TVIRAD – Chapter 54

Arc 4
Ten Years Lanterns (12)

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Mo Xingchen was reserved. He looked at Ye Chen and pursed his lips. After a long time, he eventually stated, “This time it’s Yue Sheng who is capricious, I apologize to you on her behalf, you…”

He paused and moved his gaze to Ye Chen’s feet. “Go back to the room and have a rest. I’ll take care of this.”

“No need.” Ye Chen resolutely rejected and declared in a feeble voice, “I’ll go down the mountain with Shen-gongzi.”

Ye Chen held Shen Jingfeng’s hands in hers and walked out with difficulty. Shen Jingfeng supported her back and let her lean on him.

He was evidently bruised all over, but when the girl leaned on him, he remained as steady as a rock. Ye Chen was incapable to curb her urge to glance up at him. The young man was as gentle and calm as usual. He sensed her gaze and bowed his head at her. He smiled and comforted her, “Don’t be afraid.”

With that said, he put his arms under her knees and carried her in his arms. He stepped toward the exit. Mo Xingchen clenched the fan on his hand tightly. He understood that he shouldn’t obstruct, nor could he obstruct them. But, when he saw Shen Jingfeng carrying her to leave, he saw the bloody pattern on the girl’s fair ankle, the pattern that proved her to be his person. He finally couldn’t help but question him, “Where can you take her?”

Shen Jingfeng halted. Mo Xingchen continued, “Shen Jingfeng, in this vast world, where can you take her?”

“She…” Mo Xingchen passed the struggle to say, “She has married me.”

He knew that he was impudent. His words were deplorable, but it was the fact.

The ceremony was completed. Everyone in this world would now recognize Ye Chen as a part of the Demon Sect. If she couldn’t live as a member of the Demon Sect, then she could only die and be buried in the Demon Sect. She could no longer step out of the Demon Sect.  Even Mo Xingchen couldn’t change this century-old custom.

There was no one who could stay alive when they had completed the ceremony of the Demon Sector but wasn’t a member of the Demon Sect.

And even if Mo Xingchen released Ye Chen with his own hands, no one would believe it.

A beautiful woman was caught and detained in the Demon Sect for seven days. The hearsays outside had gone wild. If Ye Chen stepped out of the Demon Sect, where could she go?

Shen Jingfeng froze. Mo Xingchen strode forward. He extended out his hand towards Shen Jingfeng and assured, “Shen Jingfeng, I will treat her well.”

Ye Chen only listened to them. Her gaze was etched on Shen Jingfeng. She was quiet, as if waiting for him to make a decision.

Shen Jingfeng was also quiet. Ultimately, he opened his lips to spat the astringent words. 

“Do you know,” He started, “That was what the former Jiaozhu said to my mother back then.”

Other than Shen Jingfeng, none knew for certain that he himself was the son of the former Demon Sect’s Sect Leader. What’s more, his mother gave birth to him voluntarily.

A handsome and heroic man took a woman away from a group of losers. He became the woman’s only dependence. Hence, when the man gently promised the woman, even if it’s just sweet words spoken on the bed, the woman still believed it.

His mother believed it. Even when she met with unspeakable kinds of things after that, even when she died in the end, she still missed the gentleness that the man gave her for the first time.

He grasped Ye Chen’s shoulders tightly, as if he was holding his own sword. He stared straight at Mo Xingchen with a sober expression, and declared in a rough voice, “The world is vast. At the place where I, Shen Jingfeng, am at, it is naturally a place, a home, where she, Ye Chen, can return to.”

“If all the people in the world condemn her, then I alone will protect her;”

“If all the people in the world hate her, then I alone will love her;”

“If all the people in the world shun her, then I alone will marry her;”

“I will give her back as much joy and happiness as the world devastates her.”

“As long as I, Shen Jingfeng, live for one more day, I will never let others hurt her or humiliate her for one more day. ”

“Mo Xingchen,” Shen Jingfeng eyed Mo Xingchen with firmness, stressing every single word he spoke, “Ye Chen is not Shen Qiushuang, and she will never become another Shen Qiushuang. ”

Mo Xingchen was stunned by his words. Even Ye Chen couldn’t help being a little moved.

She hugged his neck and her eyelashes cast a shadow on her eyes. 38 in her mind clicked its tongue.”I didn’t expect Shen Jingfeng’s feeling to be this deep. Seems like I am really broken.”

Ye Chen ignored it. She leaned against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

She never felt this content before.

Shen Jingfeng hugged her and walked out of the main hall. Just as Shen Jingfeng carried her out of the hall, the autumn rain started to drizzle. The people around them glared dagger at them. Regardless, Shen Jingfeng was not oppressed by them. He dropped his head and whispered to her, “It’s raining, I don’t have an umbrella, come closer.”

