WfDO Chapter 51

Arc 3
The Vicious Supporting Female Only Loves Money (18)

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Miao Shuya was slightly aggravated by Ye Wei’s message. Where would she ever guess that Ye Wei would use her own words to educate her in turn?

Alas, she couldn’t deny that when she saw Ye Wei wearing Mo Yu’s clothes at his house, her heart was shaken. 

Her mind went blank. She was mad. Her anger blew without warning. It was painful. If it weren’t for her remaining sense, she would have rushed over and questioned Mo Yu. 

Didn’t he break up with Ye We?

Didn’t he say that he has nothing else to do with Ye Wei?

Didn’t he say that even without her mistakenly answering his call, he and Ye Wei would still break up?

Didn’t he say that Ye Wei is now Mo Yuan’s girlfriend and they can’t be back together again……

Then, why is it like now?

What did she just see?

Why is Ye Wei in his house with an appearance like that!

She found that her reason was slipping away. Turned out, she liked him more than she thought and her emotion would get out of control because of his matters.

Miao Shuya told herself to calm down. Otherwise, she would fall into Ye Wei’s trap. Ye Wei was excessively coquettish and clingy. Mo Yu must have been fooled by her. 

However, she couldn’t calm down. Mo Yu hasn’t called or sent her a message. Besides the anger and sadness in her heart, there were grievances that she herself couldn’t understand. 

She ran away like that. Was Mo Yu not worried about her? Was he not afraid she misunderstand?

Even if he couldn’t call to explain it to her, how come there is not even a message?

She was bitter. She replayed the scene in her mind and imagined what Mo Yu and Ye Wei were doing at this time. Ye Wei, that vixen, always snatched every chance she could get. Mo Yu didn’t catch up to her, was it because Ye Wei entangled him? A single man and woman in the same room, what else would they do besides that?

The more she imagined, the angrier she was. This kind of anger wasn’t the kind that would calm down with time, instead, it would fester.

This kind of emotion that made people lose their reason, Miao Shuya experienced it for the first time. She felt wretched. 

At this time, she recalled the source of this mess. She then understood Ye Wei’s emotion at that time, why she was furious. In the end, she made the same choice as Ye Wei when she was faced with a similar situation. 

She was at a loss. She chided about ‘trust’ to Ye Wei. But, when it came to emotions, it turned out that ‘trust’ was so difficult. 

She wanted to trust Mo Yu, but her mind was out of her control. She now realized what it means that emotion beats reason. 


On the other side, Mo Yu hastily tried to chase Miao Shuya and explain to her, because he detected that she must have misunderstood. But, Ye Wei caught his hand, stopping him. “A’Yu, where are you doing? Why did you run out without changing your clothes?”

Mo Yu was restless, “I’m going to see Shuya…” 

Ye Wei tilted her head, “Why? Is something wrong with Shuya-jie?”

Mo Yu, “She seems to have misunderstood…”

Ye Wei oh’ed and expressed, “A’Yu, you must be mistaken. You told me about ‘trust’ last night. In fact, it’s not just you. Shuya-jie also told me about this issue before. She blamed me for being impulsive. I shouldn’t sentence you to death because of what I saw unilaterally. Obviously, you did nothing wrong. It was because ‘I don’t trust you’ that led us to today.”

Mo Yu nodded, “I did say that, but it’s not all your fault. I’m also wrong. I don’t care about you enough. If I had paid more attention to you at that time, you wouldn’t suffer so much injustice. And Mo Yuan, he treated you like that because of me…”

Ye Wei raised her hand to stop Mo Yu’s words. Mo Yu pursed his lips and Ye Wei continued her words, “So, last night, I mulled about it for a long time. Maybe I am really in the wrong and you and Shuya-jie are right. I should trust you more. At least, I should ask you what’s going on. Regardless of my anger and pain, I should listen to your explanation, so Mo Yuan wouldn’t get the chance to take advantage of the situation…”

Mo Yu didn’t expect Ye Wei would be so reasonable and he was dumbfounded. But, why did she say these now?

Ye Wei explained earnestly, “To sum it up, I want to tell you to not worry. Shuya-jie won’t misunderstand.”

“??” Why did the topic suddenly come back to Miao Shuya? Mo Yu wondered, “How do you know Shuya won’t misunderstand?”

