MLiS – Chapter 15.3

Let’s Just Divorce (3)

~ 🏮 Happy Lunar New Year 🏮 ~

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She arrived in front of the Consul’s mansion.

Luo Lan curtsied to An Da, “I’m in a hurry. I want to see the Consul. I promise I won’t take up too much of his time.”

“Follow me.”

An Da led her through the hall to the conference room, “The Consul is inside.”

Luo Lan thanked him and walked in.

The Consul wore his usual black rode. He stood by the large window. There was a bright light from the sun behind him, but because of the backlight, it was particularly dark in front of him.

Last time, she tore her facade and scolded him loudly, and this time, she couldn’t bother to hide her disgust. She went to the point, “Currently, the outside world doesn’t know the relationship between Luo Xun and Chen Sha. However, sooner or later, this matter will be exposed. You certainly don’t want me to drag Chen Sha down. There is a way to help Chen Sha.”

“What is it?”

“I and Chen Sha divorce. As long as I have nothing to do with Chen Sha, with Chen Sha’s past achievement, even if Zeni can’t survive the critical period, he can get out of the mess and retain his position as the Commander.”

“If you want a divorce, you should say that to Chen Sha.”

“He won’t agree. Chen Sha’s character… is very upright. He won’t betray his faith. He won’t shrink from danger, and he won’t give up his duties!” Luo Lan’s voice softened without her realizing it. “He regards me as his responsibility. Hence, he will never agree to a divorce if he knows that I am in danger. But, if there is no legal relationship between us, I will no longer be his responsibility.”

Luo Lan stared straight at the Consul with confidence. He must have a way to invalidate their marriage without Chen Sha’s consent and signature. In fact, he definitely would be more than happy to do so.

The Consul walked to the conference table and sat down. He read the documents unhurriedly there, as if the matter she spoke about was none of his concern.

Luo Lan was puzzled and was about to ask it when she sensed something. She turned around and faced Chen Sha, whose expression was livid with eyes narrowed at her.

Luo Lan was caught red-handed and felt guilty. “You… Don’t be angry! I… I…” 

A thought passed her mind and she regained her confidence, “You promised me that as long as I improved my physical ability to level A, you will divorce me! Now, I want you to fulfill that promise!”

“The reason why I gave you that promise is so you can marry Qian Xu after you divorce me!” After the words escaped his lips, Chen Sha immediately regretted it.

Luo Lan inhaled a shard breath and quietened down, daring not to speak because of the sting in her heart. She was afraid that she would burst into tears when she opened her mouth. This matter was originally a surprise for Qian Xu, but now she had successfully advanced, Qian Xu was no longer by her side.

Chen Sha looked at Luo Lan in silence, trying to remedy his words. Though, he didn’t know what to say. At this time, there was zero chance for him to agree to fulfill that promise and divorce her.

“Oho~! What are you guys doing standing there? Are you guys filming a love movie?” Zi Yan’s eyes skimmed over them before he casually passed them and entered the conference room to take his seat.

Bai Lichang and Zuo Qiubai followed Zi Yan and sat in their own positions. 

Luo Lan didn’t say anything else. She proceeded to walk out of the conference room. At the door, she was stopped by Chu Mo who just arrived, “Princess, I need your help with something.”


Chu Mo reasoned to the Consul, “Feng Lin is not here, my father is in poor health, and Professor An can’t be contacted. I can only consult to the Princess about the genetic matters. It just so happens that today’s affair is related to the Princess.”

The Consul hadn’t given his answer when Zong Li’s voice sounded, “The first three people you named, is the Princess even worth to be compared to them?”

Chu Mo glanced at Zong Li and asked back, “Are you saying that I am not qualified to say that? Or do you think you are more qualified than me in this matter?”

Zong Li’s question was hit by another question. He wasn’t angered. He side-eyed Luo Lan and went to his seat, “You are responsible for the person you choose. I don’t have any opinion on it.”

Chu Mo sent Luo Lan an encouraging smile and then sat down in his seat.