Ye Chen hummed. She hugged him tightly and said nothing else.

The people of the Demon Sect commenced their move to block them. Mo Xingchen commanded, “Halt.”

Jiaozhu?” One of them cried, “That woman’s ceremony has been completed!”

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xingchen’s fan shot straight over and knocked the man out.

“I said, let them go!”

Mo Xingchen uttered the words with a threat lingering on it and those people instantly shut their mouths. They just stood on both sides, vigilantly watching Shen Jingfeng with Ye Chen in his arms disappear from their sight.

Shen Jingfeng’s embrace was especially warm and his heartbeat was remarkably steady. Ye Chen listened to the thump in his chest and she couldn’t help questioning, “Why did you come here?”

“I heard that something happened to you, so I came. ”

“Shen Jingfeng.”


“Do you,” Ye Chen raised her head with a dazed look in her eyes, “Care about me?”

Shen Jingfeng didn’t answer. He took her to the foot of the mountain, passed through the bridge, and placed her on his horse.

At the moment, she was only wearing his robe, and her feet as white as jade were shown. He attentively fixed her clothes, He mounted the horse and held her in his arms.

As the horse galloped away, the tiredness seeped to Ye Chen. When she was about to fall asleep, she heard his voice.


The answer was accompanied by a bitter sigh.

She closed her eyes and feigned asleep. His heart settled when he did not hear Ye Chen answer. He looked down at the girl in his arms, and then bent his head and kissed her forehead.

Shen Jingfeng wrapped Ye Chen tightly in his robe and drove all the way into the city. After opening a room, Shen Jingfeng swiftly brought Ye Chen upstairs and ordered the waiter to buy two sets of clothes and some medicine prescribed by Ye Chen. After that, Shen Jingfeng instructed someone to fetch water and porridge. Only then did he turn around to see Ye Chen.

Ye Chen lay on the bed and enveloped herself tightly with a quilt.

Her face, body, and every inch of skin, it all were painted with red patterns. A frightening sight to see.

Shen Jingfeng sat next to Ye Chen. He cooled the porridge on the spoon and sent it to Ye Chen’s lips. Ye Chen just stared at him quietly, not uttering a word.

She was extremely tranquil, taciturn and calm. She reminded Shen Jingfeng of his mother when he was young.

She always sat at the gate of the courtyard and looked out in silence. Someone from the Demon Sect would come in and yank his mother back into the room. There would be cries and screams, and then… deathly stillness. Every time, he was locked up in a small room. When he went to see her later, there was nothing out of the ordinary with his mother. She was as usual, as if nothing had happened, and continued to look out in silence.

Such tranquility, he didn’t understand it when he was young. Only later did he realize that eyes were the eyes of a person who had given up all hope and was buried in great despair.

Because his mother understood she couldn’t go back to her home, she couldn’t face the future, but she also couldn’t leave her young son alone in that place. She could only cover up her despair with a calm facade.

He didn’t know if Ye Chen was currently in such a state, or if Ye Chen had such thoughts. He stared at Ye Chen, who was so calm in front of him, and sensed his hands quivering.

He desired to comfort her, but he didn’t dare to say anything. He could only endure the uneasiness and pain. After feeding her a bowl of porridge, he asked through his pained voice, “Shall I carry you to the bath?” ”

Ye Chen looked up at him and nodded, still in silence.

Though, in her heart, she was squealing. She energetically told 38, “He wants to hug me to take a bath. Do you think I am going to face something soon?!”

38 despaired, “Why are you looking forward to it so much?”

“38,” Ye Chen asked conscientiously, “You calculate it, how old am I?”

“One… more than one hundred?” 38 hesitatingly answered. Ye Chen lamented, “Yes, it’s been more than a hundred years, and I should have had a full house of children and grandchildren…”

“Enough…” 38 immediately comprehended her meaning, “Just say it frankly, don’t be so roundabout.”

Ye Chen was a little bashful, “Don’t be so direct.”

38 heh’ed, “Isn’t it just because you fancied others good-look. And now, you covet his beauty!”

“It’s not! “Ye Chen denied with a straight face, “Am I that kind of person in your eyes?”

“Aren’t you precisely that kind of person?”

“No, I’m not!” Ye Chen said with great righteousness, “Don’t judge me as someone so shallow!”

“Aren’t you indeed shallow?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Seemed like this day they couldn’t communicate.

While she bickered with 38 in her mind, Shen Jingfeng held her on the edge of the bathtub. With shaking hands, he untied her clothes.

When he made this move, both Ye Chen and 38 were stupefied. Shen Jingfeng had just untied her sash and sensed her stare. He stopped the movement, lowered his eyes, and did not touch her anymore. He said in a cracked voice, “If you tell me to stop, I’ll stop right away.”

