TVIRAD – Chapter 41

Arc 3
The Glory of God (11)

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Kyle smiled bitterly and lifted his sword.

The two placed their hands on their chest and performed the unique courtesy among knights. The next second, simultaneously, they sprung up and clashed their swords.

It’s not like there had never been friendly duels between them, it’s just since Elt and Ye Chen got together two years ago, Kyle rarely had contact with her. In two years, Ye Chen cultivated well and reached the last stage of Foundation Building. Kyle himself had reached the level of Paladin, the Knight’s highest’ level, even before graduation all thanks to his heaven-defying luck and his talent一 He was a step away from reaching the apex of the Knight. 

Kyle’s strength was recognized by many. Ye Chen rarely made her shots and none could gauge her strength, Hence, as soon as the battle commenced, the people watching began to worry about Ye Chen. Meanwhile, Elt, who was pretty much like a bride waiting for the groom[1] in this situation, propped his chin and looked down on them from above. 

“Young Master,” the Housekeeper hustled over and whispered, “Shall we help Miss Ye?”

“She won’t lose.” Elt narrowed his eyes at the Housekeeper,  his pair of eyes clearly showed “You are an idiot”, and said, “How could she lose?”

Hardly had his voice fade away, Ye Chen was literally thrown to the ground by Kyle – the kind where her face met the ground first.

My face hurts, really hurts.

Elt stiffened. Under the confused eyes of the Housekeeper, he insisted, “She made a momentary mistake.”

Just after speaking, Ye Chen was stepped to the ground again by Kyle.

Elt, “……”

He could no longer convince himself.

Ye Chen was rapidly thrashed on the stage and almost cried.

She was leaning more to the dexterous route, in contrast to Kyle who was arguably slower but had a stronger impact for each strike. She didn’t know where he got the opportunities to learn in the past two years, but he actually remedied his initial clumsiness. His movements were not slowing down, he swung the sword as if it weighed nothing.

Ye Chen counted on her speed to attack him, but this caused her to exhort too much of her physical strength. After she was knocked down to the ground for the nth time, she settled to change her offense to defense, lurking around waiting for the opportunity. 

Kyle also suffered some wounds but compared to Ye Chen who was beaten until she coughed blood, the wounds on his body could not be considered severe. Kyle watched Ye Chen, who was covered in blood, stubbornly rise to her feet. He felt a pang in his heart. 

This scene crossed with the scene from when she saved him and Yin that year. Ye Chen was also like this. For his sake, she was battered all over but never backed down. Again, and again. Persistent and dauntless

He watched her tremble to prop herself. A part in his heart clamored with distress.

Stop this.

Don’t fight anymore.

Just forfeit.

His gaze was cast on her shaking arms, on her drops of sweat mixed with her blood. He must persist. He couldn’t forfeit. This was his respect for Ye Chen as a swordsman.

Elt observed Ye Chen bracing herself up little by little, ears to the sincere words of the Housekeeper next to him, “Young master, Miss Ye really likes you. ”

He didn’t reply.

Like him? Does she really?

His heart was full of paradoxes. The appearance of the girl floundering to stand up and fight for him was too charming. Every time she swung her swords; Every time she was knocked to the ground just to get up again. It strung his heartstrings, driving him to feel both distressed and happy. 

Yet, in his heart, there was a voice reminding him constantly.

Fake. It’s all fake.

But, why did that voice say that?

He didn’t know.

He had no option but to wait for the result of this match.

Kyle striked Ye Chen continously. Ye Chen only defended and did not assail on him. She waited for an opportunity. When she couldn’t dogde, she would parry his sword with tremendous effort and create some distance. 

Just like that, she really only defended for the whole afternoon. The whole audience boo‘ed her. Kyle discerned that his strenght had depleted a lot. If he felt so, Ye Chen, a woman, must have felt even more so. Just based on that, at this time, he could easily detect her exposed weak points that she couldn’t hide due to exhaustion. Yet, she still confronted him and had no intention to forfeit. 

“Why,” Kyle couldn’t help but open his mouth, “are you so fixed on being his knight this much?!”

His words produced a laugh from Ye Chen.