Ye Wei blinked, staring at Mo Yu as if he was asking a strange question. “I just know Shuya-jie won’t misunderstand us. We keep our distance well. Even if we have had a relationship before, we have a clear conscience now. I have nowhere to go, you are kind-hearted and can’t bear to see me wander around. Isn’t it like that? Shuya-jie is so good and she trusts you so much. How could she misunderstand us just because she saw me at your house? Aren’t I right? You too should trust that Shuya-jie won’t misunderstand us. I suppose, this should be the so-called trust in your mouth, right?”

Mo Yu was silenced. Ye Wei’s words were unexpected. But, in the current situation, there seemed to be nothing wrong with what she said? They really had nothing going on. 

Ye Wei glanced at Mo Yu who was dumbfounded. She raised her eyebrow, “What is it? Did I say something wrong?”

Mo Yu shook his head, “…no, you’re right.”

It’s not that she said something wrong, it’s just… a bit weird?

Ye Wei nodded, “As the saying goes, hearing could be misleading, and seeing is believing. But, in my opinion, what you see is not necessarily true either. You should trust your heart. Don’t you think what I said is right? In this way, there won’t be a misunderstanding between both of you, right?”

Mo Yu nodded reluctantly, “Yes, but…”

“But what?” Ye Wei waved her hand, “Okay. Stop worrying about it. Besides, aren’t you and Shuya-jie merely colleagues? Both of you got closer and now are just friends. In that case, you don’t need to chase her to explain it, right? Or… is there another reason?”

Mo Yu was convinced because somewhat, Ye Wei’s words were believable. He and Miao Shuya were ordinary colleagues. They got closer and now they were friends. As friends, there was really no need to explain this kind of thing. There was nothing to explain.

So why did he want to chase out and explain? He and Miao Shuya were just friends.

It’s just that the strange feeling in his heart remained.

Facing Ye Wei’s puzzled eyes, he explained, “I’m worried when I saw Shuya run away just like that, I…… Forget it, she should have arrived at home right now.”

Ye Wei returned to the table and continued to eat her breakfast. The youtiao soaked with soy milk tasted even better. She took a small bite and smiled at Mo Yu. “Originally, I didn’t believe there is an absolute trust in the world, but now, for once, I want to try to believe it. I hope you won’t let me down.”

Mo Yu looked at Ye Wei. Obviously, she was smiling, well-behaved and lovely. However, when she said these words with shining eyes, there was a sense of guilt that crept into his heart and it made him uneasy. “We won’t. Shuya won’t wrongly misunderstand others. She is a reasonable person.”

Ye Wei smiled, “I hope so. Ai, she didn’t leave the breakfast. I’m not full yet ah.”

Mo Yu, “……”


As per her design, Mo Yu didn’t go to find Miao Shuya. He changed his clothes and went out to find Mo Yuan and Mo Yuan was far from nice. Clearly, Mo Yuan didn’t want to see Mo Yu, but he made him wait for a full day and Mo Yu still didn’t get to see a corner of Mo Yuan’s clothes. 

It wasn’t until it was dark that Mo Yu returned back helplessly.

Mo Yu was waiting for Mo Yuan for a whole day and didn’t have time to find a house for Ye Wei. Ye Wei, who had nowhere to go, could only continue to live at Mo Yu’s house.

The next morning, when Mo Yu went to the company, he encountered Miao Shuya who had just entered the company building. He quickly chased up and walked side by side with Miao Shuya, “Shuya.”

Miao Shuya glanced at him and just nodded her head lightly. She didn’t say a word.

When they got into the elevator, Mo Yu still didn’t notice Miao Shuya’s indifference. When he talked to her about business matters, Miao Shuya finally reacted, “Let’s talk about it later in the office. ”

Mo Yu was stunned. He finally noticed that Miao Shuya was in a bad mood and didn’t want to talk to him.

There are many people in the elevator. It was not a secret in the company that Mo Yu is Mo Shizong’s son. Many people observe him openly and secretly and he couldn’t say much under their eyes. He could only quieten down and followed Miao Shuya to her office.

Miao Shuya said in a business tone, “What’s the problem? Let’s talk now.”

Mo Yu asked, “Are you angry? Because of yesterday?”

Miao Shuya smiled coldly, “I’m not. Why should I be angry about it?”

“Then why are you like this?”

“Like this like what? Haven’t I always been like this? That’s it, we’re at work. Let’s work first. Don’t talk about personal matters.”


Over the day, Mo Yu became more sure that Miao Shuya was angry. 

Because, in the past, they used to sit together to discuss the plan and have lunch together at noon. If they got the chance, they would go home together at night. However, from the morning on, Miao Shuya avoided him intentionally or unintentionally and hardly be with him alone. Even when she was working, she would not communicate with him and didn’t even pay a glance at him. Once, their gazes met and she avoided him and went to lunch without him. When he said he would work overtime, she left early.

