TVIRAD – Chapter 59

Arc 5
There is a Ghost in Your Heart (3)

A bonus chapter thanks to WillieCoyote!

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Lin Jianxi’s heart skipped a beat. Though, his face was unchanged. He tilted his head and pretended to be confused, not understanding what the other party was talking about. 

Jiang Huai’s smile turned bitter at Lin Jianxi’s appearance.

In fact, He understood that there was no way this child had some relation to Ye Chen. 

Ye Chen was always indifferent. On the road of Feng Shui, everyone could only look up to her and chase her. Even he himself, the one that grew up with her, was probably just a frequent passer-by in her heart. 

But, scanning at the young man in front of him and recalling the result of his hard-working divination, he refused to give up just like this. He showed him a photo and continued, “Have you really never seen her?”

The photo in his hand had already turned yellow. Ye Chen in the photo was presumably around 10 years old. The photo was framed inside a necklace.

Lin Jianxi composed himself and shook his head, “I really haven’t seen her.”

Lost was portrayed on Jiang Huai’s face. He shut his eyes and sighed. He put away the necklace.

A while later, he opened his eyes and stared down at the boy. His voice was heartbreaking, “If she sees you, there is a high chance she will not ignore you.”

Mn?” Lin Jianxi frankly didn’t understand the other party’s meaning. Jiang Huai didn’t elaborate and only examined him with gentle eyes. 

He was excellent at divination and had a good sight. The young man in front of him was honestly born incredibly blessed. He was destined to rise to the top and become prosperous, but instead, he was now shrouded by Yin Qi. Just with a glance, he could deduce that his fate had been artificially altered.

Ye Chen was lazy. Too lazy to talk, too lazy to walk, and too lazy to pay attention to others. However, she loved to meddle in this kind of business that went against Heaven. If she saw this young man, she definitely would meddle in his life. 

But it was because she had the strength to. Others may have not. Jiang Huai took out a bamboo tube. He shook it a few times and poured three copper coins from the bamboo tube into the palm of his hand. He frowned as he analyzed the three copper coins. “Xiao di, I can’t take care of your life nor can I intervene. But, in the future, please be more cautious.”

With that, Jiang Huai gave a last sigh and departed.

After taking a few steps, he slanted against the wall and drifted down. He glanced around. He saw that there was indeed no one around, only Lin Jianxi who gawked at him by the lamp with a dumbfounded expression. 

Jiang Huai rubbed his temples. He hadn’t slept since the news of Ye Chen’s death came. He had exerted his best to divine Ye Chen’s life and death and the whereabouts of her soul. Now, the last glimmer of hope was gone, the fatigue seeped in. 

Minutes later, the sound of Jiang Huai’s footsteps echoed in the Library and faded. At last, silence returned to the Library. Ye Chen moved out of the bag. She was mainly afraid of Jiang Huai’s divination ability. In particular, his accuracy. It was related to distance. The closer you were to him; The more accurate his divination was. Ye Chen had done her best to cover up her traces, else, she was not sure what Jiang Huai’s divination result of three copper coins just now would be. 

Ye Chen discerned that staying in City B was too risky and urged, “Let’s continue our search and leave as soon as we found something about that thing.”

Lin Jianxi was aware of Ye Chen’s obvious avoidance of Jiang Huai, as if Jiang Huai was a poisonous snake. Lin Jianxi wondered, “What is your relationship with him? Old lover?”

Ye Chen’s hand that was flipping the book halted. She raised her head to stare at Lin Jianxi right in the eyes, “Do you know how I died?”

Lin Jianxi took a cold breath. He pointed in Jiang Huai’s direction and cried, “He is the killer?! He didn’t look like a killer at all ah!”

“Not him,” Ye Chen shook her head. She pointed to the Ye Family’s mansion, “My Mei likes him, so she killed me because of him.”