“Stop! I said stop! This car[1] is not driving to the kindergarten! Get me out of this car!”

38 shrieked hysterically.

As for Ye Chen, she stared at Shen Jingfeng. A moment later, she lowered her gaze and didn’t speak a word, a tacit assent.

Shen Jingfeng got the permission. He inhaled a deep breath and decisively tossed the sash aside. He tugged off the only piece of clothing on Ye Chen’s body and set Ye Chen into the bathtub. He removed his clothes and also stepped in.

He didn’t do anything, just wiped the pattern drawn by cinnabar on Ye Chen’s body carefully with a cloth.

The pattern dissolved out little by little under his wipe, revealing Ye Chen’s original appearance. Shen Jingfeng cast his gaze down and meticulously wiped her clean, without any desire. Ye Chen just stared at the person opposite quietly.

The candlelight was dim and warm, and the young man on the opposite side was like jade, without half a flaw. Engulfed in the dim light, it brought a strange warmth.

She stared at him intently. After a long time, he looked up at her and chuckled, “Why are you staring at me that intently?”

“You look good. ”

Ye Chen replied in a beat. Her voice was quiet raspy. Shen Jingfeng’s hand that was holding the cloth halted for a second. A second later, he looked back at her and smiled, “I’m glad you like it, then.”


Ye Chen averted her gaze and hummed.

Shen Jingfeng held the cloth in his hand with a litte force. He felt as if he had been waiting for such a gentle and soft sound for so long. Therefore, the instant he heard her voice, he felt that his heart was almost going to explode with joy.

He pushed down the tenderness and joy in his heart. He washed Ye Chen clean and dried her. He then picked Ye Chen up from the bathtub and placed her on the bed.

The silk on the bed was cold, and Ye Chen also felt a little cold from it. Shen Jingfeng lifted his hand and turned off the light. He got into bed without a ruckus.

Ye Chen sensed her heart palpitating. She lay rigid. The person before her also lay stiff and silent. The moonlight slipped at the end of the bed, shining on the red maple leaves outside the round window at the end of the bed. Ye Chen was so nervous she held her breath. She chatted with 38 carefully in my heart.

“Say, what do you think he plans to do?”

“At this point, isn’t it obvious?”

“Shall I resist?”

“Just do as your heart wants.”

“38,” Ye Chen fretted, “I feel that, in every world, I like the Villain. Am I a particularly unfaithful woman?”


Ye Chen, “……”

Fellow comrade, you were too honest.

“But if you like him, just like him,” 38 then added, “If you like him, you can do it. Anyway, you’ll leave after you finish it. Just, don’t invest so much emotion.”

“So, I still have to leave…” Ye Chen wrung out a helpless smile.

“Do you think my energy alone can support you to stay in this world all the time? Leaving early; Leaving late. All the same. As long as you live, you may meet him again another time.”

“It turns out,” Ye Chen drew out her words, “We can meet again?”

38, “……”

It walked into a trap.

38 slapped itself. It turned its head and expressed, “Play by yourself. I’m going to shield myself.”

“You still need to shield yourself?”

“Even if I don’t shield myself, the Main System will automatically shield me. After all, there is a thing called Privacy Protection System.”

“Then, you didn’t peek at the matter between Jun Yan and me in that world?”

“My vision was filled with blinding white,” 38 sighed, “What can I peek at? I was going blind from that holy light at that time.”

Ye Chen, “……”

I couldn’t give the answer to that, sorry.

Ye Chen chatted with 38 and drowsiness started to come to her. Still, the person next to her was motionless.

In Ye Chen’s opinion, Shen Jingfeng probably just wanted to feed her and let her wash. 

She shouldn’t always think about everything with a dirty mind. Sometimes, she should be pure and simple.

She dozed off and almost fell asleep. Then, a hot embrace pulled her over.

“Here it comes!”

Ye Chen exclaimed in a pleasant surprise. 38 widened its eyes and its vision was filled with blinding white, “What’s happened with him? I can’t see anything, ah! What happened?!” 

Ye Chen’s connection to 38 was cut off. Behind her, Shen Jingfeng was trembling. He hugged her. One of his hands tangled her hair and brought her closer to him. He proposed, voice trembling just like his body, “Marry me, okay?”


With her answer, she was turned over and pressed up. Shen Jingfeng’s fingers slid on her soft hair. He bowed his head and kissed her lips, lingering around.

It was a feeling that Ye Chen never experienced before.

As if she was floating in the clouds, being held in the palm of his hand, and receiving the myriad love in this world.

“Ye Chen.”

He called her name in a husky voice, over and over again.

Ye Chen ebb and flow like the waves. Ultimately, the movement stopped with her soft mewl.

He held her tightly in his arms, leaning against her chest with tears falling one by one.