“Kyle, I seldom fight for what I want.”

“This is the first time一 I hope, I can have him.”

“Did you speak the truth?” 38 abruptly focused its attention on her and quit playing the game. 

Ye Chen directly replied,  “It’s only to stir up his emotions. Don’t take it seriously.”

Kyle was silent. Ye Chen seized her chance to launch an offense. Both of them were like an arrow at the end of their flight[2]. Ye Chen gritted her teeth, resisting hard to counter Kyle. She poured Spiritual Aura to her sword, continuously counting the number of times she swung the sword. Her body was numb and her Spiritual Aura was almost used up.

Elt naturally felt the changes in the surrounding magical elements. He knew that Ye Chen could do magic. Although her method was different from the norm, she still could. She was totally capable of becoming a mage, but she chose to raise her sword instead.

Elt pursed his lips. He eyed Ye Chen shout with all her strenght and knocked Kyle out.

Kyle was blasted to the ground, and amidst the cheers of the crowd, he slowly shut his eyes.

Nothing. There is nothing left for him.

But Ye Chen didn’t pay any attention to him. She carried her sword and walked towards Elt step by step, forming a bloodied path behind. 

The loud cheering was deafening yet Elt couldn’t hear their voices. His world was quiet. There was only the girl, soaked in blood in the setting sun, walked towards him step by step, She quiveringly knelt on one knee——

Still quivering, she presented her sword and looked up at him.

“I did it.”

Her gaze on him was heavy, “Elt, from now on, I’m your knight, all yours一”

“Following you, protecting you, and accompaning you. Until death part us.”

Elt was wordless for a long time before he eventually parted his lips and questioned.


Why? Clearly, she could stand in this world as a mage. Why did she choose to be his knight instead?

The girl’s smile bloomed, as if she understood what he implied, “I don’t want to be a mage. I want to protect you.”

The moment her voice dropped, Elt hauled her into his arms. He hugged her tightly amidst the cheers. He never wanted to let her go, never again.

Kyle sprawled on the ground, overlooking everything from a distance. Yin came to him, she wept quietly, and supported him.

Kyle smiled and said softly, “Be good. Don’t cry.”

On the first day after Ye Chen became a knight, she received news from her family that Kyle went to both their families and asked to withdraw from their engagement. At long last, she was finally free from her engagement.

The news was told by her father, Ye Xun. This was her first time seeing the original owner’s father in this world. He was old-fashioned with a dignified look. He stayed taciturn for a long period after he relayed the news, “Congratulations on becoming the knight of the Young Master of the Lancer Family.”

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment and smiled, “Thank you.”

“You didn’t have to be a knight,” said Ye Xun seriously. “We, Ye Family, don’t have to be a knight just for an interest.”

“But I have,” Ye Chen smiled, her words solemn, “Father, I hope I can protect my person, protecting him for a lifetime.”

Ye Xun didn’t reply. Minutes passed, he sighed and turned to leave.

Ye Chen glanced back and saw Elt at the door. She blinked twice. Elt was staring intensely at her. He beckoned to her with a soothing voice, “Come here.”

Ye Chen guessed that he had heard her conversation with her father just now and was a little embarassed. Still, she obediently came to him. Elt calmly studied her. Long afterward, he clasped their hand, bowed his head and kissed her cheek. 

A soft and reverent kiss. 

“Whether you are sincere or not, it doesn’t matter. But, Ye Chen,” Elt glanced up at her and declared in an earnest manner, “I am willing to promise you.”

Ye Chen stared at him blankly, then listened to him continue, “Supposing that you indeed require it. I’m willing to give up on my revenge on Kyle.”

“At the same time -” Elt plucked out a diamond ring. Beneath Ye Chen’s surprised expression, the always arrogant young man knelt down on one knee and solemnly proposed, “I hope一 You can marry me.”


Ye CHen laughed maniacally in her heart, pounding 38’s shoulder excitedly, “38, he proposed to me! He proposed to me!”

“Oh, did he?” 38 smoked a cigarette. Its smiley face was mixed with two complex emotions of scorn and sorrow, “Take a look at yourself in the mirror. You look exatcly like those fools who are in love.”

