TVIRAD – Chapter 46

Arc 4
Ten Years Lanterns (4)

A bonus chapter thanks to WillieCoyote!

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Shen Jingfeng furrowed his brows from Ye Chen’s words. Shen Jingfeng weighed it, taking his eyes and injuries into consideration. At last, he agreed, “Alright. Only, in the near future, I may have to bother Guniang to look after me.”

“Don’t worry about it, I will.”

Ye Chen waved her hand and Qiusheng brought the medicine soup in. Ye Chen fed Shen Jingfeng the medicine and took care of him until he rested. 

From that day, Ye Chen came to hand Shen Jingfeng the medicine in person. Ye Chen always maintained her cold temperament. Her voice was also as cold as water. When she spoke with a soft tone, it had a calming effect on people’s hearts.

Shen Jingfeng hadn’t slept well for many years, but in this Yao Wang Valley, around this girl, he always fell asleep inadvertently.

He discerned he was rude for falling asleep on her like that, but Ye Chen assured him that it was alright because the side effect of his medicine was drowsiness. Hence, Shen Jingfeng let go of his remorse for falling asleep on her. 

The letter to Yue Shan Sect received its reply within a few days. Ye Chen read the letter out loud to him, Shen Qiuhe said, Shen Jingfeng would be handed over to Yao Wang Valley to be taken care of. Yue Shan Sect would cover all the medical expenses. Yao Wang Valley could keep him there as long as they wanted. At the end of the letter, he urged Shen Jingfeng to step up his game and to return with his daughter-in-law in his hands.

Ye Chen was conscious she just read something that wasn’t meant for her eyes. She awkwardly sealed the letter and cleared her throat, “Uncle has an interesting sense of humor.”

Shen Jingfeng only smiled and changed the subject, “Spring is around the corner, if my eyes haven’t recovered by then, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait for another year to see the blooming flowers.”

“I’m afraid that you indeed will have to wait for another year,” Ye Chen smiled, “You still have to drink medicine for another three months before you can get better.”

“Missing the chance to see the blooming flowers is not a deal. I promised Guniang to be Guniang’s bodyguard, but with my condition, I can’t fulfill it. I feel ashamed every time I think of it.”

“You haven’t recovered, currently, you are still my patient. Don’t think too much about it.”

Ye Chen rose from her seat and offered, “Let me show you around the garden so you can familiarize yourself with it. When you are familiar enough with the garden, you can look around by yourself.”

“Sorry for inconveniencing Guniang.”

Shen Jingfeng nodded. Shen Jingfeng initially assumed Ye Chen would ask others to help him, but as soon as he consented, Ye Chen grasped his hand and stated in a flat tone, “Let’s go.”

Shen Jingfeng stiffened, but the other party was relaxed and acted with a clear conscience. She just put his hand in the palm of her hand and led him without violating the propriety. Shen Jingfeng was caught off guard by her. Therefore, he also let it be and continued to listen to her voice. He followed her steps and wandered around the courtyard one step at a time. 

“There is a step ahead. Be careful…”

She warned him, but he still slipped. He swayed down and she tried to stabilize him. Nevertheless, he was heavier than her so she was pushed down. The two of them plunged down and Ye Chen crashed against the pear tree. The petals fluttered down one after another. He braced himself above her, his blind eyes had no focus, but it did not damage his appearance even by half.

Ye Chen glued her eyes to his face until the other party asked, “Ye-guniang?”

Ye Chen was quick to react and promptly got up. Shen Jingfeng heard the rustle and angled his head sideways. As luck would have it, thin and moist lips brushed against the other’s smooth and soft lips, carrying the owner’s tender warmth.

Both of them were stupefied. Shen Jingfeng reacted first and hastily backed away, “Please forgive me for being discourteous.”

“There’s no harm,” Ye Chen made a show of calmness, “You make some room first for me, I’ll help you up.”

Shen Jingfeng nodded. He straightened his spine and knelt on the ground. Ye Chen got up and dusted the petals on her body.  Shen Jingfeng sensed something falling on his face and shoulder and couldn’t help asking, “Is there a flower falling?”


“What flower?”

“Pear blossom.”

