep this secret. Even if I am beaten to death, I won’t reveal half a word of our secret.”

Miao Shuya was tense, as if there were eyes observing every of her movement and words. At this juncture, who dared to say that Ye Wei was an empty vase[2]?

Her scheming was evidently deeper than anyone else. Just a few of Ye Wei’s words plunged her into a plight. She couldn’t advance nor could she retreat.

If she told the truth now, outsiders would know the reason Ye Wei broke up with Mo Yu was because of her. Because she answered Mo Yu’s call. Because she said Mo Yu was asleep and made Ye Wei misunderstand, so they broke up…

She was the culprit of their breakup! Even if she was clear she was not a third party in their relationship, who knew what the others would say?

It must not be far from it.

She couldn’t tell the truth, so she concealed it. In the face of Mo Yu’s doubts and inquiries, she was charged with deceiving Mo Yu by Ye Wei!

Mo Yu’s complexion was not good. He was like a fool in this matter. He didn’t know anything nor could he ask anything. 

What made him even more puzzled was, what was it that Miao Shuya hid to make her endure Ye Wei’s accusations?

Facing Mo Yu’s suspicious eyes, Miao Shuya could only urge Ye Wei to leave. Ye Wei covered her face aggrievedly and didn’t leave. Miao Shuya’s anxiety was her source of joy.

Who knew their colleague, the “loose-tongued man,” hadn’t gone far. He turned his head and called the security guard, “Someone is making trouble here. She is not an employee of our company, please drag her out! ”

Noticing the security guard coming, the “loose-tongued man” was pleased with himself, “Get out of here quickly. You are not welcome here!”

Ye Wei sneered, “You dare to move me?”

Miao Shuya stood aside quietly. She also wished for Ye Wei to leave quickly. Mo Yu stepped up and wanted to say that Ye Wei was his classmate. Surprisingly, at that time, the General Manager’s exclusive elevator opened and Xue Zhao hurriedly walked out. 

Needless to say, the “loose-tongued man” knew who Xue Zhao was. He was always by Mo Yuan’s side. Xue Zhao’s presence indicated Mo Yuan was not far away.

He gave the security guard another glance. Mo-zong is coming. Why don’t you hurry to drag out irrelevant people?

However, before the security guard could touch the corner of Ye Wei’s clothes, Xue Zhao brought her behind him. He guarded Ye Wei, “What are you doing? This person is Mo-zong’s distinguished guest!”

The two security guards looked at each other, then eyed the “loose-tongued man,” and said, “We are sorry. We don’t know. It’s him who called us…”

Xue Zhao waved his hand, “Ye-xiaojie will come here from time to time starting now, don’t stop her.”

He bowed to Ye Wei, “Ye-xiaojie, I’m sorry. I have kept you waiting for a long time.”

The “loose-tongued man” was scared silly. He gaped at Ye Wei in shock. How could he guess she had something to do with Mo Yuan?

Even Miao Shuya and Mo Yu, who knew the inside story, were astonished. Miao Shuya knew Mo Yuan. With his temperament, how could he trouble himself to take care of a trivial matter like this?

Mo Yu also didn’t foresee that Mo Yuan would care about Ye Wei. Thinking that Mo Yuan and Ye Wei were close in a place that he couldn’t see, he felt a pang in his heart.

No matter if he didn’t want to admit it, he couldn’t deny it. He still cared about Ye Wei.

Even knowing she was so bad, he was still thinking of her.

Ye Wei didn’t spare Mo Yu a glance. She tilted her head and pointed to the front desk, “Xue Zhao, let’s go. The lunch box is over there.”

Xue Zhao obediently went to pick up the lunch box, ignoring the shock in the receptionist’s eyes whose jaw dropped.

When passing by the “loose-tongued man”, Ye Wei halted her steps. She called out to Xue Zhao, “Do you know? This friend also gave your Mo-zong a nickname.”

Xue Zhao, “?”

The “loose-tongued man”, “?”

Ye Wei, “Mo-zong is a bastard and I am a bitch. How is it, sounds good, no?”

Xue Zhao almost cried, “……” How could you say that out loud? No, even if you dared to say it, couldn’t you just keep it for yourself? Why should you tell him?

The “loose-tongued man” who also almost cried, “……”

How would he know the Gold Master that Ye Wei hooked up with was their Mo-zong ah!

Not only him, but those who were with him to scold Ye Wei now stayed far from him, for fear of being affected by Mo Yuan’s anger.