Ye Chen closed her eyes and carded her fingers through his hair. Her voice dripped with tenderness, “I’m here. Jingfeng, I’m by your side.”

Shen Jingfeng didn’t say a word. He listened to her heartbeat, experiencing the liveliness of the person in his arms. He muttered quietly, “I almost thought you were gone.”

“At that time, I was especially afraid.”

“I once believed that I would never put down my hatred, not for anyone in my life. But, A’Chen, at that time, I understood that there was nothing in the world that I could not put down for you.”

He closed his eyes and took her hand.

“I’ll protect you, A’Chen.”

“Don’t be afraid.”

He brushed his lips against her gently, a touch so soft and delicate. Their intertwined fingers seemed to relay countless lingering feelings.

Ye Chen blushed, and she couldn’t identify what her feeling was. She just felt that her heart brimmed with something, a feeling that was particularly intoxicating and lasting for a long time.

38 was still in a mosaic of blinding white. It constantly poked its head around. It anxiously paced around, “Something happened? What’s happened?! I can’t see anything, what happened?!”


Ye Chen wasn’t inclined to reply to 38 at this time, but 38 was too noisy. If she didn’t reply, she wouldn’t get a moment of peace. Thus, she replied, “It’s not suitable for children. Stop  making noises.”

“How does it feel? “38 gossiped, “Is it exciting?” Are you surprised? Does it hurt? ”

38’s barrage of questions made Ye Chen a little embarrassed. She pounded 38’s shoulder and said, “Aiya, don’t ask that.”

“What the fuck. One night of sleep and you magically changed? Host, tell me, does someone switch you with a fake?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Switch her with a fake? This system was stationed in her mind all year round, how could she be switched away just like that.

Seeing Ye Chen was quiet, 38 pondered, “Did I hurt your maiden heart?”

Ye Chen was still quiet. 38 sighed, “Well, I will just ask one thing. I will leave after that. You must answer that, though.”

“Speak,” Ye Chen eventually agreed after a long time. 38 scrupulously asked, “Is it pleasurable ?”

“It is!” Ye answered through her clenched teeth. 38 mulled, “Host, this is your first time, does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt much.”

“I see, so Shen Jingfeng is very small…”

Ye Chen, “……”

Obviously, the technique was good enough and gentle enough, okay!

However, she didn’t want to explain this kind of problem to an AI. She just wanted to fall in love safely and happily, so she decided to let 38 go.

38 had no reason to stay. So it went back and sulked about the Blind Date System.

I really want to upgrade, I really want to meet someone on a blind date, I want to have a girlfriend……

After 38 exited her mind, the two of them rolled in the sheet several times, and at last, fell asleep.

When Ye Chen woke up the next day, Shen Jingfeng was already up. He sat by the window with a book in his hand. His gaze was cast down at the book in his hand. The early morning light descended on him through the window. He heard Ye Chen’s noise and raised his head to look at her. He caught Ye Chen staring at him. He smiled faintly and warmly greeted, “Morning.”

At this point, 38 was finally released from its blinding white shield. As soon as it checked the value, it yelled, “Damn, the Favorability value is 98! It is worth the sleep! Hurry up, ask him to stay by your side and stop him from taking revenge! ”

“After asking?”

“After asking, the task will be completed!”

Ye Chen grinned, “Then, why will I ask? Do you think I’m stupid?”

38, “……”

“It’s not easy for me to fall in love! I don’t want to ask!”


“Don’t act like a spoiled child. I want to date! I want to fall in love to my heart’s content!”

“Host,” 38 heaved a sigh, “My energy can only keep you for a year at most. Don’t be wilful. I’m afraid we won’t make it to the next world. Let’s make it quick. ”

Ye Chen was wordless. She pursed her lips and finally asked, “38, must I part like this every time?”

“Of course not,” 38 explained, “Host, you are supported by my energy in every world. The higher rating you get from completing a task, the more energy I gain and the longer you can stay in the next world. For example, the last task is B. I can only support you in this world for 2 to 3 years, depending on your energy consumption; If your last task was A, the time would double to 4 to 6 years, if it was S, the time would double again to 8 to 12 years.”

“And, the last world is a world of C-level energy sources. As I upgrade, I can bring you to a higher level world. If you get an S rating in an S-level world, you can stay in any world until you get old.”

“I never wanted to make you unhappy on purpose,” 38 expressed in a low voice. “I want you to be happy too. However, no matter how willful you are, you can’t play with your life ah.

Ye Chen listened quietly. Minutes passed and she ultimately acquiesced, “I understand.”

She lifted up the quilt and walked in front of Shen Jingfeng. She squatted at his feet and leaned her head against his leg.

“What’s wrong?” Shen Jingfeng asked her in a gentle voice. Ye Chen sensed endless power just by leaning on him.