It was obvious she deliberately avoided him. 

Obviously, it was fine before, she even brought him breakfast.

In this situation, he couldn’t think of any other reason except for what happened yesterday morning. 

He clocked off in time and caught up with Miao Shuya downstairs in their community. He sighed, “Shuya, you’ve been hiding from me all day.”

Miao Shuya said politely, “You overthink. I didn’t hide from you. If there is nothing more, I’ll go first.”


Although he may lack some points in the EQ department, he was not a fool. “Shuya, is there anything that we can’t make clear in person?”

Miao Shuya was already mad. Yesterday, she waited all day and night and Mo Yu didn’t find her. She felt that Mo Yu didn’t care about her at all. “No. I’m not angry with you. But there is really nothing for us to talk about. I’ll go home first.”

She turned and was ready to leave, but she was met with a smiling Ye Wei, “Shuya-jie, what a coincidence.”

Miao Shuya’s expression hardened. “……”

She looked back at Mo Yu and spoke with a stiff smile, “Excuse me but I really must go.”

Ye Wei’s appearance was a surprise for Mo Yu. The words were stuffed back into his mouth and he nodded, “Mn. You can go back first.”

Miao Shuya felt as if a basin of cold water was poured on her. She just wished to leave quickly. Ye Wei’s appearance only flamed her anger. She almost couldn’t suppress her thoughts— Ye Wei is still her. Doesn’t this imply she stayed overnight and never left!

She didn’t want to see Mo Yu, let alone Ye Wei. She lifted her feet, wanting to leave. 

Ye Wei blocked Miao Shuya, “Shuya-jie, where are you going? Do you feel ashamed when you see me so you walk away so fast? Ai, Shuya-jie ah. Don’t worry. I won’t blame you.” 

Miao Shuya, “???”

She sneered, feeling that Ye Wei was becoming more outrageous, “Why should I be ashamed to see you? Blame me? What did you even want to blame me with?”

Ye Wei kindly conveyed, “Didn’t you educate me before? Saying that I didn’t trust A’Yu and blaming me for not listening to A’Yu’s explanation? I’ve been reflecting on myself these days, but look at you now. You are aware, aren’t you? That you are no different from me in the past. Thus, you must be ashamed to see me. It doesn’t matter, though. I’m generous so I won’t blame you back.”

Miao Shuya choked. Her cheeks reddened from the shame but she still said coldly, “I think you misunderstood. I didn’t distrust Mo Yu nor did I blame him. Please move away.”

Even Mo Yu didn’t know what to say at this moment, and he was vaguely embarrassed.

Ye Wei sighed and shook her head with disappointment, “Shuya-jie, you are still like this. You have frankly failed to live up to my trust in you. Aren’t you so generous, capable, rational, and reasonable? I regarded your words as wisdom. Yesterday, I and A’Yu are confident that you wouldn’t misunderstand him. I didn’t expect he would be slapped in the face today. You have not only failed to live up to my trust but also failed to live up to A’Yu’s trust in you.”

Miao Shuya was dumbfounded, “……What nonsense are you talking about?”

Ye Wei said, “It means exactly that ah. Which part don’t you understand? Let me spell it out for you.”

Miao Shuya was stupified.

Mo Yu made a sound, “Okay, let’s not talk about it…”

“Shut up!” Ye Wei’s smile vanished and she glared at Mo Yu. She threw away her mask and her fury was fully displayed on her face, “Do you know what Miao Shuya said to me? She apologized to me, saying that she was sorry that she created a misunderstanding between us. But, oh no, I was also wrong in that matter. I should trust you more. I was the main reason for our break up. She loftily accused me, saying that the fault lays on me.”

“Take a look, now the situation is reversed. Why can’t she, Miao Shuya, do what she said? She isn’t even your girlfriend yet. Now she acts like this and isn’t even ashamed. What a joke. What right does she have to be angry? What is she?”

“A’Yu, you also agreed that Miao Shuya wouldn’t misunderstand, saying that she is oh so reasonable. Now, why did she still misunderstand?”

Heh. Don’t you see? The so-called ‘trust’ in your mouth doesn’t exist at all! Sure enough, just because it’s not you who suffer, you can talk bullshit with your eyes open.”

Miao Shuya lowered her head and felt ashamed. She didn’t have the courage to look at Mo Yu’s expression. 

Mo Yu was also in the same situation as Miao Shuya. He was discomfited by Ye Wei’s accusations, but as far as he could remember, Ye Wei was not like this before. This sudden change surprised him a bit. “Why did you change so much all of sudden?”