“The pear blossom in the courtyard are brightened by moonlight. The willow catkins dance over the pond and the wind is light.[1]” Shen Jingfeng sketched this scene in his mind. His mind inadvertently thought of his first glance at Ye Chen. The girl’s beautiful face was reflected in his mind. He seemed to be able to visualize her standing under the pear blossom with her usual serene and stoic face. 

He had no idea why, but a strange feeling surged in his heart. 38 whistled while eating the melon, “The Favorability Value is rising fast. It’s 15 now.”

Ye Chen was amazed.

That damn fast?!

Ye Chen was reserved. She pulled Shen Jingfeng up and walked with him. 

Shen Jingfeng was different from the other Villains.

Almost all other Villains’ Favorability Value stayed unmoving until it went up at the critical moment.

Shen Jingfeng’s Favorability Value grew steadily, increasing by 0.1 and 0.1 for each passing day. 

Just like his personality. Gentle, tranquil, and unhurried.

Ye Chen guided him around every day. She showed him everything in the courtyard and also ordered someone to remove all obstructive things.

In less than a month, Shen Jingfeng could already use his sword. He practically proceeded without hindrance in the courtyard, as if he was not blind.

Every day Shen Jingfeng practiced his sword in the courtyard, Ye Chen would be on the promenade, leaning against a pillar and eating dessert, watching him quietly.

Shen Jingfeng’s beauty was a quiet and gentle beauty. A gentleman who was like jade.  Like that, no matter how fast he used his sword, no matter how hard and firm his every move was, every act and every movement of his wouldn’t look rash. Every gesture reminded her of the river flowing endlessly under the moon, mirroring the stars and moonlight. It presented Ye Chen with a piece of tranquility.

Ye Chen couldn’t comprehend it. The heck, how could this man be the Villain?

She of course remembered she still had the task to “Preach about Good Karma,” so she began to spread the basic knowledge of being a good person for him every day.

This course would only last for one year. Thus, Ye Chen specially prepared a course schedule for this “Be a Good Person” course. She lay the theoretical knowledge on the first two months. She began to tell Shen Jingfeng stories as long as he was free. They were all stories about admirable people and their exemplary deeds. She made use of every bit of their time.

For example, when Shen Jingfeng was exhausted from practice, he would come to Ye Chen. Ye Chen would hand him water and a towel. After he drank the water and wiped off his sweat, he would sit next to her and listen to her. 

In the beginning, Shen Jingfeng meant for her to talk about the scenery. Though he had no idea why after describing the scenery, Ye Chen would always love to narrate a story

These stories were essentially the same, stories about upholding justice and helping the weak, risking one life for another. Shen Jingfeng was not clear as to why Ye Chen enjoyed such stories. But, in the end, she did and it was a fact. She loved such stories. So, he would listen to her stories.

Basically, the course of “Be a Good Person” became mandatory after Shen Jingfeng practiced his swords. 

Ye Chen narrated from the side and Shen Jingfeng followed her story in silence. After listening for a while, Shen Jingfeng suddenly spoke, “How about I tell you something from my childhood?”

Ye Chen was taken aback for a beat. Another beat later, she nodded, “Okay.”

Shen Jingfeng told her about his childhood. When he was a child, his days were dull and dry. His life was simple. Nearly all of his story-telling consists only of him practicing sword yesterday, him practicing sword today, and him practicing sword tomorrow.

Next, he practiced with his shixiong. Then, he practiced with his shidi. Lastly, he practiced with his father.

From basic technique to Yue Shan Sect’s special technique……

With such a monotonous learning process, Shen Jingfeng could speak about it for a long time. At the start, Ye Chen feigned interest, but later, she could only squeeze out a few “Oh?”, “How amazing”, “Really amazing”, “Wow, amazing.”

And way much later, she couldn’t hold herself to feign interest. She kept tilting her head from drowsiness. When she leaned on Shen Jingfeng’s shoulder, she immediately fell asleep. 

Shen Jingfeng sensed she was leaning on his shoulder and breathing evenly. The corners of his mouth couldn’t be stopped from curling up. 

Qiusheng brought his robe over. Shen Jingfeng heard someone’s footsteps and guessed that it was Qiusheng who brought his change of clothes. He put his finger on his lips and made a “Shh” gesture.

