TVIRAD – Chapter 42

Arc 3
The Glory of God (End)

CW: Suicide (Mentioned)

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Yin entangled the people that were chasing them, her effort gave Ye Chen time to flee to the Spirit Forest with Kyle. She ran madly to their destination. There’s no time for her to think about anything else.

The God of Darkness in Kyle’s body was still weak. He was unconscious, which made it convenient for Ye Chen to carry him all the way like carrying sacks. 

Ye Chen exchanged many props for hiding from 38, so even though she ran non-stop to the Spirit Forest, her traces were hidden well. Their journey went smoothly. In less than three days, they reached the entrance of the Spirit Forest. 

The trees in the Spirit Forest were tall and had bright luster. It was said, many years ago, the Spirit dwelled in this forest. However, in the wake of the new Era, the magic elements could no longer sustain the Spirit. They grew old and vanished just like that. At that period, the Dragon Clan preferred to move to another dimension and vacated from this world because of the thinning magic elements. 

Ye Chen sized up the towering trees. 38 couldn’t help asking, “That… Do you want to say goodbye to Elt?”

Mn?” Ye Chen was baffled. She didn’t understand why 38 abruptly asked her that. 

“It’s just… I have some props here that can relay messages to him. You can use it and have a chat with him…?”

“For what?” Ye Chen chuckled, “He and I… There is nothing for us to talk about.”

“We are leaving,” 38 sighed, “It’s better to explain the misunderstanding before we leave. After all, the person you like is Elt and not Kyle, right?”

“38.” Ye Chen hung her gaze. She scrutinized the lines of her palm and voiced slowly, “The problem between me and him is not caused by whether I like Kyle or not, but whether I like him or not.”

“With Elt, it’s like that. With Jun Yan, it’s also like that. What they care about is, they have given their all to me, their heart and sincerity. Have I returned their sincere feelings even for a bit? I like them so. I like getting along with them. I want to grow old with them. But, that “like” is far from what they want.”

“In my world,” Ye Chen smiled bitterly, “There are many people who say that they like each other, but, just because of a house, they can quarrel until they break up, and just because of money, they can divorce. You say, do they like each other or not? Their hearts will palpitate when they are with each other. They will feel happy when they hold hands. They want to stay for a lifetime with each other when they kiss. They do like each other. But, that kind of like, it’s too shallow. I like Elt,” She shut her eyes and sighed, “But, merely that. My Emotional Value can’t exceed 50.”

“The love he gives me, I am unworthy of it.”

“I think,” Ye Chen closed her palm and smiled, “I am only suitable for being a yandog. Don’t keep thinking about falling in love or something like that. Just watch them from a distance.”

38 lost its tongue. It was a tad frustrated. All in all, it had been her partner for so many years. Ye Chen had presented it with plenty of resources thanks to her efforts. It hoped that at least, Ye Chen could live a good life. 

It sighed, “Don’t think about it. Let’s go. I will take you to the next world. In the next world, let’s perform our task well and don’t tease any man, okay?”


Ye Chen assented. She brought Kyle to the Spirit Forest. Only, a few steps after, she perceived a strong spiritual sense swept over. 

In the cultivation world, that was the Divine Consciousness of cultivators. In this world, that was just one of the uses of the magic elements. She darted fast to the forest with Kyle on her shoulder, but the other party caught up to her and was reaching closer.  Ye Chen heard the sound of whistling wind behind her, she snapped her head abruptly. She drew her sword in front of her and was knocked back by a huge force. She had thrown Kyle up before she was knocked by the other party’s force. She hopped and captured Kyle in the air. She lighted on the ground and rushed frenziedly with the other party behind her. 

Kyle woke up in a daze during the fight, looking at the trees that were quickly regressing around him, he cautiously called out, “Chen?”

“There is a weakened God of Darkness in your body now. I’ll take you to the Dragon Holy Land to purify it.”

“Where’s Yin?”

“She was captured by the mages.”

“No…” Kyle floundered, “I want to save her… Let go of me… I…”

“Shut up!” Ye Chen yelled, “Make less trouble, will you?! Look at the situation! Where in the world could you still concern yourself with saving people?!”