The door of the conference room was closed, all windows were shut, and the communication signal was cut off. This was undoubtedly a highly confidential and important meeting. Luo Lan was perplexed and stared blankly at the seven men sitting around the oval conference table.

The Consul motioned to the empty position next to Zi Yan, “Princess, please take a seat.”

Was she really allowed to attend this meeting? Luo Lan subconsciously looked at Chen Sha. Chen Sha nodded at her and she finally sat down with ease.

Zi Yan spoke first. His speech consisted of evidence of Feng Lin’s treason.

Two confessions came from two men who were arrested in the rock forest. They identified that Feng Lin had indeed provided them with the place of the Princess’s promotion test; a deciphered communication record showed that there had been two calls between Feng Lin and the Dragon Blood Corps.

Zi Yan added, “The contact time they confessed is exactly the same as the time in the two call records, but all in all, the man who provided the confession is a person from the Dragon Blood Corps. Before the content is verified, I don’t think that this evidence is sufficient to warrant an arrest. Unexpectedly, Chief Zong Li recklessly arrested Feng Lin without considering the impact.”

Zong Li hissed at him.

The Consul inquired, “What is Feng Lin’s explanation of the call records?”

“Feng Lin admitted the call, but refused to say the content of the call. She said that she just chatted with an old friend who studied genes about her private affairs and there was absolutely no harm to the interests of the Federation.” Zong Li gave the answer. 

Zuo Qiubai voiced lightly, “The Federation has not designated the star region where the Dragon Blood is located as a no-call area, nor has it prohibited private contacts. Her calls are completely legal. ”

Zong Li refuted, “Since it is legal, why doesn’t she say the content of the call?”

“She has the right to protect her privacy. If you can collect enough evidence to prove that her call harmed the Federation’s interests, I can sign a decree to force her to explain the content of the call. ”

Zong Li satirized him, “Your Honor, don’t keep favoring Feng Lin just because you’ve slept with her!”

Zuo Qiubai replied without any fluctuation in his voice, “Every word I say is based on the facts and the law. Please show evidence that I am partial to Feng Lin. Else, I can sue you for slandering the Federation’s Chief Justice and order you to be arrested temporarily.”

Zong Li stood up with ire, “You…!”

The Consul raised his hand and signaled them to shut up. Zong Li could only sit back down with resentment.

The Consul glanced at Chu Mo.

Chu Mo clicked on the desktop, and a three-dimensional syringe appeared in the center of the conference table.

Luo Lan opened her eyes wide. She had seen this syringe. On the night she was kidnapped, a female mercenary wanted to inject unknown liquid into her body using this syringe.

Chu Mo started, “This was recovered from the arrested man. It has not been destroyed. It is exactly the same as the syringes from the previous two times.” With his words, two heavily damaged syringes appeared on the screen. 

“The test report has come out, but I can’t judge what this medicine is for. It doesn’t seem to cause harm to the human body. In the end, my understanding of genes is still very shallow. Princess, please take a look and see if you find something. ”

Luo Lan has already understood. Three syringes; Three attacks. All related to her. If it weren’t for various coincidences, these drugs would already be in her body.

Dragon Blood Corps!

What exactly had she done, to make the Dragon Blood Corps persistently chased after her?

New hatred and old hatred all mixed. The flames of anger and grief burned in her heart. Luo Lan immediately opened the analysis report and read it carefully.

Half an hour later, the seven men were done with their discussion of Feng Lin and the Dragon Blood Corps. By then, they discovered that Luo Lan was staring blankly at the analysis report, not knowing where her mind had wandered to. There was confusion and sadness in her face.

Bai Licang looked at her in contempt and Zong Li smiled with a disdain.

“Princess?” Chu Mo called.

Luo Lan returned to his senses, “Dean Chu Mo’s judgment is not wrong. From a certain point of view, this medicine is indeed harmless.”

“What about from another point of view?”

Luo Lan tapped the analysis report to project it to the center of the conference table for everyone to see. She pointed to the data and explained in detail, “Here, here, and here… These viruses will only lurk in the first-generation host, but if a new embryo is conceived, these genes will be stimulated.”

