WfDO Chapter 43

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (10)

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After lunch, Mo Yuan was busy with his work and had no time to chat with Ye Wei, so he sent her to the conference room next door to rest.

For Ye Wei, everywhere was the same. It didn’t matter where she was, as long as she could eat cakes and drink milk tea. Still, after resting there for a bit, she felt uneasy. Her shrewd brain told her that Mo Yuan disliked her so much, how could he let her rest in the conference room to wait for him for no reason?

Talk about the devil and the devil would come. Someone suddenly came in and notified her, “Mo-zong wants to see you.”

And this Mo-zong was certainly not Mo Yuan, but Mo Shizong.

Mo Shizong wanted to see her?

Was he here to shoo her off with the money?

With great interest, Ye Wei heeded without hesitation. 

Mo Shizong had long heard about the dispute between Mo Yu and Ye Wei in the downstairs lobby. Once he recalled Mo Yu’s sad appearance that was caused by Ye Wei, his impression of Ye Wei plummeted. He disdained her even more.

He had a clear purpose in inviting Ye Chen here, “Here, five million yuan[1]. Leave Mo Yuan.”

Ye Wei was amazed by his generous move. A Daddy[2] really deserved to be called Daddy. The son only offered her two million yuan, and his Daddy doubled it directly!

From this spectacle, Mo Shizong evidently understood her better than Mo Yuan. Even the temptation was more lavish. Sure enough. Aged ginger was more pungent[3].

Hm. Not quite right. Leaving Mo Yuan indicated she also left Mo Yu. In this case, it’s 2 and half million yuan for a son… Hmm… When she thought about it, it appeared Mo Shizong didn’t spend a lot of money on her compared to Mo Yuan? 

Still, her heart itched. With the previous two million yuan and the current five million, she could become a multimillionaire in a wink!

Remain calm, me!

She denied herself and concealed her happiness well. She cleared her throat and spoke ignorantly, “What does Shushu mean by this? Offering me five million to make me leave Mo-xiansheng, how can you[4] do this to him…”

Mo Shizong was an old fox. There existed a majestic and sharp aura on himself. “Ye Wei, don’t play tricks with me. It’s futile. You can fool Mo Yuan, but you can’t fool me. I can see that you don’t like him in the slightest. Both I and him understand the true reason you are together with him.”

Ye Wei denied, “Shushu, I disagree with your words. I do like Mo-xiansheng. It’s just, I am relatively shy and not good at expressing myself. So, it’s normal for you to misunderstand.”

Mo Shizong, “……”   

Ye Wei blinked, “Shushu, trust me, I genuinely like Mo-xiansheng. I will take good care of him…”

A faint sneer hung on Mo Shizong’s mouth. He raised his hand to stop Ye Wei’s sophistry. “Enough. Regardless of whether you like him or not, you will never be able to enter my Mo-jia. If your brain is still working just fine, take the money and leave. Otherwise, in the end, you will be left with nothing. You are playing a losing game here. You are clever, you ought to understand this truth, right?”

Ye Wei earnestly requested, “I understand. But, Shushu, can’t you give me a chance? Whether I like Mo-xiansheng or not is actually not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Mo-xiansheng wants me to stay with him. Are you not afraid that Mo-xiansheng will be sad if you drive me away? If that happens, it will also affect the relationship between both of you. For that to transpire because of an outsider like me is not worth it.”

Mo Shizong sent her a contemptuous gaze, “You don’t need to concern yourself about it. Take the money and leave. I never want to see you again.”

“You truly can’t give me a chance? I swear, I absolutely will never hurt Mo Yuan.”

Mo Yuan, that person, didn’t even care about her. In what way could she hurt him?

“No.”  Mo Shizong was resolute, ““This matter is not negotiable.”

“What if I disagree?”

“You can’t afford the consequences.”

Ye Wei bit her lips. There was suffering in her eyes.

She hesitated. She struggled. At long last, she eventually accepted the five million check under Mo Shizong’s icy gaze.

She slumped her head and held the check in her hand, “Shushu is too generous.”

Mo Shizong was not perturbed with Ye Chen’s cynicism. He mandated, “Since you have taken the money, leave. Leave City C as soon as possible. It’s best for you to leave today and never step to City C ever again.”

Ye Chen said, “Shushu and Mo-xiansheng really have a deep father-son relationship. I understand that everything you have done is for Mo-xiansheng’s sake. Mo-xiansheng is so remarkable and fine, I am not a match for him. So, Shushu, I don’t blame you. Soon, I will be gone. I hope that in the future when I am no longer here, you will treat Mo-xiansheng well…”

Mo Shizong had contacted the Secretary, “That’s it. You may leave.”

Thus, Ye Wei was driven out with a five million yuan check in her hand.

Mo Shizong didn’t even bother to watch her being driven out. For him, Ye Wei was a nobody, a person of little importance. With just some money, he could get rid of her.

