TVIRAD – Chapter 62

Arc 5
There is a Ghost in Your Heart (6)

A bonus chapter thanks to WillieCoyote!

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As Jiang Huai said that, he fished out two pieces of talisman paper from his sleeve and plastered it on his body. Then, he extricated a tube with a pointed tip. He chanted a spell and lodged the tube into the blood vessels of his arm.

The blood flowed along the tube and splashed on the stone. 

The moment the blood hit the stone, Ye Chen was yanked by a powerful force. The force was familiar and didn’t have any malice. A sense of consciousness vaguely slipped on her mind and commanded, “Go to him.”

Ye Chen was startled. This was the first time she had encountered such situation. In the past, when she resided in the original owner’s body, the original owner’s consciousness often disappeared within her arrival. So, at most, she could only “empathize” with the emotions left by the original owner. There had never been a moment where she actually sensed another consciousness fought with her for the body…

She let her guard down for a moment and her soul was swept by that force. When she swayed and adjusted to stand still, she found herself standing in an array. Her reflex pushed her to create a seal with her hand. Right after that, she heard a voice suppressed with fervor, “A’Chen…”

Ye Chen twisted her head to the voice and saw Jiang Huai standing on the edge of the array, with blood dripping from his arm. He leaned weakly on the bookshelf, with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. He stared quietly at her, “You… You are back…”

Ye Chen was put in an awkward situation and couldn’t reply.

How should she face Jiang Huai? Just from this, she could sum up that Jiang Huai must have loved the original owner deeply. If she responded, that was the same as acquiescing that she was “Ye Chen”. If it’s like that, Jiang Huai’s feelings would be transferred to her. But, she was not ‘”Ye Chen”.

She only occupied this body and Ye Chen’s soul was no more. Even without her, Ye Chen’s soul would have disappeared at the moment of her death. In any case, she already seized everything from this person, she shouldn’t snatch Ye Chen’s position in Jiang Huai’s heart. 

It’s unfair to the original owner, and it’s even more unfair to Jiang Huai.

But, how should she explain it if she said she wasn’t Ye Chen?

She did use the spirit body of “Ye Chen”, and since Jiang Huai could summon her, that mean there was a trace of her soul. If she denied it, Jiang Huai wouldn’t believe it. If she said that she possessed the spirit body of “Ye Chen”……

That was the same as booking a ticket for early death. Jiang Huai would absolutely leave nothing untried to kill her.

Thus, Ye Chen fell into a dilemma. 

Jiang Huai floundered to come forward. The tremors on his body laid out the feelings he tried to restrain. He smiled, “A’Chen, they all said that your soul is gone, I don’t believe it…”

“They said they found your murderer. I don’t believe it either… How could two ants like that kill you? ”

“A’Chen…” Jiang Huai stopped in front of Ye Chen, His bleeding hand hovering near her face. 

He couldn’t touch her. If she didn’t let herself be touched, he could never touch her. He didn’t mind it. He was used to her apathy. He was content to pretend to touch her. His brows furrowed, “Who killed you? Why didn’t you go to reincarnation?”

Ye Chen inspected him. She carefully explored whether there were other existences in her body.

This question, the original owner ought to be the one that answered it.

If she wanted revenge, then she would disclose it to Jiang Huai.

If she didn’t, then she would let bygones be bygones.

However, after swimming around, Ye Chen didn’t sense anything. The command just now seemed to have exhausted all the power of the original owner. She was reticent, Jiang Huai stared at her, “You can’t tell me? ”

“I have things I must do.” Ye Chen intended to discuss this matter with the original owner first before she took another step. She added, “I’ll be back when I’m done. ”

With that, Ye Chen planned to leave, but as soon as she floated out of the array, the copper bells rang all over the sky. A sharp pain pierced Ye Chen’s mind, forcing Ye Chen to take a step back. She fell to the ground and panted.

Jiang Huai has never seen “Ye Chen” so embarrassed in his life. In his life, this person was similar to an invincible God. She had never fallen down, let alone shown weakness. Even if the wounds on her body were unsightly, she could do all actions and recite precise spells with a serene expression.

He was accustomed to her strong front. Suddenly served with her sorry appearance, he was distressed. 

However, he couldn’t let her leave.