Xue Zhao glanced at the “loose-tongued man” and the “loose-tongued man”’s heart thumped. He gulped, cold sweat trickled down his back, “I… I… I… No! I didn’t say that! She slandered me!”

Ye Wei chuckled, “Yes, yes. I slandered you. Anyway, your mouth grows on you, you can say whatever you want. I can only be wronged and make do with you. Mn, that’s it. We have been delayed for so long, Mo-xiansheng must be hungry.”

Xue Zhao bowed and trailed behind her. Before leaving, his eyes darted to the “loose-tongued man”. He caught the “loose-tongued man” about to shed tears.

He watched Ye Wei, the enchanting demon, enter the elevator. She waved to him before the elevator’s door completely closed. That face was so beautiful, borderline flirtatious.

That must be it! She was a demon! A demon who ate people clean without spitting the bones[3]!

Ye Wei left without looking at Mo Yu or Miao Shuya.

Miao Shuya breathed a sigh of relief. When she peeked at Mo Yu, she noticed he was looking at the elevator, out of his mind. In those eyes, there was loss and sadness that he himself did not notice.

Miao Shuya pursed her lips. Turned out, he still liked her.

What was there to like about Ye Wei?

Except for that face, nothing else about her was good. Her temperament was bad. She always reversed black and white. She was vain and greedy. Why did he still think of her?

Mo Yu and Miao Shuya quarreled in the office. Their colleagues couldn’t hear them, but Mo Yu’s face was dark and he slammed the door when he left. Many people witnessed it.

The two often quarreled because they had a disagreement, but this time, it was not like the usual. 

“It has something to do with me, right? Since it is something related to me, why hide it from me?”

“I didn’t hide it from you…”

“Then why don’t you say it? Did Ye Wei do something excessive?


“Then, what the hell is going on?”

No matter what Mo Yu asked, Miao Shuya wouldn’t speak. Mo Yu was irritated. Finally, he left with a smile, but that smile was loaded with disappointment. 

Miao Shuya bit her lips. She didn’t know why she did that. Why didn’t she say a word?

Yang Zijian returned to the office after he was done with his ‘business’ in the toilet. He watched Mo Yu slam the door with a dark face. He blankly hauled a passing colleague and asked, “What’s happened? Why did they quarrel? Something happened at lunch?”

He didn’t go with them to lunch because of his uncomfortable stomach, hence he missed the opportunity to confront Ye Wei face-to-face.

Colleague 1, “You don’t know yet? I heard Mo Yu met his ex-girlfriend in the lobby.”

Colleague 2, “I also heard it! They quarreled. It was a fierce quarrel. Miao-zuchang seems to know that woman. That woman said she is Miao-zuchang’s benefactor in front of many people but she didn’t elaborate on it!”

Colleague 3, “Mo Yu’s ex-girlfriend turned out to be Mo-zong‘s current girlfriend! Can you believe it? This is too coincidental!”

Colleague 4, “It’s true! Xue Zhao personally came down to pick her up. I saw it with my own eyes!”

Colleague 5, “Didn’t Mo Yu’s ex break up with him because she has a Gold Master? That means… that Gold Master is our Mo-zong???”

Colleague 6, “Lao Da‘s ex-girlfriend is too much! ”

The dog blood sadomasochistic relationship between Mo Yu, Ye Wei, and Mo Yuan spread fast. Adding a Miao Shuya, people with eyes could clearly discern that her friendship with Mo Yu was not a simple friendship.

Yang Zijian was shocked. Ye Wei’s Gold Master was the heir of Mo-shi, Mo Yuan?

No wonder. Truly no wonder she could abandon Mo Yu without hesitation.

Zhao Hong, who was listening to gossip, was also shocked. Done with her shock, she became angry. How could all the good things fall on Ye Wei?!

That’s Mo Yuan, you know! Even if he was disabled, had a gloomy personality with indistinguishable emotions, he was still Mo Yuan! The future heir of Mo-shi and the only son of Mo-jia! That was enough to offset all his bad!

Where did Ye Wei obtain her good luck?! A Mo Yu left and a Mo Yuan came!

Yang Zijian searched for Mo Yu, but couldn’t find him. He called him a few times but no one answered. He sighed, “This Ye Wei is really a disaster. Why is she everywhere?”

After Mo Yu exited the office, he habitually went to the stairwell to calm his emotions.

He sat on the stairs and covered his face in annoyance. He didn’t understand. What was the thing that couldn’t be told to him?

His intuition told him, that thing is very important.

He thought of Ye Wei. While he thought of her, he remembered that she and Mo Yuan were upstairs at the moment. What were they talking about? What were they doing?