Ye Wei sighed, “I blame you. There is no trust between both of you, yet both of you are the ones who lectured me about trust. I am truly disappointed.”

Ye Wei, “Ah, I’m so disappointed. This world is truly hopeless. There is really nothing else I can hope for in this world.”

Miao Shuya, “……”

Mo Yu, “……”

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Ry’s Corner

Now, I’m truly back from death. Hooray.

More drama before the curtain call.

In a way, it’s really easy to try to put oneself in another’s shoes. “You shouldn’t do this”, “You shouldn’t do that” and “If I were you,” etc. But, in the end, no matter how hard one “tries to put oneself in another’s shoes,” if they don’t really experience the matter, they can’t really “put oneself in another’s shoes.”

Just like Miao Shuya, she could uprightly say that she “would ask what is going on, rather than relying on her own subjective assumptions to guess what happened” if she were in Ye Wei’s shoes. Now she is in Ye Wei’s shoes, what did she do?

Exactly what Ye Wei did. Jump into assumptions. In her defense, Ye Wei fanned the flames, but, still.

Anyway, I’m also here to bring some JJWXC QT novels. I don’t know whether these novels have been translated or not.

Strategy to Capture that Scum Man (Translated in NU)
Stonk and smart heroine. No Endgame Male Lead, but there is a prospective Male Lead. The System is the best boi. BE in every Arcs. HE for Han Yanyan in the ending. Eh, more like Happy Open Ending.

攻略皆是修罗场[快穿] by 唐宓 (2021)
Shura Field. 3V1 for each Arc, BE for each Arc. 6 Arcs, around 190 Chapters. Professional Green Tea acted as a White Lotus a.ka staying in line with the original owner character. Sincerity is paid with sincerity. She may be a scum, but she has moral bottom line. Have different starting points for each Arc. More polished from her 2017 work. No golden finger like the 2017 version. In a way, the MC is similar to Ye Wei save for her salted fish attitude?

Best Boi: Situ Yin, Situ Yin, Situ Yin, and Xu Sinian. Oh, have I said Situ Yin?

Just treat each arc as a short story. OE for the ending (only 1 chapter for the ending lol so don’t bother to think about the original world, the MC still continuing her journey to beat those scums). No endgame CP. The most memorable Arc for me is Arc 4 (Ancient) and Arc 6 (Republic of China(1912-1949)).

The system name is 54088 (homonym with 我(5)是(4)你(0)爸(8)爸(8) a.ka I’m your Father)

攻略那个渣[快穿] by 唐宓 (2017)
Shura Field. NV1 for each Arc, BE for each Arc. Around 240 Chapters. The memorable Arc is the Imperial Court Arc (There are 2 Arc with this theme but I don’t remember which chapter lmao). OE for the ending. There is an endgame CP(?). There is a hint that the ML sometimes appears in some Arc.

Best Boi: Xie Ying and Mu Xunchen.

完美白月光的必备素养(快穿) by 小孩爱吃糖 (2018, the same author who wrote “Guide to Raising the Sick Villain.”)
Get stuck into an otome game after bashing the trashy plot of the og game. 1V1 for each Arc. (Special Case for Arc 1). Total 5 Arc, 4 Arc for the Love Interest, 1 Closing Arc. BE Main text. HE Extra.

Best Boi: Jiang Yi and Nangong Ye.

Learn from Yin Nanzhao from “The Memory Lost in Space”. “He never scolds people.” Chen Sha’s words were very honest. Except, the latter half of his sentence was omitted, “He is the kind that beat people directly to the hospital.”!

Talking is overrated, anyway.

If you like what I do please consider buying me ko-fi! Who needs sleep, anyway. I don’t offer Advanced Chapters like Lyre yet, but you are free to water this thirsty cat!

Words count (excluding title, footnotes, TL’s corner): 2683

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4 thoughts on “WfDO Chapter 51”

  1. Ayee new chapter
    Im glad to be single for life, then i do not have to worry about the complications of romantic relationships.
    Ty ty

  2. Ahhh snap you back! I feel the tears of joy!! And wait will those novels be picked up by you?? If so i am all aboard!

    • I would love to, but my hands are full with TVIRAD and WFDO and I know not to bite my more than I can chew. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

      However, despite that, I really want to pick it up HAHAHAHHAHA. Will all of you kill me if I do so.

      Perhaps I will pick it up when I have piled some chapters for TVIRAD and WFDO.


A penny for your thoughts? ⸜( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