Kyle was appalled. He stared at Ye Chen’s stern face and gasped in disbelief, “Chen…”

She had never yelled at him, never scolded him for his behavior. Even if she was displeased with him, she would still let him have his way. 

However, at this point, although she was carrying him on her back, she didn’t have half the tenderness of the past, and her words were all mean, “Don’t you know what’s in your body? In a month, no one can control it. You will be swallowed by it. The Arch-Mage wouldn’t let a danger like you live. Why must Yin sacrifice herself for you? Why must I sacrifice myself for you? Can you please use a tiny bit of your brain you still have and don’t always fail to live up to the kindness others have given to you? ”

“No one should pay the price for you, Kyle,“ Ye Chen gazed ahead and kept dodging the wind blade. The wind blade wiped across her body, leaving bloodied wounds. She didn’t care about it and kept stumbling forward with him on her back, “I lost my lover for you. I should have married the one I like. Yet, in order to save you, I lost him. So I beg you, can you at least consider what I and Yin have sacrificed and go to the Dragon’s Holy Land? Purify the God of Darkness in your body and remain there.”

Kyle didn’t react to her for a long time. Ye Chen pursed her lips and finally compromised, “I will save her, don’t worry.”


“Don’s say sorry to me.” Ye Chen saw the sight of the tallest tree. She flung Kyle to the ground and spat, “In my life, I hate it the most when people say sorry to me.”

Because they hurt others, they said sorry. 

But, the harm was done and it could never be made up just by saying sorry.

Ye Chen checked the tree and detected layers of enchantments separating it from the surrounding area. She yanked the key from her pocket and stuffed the key into Kyle’s hand, “Go in and hide. I will save Yin.”

Kyle was taken aback. Ye Chen urged, “Hurry!”

While talking, several mages had caught up to them. Ye Chen inhaled a deep breath. She swiped her hand and formed more than a dozen spells. As fast as a light, she aimed her sword at the mage in the center.

Her spells deflected the attack of several mages. Ye Chen’s blade kept sweeping through their necks. The mages who caught up to them were not powerful. Most likely, they discovered them by luck. Ye Chen quickly disposed of their bodies and scurried back to the Imperial Capital.

Upon returning to the Imperial Capital, Ye Chen heard that the Dragon Girl was going to be hanged in public. Ye Chen inquired about Yin’s cell and sneaked into prison with the props exchanged from 38.

When she got to the prison, she saw Yin chained with magical iron chains all over her body. She was lying weakly on the ground, evidently tortured and severely beaten. 

Ye Chen unlocked the prison door and whispered, “Come with me.”

Yin raised her head in horror. At that moment, the originally dark room lit up. Elt stood by the cell and calmly stared at Ye Chen.

“It’s you.”

Elt’s eyes were as deep as the night. Ye Chen hid Yin behind her, set her hand on her sword, scanning around vigilantly.

Elt watched her vigilance and couldn’t refrain from laughing, “Where’s Kyle?”

Ye Chen didn’t speak, Elt raised his voice, “I fucking give you to him and he still let you save people by yourself? Where is he?!”

“Elt..” Ye Chen heard his words. Her heart couldn’t help warming up, “I will take him to the Dragon’s Holy Land. The God of Darkness in his body will be purified there. He won’t harm anyone. Let us go.”

“Ye Chen,” Elt lifted his hand and removed his pure white glove. His exquisite face was indifferent under the light. She had never seen him cold and detached like this as if she was just a stranger. He enunciated slowly, “I think, you probably forgot why I wanted to kill him in the first place..”

Ye Chen was blank for a second before she burst out laughing.

“Yeah. You want to kill him, it was never because of the God of Darkness. But, Elt, “Ye Chen spoke softly, “He is really important to me. I have a reason that I am unable to say. If he dies, I will die too.”

“It’s not because of love,” She expressed seriously, “I don’t like him. From the very start, I don’t.”

“However, you don’t like me either.” Elt’s smile was astringent, “Ye Chen, you don’t like anyone. You come to this world, what is it for?”

Ye Chen didn’t answer.

Why did she come to this world? She came to do her task. 

But, she couldn’t tell Elt that. Even if she wanted to tell him that, the System would never permit her. 

She suddenly felt burned out. Her heart was especially weary.

