TVIRAD – Chapter 45

Arc 4
Ten Years Lanterns (3)

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Regardless of how good her psychological quality was, she was not prepared to bear the burden of blinding the task’s target on her shoulder.

Ye Chen sped to grasp Shen Jingfeng’s hand to probe his condition, “You can’t see anything? You really can’t see?”

The other party listened to Ye Chen’s words. Ye Chen fiddled with her free hand while the other party remained silent. A short while later, he hesitatingly spoke, “Ye-guniang?”

Ye Chen blinked, a little surprised, “You can recognize who I am?”

“I may only have the pleasure of having met Ye-guniang once,” Shen Jingfeng smiled, “but I still can recognize Ye-guniang.”

Shen Jingfeng just finished his words and a “ding” tolled on her mind with a pop-up box.

“Task 3: Preach about Good Karma[1]

“Task Description: Get along with Shen Jingfeng for at least one year. Increase Shen Jingfeng’s Favorability and at the same time, brainwash Shen Jingfeng and reform him into a good man.”

Ye Chen decided to accept the task. She kindly supported Shen Jingfeng and smiled, “Shen-gongzi has an excellent memory ah.”

“Your injury is grave. Come, come. I’ll bring you back to Yao Wang Valley for treatment.”

Chunsheng recalled Ye Chen’s cruel and accurate shot just now. He whispered to Qiusheng, “Is Shijie plotting to drag him back to torture him to death?”

Shen Jingfeng was in front of them. Despite his injury, his hearing was fine. Chunsheng’s sentence caused his heart to sink. Still, his face remained unchanged.

For women to get divorced on their wedding day, the burning shame must be etched on their hearts. Even if Ye Chen didn’t make a fuss and was chill on that day, it didn’t mean she didn’t harbor a grudge in her heart. Now that he was gravely injured, he could not say for sure that she wouldn’t take this opportunity to seek revenge. 

The rumors stated that Ye Chen was as cold as ice. Yet she was so warm at this moment. 


This must be a trap!

Shen Jingfeng quietly slipped the dagger in his sleeve into his hand and kept his smile, “We parted ways two months ago, meeting Ye-guniang here today is considered fate. In spite of everything, Ye-guniang still helped me. Jingfeng is indebted.”

“I had told you it’s not a big deal. I don’t mind about it,” Ye Chen held Shen Jingfeng to the side of the carriage and reminded him, “Watch your steps.”

Shen Jingfeng frowned. Ye Chen’s magnanimous words drove him tense. He was aided to the carriage. Ye Chen instructed him to lie down and was considerate of him. There wasn’t any indication she planned to kill him, and it made Shen Jingfeng more suspicious. 

His dagger remained on his sleeve all the way, but the other party really had no intention of killing him. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After drinking a sip of water fed by Ye Chen, he slowly articulated, “I owe Guniang a life for rescuing me today. Without Ye-guniang, don’t even say about my pair of eyes, I am afraid that my life is gone.”

This made Ye Chen straighten her spine. Her heart was guilty.

In fact… Without her, Shen Jingfeng probably wouldn’t die from his injuries… But, with her…

She directly, with her own hands, blinded him.

She couldn’t tell whether this was a blessing or a curse. She could only hold back her guilt and shame, wishing Shen Jingfeng to get better fast. Thus, she personally bandaged Shen Jingfeng’s injuries out of guilt. Her hands were a bit cold. Her cold hands somewhat lessened his pain when it stroked on his skin. Shen Jingfeng couldn’t see her appearance, but vaguely recalled the person in fiery red wedding dress on that day and sketched her outline on his mind.

Blush crept on his face, “Ye-guniang, why don’t you just let a yaotong[2] do this?”

“It’s okay,” Ye Chen insisted. “I will bandage you myself!”

—To make up for my guilt.

However, this made Shen Jingfeng freeze. He had a daring idea in his mind—

When a woman was particularly nice to a handsome man, apart from wanting to kill him, there was another possibility……

She likes him.

