TSIME Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Discipleship (3)

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Alone in her courtyard, Su Qingyi was dejected. The physiological need of being hungry compelled Su Qingyi to cheer up.

Qin Zichen left her a huge sum of money. She headed out to buy groceries and hired a helper from the market. Then, she returned to her house. After the helper cooked the food, she ate and drank until she was full. She proceeded to her room and pulled out the “True Tricks of the Trade of Five Elements Meditation” and began to practice it. 

This body was born with five Spiritual Roots. Each kind of Spiritual Aura could only be absorbed a litte. Even her meridians were disorderly. The “True Tricks of the Trade of Five Elements Meditation” that “Su Qingyi” forcibly practiced before was a sham, it was actually a normal technique of absorbing the Spiritual Aura into the body. Her meridians couldn’t store any Spiritual Aura, but she continued to absorb the Spiritual Aura. As a result, boom, her meridians burst and she lost her life. 

The genuine “True Tricks of the Trade of Five Elements Meditation” was to introduce a small amount of Spiritual Aura first. Then, exercise their control of the Spiritual Aura, condensing it into a needle=like fineness into their meridians, stitching the tendons and veins bit by bit to dredge the clogged impurities in the meridians. The process was called “Opening up the Veins.” The whole process was arduously slow and painful. However, after she completely dredged the meridians, she could directly break through the Foundation Establishment. 

After all that painful process, she could let her Spiritual Power flow in her body and enter the next shape, “Shaping the Root.” It was the process of integrating the five Spiritual Roots into a single Spiritual Root by using Spiritual Power. After these two steps are completed, her waste constitution would be no more. She could be back to the genius she was. 

In terms of solidification of the Spiritual Power, Su Qingyi’s power was that of the Mahayana Realm Cultivator. Her control was above ordinary people. Not only could she easily condense her Spiritual Power into needles, but she could even condense it into a shovel, digging up all those impurities in her meridians. However, the process would be a lot more painful. If not for smoothing her road of cultivation, Su Qingyi felt it a bit difficult for her to persevere.

Every time she wanted to give up,  she reflected on the night ten years ago. At that time, when she opened her eyes, she was bathed in blood, surrounded by the Xing Yun Sect’s disciples as well as the other sects. All condemning her as a Demonic Cultivator. 

“Ran Yan! You killed your father, mother, teachers, and even your friend! How can you stand here and not feel guilty in the slightest!”

Killed her father, mother, teachers, and friends….?

Only then did she realize that her parents, her teachers, her good friend, Jun Yan, Yan Qing, and others, had all died. 

She didn’t know who killed them. Everyone pointed out that the killer was her. But… how could that be……

She was chased everywhere, no better than a dog. A sea of blood and a mountain of corpses were on her shoulder. In the end, she was betrayed by her disciples and beloved Didi[1]. Then, she died, cut to pieces by thousands of swords. She had come to this day through all that pain. What was a little pain like shoveling her meridians?!

On this thought, she ground her teeth and persisted. For a month, she had only eaten Bigu Pill[2]. She simply meditated in her room and never went out. She dug her meridians little by litte.

The pain almost numbed her nerves. She clenched her teeth for fear that the cry of excessive pain would consume her strength. Her Spiritual Aura flowed along with her blood in her clogged meridians. She shivered and continued to dig her meridians.

One day, two days…

Ten days, twenty days…

On the 49th day, she finally dredged all her meridians. The Spiritual Aura poured into her body in an instant, revolving in the air, as if a surging river washing out all the impurities. The light soared out to the sky above her head. She sat down and drew a three zhang[3] of the star chart[4]. With the Diagram of the Universe as the center of the circle, she drew 49 longitude lines through the chart and the range of the twelve houses[5]. The formation was lit up at each position and the star chart moved slowly under her feet.  Su Qingyi unhurriedly opened her eyes.

Her whole body was covered in blood, as if she had crawled from a sea of blood, but her eyes were bright and divine. Her foundation had been built. The impurities in her body had been discharged. 

She seemed to have changed into a new body, smooth and fair skin like a baby. The surrounding Spiritual Power gushed in her body, nearly forming a whirlpool. She was directly alarmed. If she didn’t stop according to her limit, she would be the second “Su Qingyi” to explode and die!

She exerted hard to stop the current situation. At this time, someone respectfully knocked on her door and gently asked, “Fellow Daoist, do you require any help?”

Su Qingyi meridians burst and blood overflowed from her mouth. She used up all her strength and roared, “Spread a barrier!!!”

The people outside understood her meaning. The sword in his hand flew and inserted itself into the ground. A huge light veil slowly rose and enveloped the whole room where Su Qingyi was located. The barrier isolated the external Spiritual Aura from entering the room. However, the Spiritual Aura seemed to be wild and hit the barrier hard. The youth outside the barrier paled. 

On the Wen Jian Cliff, in the Tian Jian Sect, Qin Zichen opened his eyes. He glanced towards the place where the storm was surging and frowned. 