He had been waiting for three years whole years……

He waited in despair for three years, and he could never let her go again. Even if she looked like this, even if she hated him, he could no longer bear the pain of her disappearing from his life. 

Three years ago, he was still preparing for their wedding. The razor pain he felt when he heard the news of her death still lingered to this day. He couldn’t live through it for the second time.

Hence, he only stood in the center of the array, looking at Ye Chen who was paralyzed on the ground. His voice was rough, “A’Chen, what things do you want to do? I’ll do it for you. You stay here, okay?”

“I will nurture your soul,” Jiang Huai bent down. He stared besottedly at her and smiled softly, “Our engagement is still valid, we can get married here. I will find a way to nurture your soul. When I die, let’s reincarnate together, okay? ”

Ye Chen was stricken dumb by him. Her lips parted but no words got out. 

She was not sure about the original owner’s decision, but she knew that she couldn’t stay here. She only had a year and a half left, and Lin Jianxi was still waiting for her!

“Jiang Huai,” she frowned, “At most, I will be back in a year and a half.”

“What do you want to do, A’Chen?” Jiang Huai tried to maintain his smile, “I will help you.”

It would be best if Jiang Huai helped her, but……

She already leeched the original owner’s ability, if she were also to leech the person that loved the original owner’s… How despicable would she be? Thus, she replied, “It’s my own personal grievance. You wait for me for a year and a half, I will return.”

Jiang Huai’s hand trembled slightly, and Ye Chen looked at him warily, “Believe me, at most one and a half years…”

“You’re not Ye Chen!”

Jiang Huai jerked back and drew out his sword from the side. The sharp end was pointed to Ye Chen.

Strange runes were painted on it, a distinct sword for exorcising a ghost. The runes were excruciating for Ye Chen, but she didn’t flinch. The original owner was a person who wouldn’t back down. She must let Jiang Huai doubt and ensure she wasn’t seen through.

She narrowed her eyes at the sword. Jiang Huai glared at her and interrogated, “What have you done to Ye Chen?! Who are you?”

“I’m not Ye Chen,” Ye Chen jeered. “Then, who am I?”

“You are…” Jiang Huai was at loss.

Since ancient times, there had been ghosts possessing people, but there was nothing about ghosts being possessed by ghosts…

Jiang Huai was temporarily at loss. However, deep down, he understood that the person in front of him was not Ye Chen. Ye Chen would never speak like this, nor would she act like this.

But, if she was not Ye Chen. Who was she?

She was obviously wearing the clothes that Ye Chen wore when she died. The aura that flowed on her was Ye Chen’s unique aura. On top of that, she was summoned by the soul-chasing items. To use that item, it was imperative to use parts belonging to the deceased. Such as hair, nails, blood, or flesh. Soul Chasing had the same nature as DNA verification, it could never be wrong. 

This soul must be Ye Chen. If she’s not Ye Chen, then… What the hell was going on here?

Jiang Huai was disoriented, but he was clear that she was not Ye Chen, absolutely not her. Intuition and reason collided. Jiang Huai’s expression changed drastically with each passing time. He got hold of himself and said coldly, “You rest first.”

“Jiang Huai” Ye Chen rebuked, “I have something very important. I promise to come back in a year and a half. You wait…”

“I have waited enough.” Jiang Huai cut off her words. His gaze was no longer warm. The gentleness and calmness that was like the breeze of the night when they first met had vanished. Compared with that time, he was much thinner, just skin and bones, producing a gloomy and fierce impression. He stared at Ye Chen and uttered detachedly, “I have been waiting for three years. I can’t wait. I can’t afford to wait any longer.”

“Do you know what it feels like to wait?”

Jiang Huai smiled bitterly, with some madness in his bloodshot eyes, “Day after day, year after year, you don’t know whether that person will come back, or even whether that person still exists.”

“You don’t know who killed her. There is no way to avenge her. Everyone advised you that the murderer has been found. Even the divination signs told you that the person is the murderer. The revenge has been avenged, but you know that’s not true. How can a person like her die at the hands of such ants?”

“You don’t know where she is. Everyone tells you that her soul is gone, but you know that it has not. She is still waiting, that maybe one day, you will save her.”

