WfDO Chapter 49

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (16)

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Mo Yuan noticed Ye Wei as a person only after she dated Mo Yu. To him, Ye Wei was not Ye Wei, but “Mo Yu’s Girlfriend.”

From the very moment he knew the existence of Mo Yu, he hated him from the bottom of his heart. He couldn’t see him live well. He desired to make him miserable and snatch everything around him. And Ye Wei, who Mo Yu liked, naturally became one of the objects he snatched. 

Everything could be traced from that. He ordered someone to investigate Ye Wei. He then understood that Ye We was a squeamish xiaojie who was spoiled by her family. She had not suffered any setbacks since she was a child. At the mere rustle of leaves in the wind[1], she would flinch.

He understood such people well. They were used to a comfortable and stable life. They couldn’t bear any suffering. 

He began to design Ye Wei so that her boss made it difficult for her at work and her colleagues excluded her. All to make her suffer from the grievances at work.  

Mo Yu was busy with work and couldn’t accompany her 24/7 to comfort her. In that way, contradictions upon contradictions between the two arose.

His plan was a success. Ye Wei, as he planned, began to feel frustrated. She was tired of her work and disappointed in Mo Yu. At that time, he appeared and Ye Wei regarded him as a lifeline. She latched tight to him and was unwilling to let go.

As long as he snatched Ye Wei, Mo Yu would be in great pain. 

His purpose was soon achieved. Ye Wei became a canary in the palm of his hand; Mo Yu was in pain and lost his face.

By his side, Ye Wei was truly hypocritical. Every day, she would smile at him, call him “Mo-xiansheng” sweetly, and run out every day to buy all the good-looking and fun things. She played make-believe that she was not sad about breaking up with Mo Yu. While at the same time, in a place where she thought he couldn’t see, think of Mo Yu, losing her sleep and food for him. 

She believed that she had deceived him by pretending to be obedient. But, in fact, he could see her through. She was clueless about everything. 

He liked this feeling. 

And as far as he knows, Mo Yu had looked for her many times, but it was a pity that the woman whose heart had been shattered didn’t want to return to him. 

Moreover, he had given her so much “love” and endless money to spend. Servants served her every day. She didn’t need to bow down and obey any orders from anyone else.  How could she, who was used to this kind of life, be willing to give up and go back to live a hard life?

He gave her the best so that she could never go back to the past. 

The lover was finally separated.

This recognition made him delighted.

But at the same time, he was vexed. 

Mo Yu was just a bastard child. Why could Ye Wei like such a man?

Why could Mo Yu get everything he once wanted without even doing anything?

Why could Mo Shizong, who was always unsmiling and never gave him a word of encouragement, be so kind to Mo Yu? Even helping him behind his back several times?

He wished Mo Yu to be doomed forever because, in that way, Mo Shizong would suffer. 

Ye Wei had always done a good job. However, recently, there was a problem with his plan. Mo Yu didn’t seem to like Ye Wei as much as before. Instead, he seemed to have a crush on a woman named Miao Shuya. 

He had his people keep an eye on Mo Yu all the time. Naturally, he knew Mo Yu’s every move.

For some time, Mo Yu and Miao Shuya had become closer. The two were rivals. They appreciated each other’s efforts. Now their relationship had changed from colleagues to friends. Even as far as buying groceries and going home to cook together.

No matter how ordinary the relationship between men and women was. When they get closer, it would turn into something less ordinary. 

Besides, he understood Mo Yu. If he didn’t like Miao Shuya, how could he allow her to get close to him?

If Miao Shuya didn’t like Mo Yu, how could she let a man come in and out of her house frequently and even cook the other party’s favorite food in person?

The husband had the affection and the concubine had the intention[2]. Sooner or later, they would be together. 

He had no impression of Miao Shuya. He only remember that Miao Shuya’s father, Miao Jiahe, used to be Mo Shizong’s driver. Later, Miao Jiahe resigned because of health matters. Because Miao Jiahe had been with Mo Shizong for more than 20 years, Mo Shizong had good feelings for him and gave him a pension of two million yuan in private. 