“So… He likes you,” Lin Jianxi quickly inferred. Ye Chen flicked him on the head with her finger, “Little One, study hard and don’t gossip about grown-ups’ life.”

Lin Jianxi was dissatisfied, “I am not little!”


Ye Chen narrowed her eyes and Lin Jianxi learned she wasn’t joking around. He sat back obediently and started reading the books again.

They were still there when it was dusk, Lin Jianxi was already sleepy. He squinted at Ye Chen. Her face was cold, as usual. He coudln’t help but think back to the Ye Chen he saw in her Ten Years Fighting Montage. 

The Ye Chen he saw in that video was so powerful.

Behind each and every powerhouse like her, there were probably hidden efforts that ordinary people never saw, weren’t there?

He stared at Ye Chen’s for some time. He unexpectedly had great motivation in his heart. His drowsiness evaporated and he began to concentrate on reading quickly. The sun peeked into the library shelf little by little. Lin Jianxi’s eyes brightened, “The thing that you speak about, a huge spider with faces on its joints, is it this?”

Lin Jianxi showed to book close to Ye Chen. 

Ye Chen lifted her gaze and saw it, 【 Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider 】

Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider, an extreme being of Yin. 

It was not formed by nature. It was formed by the sins of others. Any crimes committed by a person will become “Sin”. When “Sin” converged in Heaven and Earth, it would eventually become a mass of Yin Qi to retaliate against the sinner. However, if it couldn’t retaliate against the sinner in time, it would continue to devour more Yin Qi and ultimately became the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider.

The Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider was remarkably strong. Most importantly, it was almost impossible to kill it.

You could hit it. You could weaken it. But, as long as the sinner committed any crime again, the Yin Qi would appear and it would return to life again.

Each time, it would be stronger than before. It would keep repeating until the person who committed the sin could no longer sin. 

This was an evil being created by Heaven in order to maintain balance. It was the personification of Cause and Effect, the retribution of a sinner. 

Therefore, only when the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider devoured the sinner would it disappear.

Ye Chen read the description calmly. Lin Jianxi scratched his head, “It shouldn’t be this. In my life, I even walked around the road when I saw ants. I shouldn’t have committed any sin deserving of this thing, right?”

Ye Chen was taciturn. 

Of course, Lin Jianxi hadn’t committed any sin deserving of this thing, but what about the Lin Family?

Lin Jianxi carried the sins of the Lin Family. The number of faces on the feet of the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider represented the severity of the sins of the person who created it. At present, the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider had human faces on all its joints. One could depict how many harmful things the Lin family had done in recent years.

She mused on whether she should tell Lin Jianxi about these.

Her priority right now had changed to destroying the Lin Family’s Obstruction Array, not the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider. As long as the Lin Family existed, the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider would continue to be reborn, stronger than before. Instead of troubling herself like that, it was better to deal with the root cause, the Obstruction Array. Every injustice had its perpetrator and every debt its debtor. Everyone who created the Cause must bear the Effect.

But… to start with the Obstruction Array…. She’s a ghost… Would it be alright?

Ye Chen doubted it.

She glanced sideways at Lin Jianxi, recalling Lin Jianxi’s previous life.

As this world Villain, he was expected by the Main System to be the good brother of the Male Lead in the future.

He was the one who could fight against the whole world until the last minute. 

Ye Chen was a genius, so was he. Perhaps, even more than her.

Back then, he only learned a litte about Feng Shui from Jiang Xuan, but he could bite back the Lin Family at the last minute. Not only destroying the Obstruction Array but also completely razing the Lin family to the ground. Now, if she taught him from scratch, could she count on him to be able to protect himself well and change his destiny?

As for the matter regarding the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider… She would follow him all the time and guard him. 

Ye Chen soothed down and rose to her feet. She conveyed to Lin Jianxi, “Buy a ticket and get ready to leave here.”

Ai?” Lin Jianxi also stood up, “Why so hurried?”

“Time is ticking.”