“Every day is endless despair. You can’t look back at the past nor move forward to the future. The orbit of the star is chaotic, distinguishing the authenticity of the divination was laborious. You summon her soul all night and use your blood as her guide, but even if the blood is all drained up, that person still does not respond.”

“I don’t want to live such a life anymore…”

Jiang Huai hung his head, and at last, seemed to admit defeat.

“You are her, aren’t you?”

He uttered it with a sore voice. Without waiting for Ye Chen’s reply, he turned around and walked out with his sword. It was not definite whether he spoke to himself or Ye Chen.

“You must be her. If you are not her, she must be in you.”

After speaking, the door slammed shut with a ”bang“, and the room was silent.

Ye Chen stayed in the middle of the array. She was stumped. 

Jiang Huai’s words and his appearance echoed in her mind. She suddenly recalled Shen Jingfeng.

38 told her that he died a natural death. Did he live well during her absence?

When he was still alive, did he have someone else beside him?

It would be great if he had. Otherwise, it would be so lonely all his life.

But, when she thought like that, it was inevitable that there was a bit of sting in her heart. Reason pressed her underwater. She inhaled a deep breath. At once, she discerned that it was better not to be with Lin Jianxi in this life.

Lin Jianxi was still young. He could lead a different life after all this. She would leave soon. He had a long life to tread on. He was an especially good and excellent boy. 

In the next world, she would meet him again…

In this world, she should only work hard and earn more points. Maybe in the next world, when she met him again, she could stay for decades?

The thought made Ye Chen content. She sat cross-legged and began to absorb the Qi around her. At the same time, she inquired to 38, “Is Ye Chen still in this body?”

“Not sure,” 38 also had its doubts. It kept cross-checking the information and wavered, “It’s possible that this is merely a consciousness left by her, but it’s also possible… She still exists in this body. After all, Ye Chen is unparalleled. Maybe, when we came to this world, it gave her an opportunity. We helped her hold onto her spirit body and she hid to recover her strength.”

“Then… Shall I help her?” Ye Chen scratched her head, “But, how can I help?”

“I think you can do it by practicing to absorb more Qi. She probably is hiding in a corner of this body. 

Ye Chen bobbed her head, following 38’s instruction to explore all corners of her soul.

This room appeared to be prepared from long ago, it was particularly suitable for the soul. Ye Chen felt comfortable from being nourished, and for a while, she wanted to stay. But then, she remembered Lin Jianxi. She must not sway. She must find the real Ye Chen and let her persuade Jiang Huai to let her leave.

She had an impression of Jiang Huai’s formation. This array was made with some things from the original owner’s. She couldn’t break it by herself. Only Jiang Huai or outside intervention could disturb this array— the array that held Ye Chen’s soul. 

So after envisioning many possibilities, Ye Chen deemed that finding the real Ye Chen to persuade Jiang Huai was the best. 

She had attempted to contact Lin Jianxi, but after she failed, she simply searched for “Ye Chen”.

While Ye Chen was immersed in exploring her soul, Lin Jianxi walked into Ye Chen’s room. Today, he made a new dish and wanted Ye Chen to taste it. As a result, when he entered the room, he was dumbfounded. The room was empty and there was no trace of anyone.

Lin Jianxi’s brows creased. He scanned the room. The computer in the room was still stuck on the page of the verification of the soul of the Feng Shui Master forum. There were some strange silk threads infused with Qi broken in the air. Ordinary people probably couldn’t see these silk threads, but Lin Jiangxi was not an ordinary person. He could see all kinds of things since he was a child. He could see these silk threads plain as day.

He immediately realized the situation was not good. He recalled all possible arrays in his mind and surmised that these were the traces of Soul Chasing array. He used all sorts of Feng Shui’s items to find Ye Chen with Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was proficient in the art of divination, a natural. Although Chu Tian was young, his precision in divination was unmatched. When Lin Jianxi rushed into Chu Tian’s room, Chu Tian was talking to his newly raised little turtle. Lin Jianxi lifted him up and shook him, “Jiejie has been kidnapped. Hurry up and check her whereabouts!”

Chu Tian was shaken dumb. Though, he was not negligent. He fished out a turtle shell for divination.

Lin Jianxi himself inspected the Feng Shui forum and searched for Ye Chen’s past and background. 

