TVIRAD – Chapter 50

Arc 4
Ten Years Lanterns (8)

A bonus chapter thanks to WillieCoyote!

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38’s remarks left her stupefied. She pushed him away and fleed.

Mo Xingchen froze in his place, “Ye-guniang!”

“I’m sorry,” Ye Chen paused, her face solemn. “Mo-gongzi, I can’t return your feelings. If you wish to, we can still be friends. If you don’t, then please just treat our meeting as a chance acquaintance. Fate comes and goes, it’s all destined.”

Ye Chen lifted her skirt and anxiously scurried to Shen Jingfeng’s room. Mo Xingchen attempted to chase her, but Lao San, who had been driven away by him, intercepted him, “Jiaozhu, don’t chase. The carriage is at the door. Let’s go quickly!”


“We can’t wait. The Saintess is at the door. If we don’t go, she’ll break in!”

“Why is she so crazy?!”

Mo Xingchen roared. He turned his gaze and heeded Lao San’s words.

Shen Jingfeng arrived at his room and composed himself. He changed his clothes and sat on the floor mat. He sat cross-legged with his sword set on his knees. He closed his eyes and settled his heart.

The moment Ye Chen rushed into the room, her vision was full of such a figure. His long hair cascaded behind him, his white clothes shining like snow.

In an instant, for some reason, the figure of Jun Yan from many years ago emerged in her mind. Her vision turned black and she swayed. She grasped the door and gasped low.


Shen Jingfeng’s back was on her. He stroked the sword on his knees.

Ye Chen couldn’t utter a word. Somehow, she felt there was some emotion suppressed in her heart. Obviously, she had done emotional cleansing, but why is it that she still felt these overwhelming feelings that made her eyes sting. 

“Host, what’s wrong?” 38 panicked, “Are you uncomfortable somewhere?”

Ye Chen didn’t respond to 38. She grasped the door frame for a long time before the feelings in her heart subsided.

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Shen Jingfeng who had risen to his feet. 

He tilted his head with a tranquil expression. His eyelashes framed down his eyes, “I was about to say goodbye to Guniang. I didn’t anticipate Guniang to come here by herself.”

“Goodbye?” Ye Chen was taken aback, “Did something happen?” 

“The Demon Sect and the Holy Sect are clashing in the Western Regions. Yue Shan Sect had a branch in the Western Regions. Jingfeng was recalled by the Sect Leader to go there and protect the people.”

“Oh, oh.” Ye Chen nodded. It’s to protect the people. The reason was worthy of her support. She stared at him. “When will you be back, then?”

Shen Jingfeng was silent. He looked down and didn’t speak. Ye Chen nodded again. She got it. “You are not going to come back.”

Guniang is doing well in Yao Wang Valley,” Shen Jingfeng’s words were warm, “I can set my mind at ease. But, in the end, I’m still a disciple of the Yue Shan Sect. Yue Shan Sect is my responsibility and I must not shrink from it..”

“Yue Shan Sect is your Sect and your responsibility,” Ye Chen leaned at the door. Her eyes moved to the endless patter of the autumn rain outside. She slowly said, “Then, I’m your wife who is supposed to worship Heaven and Earth with you. I didn’t see you planning to be responsible for me?”

Because of her words, there was a faint change in Shen Jingfeng’s expression.

Ye Chen felt she suffered from injustice. 

She felt that she had tried her best to treat him well, but the Favorability remained unchanged. She liked beauty and was willing to treat those beauties well. But, in Shen Jingfeng’s case, she treated him well because she hoped for Shen Jingfeng to at least return a bit of her kindness.

She was good to Mo Xingchen, to Kyle, to Xie Wushuang, and to Zhou Yucheng. But, she didn’t really invest herself in it, she was good to them just because she could. She didn’t care whether the other party would return her kindness.

Shen Jingfeng was different. She didn’t do all of those just because of his face, she vaguely hoped the other party would respond to her kindness.

At this moment, Ye Chen didn’t understand the reason for her grievances.

But, in the later future, Ye Chen, this heartless person, would learn that what she expected the other party to return wasn’t her kindness, but her feelings and affections.