She didn’t want to explain anymore. She thought of Kyle, who was still in the Spirit Forest and glanced at Yin, who was behind her. Sneakily, she painted an array with her fingertips. 

Elt analyzed her quietly. Noticing that she didn’t respond, he shouted, “Speak! Don’t you say you have plenty of difficulties and reasons?! Why don’t you speak?!”

Ye Chen remained wordless and Elt stepped forward. At the moment he approached her, Ye Chen slammed her palm on the ground, and a radiant light soared into the sky. Enveloped by that light, Ye Chen softly voiced, “Goodbye.”

Ye Chen vanished before Elt’s eyes. Elt stared blankly at her previous location. A beat later, he furiously hollered, “Ye Chen!”

He utilized his mental strength to the maximum and swept the whole Imperial Capital in an instant. Then, he located Ye Chen escaping with Yin near the gate.

He summoned a Griffin. He jumped out from the window and landed on the Griffin. He flew in Ye Chen’s direction. 

As Ye Chen ran, she untied the shackles on Yin. Lifting her head at the dark sky, she witnessed a mage closing up to them with a Griffin. Ye Chen frowned. She completely untied the shackles on Yin and patted her on the shoulder, “Sorry, Yin, please transform.”

“It’s okay.” Yin’s voice was frail. She transformed into a giant dragon in a blink. Ye Chen hopped and seated on her back. The pursuit of life-and-death with Elt commenced.

Elt tracked near after her, unwilling to let them go. He hurled magic balls one after another at them. Ye Chen used her Divine Consciousness as a barrier to guard over Yin.

Yin was particularly feeble right now. If she was hurt even a slight, she may not be able to survive.

For Ye Chen, she was about to leave this world, so she didn’t really care about her life and death. If she could protect this little girl, Yin, with her life, she deemed it was not a big deal. 

So she enhanced the barrier with her Spiritual Power. The barrier was hit by Elt continuously and her Spiritual Power was depleting. 

Her complexion was pale and her meridians were aching.

Elt narrowed his eyes hostilely, watching them escape by a brush each time, watching his magic bounced away by Ye Chen’s power. 

The Spirit Forest was in front of their eyes, Yin couldn’t support herself anymore and plunged fast to the ground and turned back to a girl. Ye Chen caught her mid-air. The instant her feet met the ground, she scrambled to the dense forest with Yin on her shoulder. 

Elt pursued her closely. Ye Chen altered Yin’s position, now she held her in a princess carry. She couldn’t linger for a moment. Her spiritual power was dangerously close to exhaustion and the strength of the barrier she set for Yin was constantly fluctuating. When it was weak, those light balls struck on her and produced different wounds depending on the harshness of the magic.

She ground her teeth. A word never escaped her lips. 

Elt viewed her back. She never lingered in a place even for a moment. An impulse made him nearly cease chasing after them, but he shot it down.  He kept pursuing her.

When Ye Chen arrived at the tall tree where Kyle was, her back was already unsightly. She stepped into the enchantment. Kyle saw the feeble Yin in Ye Chen’s arms and asked nervously, “What’s wrong with her?!”

“She will be fine.”

Elt had caught up with them when Ye Chen said that. Without saying a word, he had fired his magic at Kyle. Altogether, more than a dozen magic arrays were interweaved under Kyle’s feet.

Kyle reacted quickly and sidestepped arduously. Ye Chen unsheathed her sword and slashed at Elt. At the same time, she shouted, “Open the gate of the Holy Land!”

Kyle tossed the key to Yin. Yin hastened to the tree but a mage responded quickly and intercepted her. 

Three people fought with a group of people. Ye Chen swung her sword and cut at Elt. Elt’s hands were constantly moving. One magic array after another constructed and revolted every attack of Ye Chen.

His expression stayed apathetic. He appeared to be neither surprised nor sad by Ye Chen’s actions.

Regardless, in the depths of those blue eyes, there was bitterness and sorrow that could not be erased.

How could he not be sad?

The person in front of him was his wife who he had been waiting in the church for a whole day, the girl he cherished and loved, and the knight who knelt in front of him and was marked with his own magic mark.

Yet, at this moment, she did her best for another man, facing him with a sword. 

But, how could he allow others to know that he is sad?