Lin Jianxi understood the importance of things. He took out his phone and was about to buy a train ticket. Ye Chen bent her head, “Buy a plane ticket.”

Lin Jianxi’s face twisted, “I… I don’t have much money.”

He only had his grandma’s inheritance and he should save it.

Ye Chen cut in, “I have. I will bring you to get the money. Book a ticket for 2 P.M. Two first-class seats.”

Ye Chen folded her hands in her sleeves and hovered forward.

Lin Jianxi behind shaped his mouth into a big “O”.

He got an inkling that he was kept as a sugar baby. 

Out of absolute trust in Ye Chen, Lin Jianxi really planned to book first-class tickets. Though, he suddenly realized a problem—

“Ye Chen.” He trailed behind her and frowned, “From what I heard, don’t you need to use an ID Card to go through the security check?”

He was a country bumpkin who had never been on a plane. Everything he knew came only from listening.

Ye Chen lingered. A moment later, she blew up. She flung her sleeves and scolded and scolded the airline, “Outrageous!”

A person wanted to buy two tickets, then just let them buy two! Why make such a nosy rule!

Lin Jianxi comprehended that what he heard was true from Ye Chen’s reaction.

He filled in his ID number and bought a first-class ticket.

They got out of the Library and bought two meat buns on the roadside. With a meat bun in their hands, they went to an old alley in City B. At the end of the alley was an old house. It was huge with a dilapidated gate. Two stone lions sat at the door, looking dignified.

Ye Chen let Lin Jianxi go in and reported her number, “Nine.”

In this place, the number was arranged according to the degree of importance. The top ten were all great people. The receptionist took a sharp breath. He scrutinized Lin Jianxi and immediately reacted, “Please wait a minute. I will call my Boss.”

Not long after, a man in Tang Dynasty robes came out. He appeared gentle, holding a golden carved thin smoke pipe in his hand with a red tassel hanging on it. He came out of the back hall. He measured Lin Jianxi, “Are you an adult?”


Lin Jianxi shriveled and opened his mouth.

The man wrung a polite smile, “It’s alright. Those who come here are guests. The answer to the three questions, say it.”

Hearing that, Lin Jianxi hesitated. Before he could ask the questions to Ye Chen, Ye Chen had said first, “Ye Chen. Ye Chen. Ye Chen. Answer it.”

Lin Jianxi was confused by the answer, but he obediently relayed, “Ye Chen. Ye Chen. Ye Chen.”

The man smoked his cigar and puffed the smoke out. He tilted his head and stared at him with a smile in his eyes. 

“Alright,” the young man motioned with his chin to the man standing aside. “Bring them the things. Xiao di, give me your bank account number.”

“Give it to him.” Ye Chen instructed. Lin Jianxi was clueless and could only obey Ye Chen’s words. 

He went forward and filled in his bank account number and bank information. After some time, someone came in from the back hall and brought out two boxes.

The man stood up from his seat and said lightly, “The amount of money is a bit large, it may take a while to complete the transfer. The Peony Box here is the Treasures that Ye Chen left. The Hibiscus Box here is money. I have ordered someone to hand you 500,000 in cash first. If you want to leave, leave quickly. I am going to rest.”

With that said, the man got up and left. A waiter in a suit came up and carried the boxes, “Xiansheng[1], I will take you to the airport. ”

“Ah?” Lin Jianxi blinked, “How do you know I am going to the airport?”

The other party smiled, “Those who come to us basically have to run away after taking things. Thus, we have special services here. The cars are bulletproof, explosion-proof, and anti-magic. So, don’t worry.”

Lin Jianxi, “……”

See? What he said was correct. Being a Feng Shui Master was too dangerous. It’s better to be a programmer.

Lin Jianxi was escorted to the airport by the other party. After arriving at the airport, Ye Chen came out of the Soul Locking Bag to guide Lin Jianxi to pass the security check and board the plane.

