WfDO Chapter 46

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (13)

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Since the news broke, Mo Shizong couldn’t rest well.

He was afraid that the news would agitate Mo Yu, afraid that Mo Yu couldn’t accept it, that he was his father.

He was quick to order his subordinates to contact the news company and forbade them to publish any more news about Mo Yu, and sent them a lawyer’s letter while he was at it. The online discussions about Mo Yu were also deleted. He didn’t want Mo Yu to get splashed with dirty water. 

The news company couldn’t stake to challenge Mo-shi and lay dormant. The news had already been sent out; Their purpose had been achieved. The follow-up was not quite important.

The thing that Mo Shizong currently wanted to figure out the most was, who was behind this?

He didn’t believe that this matter was dug up by a small company. He prided himself in being covert. No one knew about him and Mo Yu, save for a few trustworthy people around him. 

Neither did he believe that the small company had the guts to risk being targeted by Mo-shi by publishing such news. There must be someone behind the scene that preceded all of this.

Only, who was it?

His enemies?

Or someone else……

In any case, because of this news, the company’s shares plunged sharply and suffered hundreds of millions of losses.

He couldn’t figure it out in a short time. He had many enemies, after all. There were many that wanted to drag him down from his throne and watch him make a joke of himself. Those people need to be inspected.

He arranged those matters and left the company in a hurry to find Mo Yu.

When he reached the downstairs of Yang Lingxi’s home, he felt uneasy. He was an old fox and had long been accustomed to controlling his emotions. Nevertheless, after all those years, this was the first time he was keyed up and worried about Mo Yu blaming him and not willing to recognize him as a father. 

He got a sliver of hope when Yang Lingxi called him and told him that although Mo Yu appeared to be angry at first, he had calmed down by now. Mo Yu asked some questions to her and now was resting in his room. 

Mo Shizong asked, “Is it alright for me to come up now?”

Yang Lingxi, “It’s alright. Come up, I just bought some groceries. Let’s have a light meal together later.“

Mo Shizong sighed with emotion, “This will be the first meal together for us father and son. Lingxi, thank you. You have raised Mo Yu well. He is brave, resourceful, and courageous. He is also a kind, honest, and sincere child.”

Yang Lingxi smiled and expressed that Mo Yu had always wanted to have a father. It was her selfishness that made Mo Yu suffer so many grievances. She initially believed that he would never be able to recognize Mo Shizong as his father in his life, she never envision that now he finally had the opportunity to recognize his father. He must be delighted.

It’s just, it was a bit sudden. So, he couldn’t accept it……

Mo Yu may appear to be furious on the surface, but when calmed down, he would definitely accept it.

“Just give Xiao Yu some time.”

“Ah, right, have you found out who disclosed the news? I haven’t told anyone about Xiao Yu. Even my relatives don’t know that Xiao Yu is your son. I can’t think of who told the news to the reporters. I’m sorry about it, did it cause you trouble?”

Mo Shizong assured, “You didn’t. I’ll take care of this matter. You don’t have to worry. I won’t let anyone hurt our son.”

Yang Lingxi was relieved, “Mn, that’s good. You also don’t have to worry. Come up first.”

Mo Shizong hung up the phone and ordered the driver to wait downstairs. He headed upstairs at a fast pace with the gift he had prepared early. He wanted to give those to Mo Yu but hadn’t had the time to send them to him. 

The moment Mo Shizong left, the driver closed his eyes and lay down. Sometime later, he opened his eyes in caution. He confirmed that Mo Shizong was already gone before he took out his phone and made a call. He repeated the words that Mo Shizong had just said with precision. 

“Yes, Mo Yu is at home. The chairman is upstairs now and says he plans to stay for dinner.”

“I understand, Xiansheng, rest assured, I will always stay here.”

“Yes, I will contact you as soon as I find something.”

Not long after Mo Yu refused Ye Wei’s request for a talk, he heard Mo Shizong knocking at his door.

Standing outside the door, his voice was as gentle as ever, like a kind elder who would tolerate all his willful mischief, “Xiao Yu, it’s me.”