He cut a sorry figure and was cornered to such an embarrassing situation, how could he thoroughly give up on himself and let the crowd watch his battered and miserable state?

He pursed his lips tightly. Every time he fired at Ye Chen, he carefully bypassed her wounds. 

Ye Chen perceived his mercy and took it as a chance to repress him.  

“All this, just to protect him?” Elt taunted, “Just because you like him?”

Ye Chen gave a wry smile and persisted in her silence. This topic was a hopeless case and no longer had any value.

Kyle and Yin on the side were both injured. The two were blundering to fight back. A mage sneaked an attack on Kyle and Yin sped over to block it without the least hesitation!

The fireball pierced Yin’s body and Kyle’s eyes dilated. 


The power of darkness in Kyle’s body flared. All the power amassed on the sword in his hand, He slashed it at those mages.

Elt’s complexion altered. A step to the magic array he created teleported him to the front of his subordinates. He launched a huge light barrier to block the majestic power. However, with such a blow, Elt’s face blanched in a second. Kyle flashed toward him. Before Elt could react, Kyle pointed his sword at him!


Kyle roared. Elt widened his eyes. He worked to move, but his body didn’t obey his command. Eyeing the black sword coming straight, many images flickered across Elt’s mind. 

Before he even had time to react to what those pictures were, he heard a muffled sound of a sword running through a body. Then, blood splattered on his face.

Elt stood motionless, gaping at Ye Chen, who used her hand to grasp Kyle’s sword and wobbled. In a raspy voice, she spoke, “Kyle.”

Kyle was frozen. Ye Chen called out again, “Kyle. Wake up.”

Kyle remained unmoving. Ye Chen’s blood flowed into Kyle’s hand. Kyle came back to his senses and fanned his eyes wide. Ye Chen tugged the corners of her mouth with effort, “Go to the Dragon’s Holy Land…”

Kyle quickly reacted and reached out for Ye Chen. Before he could, Ye Chen was hauled away from him by Elt. Kyle did not delay impaling him with his sword. Elt was compelled to let Ye Chen go and tangle with Kyle.

Ye Chen staggered. Her wound was overly sore. The erosive power of dark magic kept her wound sizzling. She didn’t even have the strength to stand straight. Still, she scanned for the direction of the tall tree and moved over. 

The other mages were killed by Kyle’s blow just now. Elt was entangled with Kyle. Ye Chen clutched the key from Yin and advanced bit by bit, sweating profusely. 

Almost there…

Just a little more…

The tall tree was reaching nearer. She was dizzy and didn’t know how long it took before she arrived at the tall tree. She tremblingly set her hand on the tree. 

The tree glow up and a gate materialized on the tree. Ye Chen delivered the key and produced sounds with her rough voice.

“Honorable Dragon God, please let Kyle Harris, Yin, and Ye Chen pass the gate.”

And the key in Ye Chen’s hand gleamed. It floated into the air, turned into light particles, and dissipated. 

At the same time, the gate gradually unfurled and a violent wind rolled in. Ye Chen observed the gate open. Kyle and Yin felt an unknown force towing them and mopped them to Ye Chen’s side in a blink. 

Elt was alarmed, his eyes enlarged. He examined the gate and heard a Dragon’s roar from the gate. He instantly knew what it was. 

He had contemplated… Why did they come to the Spirit Forest?

It was because this place led to the Dragon’s Holy Land!

That was a whole different world. Most people in this world would not go to that place in their life. In the legend, the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan was the realm of God! If Ye Chen went there……

If… Ye Chen went there……

She would never return. 

For reasons unknown, the idea was clear in Elt’s mind. 

As if he had undergone such an experience.

So the beat he witnessed Kyle picking Ye Chen up, he immediately acknowledged that she would not return. 

When she stepped into that gate, she would disappear forever from his life. All the past would lose its vestige. She could only live in his memory. 

He would never see her again, let alone be able to hug her in his arms.

When that thought washed his mind, Elt was intensely frightened.

In his memory of the past, most of it was made by Ye Chen. 

For the first time, when he was 13, he was saved. It was by her. 

For the first time, his hand was held. It was by her. 

For the first time, he was kissed. It was by her.

For the first time, he got a confession. It was by her…….

All the words related to love in his life, it all was from her and belonged only to her. She taught him love, the only thing he did not have barring for hatred since his rebirth.