“Shen Jingfeng,” Ye Chen started, “Say, do you think people have a previous life?”

“I didn’t think so before,” Shen Jingfeng put the book aside and stroked her hair with his hand. He continued softly, “But when I met you, I think, they have.”

“The first time I saw you, I felt that we must have known each other before. If a person indeed had a previous life,” Shen Jingfeng smiled with helplessness shown on his face. “I must have loved you for several lifetimes.”

Ye Chen’s mind blanked for a moment. Many faces appeared in her mind.

For a second, she actually felt that the person in front of her was so similar to the Villains she had known.

She couldn’t help lifting her hand to caress his face, obsessively searching for something from his face.

While Ye Chen stroked Shen Jingfeng’s face with her thin and cold fingers, she spoke very softly,  “Shen Jingfeng, I hope people have a previous life.”

“Because in this way, I must have met you and come across you for several lifetimes.”

It took several lifetimes for them to encounter each other, be acquainted with each other, love each other, and eventually come face to face with each other again.

Therefore, when they first meet, they would feel as if they have traveled through numerous hills and streams just for this fateful meeting.

After listening to Ye Chen’s affectionate words, Shen Jingfeng said nothing. He bowed his head and kissed her.

Ye Chen lowered her eyes. She tugged his sleeve, and asked meekly, “So… if there is a next life, you must come to me, okay?”

“Okay.” Shen Jingfeng replied in a voice as soft as hers, “I will walk on the Huangquan Road[2] with you and I will cross over the Naihe Bridge[3] with you. I will accompany you and protect you in my reincarnation in the next life. With this, we have reached an appointment, okay?”

Mn, an appointment,” Ye Chen’s heart was serene, “So, you must come to me. ”

“I will, definitely.”

“Then, Jingfeng,” Ye Chen cast her gaze lower, “In this life, for me, don’t take revenge, okay?”

Shen Jingfeng didn’t reply.

Ye Chen struggled at once. On the one hand, she hoped Shen Jingfeng would promise her so that she could complete her task, get more points, and go to the next world. On the other hand, she hoped Shen Jingfeng would not promise her, so she had reason to stay with him for a bit longer.

She struggled with herself in her heart and didn’t urge Shen Jingfeng. Soon afterward, Shen Jingfeng slowly spoke, “Okay.”

Ye Chen was slightly perplexed. She continued to listen to the person above her, “In fact, from the moment I went to save you, I made up my mind. A’chen, in this life, I will accompany you. ”

Ye Chen’s gaze fluttered down. She could feel her eyes moistening. 

She responded with a nasal voice. She clenched his hand, and waited for the System to prompt her to the next world. But after waiting for a while……

“38?” Ye Chen began to doubt. 38 smoked a cigarette and remorsefully spoke, “The task has not been completed yet.”


Ye Chen was dumbfounded. 38 mused, “It’s because the Favorability is still not good enough… probably?”

Ye Chen, “……”

Should I be sad or should I be happy…

The Favorability of this person who kept saying that he loves her was not good enough? What should she do now?

“So…” Ye Chen said strenuously, “Now, I have to continue to brush the Favorability value? ”

“That’s right…“ 38 lamented, “One more year, there is a long way to go. Comrades, work hard, or we’ll perish together. ”

Ye Chen’s expression was rigid. Shen Jingfeng looked down at Ye Chen’s rigid expression and furrowed his brows, “Is the wound painful?”

Yesterday, both of them were in a bit of a bad state, and he was also impulsive. Ye Chen herself seemed to have a special physique and had a strong self-healing ability. When he helped her to bathe, he saw that almost all the wounds on her body had healed. He assumed there was nothing wrong with her. Now he thought about it, he was undoubtedly too reckless.

Ye Chen came back to her senses. When 38 granted her poisonous blood, it also granted her a super healing ability. Now she thought about it, wasn’t it precisely a preparation for last night!

Ye Chen coughed and hurriedly assured him, “It’s not.”

While Ye Chen and Shen Jingfeng went soft for each other, Yue Sheng was laying in her bed in the Demon Sect, gasping.

Her wounds lacerated and she was in a sorry state. Mo Xingchen stood outside the door, quietly watching the autumn rain in the courtyard.

He and Yue Sheng had grown up together since childhood. While he was the adopted son of the Demon Sect’s Sect Leader, she was the true scion of the Saintess. He counted on her; She loved him. The martial arts practiced by the two of them go hand in hand. Yue Sheng’s death would cause difficulty for him to improve his skills throughout his life. The Demon Sect’s martial arts practice methods were a bit crooked. It has also grown rapidly under tyranny. The Demon Sect’s Sect Leader could surpress the whole Jianghu down. Thus, the Demon Sect was rampant and all the people in the Demon Sect were used to it. If the Sect Leader couldn’t improve, there would be no one to protect them, and they would be annihilated.

