TVIRAD – Chapter 58

Arc 5
There is a Ghost in Your Heart (2)

A bonus chapter thanks to WillieCoyote!

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Ye Chen and Lin Jianxi made an agreement to go to the amusement park. They set it for the next day. 

Ye Chen was not the same as ordinary ghosts. Ordinary ghosts would be afraid to be in broad daylight, they would avoid it at any cost. Lin Jianxi knew this basic knowledge, so, when he went out, he brought a black umbrella with him to cover Ye Chen. 

Ye Chen was taller than him, so Lin Jianxi tiptoed as he held the umbrella behind her. Ye Chen folded her hands in her sleeves and floated forward. Lin Jianxi chased after her, following behind like a eunuch to Empress Dowager. 

After some time, Lin Jianxi was disgruntled. He clamored, “I am kind enough to hold an umbrella for you, can you at least think of me and walk in the normal path instead of going straight through electric poles?”

Mn?” Ye Chen glanced back in doubt, “You are holding the umbrella for me?”

“Yeah,” Lin Jianxi replied right away, “Otherwise? Why do you think I, a man, will hold an umbrella in broad daylight like this?”

“I thought you were afraid of sunburn.”

Lin Jianxi, “……”

Ye Chen patted him on the head, expression doting, “Boys your age like to show off your looks, after all, I understand.”

Lin Jianxi’s expression was bland, He immediately shut the umbrella without hesitation. The sunlight shone on the two and Ye Chen squinted her eyes in joy, “Mn, sunshine.”

Lin Jianxi wiped his face. He underestimated her. Although Ye Chen appeared a bit crazy, she was truly a powerful ghost.

They arrived at the amusement park. It was Saturday, so there was a sea of people in the amusement park. It was very crowded and the space was stuffy. Ye Chen insisted, “I want a ticket.”

She didn’t want to snatch others’ positions, regardless of whether she could directly go through others and sit there. 

Lin Jianxi’s lips twitched at it and ultimately, he purchased a ticket for Ye Chen. 

Ye Chen stated, “I want popcorn and cotton candy.”

Lin Jianxi was reticent. He bought the popcorn and cotton candy as per Ye Chen’s instructions. He didn’t look pleased, though.

As a result, everyone saw a 14 years old boy holding pink cotton candy and popcorn. He had two tickets, but he proceeded toward the Ferris Wheel, Pirate Ship, and other places by himself. 

The Auntie who watched him couldn’t help but sob.

“He is so young but he has experienced being dumped. Poor thing.”

The words entered Lin Jianxi’s ears and he nearly crushed the cotton candy in his hand.

However, when he saw Ye Chen’s stoic face staring at the food in his hand and the ghost fled in all directions wherever they passed by… Forget it, for the sake of Ye Chen’s power, he shouted with a cold face——

“Ye Chen, have a meal.”

With that said, the popcorn and the cotton candy popped up in Ye Chen’s hands. There wasn’t any expression on her face, but her eyes were sparkling. If she had a tail, it would presumably be swinging left and right.

Lin Jianxi stared at Ye Chen’s back and had a subtle feeling that he was a cat owner

They got on the pirate ship. Lin Jianxi was a bit skittish as this was his first time coming to this place. They sat side by side. Everyone nearby looked at the boy who bought two tickets with a weird look. Lin Jianxi’s face remained the same, but the hand holding the safety belt was tightly squeezed, indicating his unease.

The pirate ship commenced swaying. Ye Chen abruptly recalled the ghost film Lin Jianxi played for her last night. She bent her head and narrowed her eyes, “Jianxi, are you a person who pursues excitement?”

“I am not一”

Ye Chen didn’t let him finish his words and cast a wind spell, driving the pirate ship fast.

Beyond the speed that a pirate ship should have.

Lin Jianxi’s expression altered significantly and he screamed. In her heart, Ye Chen hahaha’ed in delight. 

When Ye Chen sensed a burst of Yin Qi lashed at her, her laugh ceased.

What should she do… They really met a ghost……

Just as she thought of that, she swiftly made a seal with her hand, halfway through the movement, she perceived a sharp pain shot her body. 