Without Ye Chen, he would have lived his life in hatred, with revenge on Kyle as his only purpose.

Because of her, there was a new shade of brilliance in his life. But now, this brilliance was about to vanish without warning. Where should he go if he was lost in the dark now?

He must not let her leave……

He stumbled forward, but an obstruction prevented him.

He stretched his best to move forward. He employed all the magic elements and strode forward step by step.

The violent wind drove his whole body to quiver and he began to bleed because of the formidable air pressure.

Still, he must not stop. He walked forward, straight ahead, kept walking forward.

He must hold her. He must make her stay.

She was not allowed to abandon him…… Under any circumstances, he must not let her leave… not again……

His mind was full of her. He labored ahead.

The gate creaked close. Ye Chen lay in Kyle’s arms. Her heart settled down.

“38, are we done?” Ye Chen’s voice was husky. 38 replied, “An explosive device has been installed in this passage. As long as you walk past, it will detonate automatically. Kyle will never come back.”

Mn.” Ye Chen latched her eyelids, “That’s good. How long until I can leave?”

“Ten minutes.”

Ye Chen ceased talking and waited quietly. Though, at that moment, the passage shook.

Kyle paused and glanced back with Ye Chen in his arms.

The gate was pushed open inch by inch. No one could measure how much strength and energy that person used just to push open the two-world gate set up by Dragon God.

Ye Chen flared her eyes wide and saw the man swathed with blood. He stood in a dazzling light and approached her slowly but surely.

Ye Chen dared not make a noise. She watched the bloodied him with quivering hands held her tight by the wrist. 

The force repulsed him. Still, Elt approached her one step at a time. He held her wrist and parted his mouth, “Don’t leave, okay?”

Ye Chen didn’t reply. She was stricken dumb by Elt, who was in a tragic state, in front of her. Elt’s body shook as if he could crumble at any moment. Nevertheless, he held her. He tremblingly drew out a ring box from his pocket.

“I….. bring… it, the wedding ring…”

Every word was said with difficulty. Still, he persisted in placing it in Ye Chen’s palm. He gazed up at her and pleaded with a hoarse voice, “Don’t leave, okay?”

Don’t leave…..

When he walked in this passage, countless memories frantically poured into his mind.

Gu Jianan’s.

Jun Yan’s.


At this point, he discovered. Some people were really destined by Heaven.

He was destined to meet her, to fall in love with her, and to be unable to have her.

Gu Jianan was like that. Jun Yan was like that. And so was he.

Gu Jianan regretted he never said that he liked her, so Jun Yan said it more than 3000 times.

Jun Yan regretted he couldn’t make her like him enough. He believed that most likely, she liked Xie Wushuang more. So, he, Elt, unconsciously mimicked Xie Wushuang who never appeared in his memory. 

The consciousness in his bones guided him to love her, believing that with effort and persistence, he could keep her.

However, when he walked into the gate, he still found out. He couldn’t make her stay.

She would leave, and all the time, he could only helplessly watch her without being able to do anything.

He smiled through great efforts. Tears escaped from his eyes. 

Ye Chen stared intensely at the ring in her palm. Her voice cracked, “I’m sorry. This ring, I am not worthy of it.”

He didn’t speak and followed her to stare at her palm.

“Not worthy…” His voice also cracked, “Then, just return it to me……”

As he said, his trembling hands stroked the ring on her middle finger. 

Ye Chen clenched her teeth. Her whole body was shaking.

Return it to him.

She told herself.

She should return it to him. She couldn’t promise him anything. She didn’t love him enough. She was not worthy of such a good Elt.

But, she didn’t know why, watching the ring slip from her hand, it was as if every piece of her heart was gouged out. She recalled many things. Gu Jianan was waiting for her on the bicycle, raising his head slightly with the sunlight shining on his face; Jun Yan stood in front of her with a sword, overlooking the horizon;  Elt sitting on the windowsill with the moonlight draped on his shoulders……

She gritted her teeth and said nothing. Yet, at the moment when the ring was about to completely slip from her hand, she could restrain from pressing her hand on Elt’s, halting his movement. 

She opened her mouth, but nothing came. Her tears flow down without end.

Elt looked up at her in surprise. 