If it weren’t for the fact that Mo Yu liked her; If it weren’t for the fact that she and Mo Yuan were entangled, she would never enter his eyes.

These days, he just must wait for Ye Wei to depart from City C after taking the money. In that way, this woman would slowly slip away from Mo Yu’s mind.

After driving Ye Wei out, he reached to his Secretary once more and instructed him to ask if Mo Yuan had a girl he fancied from the list he provided. If so, he would arrange a few meals with that girl. If they were suitable, they could prepare for the marriage.

He had weighed it carefully. After Mo Yuan formed his own family, he, Mo Shizong, could recognize Mo Yu as his son openly. They could get an exclusive period of time where they could bond as father and son. He would make up for his debt.


“The Chairman[5] summoned Ye-xiaojie over.”

“The Chairman offered Ye-xiaojie five million yuan to make her leave you.”

“Ye-xiaojie probably agreed because she left the office with a check in her hand.”

Xue Zhao cautiously relayed the news of Ye Wei to Mo Yuan. The more he spoke, the quieter his voice. He dared not glimpse at Mo Yuan’s gloomy face. He didn’t need to use his brain to understand that Mo Yuan was furious. Xue Zhao just didn’t know, who was he furious at? Ye Wei? Mo Shizong?

He added, “The Chairman also asked if you have seen the list he gave. He told me that if you fancy someone on the list, he will make the arrangements for you.”

Mo Yuan leaned back on his chair with his eyes shut. His handsome face was pale. He clasped his hands in front of his abdomen. He was poker-faced and it was impossible to guess what he was thinking. 

Xue Zhao dared not move lest he upset him. He prayed silently for Ye Wei, hoping for her to have a good life in her next life.


Ye Wei was summoned by Mo Shizong, and the news circulated fast. Many people saw it, after all. She was photographed when she left with a check in her hand. Someone uploaded it to their company’s forum and it blew up.

【Hot news! The Chairman gives Ye Wei five million yuan to make her leave Mo-zong!

【Isn’t Ye Wei Mo-zong’s girlfriend?】

【It appears that the Chairman does not approve of her.】

Ah ah ah! I also want five million! Why can’t such good luck fall on me?】

【Is it just me or do any of you also think Ye Wei is disgusting?】

【She goes so far as to take the five million. What will Mo-zong do now?】

【Now everyone will know that Mo-zong has- or had? a girlfriend who cast him away for money.】

【Mo-zong is quite pitiful ah.】

【You don’t need to pity Mo-zong. At least he still has money. It’s me who you should pity. I have no girlfriend and I have no money!】


There were lots of people in the forum. They also had their own circles. The news spread so fast that it took no time for the next to reach the circle where Mo Yu and Miao Shuya were.

They were dumbfounded when they heard the next, Mo Yu in particular. Ye Wei broke up with him because of money. And now, she was bought by money again and left Mo Yuan. 

He couldn’t help but wonder, does Ye Wei have a heart?

Has she ever really liked someone?

Though, if she had, that love must have long disappeared. There was only money in her eyes and heart now. She was no longer the person he remembered. 

He was disappointed. He was upset. Despite it, he also conceded. He couldn’t think of her anymore. He had to forget her. 

Miao Shuya never predicted things would develop like this. Nevertheless, it was not a bad thing for her that Ye Wei left Mo Yuan. She would have fewer opportunities to encounter her. She wouldn’t get stuck in a situation like today again.

She didn’t know why, but, on such thoughts, she breathed a sigh of relief. There was indeed nothing wrong with this result. 

Yang Zijian smiled indifferently. He knew that Ye Wei was a typical gold worshipper[6]. She would follow whoever had money.

Zhao Hong was mad. She recalled her ex when he broke up with her, he shamelessly requested her to return the gifts he had bought for her. Even when they bought a house together, he equally divided the cost and made her pay[7]. She boiled with anger. Why did she must return those gifts if the money she paid for the house wasn’t returned?!

Comparing herself to Ye Wei…

Damn you, Ye Wei! You break up yet you still have such good luck to get money out of it!


In a brief period, the news that Ye Wei accepted five million yuan to leave Mo Yuan became a public secret in Mo-shi.

Many lamented, the dignified son of Mo-jia miraculously fell in love. Yet, who would have guessed that the other party was a woman who could be bought with money? Ultimately, everyone knew about it and he lost his face. It was too bleak.

Following the heated discussion in the afternoon, a serious question arrived. 

【What about Ye Wei? Where does she go? 】

【Right. Where does Ye Wei take the money to? Has she left the company? The young lady at the front desk, please enlighten us. 】

【I haven’t seen her left ah. In fact, I haven’t seen Ye Wei all afternoon.” 】

【Why are you guys so stupid? With Mo-zong‘s vengeful temperament, how could he let Ye Wei off just like that? 】

【That’s true! I’m afraid Ye Wei will be done for. Even if she has money now, she won’t get the chance to spend it! 】

【You know… This situation reminds me of a sadomasochistic drama… the imprisoned version… 】

【This is so exhilarating. I like it so much ah! 】


Everyone played the guessing game of where Ye Wei had gone because she hadn’t shown up since. The receptionist said she hadn’t seen her left. A big living person couldn’t disappear into thin air just like that. Was she really imprisoned by Mo Yuan?