Luo Lan scrawled out a long list of genes. Chu Mo stated, “These genes are not pathological genes and are harmless to the human body.”

Luo Lan wrote another gene, “Then, what would happen if it encountered this?”

Chu Mo pondered over the answer. His pupils shrunk and he murmured, “No wonder the Dragon Blood Corps has been able to traverse the Interstellar for so long. I didn’t expect them to be so good at genetic research. ”

Bai Lichang knocked on the table, “Hello? What are you talking about? Can you guys speak with a human language that we illiterates can understand?!”

Chu Mo gently explained, “As we all know, the main carrier of genetic information is genes, but mitochondria, which are often overlooked, are also the carrier of genetic information. Some genes will lurk dormant in the human body and will be activated when encountering specific conditions and it will reduce the activity of mitochondria. And it will lead to a condition where the genes could no longer continue. Simply put, the gene was sterilized, cutting off their children and grandchildren.”

All Interstellar people knew what Odin valued from the marriage of Princess Luo Lan was her genes. Unless something unexpected happens, one day, Odin would definitely make a copy of her genes to repair the instability of their genes and allow humans with heterogeneous genes to reproduce. The Dragon Blood Corps’ purpose on this one was extremely sinister and vicious. 

Bai Licang growled. He clenched his hands and slammed it heavily on the table, “Send troops to destroy the Dragon Blood Corps!”

Zi Yan immediately rejected, “You can’t!”

“They want to exterminate us completely, why can’t we exterminate them? “Zong Li stared viciously at Luo Lan on the opposite side, as if Luo Lan was the enemy he needed to exterminate.

Zi Yan flicked a tarot card and it buried deep in the table in front of Zong Li.

He curled his index finger and flicked the card in his other hand. He said with a smile on his face, “I am the one who said it, why are you glaring daggers at Chen Sha’s wife like a poisonous snake?”

Zong Li sprang to his feet and rushed at Zi Yan like an arrow.

“Be quiet!” The Consul’s voice boomed.

Within a second, Zong Li was back at his seat and Zi Yan’s tarot cards were nowhere to be seen, as if nothing had happened just now.

The Consul spoke, “More than four hundred years ago, Odin Federation and the Interstellar Human Alliance has signed a truce. The whole interstellar Human recognized the founding of the Odin Federation and no longer sent troops to attack Odin; The Odin Federation promised not to invade any star country or organization recognized by the Interstellar Human Alliance. Dragon Blood Corps is a legal organization recognized by the Interstellar Human Alliance. Do you intend to destroy the truce signed by the first Consul, You Beichen?”

The Consul’s eyes darted to Bai Licang and Zong Li. Both of them buried their heads. You Beichen was a god-like existence in the Odin Federation. No matter how arrogant they were, they did not dare to ignore the rules he had set. 

The Consul retracted his gaze, “From the day when us, heterogeneous humans, signed the truce in Alikarta Star, we have stayed true to it. Still, there is no way for us to accept a beating without striking back. I do agree with the idea of destroying the Dragon Blood Corps, however, we must not start a war for it.”

Bai Licang and Zong Li raised their heads in excitement and glanced at each other. They couldn’t think of a suitable way, thus, they both glanced at the expert, Zi Yan.

Zi Yan touched his nose in awkwardness. “In your eyes, am I that vile? To the point where all of you put your high hopes on me in this matter?”

Both Zuo Qiubai and Chu Mo smiled, “The upright means depends on Chen Sha. Of course, the shady means depends on you.”

Zi Yan sighed, “We don’t even know where the Dragon Head and his people reside. It’s not an easy thing to accomplish even for me.”

“I can help!”

Deathly stillness filled the conference room. The seven men moved their gaze to Luo Lan in unison. Luo Lan met their gaze with a calm and resolute gaze.

Chen Sha admonished, “Luo Lan, don’t mess around!”

“You? Help? Heh.” Ba Licang laughed loudly.

Zong Li also laughed mockingly, “It’s a blessing for the Federation if you actually are not a spy sent by them!”

