WfDO Chapter 50

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (17)

Thank you, Soso and Froopy, for the support!

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Mo Yuan sat in the study for a long time until Xue Zhao came and knocked at the door.

“Ye-xiaojie checked into the Four Seasons Hotel. ”

“Ye-xiaojie has not gone out since.”

“She ordered dinner at six.”

“She didn’t go to Mo Yu for the time being. ”

Mo Yuan waved his hand and Xue Zhao left as instructed.

After some time, the Butler also knocked on his door, “Xiansheng, it’s time for dinner.”

Mo Yuan hummed and went downstairs. He focused on eating and subconsciously glanced at the seat across him where Ye Wei usually sat. 

Ye Wei seemed to enjoy her food to the utmost, at least in front of him. A bowl of porridge could fill her with joy. He ate a mouthful of porridge, only to find it dull and tasteless. Not as delicious as Ye Wei made it look. How was she able to eat three big bowls every time?

He lost his appetite after taking a few mouthfuls, and regardless of the dog rubbing around his lap for attention, he got up and went to the study upstairs.

The Butler looked at a table of untouched meals. His brows furrowed and he sighed. 

In the past, when Ye-xiaojie was still here, at any rate, Xiansheng would move his chopstick. Even if he didn’t, he would stay at the table until Ye-xiaojie finished eating and during that period, he would eat something. 

Now it was back to the starting point where eating was only a task to be done.

When Mo Yuan was in his study, he used to lock himself there because he was not fond of being disturbed by anyone. However, today, he had no intention of dealing with his work. He lay down with his eyes closed. Out of nowhere, he heard the sound of a car downstairs. 

He is in his study, from where does that sound come?

He got up and strolled downstairs. The Butler stood at the gate. Mo Yuan frowned, “What’s the matter?”

The Butler turned back to face him, “It’s Ye-xiaojie.”

A strange joy bloomed in his heart. Still, his face showed ridicule and he spoke coldly, “Didn’t she already leave? Why is she back?”

The Butler comprehended that Mo Yuan was in a bad mood. He was afraid Ye Wei’s appearance would only worsen his mood, so he quickly assured, “Xiansheng don’t worry, Ye-xiaojie came back for her car, it won’t take too much time. I have urged her to leave as soon as possible.”

Mo Yuan was taken aback, His gloomy face was dazed, “…What?”

At the same time, the sound of a car starting came from outside. Mo Yuan walked to the door with his cane and only got to see the red sports car that quickly disappear, leaving a trail of exhaust.

The Butler breathed a sigh of relief, “Ye-xiaojie is gone, Xiansheng doesn’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Mo Yuan:“……”   

He didn’t even get to see Ye Wei’s back and the person has disappeared again.

Ye Wei didn’t want to see him so?

His expression became even more gloomy. With a cold hum, he went back to his study and didn’t come out from the study all night.

After that, Ye Wei never came back, nor did she send a message or call him. As if proving her words true, that she really hates him and would never forgive him. 

But, he didn’t care. As long as he could make Mo Yu and Mo Shizong suffer, what is a mere Ye Wei?

He started to set Mo Yu up. Mo Yu and Miao Shuya were recently working on a development project in the North. If this project ended well, it could give Mo Yu the qualification to be the heir of Mo-shi and Mo Shizong would definitely use this opportunity to promote Mo Yu. Though, if this project didn’t end well, the loss to the company would be enough for Mo Yu to be unable to raise his head in front of the board of directors. 

A person that lacked talents could not gain a foothold in the company, even if Mo Shizong backed him. 

For the next few days, Mo Yuan was busy with his work. In the meantime, Xue Zhao would notify him about the news of Ye Wei from time to time. 

From him, he heard that she went to find Mo Yu sometime after she checked into the hotel and stayed the night at Mo Yu’s house. Probably, she had disclosed the truth to him. But now Mo Yu is in love with Miao Shuya and vice versa. What choice would Mo Yu make in front of his old love and new love?


The moment he heard the truth, Mo Yu’s shock was immeasurable. He never thought there would be so many inside stories about his breakup with Ye Wei. It’s not only because of the mistakenly answered call but also because of Mo Yuan’s repeated design!