Mo Shizong also heard the news. He shook his head in amusement, “My son may look indifferent, but in fact, he is very emotional. There is no room for sand in his eyes[8]. If he truly cares about Ye Wei, the instant Ye Wei takes the money, he is done with her.”

In his opinion, Ye Wei was fairly cautious, but she was not good enough to fight him. She was way more inexperienced than him.

He signed the last document, got up, and said, “Let’s go.”

There was another important situation he must deal with in the evening.

He walked all the way to the door of the elevator. Unexpectedly, as soon as the elevator opened, Ye Wei stood there holding Mo Yuan’s hand. She smiled and whispered in his ear. His son, who had never liked being approached by others, let her do as she liked.

……How was that possible?

It stood to reason that, at this point, Mo Yuan and Ye Wei should be quarreling, or in a cold war, or something similar. They shouldn’t be talking and laughing like they are now.

Mo Shizong, who always mapped out his strategy to the detail, was caught off guard. He couldn’t respond in time. 

It was Ye Wei who noticed Mo Shizong. She stepped forward and in a polite manner greeted, “Shushu, hello.”

She was beautiful and she could act well. She genuinely looked like a well-behaved young lady at this moment. 

Mo Shizong’s face darkened, “Ye Wei, have you forgotten our agreement? Mo Yuan, look closely, do you think this woman is a good person? Do you know she took the five million I offered? She only loves money. She will follow whoever has money!”

Mo Yuan had fine facial features. His dark eyes scrutinized Mo Shizong from afar, cynical and cold. A glance from him could make one lose their nerves from the scare.

Mo Shizong himself didn’t like such Mo Yuan. Every time he was stared at by him like this, he could discern his back drenched with cold sweats. 

Ye Wei was remorseful, “Shushu. I’m sorry. I do remember it. I haven’t forgotten it. I do promise you to take the money and leave. I am downright sincere and don’t have the idea to lie to you.”

Mo Shizong doubted, “Then, why are you still here?”

Ye Wei scratched her cheek. She beamed, “Because Mo-xiansheng offered me ten million yuan to stay with him. So… how about you raise the price again and I will leave?”

Mo Shizong, “……”   

Ye Wei, “Shushu, you are a businessman. You know that price rises when demand rises. Although I am not a businessman, I still know a little. See, Shushu, I am not that bad.”

Mo Shizong, “……”   

Furthermore, she believed she was in high demand. Wasn’t she just awesome?!

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  1. 5 Million Yuan ≈ 788k USD.

  2. Ye Wei used 爸爸 – bàbà; Papa, Daddy, Father, in this line.

  3. 姜还是老的辣 – jiānɡ hái shì lǎo de là. A proverb. The older, the wiser.

  4. Ye Wei used the respectful you (您 – nín) for Mo Shizong. She also used 您 for Mo Yuan, btw.

  5. 董事长 – dǒng shì zhǎng; Chairman (of the board)

  6. 拜金 – bàijīn; Gold Worshipper. I mistakenly translated this as Gold Digger before. Gold Worshipper is not the same as Gold Digger. Changes have been made to the past chapters. More about this on the TL Notes below.

  7. In usual practice here, the man will be the one that pays for the house. Because when a woman marries, they will leave their family and go to the man’s family, the least the man can do is give her a comfortable space a.ka house.

  8. 眼里容不下沙子. Cannot tolerate unreasonable or unfair things. Inability to tolerate something/someone opposing him. Harsh.

Ry’s Corner

TL Notes: Changed Gold Digger (淘金 – táojīn) to Gold Worshipper (拜金 – bàijīn). I forgot these two are not the same lol. Gold Worshipper loves money. They worship money. They don’t necessarily seek wealthy people in order to extract money from them. They just… love money too much and respect those who have money. They are not malicious compared to Gold Digger. 


Mo Yuan called Mo Shizong with 父亲 – Fù Qīn; Father and called his Mother with 妈妈 – Māmā; Mom. Mother. 

父亲 is more respectful compared to 爸爸… somewhat… Uh, actually, not really…? 

Just, usually, if you use 父亲, you will pair it with 母亲 – Mǔ Qīn; Mother. If you use 妈妈, you will pair it with 爸爸. Mo Yuan uses different addresses for his Father and Mother. It indicates he is closer to his Mother and probably has a not-so-good relationship with his Father but he still respects him just from the addresses. 

It’s “usually”, though. Sometimes there are cases where you use different addresses just because.

Oh, today’s ramble is quite long. Sorry about that.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2481

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