Elt caught Ye Chen’s strange smile and knitted his brows. Ye Chen soon realized the other parry was displeased and coaxed at once, “Yes yes yes. We will get married right away!”

“No rush…” Elt was a little bashful in his heart. He lifted his hand and put the ring on Ye Chen’s finger. He lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand. He explained, “I’ll go find my father first. ”

“What are you looking for him for?”

“I want to marry you. It is only natural that I want to marry you in an upright and honourable manner.”

The young man’s face in the light was extremely gentle. His eyebrows shaded his eyes, narrowing the edges. At this moment, Ye Chen had an illusion that the person standing in front of her was like Gu Jianan from many years ago.

Time would erase a person’s mark. However, she didn’t know why, Ye Chen felt that Gu Jianan, Jun Yan and Elt all had the same magical power. That magical power made her never able to forget them and the experience she shared with them. 

She always carefully controlled her feelings, but she couldn’t suppress her desire to get closer to them. 

Because she knew that her heart was like a diamond. It was challenging to leave traces on it, but once a scratch was left, it was tough to erase it. 

Her gaze on him was scorching. Elt met her gaze, “What are you looking at me for? Mn?”

Ye Chen smiled and said nothing. She tiptoped and kissed him on the side of his face.

Like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water, only for a fleeting moment. Though, it was enough to cause surging waves in the opponent’s heart. 

Elt had said he would go find his father, and he did exatcly that. Every day, he swayed his father. He also went to find Ye Xun. Ye Xun was not pleased with Elt. He scorned him at every turn, but Elt persisted. 

Ye Chen paid attention to Kyle for some time. Failing on becoming Elt’s knight, he entered the Paladin Order of the Imperial Capital which was directily under the supervision of the Royal Family, the knight in the Order did not belong to any independent mage. She met him by chance several times. He and Yin were doing well. Kyle insisted that their relationship was just a brother and sister relationship, still, everyone would only laugh and tease them about their wedding date. Every time such a question was asked,  Yin would blush and Kyle wouldn’t utter a word.

The current Kyle was no longer the Holy Father from back then. He went out in the morning and only returned when it was late at night from his task on the Order. He no longer did good deeds every day, never again.

On several occasions, he noticed Ye Chen’s presence, but he acted not to notice her. He was aware that these days, she kept following him around before eventually leaving. When Ye Chen left, he remained in place silently for a prolonged period. 

Elt was also aware that Ye Chen did that. Before he questioned her, Ye Chen took the initiative to report it to him, “I just go to make sure he is doing well.”

“Are you still afraid that I will kill him? “Elt showed his disatisfaction. Ye Chen became serious and asked,  “Will you?”

Elt sneered. He rose to his feet and departed. 

The two had lived together since graduation day. Elt always scoffed on her at every turn and Ye Chen would only shrug at him.  

This time, she kept her silence. She lowered her head and ate the noodles in the bowl, as she ate she said, “Add some mushrooms next time.”


“Host,” 38’s voice sounded like it had gone throught many ups and downs, “I am wondering, am I neglecting my job to keep you in line?”

Mn?” Ye Chen was suprised, “How did you neglect your job?”

“Say, in the next world, should I just assign tasks to you? Looking at you like this, when can we finish this task? ……If it wasn’t because there was nothing alarming about your Emotional Value, I would be really afraid of this situation.”

“What are you afraid of?” Ye Chen slurped her noodles, “Don’t be afraid, I know what I’m doing.”

Her words pushed 38 to be even more afraid. It recalled the fluctuation of her Emotional Value when Jun Yan died in the last world. 

Ye Chen expanded her hand and oggled at her diamond ring, very pleased with herself.

Thanks to Elt’s persistent effort, Elt’s father and Ye Xun ultimately gave their blessing. Elt was noticeably elated. He organized the wedding every day and sent some people to keep eyes on Kyle.

Kyle was a ticking bomb. He couldn’t ignore him. The things Kyle did in the previous life was etched on his mind. Even though the current Kyle didn’t resemble the past Kyle, Elt couldn’t continue to just keep eyes on him. 

