TVIRAD – Chapter 64

Arc 5
There is a Ghost in Your Heart (8)

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Ye Chen was silent. Her gaze sank. After a long time, she expressed, “I understand.”

She stood up and bowed, “Jiang-xiansheng, I am going to borrow this spirit body for a year. I hope xiansheng will pardon me.”

Jiang Huai gave her a nod and Ye Chen immediately disappeared to find Lin Jianxi.

“Ye Chen” went to rest again in her body. Once she came out, she consumed too much energy. It was not good for their soul.

Ye Chen thought they had returned home, but after divination, she found that they went in a strange direction instead. She searched for them for a whole month and still got no news. Ye Chen was perturbed. Eventually, Ye Chen found them in a cave behind a waterfall.

They were in an extremely sorry state. Their clothes were dirty, but fortunately, they were alright. When Ye Chen found them, they were roasting fish. Three people were dumbfounded. The roasted fish on Chu Tian’s stick fell off. He cried out and rushed towards Ye Chen, “Jiejie! Jiejie, you’re back!”

Ye Chen caught Chu Tian who rushed over. He appeared much thinner. His eyes glistened with tears, tugging at her heartstring.

Ye Chen’s heart softened on the spot. She held Chu Tian, coaxing and persuading him while quietly glancing at Lin Jianxi who was roasting fish at the side. 

Lin Jianxi seemed to have heard nothing, holding a stick of fish and roasting it on the fire. His expression was stoic, as if she was a stranger. Only the blue veins that appeared on his hand because he squeezed the stick too hard and his pale face could people detect that he also had restrained intense emotions.

Chu Tian cried for a while. Eventually, his cries were reduced to sobs. He hugged Ye Chen’s neck and Ye Chen hugged him back, carrying him near the fire. 

Ye Chen sat down next to Lin Jianxi and Chu Tian sat next to her. Her hand patted his back and she peeked cautiously at Lin Jianxi, “Why didn’t you return home?”

Lin Jianxi ignored her. Chu Tian cried out again, “Jiejie, we met a huge spider ghost! It’s so ugly. It has faces on its feet and it’s extremely hostile toward us! It ran after us and we fell down here.”

Ye Chen’s brows scrunched when she heard it. She questioned Lin Jianxi, “You met Eight Yin Ghost-faced spider? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You have decided to stay in the Jiang Family,” Lin Jianxi sneered, “What do you care about my life or death?”

Ye Chen stayed quiet. Lin Jianxi handed the roasted fish to Chu Tian and said, “Go out and play. Gege and Jiejie have something to talk about.”


Chu Tian’s gaze darted at them. He understood they had something to talk about and ran out with his fish. 

After Chu Tian ran out, Lin Jianxi stood up from his seat. He distanced himself from Ye Chen and sat down again. He took out a fish that had been killed from the fish basket and continued to roast it.

Ye Chen gave a wry smile, and ultimately said, “Do you know what I hate about you the most?”

Lin Jianxi paused, then he lifted the corner mouth, “Is there anything about me that you don’t hate?”

“In this life,” Ye Chen stared straight at Lin Jianxi, “The most hateful thing about you is that you always acted like a child.”

“You always, always talk about fate, about life or death with a flip of hand. Do you even know how difficult it is to live alone? You are already an adult, why must you act so flippant about your life.”

“So what,” Lin Jianxi broke out, “Yes. I am childish. I am naive. I am incompetent. I am not as mature, as decent, or as good as Jiang Huai! So what! You told me and Chu Tian to return. We did so. Now, why can’t you just let me live a good life with Chu Tian?! Why must you force me to admit this. Is it so amusing for you to make me admit it?”

“I am no better than him. I understand that.” Lin Jianxi turned his head away. Tears swirling in his eyes. He blamed in a raspy voice, “But, you didn’t wait for me.”

If she waited a little longer, he could be comparable to Jiang Huai.

If she gave him a few more years, he could grow into an excellent person like Jiang Huai.

But, they met too late. When he met her, she was already famous. She already had Jiang Huan. Even, she had died.

He also desired to be excellent and mature as soon as possible. He wished to protect her from the wind and rain. He had tried his best, but he was still crushed under Jiang Huai’s feet.

He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing he could do.

But he couldn’t speak these words. He couldn’t even look at her directly because of the shame.  He had never hated his age this much. If he weren’t seventeen years old… If he were a little older… He wouldn’t be cornered in this situation, so young. Forever a child in her eyes.