He straightened up and went out with his sword until he reached Su Qingyi’s house. Sure enough, he saw the Spiritual Powers rush from all directions against the barrier on the house, and the young man guarding the barrier was obviously troubled.

He was pale, clenching his teeth to stay awake.

Qin Zichen quickly stood at the young man’s position. He waved his sleeve and a white jade sword floated in the air. It split into two, then into four. It glid into the sky in an instant. A Yin-Yang symbol emerged in the middle of the sword array. The four swords bolted into the four directions. The South, East, West, and North. And the Yin-Yang symbol tightly covered the center of the house. The surrounding Spiritual Aura was still in a frenzy and kept hitting the new barrier. Qin Zichen was expressionless. He patted the young man on the shoulder and said indifferently, “Go rest.”

“Mo Yun has seen Shishu,” The young man pulled out his sword and bowed respectfully to Qin Zichen. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat aside, recuperating. 

Qin Zichen put his hands behind his back. He closed his eyes and said nothing. His broad sleeves were swept by the wind. His pure Spiritual Aura spread continuously from his body to the barrier, while at the same time calming the rioting Spiritual Aura of Heaven and Earth.

Such pure Spiritual Aura alerted all the cultivators in the city. The cultivators hurried to Su Qingyi’s door, surrounded her house in circles. They meditated cross-legged, stealing chances to feel the epiphany brought by this Spiritual Aura.

Half an hour later, the Spiritual Aura of Heaven and Earth eased down. The sun peeked from the horizon and the clouds broke the sunrise. Qin Zichen eventually opened his eyes. He strode to the door and kicked the door open. He saw Su Qingyi covered with blood lying on the bed.

He marched up to Su Qingyi and directly grasped her wrist. There was a look of surprise in her eyes when he senses Spiritual Aura in her meridians flowing smoothly like a river. He turned his head to study Su Qingyi. She was in a sorry state. Curling up with a pale face like a kitten. An inexplicable tenderness appeared in his heart.

So close, yet so far.

He couldn’t help but lower his eyes, stabilizing his chaotic thoughts. He sighed, “To achieve what you want, you can even force yourself to this point. Su Qingyi, you are really NB[6]

However, Su Qingyi was muddled. She wasn’t aware of anything. She only felt the pain of needle pricking in the places where the Spiritual Power in her body flowed. She mewled, “It hurts…”

Qin Zichen’s eyelashes trembled for a moment. He thought about it and decided to clasp her wrist and probed his Spiritual Power in. 

His Spiritual Power was like a clear spring, cold and soft, intertwining around her surging waves, stroking it bit by bit, soothing it, and tugging it away, unwinding the entangled Spiritual Power. 

The process was extremely laborious and Qin Zichen gradually broke out in cold sweat. 

Su Qingyi only felt the refreshing coolness that soothed her pain. Wherever it went, it was like spring rain falling on dry soil. She was utterly boneless. So, unconsciously, she used her Spiritual Power to drag it to swim to more places. 

“Su Qingyi, sober up.” Qin Zichen had just recovered from his severe injury. His Spiritual Power was limited. At this time, Su Qingyi was still absorbing his Spiritual Power. His meridians ached and he trembled, sweating profusely while controlling his Spiritual Power so as not to be dragged away by her Spiritual Power. At the same time, he combed the entangled Spiritual Power in her meridians. He guided coldly, “Control yourself. Follow my Spiritual Power and sort out the Spiritual Power in your body.”

Su Qingyi couldn’t hear his voice. The Spiritual Power in her body rolled wildly in her body, as if it was about to explode in her meridians at any time. Qin Zichen stared at the painful look on Su Qingyi’s face and he couldn’t bear it. He simply bowed his head and kissed her lips. 

The Spiritual Power was sucked into his body from her lips. He sorted it out in his body and flowed it back into her body from the fingertips he pressed on the veins on her wrists. 

This was remarkably dangerous behavior. A careless mistake and both of them would have to pay for it. Still, at such a dangerous moment, Qin Zichen noticed that her lips were very soft, as warm and soft as 52 years ago, and seemed to have the taste of candy.

He only had one girlfriend, and he had only kissed her alone. He never knew what other people would taste like, but he knew that she tasted like candy. Her tongue was as soft as her lips. In the past, when their tongues interlaced, it always gave him the feeling that an electric current was running all the way from his tailbone to his whole body and he couldn’t resist holding her tight in his arms and stroking her.

Almost instinctively, he recalled the past.

He didn’t dare to be distracted and recited the Heart Clearing Manta and combed out her rioting Spiritual Power. Circle after circle, until the last Spiritual Power all returned to her body.  He finally relaxed. 

When their lips parted, his tongue gently touched the tip of her tongue, which directly stir his heart.

What Heart Cleansing Mantra. What Great Dao. All vanished from his mind. He slumped on the ground. His face burned from embarrassment from the reaction of his lower body.