Every year during holidays, Miao Jiahe would send his hometown specialties to Mo Shizong. The things were not valuable, but the intention was noteworthy and Mo Shizong was happy. 

He never anticipated that Mo Yu would actually like Miao Shuya. 

If Mo Yu had no affection for Ye Wei… then Ye Wei no longer had any value. 

It’s time to let Ye Wei know the “truth”……

Despite he had planned it, Mo Yuan vaguely discerned that this plan was not feasible. He even didn’t want Ye Wei to know the truth. He couldn’t understand himself. Clearly, his ultimate goal was to deal with Mo Yu. Why was he reluctant now?

Perhaps, it’s because Ye Wei’s eyes were so beautiful that he wished to hide them. Deep in his heart, he didn’t want to lose these beautiful eyes……

But, there were many beautiful eyes in this world. If he wished for it, even without Ye Wei, he could find another pair. It did not necessarily have to be Ye Wei’s. 

With this thought, the restlessness in Mo Yuan’s heart was suppressed. 

In his original plan, Ye Wei would know the truth ‘by accident’. With her temperament, she would definitely be hit hard and couldn’t accept it. She couldn’t stay with him anymore so she could only return to Mo Yu. After all, Mo Yu’s identity was different from the past. Her appearance in his life once again would create chaos. And in that way, Mo Yu’s relationship with Miao Shuya wouldn’t sail so smoothly. And if he took advantage of the chaos to set up a trap for him at work, well, Mo Yu wouldn’t have it easy. 

The plan soon began.

That afternoon, Ye Wei returned from shopping. She bought a lot of things, bags, clothes, and jewelry. Her car trunk was almost unable to contain it all. The servants went to take her things upstairs. Four people ran back and forth five or six times to carry all her things inside.

She sat comfortably on the sofa. The maid sent her fresh watermelon juice and put some crushed ice in it. A sip refreshed her mood and she went boneless. 

Shopping was indeed manual labor. She was glad she exercised her physical strength, otherwise, she would have been exhausted by now.

The Butler came over and made a silent gesture to her, “Xiansheng in a bad mood. He is resting in the backyard now.”

Ye Wei stood from her seat and said worriedly, “What happened to Mo-xiansheng? Why is he in a bad mood? Is it related to Shushu and Mo Yu?”

The Butler shook his head, “I also don’t know. You have to ask Xiansheng yourself about that.”

Ye Wei was sheepish, “Mo-xiansheng won’t tell me. He doesn’t like to tell me these kinds of things.”

The Butler sighed, “Then, there’s nothing I can do.”

Ye Wei pondered, “Then… I will go and have a look.”

Ye Wei took another sip of watermelon juice before she went to the backyard.

The Butler watched Ye Wei go out. He picked up the glass on the table and walked slowly to the kitchen with cold legs.

Ye Wei saw Mo Yuan sitting by the pond from a distance, with two fishing rods in front of him. Da Jin was lying comfortably at his feet, its tail wagging.

Behind Mo Yuan stood Xue Zhao, who was dressed in a suit.

Ye Wei trotted over in small steps. Da Jin’s ears twitched and its head moved. The dog noticed Ye Wei in an instant. It turned its head away with disdain, leaning against Mo Yuan’s lap with the proud look of a spoiled concubine.

As she got near, Ye Wei got to hear Xue Zhao’s voice. 

“… Sun Quansheng called again and asked for five million. If it isn’t given to him, he will tell Mo Yu about the things you requested him to do to Ye Wei. Mo Yu’s status is now different. He is Mo Shizong’s son. If he knows someone was bullying his girlfriend, he won’t let it go.”


“I have turned him down. Rest assured. He doesn’t know your true identity. He only thinks that you are a fuerdai who coveted Ye Wei’s beauty.”

When Xue Zhao finished talking, he sensed something was wrong. He could feel someone stare hole at his head. He turned his head abruptly and saw Ye Wei looking at him in disbelief…….

She was in a white dress, with her hair draped softly on her shoulders. She wore light and exquisite makeup on his face. She was incredibly beautiful, appearing free from vulgarity. Her beauty was peerless. 