He never searched for it before. He didn’t want to explore too much of her past life. In his world, he discerned that the living Ye Chen and the dead Ye Chen were two different people. When she died, she became a lonely ghost. She was cut off from all her past. Anything in the past had nothing to do with her. She was a brand new Ye Chen who belonged to Lin Jianxi alone.

However, he now realized that it was not the case.

He quickly searched all the Ye Chen past relationships. After combing them, his eyes landed on a name.

Jiang Huai.

Her fiance, Jiang Huai.

The words “fiance” and the state of Ye Chen when he saw Jiang Huai three years ago pierced into his heart like a sharp sword. His heart constricted. It hurt so much that he practically lost his senses.

That man ought to like her with all of his.

And Ye Chen… may not be so unfeeling. 

If she was, why did she hide?

Between them, he had no need to guess.

A childhood sweetheart……

Lin Jianxi was stuck with a lump in his throat. 

At this time, Chu Tian informed, “Ge. In the North. Surnamed Jiang.”

What else was there to say?

Lin Jianxi was relieved when he heard her whereabouts, but soon the sourness surged up. He couldn’t place the source of the sourness. He quickly packed his things and booked tickets. He brought Chu Tian north.

After Chu Tian was brought back by Ye Chen, Lin Jiangxi went to the police station and adopted Chu Tian under the name of the Daoist Temple. The status of Feng Shui in this world was lofty. Because it was under the name of the Daoist Temple, even if Lin Jianxi was young, the police station didn’t make it difficult for him.

Along the way, Chu Tian peeked at Lin Jianxi who sported a gloomy expression. He tugged at him, “Ge, are you unhappy?”

Lin Jianxi glanced at Chu Tian. After getting along with him over the years, although the dissatisfaction of Ye Chen being robbed by Chu Tian still exists, he had to admit that Chu Tian was a likable child. Raising a kitten or puppy would produce feelings over time, not to mention a living person.

Lin Jianxi pushed Chu Tian’s face away and said rashly, “Calm down. When the time arrives, I will save Jie. Stay in the hotel by yourself and don’t run around.”

“No.” Chu Tian declined right away, “Take me with you. I’m very useful!”

“Don’t make trouble.”

“If you don’t take me, I won’t tell you the way!”

Lin Jianxi, “……”

He couldn’t do divination. He relied on Chu Tian to show the way.

He mulled it over and could only yield, “Put on an invisibility robe. If something goes wrong, run immediately.”

“I won’t run!” Chu Tian clenched his fist, “Life and death, I will be with both of you!”

“If you don’t run, no one will maintain the temple,” Lin Jianxi coaxed Chu Tian. Chu Tian was stunned and then caved in, “Oh… Well, I’ll avenge both of you later!”

“Yes, yes.” Lin Jianxi encouraged, “I’m counting on you to avenge us later.”

With that said, Lin Jianxi turned his head and looked at the sky outside. He reminisced the moment when that person gently held his hand when he panicked the first time he was on a plane.

He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes.

When they arrived in City B, they came to a big house following Chu Tian’s divination. This big house was not as big as the Ye Family’s mansion, but it was by no means small. Lin Jianxi surveyed the surroundings and found a suitable place. He carried Chu Tian over the wall to enter the house.

They sneaked into the yard. There was no one in the yard. The peach blossoms and osmanthus in the yard were in full bloom. The peach blossoms were enchanting and the osmanthus flowers were fragrant.

Chu Tian traced the turtle’s shell with his hands and kept pointing the way. Lin Jianxi took two steps and abruptly halted.

“Not good!”

Lin Jianxi’s expression twisted. In which world did someone place peach blossoms and osmanthus together? Even if sometimes the people in the Feng Shui world couldn’t be measured by common sense, why was there no one in such a big yard?

He stood still. Chu Tian called out, “Ge?”

“Don’t move.”

Lin Jianxi put Chu Tian on the side, tied a string to one end of their respective hands, then he sat cross-legged and swiftly figuring things out.

In Ye Chen’s side, after several days and nights of effort, Ye Chen found an unusual corner on her body. In that corner, a dim light mass was resting. Ye Chen approached her carefully with her Divine Consciousness. She swam for a few circles and poured her Spiritual Power into it.