She really was bullied at work. He recalled that a long time ago, she complained to him that her supervisor was deliberately targeting her and guiding her colleagues to crowd her out. At that time, he only felt that Ye Wei was overthinking. He advised her to do her work well so as not to give other people a chance to corner her. Ye Wei often complained to him and so he thought her complaint that time was because she was too delicate and couldn’t bear the slightest grievance……

Unexpectedly, those things were true!

She was targeted by her supervisor and he neglected her. In the end, she had enough and turned to Mo Yuan… yet all of it was actually created by Mo Yuan!

What made him even more shocked was that Mo Yuan had known about his relationship with Mo Shizong for quite a time.

Everything Ye Wei suffered, it’s all because she was his girlfriend. In the final analysis, it was because of him. 

Mo Yuan had done a lot of things to design him. Even if Mo Yu was dull, he could sense the heavy disdain, to the point Mo Yuan was repulsed towards him. Otherwise, why would he always target him?

Ye Wei hiccuped, “I have always regarded Mo Yuan as my protector, the Prince Charming who saved me from my suffering, so even though others shun me that I followed Mo Yuan only because of money, I just accepted it. I don’t care about their slanders, because I know that it’s not like that. Yet, turns out, he is the culprit who harmed me!”

“That time was really hard for me. If it weren’t for Mo Yuan, we wouldn’t break up, we would still be together……:

Mo Yu was in a trance. His heart was stuffy. He gazed at Ye Wei who was crying in front of him and felt distressed. He handed her a piece of tissue, “Here, don’t cry.”

Ye Wei’s eyes were dim with tears pooled in her eyes, “You used to hug me and wipe my tears.”

Mo Yu said with guilt, “…I’m sorry. It’s all because of me that you have suffered this.”

Ye Wei accepted the tissue and wiped her tears, “A’Yu, I’m so sad. I never imagined that Mo Yuan could go so far. He is too scheming. He set up a trap one after another for you, all to make you in pain. Be careful and don’t fall into his trap.”

Mo Yu said, “Rest assured, I’ll be careful.”

Ye Wei was desolate. She covered her eyes and sobbed softly, “I’m still worried. You are so gullible. You certainly are not Mo Yuan’s opponent. Mo Yuan’s mind is unpredictable. If I didn’t overhear it, I would still be a fool dancing in his hand.”

Mo Yu had long known that Mo Yuan was not someone that is easy to get along with. When he was still in the dark about Mo Yuan being his younger brother, he had heard many rumors about Mo Yuan, including the one that said Mo Yuan was an untouchable walking ice block, especially after the accident that disabled his leg a few years ago. He became even more eccentric. Even if he has a handsome face that is envied by all, no one dared to look up to appreciate his face.

Even those who worked in the company for a long time hadn’t taken a clear look at Mo Yuan’s face, all because Mo Yuan was too intimidating. No one had enough courage to laugh loudly even after their work was finished. They all were cautious, afraid that they would step on a landmine named Mo Yuan. When Mo Yuan showed up, they even wished they were blind. 

Mo Yuan has a taboo. He despised people looking at him, particularly at his legs… Even a glance could offend him. And there would be only one outcome for that, fired.

Therefore, many in the company privately guessed whether Mo Yuan was psychologically abnormal because of his disability.

Hence, he knew that Mo Yuan was difficult to get along with. After realizing he and Mo Yuan were brothers, he accepted that Mo Yuan would disdain him and not recognize him as a brother. However, he didn’t expect that Mo Yuan was so extreme that he came up with such a way to deal with him.

He clenched his fists tight. He was furious. 

Mo Yuan’s approach is too unmanly. If he didn’t like him, he should just aim his dislike at him. Why must he involve others, a woman, at that?

Mo Yu spoke again, “You left just like that, wouldn’t Mo Yuan target you?”

Ye Wei shook her head, “He just uses me. It doesn’t matter if I find out about these things. What’s more, I am no longer valuable in his eyes, which is why he didn’t stop me from leaving. In fact, perhaps he is eager for me to leave. Less trouble for him……”

In his heart, Mo Yu agreed with Ye Wei’s words. Mo Yuan could go so far for his own interest, and Ye Wei, who no longer has any value, could only be discarded by him. 

“Then, do you have any place to go?”