Still, it was in the later future, the present Ye Chen didn’t understand it yet and could only feel she was wronged. On the outside, the rain splashed on the maple leaves. She waited silently for Shen Jingfeng’s response. Yet, Shen Jingfeng kept silent.

A long time passed and Shen Jingfeng suddenly spoke, “Do you know, the Demon Sect is located on the Whirling Mountain, half of it is cliffs. Their Main Hall stood on the edge of the cliff. Inside the Hall, there is a golden throne, and under the golden throne, there is a hollow platform full of spells and scriptures. Legend has it that if a human corpse is trapped under the golden throne, it can remain immortal forever. Even if it is ten years later, the corpse will still be lifelike.”

Ye Chen’s mind blanked. She didn’t understand the reason why Shen Jingfeng told this to her out of nowhere.

And, Shen Jingfeng didn’t understand it himself. Just as he didn’t understand why he mentioned his mother’s name to her on the night of the Yulan Festival, and why he lied to her about his recovering eyes. 

He always restrained his heart and kept telling himself not to delve into it.

His mind always reminded him of the high platform full of spells and scriptures.

The woman in front of him peeked at him with uncertainty, indicating she couldn’t understand what he was saying.

He shut his eyes and added, “However, the price for that is the soul of that person will be imprisoned forever there. No afterlife. No reincarnation.”

“You mentioned this to me,” Ye Chen frowned. “For what reason?”

“No reason,” Shen Jingfeng’s heart became steady, or perhaps it became cold as if it returned to the past and was chained to the vast ice field. 

He could only go alone on this road. No one could or should accompany him on this road. He gave her a soothing smile, “That is why the Demon Sect is not good. I should go back to Yue Shan Sect and help the Wulin eliminate the Demon Sect. Doesn’t Guniang agree?”

He could see clearly now.

The girl in front of him was a bit plumper than she was before. The past her was too thin, so the current her was just right. It lessened her cold temperament and made her cuter.

The frown on her forehead stayed, “The Demon Sect does not necessarily consist of bad people.”

“Yes,” Shen Jingfeng agreed, “So, I want to help the good people, nothing more.”

The reason was too justified. Ye Chen had no reason to refute him. She nibbled her lips, not knowing how to stop him. 38 lit a cigarette in her mind. It heaved a sigh, “This is what you got for not doing the task well. Now, is the task going to fail?”

“Just…” Ye Chen hesitated, “Just accompany me for a year, can’t you….?”

“A few months less,” Shen Jingfeng smiled. “Is it that important?”

“Important.” Ye Chen answered without delay. She looked up at Shen Jingfeng, “You are by my side for a few more months. So this “a few months less” is very important.”

Shen Jingfeng didn’t anticipate her answer and was stunned. Her firmness made his mouth dry and his tongue scorched.

He averted his gaze, “Still, currently there is some business I must do… If there is nothing wrong with Yue Shan Sect, I’ll come back. Is that alright, Guniang?”

Ye Chen sighed with relief. She nodded, “Okay. I will wait for you.”

Anyway, if by that time he didn’t, she could create some accident for him.

Shen Jingfeng smiled. He scanned the courtyard and took his coat from one table. He also took out his umbrella and said gently, “I’ll take Guniang back.”

Ye Chen nodded. Shen Jingfeng put his coat on her and took her back with an umbrella.

Now that his eyes were all right, she no longer had to hold his sleeve. Though, just walking beside him with the corners of their clothes rubbed by, she actually felt so lost.

Her gaze lowered, watching the corners of their clothes rubbed continuously. Shen Jingfeng kept his gaze straight ahead, never looking down. The umbrella painted with reeds tilted towards her, not letting a drop of rain fall on her. However, Ye Chen got an inkling that there was a layer of estrangement between them. Such estrangement made her heart astringent and caused her to be upset. 

Hence, after a few more steps, she couldn’t stand the atmosphere and held the corner of his clothes, just like the time when he was still blind.

Shen Jingfeng was surprised and looked down, but there were no words from his mouth.