She wanted to say something, anything. But, she couldn’t.

Her mind was blaring with alarms.

“Emotional values 50, 52, 55, 58…”

“Host, you stop! AH! AHH! AHHH! I’m going to explode AHHHHHH!

“I…” Ye Chen opened and closed her lips, but nothing came out. Only her tears kept dropping on Elt’s hand.

Elt lowered his gaze and slowly smiled. 

“Why are you crying?” He held the ring, “If it makes you cry so sad like this, then, Ye Chen, I won’t like you, okay?”

“If,” Elt smiled with tears in his eyes, “You will be sad. ”

Elt could no longer oppose the repulsing force and his body fragmented, scattering into the air.

Those were his last words.

Ye Chen watched the person in front of him break to pieces bit by bit. Tears whirled in her eyes.

He failed to remove the ring.

In the end, it couldn’t be removed.

At that moment when Elt thoroughly disappeared. Ye Chen wailed with abandon.

Kyle was taken aback. He hugged her tightly and comforted her, “It’s alright. I’m here.”

Ye Chen didn’t say a word. She wailed, and kept wailing until she was out of breath.

Kyle stepped out from the long passage, holding Ye Chen in his arms. 

Ye Chen listened to the countdown sound in her mind.

“Ten, nine, eight… Three, two, one!”

The countdown finished and Ye Chen felt she was submerged into the water. Memory and water streamed in endlessly. She put up a desperate fight to struggle.

“Since I was a child, I have always dreamed. I always feel that I’m waiting for someone.”

“I have been waiting for you, Ye Chen.”

“ I will take care of you when you get sick. You’re not alone today, and you won’t be alone in the future.”

“Ye Chen, I will treat you well. Way much better than Kyle.”

“Elt, from now on, I’m your knight, all yours. Following you, protecting you, and accompanying you. Until death part us.”

“Do you like me?” “Tomorrow, in front of God, I will tell you the answer.” 

“I thought, as long as I did enough, maybe, one day you will be moved by me. I thought, by doing this much, you will respond to my feelings.  But, Ye Chen, it could only last for so long. So, I ask you, for once, and only once一 How much do you like me?”


The girl submerged in the blue liquid murmured the name and slowly shed tears.

[Arc 3 – The Glory of God – End]

[Arc 4 – Ten Years Lanterns[1]]

The next time Ye Chen blinked her eyes open, her whole person was dazed.

38 smoked on her side, with some melancholy, it said, “The rating is out, B. Still because of the same reason, the Villain died.”

Ye Chen, “……”

She recalled the things that had happened in the previous world before and couldn’t help knitter her brows, “I fell in love and you actually go as far to give me an emotional cleansing?”

“I did that for your own good,” 38 sighed, “In our business, one shouldn’t be so emotional. Do you want to take a break or go directly to the next task?”

“How many points do we have now?”


38 checked their points. Ye Chen decided, “Later. Let’s play games first.”


In that way, 38 and Ye Chen lived a life consisting only of eating, sleeping, and playing in the System space. They ate melons and watched movies.

The clock kept ticking and none of them count it.

38 abruptly exclaimed, “Fuck! We are late!”

“Isn’t there any time regulation on your System’s part?”

“Rubbish! After a task begins, time will pass synchronously with the world in a day-to-year manner. You were supposed to arrive there when you were still a child! You would go to the battlefield with him and cultivate feelings when you were young. Ah, ah, ah! Damn it! In the twinkling of an eye, you are already 16 years old. What to do now!!!”

“Then, quick!” Ye Chen nudged it anxiously, “Hasten up and send me the world line! Get up!”

The current her was a very professional tasker!

System hurriedly sent the world line to Ye Chen. Ye Chen kicked the door of the space open and rushed out by herself.

Amidst the muddle, Ye Chen opened her eyes. Her eyes were met with a curtain of red.

What was this…….

Ye Chen was confused. In the meantime, she accepted the world line in his mind.

This world was a world of Martial Arts. The main plotline of this world was the story of a man named Mo Xingchen, a person who unified the Wulin[2] after he rose as the Sect Leader[3] of the Demon Sect[4]. Her task’s target in this world was a man named Shen Jingfeng.