Qiusheng cautiously walked to their sides, covered Ye Chen with his robes, and retreated. 

Shen Jingfeng tilted his head down to look at Ye Chen. Although he couldn’t see anything, he felt he could vaguely perceive the figure of the girl leaning on his shoulder.

He felt bizarre about it. This scene gave him a sense of deja vu. He felt that this girl indeed should lean on him, accompanying him.

He sat there quietly until the pitter-patter of the rain became heavy. 

Ye Chen roused from the rain and found herself leaning against Shen Jingfeng.

Shen Jingfeng was warm. In this time where spring was ending, such a source of warmth made Ye Chen reluctant to leave.

Her head remained leaning on Shen Jingfeng’s shoulder. She watched the pear blossoms swayed by the rain and called out softly, “Shen Jingfeng.”


“Is your shoulder sore?”

“Not sore.”

“Then, can I lean on it for a litte longer?”

Shen Jingfeng chuckled with a smile in his eyes. He was helpless against her, “Okay.”

Thus, Ye Chen continued to lean on his shoulder. She didn’t understand why there was a faint temperature on her heart. 

The situation reminded her of a lot of people. The feeling she got from leaning on Shen Jingfeng was the same feeling she got when she was leaning on those people.

She had done Emotional Cleansing. She didn’t exactly remember her feelings towards those people. It’s just… Leaning on Shen Jingfeng’s shoulder… Just for a moment, she felt as if there was a magnificent emotion gushing up, suffocating her and making her unable to speak. 

Shen Jingfeng noticed her change and asked softly, “Guniang, what’s wrong?”

Mn. It’s nothing.” Ye Chen was afraid 38 also noticed her change. She got  up and said, “Let’s return.”


Shen Jingfeng picked up his sword and trailed behind Ye Chen. Ye Chen noted the footsteps of the people behind her and couldn’t help pausing, “Shen Jingfeng.”


“Can you cook?”

Shen Jingfeng was dumbfounded for a moment, He nodded, “A little.”

“Then, you cook for me.”

“When my eyes are healed,” Shen Jingfeng laughed despite himself, “I’ll cook for Guniang.”

“Deal.” Ye Chen answered and questioned 38 who was playing a game, “Do you have any quick-acting medicine?”

38, “……” Why are you in such a hurry? It’s just a meal.

38 refused her without batting an eye, “There is nothing like that in our system. You don’t even think about anything when you carelessly stab him. It’s good we can bring him back to life. Now you still dare to think about quick-acting medicine? Open your eyes wide. Quit daydreaming.”

38’s words made Ye Chen’s heart a bit wounded. She sighed and took Shen Jingfeng back. She could only wait for 38’s medicine to work. This would be a long two months for her. 

Shen Jingfeng was blind. It’s not convenient for him to cook.

“Don’t be so dejected,” 38 reminded Ye Chen, “If he weren’t blinded, would he stay by your side so obediently? You should realize at this moment, his world consists only of you. He can only rely on you. You should brush up on the Favorability fast. According to our System calculation, if you successfully brush it to 30, he will feel at ease and stay as your bodyguard. So, hurry up and do your job.”

38’s words fueled Ye Chen. Ye Chen seized every chance to brush his Favorability. She would say good morning when it’s early and good night when it’s late. She almost stuck 24/7 to Shen Jingfeng. As a result, Shen Jingfeng’s Favorability Value… remained as usual, steadily growing 0.1 every day.

Noticing that the time was ticking and Shen Jingfeng’s eyes were about to recover, Ye Chen was anxious. She was still 5 points away from the target. She must hurry.

“This won’t do. I’ll teach you,” 38 lit a cigarette, “If he is bent on leaving, you go to his room and push him down!”

Ye Chen, “……”

“With his temperament,” 38 puffed, “He will be responsible for you.”

38’s words entered Ye Chen’s ears and Ye Chen had reached the end of her forbearance, She growled, “Put out your cigarette!”

Her mind was stuffed with 38’s foul smoke and she almost fainted.

And faint she did. The next time she came back to her senses, it was already the Yulan Festival[2].