Ye Chen fidgeted. She held the corner of his clothes and carefully justified her action, “I am used to holding your clothes when I walk beside you. Now, you are leaving, so I will hold it one last time as a farewell. Don’t be angry.”

Shen Jingfeng remained wordless. The rain dripped on the umbrella and the sound became louder. Ye Chen was at loss. Her courage evaporated by the quietness of the other party. Thus, she gradually released the other party’s hand. As early as she released her grasp, his warm palm held her slender hand.

There was a slight tremble on Shen Jingfeng’s hand.

He held the other party’s hand on impulse. The moment she loosened her grasp, indescribable panic rose in his heart. He didn’t know where this sense of panic came from. By the time he realized it, he had held her hand.

He tried his best to restrain all his emotions, but he still couldn’t help trembling while holding her hand.

Ye Chen stared blankly at the young man with an umbrella in front of him. Beneath the light. The young man lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, “It’s cold. Don’t be cold.”

Then, the grasp on her hand tightened. He accompanied her all the way back to her room.

Ye Chen’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. His palms were big and warm. The two of them held each other’s hands tightly. Because they were nervous, their palms were a little damp. Shen Jingfeng didn’t let go until they reached her door.

He had no courage to look at her. He just said, “Guniang, go inside.”

“You…” Ye Chen was somewhat embarrassed. She took off the coat he put on her and whispered, “You will come back after you have dealt with the affairs of the Western Regions, right?”

There was no reply from him. He hung his eyes. His gaze met with Ye Chen’s. She looked up at him with expectation in her eyes. The light in her eyes flickered, all on it was his shadow.

He listened to the sound of the rain outside and felt a sense of peace in his heart. As if the world at this moment, at this place, was his own peaceful world.

The first time he saw her, she stood opposite him in red.

This was his wife. At least, once his wife. 

Unable to refuse her request, he answered hoarsely, “Yes.”

“When I have dealt with it,” he assured, “I’ll be back.”

“Okay. Okay.” Ye Chen beamed, “I’ll wait for you to come back! Oh, you also promised to cook for me! I’m absolutely waiting for you to come back!”

“I understand.” He smiled.

Then, he left with an umbrella.

The young man’s white shirt was soaked in rain, his sword was hung at his waist, and the reeds on his umbrella swayed with the rain, like a painting came alive.

Ye Chen leaned on the edge of the door frame. Her hands folded between her sleeves. A sigh escaped her lips, “A beauty ah. It’s really pleasing to the eyes.”

With that, she asked in delight, “How much Favorability do I get?”


“What’s the matter?”

“I… I seem to be broken.”

38 was flustered, “Wait a minute, I’ll fix it right away.”

“Why are you broken?” Ye Chen felt it was strange, 38 let out an “Ai” and complained to her, “The Favorability is bouncing around. One time it’s 15, then 30, then 70, and then it 5. Say, don’t you also think I’m broken?”

Ye Chen was silent. In fact, this situation……

She seemed to have experienced it.

She didn’t tell that to 38, though. She just asked, “The highest?”

“92.” 38 glanced at the screen and called the Main System.

“Is 03-ge there? Ah, not there? Relay this ah. I think I’ve broken again… It’s my fault that I am always broken?! Wait, don’t hang up, I haven’t said… Fuck! They hung up!”

37 was hung up by his boss and was angry. He dialed them wildly.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen stood by her desk, watching the autumn rain outside and pondering in her heart.

92, how high.

That meant…… he would be back, right?

Ye Chen mulled it over silently while 38 was arguing with the Main System. She sat on her bed and felt sleepy. She turned off 38’s voice and slept.

When she woke up, she was in a trance. Qiusheng brought in the washing water and informed, “Shijie, Shen-gongzi has left with the Yue Shan Sect’s disciple.”

Ye Chen blinked and nodded, “Mn.”

Chunsheng also brought in things such as a handkerchief and toothbrush, “Shijie, Mo-gongzi also left with his people.”

Ye Chen nodded again, “I know.”

The two men had left and Ye Chen’s life was stagnant.