Xue Zhao couldn’t connect such Ye Wei to the vulgar and greedy woman she was. 

Currently, her face was extremely white, and her beautiful eyes stared at him intently, as if she couldn’t believe it and was doubting her ears. 

Xue Zhao was so shocked he could feel his feet soften. He was caught red-handed. He opened his mouth, gaze darting at Ye Wei, then at Mo Yuan who was sitting calmly aside. He spoke with shame, “Ye… Ye-xiaojie… You are back ah……

Mo Yuan seemed to have only discovered Ye Wei’s presence. He glanced back and returned looking at the pond, as if it didn’t matter he was discovered and didn’t care what she would think.

He remained motionless. Even the shaking fishing rod failed to make him move.

After a long time, Ye Wei broke the silence, “Mo Yuan. Don’t you have something to explain to me?”

Mo Yuan was dazed. This should be the first time that Ye Wei called him by his name in person. 

She usually called him Mo-xiansheng this Mo-xiansheng that. Every time she called “Mo-xiansheng,” the end’s tone was especially sweet, as if she liked him so much and relied on him. 

Of course, his daze remained only a second. He soon recovered and said coldly, “What do I have to explain to you?”

Ye Wei didn’t back down, “I also know a man named Sun Quansheng. And coincidentally, he was the director of my former company.”

Mo Yuan, “Oh.”

Xue Zhao trembled in his place. He shrank his neck and wished for God above to let him find a seam to drill in. 

He never anticipated participating in this scene. 

Ye Wei then continued, “So, the ‘Ye Wei’ in your mouth just before… Is it me? It’s me, isn’t it?”

Mo Yuan didn’t answer. Ye Chen glared at Xue Zhao. “Speak. It’s me, isn’t it?”

Xue Zhao bowed his head low. He dared not speak. Where would he have the courage to answer ‘Yes’ at this time?

He glanced at Mo Yuan and found that he was way much calmer than him. 

Mo Yuan’s pale face was stern and his eyes were more like a cold poisonous snake. He glimpsed at Ye Wei, “You are so smart, you should know who we are talking about. Some things are already clear enough not to be spoken out loud.”

Ye Wei laughed grimly. She couldn’t stand the blow and stepped back two steps, “So, that ‘Ye Wei’ is really me? Everything I have suffered before, it’s all your arrangement? Why? Why did you do this to me?”

Mo Yuan nonchalantly said, “No reason.”

Ye Wei mustered a sad smile. Her face was pale and her eyes watered. 

He saw her beautiful glittering eyes. Even when she was crying, she was so beautiful. 

“‘No reason’? You are just playing with me, aren’t you?”

A wave of fierce wrath rolled up in Ye Wei’s heart, “I just don’t understand one thing. You are the General Manager of Mo-shi. I am just a nobody. Why are you cornering me? Where on earth did I offend you?”

Mo Yuan was expressionless. He no longer had the previous gentleness and there was no smile on his face. He slowly explained, “You didn’t offend me. You could only blame yourself for being Mo Yu’s girlfriend.”

Ye Wei widened her eyes. At this juncture, she understood everything. “Because I was Mo Yu’s girlfriend? So you have long known that Mo Yu is Shushu’s son…. You deliberately… deliberately broke us up because you can’t see him live well?”

Mo Yuan only looked at her, without denying her claim. His expression was tranquil, there was neither the panic of being exposed nor the guilt and remorse after doing bad things. He looked calm as if nothing had happened.

The dog obviously sensed the situation was not quite right. It stood from the ground and looked at the Little Master and the human who always loved to compete with it. It opened its mouth and barked twice.

Ye Wei painfully shouted, “Mo Yuan! You have gone too far! How can you use me like this! Do you know that I have always been grateful to you for saving me when I was at my lowest! I never foresaw you to be the culprit who harmed me!”

Those brilliant eyes burned him. He felt uneasy. Mo Yuan averted his gaze and leaned back on the recliner. He shut his eyes, “That’s it. Leave.”