He was the son of the Yueshan Sect’s Sect Leader. He learned swordsmanship when he was little. He harbored an amazing talent. He was undefeated since he was 13. The Junzi Sword[5] who could make the whole Wulin tremble in fear only by his name. The backbone of the new generation of Wulin. Moreover, he was upright, a person with moral integrity, punishing the wicked and eliminating the evil. A gentleman who was like jade and orchid[6]. He was the model of chivalry in the Wulin.

This person had a good family background, good looks, and good character. Most importantly and above anything else,

First, he was extremely good-looking. 

Second, he was extremely good-looking

Third, he was extremely good-looking

Important things must be said thrice.

In the yearly list of the Wulin beauties, he always ranked first. He truly fully deserved that title. Legend has it, a single glance of Shen-lang[7] was the start of someone’s lifelong mistake. Once a woman saw Shen Jingfeng unsheathe his sword, there would be nothing they wouldn’t do for him. They would be enchanted.

The only exception was Yue Sheng, the Demon Sect’s Saintess[8].

Yue Sheng was a famous beauty in Wulin, her looks were charming.  She and Shen Jingfeng met in a battle between the Demon Sect and the Righteous Sect in the Central Plains[9]. The two never fought nor met face to face with each other before that. Yue Sheng was not moved by Shen Jingfeng, but Shen Jingfeng fell in love with Yue Sheng at first sight.

However, Shen Jingfeng had a fiancée who was set up by his relatives. So, he abided by etiquette and constrained his feelings. His decision made Yue Sheng flirt with him over and over again and Shen Jingfeng sank deeper in love with her.

Shen Jingfeng was about to annul his engagement just for Yue Sheng. At that time, he bumped into Yue Sheng and Mo Xingchen, the Sect Leader of the Demon Sect. Shen Jingfeng went back in anger and heeded the orders of his family to marry his fiancée, Ye Chen. Yet, on the day of marriage, Yue Sheng came to Shen Jingfeng. In the presence of all guests, Shen Jingfeng discarded his wife for Yue Sheng. He defected from the Righteous Sect and pursued Yue Sheng to the Demon Sect. 

In the Demon Sect, Shen Jingfeng learned Yue Sheng’s true love was Mo Xingchen. She intentionally seduced him just to please Mo Xingchen. His reputation as the Wulin’s backbone was already destroyed and he no longer had any weight for Yue Sheng, thus, she attempted to kill Shen Jingfeng.

Shen Jingfeng ran for his life. When he returned to Wulin, the Sect Leader of the Yueshan Sect announced to the outside world that he was undercover of the Demon Sect. At the end of the day, Shen Jingfeng rose up once again and embarked on the path of death to clash with Mo Xingchen Yue Sheng. He became the Leader of the Wulin through various conspiracy means. He poured dirty water on the Demon Sect. In order to kill Mo Xingchen, he created a foul wind and a rain of blood[10] in the Jianghu. Ultimately, Mo Xingchen exposed his fake gentleman mask and he died in a wretched state.

Then, Mo Xingchen sat with all kinds of beautiful women in Wulin and unifies the Jianghu.

As for Shen Jingfeng’s fiancée, Ye Chen, the world’s first beauty?

On the night of the failed marriage, she committed suicide.

Ye Chen’s identity for this world was exactly that of Ye Chen, the one who only appeared for a line in the story, the world’s first beauty who only lived in the background of the whole story, and the daughter of the Valley Master[11] of Yaowang Valley[12].

“Your task was completed very thrillingly before, so this time the Main System requires that you cannot choose the task line by yourself and you must strictly complete the task as the requirement.”

“So this time, your main task is very explicit, to reduce Shen Jingfeng’s blackening value, increase his favorability, and cultivate him to become a good Leader of the new Wulin generation.”

“Originally, we planned to put you in when you were young, but… we were late because of the game. So… deal with it.”

Following 38’s words, Ye Chen heard a sharp voice, “Husband and Wife, worship一”

Nice. She was directly placed in the worship hall a.ka the divorce hall.

In her hand was a red silk ball[13]. Everywhere in her vision was red. Her heart itched. Opposite her was Shen Jingfeng, she wanted to know how good-looking this super good-looking scumbag was!

But she restrained herself and slowly bowed down.

Just then, she heard a crisp voice, “Hold up!”