Seeing Lin Jianxi’s appearance, Ye Chen was taken aback. She pursed her lips. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m just too worried.” She heaved a sigh, “You are too young, after all……”

Lin Jianxi cut her words. Before Ye Chen could react, her lips were already sealed by the other party’s lips with fierceness. Still, carefully put his hands behind her to cushion all his strength.

He was scorching hot; She was freezing cold. Ye Chen’s eyes dilated. The young man in front of her seemed to not be afraid of death, biting her lips fiercely, marveling at the feeling. 

He felt as if there were countless ants crawling in his heart, searching for a way out. He listened to her say that he was young, so he was desperate to tell her.

No, he was not young anymore. He liked someone and knew how to like someone. He chased her and followed her. He had worked very hard. He had grown up. 

Whatever Jiang Huai could do, he could also do. Whatever Jiang Huai could give, he could also give.

The current him may not be as good as Jiang Huai, but wait for a while… He would definitely grow into a better man than Jiang Huai.

But he didn’t know how to say all that. He could only relay it on this kiss. This kiss used all his courage, as long as she refused a little bit, he might have fled, utterly defeated. 

She seemed to be shocked and didn’t react, so he closed his eyes and nipped her lower lip.

The slight pain made Ye Chen react. She called out his name, “Lin Jianxi.”

Lin Jianxi froze. He retreated with bowed head. After a while, he raised his head and studied her reaction. He gathered his courage again. 

“I’m not a child.”

“Ye Chen. I have learned to like you.”

Ye Chen didn’t say a word. She lifted her hands and caressed his face, Lin Jianxi was as stiff as a statue, as if he was a prisoner waiting for his sentence. He looked at Ye Chen carefully. Ye Chen’s eyes were full of tenderness. She was neither surprised nor disgusted by his words. Lin Jianxi’s heart raced. He didn’t dare to move and let her fingers explore his face.

It was a long time later that Ye Chen broke the silence, “You like me. Then, that’s great.”

Lin Jianxi’s pupils widened. Ye Chen continued softly, “Because, coincidentally, I happen to like you too.”

With that, Ye Chen hugged him.

Lin Jianxi’s heart jumped wildly. When he was out of his stupor, he reacted to Ye Chen’s words, “But… But… Jiang Huai…”

“Jianxi,” Ye Chen sighed softly, “I’m not Ye Chen, or rather, I am not the Feng Shui Master Ye Chen in your mind. I have never been. I am just an ordinary person.”

“Maybe, it’s because of good luck, or maybe because we share the same name. By chance, after my death, I entered this body. The real Feng Shui Master Ye Chen fell asleep because of a serious injury. When Xiao Tian injured Jiang Huai, the real Ye Chen took control of my body. So, I’m sorry.”

Lin Jianxi listened to Ye Chen blankly. A lot of Ye Chen images flashed past his mind. Their initial contact made him admire her. Later, her strong front slowly vanished. More often, she stayed with him like a gentle and playful Jiejie, an ordinary girl. Like a big tree, let him rely on her. Like a delicate flower, let him treat her with tenderness.

“So…” Lin Jianxi grasped the point, “You don’t have a body of your own, do you?”

Mn,“ Ye Chen lied without changing her expression, “The real Ye Chen and Jiang Huai have already begun to prepare my body, don’t worry. In the future, I will have my own body. ”

With that said, Ye Chen raised her head and looked at him with a light in her eyes, “So when I still have a very powerful spirit body, Jianxi, how about I help you become the Patriarch of the Lin Family? ”

“I…” Lin Jianxi blushed, “I just want to be with you safely. ”

“To stay together safely,” Ye Chen persuaded him. “You have to solve the Lin family first, don’t you? Moreover, Jianxi,” She seemed to have envy in her eyes, “I also really want to see you as majestic as Jiang Huai. So I can brag to others that this is my Laogong[1], so majestic ah.”

Lin Jianxi’s expression changed when he heard Ye Chen’s words. Only then did he remember that he was indeed eating Ye Chen’s tofu, depending on Ye Chen like a pretty boy to their ‘benefactor’.  

Hence, he agreed, “I will follow as you say.”

He also remembered something. “Since this spirit body is not yours, then the money is naturally not yours. I will return it to Ye Chen in the future. Then,” He turned his face, a red blush creeping on his face, “I will provide for you, much better than now.”

““Okay,” Ye Chen’s eyes crinkled from her smile, “I will wait for you to provide for me.”