Then, she heard the door open. Ye Chen was afraid something would go wrong and retracted her Divine Consciousness. She looked up at the person in front of her.

It’s Jiang Huai.

Of course it could only be Jiang Huai.

“I divined yesterday. Today someone will break into my house.”

Jiang Huai leaned back against the door, expression dull, “Guess who?”

Ye Chen was baffled but immediately knew the answer.

A person broke into his house, but instead, he came to her. Except for Lin Jianxi, she couldn’t guess anyone else.

She was worried in her heart, but she showed none of it on her face. Jiang Huai’s state was evidently wrong. She didn’t dare to provoke him, so she didn’t speak.

Jiang Huai approached her and walked to the edge of the array. The hands beside him were clenched to fists. “I met him three years ago. At that time, I used my heart’s blood to divinate your whereabouts. That was my only hope since you died. I went to find you but instead, I found him…”

Jiang Huai’s eyes moistened, the tears could rush up at any time, but he restrained himself. He gritted his teeth and asked word by word, “You were there at that time, weren’t you?”

Ye Chen didn’t answer. She didn’t explain it and ignored him. Jiang Huai smiled an empty smile, “Why. You don’t even want to say a word to me now?”

“My words, will you even believe it?”

Ye Chen stared at him, “You already have your answer from your divination. Why still ask me?”

“Yes…” Jiang Huai smiled bitterly. “A’Chen, after I saw him, I reinspected my divination again, and I found that someone had tampered with it.”

Jiang Huai approached Ye Chen, akin to a leopard that might pounce on her and bite her. “Do you know how I spent those three years when I missed you?” ”

Jiang Huai said, pulling up his sleeve.

His arm was covered with scars, imposed one atop another.

“I summoned your soul more than 800 times. Ye Chen, why on earth are you doing this to me?”

Jiang Huai seemed to have enough and slumped on the ground, unable to uphold himself. The tears fell.

He raised his voice and roared, “You speak! Even if you just regard me as a friend, even if you just treat me as an acquaintance, is it that hard to let me know that you are alive?”

Ye Chen was frozen from shock. 

She thought that he wouldn’t be this devastated.

After all, in the original world, he married Ye Wenwen……

She thought that his feelings for Ye Chen were… just a mere fondness.

Looking at the scars, she suddenly realized that a deep love couldn’t be measured from a mere passing. Anyone could have a life-long and unfaltering devotion 

But, what should she say now?

Even if she went back to three years ago, she would probably still choose not to see him?

All in all, she would leave again in five years. She didn’t know if Ye Chen was still alive by that time. Appearing in front of Jiang Huai was nothing more than false hope. 

“Ye Chen” was dead, truly dead. She was not that cruel to give someone as affectionate as him false hope just to let him suffer from loss for the second time. 

Seeing Jiang Huai’s outburst, it was not only Ye Chen who was shocked.

Ye Chen sensed that the light mass in her soul seemed to vibrate. She lowered her eyes and concealed her strangeness. “I’m sorry, but I have my own reason. Can you give me some time?”

Jiang Huai only smiled as he rose to his feet.

“Forgive me.” he raised his hand and stroked her face, the tears leaving dried tracks on his face, “But, your words, I won’t believe it.”

The author has something to say, 

[Mini Theater]

Doctor, “In this story, who do you like the best?”

Mo Shubai, “Ye Chen.”

Doctor, “Which Ye Chen?”

Mo Shubai, “The genius one.”

Doctor, “Why?”

Mo Shubai, “Because… She must be better at cooking.”

Doctor, “???”

Mo Shubai, “A woman who can tear others by hand… must do a good job of tearing chickens by hand! ”

Doctor, “……”

This time, the Supporting Male didn’t like Ye Chen~

I don’t particularly like the troupe where someone possessed another person’s body and their beloved one didn’t recognize the change. That couldn’t be called true love, no? = =”

So, I couldn’t understand why someone could love the possessed person to the extent even though the core is different. 

Then, why did Jiang Huai marry Ye Wenwen?

The reason is that Ye Chen didn’t take over the spirit body of the original owner. Jiang Huai fell into Ye Wenwen’s calculation. His divination and intuition told him that Ye Chen was really dead. Later, he believed that he had avenged Ye Chen.