Whether it was out of affection since childhood or for the Demon Sect, he couldn’t let Yue Sheng die.

“How is it?”

The physician came out from the inside, Mo Xingchen flicked his fan and enquired without expression. The doctor bent down and replied cautiously, “I’m afraid the Saintess can’t survive the next spring…”

“A few more days is a few more days.” Mo Xingchen gave a nod to the physician and entered her room. 

He walked to Yue Sheng’s curtain, Yue Sheng screamed, “Don’t come here! Don’t! ”

Mo Xingchen stopped and heard the woman inside sobbing. He was reticent. Eventually, he said, “Do you know where you are wrong?”

“What did I do wrong? Why am I wrong?” Yue Shen roared, “It is that slut who is wrong! Xingchen,” Yue Shen softened her tone, “Did I do it wrong? Am I not good? Everything you want, I brought it all for you, Xingchen!”

“Yue Sheng…” Mo Xingchen heaved a sigh, “Whatever I want, why do I want you to bring it up for me? I like her. Naturally, I will chase her myself. Why must you intervene?”

“Snatch the daughter of the Yao Wang Valley’s Lord as a concubine,” Mo Xingchen laughed mockingly, “Yue Sheng, do you really think I am a fool? Do you think that I am my adoptive father and will let Ye Chen be the next Shen Qiushuang?”

Yue Sheng uttered no words. After a while, she laughed with mirth, “Yes, I do want her to be the next Shen Qiushuang. I don’t understand why you people, one by one, always like those righteous women? The former Jiaozhu without second thought snatched that person away and repeatedly beseeched not to break her. At the end, when that person died, he dragged her corpse and sealed it under the golden throne.”

“How about you? You also like that Ye Chen. What is so good about her? It’s merely a face. I’m beautiful too. Why. Why can’t you just look at me? ”

“You want to be the Jiaozhu, I patched the way for you. You say Shen Jingfeng’s talent is so exemplary that people are jealous of him, so I racked my brain to ruin him. You like Ye Chen, I found a way to tie her to you. Don’t you see how good I am to you? Mo Xingchen, do you have a heart?”

Mo Xingchen didn’t reply. Minutes passed and he ultimately spoke, “The Saintess’ love, Xingchen can’t afford it. Xingchen believes that no one in this world wants this kind of love.”

“Yue Sheng, how did you become like this?”

“What have I become?” Yue Sheng pitched her voice, “I’m ugly. I’m vicious. So, you hate me, don’t you? Obviously, you said you wanted to marry me when you were a child, and obviously, you said that you only love me in this life, but look, what did you do now!”

Mo Xingchen stood quietly. After a while, he took his leave. “Yue Sheng, take a good rest.”

With that, he exited her room.

At last, he understood. Sometimes, some differences were indeed inevitable, but in the end, some people still could not be redeemed.

Mo Xingchen departed from her room, and Yue Sheng stared dagger at his back. She ground her teeth and shook slightly. Droplets of tears escaped from her eyes, mixed with pus and blood. The current her looked particularly nasty. Yue Sheng clenched her fist and declared, “Ye Chen… I will utterly ruin you… even death is too merciful for you!”

As she said, she lifted her head, and there was a cold light in her eyes: “Let the ghost doctor[4] come over! ”


Shen Jingfeng’s injuries were actually heavier than Ye Chen’s. After the two confirmed their relationship, they found a remote town to settle down and stayed there for a period of time to recuperate Shen Jingfeng’s injuries.

Shen Jingfeng sensed that he was fine and could do a lot of things, but Ye Chen was a doctor herself and knew Shen Jingfeng’s condition by heart, so she bought a wheelchair and demanded Shen Jingfeng to recuperate.

Through so many worlds, Ye Chen had never lived a daily life like this. She slept until late in the morning. She got up to wash, and brought water to help Shen Jingfeng wash.

After getting familiar with him, she understood that Shen Jingfeng, this peson, after removing the burden of Male God from his shoulder, was actually no different from any ordinary young man. He liked to laze around in bed in the morning, especially if there was night activity before. He would sleep like a log.

Ye Chen didn’t want to make Shen Jingfeng too exhausted, but Shen Jingfeng was practically craving on that matter, and she could never persuade him.

Whenever he insisted on it, he would coax and deceive her. He would adopt every possible means, tough and soft. Ye Chen was weak for him. In addition, she was a little agitated in her heart. So everday, rinse and repeat, she would deny him, be shaken, consented, and then tread through the journey of regret the next day.

Waking up the next morning, Ye Chen was the one who was most exhausted. Yet, when she saw the peaceful sleeping face of the person next to her, just like a child, her heart softened again.