“Then you,” Lin Jianxi faced her again, still a little nervous, “You said you have the same name as her, that means your name is also Ye Chen?” ”

Mn.” Ye Chen nodded, “My name is also Ye Chen, the same Ye Chen as her.”

“Then… Can I call you by your name?”

Lin Jianxi was a bit tense. He opened his lips and eventually called out, “Ye Chen. “

Ye Chen hummed her answer, And Lin Jianxi felt that something between them changed a litte. 

Ye Chen looked at him staring at herself blankly, and suddenly remembered her initial question, “You were chased by the Eight Yin Ghost-faced Spider. You should go back after you get rid of it. Why are both of you still here?”

“Oh, about that,” Lin Jianxi pulled out a book, “We found a secret stash left by some qianbei here. It just so happens that there is plenty of Yang and excellent Feng Shui here. Ghosts dare not approach us, so we stayed here and learned from the books left by the qianbei. The things left by the qianbei are remarkably useful. For example, the thunder talisman we painted before can be improved to have more than ten times the power, and the speed of creating the talisman can be faster…”

Lin Jianxi introduced in detail what Chu Tian found, and Ye Chen listened blankly, dumbfounded.

“What else should I say?” Ye Chen grumbled to 38, “The Male Lead is indeed worthy of his title. He can find secret stash hidden by some experts when he is chased by ghosts.”

Aiya, as expected of the Son of Luck,” 38 nibbled on melon seeds, totally unconcerned, “See what I told you. Making Lin Jianxi a good brother of Chu Tian is absolutely beneficial. Chu Tian has a koi physique[2]. He can pick up Treasures everywhere. He is extremely generous, so everyone close to him will live a good life.”

Listening to 38’s words, Ye Chen took it for granted. She patted Lin Jiangxi on the shoulder, and advised meaningfully, “Treat Xiao Tian well, he is a lucky star. ”

Mn,“ Lin Jianxi felt Ye Chen’s pat on the shoulder and bowed his head, “I understand. I listen to you.”

When Ye Chen arrived, Lin Jianxi had frankly learned almost everything, so the three of them soon returned to Daoist Temple. Lin Jianxi was in charge of practicing well while Ye Chen began to plan with Jiang Huai and the real “Ye Chen” about how to deal with the Lin family.

Only a handful of people in the Lin Family knew about Lin Xuan’s Obstruction Array. After all, this evil method hurt the foundation of the family. However, Lin Xuan’s status was stable, unshakable even. He sacrificed Lin Jianxi to the Obstruction Array for the prosperity of the Lin Family. If Lin Jianxi didn’t show overwhelming power, the Lin Family would still side with Lin Xuan. In the original world line, Lin Jianxi obliterated the whole Lin Family. But, Ye Chen believed Every injustice had its perpetrator and every debt its debtor. Only those who should be punished must be punished. She hoped that the Lin Family’s power could be retained so that Lin Jianxi could sit in the position of the Patriarch of the Lin Family.

Lin Jianxi must be the Patriarch of the Lin family, the first rule was naturally to recognize his ancestors and return to the Lin Family.

It just so happened that in June, there was a competition for the younger generations of various families in the Feng Shui circle. Jiang Huai and Ye Chen discussed and decided to let Lin Jianxi participate in this competition. If Lin Jianxi could take the lead, he would inevitably attract the attention of the Lin family. He could recognize Lin Xuan as his father on the spot. Jiang Huai would also be there to help. Lin Jianxi should be able to return to the Lin Family.

After returning to the Lin family, Lin Jianxi would establish a good relationship with the Lin Family and make significant contributions. When the Lin family started to rely on Lin Jianxi, Ye Chen and Jiang Huai would assist Lin Jianxi in eradicating Lin Xuan. It shouldn’t be a big deal.

Jiang Huai and Ye Chen planned well. When Ye Chen told Lin Jianxi about the plan, Lin Jianxi was reading a book in the courtyard. “So, what do you think about it?”

Lin Jianxi smiled, “Do you want me to win? ”

“Of course.”

“Okay,” Lin Jianxi’s eyes turned crescent, “Then, I will win.”

In the middle of summer in June, Ye Chen took Lin Jiangxi and Chu Tian by plane to the place of the competition. When the plane took off, Lin Jiangxi quietly pressed Ye Chen’s hand, who was standing aside.

Ye Chen turned to look at him. He opened his lips and seemed to say something.