That’s right… She was a ghost. Why the fuck she would use a spell for exorcising ghosts?!

What should she do?

How did ghosts fight other ghosts?

Of course, directly.

Ye Chen considered it and hopped out. She flashed towards a cloud of black gas surging under the pirate ship. She swung her palm and tossed out a fire to it.

The fire she tossed out was Yin Fire, which materialized as a blazing green fire. The black gas was like a big ball of cloud. Though, it was sensitive and brisk to perceive her Yin Fire. The black gas rolled over and detached itself from the pirate ship. Ye Chen launched more than a dozen Yin Fires and hunted the black gas. The black gas was compelled to jump into the water, and then Ye Chen saw its appearance in the water——

After that thing entered the water, the black gas outside disappeared, and then its outline was revealed. It was a huge Eight-Legged spider, similar to a Black Widow[1]. It paddled in the water with its eight feet. There was a face at the joint of each foot. Ye Chen had seen two of them.

One was the one who tricked Lin Jianxi in the park last time.

The other……

Was the kind-hearted man who introduced her to the ghost life.

Lin Jianxi was still on the pirate ship. At this time, the pirate ship had already stopped. It was inferred that something had malfunctioned, thus the ship was stopped forcibly. Right now, the crowd was being evacuated

Ye Chen felt that there were countless things staring at her. She didn’t dare to stray too far from Lin Jianxi, so she bolted back fast.

Lin Jianxi was holding a pole, retching. When he saw Ye Chen was back, Lin Jianxi raised his head in bafflement, “What happened…”


Ye Chen didn’t want to make him worry. Instead, she asked, “Are you okay?”

“I am fi… Ugh…”

Lin Jianxi retched again.

Ye Chen quickly shrank aside.

Lin Jianxi glared at her.

Reluctantly, Ye Chen took out some money from Lin Jianxi’s pocket. She fled to the vending machine. When people weren’t looking, she bought a bottle of mineral water. Then, she handed it to Lin Jianxi.

Lin Jianxi lay on the railing. He accepted the water and thanked her weakly, “Thank you.”


Ye Chen responded, watching Lin Jianxi grunting and gurgling the water. She couldn’t help but blurt, “Lin Jianxi, how did you survive?”

Ye Chen was a powerful Feng Shui Master, even if she died, she was still a powerful ghost. It could be seen from the fact that since she entered this amusement park, other ghosts fleed just from the sight of her. 

However, that thing that had been following Lin Jianxi was not affected by Ye Chen’s strength, it even tried to pounce on Lin Jianxi when she was beside him. It could even dispatch its soul from its body. Even though this was probably because Ye Chen was not familiar enough with her current body, that ghost was on par with her.

Lin Jianxi was watched by that thing for so long, how on earth did he survive until now? That thing was so powerful, why didn’t it kill Lin Jianxi in the park? And, when she met that thing for the first time, why did it send her to the He Run Community peacefully?

At that time, she was clearly wearing a Feng Shui Master’s robe, but the other party asked her if she ‘came from the countryside’, giving it an ideal opportunity to let her continue conversing with it. What did it want to do?

Did it know she was not the real Ye Chen? Did it want to kill Lin Jianxi? Why did it want to kill Lin Jianxi?

Questions rained in Ye Chen’s mind. Her gaze was downcast and she called out to 38, “38, can you provide me some information?”


38 leisurely said.

Ye Chen, “……”

38 watched Ye Chen while eating melon seeds, “Don’t look at me like that. I only have half of my energy left now. Where do I have the energy to exchange things at will for you? You give me points, and I’ll do it for you. You don’t give me points, I’ll save my energy. And, what was it that you said to Lin Jianxi before?”

Young man, you have to go your own way…

“Fine. Fine. Fine.”  Ye Chen didn’t want to listen anymore. She geared her mind to analyze it. She didn’t have any impression of that thing in her memory, but, there must be a place where things like that things were recorded, most likely, the place was…


The Library of Feng Shui World. 

Now, she had to protect Lin Jianxi well, and at the same time, strengthen his ability and guide him to be the Patriarch of the Lin Family. Things must be done step by step, her priority right now was to annihilate that thing that had been staring at Lin Jianxi all the time. 