Mo Yu threw away his phone. He was quite flustered and couldn’t adapt to the change in their relationship. He hesitated and in the end, didn’t open the door. 

He didn’t know how to face the person behind the door.

After a while, Yang Lingxi came and knocked on his door, “Xiao Yu, come out. It’s dinner. Today, I made your favorite braised pork.”

Mo Shizong chuckled, “Xiao Yu has the same taste as me. We both love your braised pork.”

Yang Lingxi also laughed a litte, “He likes to eat this since he was a child. Every time he gets angry with me, he requires me to make braised pork for him, else he will ignore me. ”

Mo Shizong burst out laughing. Thinking of the time he had missed with Mo Yu, he felt regret crept in his heart, “It’s a pity that I didn’t see him grow up……”

“It doesn’t matter. There will be plenty of time in the future.”

“Yes. There will be. This time, I won’t leave both of you alone again.”


Through the door, Mo Yu could hear the noises. When he was a child, he always wanted to be like other children, he wanted a father. It escalated to the point where he lost his temper with his mother because of the matter, which ended up with both him and his mother upset. Because of that, his mother often hid to cry by herself.

Later, he grew up and learned to be sensible. He understood that his family was different from others. He had no father, only mother.

Since then, he had never said a word about wanting a father. 

Over the years, he was used to not having a father. When he could accept the fact that he had no father, his father suddenly appeared; When he least wanted to, his father appeared without warning. 

He should be happy. Of course, he should be. But, there was something in his heart that made him upset and made him not ready to recognize Mo Shizong as his father. 

He hid in the quilt and rolled a few times on the bed. His phone was still beeping. He didn’t need to check on it to know that those were messages congratulating him for finally finding and recognizing his biological father.

He was so upset that he had no appetite and didn’t want to respond to anyone.

He didn’t even reply to Miao Shuya’s message.

Now that he thinks about it, he did reply to Ye Wei’s messages, didn’t he? Though, their conversation was not a pleasant one. At one point, it even made him angrier 

Ye Wei, on the other side, was disappointed that she failed to make an appointment with Mo Yu. But, it didn’t matter. She still had chances to see Mo Yu in the future. He couldn’t hole up at his home all the time. As long as he went out of his home, she always had the chance to see him.

One of the fundamental qualities of vicious Supporting Female was they wouldn’t stop until they reached their objective.

For this, Ye Wei’s daily activity of looking at the sky sadly by the pond had changed into sneaking messages to Mo Yu in her room. 

Still, Mo Yu was indifferent to her. What she did to him before; What he did to her now. He now exercised his intelligence to do his best to accomplish it. She didn’t have any means to reach him. 

Mo Yuan was naturally clear about her actions, and Ye Wei naturally knew Mo Yuan knew about her actions. All in all, she had to act as if Mo Yuan didn’t know, so she must be ‘sneaky’ in her actions.

Today, she hid in her room again and didn’t step out of her room. When Mo Yuan returned, the Butler reported Ye Wei’s whereabouts today. “Ye-xiaojie returned to her room to sleep after breakfast. At ten o’clock, she sat by the pond for an hour, then she went back to her room. At twelve o’clock, she went downstairs for lunch. At one o’clock, she said that she wanted to take a nap and instructed us not to disturb her. From then on, she stayed in her room. She didn’t mention anything about wanting to go shopping.”

The dog hopped around him and barked, carefree and obviously elated.

Mo Yuan patted the dog’s head and lifted his eyebrow at the Butler, “She has been in her room all the time?”

The Butler answered, “Yes. She hasn’t stepped out of her room since.”

Mo Yuan took off his coat and threw it aside. “I will check on her.”

He flung a small yellow ball into the backyard before he went upstairs. The dog chased after the ball and caught it. It ran back to the house. Halfway through the run, it stopped and spun over the ground. Its pair of eyes dejected. Its little owner was gone!

It searched and couldn’t find its owner. Its carefree brain shortly forgot about its little owner. The dog carried the ball in its mouth and ran around the house with its tail wagging.