The plane soared into the sky, the sound of the engine was still in her ears. The clouds were getting closer. The plane rushed in and passed through, staying in the blue sky.

Ye Chen couldn’t hear his voice and frowned, “What did you just say?”

He only smiled. The plane was quiet and he said softly, “It’s nothing.”

Ye Chen stared at him. At this time, his features were distinct. Compared with the child when he was fourteen years old, he was taller. Only those eyes were always like gems, like stars, like the endless flow of the river and the moon, like the rising sun.

She instinctively lifted her hand and rubbed his hair as she did when he was young.

His hair was somewhat hard, and it hit the palm of her hand, causing a slight tingling.

It was like a thorn in her heart, so fine, slight, slow. A little bit of pain that made people’s hearts accelerate.

Lin Jianxi used his own name in the competition.

Since he signed up, people and ghosts had been chasing after him. In order to save his physical strength, Ye Chen slept by his side at night and killed waves of chasers, one after another.

Lin Jianxi sometimes woke up in the middle of the night and saw Ye Chen sitting at the head of his bed, holding a bloody knife in her hand as if she was expecting someone.

Seeing him open his eyes, she gently whispered, “Be good. Sleep.”

This was her unique tenderness. Only for him.

She built an airtight wall for him so that the wind and rain of the world could not hit him.

So he looked up at her, adored her, admired her, and was infatuated with her.

He struggled to catch up with her. His eagerness was manifested in the competition.

This first round was an all-around competition, “Examine the House”.

The most widely used application of Feng Shui was to look at houses for ordinary people. This was the most basic skill, and also the most enigmatic part. All Feng Shui Masters could examine the Feng Shui of the house, but few could thoroughly examine it. 

“Examine the House” was very basic. They needed to examine a house where there had been deaths on it. Everyone went to check on it and explained the details, the causes of the deaths.

Lin Jianxi was the fastest. He hurriedly walked around the house and then walked along the house. After stopping at the door for a while, he walked out and started to write the answer.

In less than fifteen minutes, Lin Jianxi had his answer.

When he returned, Ye Chen tilted her head,  “Finished examining it so soon?”

Mn. In total, four people died. One drowned, one committed suicide, one died of illness, and one… lost an arm and died of accidental infection. ”

“What’s in it? How do you get the answer so fast? ”

Ye Chen was a bit curious. Lin Jianxi smile. “There is nothing inside. The important clue is on the outside. Look at the location of the house, the door is facing the road. Behind the road is a field. There’s a lake in the southwest. However, there aren’t many neighbors around.”

“Water belongs to Yin and people belong to Yang. If someone wants to live by the water, there must be a large number of people so the Yang can suppress the Yin, or the Yin will overwhelm the Yang. Another way is to have a mountain at the back of their house. The mountain will be the suppressor of the lake. However, there aren’t any mountains here and the lake can’t be suppressed. Their house faces the direction of the southwest, so someone must be suppressed by the water, simply put, drowned.”

Ye Chen nodded, “The remaining three?”

“The remaining three… Jiejie, look at the field, what do you find?”

Mn?”Ye Chen took a closer look and vaguely saw some stones. After thinking for a while, she reacted, “That’s a monument!”

“Yes,” Lin Jianxi approved, “It’s a broken monument. This proves that the place was probably a tomb.”

“The gate is facing the road, which is to open the door to attract the ghost, not to mention that there are three graves on it. That must be their grave.”

Ye Chen nodded again, “Then, how did you know about the death of those three people?”

“Actually speaking…” Lin Jianxi smiled, “The main reason I can guess it is because I saw them.”

Ye Chen, “……”

“……they are inside?”

“No,” Lin Jianxi shook his head and clarified, “I just used the method in the qianbei’s book I saw before to see their shadow when they were still there. The age of this house is no more than five years old so I can use the ‘Shadow Tracing’ trick in the qianbei‘s secret book, which specifically teaches about how to find the traces left by ghosts. You can see the appearance of these ghosts at that time through these traces. I used this method.”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier ah?” Ye Chen widened her eyes, “I thought you were so amazing.”

“It’s… precisely because I want you to think I am amazing?”Lin Jianxi was embarrassed and touched his nose. Ye Chen glanced at him as if he had some loose parts on his brain.

The later rounds went smoothly. This was the competition for rookies in the Feng Shui circles, but Lin Jiangxi’s level obviously exceeded the so-called “rookie” level. Even Jiang Huai had to feel inferior in some places.