Mo Yun heard the movement inside and barged in. He saw Qin Zichen slumped on the ground and shouted in panic, “Shishu!”

Qin Zichen closed his eyes and calmed himself down. Mo Yun soon assisted him and he ordered, “Send me to the Seventh Peak and call your Dan Hui-shishu.”

“Understood, Shishu!” Mo Yun nodded quickly. He glanced at Su Qingyi’s bloodied state in the bed and hesitated, “This Guniang……”

“Let Mo Xia take care of the situation, you send me back to the sect then return…” Qin Zichen already fainted in Mo Yun’s arms before he could finish his words. 

Mo Yun instructed Mo Xia outside to “take care of her”. With his sword, he returned to the mountain with the unconscious Qin Zichen. 

He arrived at the Seventh Peak of Tian Jian Sect and the Seventh Peak blew up. Dan Hui, the Peak Lord of the Seventh Peak, specializing in alchemy and medical treatment, exploded when he saw Qin Zichen. Again. He lifted up his sleeve and shouted, “Why is he here again?! Haven’t you just sent him back here a few days ago?! Scram! Scram! Scram! Take him with you and get out!”

Shishu! Dan Hui-shishu!” Mo Yun quickly blocked Dan Hui and pleaded, “Today, it’s not because Jing Yan-shishu fought! He saved someone! I can vow that Shishu is in this state for the sake of saving people!”

Dan Hui was taken aback for a moment. Then, he spat, “He has saved a lot of people, and which time was it not to uphold justice and eliminate evils?! Tell this bastard. Next time, come here on his own. Or Laozi[7] will directly give him a pill to sent him to Heaven!”

“Yes yes, yes,” Mo Yun nodded like a chicken. He urged, “Come and have a look, Shishu.”

Dan Hui snorted. He set his fingers on Qin Zichen’s pulse and was startled, “He is dying?! Carry him in quickly! The Spiritual Aura in his Dantian[8] and Meridians is all empty now!”

With that said, everyone carried him in. Qin Zichen opened his eyes in a daze while everyone was panicking. He stretched out his hand, and called out, “Qingyi…”

“He is half-alive and still knows how to call someone else’s name?! Mo Yun! Who is this Qingyi? Is it his wife?”

“I… I don’t know ah…” Mo Yun put on an innocent expression. He accompanied Dan Hui to send Qin Zichen in and only then remembered Qin Zichen’s last order. 

He scampered back to the small town at the foot of the mountain to take care of Su Qingyi

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  1. 弟弟 – dìdì. Younger Brother. Little Brother. A way to address someone (M) younger than you. Not restricted by blood. You can call a stranger in this way as long as he is younger than you.

  2. Bigu is a Daoist fasting technique associated with achieving transcendence/immortality. If they need to eat, they usually eat Bigu Pill, 辟谷丹 – Pìgǔ Dān; A pill to nourish the vital energy and health-preserving. It is nutritious enough that you don’t need to eat a real meal. A common thing to eat by the cultivators.

  3. 丈 – zhàng. measure of length. 1 zhang is around 3.3m.

  4. 星盘 –  xīngpán. Astrological chart. (astronomy) astrolabe. (astrology) horoscope.

  5. 宫位 – gōngwèi. (astrology) house. The 12 houses of astrology represent every one of the aspects that make up human life. Consider the wheel of houses as a map in the sky, with planets constantly moving from house to house.

  6. 牛屄 – niúbī. A slang. Awesome. Capable. Cocky. Also known as NB, is used to comment on a person’s behavior when they did something sensational or shocking.

  7. 老子 – lǎozi. “I, your father,”  Prideful and arrogant way of “I.”

  8. 丹田 – Dantian. Lit. “Cinnabar Field” or “Elixir Field”. Refers to the region in the body where a person’s Qi is concentrated and 经脉 – Meridian is the vessels/channels in the body through which Qi or Spiritual Aura flows.


An Astrolabe

Lei’s Corner

For those who like to eat tofu, Cultivation World is a blessing. With all that touchy touchy power up and Dual Cultivation. I wonder who likes to eat tofu in this novel. 

Qin Zichen, oh Qin Zichen wwwww. 

When she took liberties with him, his face would redden until it reached his ears.

If Su Qingyi heard Qin Zichen say NB, she definitely would realize that this Qin Zichen is that Qin Zichen lol.

As Jing Yan, Qin Zichen was born with many Golden Fingers. Meanwhile, Su Qingyi’s Golden Finger is forever Qin Zichen.

Other Romance Novels available in Elysian Pit
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The Sword Immortal was My Ex-Boyfriend by Mo Shu Bai [Transmigration]
Ai? Why is this Sword Immortal similar to my Ex from the 21st Century? – the FL, most likely.

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2561

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2 thoughts on “TSIME Chapter 7”

  1. O MA GAWD
    Zichen you sly old man! >///< a kiss on the second encounter? Oh dear hold yourself a bit wont ya
    Anyway thanks for the great translations~


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