Mo Yuan stood at the door of Ye Wei’s room. He stood there for some time. The room was quiet and he could not hear anything from outside.

He knocked on the door, “Weiwei. Weiwei?”

It wasn’t until a long time later that he heard Ye Wei’s panicked steps to open the door. Her eyes darted at him in surprise with her hands behind her, hiding her phone. “Mo-xiansheng. You are back.”

The man stared at her with his dark eyes. His eyes were void of emotion. One time, it was as if he was interrogating a prisoner, and other time, it was as if he was caring about her. People couldn’t see through it.

“I heard that you have been in your room all afternoon and haven’t gone out. What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

Ye Wei’s eyes darted to the right. “I have a headache, but I have slept all afternoon and I’m much better now.”

Mo Yuan touched her forehead, “Could it be cold? How about I let the doctor check on you?”

The man’s fingers were cold. When it touched her forehead, she shivered. It was her forehead that was touched by his cold fingers, but it was her back that felt the chill, as if there was a ghost behind her. She retreated reflexively, “No need. I’m fine now. I don’t want to trouble一”

Mo Yuan rejected her refusal at once, “Be obedient.” 

Thus, Ye Wei could only be obedient. “Thank you, Mo-xiansheng. Mo-xiansheng is really good to me.”

Soon, Mo Yuan called a doctor to examine her. However, Ye Wei was not sick at all. It would be strange if she was found to be sick.

Yet, the doctor actually said that she indeed had cold and prescribed medicine for her?

Ye Wei who now ought to drink her own medicine, “……”

The dinner in the evening was light, so light that there was nothing greasy. 

Ye Wei peeked at Mo Yuan in front of her. He didn’t seem to have many requirements for his food. Whether there was fish, meat, porridge, or any other dishes on the table, his face would remain the same, without any hints about his preferences.

His happiness or anger couldn’t be measured with something superficial; People couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

Moreover, she discovered that Mo Yuan was extremely good at pretending. Two days before Mo Yu’s identity was exposed, he behaved as calmly as usual. When Mo Yu was back at the company, at the board meeting, Mo Shizong introduced Mo Yu to everyone. Mo Yuan still behaved calmly…… Still, every time he came home, he would be in a bad mood and often only spoke a few words to her, then he would be either in the study or in his bedroom.

On one occasion, he even turned the study upside down to the point the tables need to be changed. 

Not only that, Mo Yuan would look at her intently and ask, “Do you also regret it?”

Ye Wei blinked and sincerely confessed, “No.”

“No? Why don’t you regret it?”

“Mo-xiansheng, believe me. I really have no regrets!”


“Because I like you ah.”

Mo Yuan stared at her. A smile appeared on his face and his fingers carded through her hair, “Everyone likes that bastard, even my father likes him. He brings him everywhere and wants to give Mo-shi to that bastard. Don’t you like him too?”

Ye Wei avoided his gaze and hugged Mo Yuan’s arm. She pouted, “Shushu is too much. How can he do this to you? Mo-xiansheng, don’t be sad. I believe Shushu won’t be so ruthless.”

Mo Yuan shook his head and said nothing more.

There was a rumor circulating among the servants. It said that Mo Yu was going to replace Mo Yuan. After all, Mo Shizong’s love for Mo Yu was obvious. He personally brought Mo Yu to the board meeting and many events. That showed how much he valued Mo Yu. Did Mo Yuan ever receive treatment like that?

Never. The cold and strict father-son relationship of Mo Yuan and Mo Shizong, who didn’t know it?

What did that mean, obviously, it meant that Mo Shizong was partial to his other son.

Those who were used to sailing with the wind began to fawn on Mo Yu. 

And Ye Wei, as a vicious Supporting Female, of course, couldn’t lose to them. Eventually, she went to find Mo Yu in the name of shopping. 

Mo Yu was about to get mad at Ye Wei. Recently, he would receive several messages from Ye Wei every day, sometimes, he even received calls from her, asking him if he was free and saying that she would always be there to care about him. 