She made up her mind and decided to take Lin Jianxi and set off to the Feng Shui’s Library. She couldn’t get in as a ghost and could only rely on Lin Jianxi for it.

She paused and twisted around to Lin Jianxi. “Buy a ticket. Let’s go to City B.”

Ai?!” Lin Jianxi spun his head at her, “What for?”

“I want to look for something and I need to check it in the Library.” Ye Chen sized up Lin Jianxi and frowned, “You are being stared at by something, aren’t you aware of it?”

Ye Chen’s eyes made Lin Jianxi shiver. He instantly realized that something must have happened when they were in the amusement park. It must be something that Ye Chen coudln’t just handle like usual!

He wavered, “If that thing targeted us, aren’t we going out equal to we sending ourselves to its mouth?”

“Don’t you think that staying still in your broken house is also equal to sending ourselves to its mouth?”

Lin Jianxi, “……”

He considered his house safe, thank you.

Nonetheless, his reason was not convincing in front of Ye Chen, who went in and out of his house as if his house was no man’s land. He hung his head and articulated softly, “Oh.”

Because it was a matter of life and death, Lin Jianxi swiftly found scalpers to buy a ticket for the next day,l and prepared to go North to City B.

City B was the home of the Ye Family, just as City G in the South was the home of the Lin Family. The most complete Library of Feng Shui was in City B, not far from Ye Family’s house.

Because it was a train ticket, Lin Jianxi only bought a ticket. Lin Jianxi carried a mat and burned it for Ye Chen. When Lin Jianxi slept at night, Ye Chen sat on the side and meditated.

As for why a ghost meditates……

Ye Chen had no other explanation than for the sake of preserving her prestige.

The train rumbled and passed through the overhead bridges. The moon was particularly bright that night. The bridges spanned two large mountains. There was a rushing river on it. 

The moonlight gleamed on the water and the stars were shining. Lin Jianxi woke up in a daze in the middle of the night and saw Ye Chen next to him, holding his hand and gazing out the window with downcast eyes.

At that moment, her appearance was particularly gentle. The whole person was bright and soft, as if the person beside him was the personification of the moon itself. 

Lin Jianxi could sense his heart pounding.

This feeling was different from the excitement and fascination of seeing her edited video. This feeling seemed to be like the moonlight, with some small sweetness in the affection and indefinable shyness. It made him flustered.

“Look outside.” Ye Chen sensed him awake and glimpsed at him. She whispered, “It’s so beautiful.”

Lin Jianxi followed her gaze and looked outside, there, he saw the mountains and rivers.

His eyes fanned wide.

All his life, he was trapped in that square inch of land, his grandma’s house, and school. He had never stepped out of that city. He hadn’t even gone to many normal places in that city. This was his first time to see such splendid scenery. The awe in his heart swelled up. 

Ye Chen inclined her head and saw Lin Jianxi, who was sentimental and emotional from the scenery. She suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth. 

It’s just, the other party was like a country boy who had never seen the world. He was especially cute and Ye Chen couldn’t help raising her hand to rub his hair.

She used the power of her soul to allow Lin Jianxi to sense the touch. He raised his eyes and met her gaze. His beautiful eyes were sparkling.

Ye Chen’s eyelashes spread down, “It’s indeed beautiful.”

Lin Jianxi was taken aback. Then, a blush slowly crept on his face. He feigned calmness and lay down. He tugged up the quilt and whispered, “Sleep.”

The big man next to him got up and roared, “Sleep, sleep, sleep. Haven’t you said enough ‘sleep’?! It’s already midnight, you asshole!”

Ye Chen, “……”

They took the train all day and night and at last, arrived at City B.

Unlike cities in the South, City B was vast, stretching as far as eyes can see. The city building stood tall and upright, a magnificent scenery. Lin Jianxi carried his luggage and overlooked the cars coming and going. He pretty much looked like a country boy entering the city for the first time, “This… Where are we going?”