Though, in order to avenge Shen Jingfeng’s disobedience, Ye Chen woke him up with cold water every morning. He was a little discontented when he got up, but he didn’t dare to express it out loud. He just sat on the bed and sulked. At that time, Ye Chen would paint the huadian[5] on her forehead and ask, “Why, dissatisfied?”

“Dare not.” Shen Jingfeng sat on the bed with his pillow in his arms, looking at Ye Chen as if he was angry. He quickly smiled and flattered, “Furen[6], I’m honored to get you to wash my face. I’m favored by you in every possible way. How can I be dissatisfied?”

Ye Chen scrutinized his gutless appearance and laughed. The sun dawned, and the fine dust that moved slowly in the air could be clearly seen. Ye Chen’s laugh was radiant and captivating, like a scroll of painting. Shen Jingfeng was rendered speechless from it. A while later, his countenance softened.

The two lived in the town for a while, and Ye Chen took Shen Jingfeng to taste all the delicacies around.

Shen Jingfeng always eats gracefully, even if it was stinky tofu, he could eat it in a noble manner. Ye Chen cast a sidelong glance at him, eyeing him drinking the tofu flowers in an elegant demeanor. She grinned and thrust his hand with her palm, attempting to pour the tofu flowers into his mouth, but the other party just leaned sideways and pinched Ye Chen’s wrist with one hand. He dragged her directly into his arms and made Ye Chen sit on his lap, whispered, “Furen, you throw your arms around like this, do you want to eat my tofu[7]?”

Ye Chen bared her fangs and brandished her claws at him. He held her wrist and laughed openly. Then, he pecked her gently on the side of her face. Ye Chen eased her attitude at once, like a kitten who was compliant to the mother cat, and muttered, “Why do you suddenly kiss me?”

Furen has a gorgeous appearance. I am unable to restrain myself.”


After two months of fighting and quarreling, Shen Jingfeng’s injury was completely healed during the first heavy snowfall at the end of winter.

The town was remote. In their peaceful days, there were no outsiders and there was almost no news of Wulin. Ye Chen couldn’t help but worry a little, and asked Shen Jingfeng, “Jingfeng, your injury is healed, shall we go back? ”

Mn,” Shen Jingfeng’s eyes bent from his smile, “Let’s wait until this winter is over. These days, I will go out and check the news, don’t worry so much about it.”

“Okay.” Ye Chen agreed. 

Shen Jingfeng looked up at the sky and said gently, “It’s better to act fast. I’ll go out now and have a look.”

Mn. When you return, let’s eat the braised chicken made by sister-in-law Zhao!”

“Got it. “Shen Jingfeng was quite helpless. Ye Chen never cooks. The reason why he chose this small town to settle down, except for being remote enough, was because she ate a lot. She would turn a deaf ear to anything and anyone when it came to food.

Shen Jingfeng said goodbye to Ye Chen and went to another town to inquire about the news. As soon as he arrived in the bustling town, Shen Jingfeng heard the people in the teahouse gossiping.

“Have you heard? Ye Chen from Yao Wang Valley was carried by Shen Jingfeng, naked!”

“I have, I have!” Someone quipped, “Someone saw her with their own eyes and saw the patterns all over her body. Isn’t that the mark of the Demon Sect’s ceremony? I heard the people who completed the ceremony are either in the Demon Sect or dead. Say, how did this Ye Chen come out alive? Even the Demon Sect is not looking for her, is it because the Demon Sect can’t bother to?”

“How is it possible?” Another voiced, “Don’t you know that when the Demon Sect was still a small sect, a woman whose ceremony was completed ran away. Later, that woman became the wife of the leader of Wulin and the Demon Sect nearly wiped out that sect and killed the woman. That is the dignity of the Demon Sect! If Ye Chen can come out, it must be because she is still a part of the Demon Sect!”

“Yes, yes, don’t you see that the other Seven Great Sects have all gone to Yue Shan Sect and demanded Yue Shan Sect to hand her over for disposal? It must be because Ye Chen is a part of the Demon Sect. ”

“Then, what if she is not?”

“She is the legitimate daughter of a righteous family, she should have committed suicide if she is insulted! Whether she is indeed a member of the Demon Sect or not, Ye Chen should die to show her innocence! Else, it will not only be her face that will be lost, but also the face of our righteous Wulin!”

“But Shen Jingfeng is the one protecting her. I don’t know why Shen Jingfeng is so crazy about her…”

“Tsk, that Shen Jingfeng brought Ye Chen out, haven’t you heard about it? It must be because it is comfortable to sleep一”

Before that person finished his words, a sharp blade cut the man’s head off his neck. Blood spurted out and everyone in the teahouse clamored. They began to run away in panic.

Shen Jingfeng walked calmly with his sword in the crowd of people, and his eyes were chilling.