The last thing on Ye Chen’s mind was Ye Wenwen. Out of family responsibilities and Ye Chen’s will, especially because Ye Wenwen threatened to kill herself, Jiang Huai married Ye Wenwen. 

But this time, Ye Chen took over the soul of “Ye Chen”, Jiang Huai’s divination and intuition that Ye Chen was not dead, so he persisted in looking for Ye Chen and wished to avenge her. 

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Ry’s Corner

He fished out a turtle shell for divination.

The little turtle must be scarred.

Bonus Chapter:

10 out of 10 done.

Adadadadadada. Finally!

Sorry it took so long QAQ

In a way, I also agree with MSB’s view, that’s probably why I prefer Tragedy for Transmigration Novel rather than Sweet, and prefer QT than normal Transmigration. So now I’m very picky with normal transmigration novel.

At first, I really enjoyed Transmigration novel. Like, that’s so cool! Later, I passed that stage and asked myself, “then how about the original owner whose position was replaced by the transmigrator?”

Their achievements, their talents, their relationships, all was taken away by the transmigrator. The transmigrator lived their lifes. If it were me, considering how petty I am, no matter how bad the life I live, it’s still my life. Mine. I don’t want to see someone replaced me and no one realized it’s not me.

Ofc, it’s prob. not the transmigator’s fault, but still. It’s not like they signed up to one-way transmigration (in case it’s not QT).

How lonely would it be for the original owner. Their bodies were stolen and their talents squandered. Yet, everyone accepted it as it is.

“Oh, the og finally repented!”

It would hurt to imagine that everyone cheered when you changed just bc they think you finally became ‘better’.

Thus, I mostly avoided transmigration novel, esp. if the transmigrator OOC’ed hard. In QT, sometimes there are reasons for that, so I’m more forgiving with QT. You can even slap me with brain-dead plot and I may accept it.

For example, QT in WfDO, I like it bc the transmigrator only played the “original owner”‘s roles bc the original owners went on strike when they realized they are merely vicious character in a book. They are just doing their job, playing a role in a novel, akin to acting. (And it ends in BE for each arc, so a plus point lmao)

In THLA (Transmigration novel), it is clearly stated Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi merely borrowing the original owners’ bodies, and they give the body back to the original owners when all is done. The og made a deal with the system to lend their bodies. So I deem it acceptable. And even the ppl around them noticed the difference.

With that said, I don’t mean to say I hate transmigration novel. If I do, I won’t read it in the first place lol. I am just sharing my view on transmigration novel.

Ironically, the novel that introduced me to transmigration troupe is SVSSS, but the novel that made me avoid transmigration troupe is also SVSSS, haha.

Fortunately the novel that introduces me to QT is Don’t Pick Up Boyfriend from the Trash Bin. Yeah, I’m quite late to join the QT train but bc of that I picked up gold. It’s BL, but dang, that so good. I blame that novel for raising my standard so high for QT novel. It has solid CP. Know the boundaries that as a transmigator, he only borrow the original owner’s bodies. Quite realistic, like in Arc 1, it showed the ugly nature of ‘creativity and plagiarism,’ and the fact that BL is not openly accepted in the modern world in Arc 1. And it also has female characters *gasp* that are not an antagonists *double gasp*. Let be honest, in BL, females are mostly potrayed as antagonist. And 9/10 ppl in BL’s novel is male.

Don’t fork me, but bc of DPUBFTB, QWTFOTD really pales in comparison. Most likely bc QWTFOTD also OOC’ed the original owner so hard that I can’t even see their shadows.

Hence, I like MSB’s Carven Jade, it’s BL for the main protag line, but it’s mostly BG for others love line. I shed tears of joys. It’s plot-driven and balanced. So gud.

And now it’s turned into Ry’s Complain Corner lmao.

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4309

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2 thoughts on “TVIRAD – Chapter 62”

  1. I loved SVSSS. But as same as you, I have a beef with Shen Yuan totally replacing Shen Jiu. Shen Jiu was a miserable character and each time I think about it, there’s no where to vent the frustration I’m feeling towards his complete erasure. Even a side story would suffice but no, we don’t even get that.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