Yao Wang Valley was located in the Southwest. They could see the grandiosity of the Yulan Festival when they stepped out of the Valley. Ye Chen crammed down her anxiety and brought Shen Jingfeng out of the Valley to go shopping.

On that day, people came and went.

Shen Jingfeng protected Chen from bumping into the passerby when they were strolling in the street. Ye Chen’s mind was thrown back to how Jun Yan protected her like this at the Qixi Festival; how Elt protected her at the magic market. The Villains all had different personalities, but they always shared something in common.

Ye Chen’s heart wavered. Shen Jingfeng listened carefully to the voices around him.

Just then, he abruptly asked, “Is it the time to light the river lanterns?”

On the day of the Yulan Festival, every family used river lanterns to commemorate the dead.

Ye Chen looked at the time, and assented, “Yeah, it is.”

Guniang,” Shen Jingfeng asked with a hint of pleading in his voice, “May I go light a river lantern?”

“Of course, you can.” Ye Chen nodded. She held his hand, “I’ll take you there.”

At present, Shen Jingfeng was accustomed to her pulling him around. She usually held his sleeve, but when people were crowded like this, she held his hand. 

Her hands were warm and Shen Jingfeng felt at peace. Even though he currently couldn’t see anything, he didn’t mind it in the slightest.

Ye Chen took him to the river. She bought a river lantern and led him to the river. She held a pen and paper and asked, “What should I write?”

Shen Jingfeng pursed his lips. He hesitated. Eventually, he said, “Shen Qiushuang.”

Ye Chen was surprised by the name, “Who?”

Shen Jingfeng remained silent. He looked into the distance. Even if he couldn’t see, she got the feeling that he was looking at something far away from this place.

“My mother.”

His voice was dull.

Ye Chen’s brain blanked.

She abruptly recalled that in the world line given to her by 38, the reason why Shen Jingfeng persisted on his path to obliterating the Demon Sect was never unraveled.

At first, she believed it was because of Yue Sheng. However, at this moment, she came to a realization.

Shen Jingfeng… wasn’t the kind of person who would be blinded by emotions and went insane just for a woman…

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  1. 梨花院落溶溶月,青草池塘淡淡风 – lí huā yuàn luò róng róng yuè,qīng cǎo chí táng dàn dàn fēng. A line from Yàn Shū’s poem titled 寓意 – yùyì. The Translation of the Poem is taken from here.

  2. 盂兰盆节 – yúlánpén jié. The Ghost Festival. Feast of All Souls (15th day of 7th Lunar Month). Similar to Japanese’s Obon Festival. Yulan (or Yulanpen) Festival is a festival to pay respect to the spirits of the dead.

Ry’s Corner

I just re-read MLiS for the nth time. I mulled over it and realized the reason I like Arc 4 and Arc 7 of TVIRAD the most is because Shen Jingfeng and Qin Zhao’s gentleness reminds me of Qian Xu. ……A simp will forever be a simp.

I hope Lyre will update MLiS soon.


Yan Shu’s poems are collected in his anthology Zhu Yu Ci (Pearl and Jade Ci). Yuyi, the poem Shen Jingfeng quoted in this chapter, is one of his Ci Poems.

Ci is a type of lyric poetry, it has a set of certain patterns, in fixed-rhythm, fixed-tone, and variable line-length formal types, or model examples. The rhythmic and tonal patterns of the ci are based upon certain, definitive musical song tunes.

I kept forgetting this but, 守泽美七 posted a fanart of Elt in Lofter. :>

Soft Elt at your service. 

Wǒ yīzhí děng zhe nǐ,Yè Chén
I have been waiting for you, Ye Chen.

Yǐhòu nǐ shēngbìng,Wǒ dū huì zhàogù nǐ. Nǐ jīntiān bù shì yī gè rén,Yǐhòu yě bùhuì shì yī gè rén.”
When you get sick, I will take care of you. You’re not alone today, and you won’t be alone in the future.

Yè Chén,Wǒ huì duì nǐ hǎo de,bǐ Kǎiěr hǎo duō liǎo.”
Ye Chen, I will treat you well. Way much better than Kyle.

Bonus chapters:

1 out of 10 done.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2710

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