He still remembered what happened to his mother after she brought him down the mountain, remembered the appearance of the so-called elders of the Seven Great Sects who forced his mother to kill herself.

“The daughter of an influential family is insulted, how can you be kept alive?! Today’s sharp blade or white silk[8], choose for yourself!”

“I die young. What about my child?”

“Such a disgrace, do you think he can be kept alive?!”

Shen Jingfeng closed his eyes and stood at the door, listening to the rustle of snow.

After a while, he opened his eyes and set his hand on his sword. His lonesome back carried a severe killing intent.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen was tossing around the house. She bought many lanterns and planned to hang them all up before Shen Jingfeng returned to surprise him.

38 lost its patience, “Look at yourself, is falling in love equal to losing your intelligence?”

“Mn? I am not losing any intelligence. 38. You’re single, so you don’t understand.”

“Enough…” 38 broke down, “I hate eating dog food!”

Ye Chen smiled and mounted the lantern to the thin line, her eyes full of warmth.

She didn’t care about the collapse of 38. She deemed 38’s reaction as proof. The more 38 collapsed, the sweeter their relationship was.

She hung up the last lantern and sat on the threshold, waiting for Shen Jingfeng.

Shen Jingfeng returned at night and dusted the snowflakes on him. When he raised his head, he saw that the girl was standing at the door in a red dress and a red coat with white fox fur. There was white snow in front of her and stars behind her. The light of the lantern was warm and bright as if it was illuminating his way home.

His cold hand that was gripping the sword warmed. She ran to him and jumped into his arms with a bright smile.

“You are back?”

And for him, the most beautiful words in the world were nothing more than that.

The author has something to say,

[Mini Theater]

Doctor, “Mo Shu Bai, do you know why you entered our hospital? ”

Mo Shu Bai, “Because I’m too amazing?”

Doctor, “Because there are too many complaints. For the sake of a harmonious society, corrective treatment is highly proposed for you.”

Mo Shu Bai, “Σ (° △° |) ︴ What do I have to correct?”

Doctor, “Why can’t you maintain a harmonious society and keep writing sweets? ”

Mo Shu Bai, “Fluff and angst combined together… isn’t that nice, ah? ”

Doctor, “Look at what other writers’ articles look like! You disturbed the harmonious society, you know.”

Mo Shu Bai, “Probably… I am a mudslide[9] so I must create a bloody path in the wild world full of sweet articles!”

Reader, *crackling noises*, “Doctor, I donate…”

Mo Shu Bai, “Hold up! Doctor! It will be sweet, I will write sweet! I will write sweet for a while… No, I won’t write angst anymore! Don’t hit me! Ah ah ah ah ah!!! Don’t hit! AHHHHH! Take that stick away from me!!!!!”

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  1. 开车 – drive a car, can be a slang to s*x. So 38 means “This situation is not suitable for children (to watch)!”

  2. 黄泉路 – Huángquán Lù; Huangquan Road. The Yellow Springs. The road leading to the  underworld (the equivalent of Hades or Hell).

  3. 奈何桥 – Nàihé qiáo; Naihe Bridge.Hopeless Bridge, the Bridge of Irreparability. The bridge that ghosts must pass over before they can reincarnate.

  4. 鬼医 – guǐ yī. Someone with superb medical skills, but with unpredictable personality and may vary from person to person. They heal and save people at will. They are called Doctors because they can save people, but because they never save people they do not want to save, they are named ghosts. Thus, Ghost Doctor.

  5. 花钿 – huādiàn. Flower pattern painted on the forehead. Scroll below for Image.

  6. 夫人 – fūrén; An address for the Lady/Madam of the House. (from Husband) Wife. (from others) Lady/Madam.

  7. 吃豆腐 – chī dòu fu; Take advantage/liberties with.

  8. 白绫 – bái líng. White silk. Used as a punishment for someone to hang themselves with.

  9. 泥石流 – yī gǔ níshí liú. Someone who doesn’t follow the flow.


花钿 – huādiàn. [Ju Jingyi]

Ry’s Corner

I was accustomed to short chapters and now we are back to long chapters QAQ

Phew. Took me long enough to write down that scene. I have a newfound respect for smut writers. If it were me, I probably just write, 

“And then, they fcked. 

The End.”

I never expected that Shen Jingfeng, the most gentlemanly out of all the villains, would be the one that made this move lol. 

I am actually with 38 in this, “This car is not driving to the kindergarten! Get me out of this car!” wwwwwwww

There are so many 上 in this chapter. A roundabout way to escape jjwxc censorship.

上 is top/above/upon/etc, but it can actually be read as “fuck.” because “A 上 (top) B”.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 7064

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7 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 54”

  1. [I am actually with 38 in this, “This car is not driving to the kindergarten! Get me out of this car!” wwwwwwww]

    I don’t trust you.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