While waiting for the flight, Lin Jianxi put both boxes on the stool and sat on it. Ye Chen sat aside and glanced over, “What are you doing sitting on it, hatching eggs?”

“No,” Lin Jianxi whispered, “These are valuables. I am securing it.”

So you’re sitting on it?

Ye Chen was speechless. This little lawful citizen really had a strange brain.

After a while, Ye Chen led Lin Jianxi to board the plane. Lin Jianxi fidgeted when the plane was taking off. Then, he felt someone holding his hand.

Lin Jianxi tilted his head and saw Ye Chen sitting on the armrest next to him with a calm and cold face.

The sound of the plane taking off rumbled, and there was a roar, but Lin Jianxi felt that everything was so quiet. Only the silhouette of this person existed in his world.

She gave him courage, stability, and peace.

He was alone for fourteen years, until he met Ye Chen. Even if she was a ghost, she was the first person who gave him stability and peace.

He felt the other party’s touch and his heart thumped, beating loud.

Ye Chen noticed his gaze and angled her head down. She was met with Lin Jianxi’s clear eyes and the corners of her lips curled up slightly. 

“Don’t be afraid, it’ll be fine.”

The plane passed through the clouds and Lin Jianxi’s heart was hanging. He couldn’t help but say, “What if the plane falls?”

“Well. Objectively speaking, 99% of plane crashes happened during take-off and landing. As long as the plane successfully take-off, the chance of crashing is low,” Ye Chen fooled Lin Jianxi with the data that others had told her before. Still, Lin Jianxi was nervous. He gulped, “What if we were that 1%?”

“If we were 1%…” Ye Chen pretended to ponder over it. “Then, I will lift the plane up!”

A female ghost lifting the plane up with her hands…….

Lin Jianxi’s mind instantly flashed with superheroes such as Thor and Spider-Man. Inexplicably, he became less afraid.

He adjusted his seat to lay flat. He leaned aside and made some room for Ye Chen. He patted the empty space beside him, “Come on, you also lay down.”

Ye Chen lied down without a fuss. Currently, for her, Lin Jianxi was just a child. She leaned sideways and listened to him whispering, “What were the questions from before?”

Ye Chen’s face subtly changed, “Can I not answer?”

“Can, but I won’t feed you.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Very good. He had learned to intimidate her.

Therefore, Ye Chen answered with her paralyzed face, “First question, who is the most powerful Feng Shui Master in the world? Second question, who is the most beautiful Feng Shui Master in the world? Third question, who is the most righteous Feng Shui Master in the world?”

Lin Jianxi was floored, “I didn’t expect you to be so childish?!”

Ye Chen didn’t reply. She also thought so. How could this genius be so childish?

“Then how much money did you keep there?”

“Just a little pocket money…” Ye Chen reflected, “About 80 million? It’s not that much. The Treasures are worth more than that.”

Lin Jianxi, “……”

Ye Chen in her heart, HAHAHAHA! Take that! Feigning humbleness is so fun!

38, “I want to be so rich, too.”

Lin Jianxi’s eyes nearly popped out from its sockets when he heard 80 million.

He had never seen so much money. In City Z, the room was only a few thousand yuan per square meter. 80 million……?

Could he lie down and just do nothing? He didn’t need to prepare for the college entrance exam… Just like that, he could be a fuerdai…… 

No wonder Ye Chen looked at him weirdly when he said it’s better to be programmers……

While Lin Jianxi was immersed in his shock, the stewardess came over with a beverage trolley. She respectfully offered Lin Jianxi, “Xiansheng, what would you like to drink? ”

Lin Jianxi refused at once, “No, no, no, I don’t want any!”

He had inquired about it before. Everything on a train was expensive, so it was better to bring your own things. So, he prepared instant noodles early. The plane ticket was way more expensive than the train ticket. Everything on a plane must be more expensive than on the train!

Just think, a plane flew in the sky, the expense must be higher than that of a train.