The idea emerged and Shen Jingfeng instantly understood the reasons for Ye Chen’s actions today. He couldn’t help sighing.

He was self-aware. He may be a scumbag, but he was a scumbag with a baseline. Ye Chen saved him. Naturally, he would not deliberately hurt her. He couldn’t like Ye Chen back, so he shouldn’t gave her hope.

He insisted, “It is improper for men and women to touch each other casually, just let a yaotong do this.”

“It’s done,” Ye Chen bandaged quickly. She fixed Shen Jingfeng’s clothes and covered him with a quilt. She sat aside and stated, “Your injury is not serious, it’s not something a good rest can’t fix. The main problem is your eyes…”

Shen Jingfeng listened intently. He was not unreasonable to make a fuss when he was already wrapped up. Now the other party mentioned his eyes, he asked, “What’s the matter with my eyes?”

Ye Chen felt a pang of guilt and began to talk rubbish, “During the fight, congestion made its way to your brain. This demands careful and gradual treatment.”

“A congestion in my brain?” Shen Jingfeng pondered, “But, my head wasn’t hit.”

“Does one have to get hit on the head for congestion to make its way into one’s brain?” Ye Chen panicked, “It can be from air pressure. For instance, I strike you in the stomach. Because of the pressure caused by it, your blood will be pumped to your brain…”

The more Ye Chen spoke, the heavier the guilt on her shoulder. 38 applauded in her mind. 

“Lie. Go on, keep lying. With your nonsense, only fools will believe…”

“I see[3].” Shen Jingfeng accepted her explanation. He solemnly conveyed, “Then, I’ll entrust Guniang with my eyes.”



Hold up!!!

The people on the scene, 38, Ye Chen, Chunsheng, and Qiusheng, puzzledly gawked at him. They itched to question this utterly ‘clever’ Gongzi, you see? Buddy, what do you ‘see’? Did you really ‘see’ and believed it just like that?

No one had the courage to ask, though. Ye Chen’s heart was guilty, so she just nodded her head. 

Shen Jingfeng was tired, “Guniang, may I sleep?”

“Sleep, sleep. Just sleep.”

Shen Jingfeng hummed and fell asleep, just like that. 

Ye Chen observed the handsome face in front of her and couldn’t help but roll up her curtain. She whispered to Chunsheng, “Chunsheng, do you think we can take a detour to buy the duck first before we return?”

Chunsheng, “……”

Shen Jingfeng was awakened by the smell of ducks.

At this time, they were near Yao Wang Valley. Still, Shen Jingfeng discerned that he had slept for a long time. In a daze, he asked, “Ye-guniang. Are we still on the road?”

Mn, yes.” Ye Chen paused. Shen Jingfeng smelled the smell of roast duck and sensed the hunger in his stomach. However, as a handsome man who cared for his image, he must not let his image crumble. The corners of his lips curled up, “I thought our location before was quite close to Yao Wang Valley.”

“We take a detour.”

“How long is the detour?”

“Not long.”

“I am quite ashamed to say this, but since I escaped from the Demon Sect, I haven’t eaten anything nearly for a day.”


And, the conversation was dead. 

Ye Chen gnawed on the duck while watching the handsome man in front of her. Her mood was uplifted. Shen Jingfeng was reticent for a long stretch before he eventually voiced, “I mean… Can Guniang give me something to eat?”

That duck is so fucking fragrant!

Ye Chen’s mind was blank. She quickly reacted, “You mean this duck? No, no. Your stomach is empty, you can’t eat this. I have ordered Qiusheng to go back and make porridge for you. You can eat that after we arrive at the Valley. We will be there soon.”

“How long?”

“…half an hour?”

Shen Jingfeng, “……”

Shortly, Shen Jingfeng propped himself up. He looked up at Ye Chen and expressed seriously, “Guniang, let me eat some ducks. If anything goes wrong with me because of it, I’ll be responsible for myself.”