The classic scene in the dog blood novel that must appear at least once— Stopping people at the right moment from worshipping each other[14], just appeared.

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  1. From poem 寄黄几复 – jìhuáng jǐ fù; Send Huang a Reply by 黄庭坚 – Huáng Tíngjiān. More about this in Ry’s Corner.

  2. 武林 – Wǔlín; Martial Arts (social) Circles

  3. 教主 – jiào zhǔ; A title for the founder or leader of a religion or sect. Sect Leader.

  4. 魔教 – mó jiào; lit. Demon Religion/Church. Demon Sect.

  5. 君子剑 –  Jūnzi Jiàn; Gentleman Sword. Also Jun Yan’s title.

  6. 君子如玉如兰 – jūnzi rú yù rú lán. A gentleman is like a jade (white and flawless) and orchid (noble morality) Has an elegant temperament and a long-lasting grace. Does not change his character and disposition because of poverty or hardships.

  7. 郎 – láng. Son/Youth/Teen. Can be a title for a youth. Shen-lang -> Son Shen, Youth Shen. Young Man Shen, etcetc.

  8. 圣女 – shèngnǚ; lit. Holy/Sacred Woman.

  9. 中原 – zhōng yuán; Central Plains. The place of Jianghu. Outside the control of the Imperial Court.

  10. 血雨腥风 – xuè yǔ xīng fēng. A reign of terror.

  11. 谷主 – gǔzhǔ; Valley Owner/Master/Lord.

  12. 药王谷 – yào wánggǔ; lit Medicine King Valley.

  13. 繡球 – xiùqiú. Embroidered ball made of silk. Image in Attachments.

  14. 拜堂 – bài táng; The act of formal bows by bride and groom in the old custom in China. First bow is to Heaven and Earth. Second bow is to parents. Third bow is to each other.


灯 – dēng; Lantern

繡球 – xiùqiú; Silk Ball. Sc: Shining Nikki

Ry’s Corner

There, there. It will be better for the Villain later. I promise.

For now, goodbye, Elt.

Now, to the next Arc’s Villain… Shen Jingfeng! (沈景逢 – Shěn Jǐngféng)

The OG Male Lead is Mo Xingchen (莫星辰 – Mò Xīngchén). His ‘Mo’ (莫 – ) is different from the Demon ‘Mo.’ (魔 –)

Yue Sheng name is written as 月笙 – Yuè Shēng

More about the Arc’s title, 

It’s from a poem 寄黄几复 – jìhuáng jǐ fù; Send Huang a Reply by 黄庭坚 – Huáng Tíngjiān (The same Huang on the poem). 

Sadly, there is neither an official translation nor a fan translation of the said poem and I am no poet :>

The exact line from the poem is,


Táolǐ chūnfēng yī bēi jiǔ, jiānghú yè yǔ shí nián dēng.

Roughly translated, “In the spring breeze, under the peaches and plums, (we have) a glass of wine. Ten years of lanterns (kept me company in) the (lonely) night and rain of Jianghu.”

Roughly meaning, “Back then, we watched the peaches and plums, we drank wine together under the spring breeze. The Jianghu was turbulent. It had been ten years since our separation. I often listened to the autumn rain, only the lonely lamp beside me knew how much I miss you.”

Sorry about the long Corner!

And I noticed lots of typos in previous chapters. I will work on it later… yeah, later… later…


A make-up chapter for the missed updates.

4 out of 6 done.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 5963

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4 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 42”

  1. acckkkk why the cliffhangerr
    i couldnt stop reading this, it’s so addictive QAQ and the translation is chef’s kiss
    but i am scared of what this arc may bringgg, from your translation of the poet i feel like the tragedy will bring so much damage to my little heart ugh i canttt
    anyway thank you for translating this and updating at the light of speed omg i love you, i adore you, you’re my life three quarters <3

  2. “The mages who caught up to them were not powerful. Most likely, they discovered them by luck. Ye Chen quickly disposed of their bodies and scurried back to the Imperial Capital.” I hope these random innocent people who died cause of Kyle being a dumbass reincarnate in another world and live happily ^^

    Mo Xingchen and Yue Sheng sound like villains rather than the OG ML and FL, but maybe there’s a twist to it.


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