Ye Chen searched for her memory. She found out that she was extremely rich. She had a large deposit in a bank, a bank that had existed since the Tang Dynasty. The rules at that bank were, as long as you could fully answer the three questions left by the owner and give some proof, you could acquire the things left by the owner. 

However, the news of the original owner’s death should have reached the Ye Family now. If someone out of nowhere went to get Ye Chen’s money… The Ye Family’s influence was great in the North, let’s not make some trouble. Ye Chen then decided to get the money later when they left. 

Ye Chen weighed it down and said, “Go to the Library first.”

Ye Chen gave Lin Jianxi the direction of the Library. Lin Jianxi got into a taxi and booked a hotel nearby.

The most prestigious library in the Feng Shui World was located not far from the foot of the mountain. It was far from the City B center, but it wasn’t deserted. Countless Feng Shui Masters came here from all over the world and were stationed here. They became patrons for the business of more than a dozen hotels here.

Not far from the library was the Ye Family’s mansion. It had a mountain on its back and had an excellent Feng Shui. The mansion was surrounded by white walls and red tiles. It appeared like a small city with an area of about a thousand acres.

Lin Jianxi stayed on the 20th floor of the high-rise building, just overseeing the Ye Family. When Lin Jianxi unpacked his things, Ye Chen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and peeked at the classic mansion, bursting into tears in her heart.

Rich, really fucking rich.

You must know that in her time, even if she worked for a lifetime, she may not be able to buy an apartment in City B. 

“Say. If I go back to the Ye Family now, will they still accept me?” Ye Chen whined, “I also want to enjoy the life of the rich.”

“It’s as if you haven’t enjoyed it,” 38 sneered, “When did I treat you badly since you transmigrated? When did I not give you a role that is rich, beautiful, and powerful?”

Heh,” Ye Chen sneered back, “You must have forgotten how I learned to kill chickens.”

38, “……”

Ye Chen slanted her head on the window and stared out in a daze. Lin Jianxi was done unpacking and came to her side, following her gaze. 

The Ye Family’s mansion was now covered with white flowers[2]. Lin Jianxi tilted his head and recalled the previous things he read about her, “Is that your house?”

Mn.” Ye Chen replied.

Lin Jianxi widened his eyes. When Ye Chen thought he would say such exclamations as “That place is really worthy of the Ye Family name!” or “As expected from the number one family in the Feng Shui World”, his focus was actually——

“Your family is really rich!”

To be honest, Lin Jianxi was the most relatable Villain she had ever encountered.

Such simple words made Ye Chen unable to keep her face straight. She only nodded and didn’t give any reply. Lin Jianxi glanced at her and cautiously probed, “Will you go back?”

He was quite worried.

He didn’t wish for Ye Chen to go back.

Yes, there was some trouble in the amusement park, but Ye Chen still gave him a great sense of security. Since he grew up with this physique of his, the only time where he didn’t need to worry about being strangled by ghosts anytime and anywhere was the time he spent with her was. He could sleep soundly. 

Even though his grandma had invited experts to set up so many arrays and spells at their house, it was not as effective as Ye Chen who only sat in front of the TV, watching Korean dramas. 

Everyone was like this. Once they had the taste of it, they wouldn’t let things go. He was desperate to keep her. 

Hence, when he discovered that Ye Chen was so good, that the Ye Family was so amazing, Lin Jianxi was afraid. 

Ye Chen’s gaze tumbled on the pure white Soul Calling flags on the top of the Ye Family’s mansion. Her eyes were profound. 

It’s apparent that the Ye Family was still searching for her. Did she want to go back?

She didn’t want to. The Ye Family was too deep. Ye Wenwen might entangle her again if Ye Wenwen realized she was alive. One less problem was one less problem. Anyway, she could only stay here for five years at most, there was no need to contact the Ye Family.

But what about “Ye Chen”?

She occupied the other party’s body. If the other party wished for it, then she would comply.

Cultivators paid great care to Causality Cycle. The concept of Cause and Effect was ingrained in Ye Chen’s mind since she was in Tian Jian Sect. However, when she felt the feeling left by the original owner, she was surprised—

There was no nostalgia.

No affection. No hate. No reluctance. Even the last feeling before her death was only a silent sigh and a little doubt. Why was it like that?