Ye Chen was stunned. So all that talk was because he frigging coveted her duck!

But, looking at Shen Jingfeng’s face and blind eyes, Ye Chen reluctantly shared some of the ducks with him.

Shen Jingfeng ate the duck and was satisfied. He never knew he was an easy person to satisfy. The fragrant meat of the duck descended into his stomach with warmth. The girl next to him babbled about the origin of the duck.

She told him the location of the duck shop. Inadvertently, he thought of the location where he was rescued, the location of the duck shop, and the location of Yao Wang Valley. He calculated the time.

At this moment, what didn’t he understand?

This girl dragged his injured body to a detour just to buy ducks. It was obvious how much this girl loved her food……

Ye Chen attempted to introduce to Shen Jingfeng all kinds of food around Yao Wang Valley. In the end, Ye Chen sighed, “Still, none bested your Yue Shan Sect’s chefs. They really can cook delicious foods…..”

“Yue Shan Sect’s chefs have their own personal recipe,” Shen Jingfeng explained. He wiped his hands when he was full. In a good mood, he continued, “From an early age, they were trained to be chefs. It’s normal you can’t find something similar like their food outside Yue Shan Sect.”

“Yes, yes. You are right!” Ye Chen agreed. She suddenly remembered that the person in front of her was the Da Shixiong of Yue Shan Sect and the only son of the Sect Leader. She requested in a beat, “Shen-gongzi, can you take me to Yue Shan Sect for meals in the future?”

Shen Jingfeng heard her request and sighed in his heart. 

Ye Chen really loved him deeply. She had been laying the groundwork for so long just for this request.

But, he was bound to reject her. He raised his head and said in an earnest manner, “Guniang saved me and the grace of saving a life is not something I can easily repay. But, to repay the kindness Guniang gave me, I can bring Guniang to Yue Shan Sect for meals when I am fully recovered.”

What Shen Jingfeng meant is, I do this to repay your kindness and nothing more. Don’t think about it too much and don’t put your hope in me.

Though, the meaning completely passed Ye Chen’s mind. She joyfully seized Shen Jingfeng’s hands with starry eyes, “Jingfeng, you are really a good man!”

Shen Jingfeng felt that he was being dragged by the other party, and silently drew his hands back. At this time, they arrived at Yao Wang Valley. Ye Chen personally helped Shen Jingfeng walk down step by step.

Ye Feng heard that Ye Chen brought a living man back and hurried over. As soon as he saw Shen Jingfeng, he yelled, “Bastard! Shen Jingfeng, you still have the fucking face to show yourself here?”

Ye Feng rushed towards Shen Jingfeng, Ye Chen hurriedly blocked Ye Feng and placated him in a quiet voice, “Dad[4]! Don’t fight! Don’t fight! He is my person!”

Ye Feng stared blankly at her. He darted at Ye Chen, then to the man who, even if he was blind, still carried the demeanor of a noble son. A moment later, he gnashed his teeth and warned, “My daughter is at her age of marriage and you, Shen Jingfeng, dare to use your face to deceive my daughter! I warn you, if you dare to break her heart, Laozi will stab you to death!”

“Yes, yes. Stab him to death,” Ye Chen pushed Ye Feng inside, “I’ll stab him to death myself! Don’t worry about it! Hurry and go!”

Ye Chen ate a lot in the past few days and gained strength. Ye Feng was pushed away by her. He scrutinized her round daughter. After confirming that Shen Jingfeng was far away and couldn’t hear them, he whispered, “Qiusheng told me you are the one who blinded his eyes.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Ye Feng continued, “This is why I told you to eat less. Look. If you eat less, you don’t have to poke him blind to hide the fact that you have gained weight.”

Ye Chen, “(ノ` Д) ノScram!”

His daughter blew up and Ye Feng was quick on his feet to escape.