Ye Chen was apprehensive about this progress. She sighed to 38, “I suddenly believed in Fate.”

38, “I see you looking at horoscopes every day. I thought you always believed it.”

“No, actually, I believe in myself more.” Ye Chen sighed, “But I suddenly discovered today that I have worked hard for several years, but it is not comparable to a month of work assisted by a koi physique. You said it yourself, Chu Tian is so good at finding this kind of thing. Lin Jianxi has only studied for about a month, and the result is much better than the years when I taught him……”

“Then, Host, you have to think like this,” 38 comforted Ye Chen, “Without your hard-working basic education, there would be no success. There is a solid foundation under every high-rise building. You are the foundation of Lin Jiangxi! ”

Ye Chen, “……”

No, she never wanted to be a foundation that was trampled on. 

Although Ye Chen envied Lin Jianxi’s good luck, she was still proud of him. Every time she looked at his spirited and eloquent manner, the way he could walk calmly no matter what he encountered, the way people whispered, 

“Ah! Who is that! He is so handsome!” 

“Lin Jianxi! His origin and his master are unknown, but one thing for sure, he is a super-powerful Feng Shui Master!“ 

“Handsome and powerful, sign me up!”

These made her feel so proud just like when she was so proud of herself. 

She had become a super fan of Lin Jianxi, posting Posts everywhere and every day to support Lin Jianxi. She even personally edited a collection of Lin Jianxi fighting videos, organized a fan support group, QQ group, and convinced a large number of boys and girls to support Lin Jianxi. For a time, Lin Jianxi seemed to have surpassed the popularity of “Ye Chen” from those years and became the most popular Feng Shui Master— the kind that was popular because of his face.

Lin Jianxi did not know whether to cry or to laugh, but watching Ye Chen with facial paralysis arguing for him on the Internet and protecting him at night, he felt an inexplicable sweetness coming up. He had countless words he wanted to say, but he didn’t know how to express them. 

He felt as if he was approaching Ye Chen, like a devout believer bowing his head towards the holy mountain. Ye Chen was the faith placed on the top of the mountain, and he was approaching her step by step.

Sometimes, Lin Jianxi had an illusion that he could catch up to her soon. 

On the morning of the final match, Lin Jianxi went alone.

Ye Chen couldn’t get too close to the arena, otherwise, she would be in trouble in case she was discovered by other Feng Shui Masters.

Before going, Ye Chen personally tidied Lin Jianxi’s robe for Lin Jianxi. She handed over the lucky charm she had written to Lin Jianxi. With facial paralysis and starry eyes, she cheered, “Good luck!”

Lin Jianxi hung the lucky charm around his neck and it fell on his chest. A warmth bloomed on his chest.

He replied and walked out of the door with the things Ye Chen had prepared for him.

After walking a few steps, he couldn’t help but look back, meeting Ye Chen’s gaze who was standing at the door.

The competition lasted for two months, and the osmanthus flowers bloomed. Ye Chen, as when he first met her, wore a black robe with blue butterfly hairpin in her ears. Some strands of her hair were tucked behind her ears. 

The fragrance of osmanthus flowers was blown by the wind, overflowing the room. Ye Chen’s eyes were gentle and soft in the early morning sun.

Lin Jianxi couldn’t resist calling out, “Jie.”


“If, I mean if, I win this game… You marry me and be by my side forever, okay?”

Ye Chen was stunned at this.

As if a stone had fallen into the water, the pain rippled. Sourness spilled in her heart.

She managed to smile and clasped her hands in her sleeves. She voiced her agreement softly, “Okay.”

“If you win,” she said, “I will stay by your side and marry you when you grow up. ”

“Never leaving, always by your side.”

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  1. 老公 – lǎogōng; Husband. 老婆 – lǎopó; Wife. Though, nowadays, gf or bf usually call their partner with laogong or laopo. In a way, it similar to words like “Honey” or “Dear”.

  2. A person that has the blessing of koi (lucky, auspicious). Everything goes smoothly in life. So lucky to the point it is enviable. Koi is the symbol of luck, koi also have a long life span.

Ry’s Corner

Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember… But where are those who share the memory?

Ye Chen follows Jiang Huai’s advice to make the knife shallower… will it really succeed tho?

Please consider checkingThe Memory Lost in Spacein case you like a good read(feels)! I’m gonna always put this here because I’m obsessed with it! No thanks needed.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 4390

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