TVIRAD – Chapter 66

Arc 5There is a Ghost in Your Heart (10) Previous | ToC | Next Ye Chen sucked a cold breath when she heard it. She immediately floated out with Chu Tian in her arms.  “Ye Chen” informed, “When you arrive there, the array will probably be completed. At most, I can save Lin Jianxi’s life, … Read more

TXW Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Previous | ToC | Next “It’s a very simple thing,” Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi entered the room together. The instant they entered the hall, Qin Wanwan discovered that Jian Xingzhi stood side-by-side with her. She side-eyed Jian Xingzhi. Jian Xingzhi directly recognized his wrong and stepped back.  This was only the beginning … Read more

TSIME Chapter 7

Chapter 7Discipleship (3) Previous | ToC | Next Alone in her courtyard, Su Qingyi was dejected. The physiological need of being hungry compelled Su Qingyi to cheer up. Qin Zichen left her a huge sum of money. She headed out to buy groceries and hired a helper from the market. Then, she returned to her … Read more