Care about him?

Care about his identity, that’s more likely.

On this day, Ye Wei sent him another message and invited him to meet her at the cafe near the company.

Mo Yu refused in a beat: No, we have nothing to talk about.

Ye Wei: I will wait for you. No matter how long, I am willing to wait.

Mo Yu: Oh. You aren’t afraid that Mo Yuan will be angry if you come to see me alone like this?

Ye Wei: ?

Ye Wei: Why will Mo Yuan be angry?

Mo Yu: Stop playing stupid. You know what I am talking about.

Ye Wei: A’Yu, won’t you come to see me?

Mo Yu: ……   

Drop it. He must make it clear to Ye Wei, otherwise she would always entangle him and he would be driven mad by her.

So during the lunch break, he went to see Ye Wei.

Ye Wei was dressed in a white dress with a shawl and delicate makeup. Her long hair flowed down on her back. Her beauty was displayed to the utmost. She was so beautiful that people didn’t dare to look at her for too long.

When she noticed him, she beamed, “A’Yu is here. I know you can’t bear to ignore me.”

Mo Yu, “……”   

He walked over with a stiff expression. He was caught off guard. For a moment, when he saw such Ye Wei, he thought they were back to the past. His heart trembled. No. He can’t fall into her trap again.

He sat down and made an effort not to look at Ye Wei, “Ye Wei, I have no other intention for coming here, so don’t get me wrong. I just hope you won’t look for me again in the future. We’re over. Since long ago, we’re over.”

Ye Wei was downcast when she looked at him, “A’Yu, do you really have to treat me like this? I thought we could still be friends.”

Mo Yu wrung out a wry smile, “Ye Wei, isn’t it because of you that we became what we are today?”

Ye Wei opened her mouth to explain, “I…”

“That’s it. You don’t need to say anything else.”

Mo Yu broke in, “I have said my parts. Don’t come to me again. I won’t reply to your messages and calls anymore. “

After he said this, he stood up and turned to leave. He paid no attention to how disheartened Ye Wei was.

Who knew that when he turned around, he saw Mo Yuan at the door of the cafe. Xue Zhao opened the glass door of the cafe for him. Mo Yuan was in a smooth black suit. His figure was thin and his face was gloomy. He walked in step by step with his cane.

Mo Yuan?

Why was he here?

Mo Yu comprehended that Mo Yuan must know what happened between him and Ye Wei. He appeared here, was it a coincidence, or was it intended?

Mo Yu himself was not worried. He had a clear conscience, so he had nothing to fear.

He subconsciously glanced at Ye Wei. Sure enough, he saw Ye Wei was alarmed and tense.

Mo Yuan came over. He didn’t spare a glance at Mo Yu. His gloomy eyes only gazed at Ye Wei, “Didn’t you say you went shopping? Why are you here?”

Mo Yu stepped forward to explain, “Don’t misunderstand. There is nothing between us. I was about to leave.”

Mo Yuan, “Shut up.”

Mo Yu touched his nose and zipped his mouth.

Mo Yuan still stared at Ye Wei. There wasn’t any fluctuation in his eyes, but everyone who knew him could perceive that he was angry, “Speak. Why are you here?”

Ye Wei rose to her feet and carefully explained, “I… In fact, I am here to meet my future brother-in-law…”

Mo Yu, “……”   

Mo Yuan, “……”   

Ye Wei looked at Mo Yu. She signaled to him with a wink, “That’s right. Gege. I am your future sister-in-law.”

Mo Yu, “……”   

Mo Yuan, “……”   

Ye Wei, “Do you think I will say so? Heh. Don’t even think about such a good thing. Mo-xiansheng and I will never recognize you!”

Mo Yu, “?”

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Ry’s Corner

Ye Wei called herself as Mo Yu’s 弟妹dì mèi, a.ka Younger Brother’s Wife. 

Huh, I thought Mo Yuan is the older one, turns out it’s Mo Yu?

Then again, considering Mo Shizong met Mo Yu’s Mother first, Mo Yu indeed must be the older one.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3181

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