Ye Wei wiped her eyes, covering her agony. “Leave! Of course, I will leave! I won’t stay with you! You devil!”

Mo Yuan hummed indifferently.

Xue Zhao peeked at Ye Wei, who was holding back tears. The tips of her eyes and nose were red and she appeared particularly miserable. Mo Yuan was ruthless and heartless, even he had no love for the fragrant jade.[3]

Ye Wei sniffed, “I will leave. And I will take away all my things!”

Xue Zhao, “……”   

Ye Wei said fiercely, “Regard this as your remuneration!”

Mo Yuan, “Do as you like.”

He didn’t care about it, anyway.

Ye Wei shouted, “Mo Yuan, I hate you!”

With this sentence, she wiped her tears and made a dramatic exit. 

Before Xue Zhao could react, Ye Wei had disappeared from his vision.

….Is it over just like this?

Where is the part where you make trouble?

He couldn’t help peeking at Mo Yuan and found that Mo Yuan was gazing into the distance without any expression. He couldn’t guess his mind. 

Da Jin looked at its Little Master and deemed that he was in a bad mood. The dog placed its head on his lap and rubbed it, comforting him. 

Xue Zhao didn’t dare to move in this atmosphere. He hung his head and apologized, “I’m sorry, Mo-zong. I didn’t know Ye-xiaojie was back. If I knew, I wouldn’t一”

Mo Yuan was irritated, “Shut up.”

Xue Zhao, “……”   

He stuffed back his words. 

The atmosphere was still and suffocating. Even the dog didn’t dare to bark. 

He knew that Mo Yuan didn’t want to be disturbed now and cautiously withdrew to the living room. He drank a glass of water in one breath and only then could he breathe comfortably. 

He had been around Mo Yuan for so long that it’s a wonder why he hadn’t had any heart attack.

Xue Zhao sat in the living room for some time. Before long, a servant came in and reported, “There is a car outside, saying that they are here to help the move?”

The Butler was also stupefied, “Who is moving? No one is moving. Let them go.”

Just as the servant wanted to leave, the Butler saw Ye Wei come down with flushed eyes, “I called them. Let them in.”

Then, Xue Zhao watched two strong men coming and began to carry things out in large boxes and small boxes. Because there were a lot of things, Ye Wei also asked two servants to help. Back and forth until the pickup truck was almost full.

Needless to say, those boxes were all luxury goods she bought these days.

Xue Zhao and the Butler were dumbfounded. Could this be called moving ah?

Ye Wei was the last to go. At present, not only did she have red eyes and nose, but her face was also red. Her long hair was tied in a high ponytail. There were beads of sweat on her face. The whole person looked youthful, energetic, and beautiful.

Ye Wei declared, “Tell Mo Yuan. I will never forgive him and I will never come back!”

The Butler, “……”   

Xue Zhao, “……”   

Ye Wei, “That’s it. I’m leaving.”

She stood at the gate. She looked back for a long time before she got in the car and left without looking back.

Xue Zhao and the Butler stood at the door, watching Ye Wei leave. Finally, they realized the so-called “remuneration.”

Xue Zhao: ……Why do I suddenly feel envious?

Mo Yuan standing at the window on the second floor: ……

Ye Wei: Farewell, my extravagant past.

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  1. 风吹草动 – fēng chuī cǎo dòng. Lit Wind sways grass. A sign of disturbance or trouble.

  2. 郎有情、妾有意 – Láng yǒu qíng, Qiè yǒu yì.  Two people have feelings for each other and get along well.

  3. 怜香惜玉 lián xiāng xī yù. To have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

Ry’s Corner

Suddenly feel envious… (2)

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2985

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9 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 49”

  1. This chapter isnt linked as the next on the previous chapter and also doesnt show up on the toc~
    I didnt know there was a new chapter and had to look hard for it 🤺🤺🤺
    Anyways~ tyy for the chapter!!

  2. That’s why when you have a sugar daddy, you have to squeeze every bit of the profit from your sugar daddy, so that when he decide he doesn’t want you anymore, you have a very big “remuneration” that last you forever.


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