Ye Chen adjusted her state and returned to Shen Jingfeng. She cleared her throat and said, “Shen-gongzi, let me show you inside.”

Then, Ye Chen took hold of Shen Jingfeng’s sleeve and brought Shen Jingfeng to the Valley.

She was meticulous and paced slowly. As she walked, she described to Shen Jingfeng what was around.

Shen Jingfeng memorized them all carefully.

The person walking in front of him gave him great peace of mind.

After helping Shen Jingfeng settle down, Ye Chen made a more comprehensive inspection for Shen Jingfeng. Shen Jingfeng bared his top in front of a girl for the first time and felt quite embarrassed. Ye Chen’s heart was pounding wildly as she inspected Shen Jingfeng’s injuries.

She held back her nosebleed and scrupulously examined his injuries with a straight face, playing make-believe that she was calm.

When she was done with the inspection, Shen Jingfeng had buried his face in the pillow from embarrassment, Ye Chen got to her feet and stated, “There is nothing serious with your injuries. I’ll leave the medicine here. Remember to drink it on time. About your eyes, it will probably take a long time for them to heal. Just stay here, in Yao Wang Valley, to treat it.”

Shen Jingfeng knitted his eyebrows, “I’m a Yue Shan Sect disciple. Is it alright for me to stay in Yao Wang Valley for a long time?”

“I have asked my father to relay a message to your father. Let’s wait for your father to answer it first. Besides, I saved you, don’t you want to repay my kindness?”

Shen Jingfeng was stunned, “Then, what does Guniang want?”

“Stay in Yao Wang Valley for at least a year.” Ye Chen sipped her tea and voiced softly, “When you can use your sword again, be my bodyguard. After a year, you are free to go.”

As her bodyguard, he could buy her food.

Ye Chen thought happily. Thinking of Shen Jingfeng returning to her with roast ducks, Ye Chen felt that the world was so beautiful. 

The author has something to say,

[Mini theater]

Doctor, “Recently, the readers complained about your health and asked me to prescribe some medicine for you.”

Mo Shu Bai, “……”

Doctor: “Give me a reason, or I’ll electrocute you.”

Mo Shu Bai, “It’s like this… Recently, the author is having jet lag and can’t keep hold of the time… So the update will be shorter…”

Doctor, “Then, when will the update be longer?”

Mo Shu Bai. “After the 24th…”

Doctor, “Mn, that’s fine.”

Mo Shu Bai, “I don’t write long enough. Doctor, you are not satisfied with it, aren’t you?”

Doctor, “Heh.”

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  1. 传道受业 – chuán dào shòu yè; lit. Give moral and practical instruction. To teach.

  2. 药童 – yào tóng. lit. Medicine Child. Child whose duty is to carry the task like organizing the medicine or do menial tasks for the main Doctor.

  3. The word used is 我明白 – míng bai. It can also mean “I understand.” / “I am clear (about it)”. I just used the chance to use “I see” because SJF is currently blind, sorry :>

  4. When there are outsiders, Ye Chen called Ye Feng 父亲 – fùqīn. When there are only them, she called Ye Feng with 爹 – diē.

Ry’s Corner

This chapter in a nutshell,

Shen Jingfeng: Oh, no. She loves me.

Ye Chen: Roast duck……  Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_

A make-up chapter for the missed updates.

6 out of 6 done.

Up we go to the 10 bonus chapters. Finally, after a month of procrastinating.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2556

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2 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 45”

  1. “This is why I told you to eat less. Look. If you eat less, you don’t have to poke him blind to hide the fact that you have gained weight.” Her dad is too hilarious 😂

    This is giving me LYF vibes, with Xiao Yao saving Jing. A comedic, roast duck version of it lol.

    Also I read the first chapters of the 2 Mo Shu Bai novels your friend translated – they’re great. My suggestion is that you introduce more of your friends to this blog. Since more friends = many more people who can translate even mooooore Mo Shu Bai novels 😇


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