In his heart, there was a thorn.

That thorn name was Kyle. 

He leaked the news about his marriage to the whole Imperial Capital. Kyle, who was now the most promising knight in the Order, naturally heard the news every time he was at the Order. It was painful for him. He couldn’t handle it. The night before Elt and Ye Chen got married, he applied for a quest outside the Imperial Capital to escape from the impending day that he wished to never exist. 

Regardless, not long after he left the Imperial Capital, he discerned someone was pursuing him. In a flash, he shifted his direction and intended to return to the Imperial Capital. Though, his opponents already unsheated their swords.

Tbey were first-class fighters. There were even some high-level mages! Kyle’s heart was drenched in cold water, “Who sent you here!”

He glimpsed at the Phoenix Crest on the mage’s collar and his eyes dilated.

A huge fireball smashed from the sky, accompanied by the angry shout of the mage, “Go to hell!”

On the other side, Ye Chen put on her wedding dress, studying herself in the mirror. She was a little nervous. 

Elt stood behind her, also studying the girl in the mirror. She hadn’t put on makeup, her black hair was draped over her shoulders, and the wedding dress inlaid with diamonds glittering with brilliance in the light. Just by this alone, one could witness her enchanting looks. The admiration in his heart couldn’t be thwarted. 

He never discovered she was this beautiful. She always appeared casual and kept fooling around when she was with him. Now she sported a white dress with loose hair. The current her had the unique aura and bashfulness belonging to a maiden, unlike her usual self. She appeared extraordinarily beautiful. 

He strongly withstood the urge to embrace her. He stood behind and said with a poker-face, “Hmm. It fits well.”

“No.” Ye Chen’s nervousness peaked when she imagined the sea of people watching their wedding tommorow. She especially nervous that she would do something stupid. She gulped and pointed at her dress’ tail, “This is too long. By that time, how could I walk properly?”

“Someone will help you with it.”

“What if I step on it and fall?”

Elt, “……”

How can there be such a stupid bride?

Elt’s expression was impossible to explain in just a few words. Ye Chen examined his face and warily said, “At that time… can I just jump?”

Elt’s expression cracked,  “How are you going to jump?”

“In case that I fall… Probably, I will do a back-flip to steady myself by reflex and the like…”

“Enough!” Elt brokedown. He imagined it. He was waiting for Ye Chen in front of the priest. Ye Chen walked step by step to him, holding flowers in her hands. Then, out of nowhere, she did a back-flip. Elt got the feeling that it must be so ‘beautiful’. He dared not continue to imagine it. Though, if that really happened… It was guaranteed that he would be in the headlines for god knows how long and became the laughing stock of the Imperial Capital.

He ground his teeth and stated, “Don’t worry. You won’t fall.”

“How could you be so sure I won’t fall?!”

“There is me!” Elt raised his voice, “If you fall, I will carry you!”

Ye Chen, “……” Blush.

She didn’t have to walk on her wedding day. She could get carried instead, hehe.

The moment Elt caught Ye Chen’s expression, he saw her transparent mind, “Don’t do it on purpose!”

“You think I am the kind of person who will do that kind of thing?” Ye Chen straightened her face.

Elt nodded wihout delay, “Yes.”

Ye Chen heaved a sigh. 

“We are going to be a husband and wife. Yet, you still don’t know what kind of person I am. Really, Elt?”

Elt heh’ed in his heart. 

He moved his gaze and peered at the two people in the mirror. 

Ye Chen tracked his gaze. There were only two of them in the mirror, as if there were only two of them in the world.

“Elt,” Her eyes curved from her smile, “Tommorow, I am going to marry you.”


Elt’s gaze softened.

“Elt,” she faced him, “Do you like me?”

Elt didn’t answer. He lifted his eyebrow and teased, “Want to know the answer?”


“Tommorow,” He lowered his head and breathed on her ear, “In front of God, I will tell you the answer.” 

Tell you that I, even after twist and turn, do love you so much.

It was late at night when they finished trying on their clothes. Elt had a lot to prepare, so he returned back to his place first. 