She treated people every day in the Medical Hall. Two days later, plague spread in the surrounding towns. Ye Feng went with some Yao Wang Valley’s people to visit the towns while Ye Chen and the others stayed in Yao Wang Valley. The next day after Ye Feng left, his disciples rushed back one after another.

Shijie, this is bad,” Chunsheng, who followed Ye Feng, was anxious, “Guzhu has been kidnapped!”

“Kid… Kidnapped?!” Ye Chen was stunned, “Who did it?”

“The Saintess, Yuesheng.”

Chunsheng immediately spouted a name that Ye Chen was very familiar with. Ye Chen was dumbfounded on the spot.

Why did Yue Sheng kidnap her father? Did she have a crush on her father?

“What did she kidnap my father for?”

Ye Chen frowned. Chunsheng took a deep breath and then said, “Yue Sheng said that you must go to the Demon Sect alone. If you don’t go up today or bring others with you, she will present you with Guzhu’s head tomorrow!”

“Scoundrel!” Ye Chen slammed the table, “She is too much! Bring out my needle and sword. I’ll go up the mountain at once!”

Shijie…” Qiusheng whispered, “You go there… Do you wish to die?”

“So I shouldn’t go and just watch my father die?”

Ye Chen spoke in a cold voice. The people nearby delivered her needle and sword. Ye Chen wore her cloak and stuffed the silver needle into her pocket. She checked the [Poison], [Medicine], and various pills in her pocket. Then, she went straight out and instructed someone to bring her a horse. She gave orders to Chunsheng and Qiusheng and rushed to the Demon Sect.

When Ye Chen had just left Yao Wang Valley, Qiusheng panicked, “What should we do now? We Yao Wang Valley certainly can’t fight the demon Sect! ”

“What to do? Contact Shen-gongzi!” Chunsheng hastily searched for the carrier pigeon, “At this moment, who can challenge the Demon Sect in Wulin except for Yue Shan Sect? Move fast!”

Chunsheng quickly wrote a letter to Shen Jingfeng. Ye Chen, on the other hand, was on the way to the Demon Sect.

She finally was alone for the first time in this world. She really wished to kill anyone that dared to cross her right now.

“Host, take it easy.” 38 pacified, “Don’t act out of character. Do it only as a last resort. You are a doctor now, not a swordsman.”

“Fine. I understand.” Ye Chen acquiesced, “I don’t need to use a needle if I can use poison; I don’t need to use a sword if I can use a needle. You can rest assured.”

With that said, Ye Chen galloped all the way to the foot of the Demon Sect’s Mountain.

At the foot of the Demon Sect’s Mountain was a long river. There was a bridge on the long river. Ye Chen stopped in front of the bridge, the people of the Demon Sect stood opposite the bridge and shouted, “Who’s there?”

Ye Chen raised her voice and answered, “Yao Wang Valley Ye Chen has come to see you!”

The author has something to say,

[Mini Theater]

Mo Shu Bai: “Hello everyone, I’m back.”

Doctor (followed by a group of people), “You are out of the prison after so long, aren’t you very capable?”

Mo Shu Bai, “You praise me too much. It’s all thanks to the other patients that gave me this opportunity.”

Doctor, “Seems like your condition is getting worse.”

Mo Shu Bai, “Mn? Why do you say that?”

Doctor, “You are now surrounded by your readers. They won’t help you escape from prison Yet, you imagined a group of patients who helped you. Am I wrong for saying your condition has worsened?”

Mo Shu Bai, “What? My readers are now patients? What are they doing in the hospital?”

Doctor, “Since you started writing this article, our hospital is thriving. For instance, there is someone eating the glass dregs, and while eating, they went insane……”

Mo Shu Bai:“……”

Sorry, I have failed to create a harmonious society. It’s me who has failed my duty.

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Ry’s Corner

Ugh. I hate Monday.

Bonus Chapters:

4 out of 10 done.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3021

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4 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 50”

  1. Mondays are made better by Our Beloved Summer – you should watch!! (idk if you watch kdramas tho)

    And if this is a trend, then Mondays are also made better by TVIRAD 😍


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