“I don’t know where to go… I’m so scared. When I’m walking on the road, I feel that the people around me are trying to harm me…” Ye Wei’s tears fall again. It seemed that the matters with Mo Yuan hit her quite hard. “It’s like I’m filled with paranoia. A’Yu, say, what should I do?”

Mo Yu is a responsible man. With Ye Wei like this, coupled with him as the main reason that led her to this situation, he was both guilty and distressed. “You can stay here with me for a night, I will find a house for you tomorrow.”

Ye Wei stared at Mo Yu, her beautiful eyes were red and swollen from her cry, “Thank you. With you by my side, I feel less scared.”

Mo Yu looked at her. He couldn’t utter anything else at this moment. 

Their separation was designed by someone, but their separation was real. It had happened. With so many things between them, could they even go back to what they were?

He was lost in thought. Still, he could only stop himself from thinking about it for the time being. The important thing right now was not this matter, but Mo Yuan. 

The next day was the weekend, Mo Yu woke up at dawn with a sore back from sleeping on the sofa. He rubbed his neck while he walked to the bathroom to wash his face. When he went for a morning jog, he also bought soy milk and youtiao

He knocked on the bedroom door, “Ye Wei, wake up, breakfast.”

Soon, he heard Ye Wei’s reply and he went back to the table. 

Mo Yu sat at the table first and a few youtiao while sweeping through the news on his phone. Ye Wei didn’t come out until he had eaten his portion. Yesterday, she didn’t bring anything on herself. So, she wore Mo Yu’s clothes to bed last night. She was petite, Mo Yu was tall. His shirt on her nearly reached her knee, appearing like a short skirt. 

“A’Yu, good morning.”

She loosely wore his shirt and some strands of her hair were sticking out, plainly indicating she just woke up. Her eyes were hazy and a bit swollen. She sat opposite Mo Yu for breakfast. In a trance, Mo Yu had an illusion they were back to the time before they broke up. 

They had a pretty good relationship before. Ye Wei liked to sleep in and had difficulty waking up in the morning. While she was still asleep, he would get up and do his morning jog, bringing their breakfast on his way. As soon as he tried to wake her up, she would hum and act coquettish at him, leaving him fondly helpless with her whim. 

Those sweet pasts, it was just like they happened yesterday. 

Mo Yu didn’t want to think about it anymore. He got to his feet and said, “Take your time. I will go out after I take a shower.”

Ye Wei’s drowsiness evaporated in an instant by the fright. She stared at him with big eyes, nervously asking him, “Where are you going?”

Mo Yu intended to find Mo Yuan, but he wouldn’t tell it to Ye Wei. “I will go to the company. There are some things that I need to deal with.”

Ye Wei was evidently dejected, “Oh, okay. I see.”

Mo Yu glanced at Ye Wei’s dejected face and couldn’t help sighing. 


Since yesterday, Miao Shuya has been restless. She didn’t know where this restlessness came from. She called home and talked with her parents for a few minutes and felt quite better. Because of this, she slept late and woke up later than her usual time the next day. 

Although she got up late, she still went out for a jog. She jogged around the community for several laps. At the gate of the community, she noticed Mo Yu’s favorite soy milk and youtiao were being sold. She bought two portions, planning to bring them to Mo Yu as an apology. 

Yet, the closer she got to Mo Yu’s home, the more restless she became. She had no idea why, but she felt as if something bad was going to happen.

She guessed that the reason she was nervous was that she was worried Mo Yu would still blame her. She shook her head and comforted herself not to think too much about it. 

She didn’t mean it to happen. Mo Yu’s anger would only last for a while, he would surely understand her. 

With this thought, she felt much more comfortable and rang Mo Yu’s doorbell.

Miao Shuya didn’t tell Mo Yu she would come, thinking that he should be at home at this time. Hence, it wasn’t until a while that she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

The door creaked and finally opened……

“Mo Yu, I brought you break一 Ye, Ye Wei?”

Her smile froze. She stared dumbfoundedly at the person who opened the door for her. Not Mo Yu. It was Ye Wei. 

Why is she here?

Ye Wei wore a loose white shirt, beneath the loose clothes were two straight and slender legs. She was barefoot on the marble floor. Her face was flushed and her hair was unruly with the corners of her eyes tinted red. 