Ye Chen just switched from her wedding dress to her nightdress and was ready to sleep. She rose to her feet after she heard 38’s scream. 

“The Male Lead is going to die! He is going to die! AHH!”

Ye Chen was shocked. The foundation on this world as on the Male Lead, only by ensuring the Male Lead stayed alive would this world operated stably. No one was allowed to kill the Male Lead!

She snatched her sword from the wall and skipped from the second floor. 

“Where is he?”

“Outside the city! I have given you the map! Go, hurry!”

A map appeared in Ye Chen’s mind. Kyle’s location was marked with a light spot. It was moving. Seemed like Kyle was on the run for his life. 

Ye Chen rushed after the light spot. After a few steps, she abruptly asked, “Can I make it in time to come back tommorow?”

“Who the fuck cares about it now?!” 38 roared, “Save people first! If he dies, both of us are done!”

Ye Chen was dazed. She pursed his lips and sealed the thought to the back of her mind. She raced all the way to Kyle’s position. 

Kyle was pierced by a magic ball. He slumped on the back of his horse and didn’t slow his speed.

He glimpsed that his blood kept flowing out. The wound caused by magic would not heal, just like a curse. It would stay on your wound and devour your flesh and blood. 

The wind roared past his ears. Ahead was a cliff, but he had no retreat.

He scurried down the cliff with his horse. His mind was fuzzy as if he was in a sea of clouds. The only item that was clear was a girl holding a sword.

“But,” She smiled, “I don’t like you anymore.”

Don’t like him?

When did it stop…

When did you don’t like…

Why do you not like me anymore?


Questions popped one after another. At the time he crashed to the lake and the water poured into his lungs, the repressed emotions in his heart burst.

Why did you leave me? Why give up on me?

I already make great efforts. I… like you so much…

Vaguely, he heard the roar of a dragon. Someone seemed to ask him, “Do you want to know the answer?”

“In that case…I will have your wish fulfilled.”

And then, countless pictures flashed on his mind.

Ye Chen escorted him all the way back to the Imperial Capital. He was framed in the entrance examination. Ye Chen seeked Elt for his sake……

The picture was pouring endlessly, and froze on Elt’s figure pressing on Ye Chen.

“Ye Chen. I have lived two lives. Kyle killed my friends and family. You know that, right?” 

“You wasted your time for so long to seduce me, just for this reason?”

“If I promise you to let Kyle go, will you keep going like this with me?”


There was a piercing pain in Kyle’s heart.

No. Ye Chen. I don’t need you to protect me. Not like this.

“You don’t need such protection, but….. can you protect yourself?”

Someone said in his mind, “He has lived two lives. He is the Young Master of the Lancer Family. He is a genius mage comparable to the Arch-Mage. Kyle, if she didn’t protect you, you would be an ant that could be easily squashed in front of Elt. What can you do to protect yourself?”

“You lost your lover. You lost your dream. You could only watch your woman, your fiancée, marry someone else for your sake. There is nothing you can do. Look at you, aren’t you at this moment being chased like a dog?”

“What can you do, Kyle?”

The person chuckled, “What a poor, poor man. No better than an ant.”

“Strength…I want to become stronger…I want to live, I want to take back everything that belongs to me…”

“That can be done,” the person replied, “If you are willing to be my servant…”

In front of Kyle, a black figure materialized. Kyle gazed into his eyes. His mind was full of Ye Chen’s appearance. 

Time kept ticking. Ultimately, Kyle shut his eyes and announced, “I am willing.”

When Ye Chen reached the lake, it was already late. She hopped into the lake and started searching. She proceeded down the river side and shouted herself raw until it was almost dawn. She eventually found Kyle who was unconscious on the bank of the river.

He was heavily wounded and breathing hard. Ye Chen checked on his Spiritual Power and carried him back to the Imperial Capital in a hurry. 

The road was too long, too tough to thread. Ye Chen was scraped by branches. Kyle was confounded and saw the girl’s sweaty side face.

The sun had completely risen. Kyle gaped at her, “Chen…”

“Save your energy, don’t talk.” Ye Chen spoke right away, “We’ll go out soon.”