With a feeling like that, the genius ‘Ye Chen’ was more suitable to be a transmigrator than her. 

Ye Chen was bamboozled by that thought. Lin Jianxi beside her called out softly, “Ye Chen?”

Ye Chen heard Lin Jianxi’s voice and recovered her senses. She whispered, “I won’t.”


Lin Jianxi asked, Ye Chen didn’t answer.

After a short rest, Lin Jianxi went out to eat and then proceeded to the Library.

Before Lin Jianxi entered, he put her in a Soul Locking Bag, just like Ye Chen’s taught him. Then, he drew some runes outside it. This rune was her original creation, used to isolate any prying from the outside world. Thus, Ye Chen stayed inside and passed the monitoring at the entrance. 

Lin Jianxi moved as Ye Chen said and reached the Ghost Classification part. There was a large shelf full of books. Ye Chen had mostly read all of it and only a few were left. Ye Chen could observe the outside world from inside the bag, she contacted Lin Jianxi via the notes she had readied. She ordered him to put her on his shoulder, and then they started foraging for books. 

They located more than a dozen books that Ye Chen hadn’t read and began to flip through them one by one. 

Ye Chen judged that the genius labeled on ‘Ye Chen’ body was not in vain. Even if she only occupied this body, she still inherited the abilities of the original owner, she could read ten lines of writing with a single glance. 

At this time, there were fewer people in the Library. Lin Jianxi lit some light and released Ye Chen from the Soul Locking Bag.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged and flipped over the books, immersed and solemn. The lights illuminated her cold face and gave her blue and white complexion some brilliance.

They didn’t pay attention to time.

There was some sorrowful sob outside. Ye Chen stiffened. She could hear it. It contained the sentiment of the Ye Family.

Lin Jianxi detected Ye Chen was in a trance and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Ye Chen glanced back. She only replied with a hum and lowered her head to continue reading.

The two of them stayed up until midnight. Abruptly, footsteps sounded in the library. Lin Jianxi panicked at once. Ye Chen contorted an array and set it in front of Lin Jianxi. There was a clear cough near them, “Excuse me.”

On hearing the voice, Ye Chen jolted. She vanished and returned to the Soul Locking Bag. She demanded in frenzy, “Hurry! Hurry! Seal the bag!”

Lin Jianxi felt it was a little odd, “Why…”

A man with the same Feng Shui Master’s robe as Ye Chen appeared from behind the bookshelf. His long hair was tied low and draped over his shoulder.

The man was gentle and handsome. He looked like a noble. When he appeared, it was in time with Lin Jianxi sealing the Soul Locking Bag in his hands. Then, their gazes met. 

He put the bag behind him in an honest manner and spoke to the man, “Who are you?”

“I am Jiang Huai,” the man smiled, his face was quite pale. “I did a divination yesterday and it said I can meet my old friend here today. Is my name familiar to xiao di[3]?”

Jiang Huai?

Lin Jianxi furrowed his brows.

He had never met him before, but he discerned his name was rather familiar. He reflected that Ye Chen hid the instant she heard his voice. He was clearly not a stranger to Ye Chen. 

He shook his head. “It’s not.”

Jiang Huai kept his smile, as if he didn’t care about it. Then, he inquired, “Did xiao di ever see someone today? A girl in her early twenties. She has a cold temperament and her appearance… is gorgeous.”

His eyes were a bit bleak, “If you know a thing or two about Feng Shui, you may know her.”

“Her name is Ye Chen.”

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  1. A poisonous spider. Black. Small head, huge body, thin legs. There is an hourglass pattern on its body. Image in Attachment.

  2. White is used for mourning here. White cloth, white flower, white flag, etc etc.

  3. 小弟 – xiǎo di ;lit. Little Young Brother.


Black Widow

Ry’s Corner

“Heh,” Ye Chen sneered back, “You must have forgotten how I learned to kill chickens.”

Flashback to Arc 3 in which Ye Chen made a living by killing chickens. 

Bonus Chapter:

7 out of 10 done.

Sigh. 3 more!!!

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3980

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