This shirt was familiar to her, because she once saw Mo Yu wearing it. But now… it was on Ye Wei… And wrinkled…

Miao Shuya’s face blanched and she felt she could collapse at any moment, “Why are you here?”

Ye Wei covered her mouth and smiled, “Miao-xiaojie worded it like that, it makes me bashful. Why do you think I am here?”

Miao Shuya was still. She was not expecting Ye Wei, “Where’s Mo Yu?”

Ye Wei informed softly, “A’Yu is taking a bath. If you have something to say, just come in and wait for him. Ah, right, you said that you brought him breakfast? Here, hand it to me. Sadly, you are a bit late, A’Yu has bought breakfast and eaten it by now. It doesn’t matter though, the important thing is your thoughts and it’s nice to save these for later as a snack.”

Miao Shuya’s hands holding the soy milk and youtiao were pinched tightly. She didn’t pass them to Ye Wei.

She undoubtedly noticed that it was not normal for Ye Wei to appear this early at Mo Yu’s house. She already crossed out the option that Ye Wei had just come for a visit the moment she saw her… She was afraid that Mo Yu was with her all night yesterday. 

At this moment, she finally understood where the unexplained panic in her heart came from. It was because of this!

She convinced herself that she should leave quickly, but her feet wouldn’t move. She didn’t want to back down. She understood that Ye Wei was bad so she should ask Mo Yu, hoping her assumption wasn’t… wasn’t true…

Just when she was nervous, she suddenly heard Mo Yu’s voice from the inside, “Ye Wei, who is at the door?”

She heard the sound of Mo Yu approaching with his slipper and she saw Mo Yu in his shirt and shorts. He really just came out of the shower, with a white towel around his neck and wet black hair scattered on his forehead. He was still the clean and handsome boy in her memory.

Mo Yu was astonished, he didn’t foresee Miao Shuya would appear here, “Shuya…”

Miao Shuya felt heartbroken. She was so sad that she almost burst into tears. She never knew that she would experience this emotion, “Sorry to bother.”

She bowed her head low, hiding her embarrassment from others. She turned and left.

Ye Wei exclaimed in surprise, “Shuya-jie, where are you going? Didn’t you come to deliver breakfast? Leave it here, ah. Hey, hey? Why are you running away? A’Yu, Miao-xiaojie ran away… Why is she so weird……”

The time Mo Yu got to the door, Miao Shuya was long gone.

Miao Shuya’s ears buzzed. She wished she had never come here. 

When she was far away, she finally halted and gasped violently. She scrubbed the tears from her face and told herself not to cry, there was no need to cry. 

Her phone rang a few times. She was upset and didn’t want to take care of it, but she had a faint expectation that it was from Mo Yu that reached out to explain it to her. 

She unlocked her phone, only to see it was from a strange number. 

【Shuya-jie, what are you running for? You did this wrong. You didn’t believe A’Yu and ran away without hearing his explanation. It’s nothing to disappoint me, the main thing is that you disappoint A’Yu!】

【Aren’t you the best partner? How can you not trust him? How can your thoughts go wild just because you saw me sleeping in A’Yu’s bed and clothes all night? You are too much!】

Ai, in the end, even you don’t trust A’Yu. I suddenly feel that this world is hopeless. Is there really something called ‘trust’ in this world?】

【So disappointed, for real.】

Miao Shuya:……

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Ry’s Corner

In a way, this is a slap of Miao Shuya’s righteousness from Chapter 42.

“Just thinking about it, she was mad. Yes, she would be mad.

But even if she were mad, she would never sentence Mo Yu to death without asking about it first.”

Anw, sorry about disappearing. Went to a cousin’s wedding and got the infamous C as a souvenir, gdi. Plus swamped with work, those past weeks were one hell of malding, but I’ll live lol. Fortunately, I have been vaccinated and boosted so the symptoms were far from fatal, but Lei is still coughing her lungs out. She will be fine soon though. I myself am still coughing, but just a light coughing. And… I am still in quarantine in my own room. Sigh. 

Really thank you for the concern!

Will slowly update the other novels, including Lei’s.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 3254

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4 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 50”

  1. Hope you’re feeling better. My friend also caught the spicy cough from a wedding a few weeks ago. Another friend has a wedding coming up, so I suggested he hire someone to livestream his appearance there on an ipad.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