“Why are you… Here?”

She should be in the church, envied by all the guests, holding a bouquet of flowers and standing by Elt’s side.

Ye Chen raised her head to peek at the sun. She really, really didn’t want to asnwer that question.

She walked out with Kyle on her back, taking care of him unconditionally, just as she did back then.

Kyle buried his head in her neck. He didn’t know why he teared up.

He didn’t have the courage to ask any more questions. This tenderness was not something belonging to him. 

Ye Chen strode in a big step. She was very tense. Nonetheless, the forest was so big that she didn’t go out until the afternoon. Then, she rented a carriage and drove back to the city with Kyle.

They were far from the Imperial Capital. Kyle’s wounds were deep and couldn’t stand any bump. Thus, Ye Chen was powerless. She could only watch the sun set, little by little,

Meanwhile, on Elt’s side, he stood in the church, surrounded by his relatives, friends, and sea of people waiting for the legendary wedding of the most beloved eldest Young Master of the Lancer Family, the genius mage who was about to inherit the Divine Tower. 


The Bride didn’t appear. 

The people of  the Ye Family went crazy from it. Elt kept waiting in the church, standing in front of the priest with a maintaned smile. 

He didn’t say a word. No one could see through his mind.

From sunrise to sunset, the handsome Groom always maintaned his smile.

When the sun completely set, Elt finally spoke.

“I’m sorry,” His voice was gentle, “My bride probably won’t come.”

People disappeared one after another. When there was only him left in the church, he sat on a chair, silently staring at the statue of God.

Ye Chen handed Kyle to Yin. By that time, the city bell tolled. She darted at the moon hanging high in the sky and sprinted towards the church. When she reached the church, she slammed the door open and shouted, “Elt!”

No one responded, but she caught the man sitting under the moonlight in the dark night.

His suit was tailored specially for this day. A small rose was tucked in his pocket square. The withered bouquet was placed beside him. He didn’t look back nor did he speak, as if she didn’t exist.

Ye Chen cautiously stepped to him, “Elt?”

“For so long,” Elt started to say, “I have been telling myself, you love me.”

“When you kissed me; When you exert yourself to be my knight; When you knelt in front of me; When you put on your wedding dress. I always told myself, you must have love me so一”


“For the possibility of being loved by you, I am willing to give up my everything.”

He stood up unhurriedly and angled to stare at Ye Chen. His eyes were dull, as if he was narrating another person’s story, “You said you have secrets that can’t be told to me and you ought to protect Kyle. I don’t get to the bottom of it, because I believe you.”

“No matter what the past Kyle had done, I am willing to give up on my revenge, for you. I convinced myself that the future Kyle won’t harm me, my friends, and my family, for you.”

“I thought, as long as I did enough, maybe, one day you will be moved by me.”

“I thought, by doing this much, you will respond to my feelings.”

“But Ye Chen,” he stared at her deeply, “It could only last for so long. So, I ask you, for once, and only once一”

“In the end,” The corners of his lips raised into a ridiculing smile, “How much do you like me? Do you even like me?”

Ye Chen didn’t answer. She gazed at the young man in front of her in silence. How she wanted to tell him, I like you. I like, really like you so so much.

But the other party’s dull eyes packed down the words in her mouth. 

What Jun Yan said before his death lingered in her mind. In those years, she believed she had performed well and hid her true feelings carefully. Only by then did she learn, it turned out that someone could be so keen to other people’s feelings.

She could try to cheat him, but he wouldn’t be cheated by her.

How much did she like him?

She didn’t know.

Maybe, she merely wanted to feel the feeling of falling in love, or maybe, she was still in the stage of trying to like him back.

All along, she always controlled her feelings, she never knew how much she liked him. She sealed all her feelings in the deepest part of her heart. She never opened it again nor did she lay her finger on it. She just wanted to enjoy the beauty of the present. 

Maybe, she indeed knew she liked this person, wanted to fall in love with this person, and wished to have a lasting relationship with this person. She was destined to leave one day, so what, weren’t people constantly facing parting throughout one’s lives?

Yet, when he asked her and they looked into each other’s eyes, she realized she couldn’t lie to him.