Zi Yan turned to Chu Mo, “There is nothing else that requires the Princess’ presence here, right? If there is nothing else, let her return to have a rest.”

Luo Lan rose to her feet and stared at the Consul with clear eyes. “The Dragon Blood Corps’ actions are all aimed at me. They did not hurt me, but they made me lose the one dearest to me forever. It is the pain of gouging one heart and breaking the arms. In this conference room, the one who hated them the most is me!”

The Consul looked at Luo Lan and said nothing. There was no emotion beneath the cold mask. 

“If you are willing to accept my help, I will be at your service at any time. If you are not willing, I will still make them pay with their blood by myself!” Luo Lan spun around and exited the conference room.


Luo Lan brushed her right arm and walked mindlessly on the grass.

Obviously, the blue sky was covered by white clouds. Bright light shone from the sun. Yet, there was no trace of warmth at all. At the rock forest, the sky was covered by the sand blown by the wind. Darkness shrouded the night. Yet, because there were people who held and depended on each other, there was a trace of warmth.

Chen Sha caught up with her, “Luo Lan.”

Luo Lan halted her steps and looked up at him.

Chen Sha expressed, “You like to do research. Just continue to do what you like. Your hatred, I will avenge it for you.”

Luo Lan wrung out a bitter smile. She closed her fingers in her palm and knocked on Chen Sha’s heart, “You haven’t liked someone yet. You don’t understand it!”

Because she liked him, she longed for the future, for the day they could stay together day and night. She looked forward to the distant time where she would cook with him, sleep in the same bed with him, work hard with him, and save money to travel with him……

However, there was nothing left now. Nothing at all, not even a bit!

If it weren’t for her pretending to be a princess for the sake of her own life, Dr. Mu, the Dragon Head, would not constantly target her. And in turn, Qian Xu would not mutate for the sake of her safety.

This was the only thing she could do for Qian Xu. How could she be willing to hand it over for others to do?

Chen Sha seemed to want to convey something, but in the end, he didn’t utter a word.

Luo Lan confessed with sincerity, “Let’s just divorce. After all, from the beginning, neither you nor I was willing to marry一”

Chen Sha abruptly seized Luo Lan’s hand and tugged her towards him, drawing Luo Lan into his arms. 

He embraced her by the waist and entrapped her in his arms, “If you say another word about divorce, I will demand you to fulfill your obligations as a wife first.”

His face was icy and his eyes were cold, firm and resolute. He appeared not to be joking in the slightest.

She may be already a person with level A physical ability, but she still had no chance of winning in the face of his overwhelming pressure. Luo Lan once again clearly discerned that the man in front of her was a human with heterogeneous genes and had the genes of other creatures in his body.

“We don’t get along well, let’s div一”

The grasp around her waist tightened and Chen Sha leaned down as if to kiss her. Luo Lan zipped her mouth and showed her compliance at once.

Chen Sha stared at her menacingly, Luo Lan shook her head left and right in an instant, indicating that she really would be good and wouldn’t say those words again.

Chen Sha was satisfied with her response and loosened his grasp.

Luo Lan exercised her strength to push him away. With both anger and embarrassment, she warned, “Sooner or later, you will regret it! You will definitely wish to knock yourself to death!”

“People live in the present.” Chen Sha strode forward with tranquility and calmness.

Luo Lan stared at his back in a daze.

Chen Sha glanced back, “Return home.”

Luo Lan recovered and swiftly trailed behind him.

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Amoeba’s Corner

This Chapter is not a fun chapter. *sigh*

I don’t agree with Luo Lan. I don’t agree with Chen Sha. I don’t agree with *point at everyone*

Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year!

新年快乐! 恭喜发财! 身体健康! 万事如意!



Obviously, it was his ears that got gently brushed by the soft breath, but his heart was the one that got itchy. Faced with a strange feeling he had never experienced before, Chen Sha couldn’t resist hiding from it.

Obligatory Closing
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This chapter words count (excluding title, footnotes, and TL’s corner): 3290

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