Lin Jianxi believed he was clever and sensible. The stewardess continued, “We have coke and juice here…”

“No, no, no, I don’t need it. You don’t have to offer me anything…”

Ye Chen listened quietly. When she heard Lin Jianxi’s words, she captured Lin Jianxi’s point. She opened her mouth and informed, “It’s free. Everything on the plane is free. ”

The moment her voice fell, Lin Jianxi changed his aura and halted the stewardess who was going to leave.

“Stop! Give me every single thing available here!”

Ye Chen, “……”

Stewardess, “ Σ (°△°|||)︴”

Ye Chen was stupefied as she watched Lin Jianxi desperately stuff things into his mouth. When they got off the plane, he walked while leaning against the wall and holding his stomach. 

Ye Chen followed him and said with difficulty, “You… You don’t need to force yourself like this.”

“I want to eat money back.” Lin Jianxi burped. Ye Chen whispered after a moment of silence, “Such an expensive ticket, even if you eat to death, it won’t be enough.”

“Eating one serving more is one serving more!” Lin Jianxi said with conviction. Ye Chen began to contemplate. What was going on with the Villain in this world… He gave her the same vibe when she was still poor.

In the past, the Villain’s design was high-end. Their personalities changed each time, but they still had the same aura. Even Gu Jianan displayed the aura of “Laozi is different from all of you mortals.” 

How come the Villain in this world……

Appeared to be so down-to-earth.

Was he a fake?

Then again, when she looked at Lin Jianxi’s face, Ye Chen dispelled the idea. In the end, there was one thing that remained the same. Mn. His beauty is justice.

Even if he was a country bumpkin, he was still a country bumpkin with the appearance of a Male God!

They returned to Lin Jianxi’s house, and as soon as they entered the house, they saw Lin Jianxi’s distant uncle, his current guardian, sitting in the house.

Lin Jianxi’s expression stiffened. His uncle voiced, “Your Laoshi[2] called me and said you were absent for almost a week.”

Lin Jianxi didn’t speak. His uncle lit a cigarette. “What are you playing at. Speak.”


“In the near future, you are going to live in Daoist Temple.”

Ye Chen hinted from his side, blocking Lin Jianxi’s words. “You believed there is something wrong around you recently. Something is following you and an expert suggested you go to live in Daoist Temple to ward off the evil spirits. Hence, you have to leave as soon as possible.”

Lin Jianxi was not sure, but out of his trust in Ye Chen, he forwarded her words. His uncle scoffed, “Why are you still fooling around. Just tell the truth. Your grandma was old and superstitious, so she believed you. Do you think I will be fooled? You…”

Before he finished, Ye Chen condensed the power of her soul and slapped him in the face.

His uncle’s mind blanked when he felt the slap. “Who?!”

Then, he discovered something was wrong. Chilly wind burst into the room and the temperature rapidly decreased. The hanging lamp kept swaying and flickering. His uncle’s face paled in an instant, “It’s daytime, don’t play any tric一 AH!”

Ye Chen kicked him out and beat him as she did that. He held his breath and scrambled towards the elevator, screaming, “Ghost! There is a ghost… AHH!”

Lin Jianxi watched all of this in a daze. Minutes later, he received a call from his uncle.

“Go. Go to the Daoist Temple. Quick! Also, ask for a talisman for me! What the hell did you provoke these days!”

His uncle hung up the phone one-sidedly after that. Lin Jianxi turned his head and saw Ye Chen dust her hands. 

“What are you staring at me for?”

“Nothing. I just think that you are quite witty.”

However, when Ye Chen said Lin Jianxi would go to the Daoist Temple, she really meant it.

There was no decent Daoist Temple in City Z. As a result, Ye Chen took the city map and studied it. She gave Lin Jianxi the right to choose the place from the options she gave. Lin Jianxi took a fancy to a barren mountain in the suburbs of the city.