She broke the long silence, “What do you think?

As she said that, she smiled bitterly, “How much do you think it is, probably, just how much I really do. ”

Because, she herself didn’t know how much she liked him.

“Where did you go?” Elt averted his gaze. Ye Chen took a deep breath and answered, “Kyle was chased一”

Elt left without waiting for her to finish.

“Elt!” She called out to him. 

Elt tilted his head sideways, gazing quietly at her.

“Ye Chen,” he professed in a rough voice, “In this life, you and I will never have anything to do with each other again. ”


“Every emotion in a relationship needs to be respected,” Elt pitched his voice. He raised his hand over his heart and shouted, “I am a person, I am a fucking living person. I will be heartbroken too! ”

“If you don’t like me…” Elt shut his eyes, “Why do you bother to provoke me?” ”

“If you like Kyle, just chase after him. There is no need to involve me.”

With that, Elt marched away.

Ye Chen scrutinized his defeated back. She couldn’t speak. She slumped on a chair. 

The church was as silent as the graveyard.

Ye Chen gathered up the bouquet he left and held it tightly in her arms.

“Host? “38 cautiously probed, “Would you like an Emotional Cleansing Package? I’ll give you a discount?”


Ye Chen’s voice cracked. 38 shut its mouth. It only wanted to comfort Ye Chen. Gathering another bout of courage, he offered, “Do you want to… smoke a cigarette?”

“38……” Ye Chen gripped the bouquet and said between breaths, “Let’s finish this task quickly.”

“Okay, okay, okay!” 38 nodded frantically, “Let’s take Kyle to the Dragon Clan’s Territory fast. We can leave after we are done with it.”

Ye Chen assented without saying much. She got up with her sword in hand. Just a few steps later, she saw a ray of light shoot to the sky from the direction of Kyle’s house. A second passed and a powerful black magic instantly swept the entire Imperial Capital.

Ye Chen had no time to react. She was suddenly dragged to the ground by someone. At the same time, a huge light burst out from behind the man that pushed her down, creating a barrier between the eroded black magic and them.

“This is…”

Ye Chen’s mind blanked. Elt, who had returned as quickly as he had gone, recited a spell. He waved his hand and a light barrier enveloped her, “Hurry and leave the Imperial Capital.”

“What is that just now?!”

Ye Chen clutched his hand. Elt was fast to answer, “It’s the remnant power of the God of Darkness. Now the Arch Mage is on his way. Hurry up and leave.”

Elt tugged his hand away and quickly vanished in front of her. Ye Chen was stricken dumb. She directly came to 38, “What’s going on?!”

“Let me check for a second,” A beat passed. “It’s Kyle.”

“Kyle binds himself to the God of Darkness. At present, he is in his weakened state. The God of Darkness will fully recover and reach his heyday in a month. Shall that happen, no one can eliminate him. He will destroy the world just like in the original world. The only difference is, in the original world, the vessel was Elt. In this world, the vessel is Kyle.”

“What should I do?”

Ye Chen was at loss. The Male Lead and the Villain switched roles. It’s the first time she encountered this suprising turn of events.

“Go save people first, talk later! Do you want to see Kyle get killed?!”

“The God of Darkness…”

“Believe in the Male Lead. He is the Dragon God’s choosen one!”


“Host,” 38 urged, “Don’t think too much. If you still want to save him, move your feet. Quick!”

Hearing this, Ye Chen responded and hastily dashed towards the source of the magic.

When she arrived there, Yin, who was incarnated as a dragon, was protecting Kyle. Kyle was still in a coma, but his body was shrouded in dark energy. 

Elt, with the other mages, set up an enchantment and locked the dark energy, along with Kyle, inside. The Arch-Mage was on his way, and just by looking at Kyle’s state, he wouldn’t be merciful to him. 

Ye Chen cast an invisibility spell and sneaked over. Elt perceived something was wrong and flung a magic ball in her direction. 

Ye Chen rolled on the spot and condensed her Spiritual Power on her sword. She landed a full blow filled with Spiritual Power on the enchantment.