The more he thought about it, the more grumpy he became. With his head in his arms, he crumpled his hair to a mess.

After sitting for a while, he saw the old janitor coming with a broom. He felt relieved when he saw him. He scratched his head embarrassedly, “Don’t you say there is something wrong at your home? Why are you still at work?” ”

Mo Shizong said, “It’s been dealt with, don’t worry. What’s happened? You look quite low.”

Mo Yu shook his head, “It’s nothing.”

Mo Shizong sat down next to Mo Yu, “Tell me your problem, maybe I can help you. ”

Since he discovered Mo Yu was his son, he had been discreetly paying special attention to him and taking care of him. After learning he had the habit of coming to the stairwell, he intentionally created this identity to approach him.

The result was better than he predicted. Now they were “friends” who could share anything with each other. 

At this time, Ye Wei just arrived at Mo Yuan’s office. The arrogance she had before completely disappeared. She now was extremely compliant, “Mo-xiansheng, here, please have a meal.”

The voice was so sweet that people contracted goosebumps.

Xue Zhao had just seen Ye Wei’s arrogant and insufferable appearance. In just a blink, she could change from being so unreasonable to extremely gentle. She could pretend so well that none could see the slightest problem. He shivered. Women are really terrifying creatures!

Mo Yuan was wearing a black suit, even his shirt and tie were black. His gaze cast on the documents in his hands. The black hair was softly scattered on his forehead, and the silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose reflected a faint light, covering the dark color of his eyes.

At work, he appeared less gloomy and more like a weak scholar.

His voice was cold as usual, but his tone was soft, “I heard you quarreled with someone down there?”

“Says who?” Ye Wei immediately glared at Xue Zhao. Xue Zhao looked at the ceiling and mumbled, it’s not me. I didn’t say anything.

Ye Wei ran to Mo Yuan in small steps and tugged his sleeve, “Mo-xiansheng, you misunderstood. I didn’t quarrel with others. I’m not the kind of person who likes to make trouble.”

Xue Zhao rolled his eyes, heh.

Mo Yuan, “Oh, then what did you do?”

Ye Wei appeared to be virtuous, “I was bullied so I rose up to resist!”

Pfft! Xue Zhao almost choked to death with his saliva.

Mo Yuan was nearly choked, but he was accustomed to maintaining his composure. “Who bullied you?”

Ye Wei replied, “Frankly I don’t care if they bullied me, but they dare to bully you, Mo-xiansheng. Someone actually scolds you and me as a bastard and a bitch! I can bear it if they scold me, but how could they scold you?! Of course, I won’t let them do that! I have to fight them to death!”

He raised his gaze and stared at Ye Wei, who put on a strong and brave face.

Ye Wei carefully observed him, “What’s wrong? I am not allowed to do that?”

Mo Yuan patted her head, “Well done.”

Ye Wei expressed her loyalty right away, “No, I haven’t done well enough, Mo-xiansheng, I can do better! ”

Mo Yuan, “Mn. Let’s eat.”

Ye Wei picked up the bowl and said, “I’m so tired today. I’m starving to death. After a hard day, the meal has become fragrant!”

Mo Yuan, “……”  Nevermind. Let’s eat.

After a bowl of rice, Ye Wei abruptly sighed.

Mo Yuan, “?”

She was not sure how it came to this. She should be sorry for bullying the Female Lead, the Male Lead, and even the supporting roles. In the final analysis, she had no confidence she had done the right thing to stop the Female Lead from confessing to the Male Lead. If the Female Lead suddenly confessed to the Male Lead because of this, she would be done, shooting her own foot. But, here she was, relaxed both physically and mentally. She was even elated and itched to eat two bowls of rice to express her joy.

This was the decline of morality and the distortion of human nature.

Who would have thought she was born to be a vicious Supporting Female!

With her mentality, the outstanding employee award was absolutely in her grasp!

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  1. 长舌男 – cháng shé nán. A man who is fond of gossip. Make irresponsible remarks about others. A loquacious man.

  2. 空空的花瓶 – Empty flower vase. Another variation of a beauty with no brain

  3. 吃人不吐骨头 – chī rén bù tǔ gǔ tóu. Oppressing or bullying others very thoroughly, without letting go of even the slightest bit. Cruel. Ruthless. Sinister.

Ry’s Corner

It must be tiring to be Ye Wei’s enemy.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4200

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8 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 42”

  1. i kinda ship Miao Shuya & Ye Wei now. the way they were talking about a secret shared between women could be misinterpreted lol.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