The mountain was close to the school where Lin Jianxi was studying. Ye Chen ordered Lin Jianxi to buy it down. Lin Jianxi acted as a rich fuerdai doing business with the support of his parents. He bought the barren mountain for 8 million and then bought trees according to Ye Chen’s words.

Peach blossom, Ginkgo, Willow, Wormwood, and Soapberry. They all were arranged following the formation drawn by Ye Chen.

Lin Jianxi reviewed the formation and suggested the Soapberry position. “How about adjusting the position of the Wormwood and Soapberry? Won’t it be better?”

Mn?” Ye Chen took a look, and just as Lin Jiangxi said, it was way much better. Ye Chen felt a little discontented in her heart. Like in the Changjiang River when the waves behind drive on those before[3]. Ye Chen challenged subtly, “Why do you think it’s better to adjust it?”

“I think Wormwood is a little taller than Soapberry. It will look good if the position is adjusted.”

Ye Chen, “……”

Her fists felt a little itchy. 

Lin Jianxi directed people to excavate the mountains and plant the trees. At the same time, he also directed people to build a house in the mountain. 20 million burned just like that. Behind him, people gossiped, saying that he must be the fuerdai of a pretty rich family.

One night, in the dead of night, someone stalked Lin Jianxi and attempted to kidnap him.

At that time, Lin Jianxi was going home after the evening self-study. He had a bad intuition and quickened his pace, Ye Chen glanced at him and said nothing. She flew back behind him and wrecked everyone, hurling them into the trash can after she was done. 

Ye Chen obviously had a good time doing it and didn’t realize Lin Jianxi had gone far. Lin Jianxi also didn’t realize it until quite a while. 

What about Ye Chen?!

Fear overwhelmed him. He had no idea the source of the fear. Maybe it’s because he was afraid Ye Chen was attacked by other ghosts, or because he was too used to her by his side. He couldn’t waste time thinking about the why and what. He only knew that he had to find Ye Chen, he must. 

He wildly ran and yelled her name. 

Where’s Ye Chen?

Why is Ye Chen gone?

Myriad questions raced. Unknown thoughts rioted and clamored in his mind. Innumerable violent thoughts pierced his heart, as if he had experienced and was compelled to be accustomed to such loss over time.

The moment before the string was about the break, he heard a loud “bang” and “clang”, then the muffled sound of something being smashed into the box. He dashed over and saw Ye Chen hovering in front of the trash can, which now contained two men who had been beaten to a pulp.

Ye Chen glanced sideways at him, her expression as flat as ice. His inner manic instantly transformed into grievances. The grievances flowed into his eyes. His eyes reddened and he shouted, “Why did you disappear suddenly? Why didn’t you tell me! I was very worried that something happened to you!”

Ye Chen was slightly surprised by his outburst. Soon, her expression softened. 

She had facial paralysis. She had told him so. However, that minute, beneath the street lamp and moonlight, the girl with a blue butterfly hairpin pinned close to her ears gave him the feeling that she was laughing. 

A soft and radiant laugh. 

“I’m sorry,” Her tone indicated her repentance, “It won’t happen again.”

He pounced on her and hugged her tight.

Ye Chen’s soul power had not yet dispersed. Seeing him rushing toward her, she maintained it. 

The 14 years old boy hugged this person, who should have left the world a long time ago, as if he hugged his whole world.

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  1. 先生 – xiānshēng. Sir; Mr. An address for someone with notable status.

  2. 老师 – lǎoshī. Teacher.

  3. 长江后浪推前浪 – cháng jiāng hòu làng tuī qián làng. New generation excels the last one.

Ry’s Corner

I hate spiders, ugh.

Bonus Chapter:

8 out of 10 done.

2 more! Hoorah!

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

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Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4412

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1 thought on “TVIRAD – Chapter 59”

  1. Aww
    Thats really cutee
    What are they planning on doing tho? Ehhh im too tired to think hard. Thank youuu for the chaaaaapter


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