Yin spotted Ye Chen’s action and followed her actions. The enchantment was hit with blows from the inside and the outside and shattered in a second. Yin, who had transformed into a dragon, held Kyle’s body with her mouth and flew up. Ye Chen saw it and jumped. Then, she lighted on Yin’s back. Yin freed Kyle from her mouth and Ye Chen caught him. 

They flew into the distance.

“Where are we going?!”

Ye Chen held Yin’s dragon horn and yelled amidst the raging wind. 

“My hometown!”

Yin roared,  “He requires the power of the Dragon God to save him!”

In the original world, Elt, who had become the vessel of the God of Darkness, was defeated by the Dragon God. 

Ye Chen grasped Kyle’s hand in one hand and Yin’s dragon horn in the other. She watched people chasing after him and felt exhaustion creep out of her body.

The long detour she took brought her back to her starting point. This time there were no choices. She was left with only taking Kyle to the Dragon Clan’s territory as her choice.

The people chasing after them were getting closer. Yin was uneasy so she cut straight to the point, “I’ll distract them. You bring Kyle to the Spirit Forest. In the Northeast of the forest, under the tallest tree, you insert the key and the Dragon’s Holy Land will be opened for you!”

Yin handed the key to Ye Chen and spit ouf a bubble, “Go in!”

Ye Chen jumped into the bubble with Kyle without delay. The two of them quickly descended to the ground. Yin spun around and confronted their chaser.

Ye Chen protected Kyle and crashed into the ground. They fell in a dense forest. She ran in the direction Yin pointed out with Kyle on her back.

Spirit Forest. The tallest tree.

Soon, she could leave this world.

On the other side, Elt knelt on the ground.

The Arch-Mage took a careful look at him and spoke. 

“Elt, kill the God of Darkness and I will hand over the Divine Tower to you.”

Elt raised his hand, put it on his chest, and curtsied.

“As you wish.”

The author has something to say,  

[Mini Theater]

When writing, Zhang Ergou[3] asked me, “Where’s the nail clipper?”

I was brewing my emotions by then.

“Don’t make any noises. I am writing about the breakup scene between the Female Lead and the Male Lead!”

“Where’s the nail clipper?”

“I said, don’t make any noises! I’m immersed in emotions now. Where do I get the energy to think about nail clippers!”

“Where’s the nail clipper…”

My mind was full of nail clippers. So, after Elt asked, “How much do you like me?” I typed this sentence on my file……

Ye Chen took out a nail clipper……

When I finished typing, I collapsed. So I got up to search for the nail clipper for Zhang Ergou.

Otherwise, I didn’t know what I would write next……

Maybe, I will write a story about how Ye Chen killed Elt with a nail clipper.

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  1. 招亲 – zhāo qīn; to invite the groom (who will live with the bride’s family). So instead of the woman marrying to the man’s family, it’s the opposite. Usually reserved for high-ranking women like the Royal Princesses.

  2. 强弩之末 – qiáng nǔ zhī mò. A spent force. On the decline. A strong force that has been exhausted.

  3. 二狗 – èrgǒu; lit. Two Dogs/Dog Two. But 二 in Beijing dialect can also mean stupid. So 二狗, stupid dog. This/That Stupid Dog Zhang.

Ry’s Corner

Big oof for everyone, I guess?

You get an angst *slap angst at Elt*. You get an angst *slap angst at Ye Chen*. Everyone gets angst!

Lesson number #Kyle: Don’t trust a weird black entity appearing out of nowhere in your mind. Please, thank you.

Lesson number #Elt: Don’t dig your own pit. P L e A s E.

It will be better in the following Arcs, don’t worry… 

Look at my smile, don’t I look very trustworthy? :>

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 6378

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5 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 41”

  1. So if Elt didn’t actually send killers to Kyle, they wouldn’t be in this situation would they?
    But then again the Emo Kyle will be “boohoo, no, my Chen” and still be the vessel of the God of Darkness. 🤔

    …at least Elt and Ye Chen won’t part in bad terms like this.

    Elt is indeed similar to Gu Jianan, a young hot-blooded man! Though Elt is better because he had that Xie Wushuaang fake persona!


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